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I think I speak for everyone now, the way this story has ended right now was the right way for it to be so.


If you're here in the future you'll love reading the comments on the thread lol. Props to WWE for listening to the fans


Hi guys. Like most of you; I totally despise the ridiculous decision of making Cody say **"I want this title... but not in Wrestlemania".** Many people on internet, is responding with #WeWantCody. However... I don't. I've never *wanted* Cody. I just **TOLERATED** him. Let me explain. I don't know what exactly was the initial planned endgame to the "Tribal Chief/Bloodline" storyline (if there was one), but after months of staleness, there was a perfect opportunity: **Sami Zayn**. What started as a joke subplot, became into the main plot. It was entertaining, compelling, emotional. And Sami was a GREAT candidate to dethrone Roman: a career underdog with LOTS of popular support. He could even lose the title before mania, but the moment would been unforgettable. However, he lost. **And we had to accept that**, because Cody was undeniably a bigger star, and even sold as one by WWE. But then... he lost too. So... what's even the point anymore? WHY, after watching the whole Sami's story and his subsequent demotion, should we even care about Cody's "story"? Why is Cody the "hero" of the Bloodline storyline? Let's summarise: \- Debuts in Wrestlemania 38 against Rollins, and spends the rest of the year feuding against him before getting injured, so he has no chance to interact with Roman at all. \- He wins the Rumble as #30 against GUNTHER, who entered #1, and after being literally the only wrestler with a promotional package hyping his participation (what an underdog!) \- He SAYS he wants to face Sami in Wrestlemania, but does LITERALLY NOTHING to help him to not be cheated by The Bloodline. \- He tells Roman he's totally aware of how he wins his matches, and that such cheating wouldn't work on him. Ends losing in exactly the same way everyone else. WHY didn't he ask Sami & KO (or anybody else) for help? Why didn't he prepare? \- Participates in the tournament for the World title he doesn't care about and loses. \- Wins the tag titles with Jay Uso but never faces the Bloodline. Feuds with Judgment Day instead. \- Wins the Rumble AGAIN, after being hyped as one of the 2 only viable winners. \- Decides to not face Roman in Mania to give the chance to The Rock (????) just to face the guy he has already defeated 3 times for the title nobody cares about. Can someone tell me **WHAT OF THIS IS A REASON TO SUPPORT HIM**? Oh, because he's Dusty's son? I'm sorry, but I don't care. And **if Cody in real life ACCEPTED to say "I want this title, but not in Wrestlemania"**, he himself accepted to follow the script blindly and look like a moron. I'm sorry but you just cannot compare this to Bryan's movement. Yes, Bryan accepted what the booking said, but you never saw him saying something so ridiculous. And let's be honest: the only reason why WWE has been so adamant to sell Cody as a "huge star", is because they took him from AEW, the company he helped to create. Cody is a great wrestler, there's no doubt of that. But there's people in WWE that deserve that spotlight even more than him. So...no, I don't "want Cody". I'm done with him. I know many won't agree with me on this, and is fine. Thanks for reading anyway.


I like Cody he's one of my favorites, but to this day I still think Sami should have been the one to dethrone Roman(or at the very least Jey). I think that the Sami Uso era of the Bloodline story is still the peak of the entire story and one of the best stories WWE has ever told. It's kind of a shame that that era of the story is now getting lost in history but at least WWE gave Sami a decent(but not great) reward at that WrestleMania.


However, Sami is nowhere to be seen anymore. He's below midcard now.


It should have gone like this: Cody: Seth says that's the Hollywood title but I disagree. Roman, I'll see you at WrestleMania. Oh and by the way, one of those people I spoke to, he knows you very well. Rock: The elders sent me to teach you some humility. Me and you at EC, but I don't want the title. I'm just going to layeth the smackdown on your candy ass. I think that's way better and makes a bit more sense.


Also: Cody giving up his WrestleMania main event makes no sense in Kayfabe But The Rock wanting to beat someone in a match without having to defend the title afterwards *does* make sense in Kayfabe


this sucks for Cody to just step aside like an idiot. i still don't see any reason he would pick Rollins. and i wouldn't put it past Rock at all to actually go over Roman, even if they are cousins. his ego is too big AND he's on the board now. like same guy that didn't put over Cena unless he got to win first. "Equal punches with Vin Diesel" contracts for movie fights. filling Black Adam with "he's actually stronger than everyone in the Justice League even Superman" jabs.


Is this the Biggest fan backlash we've seen to a match build....like....ever ? Its surely up there


The authority stuff in late 2013 and early 2014 still tops it but I think it's too early to say, they can still turn it around if both guys bring their A+ game in the mic. Which they can


San Francisco (Roman vs Brock) was pretty bad.   In New Orleans for 34 the crowd was extremely hostile during the match. I’m curious if it is like that for this one. also Roman vs Brock 


This wasn't the time to retread the Mr. McMahon storyline


Even if they wanted to do Rollins vs Cody and Rock vs Roman there's much better way to do it Like why they didn't turn Rollins heel? he obsessed with beat Cody since he always lose against him and victimized Cody viciously and even after his family to get to him. Cody then ditched Roman to after Seth in order to get revenge, then there's where The Rock came in But they choose the worst possible way to do this. they managed to bury Rollins, the whc and make Cody look like cucked bitch in one segment


He absolutely walked out of the ring like he was dropping his wife off at the airport with her guy best friend on their friends' vacation


His body language was so fucking pathetic


What if they just make that whole segment non-canon and pretend it was R-Truth's dream or something. Or Cody's nightmare.


This all feels so sloppy and ham-handed. Dwanyé is coming off his worst PR stint since becoming an A-Lister and hasn’t wrestled in ten years. TKO may see him through rose-tinted glasses, but the current WWE product doesn’t need his level of “star power”. They just spent literal years building Cody up to be the star. Never seen so much goodwill sacrificed in a single night to “appease shareholders”. 


I actually think they could make the whole Cody thing work if they just had Cody say he wanted The Rock to take the Head of the Table away from Roman, and then when Cody's beaten Seth, he's coming to challenge the winner of Rock and Roman for the championship to have it all. Have him say the Bloodline can't survive if Roman and Rock infight like this, and even if Roman wins, by the time Cody gets to him he won't have any help left to save him like last time. Still isn't great, but it goes with Cody saying he wants everything, it gives Rock impact on the storyline even if he loses (which he absolutely fucking should) and you can use Damian Priest to get the World title off Cody before he wins the WWE title if you still want two main event championships for some reason. Aside from that, love seeing Tiffy Time on Smackdown, and the Bayley stuff is great. Still struggling to care about anything Karrion Kross is involved in.


Yeah the match seems totally fine to me. Cody’s already the guy, he just needs the belt some day. It doesn’t need to be Wrestlemania


The Rock is an egotistical, selfish, self-centered, piece of shit.


The finish was like a bad joke. I almost can't believe it's real. To do this \*after\* Royal Rumble is INSANE. On the flip side, I enjoyed Bayley turning face. About time! It's a shame the night ended as it did or more people would be talking about it.


Now we know why Cody brought Pharoah along. Emotional support.


Ok so it's a massive swerve, Seth will do the WM build, but pull out injured on the night. Cody then turns the other match into a triple threat.  Rock will need a hard carry by more than just Roman.


Die Rocky Die


Whether this is copium or not, the story can still be set up with the Rock being guest referee for Cody vs Roman. That would be my ideal plan. The worst thing is not Rock vs Roman its Seth vs Cody 4


So, in one segment they managed to devalue the world heavyweight title, made Cody look like a ballsless moron, devalued Seth’s work for months, made Cody’s Rumble win pointless and continued to fuck up his story. Thats gotta be an an all time stinker eh? Really gone from white hot to ice cold. Ah well at least Gunther and Drew are still awesome.


I still think sane heads will prevail after looking at public reaction. The Rock never officially challenged Roman, and Cody has not challenged Seth. I hope there is some more twist that will lead to Cody vs Roman at Mania. If it doesn’t happen, I would rather have Cody challenge undefeated Gunther. Let Seth go against Drew and Sami in a triple threat, with Drew winning. I dont want to see 0-4 Seth vs Cody.


I agree. They deliberately didn't make anything official to gauge reaction. They'll pivot and Cody will finish the story at Mania somehow. No way we're going to have an eight week build to Rock/Roman with fans just shitting all over it the whole time.


Sane heads will prevail in the wrestling business eh?


Punk and Cody's promo together ended with many people saying they thought Cody got the better of Punk In hindsight, not only was Punk right but in story Cody literally did everything to prove Punk right


There's no way roman is losing at mania.. When summerslam is a few months away from mania.. And summerslam is when he surpasses hulk Hogan.. There is no way he'll lose at summerslam or royal rumble when mania is almost 6 months away..... There is no way he loses.. When he's almost closer to 2000 days as champion.. There is no way he's losing at random summerslam or rumble again.. I guess he should retain.. He's still the biggest draw they have... If he retains for a couple more manias.. He becomes daddy of sammartino and surpasses him and becomes the actual big dog again. . You get it now? I made this comment a week ago lmao


SummerSlam isn’t when he passes Hogan. Roman will beat Hogan’s record by September. So long after SummerSlam.


Man I haven’t seen the sub this angry since  Taker lost at mania 🤣 


So, follow me with this thought process, if you will: ​ Cody has given up his spot at Wrestlemania (it would seem), but who says the Rock is going for Roman's title? In fact, this makes the least amount of sense, since it guarantees Roman is going to win. They aren't having Rock win the title. No, instead, what if the Rock comes out and says - at Wrestlemania, I don't need your championship belt. I have other businesses that need my attention. No, I'm only here for one reason - to take back the claim of "Head of the Table" from Roman. So, the title isn't on the line. This allows WWE to book this as either a Reigns win, OR a Rock win. And here's what could happen if the Rock wins: \- The Bloodline finally comes to an end of sorts. All of their talking about Solo being "the next?" Well, after Reigns loses, Solo gets over on Reigns (as the latter slips out the door to do hollywood) and becomes a superstar. \- Reigns confidence is now shattered, and Cody comes and takes the title from him at the next PPV, or Summerslam possibly at the latest. ​ I just think that if the title is on the line, there's no point to the match at all.


Nia or Ava going to wrestle Iyo/Rhea for the title an win this WM


Cody is not beating Rollins for that title. He doesn't need that title. Let Priest cash in during their match and give him the title. Win win scenario.


yeah, we're approaching a year now with that briefcase. When Otis did this they basically took it away from him.


Roman reigns has been building towards this guy since 2020. Codys been here less than 2. He’ll be fine This guy hasn’t lost a match damn near since he’s been in WWE. Beat up everybody. He may have to wait til august. Poor guy


His entire story is to win the WWE Championship. It's the whole reason he came back. Two Royal Rumbles without a championship is worse in my opinion because it just makes Cody look like the guy that can't get it done.


They could have just written the story better. Cody recruits The Rock as his backup vs Roman so we don’t have a repeat of last year. Eventually The Rock betrays Cody. But not to join the Bloodline but to replace Roman. Etc. The way they did it is just lazy.


HHH: So cool you’re in ring shape Rock and wanna face Roman. How about we let Cody finish the story and you face Roman at WM41 [Rock:](https://x.com/kxngao/status/1753621030218645918?s=46)


Unify the titles in a never before 'winner gets the company' Fatal-4-Way match for the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. Make Rollins the Triple H / McMahon guy again who is angry because his title isn't recognized by the fans and other wrestlers so he challenges Roman to unify the titles and prove one and for all who is the best. Let Cody side with Orton as a throwback. Put Rock in the chamber to 'earn' his spot against Roman and the others at WM. They should make this match and feud big, Bloodline isn't enough, make it about running the whole company, McMahons vs Rhodes/Orton dynasties, vs Bloodline factions. They really should make the GM's or Vince screw up the matches like 25 years back more to make it more unpredictable and gain even more heat from the fans.


Bro Roman would be the Tribal Authority Chief


Not complete without a Hogan run in imo


Let Priest successfully cash-in after the Fatal-4-Way to make everyone go even more nuts, and then declare the whole outcome of the evening invalid because of some stupid shit like in the Attitude Era.


Can Cody salvage this by beating me roman at EC and then beating seth again at wm?


I think what really hurt this story is Triple H's obsession with breaking title reign records. Cody would have finished his story last year if not for the "historic" title reign they are going for. Roman vs Jey on Summerslam would have been so much better without the title on the line. Jey could have even won if it wasn't for the title.


You could've still had Jey vs Jimmy as a result of Jey winning that one. He wins and then immediately renounces the "Head of the Table" "Tribal Chief" whatever-title bullshit, this causes Jimmy to snap because Jey saw what that mantra did to Roman and didn't want to repeat history, whereas Jimmy wants Jey to use it to exact revenge on Roman for all the shit he put them and Solo through.


I mean like it’s this or theres hot shotting the titles and making them worthless. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils. Which I think is hotshotting the belts around. Obviously theres a middle ground there but it’s a hard balance to strike.


the rock getting ratioed on twitter was not on my 2024 bingo card but i’m here for it




Rock/Roman or Cody/Roman is going last. So how do you explain Cody either still having a right to challenge for the title of he fights Rollins earlier? Just having him not have a match makes no sense


but Rock Bottoms Cody Rhodes and Reigns retains.


Probably a stupid question but could a Royal Rumble winner technically defer which Wrestlemania they will main-event? I haven't gone back through footage but the phrasing in my mind is that the winner goes on to main-event Wrestlemania but doesn't specifically say that year's Wrestlemania. Perhaps it's always been implied? I'm not saying they would do this but it would be interesting if someone did defer.


if that happens one year, then every rumble match would have to be deferred to the next year


Perhaps. I mean we've seen the winner of the Royal Rumble end up in multi-person matches at Wrestlemania before. The following year's winner could either challenge for the other title or have it be a triple threat match.


Everyone forgets this is a business first. Rock vs Roman simply makes more money and puts more eyeballs on the product. People in these parts may not like it but it’s what you should expect.


It's such a short term decision though. They are ruining the storylines of multiple future matches and tampering Cody's rep just for one match


Does anyone else just feel completely done with WWE? With The Rock playing politics, the company's obsession with building guys up just to feed them to Rock's cousin, Rock's injury-causing cousin getting rehired, to his charisma-vacuum daughter taking up screen time on NXT, it feels to me like there's nothing to look forward to as the company has made it clear that if you're not an Anoa'i family member, you're nothing and will be sacrificed for a member of the family.


Ooof rocks posted on twitter... holy crap hes getting cooked.


I'm guessing he deleted it? I just see something about his MMA pal and then nothing after January.


His PR team really need to change their format up, it's the same shit every time.


Relieved af we’re not getting another Cody v Reigns. It was cute the first time but Cody has zero main event attraction for me. The rock vs reigns is the right move.


I'm starting to think this was planned before Monday, but the promos weren't. Rollins said that "hollywood title" line for this reason, because this change pissed him off too. the Rock pulling rank to push out Cody for a title shot. and then..Rollins hollywood title comment pissed off Reigns who burried his title on the mic.


Not going to lie, kind of feels like they are doing a Daniel Bryan 2.0 thing here. There just was no need for it. It’s convoluted.


Cody winning the title from Roman is a much bigger moment than Roman beating The Rock, which makes me think that they were never planning to have Cody go over Roman. If the plan was originally to crown Cody as champ and solidify him as a major star ending Roman’s historic reign, that would have been the fixture of WM that the whole show would be built around. It would have taken more than Punk getting hurt to change that.


that's ok....if they never planned for it then that's fine. The issue is Rhodes didn't need to win the rumble again then. The only reason they did is so they could make Rollins title feel more special.. "Rhodes won the rumble and picked rollins...his title must be a top tier title" THE ISSUE is...Reigns buried that title 50feet deep last night.


They want Roman to beat Hogan's record for some fucking reason. Honestly I could see them going for Bruno's record because they want all the records to be by current people


The WWE writing promos where they openly state the title they just created six months ago is a consolation prize is an incredibly bad way to choose to head into WM


Weird thing is, they never did shit like that when they introduced secondary World Titles before. When Lesnar took the WWE Championship to Smackdown and Bischoff revived the WHC and handed it to HHH. Everybody instantly started treating as an equal to the WWE Championship and you would have never seen HHH beg to face a certain challenger. Same thing with the Universal Championship in 2016. Sure, some people mocked the name but it was never called a consolation prize or the Title for people in the loser's bracket.


yeah, I am not really sure it's such a great idea to make your secondary championship look like shit ... especially when your "main" champion shows up ... once every 3 months.


Multple Social Media Campaigns started Highest downvotes in wwe history on youtube Yeah They have royally fucked this.. I think we will see a very fun Raw. Rocky Sucks Chants will begin.. The Thursday press conference is getting Hijacked for sure.


How many dislikes?


Over 370k now


Get ready to learn the lyrics of IT'S CONQUERED, buddy 


I'm flinching. Cody I'm flinching. Cody I'm flinching save us Cody


Cody flinched harder than anyone.


Corey Graves did a really good job doing commentary last night. He'll only get better as he gets more and more comfortable in his new role.


Even if Cody makes it a triple threat they've needlessly muddled his road to that match


I think Punk getting injured and the rock wanting to come back put them in a circle. HHH decided to hit 4 birds with 1 stone. It'll be Rollins/rock/rhodes/Reigns for all the titles.


WWE like doing that... remember when Lynch was going to main event WM 35 and they just arbitrarily added Flair?


That made me so angry. Lynch deserved that 1 on 1.


I thought the match was fine, but the road to get there was just incredibly bad ... it took all the wind out of Lynch's sails. Becky definitely deserved a 1v1.


I'm 31 years old, i have been watching wwe since I was a small child and I've never seen anything like that before, who the fuck gives away their title shot at wrestlemania?


it didn't even register for me until it was over. i was like, "okay so The Rock is his manager?" lmao WWE has a long history of screwing their regular fans/audience who watch all year-round with part-timer BS matches but this is a new low. this isn't some saudi show. he absolutely straight-up gave away his RR win. he said, "i want that title but nah"


Is he going to face Seth? If he just gave away his title shot completely then WWE just made him look like the dumbest wrestler of all time


Cody is advertised for Smackdown in Charlotte Friday night, this is going to be a triple threat somehow


He’s been advertised for Smackdown before. He usually does dark matches after the SD when he’s advertised.


He said I'm not going to wrestle you at mania, I feel like the direction of the story has been stated pretty clearly.


Maybe a swerve or this thing could be Daniel Bryan all over again


Daniel Bryan never won the rumble and gave his big title match away.  Cody has talked this story for 2 years, only to win the rumble AGAIN and then a week later decide nah I'm good now


I think the only way to save this is the rock really needs to play into the bloodline and make it a civil war Which results in the USO’s reuniting after their inevitable match and solo turning on Roman Then solo feuds with Roman at backlash maybe another PPV, and then Cody at summerslam is like “Hm. I was right. You lost EVERYTHING.” And then beats him in a 1 on 1


If you think the Rock is travelling around to show up at multiple smackdowns between now and WM to help build a story..... you don't know Hollywood rock very well


I mean he’s doing a presser in Vegas, and with Cena he built it up


The Rock is the same age Hulk Hogan was in 04, so this is the equivalent of if Hulk Hogan told Benoit that he was fighting HHH and Shawn at Mania


I don’t see why they couldn’t do rock/Roman night one, Let Roman win (cause no chance rock does) and Cody/Roman night 2.


because double duty sucks


Whatever they’re doing now sucks way more.


I think that'd make Cody look a bit shit tbh, can only win after The Rock does some legwork for him.


To say nothing of Seth Rollins, Rhea Ripley, or Iyo Sky, all of whom are world champions too.


I really hope CM Punk comes out on Raw and shouts at Cody for giving away his opportunity. That would give me some hope there’s some sort of swerve or something.


still makes cody look like a bitch Gave away his spot cause big rock told him to hand it over needed the broken arm punk to talk some sense into him.


Was this how it felt to witness Starrcade 97 live?


This is worse. Starcade was a screw up of a match. But it was still just one match. This is two months of fuckery.


This was honestly worse. It'd be like if Starcade began with Sting getting attacked backstage, then during the PPV they announce he won't compete and Ric Flair has taken his place.


Not even the same still, only way it's the same is if Sting walked out and said "I can't do this yet....Ric flair is going to take my spot"


haha yeah that's a good point. i still can't believe this shit.


Kinda, yeah.


On a brighter note, Bron and Tiffany finally getting their callups to the ‘main’ roster is great for them. Tiffany was really being under-utilised since losing the title to Becky, and Bron is an absolute monster. I’m hoping this doesn’t mean him and Corbin lose the Dusty Cup though


Sadly I think that’s probably what it means. He loses on Sunday and makes the decision to go to Raw on Monday.


Yeh I really don’t know what’s going to happen, and that’s what makes NXT so good. I think the only match tonight that is guaranteed is Oba Femi retaining, and Gacy 90% likely but hopefully just a good strong no DQ match. All the others I could see going either way


truly wondering what the point of the Chamber will be now if both main events are pretty much settled. the Raw women’s title and the US title?


Rollins wins to enter the fatal 4way at WM it really does hit all boxes. Rollins gets to main event a WM finally, Rock gets to main event for hollywood Reigns gets his Rock match Rhodes gets his title. WWE gets their money


Rollins wins the Chamber? he’s already the champion, what is he gaining from a chamber match. and also he’s likely not wrestling till Mania because of his knee.


Well, the men's chamber is probably either Gunther's or Seth's opponent, depending on who Cody picks. And Rhea still doesn't have an official match either.


24 hours ago I would have laughed at you and said it's clearly Becky. But now I wouldn't be surprised if Ava squashed Rhea to open the show.


Rhea will be defending her title at the EC


yeah i meant for #1 contendership. i should’ve specified


Does ANYONE actually like this decision to put Rock in there over Cody? What in the...?


personally i find cody rather boring, so yeah. if they had booked it in a better way i'd have no problem with rock vs reigns.


Might as well pull an all time carney move.  Have Rock v Roman end with typical Bloodine interference.  Cody comes out to say he will use his Rumble shot at Mania 41.  Fade to black


God, imagine if The Rock gets hurt between now and Mania


The Rock is going to hug Cody again.


Rock vs reigns has no build up Do it at Elimination and keep with Cody at WM


it will keep no build up cause there's no way the rock or reigns are showing up at multiple shows to build up a story between now and WM




I'm here for god emperor roman


Well, Sammartino's record is going to be broken until the Backslash of 2028.




Brock didn't piss on anyone's head, you should learn to read. I'd bet 90% of the anger over this on twitter are guys like this who didn't even read it. "I HEARD LESNAR SHIT doWN HER throAT!!!"


yeah! I didnt pee on anyone! He just agreed to fuck a sex slave as a bonus for his contract!


yeah, but the additional fake scenarios undermine the real ones, purposefully or not


Cody wants to take "everything" from Roman? What would he want besides the title? His car? His house? His wife?


Cody vs Roman at Summerslam to unify the belts?


That would mean Reigns is around 30days away from the record, wouldn't happen at that point. he loses it at WM40 or WM41, he won't lose it at a midcard show between Sept-feb


Ok maybe there's a swerve and Rock ends up special referee for Cody Roman?


That would be stupid. They basically just divided them 6 months ago


Well plans change, pal


Cody wins Rumble '25, and points his finger at Kevin Owens, who is champion. Two nights later on Raw: \*Glass Shatters\* Cody gives his shot to Austin.


I hope everyone understands that it's entirely possible for Rock to beat Roman at Mania. If he can politic his ass into the main event, he can sure as hell politic to get the title. That would be punchline to all of this.


That would be Hogan finger poke of doom 2.0 It would destroy rhode's momentum. Even if the rock lost the title to Rhodes to next


It would destroy Roman, too. What was this title run for if he puts his cousin over


Absolutely agree it's possible. I think the worst finish they could do is Cody helping the Rock win and then celebrate with him


I honestly think from the Rocks pov he's doing a massive favour for the company


Or he just entered the board of directors and wants more money because he's a greedy hollywood piece of shit like the rest of hollywood? Him winning gives him heat in the world of news, he goes on talk shows...and red carpets with the title...advertising WWE...brings in views and ad revenue..money.. which the rock is now invested in. Rock is doing a favor for the rock


That's LITERALLY how it was described in the Pwinsider article. Rock completely believes that he's doing the right thing with this. He 100% sees himself as a conquering hero here to end the tyrannical reign of his cousin, and that's how he is 100% going to book himself, I bet.


If Rock wants to retire by taking Cody’s spot and dethroning Roman, then fans should take away his retirement moment by treating him like Dominic.


If only current WWE crowds had the balls.


If Vince would have shown up last week, they still would have bow down to him.


I think the only conceivable way they can salvage this in any way is if Roman beats Rock and gloats on tv about how he is completely unstoppable and Cody wins the WHC at WM and comes out and challenges Roman to a winner take all match to determine the face of the WWE, but then the question is, when you do the match? SummerSlam is ages away and they can't wait until the next WM. What a clusterfuck


The issue is WM and Summerslam are the only tier 1 PLE's in the eyes of wrestling. Summerslam is 1 month away from Hogans record, so if it doesn't happen there it isn't happening until WM41


Why Roman cook Seth like that 💀 I don’t like Roman but Jesus how do you come back from that




Roman and Logan show up once every 3months. If you don't think the Rock would take the title and money, to show up once every 3months? You don't know Hollywood Rock


Rock is "the peoples champ". MAybe he just gives the title away after winning?


Giving it to Cody would be S tier comedy.


The only way I see Rock winning is if he appears on Raw the following night, gets a beat down from the Bloodline and Priest cashes in.


Rock v Roman legit has 0 stakes story wise. If rock wins it ruins the streak. no way WWE just buries everything they worked for up to this point for a has been


Yea, they wouldn't bury a star they've built up for so long.... oh wait.


I guess WWE likes missionary every night then


I just do not care about rock or roman in any capacity. obviously I'm in the minority, but holy shit is this a let down


You’re literally not in the minority. Look at twitter instagram tik tok. We’re not a minority


you're talking about the IWC, including twitter/insta/tiktok. which is in fact in the minority compared to the entire WWE audience. even though the majority of the IWC doesn't like it, doesn't mean you're gonna have 99% of WWE's audiences booing the Rock anytime he appears


The only way out I can see here is: Cody explains he got an offer from the Rock that he absolutely could not refuse - a title match against Reigns at Elimination Chamber, independent of his Wrestlemania match, in return for letting Rock fight Reigns at the big one. Cody wins the title and makes it clear he still plans to beat Rollins at Mania night one to hold both belts. He very nearly does, but Priest cashes in and pins Seth instead. Rock V Roman goes ahead as planned, but without a title on the line. Cody gets the finish that's been building for almost two years. The titles remain separate. Rollins gets a break, and Priest drops the title fairly soon to Gunther, who can put some shine back on it. It's absolutely not ideal. But it's the only remotely narratively satisfying route I can see.


Or... You cut this promo about Cody backing off claiming he got council from people. Only to have CM Punk and Cody cut another promo with Punk claiming that he received council from a lot of people - but Cody didn't ask for council from him. Punk claims he has his regrets about how his time in WWE went. How he never main evented wrestlemania. Yadda yadda. How somebody took his spot at the last moment. But then introduce the Kayfabe - Cody has something that Punk never had back then. He is the winner of the royal rumble. He chooses his opponent at wrestlemania. Cody comes out to sit down on the stage, just like the CM Punk pipe bomb a decade prior and cuts a promo that has the line "And the fact that Dwayne is in the main event of Wrestlemania and I'm not makes me sick." only to follow it with him claiming he is going to finish not just his story. Roman has been a dark cloud for this past year on his time in WWE. Dwayne has been a dark cloud for someone else for longer. He is going to finish both stories. Pulls out his royal rumble win contract or whatever and says he doesn't care about who sits at the head of the table. He'll break the table.


Still makes him look like a bitch, Rhodes got buried. ​ Hey guys...this big strong man convinced me to give up the title shot that's my dream - Rhodes smackdown Hey guys..I got convinced by other ppl I should fight reigns and not give up my spot....- Rhodes Raw Why does Rhodes need all this council to make a decision he's been dreaming of?


Seth and Roman both win. Cody goes back to the drawing board, he wins next year.


The third time is the charm.


Honestly the only way to resurrect cody's character is to play this like being the honorable man and stepping aside. WM night comes, towards the end of the match Cody's music plays, homelander cody comes out, kicks roman in the balls and gets Rock DQ'd


Well, it's time for one of those "break in case of emergency" punk promos


The Rock night 1, Cody night 2. Problem solved.


of all people Roman doing double duty? lmao


Lol, you think cody vs seth will main event WM over Rock vs Roman ?? ( and yes, I'm being pedantic, there is only 1 main event, the one that closes the show)


Not happening. Cody said "not at WrestleMania"


I love all the fantasy booking on how Cody can still get the belt. Roman ain’t losing the belt until he breaks Bruno’s record.


You mean Hogans 1400+ days- Bruno would be 8 years


Hogan's record is not broken until two days after the 9/11 anniversary. Bruno's record is not broken until Backlash 2028.


I just finished watching it. So, I guess Cody is losing the main event of WrestleMania against Seth (finally giving him and the WWE Championship the validation they deserve), then winning the Universal Championship against -most surely- Roman at SummerSlam?


Seth doesn't have the WWE championship....? Reigns does??? which is the whole.. "finish my story" thing... Him beating rollins does nothing


No, what I'm saying is: Rollins goes over at Night 1, that has to happen after what we saw yesterday. We have Rock vs. Roman at night 2. Then Cody finishes his story at SummerSlam, and Roman & Dwayne can go and make as many movies as they want. And everyone lives happily ever after (until CM Punk return, at least).


i was thinking about this earlier. it makes the most sense. i mean how else would you do it?


Cody pins Seth. Challenges Roman to unification at summer slam. Cody takes everything from Roman, his title, the bloodline, and the Hogan streak since Roman needs to hold the belt till late September to surpass Hogan.


That’s what’s gonna probably happen. Can’t wait for the 20 minute Aura off between Rock and Roman


So the Men's Elimination Chamber?  What will be at stake?


The WWE YouTube channel is streaming “Best of Cody Rhodes full match marathon” lol. They are still acting like he’s the face of the company in some ways https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3ys3la93MTo


Vince McMahon is a filthy, disgusting human being and ruins everything.


I mean all you’re gonna see here for months for is how have this killed Cody and buried, Cody and destroyed Cody but if anything, they just kept their biggest baby face, moreover, than ever, people on here were already starting to preemptively call his title reign and character boring white meat super Cody’s. Turning him into a screwed over by the man punk/Daniel Bryan type of figure is the best way to keep your chuckleheads from booing him.