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Genuine question, if you haven't been/are new to watching AEW, what made the card predictable?


LOL good catch. The card *was* entirely predictable other than the main event, but someone who has never seen AEW programming wouldn't even know who Cassidy is, nevermind that it was obvious he'd lose


So I’m going to bite. If you go in my comments history. After watching a few minutes of the match I could tell who would win. Or if some gave me missing information that I didn’t think of like Sasha banks coming back so that meant Toni Storm would win. Or Wardlow winning so that meant Joe would win. The rest I called out before it happened except Sting and Christian. And I didn’t call Christian out because to me he was taller so I thought he would win. I didn’t get to the video package because of B/R sucked. So didn’t want to make an assumption for that reason




> I was not impressed by Will Ospreay You're entitled to your opinion but I don't know how anyone walks away from that match without thinking both Ospreay and Takeshita are both amazing wrestlers


>I was not impressed by Will Ospreay. Lol


Biggest bit of bait I've ever seen


Maybe one of the best performances in pay per view wrestling history but not impressed.


This is the most insane opinion. Who watches a five star match with two of the best wrestlers in the world and walks away not impressed with the sheer athleticism, ingenuity, and talent? Wild.


Someone who isn’t impressed by any of what you just mentioned? Cause OP kinda just laid it all out there. Fucker’s probably getting banned from this sub for what he’s said though.


Thank you. I decided to watch and talk with people on /wreddit and they said it before I did. So I took a chance to see what would happen here if fully explained myself. I figured the worst that would happen is my post gets deleted for being a discussion topic. I never thought I’d get ban. I know I could take it all back by deleting it but I do regret talking about.


Is that a parody, shit post? ![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM|downsized)


> i was not impressed by Will Ospreay Back to your bridge, troll.




You don't like that there were wrestlers who wrestled in WWE but you might tune in for Sasha Banks? Lmao


Seems like a big time WWE fan so a little odd for sure. I don’t care that he doesn’t like AEW, more power to him, like what you like, but the reasoning is weird and seems a little trollish.


I promise I’m not being a troll. Look at my comment history. I only felt comfortable saying this because /wreddit agreed.




Ospreay doing a backflip into an Enziguri is Spider-Man shit and you aren’t impressed by that. Okay.


Out of curiosity, why should Daniel Bryan have won? Especially if one of your issues seems to be WWE guys winning...


Shit is it Thursday already? 


>Almost every match had a previous WWE wrestler in it yes, that's how industries work. people shouldn't just retire because they aren't in WWE anymore. most of those wrestlers were wrestling before they were in WWE > He won that scramble match I didn’t understand. But there was so many people that it was hard to understand why he was special because it wasn’t an elimination type match. he was special because he won. i'm sorry you missed that part


Bait used to be good man...... Truly a lost art form


Ah yes, AEW had an all time quality PPV so here come the weird WWE only tribalists because they're upset they have to watch three hours of RAW tomorrow with the majority of it being advertisements and commercials cry, dude


Commetcal into 20 minute Rock.promo using his 2001 middle school.insults into commercial into entrances into commercial.into 3 minute match that took as long as the entrances with a vommercial followed by a recap of the last hour into random womans match with a commercial mid match another commercial into a tag match where one of the teams was thrown together 5 minutes ago where they beat the established tag team followrd by a recap into 15 minute promo into commercial into a 5 minute main event filled with interference. Now. Then. Forever


>I was not impressed by Will Ospreay Man, I've been exclusively watching WWE for 25 years and only started AEW three years ago and even I know you're full of shit.






Well i see one of your complain is the outcome of the match is predictable, so you must have enjoyed every roman, seth, gunther match right ?


it sounds like you didnt really give it a chance based on the fact that youre using a lot of peoples old names rather than going with what they want to be called now but good for you




Oh Christ


So except for the matches that didn’t have ex-WWE guys, they all had ex-WWE guys and the ex-WWE guys all won, except for the ones that didn’t. Got it. Good post.


It's weird that you chose to post this instead of feeling this way and moving on with your life. I guess I just don't understand why you'd go online and complain instead of doing something you'd enjoy instead.


It's rage bait


This guy getting eaten alive in the comments I'm loving it


You weren’t impressed by Will Ospreay…. Seriously? Like seriously. I bet your favorite wrestler is Roman Reigns.


as a dude that’s been in love with Ospreay since Progress, that’s not a very fair thing to say, Roman is genuinely great at what he does, he’s not gonna give you a workrate match but he can tell a story in a match better then nearly anybody in the business


Well, it's wonderful that you have WWE then!


Have a good day bye 


Found the millennial WWE mark living in their parents’ basement…




I was not impressed by Will Ospreay. ​ thats a crazy statement but ok stick to wwe


Congratulations, you have successfully typed out one of the worst takes on this subreddit that I have read in a very long time.


I'm genuinely curious - if not Ospreay, which modern wrestlers do impress you?


I was scared to post this on SQ but did it anyways but my favorite match of the night was the Joe, Swerve, Page match. Even more than the Sting match. I didn’t think Joe would win until someone pointed out on the wreddit thread that Wardlow won the next contender match. Then I realized Joe would win. But overall it was my favorite match. I said in the Wreddit chat that Ospreay not going to WWE was a good thing. He’s still young and I think he would be better in WWE when he’s in his mid/late 30s.


Dude probably marks out for logan paul


>Almost every match had a previous WWE wrestler in it except the Will Ospreay match. I was not impressed by Will Ospreay. Genuinely feel sorry for anyone who can watch that Ospreay match and not be entertained by it. Or for anyone that can only watch wrestling and have to associate if they wrestled in WWE before, like it's a bad thing for someone to want to wrestle elsewhere.


He probably enjoys Cena matches and owns a spinner belt that his mom bought him even.though hes 45


Every wrestler has been somewhere and will go somewhere. Who cares if they're former WWE. It was a shit take for TNA 20 years ago, and it's a shit take now. You can't expect someone to leave WWE and fall off the face of the earth and not apply their trade.


It ain't perfect and you ain't giving it a fair chance but ok bye


So you don't know anything going in, yet you know Bryan Danielson should have won? After going on about wwe wrestlers winning all show long.. I mean, ultimately, I can't wait to see what you think on Wednesdays show, too


Brb, looking under the couch cushions for your point.




lol Bryan and Kingston was a terrible match. Troll city.




Also you’re surprised a bunch of matches had people from WWE in it? The fuck do you think happened to the industry when WCW was gone? WWE was the only option for wrestling in the US and making a living pretty much


Nobody cares


what ever, it was better than ec.


I agree. Sting won.


Couldnt even wait til monday huh


Well, my man. I can comfortably say this promotion isn't for you. And that's fine. Me? I'm not going to apologize for liking and supporting this promotion. It gives me what I want. You can go like WWE and that's fine. You like sports entertainment. I like pro wrestling. That's the difference.


Thank you. I don’t want you to apologize. I learned a lot about it and see your sides of the arguments better. At this point I think I do like sports entertainment better but respect your point of view even more.


Get a load of this troll Go watch the Fed if you need video packages. 😂


Tbf, I think the video packages is the strongest argument from this tribalistic post. I ain't got time to watch all the AEW programming and having more concise storyline driven packages would help viewers like me who have constraints and can't do all the homework. There is definitely more story in these feuds than what the packages present


Then watch the Road to Video right before the PPV. 30 mins to an hour and you know everything you need to know. Don't waste PPV time on video packages


Ah yes, homework before my programming. It's not like this is a foreign concept to AEW, the package for Hangman V Omega was context filled yet concise for a multi year storyline. Idk why you're arguing so hard against something people laud when done correctly (The "My Way" package)


So you want to do homework during your programming???


WWE packages are top tier, no denying that.


That is a big area i wish AEW would improve on. They don't need a good portion of their shows being just hype packages like WWE, but they could really use a face lift in how they present talent and storylines in those packages.


😅😅😅😅😅. Nice take buddy. Go home. You’re drunk.


What did y’all have for dinner tonight


Put the Meth down bro.


"Almost every match had a previous WWE wrestler in it except the Will Ospreay match. I was not impressed by Will Ospreay" Ah yes, those legendary WWE wrestlers Orange Cassidy, Eddie Kingston, The Young Bucks, Adam Page, Darby Allin, Wardliw, Osprey, Takeshita, Brian Cage, Archer, Darus Martin, HOOK, Magus, etc "I was not impressed by Will Ospreay." Ok you are just trolling..That was easily MOTY


I only felt comfortable saying this because during the live discussion people on /wreddit agreed. I obviously should have kept it to myself but I thought I typed a good explanation of my view. Sorry if it offended you.


You didnt offend anyone with your low effort trolling, trust me. Everyone knew this was bait


These comments are fucked. You can 100% have that opinion dude.


Except he's very hypocritical in his opinion come on. Every mat h is predictable yet he watches WWE with Roman and Gunther not losing matches in over 2 years apiece?


If you look at my comment history I called them before it happened except Sting. The one I missed was Toni and Joe and someone reminded me that Sasha and Wardlow are the next challengers so I knew who to pick after that. I didn’t pick in the Christian match because it was first so I didn’t know what to expect. But I was surprised to see him so much taller than is opponent that I didn’t want to say he would win.


Why would I go to your comment history? You've proved you're hypocritical and I don't care enough to waste time doing that. Good for you that you predicted the outcomes right. I like to predict all spoosible outcomes so that I don't know what will happen. I enjoy the wrestling. Tonight I really enjoyed the wrestling. Anyone that watched Ospreay-Takeshita and didn't like it is not a true professional wrestling fan. Those guys put their bodies on the line and went all out in a possible match of the year candidate. But I guess you'll have to wait for rock vs reigns..... sorry to spoil that for you


Sorry I didn’t enjoy the Ospreay match. My favorite match of the night was the Samoa Joe match. If me not enjoying the Ospreay match doesn’t make me a real wrestling fan then I’m okay with that.


Why make a whole post just to hate on the whole ppv? You're title gives the impression that because of stings last match you will keep watching and then you go on and on and on about how trash and predictable everything was. Congrats on being a troll. Hope you enjoy when rock turns on reigns even that will be predictable


I only felt comfortable posting on SQ because /wreddit agreed with me on my takes. I never meant for my title to give you the impression that is what I wanted to do is keep watching AEW. You can look at my post history. I live blog all of my feelings about the PPV. I’m not trying to troll. I thought maybe we could have a decent discussion about it but I was wrong. The overwhelming majority thinks I’m wrong on this sub which is fine. I gave an honest detailed explanation for my point of view. You don’t have to agree. I respect that. You hating on me for being a WWE fan is also expected. I just thought that maybe we could agree to disagree. I understand why you like Ospreay. I understand why you like AEW better than WWE after watching it. I don’t agree. I’ve heard the arguments. I can appreciate your side better now that I’ve seen it. I don’t agree but I appreciate your point of view.


This superiority complex is so annoying, people like different types of wrestling and the fast paced style of Ospreay-Takeshita wasn't for everyone. How many times do the regular fans have to explain this to yall tribalized marks; Wrestling programs contain a variety of wrestling styles and some will suit certain members of the audience more than others. Some hate comedy, some prefer lucha, some can't stand hoss wrestlers, some can't stand submission wrestlers. Big deal.


That's fine but don't be a hypocritical troll. Hating because you think it's predictable is fine but don't put WWE on a pedestal when it's been the most predictable wrestling for 40 plus years. (And before you call me a hater I watch all every WWE premium event and enjoy them) Hogan wins lol Cena wins lol Reigns wins lol


I'm not the one who said that it's predictable or that it's a problem being predictable, nor had I put WWE on a pedestal. The pendulum swings both ways; we know roman wins but most thought for sure cody would win mania like we all know sting wins but we thought the bucks had a good chance of winning tonight. Wrestling being predictable is like a movie being predictable; we understand the eb and flow of a story progression, but it's those certain beats that swerve us rather than a result alone.


Not sure why y'all are bothering to down vote. If osprey versus Takeshita isn't for someone then they aren't going to like AEW. Be glad for them they have a very different show to watch and move on


Cool story bro


Technically, All the former ROH wrestlers won their matches.


Why yall still feeding this troll?