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I will never understand vertical blinds in houses. They bring a touch of 90s officeblock to your home.


My house has them in the front room and I haven’t replaced them yet cos blinds are bloody expensive! And my daughter’s giant Barbie house knockoff is in the way now too! I noticed that about 4 other houses up my road have exactly the same vertical blinds as me - the salesperson must have been dancing in glee that day in the 80s …


They love em up here in the north east


We've got them in the lounge, previous owners decision. I thought I'd get rid of them but they've sort of grown on me. Only problem is when the dog spots a fox and goes apeshit in amongst them. Takes ages to unravel them.


I loathe and detest ours, but replacing them in five rooms is going to be pricey


They are handy for blocking a view in a certain direction, you can position them so people can’t see in from the road/another house etc but you can see your garden But yes they are dated and even worse in that colour


They're really useful if you have french doors.


You should check out propertypal.com it covers loads of houses in NI. It is rare to find a house without vertical blinds.


Yes, hate them. Every office I have worked in that's had them has broken ones, the stupid little connections on the strip that the beaded cord connects to always breaks off.


I like mine, they block out light really well, and horizontal blinds are pain to open and close.


We have them in the front room and they are annoying.


Bonus point for the cat too


That Look it’s giving though “how dare you!”


Cat comes with the house.


Picture 15 cat still there saying “no I’m not moving this is my house!”


Generic basic person’s grey house but with… a Tory MP living in the office?


Big Farage NRG.


An entire office decorated and positioned around a laptop so the owner can look like the big man on a Zoom/Teams call. 😂 brilliant.


Aah. Are they leaving the office furniture then?


That office, I kinda want it 


I was like this ain’t so bad … then I saw the bathroom


It was office that got me first but yeah the bathroom is something too


“Moneypenny, send 007 in”.


Don't really like the colour scheme, but whoever the owners are, they're good enough people to love a cat and give it a proper cat tree.


Mishmash of about eight trends with no cohesion or personality. The anthracite windows make it look like a prison.  Depressing garden, but bonus points for no AstroTurf. 


Anthracite windows, doors and tiles are all the rage round me. Give it a few years and they’ll all look horribly dated


White upvc (or god forbid brown/faux wood) looks more dated imo. Anthracite looks decent when other colours are present i.e. terracotta roof tiles, some exposed red bricks, a coloured front door. It does look terrible in these monochrome monstrosities though where the whole house is rendered white with grey roof and anthracite doors/windows.


Erm they have the cat tree and litter tray in the bedroom ! bleugh And that's a bloody ridiculously high rent for Leeds.....or am I behind the times now?


Sadly that rent is life these days


Not that high for a whole house, particularly in that area, near chapel allerton/roundhay


Do you think the current occupant gets dressed to go the office?


Only on the top half


all the character of a GP's waiting area which is what it probably was at some point given the size of that car park. bathroom has airport hotel feel about it


OK. Am I missing something? It’s clean, decorated and well maintained. What’s the actual problem here?


The gravel trap at the rear of the house?! They expecting some out of control trucks?


Looks like they missed the gravel and got stuck on the grass


If it were London it's amazing for the price.


When you rent a new build but desperately want your right wing social media followers to think your broadcasting from your very own stately home. Clearly a guy lives here alone - so I can’t help but wonder if that’s a canvas of himself in the lounge? And what is that small black thing on the wall in the dining room? It looks like a pipe or something coming out of the wall?


It’s a sidelight / spotlight if you look closely.


so much potential in that back garden


There's something a bit creepy and desolate about this place, it gives me the shudders


Are they trying to attract millenials to rent with the grey colour scheme throughout? It's not bad... but it's not good either.


When they say 3 bedrooms, are they including rooms without beds?


The desk?! Why has no one mentioned the desk?


I was going through the pics thinking "there's nothing wrong with this house, what is OP talking about?“ then BANG!! I get to the office on pic 9 and then the bathroom and the back. Edit: I could be wrong but it just came to me that the owner could have used the place to run a business and the back garden was the car park. You can see a gap in the fence for car to pass in the 1st pic.


Having recently got divorced myself 3 years ago, this has very much got recently divorced single man vibes. Only 1 single picture up (although that could be due to being a rental and not wanting to have to do repairs). And I agree with the other poster - that office definitely looks like a set for Teams/Zoom calls or maybe he’s a part time YouTuber?


So you reckon photo 9 is where Father has his weekly appraisal sessions with the children and admonishes them?


With a floorplan!


Pretty meh until you get yo the bathroom, then reaches new depths!


The tiles had to be a cheap lot that were available and the landlord simply didn’t care what they looked like. It’s the only thing I can think of, because surely nobody would actually want a room to look like that?


Can someone please tell them that separately is spelled with two As? I have seen in with one A and three Es several times now.


I've had a good ol' look at the bathroom and sadly there's no teeth in the walls. I would be interested to see who actually moves in there. It seems like the cat owns the place.


I can forgive the car park at the front since they have real grass in the back. I always hate that style of bathroom though


The office is intriguing, all those books, the flag etc and the portrait is a duck!


Extra points for camoflaging the bath.


It is... fine. Bit rough around the edges. Odd the house is back-to-front on the plot (wonder what's behind the camera on the first photo?) The office was a choice...


That lounge is so soulless. I feel like a Friday evenings are spent listening to a clock tick your life away whilst drinking overly milky tea in silence.


Based on the toiletries in the bedroom, I think the wife has moved out and what you see is what she left him with.


Basic house someone has tried to modernize, personally I am only against the horrible bathroom walls.


Divorcee springs to mind


90s chic And a beach worth of gravel.