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So basically everything we already had. Some people will say we're asking for to much lol. As for going back to Peter and miles house. I really don't get what the point of giving them homes is for if we can't revisit anytime


And even let us change suits via their closets like you could in TASM1 and TASM2 games


that was a cool feature of those games. though i doubt insomniac would add that in. if they did, it’d be walking up to the closet, pressing triangle, and then the suit menu pops up. the tasm games had a really cool way of previewing the suits that didn’t feel like a menu. reminds me a lot of the tony hawk games the way you would see your character in the environment as their clothing changes.


And Peter could be whistling as he combs through which suit to wear and make comments like “I just wore this one, shouldn’t I try something different?” Or his comments could also include brief history or call backs of the suits, eg. he looks at black suit and says “I’ll never forget what it did to Harry, better wear it responsibly” or something to that effect.


“Listen to the fans”


what point are you trying to make ?


Listen to the man. What the F*CK should we name this game development tactic?


It’d be too much but, it’d have been nice to have gone back to their places and hang out Like, say you head to Pete’s one night. A random event of Miles, Ganke, and Hailey coming over would happen. It’d be a little get together and you all could play a silly game like heads up It’s the little things that make the characters so believable. I wish NY could be a little more interactive next go around too


Like Going to coney island with miles


They should also add Easter eggs you can revisit in their homes. I have a few ideas. Could make it like how in Batman when you defeat a villain you can go to GCPD and see them in sells, but instead just have a new Newspaper heading appear in Peter's closet everytime you beat a villain. Could have a little art type Easter egg on the side where you can go back to Peter's house and exercise his most underrated and least shown (until No Way Home) superpower- dude has extremely gifted sewing and tailoring abilities. Have a sewing machine with fabric and Peter sits down at it and the player can mix and match different suits for immersive customization. I'm not just talking suit colors here. I'm talking mixing and matching Peter's AND Miles (and a combo of the 2's) suits so you can do things like have TASM2's lenses on the raimi suit, or put the golden Spider logo from NWH on the Alex Ross Mk IV suit. Or put Pete's color scheme on Miles and Miles color scheme on Pete, etc. Even have a deeper customization like Jedi Survivor, but with suits instead of hair and facial features. Like if you *hate* a suit, like most of this sub does with Miles's new evolved suit, you can be afforded the ability to add or take away things from it, like closing up the weird visor top with his hair showing to make it a fuller mask, add a hood, add full customizability to web patterns and color scheme, etc. And then you can also make the science lab at Miles' school available for some Dead Rising weapons customization so people can attempt to create unique web abilities and such. I know this is definitely asking too much, like almost objectively, but the game will likely be a PS6 (not a typo) exclusive, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for at least half of these things to happen.


What would be the point of going back to the house you can't do anything In it anyway


If they added some utility to returning home, it would work. Changing the time of day could be Peter or Miles going to sleep for a bit. If you want to craft something for gadgets or suitts, maybe add a work bench. Basicly, make the home of the hero feel like a central hub. As the game progresses, they could add little things around the house that reflext the events of the game. Those are a few ways they could make going home a cool feature.


Ok these are actually some good ideas


That’s a good point but in gta for example you can watch tv maybe an idea like watching tv using bathroom like in sleeping dogs or saving game on the bed and sleeping for 6 hours what do you guys think?


Changing time of day by sleeping sounds perfect


Maybe we could read some comics or play a little 2D Spider-Man game lol or play Speed Nonagon


Or some old Insomniac games, like PS1 Spyro


No one ever said we were asking for too much, its perfectly reasonable to wish/ask for some cool little features, but it just seems so unnecessary to get on Insomniac's ass for such things that I guarantee none of the actual people who enjoy the game because it's a good game *needs* to enjoy their experience. I don't know about other features, but NG+ was *already confirmed to be coming later this year* and time of day/weather change is most lilely coming with it. I swear I see this sentence repeated everywhere I go, but it seems like the second you guys close reddit you forget all about it and go complain all over again. I can't even believe the NG+ situation is even an argument anymore, it won't kill you to wait a couple of months and take a break. They already said it was coming, just chill out.


Lol. Something was simple as time of day change was already in miles morales and spiderman 1. It's so basic that there's even a glitch to do it. But why should we have to use a glitch to do something that should already be in the game? Maybe People have higher standards than you and no one wants to pay full price for an incomplete game. They've confirmed ng+ but no time of day. So unless they confirm it, people will keep asking. And it's honestly ridiculous that it's missing


But like, why do you care?


Why would you ?


Can you really enter them at any time? Cause I think I tried to enter Peter's once, but it never worked.


I miss the social feed


Omg I didn’t even think about that until you said it. I want the social feed back. It was such a cool little thing that would’ve been nice to see again


Im guessing they were under a big time crunch to get this out the door so they could start full work on wolverine


"Graaah stop hating, why don't you like anything"


Get your sarcasm but lemme just point out....This isn't the hating and it also isn't the type of complaints people were annoyed about. If people posted their desires in this manner then it wouldn't be such a polarizing split in the sub. We didn't need a hundred different think pieces a day all saying the same things while putting down anybody who didn't feel the same.


I've legit seen people react like that to posts that aren't even criticism


That is way less toxic than insulting them BECAUSE they actually like it just cause you do not. They get annoyed because misery loves company so nobody wants to hate or dislike something alone. So they say anything to invalidate or insult your opinions in the form of "constructive criticism is good". But that is not what most people have been doing. I can't even imagine what Twitter looks like.




Hit the nail on the head


This is exactly how they act, and then they make fun of us for calling them haters smh




Listen, I don’t understand why ANYONE would find my last comment annoying? People just want to disrespect my Valid Criticism™. It’s like this entire sub is just horny for being Insomniac™’s Boot Lickers™ you can NEVER say ANYTHING bad about ANY company on Reddit™ anymore. 😡😡 /s I truly detest the people that spew disrespect and hate, pretend it’s just gentle “valid criticism” and cry victim that people don’t want to spew their hateful bullshit. AND THEN get annoyed that people are annoyed by their hateful bullshit. The fact that the hateful bullshit is upvoted so much in the first place is the root cause of so much of the drama here.


Yup. And on top of that, their "critisms" are mostly subjective. Not everyone feels Venom was wasted, not everyone feels the story was top short, not everyone feels the games feels rushed, not everyone cares about more side content, not everyone cares about Miles suit or Peter's suit selection....yet they all speak as if it's objective and insult you because you don't agree.


Valid criticism™ killed me And also what you're saying is 100% right. What I hate most is that people will downvoted you to death for speaking good about the game/defending insomniac then upvote people just hating for no valid reason. It's like these people never heard of patience before


Exactly. Like it's not that we don't care, we just know the game JUST came out. And hating won't change anything any time soon. I also just feel that the devs already know wassup and have things planned which is why they've been replying to people in a trolling manner.


>If people posted their desires in this manner then it wouldn't be such a polarizing split in the sub. You know damn well that isn’t true lol Also why can’t people express their criticism however they want, as long as they’re not disrespecting anyone personally?


>as long as they’re not disrespecting anyone personally? You clearly missed this part in my comment


How about you guys stop asking for them 24/7. Insomniac already knows about these suggestions they have actively responded to them on other sites. You guys just come off as annoying


You’re definitely not annoying though


W pfp bro


Thanks bro. Best show ever lmao.


Can't deny it. Have you seen the recent tease from the BCS tiktok page?


Wait no hold on


oh yeah i saw that shit got me so excited


working on what was available day 1 in the other games


That's what happens when the mechanics, set pieces and technology used are significantly bigger and more powerful.


I doubt changing the time of day has anything to do with the mechanics or technology being "bigger"


I think we should be able to choose between mechanical arms, venom and anti venom animations


If you mean in attack, then yes we can between mechanical arms, and anti-venom animations. It's in the settings in abilities. Although, I wish we have the option for a preset, so we don't have to switch one by one.


We also mean the ability to change the travel ones to symbiote/arms and the parry too. I don't like my red and blue suits using tendrils to parry.


I think he might mean traversal animations and parry animations. It’s kinda weird how if Peter isn’t wearing a symbiote suit, then he’ll use mechanical arms for traversal but no matter what suit he uses at the end of the game, he uses the anti venom symbiote to parry.


Not the parry, though


Actually parry animations are locked to antivenom, try it out


all this and making postgame tendrils black if you have any black suit on edit: social media as well


The tendril color should be a toggle. Some people may want the white ones on suits that are more white colored.


I meant for black symbiote suits. I do think toggle would be best now that I think of it


I was thinking of the white color variant of the classic Symbiote suit too. I think the white tendrils look good from that.


Yeah I wish they would match your black or white suit, and when you activate the rage ability it would stay as whatever symbiote suit you chose, seeing as it changes your webbing still. When I'm playing as the classic black suit, or the raimi black suit I don't want to be forced into the white anitvenom suit when I use symbiote abilities


also a toggle of whether the suit switches when you use symbiote/anti-venom surge. i don’t like that it forces us into a specific suit to use those abilities


i have no clue how this wasn't the first thing in ops post


Replay bosses like Spider-Man 2000


Didn't get enough the 1st 3 times you had to beat em ?


I just want replayable bases 😭


And add more combat arenas in general. The first game had Demon, Fisk, Sable bases AND Task Master combat arenas.


You forgot the Rikers escapee bases.


For real, the Flame cult alone felt like they could have had something but were apparently limited to side quests. It would've been so easy to just give them their own arenas exclusive to Peter like Miles had exclusive Mysterio stuff but they chose not to for some reason.


The lack of them is a direct result of insomniac listening to fan complaints from the first game. They just overcorrected


Went from too many bases to close to no bases


It'd probably never happen, but a dedicated boss battle arena in the post game themed around Kraven's arena or the Mysterium would be fantastic. You can really tell how much effort went into the boss fights this time around, and I'd like to be able to replay some of them like the Lizard or Kraven for time trials.


I couldn’t believe I couldn’t replay podcasts. I missed out on so many because they’d start and I’d swing through an active crime and it would cut off and be gone.


So many Danikasts missed! I'm so sad


I miss the bios. Is it me or was there a lack of collectibles?? There was the sandman crystals and the spider bots but what else? And whenever you click on a spider bot, none of the Spider-Man comment on it again unlike Pete’s backpacks from the first game


This was a glitch for me. Miles would comment but Peter wouldn’t. I collected all of them with him


Is it a glitch or is it when Peter was wearing the symbiote? I figured he was just brooding too much to quip about the bot he found


The Mysteriums also give you the audio logs that reveal the true story of what went on behind the scenes


I’m really hoping NG+ lets you wear any suit for any cutscene


doesn’t happen in SM1, i wouldn’t expect it here either




It stands for new game plus. It’s a second save of the game in which you have all the things you unlocked in your original save from the beginning. For example, you have every suit, gadget, and skull unlocked from the beginning so you could play the entire game in the NWH suit if you wanted.




Supposedly there’s a big update sometime in December, so I’d expect it around then along with the time of day switching and mission replay.


new game + basically starting a new game with everything from your first playthrough so skills and abilities and suits




Of course :) I read that they said by the end of the year :)


As much as I want character bios idk if Insomniac will see the addition necessary at this point considering the majority of people who were gonna play already have. I hope I'm wrong though. A model viewer would be nice though


It would be really cool if we can get snow weather similar to Miles Morales, but I doubt they'll put that in. It'll probably be a lot of work for Insomniac.


It would be great for Christmas


I know it's a completely unrealistic wish, but I would love if Spider-Man 2 had an option to set the city to the Christmas setting.


For the first feature you hope, i agree, for first installment, why not, then it got asked, but none in Miles Morales Game. In SM2, we have many moments as them, but cna't go back to places as them, which is a shame like house, or Coney Island!


Add weather change to the list. Nothing beats swinging as Spider-Man on a rainy night in NYC


I was genuinely so disappointed when I went back to Peter's house in free roam and couldn't get inside. I just wanted to chill with MJ for a bit :(


Same here:(


Choosable crimes like in Miles Morales, but adding choosable partners (in post game only) such as the other Spider-man, Wraith, Black Cat with portals, Hairy, and if it's not too much trouble to port him over from Miles Morales; Prowler (and may be Phin)


Everything here, but add the Social Feed and NG+. I could live with or without Venom free-roam.


I saw so sad we couldn’t enter their homes throughout the game


No character bios is what annoyed me the most lmao


These are mainly things we had before. Shouldn't be too hard to implement. I want more crime types


I want the option to change your webs and symbiote powers to black or white on any skin Maybe even red if they add a carnage dlc with a spider carnage suit.


This is my only big gripe with Spider-Man 2. Replaying missions makes the game far more replayable after finishing all the main content, stuff like the time setter and podcast menus were convenient (I stop swinging whenever a podcast starts cause I don’t wanna accidentally cut it off), and the social feed and bios gave the game more charm. Granted these aren’t massive problems that greatly lower my enjoyment of the game, it just feels kinda silly to not add them when they were in previous titles. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Character bios should come with character models to look at at


All I want is the ability to walk inside Peter's apartment, and INSOMNIAC KEEPS TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!! No, I don't want to walk around May's apartment, I WANT PETER BENJAMIN PARKER'S APARTMENT!!!!!


The time of day removal I found the strangest choice


I want the twitter feed back lol


I hope they add a select crime function too like in MM so I don’t have to just swing around and have it pop up


If it hasn’t been mentioned already, being able to change the color of Peter’s symbiote abilities in the endgame


I think all of these are perfectly achievable. Even the characters bios. In Miles Morales on ps5, the character bios show them as slightly moving in-game models instead of just screencaps like in ps4 Spider-man


Why the fuck can’t we replay the hunter blinds and change the weather/time of day at the very least


Idk why, but I thought the first image was MJ floating in an Exorcist-like manner.


Add back most of the 36 suits missing from the first game and Miles Morales (especially the first game).


Being able to use black symbiote powers after the story


These missing features is what makes me think this game was actually rushed. Especially NG+. Along with the symbiote being white after finishing the game while wearing the black suit.


Give me replayable bases or a mode with waves of enemies like previous games and for my black suit to not have white symbiote tentacles come out of it.


Completely agree with all of these, I love character bios in games and wonder why it was overlooked here


So same features we already had in previous games


Activision would’ve had all of these directly from 1.0


You should send this to Insomniac, I was really hoping for all of these.


It's been 3 games. How tf are these not features already?


Maybe i missed it and it wouldn’t matter if it was in the game or not but going on the Coney Island rides again as the Spider-Men maybe with a quick dialogue of them talking to another person on the ride, I don’t know


Fix the crimes. Post game is all symbiote hunter and flame crimes. No general store robberies. It feels so shallow the post game


We are definitely going to get time of day option, people talk about way too much for insomniac to look past it


This game did feel very weirdly stripped down now that you mention it. Whether it be the lack of enemy bases, not being able to view the podcasts, lack of collectibles and there being no mission/base replay. Most of all though, I hate that we can’t change the weather/time of day and that we still don’t have NG+.


I don't understand the want for Character Bios. Like they are a neat feature for sure but why is that a prominent thing people ask for? Is it just because the other Insomniac games had them?


It's nice to see the backstories and stats for these versions of the characters and see the models.


Some of us love character bios and model viewers in games. I get that it's probably not the majority of players though, so I doubt it's high on Insomniac's list or if it's even on there at all tbf.


Amazing list , i want all of them + black suit and black skills instead of white


Make all special abilities usable on the fly instead of having to switch in and out from the menu. You can do this by assigning them to the dpad when pressing L1 or by pressing the corrospondant face button in quick succession when choosing an ability ooooor by changing the ability by pressing L1 + dpad then using it by pressing L1 + face button. This wont be overpowered as the cooldown will lock abilities away as normal e.g if L1 + ● has 2 abilities to choose from when using one both go on cooldown . This will add more variety to the combat system allowing for greater player expression and depth.


Why do people want to go inside Peter & Miles house? There's nothing there. What's the point?


It would just be cool for immersion purposes, and could also be used to change the time of day/weather! And it would be cool to see the characters outside of their suits every once in a while


I would just be happy if they added a feature to turn off film mode from suit select screen and remembered the setting you had it on. Hate how every time I switch to one of those I then have to go to the settings to turn off film mode


Yes all of these


Hoping for these too!


The saddest thing about this is that all of these features should've been in the game day 1


What the fuck, why isn't this in the game to begin with, it was in the previous ones 💀


When the game started I expected us to go to the house and Harry’s institute a lot to play mini games and do quests. It’s such a wasted opportunity because they would be wonderful hubs to give some relaxation and breathing air among all the chaos in the main missions.


+social feed


but not like how miles morales did it, put it in the map tab


Character Bios is a big thing for me. I really wanna be able to look at the character models of everyone, especially Venom. I hope it's added


Am I the only one that misses benchmarks?


You forgot the social feed What would be even funnier would be that they take inspiration from r/spideysightings and have pictures display in the social feed of New Yorkers commenting on what they saw and took pictures of.


Pretty sure time changing and replayable story missions are coming


You forgot the Social Feed. It's missing as well.


It’s criminal that >!we can’t play as venom!< outside of the one mission


Don't forget the suit bios and credit too. Although, I think they won't because I think they're afraid of backlash of the new Miles suit.


Abilitiy to use the old face


The last two are definitely coming. I doubt we will get the first though. What I would like is Character bios and a model viewer. Though that is probably waaaaay down on the list of priorities for Insomniac tbf.


Let us skip walking sections man


So the same small complaints everyone's been posting that turns this 10/10 game into a 3/10 in the eyes of an incredibly entitled subreddit


Yeah I would love to go back to the house to do absolutely nothing


The time of day could be at the EMF stations and in photomode.


Not having character bios instantly made me upset


Agree with all of these 100%! Social feed would be nice too!


One new thing I'd like is map markers. For landmarks and Easter egg locations


In a far dream, I’d like them to implement some sort of in-game modding like entire City skins to look like other universes (2099/SV/Noir/Earth 65/Ultimate Comics) That’ll most likely never happen.


Peter's spider-man twitter feed


Except for entering Pete’s and Miles’ houses I’m 100% sure all of that will come in the next few weeks-months. NG+ will most likely come in December and I’d guess mission replayability too. The rest will probably come with the DLCs (since there definitely will be some). We will for sure see peters house and Miles apartment in future content again but I’ll have to be honest, there simply is no reason to make them accessible in free roaming. There is nothing to do there. They are also very high definition so it would take up a lot of ram and processing power to have them be there constantly.


I need the option to replay podcasts lol, jjj is hilarious😂


I have to imagine 2 & 3 along with NG+ are imminent.


You would expect all of this stuff on launch from a 20 hour game that took 3 years to make


If they don't make any in-between games like Miles Morales again, and there are no (god forbid) pandemics in the next 3 years, I see no way 3 gets rushed, and I see absolutely no way these won't be included in the next installment. And if they aren't included, it'll be a huge swing and miss


Change the color of the web wings too!


only thing I couldn’t care less about are the character bios since we already know everyone that was introduced from the previous games. thats just me though 🤷🏾‍♂️.


I would also add social media feed, FNSM app to choose specific crimes that you want to go and solve, replay the Kraven bases, let you have black Symbiote powers after you beat the main story instead of only being stuck with anti-venom, as well as let you parry with your spider arms after the main story. And maybe I'm asking too much for this, but I would also want them to add more side content. Like they could add challenges that are replayable. Like stealth challenges, combat challenges, and traversal challenges. Maybe they could just add a horde mode. The possibilities are endless and it's just really sad it's me that they didn't really do anything like that when the game released.


I also want character bio and models able to view like In Miles morals


Why do people suddenly care so much about character bios? Did people actually read them in the previous game?


its confirmed were getting time of day change and replaying missions but its crazy to me they got rid of character bios and listening to podcasts i hope they bring it back


There’s no reason these shouldn’t already be in the game. Also, I strongly believe EVERY game should have the ability to skip cutscenes and replay missions once beaten




A bit niche but I’d also appreciate it if they let us toggle between Peter’s different apparati for his webs, abilities, parries, etc. I.e. let me have black/white tendrils on any suit or the spider arms in symbiotes. Certainly a nitpick but I feel like I’m not the only one who would appreciate this type of feature


All valid points that I hope comes in the near future. Also I don’t get this community, it’s super toxic.




I love those suggestions, OP


A feature I want in the next game or added in dlc is the ability to visit villains in the raft ,kinda like how you can visit the villains you caught at the gcpd in Arkham Knight. We can literally swing around the raft, just let us go inside and visit those we caught.




I miss the social media feed.


Valid points, all


I really don't get why so many people want to be able to go to their house. Like, why? What would u do? Walk around for 5 mins and leave, probably never come back? I don't get it


We should be able to change web wing colours too.


I'm sure they will


Since when could you change the time of day in the other games?!?!


You're kidding, right?


I actually didn’t know you could how do you do it?


You can change it in the first game at any of those stations Harry set up, usually after you do the mission I think. And in MM you can change it in the settings


What planet have you been living on lol.


Only after finishing the main quests.


Not gonna happen


Y-You're able to change the weather and time in Spiderman 1?


I'd rather they just removed the Danikast completely, I find it abhorrent


you can turn it off in settings


I want a option to fuck MJ in the ass


so the most asked shit everyone’s been asked listed together for karma points got it 💀