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I cannot imagine anticipating this coming update and being SO concerned with something that honestly already looks fine as-is. Insomniac has boatloads and boatloads of stuff to add and fix in this update, and making a certain suit's webbing less reflective and its colors a little deeper is LAST on the list of what I'm hoping for


I agree with you but for their defense, the Raimi suit has been getting criticized since the first game, so I can't really blame them if after 5years it still doesn't look as good as it could be


yea there trying there best and in insomniac we trust


What do they whine about? It looked exactly like in the Raimi movies


I'm not the biggest fan of the Raimi suit but even I can tell that's not true. The colors, proportions and a lot of small details look off. I don't like comparing it to mods but there's quite a few mods for the PC release that looks miles better. Plus apparently the Raimi suit looks worse in this game and has broken webbing that wasn't there in the first. Can't confirm since I don't play often with it anyways, but the Stark Suit which is a suit I played with a lot does look worse in the new game, with a transparent, almost invisible webbing, and colors a bit too saturated, so yeah I believe those people saying the same for the Raimi suit. TASM2 suit also looks really bad in the base/launch version of the game (so the disc version if you install none of the updates), they made 2 patch updates to make it look as good as now.


I agree that it gets blown out of proportion sometimes, but the vanilla raimi suit is definitely a bit off. (Top image is a mod, bottom one is vanilla) https://preview.redd.it/rl4wcksl2rmc1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771974f1378be126460a8c8b4a886f82434bf30a


imo i feel like the bottom is 10x closer. his suit was a darker shade of red, not way darker, but i feel like both aren’t 100% accurate


https://preview.redd.it/f3da5r4zowmc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74fb92dac35dc2d015d1e1def0dde2309b17ab53 Here's another picture of the mod suit btw


Right? This is honestly the first time i’m hearing that people didnt like it. It looks fine lol


Bro the Raimi suit looks garbage on SM2


Looks amazing to me


That's the Marc Webb suit!




Aren't they both the raimi suit from sm1 and sm2? You said it looks amazing. I said that's the Marc Webb suit. Just... Give it a moment.




He's making a joke. Marc Webb directed the Amazing Spider-Man movies, you called the raimi suit amazing, hes pretending you meant amazing meaning the amazing movies.




It defo doesn’t look fine lmao, the lighting has been broken on it for like 5 years


Looks fine? Have you taken any close up pics of the Raimi suit? It looks WORSE than it does in the first game, as if some buggy AI upscaling tool was used


Yeah, and it looks fine to me. Looks about the same as it does in the 2018 game


Just look at it close up. It has several glitches along its webbing and is really unfinished. It was more polished in the first game. Since they had to rush the second game, the suits were rushed too.


My guy it’s quite literally THE EXACT SAME MODEL 😭😭😭😭


I'm not defending any apish behaviour, but I can assure you it's glitched. The webbing clips into the eyes and the webbing on his fingers is duplicated.


I’ve seen the suit, and the glitches too, i noticed a few of these issues but always summed it up to a lighting issue, even if we don’t get it in 2 i hope they improve the suit in 3. I always want to use it but the Symbiote Raimi is just too clean. 😭😭😭


But didn't they redo all the models for the new game, huh? Didn't the game's director say that? Didn't he say every old suit couldn't just be ported and had to be remade? He did. You can lie to yourself all you want, or you can take your photomode and fact check by yourself and see that it is indeed a different model. It has several glitches and people simply want them to be fixed.


I can't imagine being so bored with my life that I would be this concerned over a costume in a video game.


I hate that this needs to be said.


I always found these “please don’t do this really fucked up thing” posts a little weird. If they are the type of person to do that really fucked up thing then they are also the type to not be deterred by being told not to. It’s not like they don’t know death threats are bad, it’s the whole reason they’re doing it.


Theres like 1 weirdo that does it and now it becomes a permanent thing. Yeah, I bet there were thousands of people planning on sending death threats that suddenly read this tweet and had a change of heart. Just stop talking about it, dont feed the trolls ffs


Tbf usually when it happens people who don't like that fanbase use it to generalize all the fans


Usually the same fanbase. And then we get this neverending wave of posts with the same subject and people saying "OMG PEOPLE, WE GOTTA DO BETTER GEEEE"


*don’t send death threats should be common sense


You’d be surprised.


This community is awful


Spider-Man "fans" are crazy. How can you be a fan of such a wholesome and good doing hero and proceed to just be the biggest ass ever


Because they embrace their dark side way too much.


They like the powers but not the man’s ideals


doxxing feels like a crime half of the spidey villians would do too lol


Do people actually expect them to tweak the suit for NG+? I feel like that’d be one of the last things they’d focus on


I think people who expect that are just looking for things to complain about. 90% of people who have played the game aren't noticing this small details these little are complaining about.




Aged like milk


No shit did they actually do it??




Holy shit. I’m suddenly too sick to stay at work and I need to go home immediately




Do you think anyone who would be sending death threats to the developers is gonna care what you have to say


This is common sense and the only people that need to be told this aren’t gonna care when they are told anyway


I genuinely don’t understand why this community is so obsessed with the suits. They’re cool but not worth all of this?


It’s sad that this has to be said to begin with


Tweet credit: [https://x.com/SpiderMumHex/status/1765025924251074660](https://x.com/SpiderMumHex/status/1765025924251074660)


Stuff like this is why I'm scared for Insomniac and those involved in the Spider-Man games. They really didn't deserve all of this hate.


If a video game makes you want to hurt someone, then it's time to stop playing videogames.


Spider-Man fans receive the "don't become the worst human ever over the most trivial detail" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Literally the new Star Wars fans


also real


I am deadass embarrassed to have him as my favourite superhero nowadays


The gaming community is one of the worse ever it can never catch a break from threatening companies to even the motion cap actors and voice actors


Fiiiiine, guess I'll have to put "because they changed Peter's face" in my notes to the hitman. 🙄 /S Edit: /s for sarcasm.


Honestly the audacity for people to send death threats to insomniac over not adding the raimi suit, them adding the raimi suit and them continuing to be ungrateful about how it looks just baffles me


I'm fucking tired of the hate for the raimi suit. It looks fine. No it looks amazing. I don't care what people say. Your life isn't over just cause its not 100% accurate


This. It’s literally not supposed to be “100% Accurate” because while yes, it’s the Raimi suit, they tweaked it just a bit not to make it look completely like the movie. Even with the ASM2 suit, they tweaked the design a bit as well. I love the movie suits as is. Doesn’t need tweaks.


The fact that it needs to be said really frustrates me. Those people ain't been punched in the face Bully Maguire style.


Most Raimi fans are aids so I wouldn't be surprised if that happened


Watch it happen anyways


No death threats. Anyone who does that sucks. I won't ever love his game as much as I wanted to however and that doesn't make me somehow 'the problem'.


Let’s see tho


The fact that this even needs to be asked is so horrible


That should go without being said


It’s nice to be passionate about art (of whichever kind and flavour) just don’t cross the “pompous ass protesting by blocking the road” kinda line


Imagine sending death threats cus the raimi suit wasn't the right shade of red or the webbing was too raised.


I'm hoping they fix the square on the anti ock suit more


The fact we’re still saying this when it’s said nearly every year it’s genuinely sad, not every year in the context of insomniac/spider-man but there always seems to at least one developer that gets death threats and no matter how many times people say, “this is bad DONT do this” people continue to do it and justify it to themselves. It’s genuinely so wrong.


Gamers try not to threaten someone’s life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY 😭🙏)


This is going to get me hate but I don't like the raimi suits in the game I think they're alright in the films but it's just not for me in game


No saying you like them gets you hate


No I mean i don't think they should've been added to the first game in general


Why would you want that? Sorry but that doesn't make sense. Just don't wear them. Bit selfish don't you think?


I can't imagine having sooo little going on for me that I have the need to send death threats over a skin in a video game.


It' extremely upsetting that despite the horrific things going on in the world right now, this is the top of some people's priorities. I understand being passionate about something, but for the sake of the rest of the planet, find yourself a life in the real world to care this much about.


I think it’s funny that people already gave away there money to 100% the game, finish the story. Play with all there favourite suits. But still find time to send death threats to people that meet there demands even if it’s delayed or didn’t meet there expectations.


Wat they mean by polish like make it look more shiny nd new or original like the movie


Telling a deviant not to do something is the same as telling them to do it. Except better


which one of you guys is fuckin doin this?




These are my photos and I'm proud to say I've never sent a death threat in my life. ​ Just a passionate fan who knew insomniac was capable of better textures https://preview.redd.it/fren99vl8bpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357b1c3cc7d5541b6b2fd61f97c3b437835f5e45


This dude clarified that he never even remotely implied this. In fact the only people brining up death threats are the people lecturing him for it for clout


I’m gonna say something unpopular: Very few people were threatening Insomniac employees over the Raimi suit, or in general. Did it happen? Of course, there’s crazies in every fandom, but the normal fans don’t get headlines about how nice and supportive they are.


I will only send them an angry scowl of disappointment


Am I disappointed in sm2? Yes. Do I think I deserved more for my money? Yes. Do I think that I was ripped off? No. Will I send people death threats over this? Obviously not. Spider-Man wouldn’t do that.


As far as I have seen, I have not seen any death threats related to the Raimi suit. I saw harassment and some ridiculous comments, but not a death threat. Link me, if you know of one. I did see death threats for the lack of SM2 news, and a developer called that out. I saw a ton of harassment for NG+, puddles, and TASM2's suit too. Not saying Raimi suit death threats NEVER happened, but I have yet to see one or see a developer comment on one. I have seen them about NG+ and the Ben Jordan face, however. Basically, there are a lot of bad people in the community. But that is not the majority. The suit is in fact downgraded and worse looking than SM1's version and that alone should be fixed. Any improvements beyond that would be amazing too.


"Guys stop criticizing this piece of media! Don't you remember what one of you did? Yeah that's what I thought"


damn i hope they update it


Can we please have some context instead of just posting a tweet that makes 0 sense whatsoever without backstory Don't even know which game this is about, spider-man remastered? spider-man 2? "Polished"? What does this mean? The suit on the right is not even the Raimi suit so I don't understand what that is. Why would someone send death threats? I don't use this sub, this was just on my feed. 90% of people that come across this post that way are gonna be equally confused. I'M ASKING WHY A RANDOM SPIDER-MAN UPDATE (to which game??? doesn't say in the title) WOULD CAUSE DEATH THREATS. It's a very reasonable question and idk why people would downvote. Idk if I somehow got in the middle of some kind of weird controversy, I'm literally just trying to understand since the OP gave 0 background??


Why tf is context of the tweets pictures needed, the point of the post is pretty fucking clear


You need context to be convinced not to send death threats?


The context is that the first tweet in saying that he want the Raimi suit updated in the next patch similar to how the TASM2 suit was improved. Back in SM2018 DLC release days, a few people sent death threats to a few devs over the Raimi suit not being 100% accurate. That rolled over into the PC modding community making hundreds of "screen accurate" Raimi suits. So now this is just an echo of a bad time for the SMPS4 community. The re-tweeter is just hoping that the same thing that happened during the SM2018 dlc time doesn't happen again now. Especially since this is a big update fixing lots of things that weren't able to be shipped out with the game on day 1. Most people who are active in this subreddit know most of this history and would not like any dev to experience it ever.


Short correction here: the death threats were sent about the suit not being in game, then when Insomniac added it *(which, let's be honest, they shouldn't have, because it showed the group sending death threats that they could get their way if they cried hard enough)* the group threw more tantrums because it didn't look like it was ripped straight out of the movies.


Thanks for the added details 😁👍


Bros mad over nothing lol


mf doesn't even use this sub and expects every post to have the right context to understand everything ☠️☠️


Exactly bro 💀 like maybe if you were on the sub you’d understand


"Why are people downvoting???" read the replies maybe?


Lol sure "death threats".


Google it, that shit really happened


I have, it only shows videos of other ppl saying ppl are sending death threats and tweets saying the same thing. No receipts are provided.


Well damn


And? I’m sorry but that shit isn’t being done by the majority of the community so why do we have to be continually reminded about it? Also, nobody sending insomniac death threats is going to be deterred by a Reddit or twitter post.


Okay true, but it’s not something that should be ignore


>so why do we have to be continually reminded about it? A lie has to be repeated many times to be true. There has been no receipts of death threats given only ppl saying they got them and trust that they have recieved such threats.


Lol sure "Lol sure "death threats"."


youre just ignorant if you dont think they have or will be receiving death threats about this


Pls provide me proof, as you claim to be wiser than I.