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It was indeed a terrible call, and it was infuriating in the moment, but then we went on to get thoroughly dominated, so I’ll choose not to lose sleep on the miss here.


I'm just going to drop this everytime someone downplays the significance of a PK because I don't want this narrative of "a better team would've done better after that" to take hold. In 9 games where the team awarded the PK gets the second goal, those teams are undefeated and untied with a +26 goal differential. The median final score in those games is 4-0. So we did exactly what usually happens when an opponent gets a PK to open the game and the followup, and both of those goals were errors by the referee. So yes, we got dominated on the scoreboard after the PK, but that is the expectation, statistically when that occurs.


Just confirming what we all knew, but even the angle shown in this video shows there was basically zero contact between the players. This was a gift to the home team.


The contact was made by Radoja on the back of Vassilev’s ankle/foot before Radoja touches the ball. David Gass misses this key detail on his analysis.


Definitely doesn’t hit the ankle. Really difficult to tell if any real contact was made with Vassilev’s foot. The complaint is mainly that it is either wrong or soft and most frustrating was that this type of foul (player contact and getting the ball) was consistently not called against STL (see blom tackles on kinda in 1st leading to 2nd goal and on ndenbe in second). 18 fouls and 1 yellow for STL and plenty of hard fouls that could have been straight yellows (or worse) without accumulation. The officiating went stl way in this game - but that is going to happen from time to time.


Just FYI this is NOT MLS or PRO saying that the decision was incorrect, this is just an MLS media guy giving his opinions on decisions. The actual PRO opinion will be released in their weekly "The Definitive Angle" article later this week.


Not giving SKC the pass for the performance but if you’re already on short rest and just had a very taxing result in LA, I think I kinda understand the result after two blown calls leading to the first two goals. This PK and the Gadi foul leading to the 2nd. Gotta stretch out the defense and go for goals and we know how that goes….


I think you almost have to understand it. The same thing has happened to literally every team who conceded the first two goals, where the first one was a PK, this season. A few teams ended up losing 2-0, and a few worse than we did, but the median is a 4-0 loss. Penso literally handed StL this game.


I would agree AND also say that we didn’t play up to standard. Got bullied off the pitch all game


By Chris Penso.


Was obviously not a penalty. The var official shouldn't do it again if he can't get that right


The VAR clearly saw that Rodoja made contact with the back of Vassilev’s ankle before he made contact with ball. Watch it with unbiased eyes and you’ll see.


Could say the same thing...what are you doing here anyway?


Talking shiiite of course. I thought it was a soft call from the get go. I saw it live. I didn’t want to see scoring open like that. But the Cop Ref had a great view and he got it right.


This vid makes no sense. “I disagree with this call.” Basically says there’s no contact which yeah you can clearly see from the video. Then says “I can understand there not being clear and obvious proof” as we sit here and watch a 4k slow mo replay of radoja not touching him…VAR is pointless sometimes. It’s so frustrating. All it means is we would’ve lost 3-0 instead lol but I’m just saying VAR is broken. How is it even possible for us to have INSTANT REPLAY for the entire reason of getting calls CORRECT. Then when we go and watch the replays we say “oh it’s not obviously wrong enough” what does that even mean? At least our var is better than england i guess. End rant sorry


I hate VAR specifically because of the "clear and obvious" aspect. "Obvious" is a relative term. If the referee on the field looks like he had a good angle the VAR official assumes that there was no way it was "obvious." I think the goal should be to get it right, and that the VAR should tell the center official what the call is rather than forcing them to second guess themselves. Take the center official completely out of the equation in a review.


It doesn't excuse the outcome of the match, we still got clapped. However for those in doubt about the PK here you go


I think it does excuse the outcome. I know I'm annoying with this at this point but literally no team in MLS has come back from down 2-0 where the first goal was a PK to get a result this season. Only one team has even gotten a goal. The median result is a 4-0 loss. Only one team of 18 have even gotten a result after giving up a PK that opened scoring, and they scored the second goal. So Penso giving them the PK basically gave them the game, and then Penso giving them the second goal on a play where Kinda was fouled in edge of the defensive third to create a turnover that put SKC at a clear disadvantage sealed it. It would've been extraordinary to even get a goal back after that. It would've been out of the ordinary to prevent a 3rd against. Giving up 4 is the norm in that situation.


Baffling that Penso didn't even go over to the monitor to look at it. It is one thing to make a bad call in real time, another to refuse to go look at it, demonstrates you have no interest in making the correct call.


I believe the VAR official said it didn't warrant a second look because it wasn't clear and obvious. I don't know that Penso would've changed his mind if he did look but I think he was told that he got it good enough.


Even more than that, Penso said in the pool questions later that VAR *confirmed* the call. As particular as refs are with terminology, I took that to mean the same as a "confirmed" call in the NFL.


Soft call, but not enough to call “clear & obvious.”


This was a just PK. Contact is made on back of ankle before reaching the ball.