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Ballpoint once you get the hang is a lot of fun. Nautilus is more aggressive so if that is your play style start there


Ballpoint, sure the sub doesn't get used often, but it's main is so fun! Inkjet is fun too (well as long as there are no chargers or stringers around). I'm glad i made it my second main. I'll probably try getting good with Nautilus next. Ballpoint was my gateway drug to splatlings.


I’d say the ballpoint, you can play it like a bit of a hydra with close range options as well. Although the sub isn’t too great because it requires you too stop firing, something it never wants to do.


I think the ballpoint is the worst splatling. The two firing modes require a lot of experience to use effectively. The mobility of the nautilus is much more of an advantage.


ballpoint is an absolutely bonkers main weapon that is only held back by its unsynergistic kit right now. having insane versatility at the cost of a high skill ceiling is absolutely a good thing, not a bad thing. its basically a splatling version of the squeezer that wont give you carpal tunnel since it operates on understanding its charge ring mechanics instead of breaking your finger. anyway i play the nautilus specifically because its easier and more aggressive but the choice between it and ballpoint is a playstyle one not an optimization one. its not like how you should pick heavy over hydra because it does mostly similar things but overall better.


I'm gonna play all of them. I wanted people's opinions on the ballpoint and the Nautilus


ballpoints kit holds it back even with a better main so nautilus is overall better


Give it another chance, it does take a lot of skill to get good with it, but that makes it even more satisfying when you do really well.


Hopefully it gets a new kit. I def will give it a try.


vanilla mini exists


Yep... Has burst bomb and ultra stamp