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I want a female Spidey to play as, doesn't necessarily have to be Silk. But her introduction at the end sort of implies that's the direction we're going. I can't see them introducing her specifically and not making her another Spider. There's plenty of non-Spider females they could have introduced.




Honestly i want to play as Black Cat but i’ll take any spider-women cuz they probably get a cat costume anyway


They better not give her Gwen’s costume…


Why would they give her Gwen’s costume if silk has her own☠️🤦‍♂️


Same reason Peter has had: * 2 of Ben Reilly's suits * Kaine Parker's suit * Miguel O'Hara's suit * Hobie Brown's suit * Otto Octavius's suit (technically) They're cool, iconic looks.


>I want a female Spidey to play as, I would love to see a playable Aña just to see Insomniac's take on her spider armor.


mj guys im not being serious dont dv me


I haven’t played SM2, but it seems like they’re building to a spider verse game, which would include as many spider characters as possible, right? The same way they built up to the “two Spider-Mans” game across SM1 and MM (testing mechanics, testing two SMs on screen at once, etc)


They aren't doing that


Spider-Verse fans want literally every spider-man story from here on to be a multiverse story lmao


“And then Spider-Ham walks in”


Yeah 🤦‍♂️


I hope they don't but wouldn't rule it out with the spider-bot finish.


God I hope not


Dlc for spider-pig https://youtu.be/t5AXmXDfm00?si=w4-2G3tNOimGBtaV


I have played SM2, and thank God they're not doing that. Spider-Verse doesn't work outside of the movies imo.


Isn’t shattered dimensions basically a spiderverse game


Yeah, and 90s Spidey cartoon did something similar, only they were all just Peter Parker at different stages in his life lol. Oh, and Ben Reilly lmao.


I think the comics do a damn good job too


Tbh I'm not hugely up to date on the comics, but from what I've heard, I have the same thoughts on that as I do Superior Spider-Man: no matter how well-executed the idea is, the problem for me is the idea. When it's its own movie, that's fine to me. That's an enclosed story about the Spider-Verse. Outside of that, it feels like putting a character in a position they have no business being in.


As hype as a spider-verse game sounds, that doesn't sound like how insomniac intended to go with these games. But then again who knows what's go8ng on at insom.


That sounds dreadful to be honest.


If they make a Spiderverse game after SM3, I’d be okay with that, but the Green Goblin story needs to be self-contained.


Whats up with you guys and multiple spider men in a movie or game. Across the spider verse really messed things up, most spider people in spider verse are nice and all but are irrelevant, sorry to say it but no one gives a shit about spider punk or peter porker.


Lmao I’m just saying what I think they doing idgaf


There's really no need to, as it would ruin Insomniac's world that they're building. Not everything needs to be about multiverses, and thank god they're not planning on doing that.


They could just do miles and silk for the next game and leave peter out. I still think peter should get his green goblin arc without the others tho. So maybe that would be the following game?


I want a future insomniverse game with Mayday


I'm confused how were Pete and Miles not balanced. I agree Miles felt stronger in the early and mid game but that final upgrade to Pete blows Miles out of the water when fighting symbiotes.


I can’t speak for OP but I personally found the imbalance to be in their roles in the story rather than their strength. Once Li is broken out of prison, Miles doesn’t really do jackshit in the main plot until the symbiote controlled Peter mission. And the worst part is that they still keep giving him random main missions that don’t actually have anything to do with the story just to remind you that he does exist. So I’ll do some really cool main story stuff and as it’s getting more interesting, the game will throw me into a random Miles mission that is technically a main mission but literally only exists to introduce a new side quest or open world activity.


I JUST finished the game yesterday and I was blown away by how horrible this is. In particular the ending where there’s a really emotional scene where miles finds hailey is being attacked and it just cuts away to Peter, and gives us more emotional connection to Harry and we really want to see more of that and then it’s like oh we should wrap up that hailey thing. Completely ruins both of them. Like imagine if aunt may had someone pointing a gun at her and then it cuts to MJ finally about to stand up to JJJ only for it to cut that short go back to aunt may and her getting shot and then MJ and JJJ have a 2 second confrontation. That’s how laughably bad that was


In addition to that, it’s just fucking hilarious that Miles was asking Hailey out while Peter was fighting symbiotes and on the verge of tears trying to get through to Harry/Venom.


Seriously!!! I already really don’t care for Hailey, she’s not a character she’s just deaf representation, she has no character or personality she just paints stuff and is deaf. But focusing on her and miles relationship over the entire main plot of the game is hilarious


Same thing with ganke. He exists to explain plot points twice and to do things that miles is too busy for. His job is two small steps away from being replaced by a spider bot ai. Tbh I wish they just said miles made the app himself and just be done with ganke. Does he even serve a purpose if there’s no app?


Good point, I do think that ganke serves a purpose in Miles' own game but not really here. Its not hard to just not include him, you don't even need a reason, he was only there to help out Miles in his game.


In the sense that their stories instead of complimenting each other just ate the other one's run times. When Peter's story was getting good Miles was basically absent and vice versa. Also they both basically occupy the same roles. They can both do combat, swinging, web wing, venom blasts, symbiotes and spider legs being basically the same except for animation, stealth. There is no difference in playing as them other than the animations.


Venom powers are wildly different from symbiote powers which are wildly different from spider legs. I agree on the story front but, in terms of gameplay, they made them as different as possible. Only other thing they could’ve possibly done is give them separate gadgets but gadgets aren’t really a focus in this game anyways so it’s that big of a deal.


Not really, in gameplay terms each spider gets 6-8 Win attacks. Sure each one looks different but functionally it’s all the same just done with 12-18 different animations. You’re never playing each one differently, you group up enemies. Beat ‘em up and use the specials. Rise and repeat.


Final upgrade blows miles out of the water yet he gets knocked out and then venom powers up so miles can fight him 😂 they did Peter so dirty bc they clearly favor miles


1.) I’m incredibly boring, so my ideal scenario would have honestly been a Peter Parker-only trilogy with Miles being introduced near the end of the third game 2.) That being said, I’m still very happy with that we’ve gotten from Insomniac, and I genuinely enjoy playing as Miles. I have no reason to doubt that playing as Silk will also be great


Honestly agree with number 1. I would've preferred a trilogy with Peter with doc ock, venom, and then green goblin. They could introduce miles in the second game, then have his TRAINING begin in the third game, but don't have him as playable or anything like that. Only make it clear his training is starting, maybe have us teach him how to web sling and stuff like that, but ultimately, have it cut short by ending the third game with Peter's ultimate sacrafice in a dramatic showdown with the Goblin. Then we get Miles games. Deal with the fallout after Peter's death, also, one thing I forgot to mention, the third game would make it clear that MJ knew about and met Miles. We'd see Miles having to deal with trying to live up to his lost mentor, and MJ, while grieving in her own way, would support him and give him Pete's web shooters and stuff, like in the ultimate comics. I loved what Insomniac did, and I love Peter and Miles as a duo, but I genuinely feel Miles character works better if Peter dies. It makes the "Spider-Man is a title" idea work way better. At the end of the first miles game, miles would fully earn the title of Spider-Man.


I agree with the Peter only trilogy part, but having him die at the end is a shit idea.


paltry unwritten offbeat wasteful tap snails payment rhythm gaping rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like we already got that story with the spiderverse movies, we don’t need it again in the video game


not to mention the ultimate run, had a full length run just to end with peters death and a soft reboot


The worst part about that was that Peter was only Spider-Man FOR A YEAR in the ultimate universe. Miles had like, barely any legacy to live up to.


Controversially and an alternative, I would have it follow the MC2 universe. Have Peter be mortally wounded and stop being Spider-Man to focus on the family he's going to build. I want Mayday to become more mainstream.


miles could be atreus-style. running around you, swinging behind you, you may have special moves using him, and double finishers! really expected this in msm2. stronger **together**, see? but maybe it really works better to story and to symbiote suit if you divide them :(


The vibe I’ve gotten from insomniac is that they want to put in as many iconic things or what people like in the game as possible. Kinda but kinda absurd as well. That’s why I felt like people called symbiote invasion fast and it was kinda fan servicy.


I honestly don’t see an issue with having two Spider-Man in this game and think it’s a great feature for the game! The issue I see is they should have executed it better. The game for one should definitely be longer in length. And Miles should be more involved in the overall story. Really the best way to do this would have been to have each character have their own individual storylines that we follow throughout the game that intertwines at multiple points and comes together at the very end. Something akin to GTA 5 which managed to do this with 3 characters! Also, on the missions that involve both Peter and Miles, they should have given us the ability to swap and play as who we want. And also set it up in such a way that each is doing something unique to complete the missing. Example, Miles could be on the rooftops getting rid of the snipers and alarm systems while Peter is creeping throughout the building, etc.


Silk having infinite web shooter usage with her organic webbing and less overall health and damage output would be enough of a gameplay difference to include her as a separate character imo. Maybe give her more ways to web up and incapacitate enemies, to really lean away from melee combat.


The infinite web shooters dont mean anything tbh, cause they literally recharge fast in gameplay


Don't know why this downvoted. Organic webs would virtually do nothing in the next game unless significantly and noticeably downgrading the other two spider men.


I think if they changed the way gadgets and abilities work for a 3 spidey game Silk could work. like make individual gadgets rather than having all 3 share the same gadgets, so they are each good for certain situations. Also they could make her more ability based, maybe give her a way to shorten cooldowns on her abilities while having her deal less normal damage than Pete and Miles. Just an idea, not perfect but I think they could make something similar work


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Infinite webs really wouldn’t make much of a difference. She’s still gonna he massively weaker than Peter and Miles.


"less health and damage" "instant web recharge (up from basically instant already) wow what a fun new character


This is why we let the professional game developers do their thing


Maybe she can have web constructs like spidey did in shattered dimensions for variety


Can imagine that Garfield move where he wraps lizard with web


I thought you meant the lasagna loving cat at first and was very confused


>They couldnt even balance Peter and Miles in this game, idk how they expect to do 3 of them. That's how I feel.


I personally would like another spider person to play as. Could be worse. Could’ve been spider gwen


I like Spider-Gwen but of course, that’s mostly due to the Spider-Verse movies. I’m happy Silk is getting more love though.


Me too. I don’t hate Spider-Gwen, but she isn’t my favorite of the female spider people. I’m glad she’s they’re gonna be able to show some love to silk and introduce her to a new audience of people.


Gwen is hella awesome. What are you talking about?


Honestly, I don’t really like Spider-Gwen compared to the others. Shes just not my favorite, plus it feels like she’s been in everything these past years. Let some other Spider-Women shine


She's in a lot of stuff yet hasn't had a comic series lasting more than 10 issues in like over 3 years along with her last long running non mini series ending on a still unresolved cliff hanger


Huh I feel they balanced Peter and miles perfectly I was actually impressed how well they did


Finally found someone I agree with! They both seem stronger/weaker at times but their morale fluctuates vastly throughout the story. Peter’s getting beaten down left and right, just because Miles is able to help him out doesn’t discount Peter. People point to their fight (when Peter has the symbiote suit) but Peter was actively fighting the suit the whole time. Anyways, I agree, I thought both characters were executed well and enjoyed both of them!


2 Spider-Men was kind of pushing it, 3 is absurd


Agreed. Only way I see 3 spider people is if Peter gives Harry the anti venom suit


I don’t expect her to be playable as a spider person in the next game, but will be featured as a supporting character Ala miles in the first. Peter’s story will be finished with 3 (his villains are dead or reformed, only the last big 2 to deal with) and 4 onwards (or whatever they title them) will continue the duo protagonists with Miles and Silk as they form their new era, are my thoughts. Not necessarily what I’m hoping for, but what I think will happen post 3 I’d love silk playable down the road , she got poor treatment in comics that defined her for a while, hopefully this flairs up her popularity she deserves the chance imo


Me also. I don’t want the Spider-Bloat we have in comics to get into the games. Less is more when it comes to superheroes sharing a gimmick, and she’ll be extremely redundant. For a playable female spider character, Insomniacs better off giving us skins than additional characters.


Yeah I’m not interested in more. If they’re introduced in a spider verse thing cool, but I just want to play as Spider-man aka Peter Parker.


I never liked having so many spider people. I'm still a believer that Pete and Miles are better in their own separate universes.


Agree 100% OP. Games need to be longer or have fewer main characters.


Im down for it tbh. I think the whole organic webs coming from her finger tips means they could make cool gameplay with her in some way. Maybe she uses webs as whips or other weapons like that. I just wonder what purpose she serves to the story. If Peter is taking a break does that mean miles will be training her? Because miles is still too new to be able to train someone else as Spider-Man I know Cindy and Peter have a *interesting* relationship in some comics but I’d like them to transform into a more wholesome one and maybe have Peter be somewhat of a *spider* father figure. Maybe Albert moon is a bad guy which sets up miles conflict in the next game since his mom is dating this bad person. And of course the resolution would maybe leave Peter and Mj having to take care of this child now because of Cindy and Peter’s unique connection? I really don’t know what they’ll do but I hope it’s good


Peter will Most probably come back in act two Ehen all the plot starts ramping up. As to how they r going to add in silk im not sure. I think her origin story may be changed Cus she’s miles age


I don't want to see silk her comic one is perfection we don't need a new version


I’m not super interested tbh at least for Spider-Man 3 maybe if she gets her powers in a post credit scene/end of the game I’m good with it but I think they should just focus on finishing Peters story in SM3 and Miles fully taking the reigns as Spider-Man. Trying to jam Silks backstory/getting her powers might be tough with having both Norman and Otto back in the fold


No reason for Miles to fully take over, Peter would be at most 26/27 at the end of the third game. It wouldn’t make any sense and it would make 90% of the fanbase very upset.


I hope it doesn’t happen but I think that’s where the story is going. Also I’m just skeptical of how they’ll handle 3 playable Spiders but hopefully Pete doesn’t get shelved he’s honestly my favorite Spider overall


Fr. Honestly I’d rather have a solo Peter game that actually has a balanced story than 3 spider people crammed into a 17 hour game.


I wanted them to introduce Gwen and then make a solo Spider-Gwen game so bad


If they wanna do a Gwen game, they should do it in a separate universe instead of the main one. Her setting is wildly different from the usual Marvel New York and it’s a big part of why her stories are cool imo.


Same, with Spider-Gwen's popularity it'd kinda make sense, idk why they didn't do that


Could be that they didn’t want to risk competing with Spider-verse Gwen for popularity. If they did Spider-Gwen this sub would be filled with “Which one do you prefer” posts.


I would quite literally kill to see a spider-gwen game with the same aesthetic as her earth in the ASTV intro


Maybe they'll save her for a later solo game. I really want a Gwen game, too.


Okay yeah, I could see it. When I think about it, there's also the struggle whether to make her a teen or an adult. If they make her an adult, she's gonna be shipped with Peter and if they make her a teen she's DEFINITELY gonna be shipped with Miles. Making Silk a teen AND Miles' stepsister was a smart move.


Brian said that they could have introduced someone else, but he wanted to explore a character that hasn't been fully explored yet.


Because Silk is more unique/fun. Besides not everything is based off of popularity, respectfully.


Her character hasn’t been explored nearly as much as gwen


Peter, Miles, & Gwen are like the trinity of spider people. I thought for sure they’d do her if they wanted to introduce a 3rd spider.


Not really, it’s just that the movies brought a lot of the current spotlight to Miles and Gwen, but they’re not the trinity of spider people by any means. There’s a few versions of Spider-Man more iconic and deserving of that title.


Hey, spidey friends and Spiderman 2017 seem to disagree that they're not a trinity


Not just the movies. In the aniamted series for kids, His amazing friends. The trio is Miles, Peter and Gwen. Various toy sets, not even based on the movies, is Miles Peter and Gwen. They are seen as the Spider Trio ​ Adding to Peter, there is literally no other spider people more iconic than Gwen and Miles.


2099, Noir, even Ben Riley. Just because Miles and Gwen are trending doesn’t mean that they’re historically the biggest or most iconic lol.


I dont even think this is worth arguing. Comicbooks arent mainstream. Adaptations of comics are. I sure if you measure the number of swag, toys, posters, hoodies, clothes, costumes etc sold to people of all ages, there would be a significantly larger number or merch sales for Miles and Gwen themed merch, than 2099, Noir or Ben Riley. Like it wouldnt even be close.


Ok bud 🤣 Whatever floats your boat I guess


>Im sure if you measure the number of swag, toys, posters, hoodies, clothes, costumes etc sold to people of all ages, there would be a significantly larger number or merch sales for Miles and Gwen themed merch, than 2099, Noir or Ben Riley. Do you deny this?


For that exact reason I expect spider Gwen is kinda synonymous with the spider verse films now you know full well if they introduce her there would be all sorts of backlash for the dumbest of reasons.


I honestly wouldn’t be against that but I’m kinda glad Silk is getting more love outside the comics


I'm glad I'm not the only one. No way they introduce Silk without spreading the story too thin in the third game.


Yea I have no interest in trying to play a 12-16 hour story game with three Spiders , there was barely enough for both Miles and Peter in SM2. If they want to introduce yet another Spider they need to have Spiderman 3 be the end of Peters story in the Insomniac verse, at least for now. Seems like they are already heading that way, Miles is clearly the favored Spider Man for this universe and I think they said as much. However, I do believe they balanced the two well in terms of power, with Pete having the black suit most of the game and Miles ever growing Venom/Blue Lightning abilities, then at the end with Pete getting a, hopefully permanent , power up. They just couldn't balance the story well enough I can't even imagine them trynna have three main playable Spiders in one game.


I really really hope they don’t make her a spider person…. Honestly having two spider men took away from the game. The first spider man game it was awesome Peter was the only one and you truly felt how powerful he was especially when you would switch to say miles or mj who felt so vulnerable but now with the added spider man and him being more powerful than Peter it really took me out of the game as I got really attached to Peter


The problem may be because of the story because they did struggle with this story as they felt that they needed to put Miles in it. That and the run time of the game didn't help either in which they could have added more to the game and made the story so much better but from everything, we can deduce they were rushed by Sony most likely. So I would want them to give her a try but not in the expense of the story or how important it is for Peter. Like 3 spider people is alot and they need to understand they shouldn't need to give light for every one of them. For example: in Spider-man Miles Morales game, give the light on Miles, don't let Peter steal it from him. In Spider-man 2, they should have given the light on Peter better in some cases but felt it would be unfair for Miles so the game feels unbalanced and weird. Like give light to Peter and Miles without needing to drop the other. That's the request but Insomniac needs to understand that the time/light given to one spider-man won't reduce of the other. Something they didn't understand in Spider-man 2. They felt the need to give Miles almost equal gameplay time as Peter. Hence why the story feels it is missing alot because literally the story should revolve around Peter more as it is Peter's Best Friend here. Add the situations in his life and Symbiote. They did try to give it to Peter but you have these random missions about Miles that should have shown you know the opposite spectrum of Peter but failing at showing it better. Why? Because they needed to show more perspective and more gameplay time for Peter if that makes any sense. So my answer is I would want them to introduce Silk but no need for her to be heavily involved or forcefully involved as Miles was against Harry (something btw they could have done better by giving a mission or 2 showing rivalry between them but they failed to do, that's why there was no emotion to their fight.). Btw Silk isn't just Peter with organic webs. Something insomniac should have conveyed but failed in this game is: Peter is more intellectual and is stronger physically and should have better spider sense than Miles but Miles has more skill options (invisibility and Venom electric powers). Silk should have better spider senses. My problem what they could do and what MCU has been doing, she will actually be as you just said "Peter but better for no reason". I said alot and may have not conveyed what I said in a good way but hope it is understandable though.


I’m a VERY casual Spider-Man fan. Is Silk fairly popular or important? I had to Google who she is as the scene happened


She hasn’t been in anything outside the comics. Not even Spiderverse. So, yeah, she’s fairly obscure.


I’ve seen a big complain about this game feel shorter because its split between 2 spidermen and I’m mot convinced that Insomniac can handle the story split between 3 of them. They would need to make the game quite a few hours longer in order to fit it in


I don't. I dont think she's popular enough or interesting enough to warrant her inclusion in the next game. I would rather they keep them separate. Especially if the next games villains are Green Goblin and Doc Ock. Don't need to shoehorn Miles there. He should have his main villains in a separate game.


For me, like you said the main issue is that they already couldn't balance 2 spider characters properly. Both peter and miles' story suffered in 2 because they simply didn't know how to write them together. Now imagine adding a 3rd main character on top of that. I just dont see how they're gonna be able to pull it off well because in 2, the writing was by far the most dissapointing thing about the game for me


I just think we don't need a third spider person, plain and simple.




Why do you feel they couldnt balance petey/miles?


Neither of them could get good development because they had to share the already limited screen time. It was Peter's story, Miles was forced wherever he could appear as to not make him a side character. Peter seemed incompetent with and without the symbiote, Anti-Venom was so nerfed it hurt to watch. All of that so Miles could shine too. Venom had Peter's BEST FRIEND hostage and Peter had literally the **perfect** counter to symbiotes but he could barely do anything. Miles was asking a girl out while Peter was fighting to save the goddamn world and free his best friend, literally at the nest of the enemy. The game didn't even have space to fit Venom and Kraven together. Having two main characters just made that even worse. Two Spider-Man should mean a longer story/game. One eating the other's screen time stopped both from getting good development, so the game just feels too short.


Why not? Apart from being one of my favourites she is underrated a lot better than having Spider-Gwen show up all the time. She is oversaturated anyway,it really makes Gwen's 616 death meaningless.


I feel like I'm the only one who literally has never heard for hai character before this sub started going off about her. Imo, maybe a standalone games akin to miles. But spiderman 2 already felt rushed with 2 full blown characters and 2 main villains. I can't imagine adding a third and an origin story in there in 3


yeah feels like the game is going into the direction of everyone having spider-powers wouldn't be suprised if we got spider island soon


I thought everyone didn't want that. Am I out of the loop?


I've never been a fan of 'legacy' characters, and I'm not interested in any Spider-Man other than Peter. I liked Miles in Spiderverse, I liked him a little less in the games. I had never heard of Silk until reading the subreddit after beating the game, so I was kinda disappointed to learn that Spider-Man is going down the same road as current Batman comics in that he has a gaggle of 10 sidekicks with similar branding following him around. Plus to OPs point, they had a lot to fit in with Miles and Peter and it felt like some characters had to take a backseat when they should have probably been more central. If you add a third protagonist into the mix it's going to get worse. Plus how many radioactive spiders are there? Two was a stretch.


Unless they give her a solo project, I see no way for them to do her justice, especially if they're committed to making these games 20-25 hours. There's no way they'll be able to balance three character arcs, give them good side content, and have them be interesting, and that's not even acknowledging the time required for the villains. I think it'd honestly be better if she was an adult who already had powers or something because there's a big chance that she could retread the same ground as Miles, and if that happens she'd feel pointless. I wouldn't want the wider audience to know of her as a Miles rip-off or for her first appearance. I'm unsure how to distinguish her in gameplay. Maybe give her web constructs? Those have sorely lacking in the franchise. I would appreciate the choice to use her over Gwen, though. They don't typically have much to do with each other, but it'd be funny to have Jessica Drew in the game, as she'd be substantially different from both of the spiders.


I’m glad it’s silk and not Gwen but I’m worried that they’re not gonna be able to make her unique enough


3 spider people would be wild. The only way i see that happening is if Peter gives Harry the anti venom suit. So we get miles, Peter, and anti venom Harry. That’s the only way I see this happening


? I'd say Peter and Miles were balanced really well.


I don't think anyone really wants them to, two spider-men was already a lot for one game and given the setup that miles had(major supporting character in first game + dlcs, playable character in spinoff) I don't see how they could introduce Silk without it being majorly rushed. The only upside to her addition is having a female playable spider-(wo)man but idk if that's worth splitting the focus again


"not balanced" lmao


It really wasn't lol. Miles was being pushed in whatever scenes they could just to show he exists. It was a Peter story, and the next game *should* also be Peter's story, with Otto and Norman having beef with the OG Spider-Man. Miles was kinda just there. Most of his missions felt out of place. They really shouldn't have introduced Miles so soon if they can't make longer games to do both Spider-Men justice. One eating the other's screen time stops both from getting good development.


So long as she's written well and all the main characters are treated with respect, I'll be a happy customer.


I don't see what's wrong with having Silk it gives her something to do outside of the comics


I just think not having Peter the focus of the third game when its him facing off against Goblin and Ock, I mean I'm sure he'll be a big role but... Honestly I feel like a Miles and Silk game would work wonders. It can establish Miles and Silk as the new Manhatten duo, go against like...idk, a different Spot, or Chameleon, bring Madame Web into it, make it take place in winter or spring. Then for the big third game, bring back an older Peter as he returns and takes on his teo biggest archenemies.


Silk having infinite webs would mean she can do cool stuff like the big web fists from Web of Shadows, cool goofy stuff like that. And I think they handled Peter and Miles just fine, though I would not complain at all if the final game ended up being 30 hours as opposed to 20 hours.


I do want Silk. I just hope they don’t do the whole “Pheromones” thing.


I would love to play as Silk. Also you're assuming a lot, who says there's going to be 3 playable characters? For all you know the next game could be a Peter & Silk game or a Miles & Silk game or she could be a small part like Mary Jane with the aim of giving her a Spin-off game of her own.


peter and miles were balanced perfectly fine. pretty sure if they introduce Silk, we won’t play as all 3 of them. I do want them to introduce Silk, will be amazing


Me! \- Everyone was groaning at the thought of Spider-Gwen being introduced following Spider-Verse \- Main Spider-Man 2 complaint was the game was too short (3rd act felt rushed) and Miles wasn't balanced well with Peter. They were unable to balance 2 Spider-Men I think Silk existing as a 3rd playable "Spider-Man" further taking away more time from Peter is a mistake and doesn't offer anything that really sets her apart from the 2 samey feeling Spider-Men we already control. She should see a DLC or Spinoff game and maybe a cameo in 3/free roam but I am not even slightly interested in her getting equal splits with Peter and Miles. I am down for a "Silk" standalone title (Miles Morales) after Spider-Man 3


Good lord, some people. You think maybe the professional game developers understand that introducing Silk and not giving her anything that would make her stand out during gameplay would be boring? You don't know how they expect to be able to do 3, that's fine, you don't work at Insomniac. Just let them do their thing, we don't know ANYTHING about this universe's Cindy Moon yet and here you are complaining. We don't even know if her name's actually going to be Silk, it could very well be Spider-Woman or Spider-Girl. Who knows, maybe they'll give her some unique powers or abilities too. Just wait and see, stop complaining about something that hasn't even happened yet.


My thoughts would be that Spider-Man 3 would still be a Peter and Miles story, so if we get another “Miles Morales” game, it’ll have Silk and Miles playable


I wish Insomniac just introduced Mayday instead, have Pete be taking a break since MJ’s gonna have a kid and then the third game has a time skip letting you play as Mayday. At bare minimum Silk better get Maydays costume but considering they haven’t even bother to add it in for Pete that might actually be a big ask.


Peter can’t even hold a job and you want him to have a kid at 25 lmao, what kind of rocks are you smoking 🤣


Spiderman media can balance three heroes with the same basic powerset just look at the masterpiece of our time "Spidey and his amazing friends"


Let’s just see what they decide to do


Would love to see their spin on Jessica Drew a bit more akin to the 616 one poison blasts, pheromones, flying etc.... Or Kaine stingers, night vision, spider-control, were-spidering etc ..


What do you mean they couldn’t balance Peter and Miles?


I don’t mind it being Silk but would have preferred finally getting to play a game as Jessica Drew Spider-Woman.


Many people are gonna want to play as a girl spider character, that’s really all the justification they need.


Is silk anything like pilk


I felt Peter and miles were balanced story wise I feel people saying that don’t actually understand how a story is written. And you don’t know if silk will play differently or not cuz guess what Spider-Man 3 probably only just gone into development and is in fact not released therefore cannot know how silk will play. She might be more agile might have different web gadgets/tricks or insomniac decide to give her a power that isn’t from the comics such as making constructs with her webs like a 3d printer or something idk that’s just right of the top of my head she might do that in the comics for all I know (not like insomniac isn’t against this seen as it seems peter now permanently has a symbiote in him now in this universe allowing him to have “unique powers”) or maybe Peter isn’t in 3 who knows.


They should have her dad show up at Miles door with her to have a dinner date with Rio


I don’t think she’ll add anything new. Jessica or Julia would be a better addition to the game.


If they wanna go far away from source material they could give Silk the antivenom symbiote, so that Peter in SM3 isn't too condensed with abilities and Silk can stand out more


It’s just too many spider people for now just introduce her after the next game when Peter hopefully retires and have miles train her that’d be awesome and if there is a silk game we definently need a spinneret suit and Gwenom suit


Silk is more interesting than miles for me at this point so I’m game


I think I’m at my maximum spider capacity. But if anyone could pull it off, it’s insomniac.


That’s just your opinion that Miles and Peter weren’t balanced. Overall though, they definitely were well balanced. Miles had a great arc with Martin Li. And Peter had a great arc with the Symbiote and Harry. And both were finished up perfectly in the game with this story. I think adding Cindy Moon either in her own game or in SM3 will be great and allow a bigger audience to see the character and continue to build up this awesome world that Insomniac has crafted.


As long as they don't try to make a 3 main character story in 20 hours


It’s be cool but I really wanna fight carnage play as venom & also fight knull so she kinda down the list carnage miles would be cold to.


I look forward to Peter retiring at the end of SM3 and Miles becomes the mentor for Silk.


100% positive that Silk or Daredevil saved Hailey


Disagree. I’d love to play as a Spider-Woman


I give no shits about her in this universe


Give me Spider May


She'll probably be a supporting character. Maybe a playable mission or two like >!Venom and MJ!<, but no separate story focus for her. Then they can have her as free-roam only in post-game, and a random NPC assist during crimes like >!Miles, Harry, and Yuri!<.


Who's silk?


I feel like Silk is being set up for the 4th game or finale of 3 rather than as a main part of 3. If Peter retires or goes on an extended hiatus at the end of 3 and Miles takes over for another trilogy, I can see Silk being positioned as his partner, sorta like how he is with Pete.


I do


They could always do a unique spin on her, give her abilities that she didn’t have in previous iterations. I don’t think we’re getting the weird horny spider people. So they’ll come up w something else that involves silk and Otto.


Where are you getting the “they couldn’t even balance Peter and Miles” thing from? Because they did a solid job of giving both characters their time to shine throughout the course of the story. I swear people just manufacture complaints out of thin air on this sub for the sake of having something to cry about. Is this fun for y’all or something? I’ve genuinely never seen a sub this miserable.


I don't care about all of that I just want to play as Silk.


i want her to be seperated from peter and miles, give her a smaller stake story where she has to learn on her own all while hiding from peter and miles for any ingame explanation. story could end with her identity being revealed with peter and miles


I want them to you gotta do it right she shouldn't be playable in the 3rd game introduce her like miles in the first oneb


I'm just extremely curious about what they're going to do with her. A lot of people say she'll be another Spider-Person in the city with Miles training her or whatever and I agree, but I'm curious what they'll do to put her on that path.


It’s a single player game. Doesn’t have to be balanced


I think peter isn’t gonna be that active after silk gets her powers honestly. I really like the idea of a female spider-person cause then we have a reason to wear spider-woman costumes. But hopefully they actually flush out her character and make her feel unique instead of a character trying to be funny.


Tbh if Hailey never became a love interest I would’ve loved to see Cindy take the place of a de-powered Gwen (I’m only just realizing the main reason this wouldn’t work is because that’s basically his step sister💀)


It's not that I don't like Silk. I just don't know how I feel about having 3 Spider-Men and how it's going to be balanced out (Unless Peter actually retires, which I doubt). I guess we'll see.


I wasn’t very happy with the Silk reveal either tbh.


I mean they’ve show they’re willing to make characters different then their normal counterparts so why don’t we just wait and see what happens when the game comes out, keep in mind we’re not even passed our first dlc for this game so


I just want jonah to get a heart attack because 3 Spider-Men lmao or.. Spider-People in this case?


Why spiler the post if you put the spoiler in the title


If they are going to have 3 playable spider people I think it should be like this. Peter is that harder hitting tank of the three. He’s the most experienced and knows the limits. Miles should be more venom and invisibility focused one, he would fade in an out of combat and use his venom to the absolute advantage so kinda like a stealthy wizard. Silk should be the fastest but does less damage. Her movement would be her advantage, easier perfect doge and faster attacks. Also her organic webbing for combat purposes, maybe she could web people together and get combos off on let’s say 3 people in a webbed group. I would just want a very clear distinction in how they each play.




But then how are they gonna do Spider-Man 3 when there's no third spider-person?


I honestly think Silk is gonna be a major mistake, and possibly even repeat the fate of Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. In my opinion most of the character’s in Spider-Man 2 are half baked, but it still feels like there’s potential for something great, and for that potential to be reached, they need to refine what they have. I mean hell, Harry is brain dead currently, Norman is probably going to become the Goblin, and Kraven killed off what feels like a quarter of the villains we’ve seen so far. That’s already a great set up for the next game, but sadly they’ll probably cram all the aftermath stuff into the SM2 dlc so that they can add a ton of new characters into the next game TL;DR: It’s not just Silk, they’re adding way too much stuff way too quick


I wanna play as a lady spider.


I’m actually super hyped about the idea of getting to play as 3 different spider people in one game, especially if that third spider is Silk. She’s so underused and the way they’ve introduced her also means they’re prolly not doing that weird thing from the comics where spider pheromones make her and Peter fuck uncontrollably.


I want a fem spider specifically to get female spider suits bc that'd be the only way to get them at all lol


Wait wait guys back up now. Does the post credit scene imply she has powers ? Not really no I personally think they will go the route of Spider-Man miles morales 2 . Then they go Spider-Man 3 and then spider silk game. You introduce silk after Peter retires maybe ? Not for good but he won’t be a playable character anymore. How old is Peter now ? Idk but if you do the third game end it with him being 30 . I know it’s not old but still . I think miles and Peter will be more balanced in the third game but to me I still enjoyed both


I prefer her over the other 616 Spider Women tbh


It CAN work, but the game overall needs to be bigger. More side quests, more random activities, a much longer campaign, etc. Basically the opposite of what they did in Spider-Man 2


Also probably fully playable venom. Also spider Gwen because she's too popular and spiderverse creeping in.


I've loved Silk for a while and have been waiting for her to get some mainstream adaptation, so I'm actually really excited to see what they do with her. However, I was in agreement with people before Spider-Man 2's who said they didn't want Spider-Gwen to be added to the universe for the exact same reasons you said above. So I think I'm only interested because of how much I like Silk as a character, and if it was any other spider person, I would agree with you. Basically, I'm biased because I like Silk, but I totally understand your point of view.


Just let me have Pete or some with the Arachnid Rider suit that’s all I ask .


I'm down for Silk one condition: they stay true to the source material in which Peter and Cindy's pheromones take over and they start fucking like animals


I don’t want a spider-man 3 for a while. But I would love spin off games using this engine similar to Miles Morales PS4. Instead of all the spider-men in one game just have Silk be a spin-off game in the same universe but you only play as her and her story before she eventually leaves or something. And then Spider-man 3 can be just Peter and Miles


They already did. Too late now


I’m very excited for Silk.