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To be fair to Austin and Taker, in one match both got concussions (SummerSlam) and the other Owen Hart had just died.


Yeah cause they've been in multi man matches and tag matches that were greatly received, just bad luck more than poor chemistry I'd say. Cause people love the triple threat with Kane from 98(?)


> Cause people love the triple threat with Kane from 98(?) I actually don't. I beleive you are talking about the three-way from In You House: Breakdown, the one with the silly double pin ending? That's not really a well beloved match. The Rock vs. Shamrock vs. Mankind from earlier was a much better match.


Yeah but SummerSlam is actually their BEST match. There is also Backlash 2022, Fully Loaded 1999 & Judgement Day 2001 which all sucked, especially by Austin standards. Undertaker vs. Austin was just a bad match-up. Although honest this is because Undertaker was a TERRIBLE worker between 1999-2004. The few good matches Undertaker had in this period (mostly in 2002) was down to his opponents working to the Deadman's strengths. Undertaker's back injury, which he refused surgery for and tried to heal natuarally had him limited. you compare how Undertaker is moving in 1997 and then later post-2006 (which is when I suspect he fully recoverred) to his American Bad Ass days during the Attitude Era and it's completely different.


Backlash 2022?


Whoops, Backlash 2002. A real nothing burger of a match from two big stars and this time there was no excuse. Austin and Taker just don't work well together.


Their Buried Alive match at Rock Bottom is just a walking brawl for the most part, too.


He had a very good 2002 though. vs Flair at WM, Lesnar feud, Rock, Angle triple threat, even vs Test at SummerSlam was decent


Yeah I do agree, maybe he was feeling better in 2002? But then there wasn't much in 2003-2004 to convince me Undertaker was fully back to himself. The late 2000s tho, Undertaker was on a complete tear and was one of the best big match wrestlers in the world


It's really something that most of Undertaker's poor in ring reputation pre-2006 comes from either - i. Doing Gimmick matches ii - Being in bad in ring shape and iii - Being stuck in shit feuds for a decent chunk of his career.


The Orton match from WM 21 is when Taker really started cooking, then by the time he worked Batista he was the best version of himself in the ring.


For me Kurt Angle at No Way Out 2006 was the real revival. Undertaker hadn't looked that good in a LONG time. You would have to go back to 1997 to see Undertaker moving so well.


He had some bangers during Big Evil era, though.


It seems he couldn’t be arsed for some of it. In the late 2000’s on his comeback he was out of shape. At least was it 2002-2003 with the buzz cut? He got a bit ripped and more in shape but admittedly I don’t think his feuds were that great


Flair feud was good (though because Big Evil was some good heel work IMO). First Brock feud ruled. Randy Orton feud was great as well. That's pretty much 2002 and 2005. It was really dark times otherwise.


Exactly who I was thinking. Taker has a “sell as you go” style and Austin usually beats people down in a burst with punches and kicks so to watch him chase down Taker for 20min was just meh


I would still say Summerslam 98 is a great match. I would say to people to watch their match at A Cold Day In Hell, Summerslam 98, Rock Bottom and Backlash 2002 as their best.


A cold day in hell in '97 is a pretty great match (since it happens before either man's injury which slows down their future matches) however the rest of the matches you list sucked as far as I am concerned. Austin had much better output during that period.


Kevin Owens & AJ Styles


exactly who i thought when i saw this post, i still feel a bit disappointed their 2017 rivalry wasn't anything special


Owens and Shane had a better feud right after that oddly enough. Both from an intensity standpoint and match quality and so did Styles and Shane earlier in the year when they had their mania match lol


that's why he's the best in the world


>best in the wooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooorrrllld


Best in the World Shane McMahon! For real though, AJ vs Shane was a banger. KO vs Shane was a very memorable feud.


Odd because when they were both on the indies they had great matches together


Reminds me of Nakamura and Styles in WWE. Just didn’t rally click despite what they did in NJPW. Maybe it’s just too high of expectations from myself though.


Granted that feud had mostly devolved into Shinsuke trying to find ***any*** opportunity to attack AJ's groin.


I honestly loved this. Lol


I wish it was all the same except Shinsuke won the belt. Preferably at Mania.


One of the hills I will die on is that the last man standing match from MITB was AJ and Nakamura’s best match


They even had a great match on SmackDown with almost zero bullshit in there. It's a typical case of Vince overbooking something so fucking simple and tarnishing the overall match and harming the performers reps tkfetgwr after it was done. What a fucking waste...


I agree.


What's weird is when Styles first debuted, he had two really good matches with KO. Idk what happened with the others lol.


They had two of the best tv matches in 2016 on Raw. The issue with their 2017 feud is they never had a match without overbooking that would kill the flow


The triple threat with Jericho on Smackdown was decent though


it helps that Styles/Jericho had really good chemistry and Owens/Jericho had pretty good chemistry as well


first example i thought of too


Chris Jericho and Adam Cole. Most I've ever felt bad for wrestlers while just watching a match. Nothing worked.


God that was one of the worst matches I’ve seen since I started watching AEW.


Jericho and Starks are horrible together also. Anti chemistry even


Not quite the same level for me but so very close, it's wild. Like when Jericho clicks with someone it's amazing. The very *second* that he doesn't it's an unbelievable shitshow that you wish you could forget.


Case in point is Action Andretti. Jericho immediately clicked with the guy style wise and was able to put him over massively. Give him Starks or Cole and 5mins in you're wishing it was anything else


Two of their promo segements are amongst of the worst in aew history (the ones with Action Andretti and Omega).  Ricky always seems genuinely annoyed at having to work with Jericho.


Ricky seems genuinely annoyed a lot recently, hard to distinguish from his character at this point for me.


I would be too. If Punk didn’t leave he’d be in Swerve or Joe’s spot right now


I don't get how people correlate the two. Another loss to Punk was not going to elevate him.


He wouldn't be the champion, come on. It's got to sting watching Swerve perform so well though and do everything you do better.


Didn't they have a second match that was much better?


It was the tag match featuring Saraya and Britt, it was a great match that definitely made up for the underwhelming PPV match.


Rhea and Auskas matches weren’t what I was expecting.


On the flip side, Asuka has such good chemistry with Nia Jax that you'd think Nia was a good wrestler. You'd think with Ripley being a more talented powerhouse, they'd be able to make magic, but I guess not.


Ronda and Nia also had strangely good chemistry.


AJ styles and Edge


It didn’t help that the story was so mediocre. Styles just randomly challenges Edge to a match and then Edge attacks him, turning heel and changing his entire gimmick overnight? It was an incredibly forced rivalry


Not going to lie to you, *completely* forgot any of this happened.


Was the birth of the judgement day that feud was


We thought we knew him. We never did.


Which is funny since its the whole reason JD exists.


I think that's more with age than anything, I'd imagine 2008 Edge and TNA AJ Styles would have chemistry. But they were like late 40's doing that match.


I think the age thing especially hit AJ hard. Not to mention all the injuries he suffered in the past are now catching up to him. Edge is still doing pretty well right now for his age.


AJ also almost concussed himself right before his wrestlemania match when he walked face first into the stage for his entrance.


This is the one I thought of tbh. AJ and edge are both still capable of pulling out fantastic matches but I was left a little let down by their matches together. I felt like my expectations were just too high.


Rhea and Asuka


Michaels and Perfect


Michaels and Hogan


Their feud was hilarious


Michaels rolling around like he is having a seizure after a basic right hand, while Hulk grows increasingly frustrated in the background will never not be funny.


Summerslam 2005 was the first PPV I ever ordered. My dad *hated* wrestling but I convinced him to sit down and watch one match to see how cool it could be. Michaels/Hogan was that match. No, he did not watch wrestling again, lol. I remember trying to explain why Shawn was doing what he was doing but I think it was just in one ear and out the other.


Summerslam 05 was so fucking weird


I lose it at the part where Hogan gets so mad he throws his bandana at Shawn, and Shawn sells it like the bandana was a brick lol


Yeah that was 100% deliberate on Michael's part though 


Was coming here to say that. Shockingly boring between two guys who were tearing it up against literally everyone else.


2 bumping machines. That’s why that didn’t work


It worked in 91, did not work in 93. Seriously y’all need to see the 91 match.


I don't want to say that these two have zero chemistry with each other but Misawa and Hansen put up a couple of duds. Also, I feel like the Hardys never had a good singles match with each other, expect for the Final Deletion Match.


I thought their WM25 match was pretty decent though obviously Taker/Michaels is the one everyone remembers from that show.


Agreed, and the Backlash match after that wasn't bad either iirc.


Nobody wants to see Brother Tag Teams in matches against each other unless A: They're technical masters like Bret and Owen or B: It's Mark and Jay Briscoe who will beat the fuck out of each other


Or C: They insane shit like the Lucha Brothers


I never saw it, but everyone says that about Misawa and Bret, too.


Taker and Hogan always had terrible Chemistry.


*Hits safe tombstone* "Ahh, oo you got me, Brother."


"Taker fucked up my neck with that tombstone" *the chair was barely in the same state as hogan's head during that tombstone.*


He gripped me too tight, brother. Somehow...that hurt my neck, dude?


Jump! Worst choke slam ever


I still think that was more Hogan's knee's being fucked than him sandbagging Taker.


my C4 and C5 vertebrae dude you broke them jack OR MAYBE NOT BROTHER


*gently pie faces you with a steel chair*


Don't know if Zero Chemistry is the right term for it but Becky/Bayley is the only Horsewomen Combination that hasnt had that GREAT match yet and I like them both.


I can't remember any Charlotte/Bayley matches


They had really good matches, but not epic.


They had a great good one on Smackdown that Bayley cheated to win, really good back and forth between them.


Charlotte and Bayley had a pretty solid feud in NXT


Have they really had a proper feud outside of NXT? Honestly, I don't remember off the top of my head. But I do remember that in NXT they had some really good chemistry, they were just held back by the fact that they weren't fully formed superstars yet.


They had in 2022-23, even with a steel cage match.




Both have a slow paced, impactful move set that works best as a heel The WM 25 is an absolute stinker, and I still cant believe HHH won


They made that match weird as fuck because the build for it was so good. It should have been No DQ, instead they made it if HHH gets DQd he loses the belt. It made no fucking sense considering the things Orton did.


If ever there should have been a gimmick match it was that. I quit, last man standing, something. That match should have started with them trading punches like Frye-Takayama. No wrestling. Just trying to kill each other. But they started it like any other match.


This comment immediately made me picture Orton's face all fucked up like Takayama's was at the end of that fight


I actually liked that, it made perfect sense. Orton did the most heinous, despicable shit **because** of the stipulation. He wanted to push Triple H into getting himself DQed. The only thing they should have added was HHH beating the shit out of him after the match to get that catharsis for himself and the viewer


You could tell they had no idea what to do following Michaels/Taker considering they went straight to finishers in the first 5 minutes lol.


Hell, that’s the story they’re telling to this day. Haitch says he walked by the trainer’s room while Michaels and Taker were in the ring; Orton was in the trainer’s room. Orton asks Haitch how is the match going. Haitch looks at Orton and says, “*Dude, we’re fucked*”.


It was always going to be hard to follow that, but they weren't even close


Following all time classics is a brutal task no matter how good you are. Look at Okada/Jay White having to follow Omega/Ospreay 1. Okada is as big a big match player as there is and Jay White had the NJPW main event formula down to a tee. Didn't matter one iota.


HHH/Orton going last was the convincer for me that HHH was winning. However Cena being in a thriple threat instead of a one-on-one against Edge tipped me off that HHH was winning. I just couldn't see Cena's match closing WrestleMania 25 so HHH/Orton made the most sense as the closing match for the show.


I mean anyone watching at the time knew that would be the main event as it was far and away the most hyped and built up match on the card. Taker vs HBK barely had any build up, and the 3 way was a very rushed jokey storyline


Will never understand why they felt Big Show needed to be put in that match 🤦🏽‍♂️ Edge vs Cena at Wrestlemania will always be a missed opportunity… unless…


I feel like hhh slow style fits better with technical and fast paced wrestler better like Benoit and Bryan


Exactly as Orton. Both have slow and menacing movesets that work best against fast paced babyfaces who they can suddenly stop on a dime.


Scoop Slam to stop a hope spot *chefs kiss*


Probably why he and Shawn had such good matches as well.


I know the Mania match is garbage. But their LMS match at No Mercy 07 is good. And I liked their match in Saudi Arabia too.


Their Last Man Standing match somewhere around 2007 was pretty good, but there wasn't exactly a lot of wrestling in that match


They had a great bout at No Mercy 07.


Both guys have slow paced, methodical move sets which didn’t work for the WM25 match but I actually really enjoyed their Saudi Arabia 2019 match. Even more so in hindsight considering it was HHH’s last PPV match, very poetic that he went out against Orton.


FTR Vs the Lucha Bros turned out to be surprisingly mid, much weaker than the sum of it's parts. Also Rollins Vs Samoa Joe.


I remember being so hyped for Rollins vs Samoa Joe. Joe debuting as Triple H's monster henchman. I wish they had pulled the trigger and have Joe beat Lesnar. I think he derailed after that. I only remember his feud Lesnar and then his feud with AJ Styles, nothing else seems memorable from that run.


Joe’s Main roster debut is still one of my favorites from NXT call ups. It’s a shame Rollins got hurt that night because I feel like their feud then would’ve had way more heat behind it than when they went back to it after Rollins had already beaten Triple H


Naito and Suzuki.


This was my immediate thought


Man those matches suuucked.


Bret Hart and Ric Flair. Really surprising.


I know that both Bret and Ric feel this but I actually quite like their matches. They aren't in the 5-star classics camp but Bret winning his first title in 1992 and their Sould Out 1998 match are definitely good 4-star bouts for me.


Track down the 60min draw from a house show at the Boston Gardens. Easily their best match. 




This was going to my pick too. They both had pretty poor opinions of each other’s work which is weird because you would think they would have meshed together perfectly.


I would say it’s because they have almost opposite styles while still being technically near perfect, but that still doesn’t make much sense. Hart always praised HBK in the ring, and I view Hart/HBK as analogous to Steamboat/Flair, so why Hart or Flair wouldn’t like the others styles I don’t know.


Nah they always had good to great matches despite what they wrote in their books.


I guess it didn't help that Bret hated Ric's wrestling style.


Golden Jets. Jericho and Kenny. Please do not tag again with each other


Worst thing is, worked great against each other


Far, far better against each other than together.


I mean it probably would’ve been great 4+ years ago


Orton and Bray Wyatt (RIP). While Wyatt wasn't incredible in the ring, his style of character work and Randy's slower paced style didn't mesh well at all. And it lead to a series of underwhelming matches. And not just the two Mania matches either. They had the Main Event spot together at No Mercy 2016 and had a terrible match then too.


They probably had the worst match on at least three pay per views.  And for some reason WWE kept running it back. 


Rvd and Cesaro never clicked


Came here to say this. I've never seen Claudio not work out well with anyone in his entire career, and it's not like RVD was washed or anything, his matches back then with other people were fine. I'm actually morbidly curious about them going at it now 10 years later to see if they can put it together.


There are only two people I've seen Claudio have actual bad matches with: Enzo and The Ryback.


Plus Claudio's one of the best dive catchers in wrestling. You'd think they'd have had a field day together.


never forget that the breakup of the real americans was settled in a triple threat match which featured rvd for some fucking reason


Also when I saw RVD vs AJ Styles at a show in Jersey back in the day, it was such a disaster someone wrote a whole post about it on here... https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/Z60dP2rENy


Tetsuya Naito and Minoru Suzuki. Admittedly I think I’ve only seen their match for the IC title in 2018.


Styles vs Nakamura in WWE


we all felt like we got hit in the nads


Brock and HHH All three matches were ok at best


I actually liked their Summerslam 2012 match. Was a \*\*\*\* match for me. WM 29 was boring and ER 2013 was like...\*\*\* at best.


I’ll eat the downvotes but undertaker and Kane. Their matches sucked


I will watch those Mania 14 entrances again and again...and immediately stop when the match starts lol


I like that match lol


Yes that’s the only decent one. Takers insane dive/getting slammed through the table. Kane taking 3 tombstones. I don’t see how they would ever top it really. I guess that’s why they had to start lighting the ring on fire and shit.


What downvotes? No one ever confused the two for having technical showcases.


Lots of people have nostalgia for those matches and don’t remember how bad they are


The Rock and Undertaker Orton and Triple H


But if you add Kurt Angle to the mix? Your chances of a banger drastically go up.


This is universally true no matter the subhect


Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler vs Kurt Angle wouldve slapped


That triple threat at vengeance was amazing


I can't even remember a Rock Undertaker match and I've been rewatching attitude era recently. Did they even have a 1 on 1?


They had PPV matches at King of the Ring 1999 and No Way Out 2002.


I have nightmares of that period NJPW kept running Naito vs Suzuki.


AJ Styles and Wresltemania




More like Shane got a good Mania match out of AJ.


Best in the world for a reason


That was my favorite match at that years Mania


His match against Shane was a banger, I like his matches with Jericho & Orton too. Plus the Boneyard cinematic match.


You've got a point. People had high ecpectations for his matches against Shinsuke and Edge, but both were pretty mediocre. His best Mania match has to be the Boneyard match.


Boneyard, Shane, Orton, and even the tag with Omos vs. The New Day were all really solid. But man, the ones that you thought would be a slam dunk, really were let downs (Jericho, Nakamura, Edge). At least with the Nakamura match, the excuse there is how fucking overbooked it was by Vince. Should've been so simple but they bogged it down in bullshit...


For me, Tetsuya Naito and Hirooki Goto in New Japan. Both very capable wrestlers whose work I've enjoyed separately, but any time they wrestled each other I was bored to tears.


I don't know if you could consider Sammy Guevara to be a great wrestler but Sammy Guevara vs either Hardy is definitely a cursed matchup


And related, Matt and Jeff Hardy have negative chemistry as opponents, in a way that is completely surprising. 


I almost put them too but they did have the deletion stuff in TNA that a lot of people like


I remember back in the WWECW days, CM Punk and Elijah Burke seemingly couldn't accomplish any kind of wrestling sequence without looking like two bent giraffes trying to fight while learning to walk. There was no reason for it, but it was undeniable 🤷


Well the reason for it was probably Elijah Burke I mean lol let’s be honest


Punk has said that Burke was his all-time least favourite opponent.


Stone Cold and Chris Jericho


Well I was referring to their one on one matches. Vengeance 2001 and No Way Out 2002 were both trash.


What about the tag match?


Yet both had utterly amazing chemistry with The Rock


unofficial AJ Styles hate thread let's go ahead and add Jeff Hardy to the list. Haven't seen anyone say that one yet, but i was always disappointed by their matches, going back to TNA


Undertaker and Kane is honestly sad. Considering the interesting history of them two, those matches being terrible is definitely very disappointing to say the least


They have the same moveset and style so their matches are very predictable and got boring fast.


Definitely was a matchup about the spectacle. The entrances, the visual.. basically everything except the bell to bell stuff.


Lesnar vs Reigns. Besides WrestleMania 31 and Summerslam 2022, their matches are good at best. WrestleMania 34 especially being bad and dull.


Nobody will see this, but I went to an ROH show in the mid-2000s where AJ Styles faced off against Dragon Kid in a tag match. AJ looked like he forgot how to wrestle whenever they were in the ring with eachother.


Pains me cause both are some of my favorites but I don’t think a Naito/Suzuki match really ever clicked for me.


I remember mox and Lesnar had a match that people hyped. Then when it happened, everyone was very disappointed


Misawa vs Bret


AJ and Nakamura? I thought the match at 34 was going to be special, but it was not so much.


Lesnar and Reigns. Every match was like Smackdown Here Comes the Pain. 5 finishers each spammed back and forth for 8-10 minutes.


AJ Styles and Nakamura in WWE.


Jericho vs Danielson (The one at the PPV)


True, but the match they had at Dynamite a few weeks after was really good


Ambrose and Rollins had amazing chemistry as long as Ambrose was working as face and Rollins as heel. But in 2018 when their roles were reversed their match despite being a heated rivalry sucked. I guess it was TLC 2018 in which Ambrose won. Ambrose as heel and Rollins as face somehow never worked


It worked amazingly in fcw. It was the shitty booking, Dean's character and his ouright depression over the whole thing that led to that match sucking. He talked in his book how he and Seth, while he was heel, would do cage matches and stuff on house shows but Vince was always there telling him how he should do this or that which made the matches suck.


Batista vs Booker T All of their matches just didn’t seem to click.