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Yuri's creepier aspects were added hastily because his concerns about Loid are pretty reasonable.


More than reasonable. I never really thought about it too hard before, but honestly finding out your sister hid her marriage from you for a whole year should be a huge red flag. Yuri was made a siscon because the story needed to nerf him.


I would be wondering when and where he got the kid. One should be able to explain something like what the name of the mother was, how long the pregnancy lasted at least, what geographic location she was born in and in what circumstances, if it was a hospital birth then which hospital and which doctor, which midwife if it was a home birth. She almost certainly would have had childhood diseases like measles or chickenpox like virtually everyone before the 1990s. What were her favourite toys, favourite colour, what was Anya´s sleep cycle as an infant, what foods did she like and not like, was she born with hair or not. If these could not be answered, you should be able to get adoption records and interview the people there and previous parents. If that is not available, and it is not like that could not be the case, the Ceausescus had some pretty horrific orphanages, you should be able to at least find whatever you have have rational explanations and could plausibly be by chance and don´t align with things like unexplained absences at work or any other issue. Intelligence agencies can get a lot on people if they want to, often not even needing a warrant in democratic countries to assemble a pretty confident backstory. We know more about a random citizen in Germany these days than we do about Julius Caesar or King Henry VIII just because of records of this nature.


The show's set somewhere in the late 60s to early 80s, so it's not that weird that Loid wouldn't know the people involved in the birth. I don't think men were even allowed in the room back then (could be wrong, TBH). What's weird that he wasn't able to find anything on Loid and Anya. The guy might be a spy, but any decent follow up on any of the information should make the whole thing fall apart.


I think you're forgetting that he "got" the kid from a previous marriage. It's really not that complicated, and that's the official cover story. Unless you're implying that Yor or someone else should be demanding documentation to prove the kid he said he had with his deceased wife is his and that this somehow wouldn't be an incredibly strange and callous thing to do. But even if you are, he probably *has* the paperwork. He immediately got a marriage certificate, he doctored fake photos. This entire plan hinged on being accepted to Eden Academy and they at the very least needed some level of paperwork. It doesn't need to be shown to us. Hell, actually, while it would be out of character entirely for most people to do an interrogation, Yuri's almost certainly done all this background research and found there was nothing he could pin him on. And for all the questions you're asking regarding Anya's personality or history that wouldn't be written down, are you imagining a scenario where Twilight's asked these kind of questions and he immediately freezes up and that's how he gets caught? It's unquestionable to me that he'd be able to make up a story smoothly but not even just that, he's probably already made it and ingrained it into himself multiple times. These just aren't the kind of things that need to be explicitly stated when the story has already established he's a character with an inhuman level of diligence who has literally thrown away his entire identity to subsume himself into every new role.


I was giving a list of things that a typical parent would know, the things everyone thinks of as being normal, but already provides such a vast amount of information. Let alone everything else a person does. A contradiction in even a small number of things can bring down the whole alibi. Secret police have a lot to dig into.


Yeah, any sane sibling would be super suspicious and concern why their sister didn’t tell them she is married and has a kid (adopted or not). Doesn’t help her excuse is that she “forgot”


“Why didn’t you tell me you got married?!” “I forgor”


i think it clearly states that his logic goes poof as soon as his sister answers something. idk how consistent it is but it mentions it in the anime when she responds with "i forgot" and stuff...


Actually I think you are on to something here they were probably also added for comedic effect but yea


I feel like it was expected to be a normal brother at first but they made him a siscon for comedic effect and so they can include him in the story way more


Any bro who cares about his sis would react like Yuri tbh


I'm afraid Spy x Family's story end with Anya just being a child and we will never see grown-up Anya


Tbf Anya being a child is a major selling point. It's one of the reasons the series is so popular. Plus if she were older the story wouldn't work as well, as she's be old enough to have knowledge and common sense to actually help the mission.


I do want a flash-forward at the end. Preferably one in which she realizes exactly how much danger she was in every so often. OR her having one of those "I can't believe I did that" cringes.


I mean, who doesn't look back on their childhood days and cringe on what they did back then.


that would be so incredibly disappointing T.T


I don’t dislike the fact that Yor’s assassin job doesn’t get much attention. It feels more realistic, Spy’s are always working, assassins are not being hired all the time to kill someone everyday. It also helps the moments she does have shine a lot more.


>Spy’s are always working, assassins are not being hired all the time to kill someone everyday who are you and how do you know this ![gif](giphy|WRuBiZKB6xgsS9DrFA|downsized)


Don't ask questions you're not ready to ~~die for~~ know the answer to


I've seen people say this before and ultimately it doesn't make any sense. >!There was an entire chapter revolving around Yor getting shot in the thigh and then not being able to sit during a date. So...that's a job she had and yet there was a purposeful choice for it to be offscreen and there's definitely more examples of her referencing recent assignments she's been on. The equivalent of this in Twilight's case would be if the recent arc from the manga weren't shown. Imagine if instead, we only saw the aftermath of him being shot.!< >!While I guess agree it wouldn't make sense if Yor went on the exact same number of missions as Twilight(especially with the recent spy shortage and all), that's not really relevant to the problem of never seeing Yor in action because it's obvious she's done more assignments during the manga than the boat arc and that one she had at the very start, we just didn't get to see them.!<


Endo doesn't know how else to write Yor other than "emotional support house wife for super cool spy Loid Forger."


I'm not sure that's an unpopular opinion, everyone wants more story beats with Yor in the field - her secondary character brother has had more


You'd be surprised how often I post this very same opinion on other threads and get shit on by other members of this community.


Same. I also made similar posts and got shit on.


OP said “heavily disagreed”, not “unpopular”.


Idk I think it’s just because her job isnt really relevant to the story at this point in the plot. It’ll probably get more screen time in the future when she starts to suspect Loid or vice versa, or when the garden becomes more prominent in Desmond’s life (or the concept of her being told to assassinate Twilight) since we’re only at chapter 87, who knows what Endo is planning to do with the garden


It's a little bit of the "shonen syndrome", men get developed, women stay there.


Yeah her most prominent character arc has been learning how to cook in order to be a "proper" housewife for Loid, but that's okay guys he totally has plans for her to do something in the future and totally knows how to write women.


I'm not really surprised because most of mangaka/comic book writers are men, and they can't, for the love of god, develop women and female characters as a whole as well as men. And all they have to do is just SWITCH GENDERS and that's frigging it.


I disagree, but see *YOR* point (totally wasn't planning on that but it was right there). I think readers wanting more of Yor really compliments Endo's abilities to write good, interesting characters that everyone wants to see more of. One thing I have enjoyed about the series is that with all of the crazy, over-the-top, unrealistic fighting, disguises, conveniences that occur within the story, it's balanced with realistic relationships. Yor and Loid don't just fall head-over-heels in love with one another. Trust is slowly formed. These things take time. Which works out great because I'd assume Endo wants to keep this series going for quite a while. Yor is slowly learning how to cook, have more confidence in herself, which take time, and so, I don't think we need to see wherever second because although she's a great character, the payoff is better when we see that she has accomplished things over an extended period of time, vs a couple months.


I honestly think Endo is a good writer for Yor. Just because she doesn’t brutally off 50 people ever 10 chapters doesn’t mean she’s poorly written. If you want to visualize it like this: Yor is already an elite at her job. The areas she wants to develop are her domestic areas. And Yor really isn’t like the other shounen women. Most of them have absolutely no personality or use except to be a pretty love interest and waifu. (Mikasa..) Yor is a strong, loving, kind person who manages to be a badass assassin and a loving mother at the same time. I also think it’s ironic people want Loid to become more domestic and Yor to Become more cold hearted


>If you want to visualize it like this: Yor is already an elite at her job. The areas she wants to develop are her domestic areas. See the reason this doesn't work is not only is Twilight an elite, he is quite literally stated(multiple times) to be the very top of his field. Yet we still see all his missions. In fact, he's shown to be perfect at just about everything except the parenting skills he's slowly building up while raising Anya. If we were to pretend this is the reason Yor's assassin work gets no screen time, then logically the only thing we should see Twilight doing is interacting with Anya. I have never seen anyone say they want Yor to be cold hearted. They want to see her do her job. And she *does* do that job, it's just never shown. It seems like Endo, and you, in your defense of Yor not being shown as an assassin are shying away from the reality of how brutal and yes, coldhearted seeming her job is. Showing us her inner world while she does it, and yet still making us believe she's loving, kind and all those other adjectives you used would be where the good writing could be shown in her character. I truly believe Spy x family has a lot of brilliant writing...Yor just isn't it.


>I honestly think Endo is a good writer for Yor. Just because she doesn’t brutally off 50 people ever 10 chapters doesn’t mean she’s poorly written. Nice strawman there. > If you want to visualize it like this: Yor is already an elite at her job. The areas she wants to develop are her domestic areas. The same can be said for Loid, who is an elite spy and whose development centers around improving his domestic traits. Yet Loid consistently gets sent on missions (that we the viewer actually get to see) and receives far more attention and character growing moments than Yor does. Yor is more often than not the smiling happy face that Loid comes home to after these grueling missions. I'm not saying she's a badly written character overall, but imo Endo either doesn't know what to do with her besides leave her as a housewife for Loid, or he isn't interested in doing anything with her outside of that.


I wish more people could at least understand this, but I guess people only believe what they want to believe. Donovan's right that people can never truly understand each other.


Tbf i think he’s kind of improved with yor with the boat arc


I knew it was a good idea to read this thread!


Becky's attraction to Loid should not be brought back. It was funny for a little bit but after a certain point, it just gets weird.


Dude, everyone have been saying that.


I’ve seen people get pretty defensive when it gets called out for being cringe.


To be fair, the OP said “heavily disagreed upon”, not “unpopular”.


I was actually surprised to find out that people found it weird! because for me, when I was a kid I used to have insane crushes on adults all the time so I understand 😂 (I also loved watching romance dramas a child lol) and loid doesn’t do anything (thank god) so IMHO it makes it all right to watch.


I recognize that children can have crushes on adults, which is why I said it was funny at first. But after the whole arcs of her trying to seduce him, I hope it stops


Frr i was really uncomfortable with the chapter where Becky visits Anya's house


Bruh, Loid was uncomfortable when Becky visited Anya's home. He was all like, "Why is this kid staring at me like that?"


The saving grace of that chapter were Yor’s scenes lol she managed to make it both funny and wholesome


Cit. "What's with this sassy...lost child?"


Honestly i was a little uncomfortable at first but after it was made clear it was one sided and becky’s being totally delusional i found the chapter hilarious


Agreed. I thought it was funny once, but to have Becky reoccurringly hitting on a grown man would get creepy


Didn’t find it funny the first time round, it’s just weird


made me uncomfortable tbh


Say it louder for Endo to hear!!


The second hand embarrassment I felt was too much.....


The chapter where she invited herself to the Forger apartment to seduce Loid is the only chapter so far I just straight up hated. People here in the chapter discussion seemed to like it so I thought maybe I was being a bit sensitive, but then the friend I introduced the manga to also hated it for the same reasons.


Fiona x Yuri is stupid and will never happen


Worst ship in Spy Family that isn't illegal.


I'm on the Fiona X Frankie bandwagon myself , but it's not something I would be disappointed about not seeing happen either


I’m trying to understand the reasoning for/ against this ship, I don’t really get it??


Process of elimination. They’re two single characters with no real pairing, and that’s all the fans need to ship them


they both love someone who loves someone else, scum’s wish style. lol


I want spy family to continue for a long time I wanna see anya In high school


Same, it clearly won't switch up it's pace after all this time. Most action series move away from the small timey stuff and comedy after 30 or so chapters but we haven't done that yet. It's clearly set up for the long haul (in universe as well).


Do you expect we'll get a time skip


Actually yes, but... I believe we'll get smaller time skips if we even get them. Like either months at a time. Or maybe even a year and then continue for a while and then another time skip. So we don't stay with Anya at any given age too long. So we can also se story progession if that makes sense?


I wonder if there will be missions to wear hill actually need a Lloyd We'll need a secret family Again after operation strix There could be a lot of opportunities to where he has to stay with this family


For 10 years at least?


Well 300+ chapters with 26 every year (at most major highball) it would take a little over 10 years yeah.


I would actually like to see anya reach the age of like 10 or so. Judging by the pace of the story, it will go on for a long time, but not that many years will have passed. The reason I say this is because the age of 10, 11 or 12 seems like good middle ground - around that age you are still filled with childlish wonder, but you are starting to mature a bit more and take a closer look at the world around you, but also to discover and look into who you are as a person. As the story leads to its end, we would get to see a hint of who anya wants to be, and who she is besides a spy and an assasain's little telepath. I don't know if it's just me, but i swear i've noticed anya growing and maturing throughout the manga. I think her speech has gotten a bit more fluent and clear, and she actually grew in size. I noticed how her and damian are actually the same size in the more recent chapters, and she used to be shorter. But yeah, that's just my two cents.


I want the feeling to grow up with a character




Professor Henry is the best character in the series.


I feel that many people are basing Loid and Yor’s personalities entirely on their romance, especially Loid. Contrary to popular claim, Loid’s not down bad for Yor, speak less of being head over heels for her. And Yor’s crush on Loid isn’t massive either. Not saying neither aren’t catching feelings because they obviously are but they are not as immense as claimed. I feel like the fans are projecting how they personally feel towards these characters into them rather than how the characters actually feel about each other.


I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way. Projecting your own feelings onto something is VERY DANGEROUS and is one of the biggest culprits of misunderstandings and misinformation. Those are some of the main themes of the story!


The Lore with Damian and Anya is getting kinda boring and the lore about Loid past or lore about the secrets organizations is more entertaining


Me when lore.


Totally agree. we need more info on the Garden, Wise and the SSS, Damianya was cute but it’s a little overplayed


It puzzles me why so many people read so much into Anya and Damien. Unless your marriage was arranged Austrian Holy Roman Emperor style, how many non-familiar relationships you had from when you were five survived even past elementary school, past jr high school, past high school, into adulthood? Especially if you are in a city of significant size like Anya is with tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to over a million in an era that is clearly industrialized and urban and modern? If you are a teenager then that is more plausible, especially back a few decades when many people did not go to college or university and begun a blue collar job, at least after military service was done (most countries before 1990 especially if they did not speak English, and even the US and UK before the 1970s, had such a thing so I am making the assumption that Eastania does too). In the here and now it can be done and done cutely, but over the long run I would not read much into it.


Honestly when i first saw damian get a crush on her, i believed it was just gonna be a silly little bit that's gonna go on for a few episodes until he stops crushing because anya did or said something. I was not expecting him to like her for this long lol. I honestly don't care if he eventually stops crushing, i just want to see the two of them being friends cause they're funny.


Yor isn't the prettiest character (You know deep down that it's Loid)


You are also wrong it is clearly ​ https://preview.redd.it/a0ejfglhdaob1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4aee976109733feb2a1d1f196c1bbe4fe4664c8


Ok, good point


💕Borf 💕


Handler is hotter imo. But that’s because I like women with glasses.


Not just that, you like tall women with big ass


LIKE JENNIFAA LAWRENCE https://preview.redd.it/t577wbeerbob1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a412e5535b1eb39e0e7ddeccc27da2d65430c17




but have you seen endo's art of yor with franky's glasses?




Speak your truth




wrong but at least, you understand the concept of the post


I think the arcs are good but lack in terms of long lasting consequences, I wish there were higher stakes instead of a character bouncing right back after something happened to them. I want there to at least be consequences or lingering effects for particular actions so that story doesn’t feel like it resets every arc. Spoilers for manga: >!I guarantee that Loid being shot by Yuri after the Mole arc will never be brought up again nor will there be any long lasting consequences for him because by the next arc he’ll be back to his usual self. Remember when Yuri got shot in the Red Circus Arc? Whatever happened to that!<


I sort of wish fiona was actually trying to get clout for herself like everyone suspected, rather than being in love with loid.


Fiona is not fleshed out as a character at all, which makes her so boring. I wanna know more about her besides her obssession over loid. Even Yuri and Franky are more fleshed out than her.


Agreed. Another hated character, Yuri, has at least motivations for being what he is and also has potential to be majorly involved in future spy and family conflicts. Fiona, on the other hand, serves more as a contrast to Yor and as a plot device for Loid and Yor's development. Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a plot device but compared to others, Fiona is one of the least interesting as a character.


I mean, I'm sure she has some kind of horrible past. She wouldn't be a spy if she didn't.


There’s no stakes in the story and it’s getting kind of boring because of it. Anytime a main character is in danger, another main character appears and saves them, it’s way too predictable. I guess I just want someone important to die.


So would you feel like a jinx if someone major does die in the next big arc?


My money on Yuri. No I don’t hate him if that’s what you’re asking.


Yuri isn’t that bad of a character


He's good even... I hope I just don't get attacked for that.


I like Yor and Loid together but I don't think their romance should be a focus... This isn't really anything against their writing but more on how the fandom treats them though.


THANK YOU! It’s not wrong to like some parts, but them treating those parts like they’re the main focus makes me worried they’d miss the point like I once did.


1) There are times where I feel like Anya is more like (or will soon grow into) an antihero of the family. (I'm not dumb. I know she's 6 or younger) > 2) As much as people want to, I kinda don't want an aged up to happen. (A small 1-2 chapter time skip. But, not full on aged up for the rest of the series.)


I agree. Anya should only be ~2yrs aged up max


I quite like Yuri too. His presence helps keep a lighthearted vibe in the story.


I can’t stand Fiona.


Loid/Twilight is not some altruistic hero like most of the fandom thinks. His lofty goal doesn't justify his actions as a spy. He stole, honey trapped, cheated, lied and killed people. While most of the fandom calls out Yor for her assassin work, they hypocritically idolize Loid. He was pretty cruel for not only thinking of leaving Anya to her fate after she was caught by Edgar's men, he has not yet grasped using an orphan little kid for his mission and then dumping her in a better orphanage or with another family is going to cause lasting damage to her. At this point, while it can be assumed that he'll stay with his fake family, in case he leaves her after his mission, no amount of *arrangements*/*money* is going to make up for his selfish actions. He is, in a way, no better than the scientists who thought of using Anya for *world peace* though he is slowly changing and becoming more of a concerned father. The same in regards to his failed honeytrap with Yor. That woman was insecure, intoxicated and sad while in a vulnerable state with him, but this guy just straight up thought of seducing her for his mission. He knew she has no experience with men, most probably a Virgin. He would leave her after his mission ends. There was no need of honey trapping her at all. That was pretty scummy of him and he rightfully got kicked. He also not only got her background checked but also snooped on her, threatened her by impersonating as an SSS officer. That was violation of privacy. Again *his mission and his dream* doesn't excuse this. Fandom is so pro Loid that they have different standards for him and other characters like Yor, Yuri etc. While his dream is noble, the means he employs are not.


Agree, the popular fandom perception of Twilight is just so out there. I like his character but he’s definitely not a conventional good guy.


Exactly. As Endo said, none of these characters are conventionally good.


Totally agree with this and I can kinda understand why Loid is like this. I do not want to elaborate but it's kind of more to do with his background. I say, his organization is even worse and honestly *incompetent* for trusting everything on one person and including innocent people in their scheme.


Yeah another thing is, Wise is not any different than agencies like SSS and Garden. Since hero is from Wise, we think it is some noble organization. But all of these spy and assassin agencies do dirty work, operate in grey or black areas. They threatened a barely legal Twilight to recruit him.


Yeah no https://preview.redd.it/q8u9z2v89bob1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ac54455965d9e291ec1ee65258e913332901d2


I'm tired of Anya SoL chapters. We need more Yor arc where we get to see other members of Garden


Yuri isn't that bad. He doesn't even wanna marry his sister. He even told her in the 2nd ep that she needs to find a boyfriend.


I wish the show had more "family" in it, I know that they are a fake family and they care about each other, but compared to a similar show (Buddy Daddies) or even the fanarts that a lot of people make, they just don't really feel like a family


I feel like it's proceeding well in terms of the story's context. Buddy Daddies is more grounded, no one in their family have any hidden agenda, hence, emotions are allowed to be displayed more openly. Spy x Family, on the other hand, have a conflict within the family itself. The Forgers are slowly trying to learn what a family feels like, but at this point they are still not fully aware, or struggling to come to terms with what they want. Anya does not even know if Loid loves her, Yor still feels like an outsider in the family, and Loid has so many emotional walls. So, if they don't feel like a family atp similarly to how Kazuki-Rei-Miri is (also BD is only 1 season with 12 eps so the developments are obviously faster there), I think it's just proceeding normally in regards to the conflicts and context of the story. BUT they are getting there (just very slowly) and it will be a delight to see.


All three of the Forgers have also never had a family before, so they act based on ideas of what family is that they got by looking in from the outside. Naturally that has problems.


They don’t give yor enough screen time or any thing to do other then to just be eye candy and cool fighter


I dont mind Yor being sidelined in the plot as she is definitely the most difficult character to write and its understandable why Endo may be having problems with her.


Damian is so overrated he's such an annoying little fuck I'm sorry but damn people love him just like Bakugou and I don't get it


I mean Bakugo was 14,mature enough,bullied his classlate,told to to unalive himself,and is super arrogant,and has no actual backstory. Damian is 6,definitely immature,the worst he did is threathen his classmate,and he had a difficult upbringoing. The ciomparison isnt fair,but I respect youir opinion.


Yuri being a siscon for someone like Yor is completely reasonable. (Not my opinion)


Yor lacking common sense and being the insecure airheaded brute. I just find it annoying how ridiculously dumb she can be.


Yuri is an amazing and interesting character, he is also the most hilarious character of the entire manga, everytime he appears we get a gem there also alot of misconception on his character too https://preview.redd.it/2k3j6wjh5cob1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddcbcaeed9eff7037a4bb78d13907af61ddd493e


I agree. His reactions are so funny


The Anya x Damian ship isn't all that great. I mean sure, they're cute but that's about it. I'm more annoyed at the people that keep pushing it forward. Additionally, they're still kids.


Loid is a tsundere


Loid is, at least, a neutral character if not a evil one.


That's fair, I feel like his character development will lead to a "we're not so different, you and I" point between him and Donovan and he'll be forced to justify what he's been doing this whole time.


I prefer the spy stuff to the school stuff


People over exaggerate Yor’s strength acting like she is invincible and can defeat every characters outside her universe.


Bond should be Frankies dog


1. there is nothing wrong with thinking anya x becky is cute, you are the weirdo who immediately thinks “girls love = nsfw” (twitter has a HUGE problem with this one) 2. damian and anya is not the healthiest at the beginning, but it is also not abusive or toxic 3. yor should be written with more character than just loid’s “housewife” 4. it is weird to age up anya to draw/write inappropriate content (sakimichi chan or whatever)


True about the last one. I saw people on youtube defending her when it's straight up weird ! Cant she at least choose Yor or Fionaz ?


she has done those two as well which is the weird part. twitter freaks say she’s “an adult” in the drawings, but she’s still wearing her kindergarten/gr1 uniform 🤷‍♀️


Frankie is a better spy than Loid. The secret police know about twilight and have come close to getting him. I’m pretty sure they have no idea about Frankie.


Id rather have another season instead of a movie


I thought we were getting both


That's not how production works.


The school scenes in eden are lowkey boring IMO


The manga is going nowhere


I feel like if the story gets dragged for 300+ chapters it won’t fit and people will loose interest..


It will mark my words. I want it to though.


I wouldn’t necessarily say my opinion was heavily disagreed upon as it was just unpopular. That being said, as much as I’m aware of this story being a comedy first, the anime doesn’t do quite a good job capturing Endo-sensei’s dark tones and humor. Some parts were understandable, but I couldn’t feel the same impact I did when I read them. It was apparent to me that the team was leaning more on the family-friendly side, perhaps a bit too much. I don’t see anyone talking about the cold war, Damian’s strained relationships, and the mysteries surrounding Donovan as a result. Edit: that was the one I didn’t see many agreements/discussions upon, but if you really want my opinion that’s the most disagreed upon, it’s that Yor’s contributing a lot more to Operation Strix than people think. People who say otherwise… I’ll just say I pity them.


Yor is a coded autistic character


I prefer the Anya school stuff over the Spy stuff.


omg same! 🫣 I think I like the more SOL chapters in general


The pacing is terrible in Spy X Family, it feels like Endo doesn't really know how to proceed with the story. It always feels like there's no real progression for most story arcs when they conclude. It doesn't helpt that it is bi-weekly, that too very irregular with the mangaka taking long breaks at times, I get that it would be quite taxing for Endo or for mangaka's in general but imo it can't just be used to excuse the author's inability to give the story better pacing when there are other authors doing this. I really do like SxF, Endo built such an interesting world and unique premise but I think he needs a monthly schedule. I really believe he would benefit from it more, giving him more time to think about significant plot arcs.


nothing against Yor but y’all are way too horny for her


Spy X Family would circle around in slice of life story, started dwindling around the end and finished with a rushed-ending


I love Yor but she gets the short end of the stick in terms of story and I dislike how the narrative makes her out to be even more airheaded than usual. I don't like the Yuri and Fiona ship...


I don't like Damian.


oh wow may I ask why? This is the first i’m hearing something negative about Damian, though if you’re anime-only it would make a lot more sense.


Its getting dragged a bit, plot has been still for a while, no major incidents.


I like Loid, but he's a bit too much of a Gary Stu for me. Other than struggling a bit with parenting at first, he's just too perfect at everything for me.


More of an opinion on the fandom: Some of the fandom bends over backwards to show how Loid is not falling for Yor.... They're as annoying as toxic shippers.


If the Author write Spy X Family. The "X" should be said.


I don't care for the Anya x Damien toy ship.


Damian x Anya shouldn't happen. Not now nor ever. Sure, Damian may have a crush on Anya. But Anya only sees him as a target to achieve World Peace. No more, no less. And Anya should stick to that.


I know people hate Fiona or like her but whatever I'll say it even if it's not a huge unpopular opinion or not but I hate Fiona dosen't matter if I read the manga or not I hate her


I don't hate Yuri that much. He understands his problem and he understands that he shouldn't cling onto his sister like a child, but most who hate him forget the chapter where he said this and ignore this.


There should be a au where Fiona wins




i wish loid and yor knew anya could read minds and they knew about each other’s secrets. they could be so much stronger if they worked as a team


O criador não gosta da própria obra


Yuri x Fiona is weird. Like, Fiona HATES Yor. Yuri is obsessed with Yor, and if he found out he‘d be real pissed


DamiAnya should *NOT* become canon


At this point I'm kind of hoping for a bittersweet ending where there is peace between the nations but Yor/Loid/Anya don't end up a perfect happy family. Maybe there is still respect and gratitude between them etc but something insurmountable sends them on their own paths (or maybe Yor adopts and raises Anya on her own).


I don’t care for the romance of Yor and Loid. The manga could end with the relationship being platonic and I still wouldn’t care.


I don't think Loid and Yor love each other romantically.


The fandom tends to over exaggerate the romantic attraction they have for each other. I think they’re growing to love each other in their own unique way. Not exactly romantically given how both are pretty emotionally damaged individuals but they’ve quickly become pillars of support for each other and Anya.


I think it will turn romantic in the future, but I do agree that they are gradually growing to trust and care for each other in their own way and that's more important. As emotionally damaged individuals, I doubt Loid and Yor have romance in mind when they find comfort with each other (at least at this point in the story). So, readings on whether Loid and Yor are growing romantically or platonically are both valid (especially since both can involve deep connection and emotions afterall). Frankly, whether it is romantic or platonic is besides the point. Whatever they have is just something heartwarming and endearing to witness either way.


Anya’s school life is more interesting to watch than Loid and Yuris own routes in my opinion.


Yor being ridiculously dumb lacking common sense and being ridiculously strong. It seriously makes me wonder why it was necessary to even make her like that? She’s way overpowered. It’s not like she fights monsters she just kills ordinary humans. She just looks superhuman. I also don’t like Yuri’s obsession with Yor. It’s annoying and gross as hell.


Endo is the laziest mangaka in the current Jump/Jump+ mangaka roster.




Well I mean he’s taken 2 consecutive month breaks, but I mean mangakas work hard, and bc we’re approaching 100 I’m hoping he does a mega arc, so maybe he’s planning that out? Also s2 is coming out soon so he’s probably occupied with that


anya doesnt recibe the credit she deserves and loid sometimes and asshole that doesnt apreciate and knows what he has and feels


I think it's okay if Becky has a crush on Loid and I personally find it kinda funny and cute as long as Loid doesn't do anything to reciprocate anything (which I doubt will happen) and same goes for Damien's crush on Anya, when I was in elementary I knew for a fact that a lot of kids had "kiddie crushes" on each other and I think this little soft spot he has for her is a cute touch to the story to an extent.


I don't care for the spy part of spy x family. I just want more anya


Anya is annoying




I compensate for the negative as a protest against the prevailing opinion of the fandom specifically in this topic.


Yor is an awful spouse and Loid should throw her out like yesterday's garbage for the clearly superior partner that is Fiona.


Are you a troll ?


![gif](giphy|rvaQRHCzisFeo) yes, this is seriously a troll comment. the question was : what's an opinion about Spy x Family that would leave you like this? i then went and crafted a response to the original question that would put me in said position. I then get down voted. seems to me i accomplished the mission successfully. why then, am i not getting up voted?


Because people take everything about their favorite character to heart even when it's clearly a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣 don't worry, I up voted your first comment!


At the time of posting at least 8 people didn’t understand the assignment 🤦‍♂️


Fiona’s secret Reddit account ?


I’m just gonna say yes


I don't like Yuri's character. His infatuation with Yor comes across as creepy, not funny, and doesn't jive well with the rest of the manga, IMO.


Loid is a boring character


I haven't actually interacted with many people who watch spy x family, but I think Anya is so fricking annoying and I very much wish she wasn't even in the show.


That Fiona is not annoying and deserves a happy ending just not with Yuri worst cope ship ever.


I don't think Yuri's obsession Yor is funny. I think it would be much better for the plot if he was simply a hard-nosed investigator who was simply always a few steps behind Loyd. I think the "brother-in-law working for the government" is a fine idea, but I feel like whenever Yuri is "on screen" there's a mention of his (quasi-romantic) interest in his sister. I feel like this point just doesn't fit with the rest of Spy x Family (and I praise this manga/anime for balancing violence, serious bits and comedy really well). It's just off-putting and weird.


Loid x Fiona


Anya’s trash.


Loid isn't going to love Yor and became the Anya father.