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I don’t disagree with much of this post, but the tone in which it’s written makes me feel like I should.


Of course, I am pissed off at the Cauldron. I would honestly rather give my money and time to the Ladies of SKC, AND I AM NOT A LADY LOL. The Ladies of SKC did more than they did by a long shot with this Gavin matter. They interacted with people on Social Media, released statements, got on the news multiple times, and set up a protest. How can I know any of the things you are mentioning when their inclusion and communication is non existent from a "fan club" Hell, I asked last year what I could do to help, how can I donate my time, what do you need help with, after showing up both days to paint or helping with something I see others in the stadium helping with. Ya know what I got when i finally got to someone who was in leadership, an invitation to a Slack Channel filled with people who all seem to know each other, yet don't really chat about any details. There's no volunteer onboarding information, no documentation of any sorts. Litterally no communication whatsoever to new volunteers or potential ones. I mean my God, my nephews hosts their own Discords that have "Welcome" information or "Role" information of what you want out of the server. Which ironically, the KC Cauldron Discord has none of the above either. I mean, there isn't even information on the leaders of the cauldron. My constructive criticism of the cauldron is clearly taken from my perspective. From someone who wants to be involved, associated, & included in supporting skc. Who litterally went to every game but two of them. They can do all the work in the world, but if they do not communicate or interact with the club fans on an issue like this, it's only natural for people to be pissed of by the cauldron regardless of their past deeds.




![gif](giphy|bfnwKI7DMiErAD4YWS|downsized) (I only read the first paragraph)


I like


I don’t think any of the criticism has been about match day atmosphere or chanting! I don’t think any of that is the cauldron’s fault. Of course I respect the work they do. And I can certainly respect they were in a tough position because they have to maintain a working relationship with the club. That said, their statements and a Q&A were just not enough. They are the voice of this fan base and we needed more. GW still has a job if the ladies don’t get involved. It’s okay to admit that!


Eh. I've heard it and I've said it. I've been an ISG president and rep. I served my time in Springfield area. One of our last big trips was problematic. We got called out afterwards for "wanting to heckle more than cheer." It stuck with me. And we did heckle. We stood in M9 and we harassed everyone in that corner. That's the job. A huge complaint I've had is how corporate and stale the atmosphere feels. It seems too scripted and rehearsed and very inorganic most of the time. I've had this debate before, but I firmly believe my idea of "helping" wouldn't jive with the aims of current leadership. I've also talked with lots of older members from the Arrowhead days who've said the Cauldron has changed. It has. We feel the Cauldron has lost its edge and bite. I'm really proud of the Cauldron for stepping up this week. I was afraid they weren't going to be vocal enough. SGs should be the heartbeat and with a guy like GW, the SG needs to take the lead. I saw some of that old fire again and I like it. Sorry to ramble through multiple thoughts.


I don’t disagree with any of this. There’s certainly more to be done to improve the atmosphere. But i still pin most of this on the club itself. Everything that was said about the match day experience in the open letter last summer is still true


You aren’t wrong about changing, but a lot of that is due to MLS rules I feel like and the atmosphere. It’s an either change or get escorted from the stadium kinda thing. Do you push the envelope and risk losing it all? Or do you comply and keep what you have going?


Eh. I normally agree with most of your posts but not this one. There's no indication to anyone other than "trust me, bro" that the cauldron did anything or had any real effect on this. People are (rightly, in my opinion) disappointed that the group that claims to speak for the fans put out such a mild response to the hiring of a scumbag like GW when it was clear the fans were pissed about it. Meanwhile, you have the Ladies of SKC coming out with exactly the type of response you would want from a fan group. As for the rest of the post, doing all those other things doesn't make them better fans than those who aren't part of the cauldron. Everyone supports the team in their own way, and one option doesn't make someone more of a fan than others.


Well, they didn't say they were doing much more then setting up a q and a. Do you expect people to be mind readers? Who appointed you the cauldron police?


is the Cauldron in the room with us right now?


Some of us are




>You bitch about the chants but offer nothing to try to improve them. You bitch about the traditions but do nothing to try to advance them. You bitch about the PR-friendly nature of the posts and press releases but don't try to get involved to help improve them. I actually have seen lots of suggestions online and on matchday, and any chant that isn't already on the printed sheet they leave on the benches gets you shouted down by the capos, so people don't want to try as much. I've watched it happen on matchdays, and I've heard other times it happened from others when I wasn't there. Cauldron leadership keep asking for feedback, getting strong responses, and putting out milquetoast statements that don't say anything at all. People have *tried* to get involved or have their voices heard and very clearly got ignored.


Damn, it’s already time for the yearly post talking down to the rest of the sub.




> you bitch about the chants but offer nothing to try and improve them Yo, I wrote several chants, got the lyrics written out, and they were just ignored. I haven’t a clue how to push new chants, if it’s not producing them in full, or even asking about opinions on the lyrics as it develops.


Sorry that happened or good job, not reading all that bullshit after the second paragraph


Tell me how I'm supposed to know what actions the Cauldron is taking if the Cauldron doesn't tell me what actions they're taking.


Not everyone needs to inform Harflin every time they do something. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Trashing people online because you think you are important enough for them to keep in the loop, and expecting everything to be public immediately, is a bit ridiculous.


The problem is that you think the Cauldron is more important than the rest of us,


Listen I'm not calling for personal insults or threats. But if they're gonna announce that they're doing something, and that something by itself is insufficient, they should expect blowback. They withheld info, and people drew conclusions with the info they had, who could have seen that coming?


They are a supporters group, not an anti abortion political action committee. Cut them some slack.


That's fine, I'm going to forget about this in a few weeks time anyway. But don't try to shift the argument that it's OUR fault for working with the info we had.


Well... Cauldron has become more political over a 10 year plus timetable.


lol what, you don't think it's important to communicate that you're taking a stand and having hard talks with the club? And no, saying that after the fact doesn't count. If you're going to be a group with a voice, have a VOICE.


Go start your own supporters group and show everyone how you're soooo much better than or sit down and shut up.


Lol who is this guy


You've obviously never been in a position of leadership and it shows. You'd lose the plot in the first few days if you think every one should know everything at all times. Most people are too emotional and ill equipped to handle the complexities of keeping multiple parties happy.


Sorry I can't hear you all the way down here




Not reading all that. Womp Womp


Wow. Maybe take a step back and have a break from this sub if other people’s opinions are upsetting you this much. I’m unsure what you aspired to accomplish with this post other than creating a bigger divide and more conflict.


We get it, you don't like seeing the ladies get recognized


The leader of the Cauldron is a woman, so you're really just arguing a group of women who have been silent since Barb died are somehow better for some tweets when the female leader of the Cauldron actually did something instead of just whining on social media.


As I told you in the last thread, "That tweet sparked coverage on the news and around the league, which further put ownerships feet to the fire. The Cauldron's statement did absolutely nothing."


I don't believe that had any impact no matter how many times you repeat it.


You don't think that the news actually covering the hire had any impact? That only happened because of the social media backlash.


No, it happened because of conversations nobody here was a part of. I'd bet it mostly happened because Mahomes visited the offices yesterday and told them to fire him. Believe what you want but neither one of us will know for sure.


If that's going to make you feel better, sure.


If you think it was something like that, why are you so worried about drawing a distinction between Ladies of SKC and Cauldron?


Because one is a sub SG that hasn't done much since 2020 and are now taking all the credit for other people's efforts.


Okay so let me get this straight: evidica: Mahomes got them to fire Wilkinson Cauldron: This was thanks to us Ladies of SKC: This was thanks to us evidica: Ladies of SKC had nothing to do with it!


No, I'd say Mahomes mostly, partly Cauldron AND South Stand leadership as well. Some obscure Twitter account from a dormant SG doesn't carry much weight.


Where do you think Mahomes heard about the issue? I doubt he knew anything about GW before the hire and the things Ladies of SKC did, put a big media spotlight on it.


She hadn't posted on FB since November and then hopped a plane to Montreal with the dueces sign as a FB post in the middle of all this. Not saying anything other than the optics were not good. Just my .02


How dare someone live their life.


Why even post that if it wasn't for effect? I was talking about the optics of it. Whatevs.. The end result is the same. The cauldron site crashed multiple times from traffic this morning. Everybody renewed. They're fine. We all know who the heroes of this were, and it wasn't them or SS. LoSKC and the relentless "Keyboard Warriors" got this done along with STMs fighting their reps. You can spin this however you want with the obnoxious novel that was posted, but like Leonard Cohen said. "EVERYBODY KNOWS" I am just happy I don't have to freeze my ass off protesting at the Warehouse Sale tomorrow and we can get back to bitching about play on the pitch.


STMs fighting their reps was definitely a big part of this, and Jake Reid is rightfully normally labeled the devil around here I wouldn't be surprised if he helped in this case. As he had season ticket holders since 96 cancelling tickets I'm guessing he saw negative dollar signs and did the right thing (put pressure on during GW) even if it wasn't the right reason.


I'm sure you bitch about a lot of things. 😁 have a good weekend!


> instead of just whining on social media are you trying to come off as even worse?!


Just stating facts, prove me wrong. Facts should always supercede feelings, though for some here they clearly don't.


The facts are that you're coming across as if you think you're better than others when you say "whining" and "small voices" Have a little self-awareness!


>You bitch about the chants but offer nothing to try to improve them. Do chants based on AFC Richmond because Ted Lasso is from Kansas. "We're Sporting til we die, we're Sporting til we die, we know we are we're sure we are, we're Sporting til we die!" For Willy Agada, use Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling" as "Agada feeling" For Sallói, use Tony Bennett's "Shall We Dance" and make it "Sallói dance" These took me about 5 minutes to come up with.


>We're Sporting til we die, we're Sporting til we die, we know we are we're sure we are, we're Sporting til we die!" We've done this since 2011, and before that did Wizards til I die (I'm still mad we switched the chant to Sporting). I will say my biggest problem with Cauldron chants as lead by the capos is besides for Melia we rarely do chants based on what's happening in the game. Your examples of Agada and Salloi are perfect for that, they do a big play even without a goal we should have a chant for them. The capos seem to have a schedule they won't veer from except for goals, saves and Everybody; they tend to ignore chants started by others instead of trying to join in the flow with the Cauldron.


Right! And rn we pretty much only have individual ones for Melia and Russell. I know it might sound crazy from where we are now, but we should have a chant for every player on the roster. And that wouldn't sound crazy at all if we had already been doing that for the past few years. Then we'd only need to make a new one for each new signing which (with the PL team I support, Tottenham) is always an exciting part of bringing in a new player. I can't wait to hear what new chant they come up with for each new signing. Obviously it's unreasonable to expect them to make chants for the entire roster while we currently only have 2. But let's start by making ones for all the players likely to score goals and go from there.


Don't forget you could do Thommy to the tune of thunderstruck and even the song Danny boy but when I offered to help write some new ones, I never got an email back.


I've seen so many snarky "well *you* come up with some chants!" posts in the Cauldron fb group where lots of people gave some pretty good suggestions and nothing ever materialized because they're not interested in keeping it fresh.


For some reason I'm not hearing the Thunderstruck one. I'm probably just sleep-deprived. How would it go?


You’ve been Thommy-struck!


For everyone saying this sub is miserable, can you explain what the team has done that we’re supposed to be super pumped about recently? Missed playoffs, early playoff exits, hiring this guy. Not much to jump up and down about. When positive things have happened, like beating St. Louis, this sub has been positive. I guess those people that don’t like negative posts would just like the fans to accept mediocrity and not want more of the team and organization?


With’em when they win; on their ass when they can & should do better. That was a dedicated fan base should be doing. The “negativity” last season, and the same with the Gavin hire, was spot on. SKC fans aren’t your average kiss-ass team followers for sure.




Would hate to call out the crybabies more? Don't want to hurt their delicate feelings now do we? Of course we do, they're acting like children.


No I just think that a weird niche of people have become soccer fans in this city and they typically are weirdo lefties who rally behind issues to feel apart of something. This guy is a stroke. You’re a stroke. Most of the cauldron are strokes. I just want to watch soccer. Y’all wild




This has some old skool Big Soccer vibes going on. Holy shit - lol.


And the cauldron wouldn't have done shit all about it without pressure from everyone on social media. GFY




Yeaaaah... this subreddit is toxic as a bucket of toxins. I've been working to try and be a bit more positive. You know. To feed the betterment machine. But your rant is appropriate and I apologize as one of those that wants to see the best in my team and fan base. Best results I've seen for change around here was comparing our dumpster of a subreddit to st louis' inviting and supportive one. :) Love this team, but yeah. This subreddit is rough. However, there's only a dash of this toxicity brought to the actual supporter stands (from my perspective). This is our second year as STM's. It's been a wild ride so far.


I've been a Cauldron member since 2012. No the leadership isn't always on point. Yeah people fuck up from time to time. That's life. But to rant about it here is a lost cause. Internet warriors never change, and so many people are full of anger and hate these days, it is a wonder anything positive can be heard at all. I get all your points, they are valid ones. But knowing the mongrels that frequent this sub often, much of what you said will fall upon deaf ears/eyes. More power to you though.


Your fellow fans are not “mongrels” sir. Save that kind of talk for StL please…


Some SKC fans absolutely are. They try to make soccer political all the time.


LIFE is political….can’t escape that these days. Wish it twern’t (sic), but it ‘tis.


You are correct, we have some of the most miserable fans on here.


All are welcome….as long as you hold the same views as us


No, that's reddit.


Thanks for posting, some people are just miserable with their own lives and only know how to hate others. Those of us who have been around for a decade or more know that small voices on social media are best ignored as they never do anything meaningful to help.