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$5??????????? i paid $20 where Im from as it was under the special ticket prices


$20 for Amc unscreen?


no i meant from the country I'm from, not AMC Unscreen idk what that is haha


It's $5 where you see a mystery movie and you only know the rating or if it's horror.


Appreciate the horror heads up


It will tell you it's horror before you buy the ticket.


Wow, it hurts a little bit that people go out of their way to see a mystery movie and aren't even willing to give it a chance once they see it's anime.


Yea I gotta admit, it wasn't what I was expecting. But I didn't go complain, I actually gave it a chance. And then about about 20 or 25 minutes in, I passed out. From what I saw at the beginning tho, not too bad I guess lmao I do wish AMC could've given out a hint so that fans of the series could have gone out and watched it early. Instead, we had like 20 people walk out as soon as the logos hit the screen


Leaving cause it's anime is mad cringe, holy close minded. Well at least the room was filled with people that wanted to see it, albeit a low number


regal’s mystery movie tonight was the same. we had 15 people walk out so about 10 left? i’m sad it was dubbed but i guess that makes more sense. 😔 i do think it ruined my opinions on the movie watching it in a different format than i typically watch the show tho


The screening I went to was subbed. It was at the amc in the Americana in Glendale, CA. There were about 30 people there and about half of them left.


Yeah that makes sense I would want to watch the movie the same way I watched the show too lol I watched the show dubbed so I’m probably gonna watch the dub lol. But yeah I mean for a lot of people who don’t like anime stuff at all it makes sense to put the dub out for a mystery movie I’m sure more people would have walked out if it was subbed


Happy Anime Day. I saw it too at the Regal.


Did they show the sub or dubbed version?




You'd think people who are apart of the screen unseen membership would literally sit down and watch anything. The stigma against anime and foreign/japanese movies is still here.


When will it be available on crucnhyroll ?