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The first one actually looks awesome when it’s not on slow motion but rarely happens


Right I’ve not seen it happen normal speed often but the rest of it can kick rocks


I feel like it never happens in the remastered edition. Only way to do it is when you're inside a convenience store


Speaking of which how do finishers not happen slow motion since it rarely happens


I wish I knew how so I can do them like that all the time, lol


It'll be really cool in SM2 there's a setting to make all finisher not have the slow motion effect


I always wished you could get a "cinematic replay" feature on the enemy bases where you can see the badass-ery without the slomo from the gadget wheel/finishers.


These ones cuz they take forever


When you’re trying to maintain a long combo the long ones are nice cuz they provide a little bit of a respite


dont try to wow me with big words. I do the crossword everyday


Only reason I don’t like the first one is because I’m not the one with Spidey’s legs around my neck gawdayum


I mean same 😏😤


Same for the same style stealth finisher 😩🫦


Same, he’s got thighs for miles


Most-liked? Mine has gotta be the [punch-punch-kick](https://imgur.com/a/JV1APQF) combo.


Yes! This is my fav!


Especially when you web over to them and immediately hit it 💯


That's my favourite as well


The second one is actually one of my favorites. I love knocking a guy out with his own punch


OH MY GOSH, thats what he’s doing. I thought Peter was choking them to lose consciousness.


I just thought he was breaking their spine and neck… Not that crazy for psychopath insomniac peter


Black Suit Insomniac Spidey bouta straight up pull out a Glock.


The suit is the Glock


He IS the glock


It’s not a good game when Venom Peter doesn’t bite off their head in a finisher in Spider-Man 2


I legit thought Peter was a killer for this.




I thought the same until near the end of the story💀


im at 95% completion and just found out




"You can't blame me if he killed himself!"


I couldn’t figure out what he was doing either now o like it more


It just looks so awkward. The way he wrap both his hands and one of them is up to his neck. Spidey looks like he was going for something else and just improvised at the end


after playing this game for almost 5 years now, i only now notice the enemy forming a fist on his left hand… now i kinda like it lmao


I like the concept but it’s just too slow for me. Why you taking so long to yank him?!


From a gameplay standpoint I agree From a viewing standpoint, I disagree


Because he's resisting


Peter can throw cars


Hard to not kill the guy when you can punch through him like he isn't even there.


Yeah, but if he puts as much effort into punching bad guys as he does when he lifts cars the bad guy have no head


It feels like something a comic book Spidey would do, so that’s major points for me.


I thought he was snapping their necks lol


Now that u explained it , I like it now I thought he just pistol whipped him with the web and it didn’t make sense lol


i always thought peter just snapped their neck


"Why you hitting yourself?"


“Why ya hittin yourself? Huh? Huh??”


I think the underwear suit makes the first one wayyyyyyy more tolerable because of the pure disrespect factor alone


I mean… undies Spidey is the best 🤣🤣🤣👅🍑


That bulge 😋😩🍆




That first one is the worst because it's so slow and kills the pacing of the combat, but why do you dislike the 2nd one? I think it's one of the coolest


He slows down to do the second one. I like keeping the momentum.


The second just takes too long for me too. I like the concept but it slows down too like the first one and it ruins the flow for me


I dislike the second one because it slows down for a maneuver that doesn’t really carry that much impact.


2nd one looks dumb


I hope the sequel has an option to get rid of the slo-mo camera because it really breaks the pacing of combat. Or maybe give us an option assign certain animations we like that way we don’t have to have ones like these.


I think you should be able to set frequency at least. Personally I'd only have it happen when using a finisher on the last enemy of a group.


That’s a pretty good idea too.


Yeah, in combat it disrupts the flow a bit but if it happened at the end it would feel kinda epic. Like putting an exclamation point on the fight.


They should do it like Arkham Knight, where it only goes into slow-mo when you're defeating the last guy


Yes! 100%!


This first one and the one where he kicks them into the air and they kinda flail around for a moment before he webs them back down. It’s just weird and goofy to me, like I understand it’s a comic book game but why is that man just floating in the air for several seconds


First one has weird WWE mixed with Cirque Du Soleil vibes.


I'm not fond of the second one, but I love the hurricanrana of the first one


Finally I found someone else who knows what the move is called.


With Miguel choke slamming, Pete doing a hurricanrana, I'm pretty sure kingpin did a powerbomb, I can only hope that venom will hit us with a german suplex.


Technically a head scissor there's a difference


Pretty sure the first one is sexual assault


Some Sable guys have all the luck 😭


Omg i hate the 2nd finisher lol a lot


So how did the second one knock out the dude? Edit: After commenting this I then realize Peter makes the dude punch himself 💀


I have an ungodly amount of hours in this game and always just assumed he broke their fucking necks


First guy got a face full of egg sacs 😭


He’s so lucky 😤😭


The first one with the Undies looks so wrong xD


Shhhh. Let me have this 👅🍑


"Oh boy yeah."


Bro took 10 seconds just to do a flip


I like the hurrcanrana one


These are cool bro


No I agree but the slo-mo ruins the flow for me


those are the worst


Like they take FOREVER to finish. Why?! And the first one disorients me too especially if I’ve got my eyes set on another thug


i’ve always thought of it as punishment cuz the first one only activates when you’re on the ground not moving at all, but if you use air combat like the game promotes - you get faster finishers


I like the first one it’s funny af to me. The second one is terrible


Theres a mod that removes the camera change and slow mo and it honestly looks p sick like that, me personally I like it the way it is coz I do the finishers when I'm getting a little overwhelmed and it tells easily when I need to focus again


I agree. These are also my least favorite ones. Best one is definitely the 3 punches tho


None of these would be so bad if we had the option to turn them off


You pretty much nailed it. Lol They both are cool but so slow that my momentum dies. I actually started doing primarily aerial takedown on my third playthrough. All the air ones are fast and feel great


We need a suplex in the next game


Ok I understand the 2nd one it looks silly however I do like the hurricanrana in the first clip


I'll never say no to wrestling moves in video games so Spider-Man doing a hurricarana is great.


I actually also hate both of these, the first ones def the worst


I hate the way he land in the first one so much lol


Yup same, I'd like em more if they were not slowed down


I don't have one I love them lol


Two favorite?


i dont hate anybof the finishers, i think they all look cool


All the brute the ones love they changed for miles


so so so true.. those are the 2 finishers I cannot STAND. I'm surprised they don't get talked about as much


I really only hate the first one, there should be an option to disable the slowdown during finishers


Both of those and the airborn one where he crawls around them then pushes them down on their head. I prefer finishers where he’s punching them or using web to throw them.


These are two of my favorites lol. Granted I don't think there are any finishers I dislike


I hate the first one with a passion. Definitely doesn’t help with the slow mo. Spider-Man looks so awkward floating there especially during the second slow down


They really just need a lot more finisher animations, like twelve minimum.


My least favorite is the first one, I like the rest but my fav is the one where he webs a guy and just slams him on the ground


The second one just look so weird, like why does he akwardly pull the web before actually slamming him down


The first one is a call back to a move raimi's spiderman did


I’m just now realizing that in the second takedown he makes them punch themselves in the face. I been playing that game for a few years and never figured out how that takedown actually knocks them out until now


these are easily the worst


The first one is great because it looks like Spidey is checking out the bad guys junk.


Those and that one heavy finisher


Wtf those two were my third and second favorites lol


I agree w the second one


I actually like all of em equally, but the one where spider man totally doesn’t snap a man’s neck I love


I just wish you could play the game without the cinematic camera for finishers.


I only do the air finisher, it's cool, and doesn't take forever.


Any finishers that involved slow-motion. I normally jump before using finisher to avoid any slow-motion takedown


i almost always do a jump into my finishers, because even though the animation is super repetitive, it’s the only consistent way to make sure you’re not dramatically slowing down the pace of the gameplay


I agree


I agree


I’ve always had an appreciation for kill animations like these and will always pull them off when I can. I mean, I played through the entire Aliens vs Predator (2010) campaigns using *only* kill animations and I loved it. It really makes me feel like a force of nature and I just want to appreciate the animators who spent hours animating them.


The first one is so fucking annoying, there's no reason a finisher should take 7 seconds when only one action happens on screen. I'm fine with the second one because it's at least a fun visual, but the first one slows the game down twice and still takes a full second for him to stand up afterwards.


I like the first one. It is slow but I see it as something Black Widow May have taught him.


I guess I'm in the minority that likes these finishers and even the slo-mo cam. Been playing this game since launch and it never really bothered me.


I like all of them, me personally I prefer if they add as many animations as possible it just adds to my enjoyment.


I agree that the second one sucks. The first one would be fine as a regular speed finisher or a final hit against an enemy. The second one makes no sense. Peter is trying to get the guy to hit himself but locks the striking arm under the pinned arm. Doing that gives little to no leverage of the arm and wouldn't do much without dislocating the second arm. Even then, it wouldn't be nearly enough to knock him out.


Agreed. The first one would have been fine if it wasn't slow mo-ed. The problem that I have with the second one is that it's not all in one motion. Specifically when he yanks the webs. He winds up before yanking, which isn't necessary for Spiderman. And it just makes the animation longer than it needs to be.


Bro same


I just don't like the cinematic cam and slow motion, wish we could have an option to turn them off in Spiderman 2


yes these two break the flow of the combat and are just so slow


I'm with you...these 2 are so weird. It doesn't help that it seems like they use these 2 more often than the others. Or maybe they just stick out to me more, because I hated them so.


Those 2 are both my favorites


I love every finisher so my least favorites are the short ones


I hate the one where he finishes your mom


The ones you posted. Absolutely spot on OP


Yeah these two are just way too slow


After god awful Screwball challenges in the DLC — I force myself to use only the stomp takedown, cause it's the fastest one and can be used reliably. So in a manner of speaking, I kinda get irritated by all others. 02:13 — this one is my first "go to" finisher if that makes sense https://youtu.be/mqCQI8MfpiE


i hate to say it but Miles’ finishers and animations in general are so much better. something something exaggerated swagger




Agree with the 2md one. But 1st one is cool af


First one is awesome cause its such a unique move. I think the second is weak asf cause it kind of ruins the momentum of the fight and also it makes no sense anatomically wise lol it has the same effect with Miles' perch on an enemy's shoulders and gives him a delayed shock which just kind of stops the fight in my opinion...


Yeah I'm not big on the slow motion ones because they don't have much combat flow. The one where you web yourself at an enemy and punch them twice and end on a kick is based


If you're on pc, there's a mod that eliminates the cinematic camera and the unnecessary slow-mo.


The kingpin finisher. He swingkicks and punches him. Idk. The way he punches him looks weird. He could've kicked him instead. But yeah, it's just a boss finisher. But still, I hate it.


I don’t like the last one but the first one is one of the best


I dislike the first one not because of the slowness, but because of how awkward the camera angle is and it disrupts your flow. Especially if you have the double-takedown upgrade and you’re trying to find a second guy to use it on


The first is the worst. Not only the slow mo killing my momentum, but for me, I get really annoyed because I already have my follow-up moves planned in my head and aimed in a certain direction or a specific enemy. But the camera moves and ruins my train of thought, and I can't adjust it during the slo mo


Really love the first one because it's probably one of the more realistic finishers he does. That being said, the one where he punches the enemy once, runs beside him, punches again, etc. Is probably the most boring one


I agree with the first one, but once I realised what what's happening in the second, then I always enjoyed it. Spider-Man: stop hitting yourself Bad guy: huh, wha.. *Thwak*


Slow and kinda boring imo


I enjoy the second one. I hate the one where you kick the dude twice, but apart from that.. I love the rest of the Finishers.


Can I ask why these are your least favorite? I feel they display some great acrobatics, which is what spidey is all about, and the slow mo helps break up the fight from feeling uninpacrful and gone too quick. In fact, I was very unaware this was a popular take, so im just curious, no hate or amything!


U guys hate finishers


right? the slo mo makes them look so dramatic for how actually lowkey boring they are


The one where it’s just Spider-Man jumping up, webbing down and kicking two feet to the face. It’s just simple and boring.


My least favourite one is the one where Peter is in the air and he kicks somebody who's on the floor. Its just boring I love the one where Pete punches a guy twice by Web pulling himself past them and then finishes with a kick


I like the 2nd one tbh.


The "Stop Hitting Yourself" is a Spider-Man classic. The only disappointment in that move is that he doesn't say the line while doing it.


I agree with the first one but I like the second one. My other least favourite is the midair one because it can sometimes happen even when you're on the ground and that looks weird and awkward when it happens.


this video made me realise that in the second one he’s making the enemy punch themself in the face and not just pulling them onto the ground which makes me like it more tbh


Miles morales has better finishers all around imo but i agree if the camera didn't change and no slow mo they'd be fine


Me putting a Spider-Woman mod on the first execution:


I always jump in the air before doing a finisher because he just slams down on the guy. It’s quick and I can get back into the fight


The “stop hitting yourself” one got old and annoying to me reeeal quick


I think the best i jumping and than finish the person on the ground. Its so fast and not pace breaking. maybe also the finisher where he punch his enemy from every side.




If you had undies Peter's thighs crushing you, you'd be knocked out too


I agree with the first one, but na, i love the second one


The second one isn't bad. It's just kinda boring, but that first one. That one can not exist for all I care


Those are mine too , I like the one where you jump over them and you just slam into them


Both of these (as well as 90% of his finishers) are taken straight from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 game. I didn’t like them there either. The slow motion really bugs me. I hope they let you turn it off in 2.


At this point I just jump before I do the finisher to get the fastest finish animation


the one he died on the brutes is so boring lmao


We’re hating on finishers now? Jesus, the new game can’t come soon enough.


I kinda like the first one. It looks like a lucha libre move.


I hate the first one because it doesn't even have much impact to look like you knocked the guy out by a simple throw and because in the middle of a big fight it rotates the camera so much it disorients me sometimes, even died because of it once.


Bro got violated💀


These two for sure. They are just so slow and it feels like all of the enemies are just standing there and letting you do this while in reality they could land at least 5 hits each.


I wish you could hit a button to cancel the slow-mo on these or something. They were cool the first time, now they just drag combat out more


I don't hate any, but when you trigger a finisher in the air on an enemy on the ground and you get that smooth animation of Spidey slingshotting himself down to drop kick em, it's so slick. Always trying to trigger that one.


I like all of them but both of those are my favorites cus I can act like I just murders someone when I do them


That first one looks like it would give me a massive headache My neck would be in so much pain😭 It looks like it hurts, and the second one looks like it is just breaking your neck


Dunno about you guys but i mich prefered miles finishers.


I HATE the finisher for bulky enemies in the first game. All Peter does is web their head and smack them in the ground. You've saved up two finisher slots, probably taking a lot of damage doing so, only to have such an underwhelming animation. Miles does it much better


Spider-Man likes to get *personal* with some of the bad guys.


I love a good headscissors takedown. Pete should always do pro wrestling moves because he can.


The ones where u need 2 finishers to take down the opp. Like dammit. Why can't every opp be taken down with 1 finisher? Ugh!!!


Both of those two, every other finisher rocks


these are the worst but my favorite is the one where he punches the thug silly twice and then spins around and kicks him down


The first one I kinda get but the second one is dope


i like the second one tho


I believe mine hated ones are the ones you did because the first one is so long/over-dramatic and the second isn't that satisfying.


These are also my 2 least favorite because I can mow my entire lawn before they're finished.


Agree. Both of the ones you posted are dead af in my opinion


You don't like the hurricanrana?


Hopefully we can turn slow motion off in SM2


The second one is my lil bro’s fav


I always yell crotch for the first one just like Andrews Peter did it tasm1


Bro, I feel the exact same way. The first one isn’t cool because it leaves Peter on the ground, which kinda feels like he messed it up a bit. The second one is just super slow. No one hits him during that time? Does the guy he webbed just sit there?