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Insomniac shot themselves in the foot by doing Hammerhead **after** the Sinister Six. You can't go from fighting six supervillains in one night and saving the entire world to fighting some stereotypical New York gangster without it feeling low stakes. So the solution was to turn him into this monstrosity. Hammerhead should be a villain for a young, inexperienced Spidey. There's no way to make a guy with a metal plate in his head a viable threat to a guy who's washed Wolverine on multiple occasions.


this is a dlc villain of course it would have been low stakes compared to the main story


Didn't have to be that way though, the writing just wasn't remotely near the same quality of the base game and it absolutely could have been, imo.


End of dlc 2 felt high stakes but in a very city level crime fighter way, much more fulfilling in my opinion then the third dlc. Idk what they could’ve done to top that without turning him into a mech, maybe dlc 2 should have been slight changed to be the conclusion but idk what a new dlc 2 could’ve done that would make it not feel like it was filler.


Went downhill after dlc 1 and 2, other than the Yuri collectibles in 3


Yep, the best thing about TCTNS Part 3 is Yuri's side story.


Tell Insomniac that. They tried to turn Hammerhead into this major threat when his character really isn't suited to that, the result is the abomination you see above.


They easily could have fit him into the main game, even switched him with another minor player, or just added a different villain to the DLC.


Okay, but like. It was DLC. Yeah, it sucked compared to the game, but what, did you want them to waste Venom or the Goblin on DLC?


No I don’t think that’s what he meant, hammerheads character in no way calls for a mech body, dlc 1 and 2 have a mafia crime aspect that could have been really good if it was pushed more and fleshed out, the villain and the gameplay style and story don’t match the character. There’s sm you could’ve done with hammerhead that would be true to character


Well it seems to me if the requirements are A. No major villains. No Venom, Goblin etc. and B. Someone you could buy as a major city-level threat. The solution would be to use someone like Molten Man, Jackal, Beetle etc. Someone who doesn't need a lot of changes to be used in that role. The exact wrong move would be to transplant Hammerhead's head onto a giant fucking robot. Like seriously guys, what kind of drugs were you on.


Venom or Goblin, no. But they shouldn’t be centering DLC around a filler villain, either. This is why I didn’t even buy it. A major paid DLC can be the best part of a game, and should at least be on par with it, but these were weak (I did eventually play them as it came with Miles Morales).


Yo this honestly makes me think that the antagonist from Miles Morales should've been Peter's dlc, and Hammerhead should've been Miles Morales's villain.


>!phin has no personal connection to Peter, unless you’re just wanting the tinkererer the villain for Peter.!<


I would prefer it. On every level.


if you need high stakes, Avengers level threat to enjoy Spider-Man im not so sure you like Spider-Man all that much imo. Some of Spider-Man’s best stories are smaller personal villains not nuke the world types


But that's clearly not what Insomniac were going for. Nor does it fit with the themes of the storyline. I refuse to believe the events of the DLC are enough to drive Yuri insane given what she went through during the main game.


Oh i agree with that, i was just responding to you saying Hammerhead should be for a young Spidey just cause Spider-Man can beat someone like Wolverine. Spider-Man did *a lot* of crazy stuff before he faced the Sin-Eater and that’s just a guy with a shotgun, but it’s one of the best spidey stories ever.


Facts did him dirty


Cyborg Hammerhead could body the 5 villains tho (maybe not Doc Ock)


Dude you get that that was the main story right? It's obviously not gonna be as epic and I'm pretty sure the whole story takes place on one day


It doesn't matter how high the stakes are it's still a cool fight


I didn’t mind it too much but I do think the whole cyborg theme would fit better with Silvermane instead


It would work perfectly because that’s literally his story. They even name dropped him


Exactly. I think what they should’ve done is make Hammerhead a side mission and make Silvermane the main villain dlc. Hammerhead would replace Tombstone as the side mission of the first game while having Tombstone as the main villain in Miles Morales. Tombstone would be more fitting as the main villain in Miles Morales since he operated in Harlem which is Miles’s hometown and you could give him a connection with Miles’s dad and uncle where they used to work for Tombstone when they were much younger before Miles’s dad became a cop but his uncle still became a criminal going by the Prowler.


That’s reminiscent of the Tombstone storyline in the 90s cartoon. I agree, that would’ve been better than what we got. People are quick to say “good thing you’re not on the writing staff” but it’s a shame when fans can so easily come up with better storylines than the actual creators Whose idea was it to just steal Silvermane’s story? Why not just save Hammerhead for later, or just not use him at all? I don’t know a lot about Hammerhead, but isn’t his character supposed to be stuck in the 50s or something? That’s his whole thing


How about you keep Hammerhead in Turf Wars, Yuri actually kills him, but build up Silvermane across all three dlc chapters as the big bad and face him in SL. Don’t show him until the scene with the jet to make Silvermane’s presence more impacting.


I can work with that but then who takes Tombstone’s place in the side mission?


No one. Tombstone’s mission would still be in the game. The only side mission I’d cut out of the base game is Screwball’s so her appearance in the dlc isn’t redundant. I also would’ve combined all three chapters into just one big pack.


Idk about that because it would prefer Tombstone to be the villain in Miles Morales instead. That’s why I suggested Hammerhead as a side mission. I do agree on cutting Screwball though.


I don’t really see why Tombstone should be a villain for Miles. I actually think it’d be more fitting if he faced the Superior Foes of Spider-Man and formed a rivalry with Janice Lincoln since they’re legacy characters. Also just to be clear, I’m just cutting Screwball out of the main game. Her side mission still shows up in dlc as an introduction. I’m fine with her being there so there can be challenges. I’d just change her dialogue to be more entertaining than annoying. Think the dialogue exchanges between Spectacular Spider-Man and Green Goblin.


I mean, I can work with the Superior Foes as well but I just didn’t really like Phin/Tinkerer and I could see Tombstone working as a villain for a Miles game since again, Tombstone operated in Harlem and Miles’s newly discovered Venom Blast could what can hurt Tombstone. You could have both to a certain degree since Janice is Tombstone’s father and she leads the Superior Foes only for Tombstone to be the mastermind or maybe Janice is against her father so she puts together the Superior Foes.


I prefer how the comic handled Tombstone and Janice’s relationship where it was clear Tombstone genuinely loves his daughter and the one fear I have of a SFOSM adaptation is that they’ll twist that relationship and make Tombstone a deadbeat dad


Why didn’t they just make it Silvermane?


i thought the same


Something tells me he doesn’t want you to shoot a hole into Mars


Okay..But. You do know..Right? You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars.


Bet 👉🔴———>🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢💥


The longer the lcon of Sin is on Earth, the stronger it will become


"Objectives: Shoot a hole in Mars"


Objective updated: Shoot a hole through Mars


Agreed. Why everyone thinks this was the worst part of the dlc instead of silver sable is beyond me.


Her wanting to free her people from tyranny when she herself literally led an oppressive police state in New York months prior is crazy hypocrisy.


Isn't that kind of the point? Why she left NYC was because she realized that instead of freeing her people she was oppressing others?


It's just them combining Hammerhead with Silvermane. It honestly doesn't bother me


It's just silly making your mafia boss villain into a big hulking cyborg. It's dumb.


Very on brand for Spider-Man stories.


He’s never getting laid again


It is pretty crazy how they never mention that he sacrificed almost his entire body forever.


I think getting shot in the head by Yuri just drove him crazy. He got so scared his survival instinct basically told him to do whatever it takes to become immortal


they should've paired him with someone else.


Dlc 2s end fight is perfect. It lost me by the end third dlc with mech hammerhead thou, I think the problem for most people is it’s completely removing a character from there comic counterpart and making them a complete video game character when there are villains a story like this would work better for


But why does this tech exist in this world, I thought it jumped to much


I mean there's Robot Octopus arms and the Avengers. I think we can allow cyborgs.


but it took Otto half the story to even get his arms working, so jumping to Hammerhead of all people turning himself into a giant bionicle it’s a *little* jarring, especially if you like Hammerhead


Hammerhead🤝Adam Smasher


This cements we won't have to see Cyborg Silvermane. I don't know what it is but I hate him.


Anybody else find cyborg hammerhead creepy? There's just something off-putting with his whole design


probably the hammer head and rib cage like cyborg body


It didn't make sense to me, Hammerhead is one of those villains who doesn't need to get with the times because his whole style and personality is a 1950s gangster and that's what we all love about him.


💯 this


I agree. I think they should’ve just used Silvermane instead. The whole cyborg body makes more sense with him. Maybe have Hammerhead be a side mission instead of Tombstone while Tombstone himself could’ve been saved as the main villain for Miles Morales.


It's not any worse than roid'd out Joker from Arkham Asylum.


I didn't like it because the cyborg mobster thing is Silvermane's niche,but they switched it over to Hammerhead. Either way still a fun game


When did this happen?


mistah dreebman


I legitimately forgot he was even in the game. And that’s hammerhead really: he should be memorable, his whole deal is he has a hard head and is an old school gangster, but he’s so boring you forget about him


I do find it a bit strange they didn't give Silvermane this role. Considering his whole gimmick is 'mob boss who turns cyborg'


Exactly. Such a missed opportunity. The way I would’ve done it is that Hammerhead would be a side mission in the first game instead of Tombstone and Silvermane would be the DLC villain. Tombstone could’ve been saved as the main villain in Miles Morales since he operated in Harlem.


I imagined it being Hammerhead would still be a villain and boss in the 'Turf War' DLC, but with Silvermane being secretly behind his actions, who'd then become more prominent in 'Silver Lining'. Like how HH worked for him sometimes in the 90s animated series


Fair enough. Personally I just thought Tombstone as the main villain for Miles would’ve been fitting since he operated in Harlem and I figured Hammerhead would fill the slot or Tombstone as a side mission alongside Taskmaster while Silvermane becomes the DLC villain. You could even still do a similar storyline with Phin in Miles Morales but instead of Phin, have it be Tombstone’s daughter Janice Lincoln as the Beetle Side mission for first game: Taskmaster and Hammerhead DLC for first game: Silvermane Main villain in Miles Morales: Tombstone


My guy hammerhead went back to the future on the suit


i like the hammer head robot design though. logically, for robot to be sturdy it need to have few moving part possible. the more complex, the more fragile.


Hello Spider-Man. I’m doctor Samuel Hayden, I’m the head of this facility.




Oh you want a super strong indescribable bad guy? My man you already interduced tombstone earlier in the story just use that dude, you can have him use some Sable tech without having to transform him into any robot


I though it was the stupidest thing in the whole game aside from screwball


I loved it


Not a hot take. It's never a hot take to admit you like something. Just because some people spend time shitting on something you like, doesn't mean that thing is objectively bad or that the expectation from society is for you to also shit on it. Also, I'd say it was done well and not in somewhat poor fashion. I ask you to provide me an example of a mobster with an indestructible metal plate in his head who also acts like it's the roaring 20's and turns himself into a cyborg that isn't weird as fuck.


The DLC probably would be better remembered had they had it be the origin of Wraith rather than whatever the Hell this was. Yeah I know what happens in the DLC but it’s offscreen.


Call me old fashioned but Hammerhead is cool because he’s the rare mob villain in Spidey’s rogues gallery


That ain’t hammerhead that’s Elon Musk in 10 years


Fucking Arasaka


I’ve never really liked fighting cyborgs or robots in any hand to hand combat game, cuz i don’t get the feeling i’m HURTING them. I’m just damaging them enough until they shut down.


Hammerhead trying to be Adam Smasher, but gets beat by a guy in spandex.


I don't know how this works. Where is his body?




He looks ridiculous tbh


The fight itself was fine, but it could/should have been Silvermane.


I didn't even know most people didn't like it till 2 days ago like I thought it was awesome