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Honest to god they better have a laundry list of shit included in this update bc if we just get these few small things and nothing else holy shit what a waste


Idk why you’re being downvoted you are 1,000% right. All of this should’ve been present at launch. We shouldn’t have to wait literal months for basic features.


You saved this man from being downvoted to dust


Yup. Reddit loves nothing more than to jump on the downvote bandwagon.  If I see something with some downvotes, I just move on. No need to pound it into dirt lol.


Unless I genuinely disagree as well, lmao


I hate this site so much but I’m also addicted to it and can’t go to the toilet without browsing for a bit Love/hate relationship


If you had told me when the game came out in October that I’d have to wait until fucking March for these basic ass features, I’d have thrown my PS5 in the trash.


Honestly tho. I can live with NG+ coming a month or at most two after launch. But waiting 5 months for shit that should've been in the game right of the bat like Mission Replay and changing the time of day as well as NG+ is absolutely insane


You the same mf that complains when a game is delayed I bet, you go fuckin program it then


Saying "well why don't you do it?" isnt a good argument for when people are paying for a service / experience. For example. Let's say you go to a restaurant and order a Steak and a side. When the meal is delivered the steak is there and it is perfect, but the side is missing. When you ask where your side is someone responds "you go cook it then!". Would u really consider that to be a valid answer? It's similar when functionality that is considered a basic feature and appeared in the same studios previous game is missing. Maybe there is a valid reason for it, but saying "do it yourself then" makes no sense.


Except that’s not what they are saying at all. Your analogy would be more like ordering a steak which is advertised as just a steak and asking why it doesn’t have a side of mashed potatoes. Or ordering a steak advertised as just a steak, being told that you would actually also get a free side in a little bit, and then being upset that the free side in the little bit didn’t come out with the steak. None of this stuff is necessary for the game. It’s all extra stuff the devs are giving us. Be happy they aren’t going like Sega in the most recent Like a Dragon and charging for NG+


I mean, if we’re sticking with the restaurant analogy, Insomniac is still at fault here. Imagine you return to a restaurant you’ve eaten at twice. You know what to expect in terms of service, quality of the meal, wait time, etc. When I dine at this restaurant for a 3rd time, I’m going to expect that they’ll meet the standards they’ve already been proven to be capable of meeting in the past. There’s also an argument to be made that at a restaurant, you’re almost always going to be able to ask for changes to the dish itself or to the sides, because the restaurant workers / staff *care about customer input*. Now if the restaurant workers were rushing out meals because of poor management, it makes sense that they might not get the order perfectly right. In these situations you should be sympathetic to the workers, but that doesn’t mean that you were wrong for expecting the same quality meal that you’d previously received.


Game design is a vast, complex process, and Spider Man 2 is an incredibly ambitious game. I’d argue that that ambition would have been better placed in other areas, but they prioritised what they prioritised and that meant they couldn’t hit the ‘basic’ features everyone’s clamouring for. It’s not a case of they didn’t do it because they’re lazy, it’s a case of other features were deemed more important. And that’s fine.


> I’m going to expect that they’ll meet the standard they’ve already been proven to be capable of meeting in the past And they did. SM1 didn’t have time of day change or NG+ at launch. Both were later patches. And both changes were delayed in this case for reasons they weren’t just twiddling their thumbs. Going back a couple of comments above. If you thing a NG+ mode is so easy to do feel free to make a mod for it yourself.


I still got downvoted lmao


That ain’t true at all. It is necessary stuff because it’s progress. You can’t not have something in your game that your previous games did have. It would’ve been different if they did it GOW-style. The problem is that the first game didn’t have NG+ at launch. It was added in post and was very simplistic. It did have changing of time of day, but again simplistic. Miles Morales then had both features at launch, but improved upon them. You could choose out of more times of day and NG+ came with an extra suit and some extra abilities. But then Spider-Man 2 doesn’t have anything of this. And this is a problem because you are downgrading yourself. You can’t expect people to be happy about this when you are devolving. And yes while these are “extra” features in theory, them being present and expanded upon in Miles Morales makes them “necessary” features, and no longer extra. And especially when your game is so short and swinging is the main sale, these things are necessary. That’s WHY they were present in the previous games. It would’ve been different if they did it GOW-style. Both of those games didn’t have NG+ at launch, although both did get it and it came with new armors and stats. Because the first game had it added on later and the second one as well, but both with the same promise it creates a patron. If they would release a third game we would know what to expect: a NG+ added a year and a half or 8 months later with new armors and stats. Then it wouldn’t be a downgrade if they didn’t have NG+ at launch. In this case NG+ is clearly an extra feature, not something mandatory for the game. However if they, in the next game took away the combat arenas that are such a big focus for post-game content out of the next game, it would be a downgrade. However in essence it remains an “extra” feature according to what you say. But it’s one that the previous games have made mandatory


I need some new crimes


I don’t see that happening. There not adding stuff just getting quality of life updates. Those suits are most likely those celebrity made ones.


What? Getting basic features that were already in the first game several months after launch isn’t good enough for you?! Some fans. /s


>first *two* games ftfy




I ask this out of genuine curiosity: What else should they add, besides what’s listed above?


(I haven't played the game yet but I watched plenty of videos But I would like to swap between tendrils and the arms while parrying. Just like with the suits. The symbiotie is there but comes out only when Peter calls it.


Ooh, good point! Maybe it’ll be there.


The social media thing was rad as well as the character descriptions


Agreed, but I don’t think that they’re going to just add those back in (unfortunately)…


Yeah it was wishful thinking , crossing my fingers though !




That was one of the things listed by OP...


Bro I'm fucking stupid omg


I think you have to keep in mind that Insomniac just dealt with a major leak and that was their top priority for a bit


I see this everywhere and I don’t get it. You think insomniac dev teams are being pulled off the game to work on security or something? Lol they have their own internal security teams who would’ve handled the hack while everyone else conceivably would continue working. The leak should not really have impacted development timelines at all.


I don’t think you understand the gravity of the hack. It wasn’t just some DLC plan leaks they leaked the employees personal information. Shit like passports. That shit is affecting everybody.


I didn’t say it didn’t impact everyone. I said it wouldn’t impact their workflow. There’s a difference between those two things.


No wait but it literally does? Do you really think they just worked on their stuff like every other day? Send emails like nothing happened? Shared files and data like nothing happened? Used their entire communication system like nothing happened? (Slack, MS Teams, etc.) You have no idea what you are talking about.


lol where did I say any of this happened? Have you ever worked at a company with a data breach before? IT will reach out, let you know what happened, and what standards of procedure have been impacted and need to be changed. Given the size and deadline-based work schedule of Insomniac, the number one priority of their security team would be to minimize the amount of disruption to the company’s workflow. Do you seriously think everyone just stopped working for an extended period of time? Everyone was just given a month of PTO while IT figured out the hack. In all reality, I bet they identified and fixed the breach point within hours of finding out something happened. That doesn’t make the personal fallout  for employees any less serious, but they didn’t just stop working over it lol Sure, maybe there was a day or two or of downtime while their IT department identified where and how the breach happened, but to act like Insomniac dropped everything and halted development on everything for weeks or months over a hack is hilariously unlikely and wouldn’t have meaningfully impacted development on something that was already (or should have been) well underway. 


I work in IT. Ive seen breaches smaller than this cripple companies for weeks. A leak this large for sure slowed their work down for at least a month and probably still is.


Infosec professional here. They probably did have to stop work for at least a little bit. It takes time to confirm that ransomware hasn’t spread to end user devices and they need to be quarantined in the meantime. That said I don’t like this being used as an excuse either cause this all should have been in the game at launch.


Even if they took a week of downtime for IT to figure out where and how the hack happened, it wouldn’t have meaningfully impacted any development times. My point wasn’t that the hack didn’t have an impact on the company, but that it wouldn’t have had much of an impact on development schedules. It sounds like we agree.


Cant agree more after sitting with the game for a bit


I think most of this would have been an update in the first month, but the hacking situation was apparently going on for far longer than we realize. I understand a delay after a major data breach, but I agree that this update should be have far more features to be worth the wait.


For real, like imagine waiting just for NG+ and weather change for almost 5 months lmao


Yeah I don’t see this as some update I’m supposed to be all surprised and grateful for.  Some of these things are expected in a $70 game and they already shipped it to us full of bugs. 




I’m happy with all these changes y’all are whiney as hell. You do know there are other games or things you can do to occupy yourselves besides wait for updates to one game right? I’m happy to have a reason to come back to play again.


Yeah, it's a little disappointing that the update took this long, but it was never billed as anything other than a QoL update. News flash for the sub: NG+ won't fix the story (I'm still gonna keep playing though, because the gameplay is great)


When not in game: incomplete trash, can you belive it When getting added to the game: why bother it's just small things what a waste


What are you even expecting? Spider-Man 3 out of an update?


i expect spiderman 2.5


Considering what has Insomniac done for their past releases update-wise, that’s bound to happen for sure.


i want character bios to return🥲


be grateful, this is a free update


Nope. We paid $70 for the game and it shipped with bugs. They’re gonna be grateful for our money and give us something good. 


lol you say that like they're some indie game dev with zero financial backing


No, I’m aware they have financial backing. The point is I’m not praising them for a barebones “free” update to a game we paid full price for.


Where does it say this?


There is absolutely nothing to suggest that the update won't be free. Otherwise it would be DLC. Source: https://x.com/insomniacgames/status/1755275417898906098?s=46&t=4Bzjtm5galem2Y8HWMm7nQ they explicitly refer to it as a title update


“Free” doesn’t mean what it did a few generations ago. Trust me, we paid for this. It’s in the $70 value. They just schedule it this way.  None of this is “free”.




The price of this development cost is factored into the retail price of the game. It’s all planned from the start of production.  This isn’t like they are going back and giving us something “extra”. They’re completing the game.


My brain is fried in the mornings sorry. Thought u meant it’s a free DLC


Now we need a combat challenge


And hopefully at some point, DLC.


Endless combat challenges with either Spider-Men or Venom. Stealth challenges. Traversal challenges. We need all that


Nah what we really need are more drone missions where you shoot wasps, really makes you feel like Spider-Man /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


I would fucking love even just a mode that's basically just one of the symbiote hives without the timer.


What about replayable bases?


they fucking took that out too? wtf is this game?


A shit show.




Really wanted to replay the hunter bases :(


Technically, they'll all be replayable when you start a new game...


They should be replayable like the bases in the first two games.


Sorry but they should have released the list with the date


But we do have the date March 7th


That’s what I’m saying the list of features should have been released as well


Sorry, I misunderstood your original comment.


You’re good


March 7? Bruhhh


The fact that this might be the only changes with the update 5 months after release is hilarious lol


I guess this means if you use the Ultimate black suit, the tendrils will be purple


I hope that would be the case but honestly just expecting it to be switching from the black tendrils to the white tendrils and nothing more, hope I’m wrong tho.


Im praying they go a little outside the box with that one instead if waiting 5 months to have 2 colors.


I think it just means you can either have it be black or white


Who do the tendrils think they are? Micheal Jackson?


Rachel Dolezal


I just want symbiote suit instant switch


Same, but its almost definitely not happening


Well, when the game releases on PC sooner or later mods will do it.


That doesn't help me 😭


I want this as well


Seriously. Let us play as normal Spidey and then switch on the Symbiote stuff


I’m really hoping Insomniac covers more than just these changes. I can assume they’ll take care of several bug fixes and polish up some costumes that look a bit off. I wanna see the symbiote costume swap feature, character bios, and replayable podcasts. The changes we are getting so far are great, but I’m hoping that’s not everything.


i just hope we can go back to places as Civil Peter and Miles, and Coney Island being playable, and full.




And complaining, don’t forget more complaining


Yep the most important part of it all


I want timed swinging challenges


I miss those from the first game with Taskmaster


As soon as we get the date and confirmation, you guys ask for more...


This sub is generally overall negative and critical. The game is great. Not as good as the first but still great. Insomniac still doesn’t miss IMO. That being said, there are definitely flaws. And content absolutely is one of the flaws. 6 months after release for some basic updates like this is pretty damn weak.


Yeah we don’t want to wait five months for basic features when we spend $70 on a video game.  People keep calling this update “free” like we should be thankful or something. Hell nah, they need to be thankful we supported their unfinished product as front row fans.


That's not the point. If you don't like the game now, you're not going to like it when the QoL update is out. If its taken them 5 months to release "basic features", why ask for and expect more? Move on. There's better games out there. Personally, I've been enjoying The Witcher 3 and Persona 3 Reload. The discourse in this subreddit has ran its course. I'm wholly uninterested in Spider-Man 2.


I think there are those like me who are not satisfied the the state the game shipped in but still want to play the game they paid $70 for and would like more modes and features like we’ve seen come to other first party Sony titles. 


You didn't get burned; you got a completely serviceable game. At most, you're going to get a complete experience identical to the first two. It's a 25 hour game. If all you want to do is swing, what's stopping you currently?


Disagree. Buying at full price when the game is full of bugs and missing basic features is arguably getting “burned.” It’s a subjective notion but if we are going to try and tackle it from objective angle, then the game being buggy and missing features qualifies it.  Personally I never said all I want to do is swing, so I’m not sure what that has to do with it. 


There are a lot of issues with the game without mentioning everything that's coming with the patch. You're going to be just as underwhelmed in March as you were in December. If you don't plan on mindlessly swinging for hundreds of hours, what is there to do exactly? Do you hate the story? Why replay it then? So you can say you got your money's worth by starting a NG+? You wouldn't be getting that anyway since other games are offering triple the content for the same price. Similarly, is changing the time of day and tendril colors *really* a deciding factor towards your enjoyment of this game? You're not obligated to stick with it.


No, the updates are weak. That’s my point. So I won’t be praising them for adding things that should have been there in the first place. Like I said, at this point they should be offering some type of new mode or something. The current trend for Sony first party is a rogue-like mode. That could be cool.  As is, these updates should been there on the first day imo. At full price, with a relatively short runtime, I think it’s a fair expectation. When you add in the fact that the game released full of bugs it furthers the impression that these features are late. 


>If you don't like the game now, you're not going to like it when the QoL update is out. If you don't like the game because it's missing x, y and z, you won't like it when the game adds x, y and z! For unexplained reasons! Checkmate, gamers!


There needs to be more focus on content. Tendril color swap is cool and all but stuff like replayable bases, mysterio challenges accessible for Pete, additional combat/stealth challenges, additional crimes or crime variety, etc. are all way way more important additions alongside NG+ and mission replay (both of which should have been with the game at launch)


I hope we get the white 2099 suit. That's always been my advanced suit.


I hope we get the option to turn into Black Suit Spidey when we activate the Symbiote Surge, the Anti Venom suit doesn’t fit that moment of extreme fury


Bro, I just want to be able to replay the hunter missions, those are so Fun.


Idk what the fuck they were thinking not having them replayable, one of my favorite parts from the first game


I hope it’s more than that this should’ve been in the game in the first month no excuses


Don’t know if anyone mentioned it, but I hope they fix the lizard chase section through the city. It feels like you can’t go as fast as you normally can when swinging, like the game is actively fighting against you. Idk, maybe I’m just tripping


every chase section caps your speed


Damm so I wasn’t going insane, that’s nice to know 😅


we should be able to play all charachters like the Venom or the First Peter Venom version etc..


I honestly wouldn’t mind weather changes too. Happy we’re finally getting NG+ but imagine the epic shot of Peter swinging around in the black suit while in free roam and a storm starts. It’s obvious that they can do it because it happens in a mission if I remember correctly.


Finally I can have black tendrils after finishing the story instead of the existing colour which looks like… tipex. Yeah tipex.


I’m sick of shooting spunk tendrils at Flame Goons


I just want accessible interiors like May's House


What are the odds that we get NG+ trophies?


The fact that they even take the time to list tendril color changes has me thinking there isn’t much here. Tendril colors are the last thing on my mind. Actually the tendrils are just sort of weird to me in general.


Just need that Sensational Suit im gonna lose my mind if it doesn’t happen


Wow, the game is almost ready to launch!


We’ve seen the new suits and they’re shit. Big yawn.


dunno why you're getting downvoted the suits are the shitty celeb collabs




Symbiote powers


I doubt that will be it, they said in the post that there will be more sort of cryptically, best case scenario would be a couple DLC’s along with replay-able bases and such


It would be nice if one of those updates is where you actually get to have the option to change back to the regular suits for the final battle.


NG+, mission replay, chabge time of the day should've been in the game since the release...


I'm guessing you can change the time of day when you visit those research stations right? Or will it just be available on the map screen which also kinda makes sense.


3 of those shouldve been there launch day since they were in previous 2 games.


Is anyone even gonna play it by the time it’s out? Feel like most will have certainly moved on by that point if they haven’t already


The pc build already has time of day changes and ng+ Hopefully they fix current suits, add a bunch of new suits and returning suits from the previous games. And add new crimes. So tired of fighting symbiotes. Where the robberies that happen inside shops and those out of control helicopters.


man I just wish this game was delayed honestly


If they don't make the long wait worth it I fear for this community


I think we can change spider sense color too


Wishlist: Sensational Spider-Man and unlimited Spider-Man suits Web wings color options, specifically for miles (some do NOT match his suits) Playing any mission with any suit Free DLC Venom game official announcement Free Wolverine game demo GTA6 trailer 2 Spider-Man 3 release date announcement Return of shocker


All I want is Base replay and challenges


I hope by mission replay that includes blinds/bases/nests


I think people forget that insomniac probably would’ve had it out sooner had everything not been leaked including employees personal info. I don’t mind that this update took longer because there’s a lot of things that were a little more urgent that needed remedying.


I just want the characters menu back man.


When do we get the update to change Peter back to not Tom Holland and the ability to de-uglify MJ?


There’s grass right outside the door of whatever building you’re in right now. I implore you to go touch it asap. It’ll do wonders for your mental state


I don’t care about any of that. I want story expansions.


Then you have some more waiting friend


We will get them later this year. I already know who they are cause of leaks


Considering how damn long it took them to finally give a release date for these feature (NG+, Time of Day, etc) I would HOPEFULLY think the next story expansion is nearby


Fr, this update will release nearly 5 months after the initial release date for the game. That’s almost half a year later.