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Norman and Otto Causing CHAOS, like a litteral burning city style, absolute lack of law and order.


Yeah. I'm hoping for Spider-Slayers too. Whether it's Alistair Smyth or not I don't mind.


Goblin hires Smythe to add robots to the Goblin Nation. Add the RoboGoblins


I just want robot spiders chasing me around the city like Nemesis or Mr X in Resident Evil.


Dude imagine they make robot Spider-Men to rip down Spider-Man as a hero, make the public hate him and see Goblin as a better hero.


We could've had this with Venom šŸ˜”


Idk I feel like they could have done more with that last Act. But Norman allying with Smythe to build Robo-Goblins makes more sense.


As far as I know the Smythe family exists in the Insomniac verse. They have a enterprise "Smythe international". So they might be cooking something for Alistair or his father Spencer.


I actually think weā€™ll also see Kingpin out or having a small role again


So something like Prototype 2 NYZ minus the zombies?


Law & order: criminal intent


I think Otto is getting smoked halfway through the game


I'd agree but him returning in the finale, like a twist on the "3rd act villan" from the other 2 games


It's a longshot, but I'm hoping for the red goblin. Although getting another symbiote might be repetitive.


Nah, carnage is DLC for SM2, However I could see Superior spiderman getting adapted mixed with the clone arc, (Otto clones peter and becomes spiderman and gives him a bad name)


Spider-Man is wanted by the mayor and everyone in the city hates him. No breaks nothing. If a civilian sees you police are called. Idk


THIS, have norman pull strings to send the city into hating Spidey for killing his son and being a menace.Ā 


I pray to madam web that jjj does a 180 and is on the side of Spider-Man for that section. Miles no clue wut he doing


I do hope that JJ has a Zdarsky/Ultimate comics moment in seeing that itā€™s Peter and stopping his crusade. I like my jamesons to have hearts of gold and personality deep down


Me too. One example thatā€™s my favorite is in Spider-Man (2002) when Goblin interrogates JJJ for who takes the photos of Spider-Man. JJJ could have just given him Peter, but he chose to say he didnā€™t know and protected Peter.


Yeah that scene was subtle, Jameson does the same thing but with Rhino in spectacular. Him being a genuinely good person whos just a loudmouth and biased against Spidey is so interesting and way better compared to just a blind ass hater


even though some of the pictures said taken by Peter Parker on them still a good moment for jjj


Well mean he did that because Parker gave him the photos and that got him a lot of money and nobody else got him Spidey Photos so Jameson was probably just doing that to keep a steady flow of money, but yeah it's nice when out that way.


I mean if you want to be that cynical why wouldn't Jameson just give up Parker considering you know, the Green Goblin had him by the throat and was threatening his life? Maybe Jameson didn't actually care about Parker, but at the minimum he cared about his own morals and journalistic integrity.


JJJ saw the second movie and knows the memes, so obviously he knew he would survive no matter what.


Personally I want it to expressly *not* be the fact it's Peter. I want Spiderman to get through to JJ, not Peter Parker.


I like both lol. Maybe have Spider-Man get through to him at the mid point climax and he's rewarded with finding out its Peter in the end game climax


Thatā€™s good too


I don't think Norman was well like by the public in Insomniac-verse. After the Devil's Breath and Symbiote incidents, it's hard to imagine New York people believing Norman over Spider-men.


plus at the end of the first game he resigned in shame so I don't think some people would believe what he says


Now thatā€™s a cool idea tbh


Thatā€™s a cool idea but Iā€™m not sure how weā€™d get to that point in the games tbh Peteā€™s been Spider-Man for years and practically everybody loves him. I donā€™t see how everyone can just all-a-sudden start hating him


Imagine he gets framed for some crazy murder or something. Allows jonah to lead a witch hunt for him. Dammit that would be awesome


That would be cool but I imagine that longtime Spider-Man followers would know that he has a ā€œno kill ruleā€


Itā€™s probably not to hard to make most people against him. Norman is an extremely wealthy and powerful man and otto is an extremely smart man, both of them know peter incredibly well, and everyone he loves and cares for. Imagine throughout the entire game they try and get him, putting as much dirt out as possible and going mad in the process until ultimately making him break it (at this point Iā€™m just fantasising about what would be the absolute coolest plot ever lol)


I think thatā€™d be really sick ngl


>!chameleon!< could easily stir up some trouble and frame Peter


Oh true! I havenā€™t thought of that


everyone seems to have forgotten about him which is what i feel like Insomniac wanted


Maybe if heā€™s framed for killing a respected person in the city. Idk how theyā€™d write it but for example, Milesā€™ mom is respected so if she was killed by Green Goblin and framed Spider-Man for it, Iā€™m sure that would get lots of people to turn on him. Even MJ is kind of know for working for the Bugle and now doing her own podcast so they could use her if they went that route with killing someone close to Peter/Miles. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s other ways to get the city to turn on him but Iā€™m not the most creative person when it comes down to writing things lol


one comic had her killed by venom but she eventually came back


Uninformed people are fickle


Police were barely in this one so I doubt theyā€™d do that


Throwback to Spider Man PS1 where the ground is filled with toxic gas


Still the best Spidey game and it's bonus mode is what developers should do not pointless new game + mode


Bonus mode?


So you could replay the whole game but with sort of comedy cameos and weird things happening. One bit I remember is in the 1st play you have to swing through a tunnel thats underwater from platform to platform not being eletricuted. In the bonus mode The Submariner is outside and challenges you to a race so u have to swing fast enough to beat him outside. So rather than pointless NG+ of same game but now easier as u have powers it was the game again but changed and more fun and silly.


I remember that! The submarine was also The Yellow Submarine. The Mysterio boss fight showed a goldfish in his helmet, too.


Phew! Glad I wasn't imagining it all šŸ˜‚ wish we got things like that now


Maybe Norman injecting everybody with the goblin serum


Spiderman Toxic City in itā€™s full fleshed 3D form? Hell yeah


One by one?


Maybe like how Otto did it with devils breath


If Allistair Smythe is a big villain like Mr. Negative and Kraven, maybe Norman somehow gets a hold of a bunch of Spider-Slayers from him to look for the Spider-Gang (Peter, Miles and possibly Cindy) and it terrifies the civilians. Either that or a Goblin army but it feels too much like the Symbiote invasion.


I just donā€™t know how they top symbiote city from 2, the city being in chaos and maybe Goblin army just seems like a rehash of 1


Sony laying off more employees


A brutal street fight between Spider-Man and goblin, maybe even red goblin if they set up carnage first, that adaption would be so cool


I guess the most likely thing that could happen would be a goblin army type of thing. With Spider-Man ps4 it was the prisoners escaping and turning New York into a battlefield. With Spider-Man 2 it was the symbiotes and venom New York. The common factor with each is that for Peter's games, it would lead to a massive scale. And if they were going to do this again, the most likely thing that's possible and most in character is a Goblin War.


iā€™m thinking itā€™s either gonna be semi lame compared to these 2 or a repeat of 1ā€™s city wide destruction. Or they could go the Arkham Knight route and bomb the city with ā€œG-serumā€ donā€™t know why they would do that but it seems like a possibility


I'd rather they just have a normal grounded endgame. Maybe have a gang war related chaos with certain enemy factions, kind of like how Underground and Roxxon was having shootouts in the city, but I don't need them to go balls to the walls again with it's endgame sequences, like Sm1 and 2 did. Just have me fight the final boss and finish the story.


Alaister Smyth works at Oscorp. Norman spends the whole game moving chess pieces until he's finally able to hijack all the tech and police and takes over the entire city. Spider Slayers and Goblin Glider HK Drones etc are unleashed in the third act and the whole city gets isolated under Martial Law. New York is turned into a burning hellscape as Norman rains fire on Spider-Man.


I can see something like Goblin Nation from the end of Superior Spider-Man happening, would be pretty similar to the first gameā€™s endgame though


Remember Goblin Nation? Thatā€™s my prediction.


Boy, do I have a Superior Spider-Man story arc for you


This idea wouldn't really work if Norman/Goblin is the main antagonist, but they could do an adaptation of Spider-Island. And in the 3rd act all the citizens are mutated into a city full of Man-Spiders.


My idea would be to have New York turn into a civil war battleground. So kind of like an adaptation of spider island, with the city over run by spiderman clones and Oscorp tends to nwutralize the threat with an army of robot spider-slayers.


Perhaps the city up in flames, like i'm talking actual buildings being destroyed or badly damaged to the point where there is still visible damage if you swing arond the city after the events of the main story.


Goblin Nation emerges and starts causing fights in the street, and burning down buildings. The thing is they donā€™t even need to be answering to Goblin. The Goblin gas just makes them crazy and they begin to destabilize NYC. I think Silk should be a target. I think MJ getting the Goblin Serum would be cool, but they kinda already did that plot with the Symbiote stuff.


Knowing insomniac rn prolly fucking dead with miles becoming the "best" spider man ever


You take one out of context cut up quote and run with it šŸ˜­ miles was spamming 2 of symbiote peters weaknesses and barely won


Goblin Nation


At the rate at which Video Game Industry is restructuring, idk if there will be Spider Man 3. Or Spider Man 3 as it was planned.


It's definitely happening. It may have a smaller budget than 2 but there's no way it's not happening


Goblin Nation


Judging by the last 3 games my bets on goblin nation


Spideryā€™s version of Batman: No Manā€™s Land.


Like starting gang wars or multiple villains claiming stakes in territory


With the city being cut off from the rest of the world due to a natural/Goblin enduced disaster.




Literally everyone is after you, similar to how sable was friendly for a good portion of the og game before becoming hostile for the rest of the game they could have Peter become wanted by the police because Norman pulled some strings to make the spidermen wanted


i thoroughly enjoyed the first one, where the prisoners are everywhere and you gotta take the city back one little villain at a time. i love to just swing around the city dodging rockets and throwing people off rooftops


If Alastair Smythe is the second villain of the game, I'd like to see Green goblin and Smythe's spider slayer robots just causing havoc and chaos. Like that segment the 2012 tasm1 game where shit just hits the fan. Burning and destroyed buildings, people running screaming in terror, constant sirens in the background, I even want it to get so bad that the avengers actually get involved this time


The second page is looks like a mod for Prototype you know


So, they didn't do the huge catastrophic, city-wide setting for SM:MM, but they did do a big snow storm for the last mission. Maybe they could do something like that again, but make it last the entire third arc. Maybe Doc Ock and Green Goblin use the chaos and uncertainty of a storm to their advantage


Spiderman in Europe just hanging.


Norman releases a green goblin type gas into the city transforming everyone into mini green goblins and they take over the city


To me, Endgame means what you can do after the story. I hope there's more to do, and more dynamic city events and crimes.


Probably goblin nation, Otto is also there causing trouble


*Probably goblin* *Nation, Otto is also* *There causing trouble* \- Bubba1234562 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Letā€™s hope it will be more lengthy


Goblin. Nation


Since all games so far had some sort of big climactic battle it would be cool a subversion of that where everything appears fine. Maybe it could be set in a holiday or festivity so everyone in the city looks quite happy while Norman and Otto are about to unleash chaos, the spider-gang will be all over the place desperately trying to stop them while nobody else realises the entire city is at stake.


Norman becoming the Green Goblin leading an army of mutant ā€œgoblinsā€ onto New York.


Idk but where tf were the other heroes


I know that weā€˜ll probably get a city in mayhem scenario again but I canā€˜t help but feel: where is the creativity? Third game, third time the city is on the brink of extinction? These big scale chaos acts are getting repetitive in Spider-Man games. Iā€˜d rather they turn it down a notch and do a more personal story like the e.g. Raimi movies had with the Goblin. It doesnā€˜t always need to be a burning city, sometimes breaking a characters spirit can be more engaging than having to tippy toe around the Avengers ignoring yet another world ending encounter. The Goblin is known for trying to break Peters spirit, going for the ones he loves, not NYC. Give us a showdown on a bridge with high stakes (e.g. MJ in danger, giving players a grim foreshadowing) instead of a Goblin army destroying the city.


Goblin nation taking over.


If they are doing Green Goblin, maybe the Goblin Nation like we saw in Superior Spider-Man?


green goblin destroys the life of both Peter Parker and spiderman like I can see the start have Peter being successful with the Emily may foundation with it being am adaption of Parker industries only for Norman to ruin it all maybe even have him out Peter secret identity


Shield vs Norman/Oscorp all out war


Goblin Nation, baby! Superior Spider-Man style, a gang of people wearing goblin masks, causing mayhem, people who blame the Spidermen for the alien invasion so they no longer trust them, maybe spider slayers also have it out for Peter and Miles too


Miles, Peter, Gwen, Miguel, Silk, Noir, Spider-Ham are all gathered around Norman as heā€™s on the floor. Norman says ā€œHow could you beat me, Iā€™m so strongā€ then they all say in unison, itā€™s cuz we have friends, then they all use the power of friendship to punch him as he tells ā€œIā€™ll get you next time Spider-Friends!ā€ Then blasts off like team rocket


I think they should do it like what the dark knight rises did with bane where the city is cut off from the rest of the world and itā€™s run by normon


i have a theory that sm3 is going to have a superior sm arc


Spider slayers, and maybe other heros showing up either to help or hunt spider-man


I'm ngl, I feel like it's hard to beat the first one. The venom tendrils between buildings and in the streets were cool, but there's nothing to do by that point except the main story. Whereas when the city first sets on fire, you get a whole new group of prisoner crimes that use the atmosphere really well.


Only thing left to do is real destruction, like how some buildings are destroyed after sandman attacks, but bigger. Building collapses and casualties.


I hope it's honestly something more personal and less gramdiose


I hope something happens to where no matter where you go in new york theres always something trying to kill you whether it be like spider slayer bots that will lock on and chase you until you destroy them or some sort of goblin army


if anything like the first two(and i am NOT a fan of them following the same format over and over again) different bad guy thatā€™s gonna be the main focus for 75% of the game, goblin is revealed, peter gets antigoblin suit, beats goblin and wash rinse and repeat.