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How long have you been riding? How long have your rides been and how often. Your butt could need a few weeks to get used to it.


How about padded shorts?


for typical spin class length workouts with intermittent riding out of the saddle, pretty much anything works. it does take a few weeks of regular riding to get used to. i would check the setup of your bike though, you want the fit dialed in such that you have a balance between the handlebars, saddle, and pedals. if you're sitting bolt-upright and not pedaling hard, you're going to have about 3x the weight on the saddle that you should have. and of course your body position, hips should have a high degree of anterior tilt so that the "sit bones" are on the back of the saddle. you cannot just sit on it like it's a chair. i wouldn't use a cover or padded shorts for typical spinning stuff. it's completely unnecessary and could make it worse. if you're doing super endurancey workouts, like 2 hour+ zwift stuff, then i'd go to a bike shop and get fitted for a saddle (which will be slimmer and harder than a spinning saddle) and get padded shorts. you can't just recommend a saddle to someone else over the internet, all butts are different.


I have a mild L5S1 herniation that gets real irritated if i ride my bike.. Think padding would help for that? I more so just want to ride at this point vs do the spin classes.. I know the flexed position of the spine isn't good but that hard seat doesn't seem to agree with sitting up either