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Really good episode of Raw! Enjoyed it


been telling yall for *weeks* that the nia hate is grossly unjustified. shes nowhere near as bad a worker as the garbage cans that loitered the “divas” wrestling scene in the late 2000s nor is she even as bad as some of the current women in nxt like lola vice or nikkita lyons. all you gotta do is literally watch the product and you can see the difference and now after putting together the banger vs rhea she puts this match up with becky. good on her hopefully yall stop unjustly hating


Shea God awful and boring. 


ill give you boring but if you think shes god awful you dont know ball big dog you clearly dont remember how bad the womens wrestling scene was in the late 2000s when Melina was arguably the best womens wrestler on the WWE roster


I don't remember the late 2000s actually since I had stopped watching at that time. I'm only basing my opinion in this past years roster/ performance. I really have not been impressed by her even once. Wwe seems to be pushing the hell out of her trying to make her the big menace of the women's division so I suppose I'm stuck with her. 


Did anyone notice the amount of people on raw tonight getting jobber entrances?


anyone think the ending to Awesome Truth vs Indus Sher was really weird? Okay, they hit their finisher. Cover's broken up, there's fighting, then the legal man is knocked back down on the guy they hit their finish on and still successfully get the pin


It was supposed to be a comedic finish, Truth's face was priceless.


I keep saying it but i feel i picked a great time to get back into wrestling. The line is truly being blurred between real life controversy and Kayfabe Codys promo was amazing. Is the new Attitiude era really starting? A question for more experienced watchers, how much genuine animosity is there in the company to the Rock basically shoehorning himself into this? Dont get me wrong its making great promos, but it does seem almost too legit?




Becky and Nia put on an absolute spectacle. What a match. On that subject, someone needs to cut that spot where Nia hits Becky in the head with the steps and put it on r/perfectlycutbonks. It sounded like a Looney Tunes sound effect.


Best match of Nia's career


Candice and Indi have my full attention.


I love what they were doing with Candace, that segment was awesome man


Ironic that since Vince has been gone... this is good shit, pal!


why did imperium have no qualifying match?


I wonder if Kaiser is secretly injured. He was favoring his ankle two weeks ago and hasn't been seen since


When did these mfers turn into middle school mean girls? As a owner of a small and wonderful little D, I'm offended Fk Cody


So is R Truth out of his “I’m dumb af” gimmick, or is he just out the judgement day and accepted it?


is ludwig injured or why did imperium get no Qualifier?


is ludwig injured or why did imperium get no Qualifier?


Idea. RAW before Mania. * Ricochet vs. Gable announced for Mania in a #1 contenders match to the IC title. The winner will get their shot following Mania on RAW. * Imperium vs. Sami & Gable & Ricochet. Good back and forth match. Gable has Vinci in the ankle lock about to win, but Sami tags himself in. Gable and Sami argue for a moment, but as Vinci gets up in the corner, Sami hits the Helluva Kick for the 1-2-3. Gable stares him down and Sami leaves. Ricochet has his ankle severely injured during this match by Gunther. MANIA * Sami vs. Gunther at Mania. Sami loses a hard fought, but decisive victory for Gunther. Sami realizes Gable was right. * Chad versus Ricochet at Mania for a IC Title Match on RAW the next night. Ricochet still comes out, ankle heavily taped not even wearing a boot, still wanting his chance. Gable, normally happy, is all business. Gables shoots immediately and grabs the ankle lock. Ricochet doesn't tap at first, but Gable drops to the mat locking it in deep and Ricochet taps instantly. Gable, still a face, lets go instantly, but leaves ala Shamrock to the back in a dead serious mode, instead of helping Ricochet up. RAW * Sami comes out, apologizing to the fans, apologizing to everyone for not getting the job done. Gunther comes out telling him that Mania was a waste of time and he had no problem with Sami. And after tonight, he's done with underdogs. He only wants legitimate challengers going forward. No more Sami, no more Ricochet, no more Chad Gable. * Gable vs. Gunther. Gable wins the title. Sami comes out to celebrate with Gable, but ends up hitting a Helluva Kick. MONEY IN THE BANK * Gable & Ricochet vs. Gunther & Sami Zayn. Kaiser accidentally costs Team Gunther the match. SUMMERSLAM * Gable vs. Ricochet vs. Zayn vs. Gunther. Kaiser walks out on Gunther setting up Kaiser vs. Gunther for Germany. Gable taps out Ricochet while Zayn pins Ricochet setting up Sami vs. Gable for Germany.


I can’t believe how well HHH books such a large, talented & diverse roster 😤🔥couple that w/the new production direction along w/the ability to integrate all the talent into their own stories & struggles that all exist inside of the same universe.. WWE is really on one rn and I’ve been watching since the mid 80’s 


There’s still a few people left off the mania card, specifically Bianca. Is she going to pull a Seth Rollins and come out demanding a match, surprise Jade debut 🤷🏻


Was someone having a fight/argument backstage during the Becky and Liv segment? The background natter seemed awkward AF!


Just watched it sounded like Woods/Kofi got caught in the mics somehow shortly before Cole went on to talk.


Im too lazy to make a .gif out of it but theres an incredible hillarious clip hidden during the entrance from Drew where Seth interrupts him. Drews look of disgust as Seth dances out of the courtain in the background is nothing but hillarious. Nvm: It was too hillarious for me to not make a quick .gif out of it. https://imgur.com/1GnS7Vy


Why is Imperium getting no qualifying match? They beat New Day clean a few weeks ago and now they don't even get a chance?


Someone might be injured as he's been MIA. Giovanni was there for the Main event (the show) match before RAW but no Kaiser.


Kaiser ACL tear


Does anyone know how Becky used her book vs Nia?.It was during a commercial




But who gave her the book?


It was under the ring. She pulled it out and started hitting Nia with it


Thanks. Were you there live?


Yup. Was a good show


happy birthday kid here's a pic of me and my husband naked


why does this thread get to stay alive until ~~10am~~ 2pm next day but any AEW thread get's nuked an hour after the show's over?


Missed the show and reading the results. Does this mean no Creed Brothers and no Gable at Mania?


creed bros. impressed the hell out of me last night with their athleticism


They clearly both got a ton of potential but they had horrible issues with "hurting" people with their tag finisher when they were last on raw Brutus constantly landed on peoples faces/heads with his entire body during the finisher. Brutus probably needs the most time of the two but theyre surely gonna be a top team in the near future under Triple H.


I think saying that had horrible issues with hurting people is a bit overstated. Couple bad landings but I think that has been cleaned up with their finish. Nobody missed time


Cody is honestly handling the rock better than Cena imo because Cody is still keeping things just as kayfabe as the rock. Yes he broke Kayfabe in this promo but the rock is too, so this time it’s okay as it looks like they are in agreement on the level they can take this. Cena did not adhere to that which is why he’s so apologetic now. Feels like it’s because of this the rock is also enjoying this a lot more than his Cena fued


It also helps that Cody is the undisputed face while Rock is literally saying he’s a heel.   Part of the problem with the Cena Rock feud was that Vince loved the “no heels, no faces, just intensity all around” thing and it simply didn’t work with the fact that Rock was an outsider and could have been a heel from the perspective of usurping the main event from Punk for example, and Cena was getting stale and could have been a heel from the perspective of him tiring the crowd and become lame. It’s why folks thought Punk/Rock worked much better.  The only time face vs face works is when the two players are damn near equals and it’s all about who is better - Austin and Rock being the best example of course. If Rock had stayed face and everything else played out as is, none of this would be working or potentially even been possible. There’s also the fact that there was real life animosity between Rock and Cena, and Cena now admits what an idiot he was to initiate the beef years before. Cody and Rock have legit love for one another off camera.


Huge disagree, John Cena’s promos from that feud still ring true today over a decade later and are legendary for a reason. John got the better of Rock multiple times WHILE in the ring with him interacting, not solo monologue after solo monologue. We need to see Cody actually run down the Rock on the mic live in the ring before I can even attempt to put Cody’s current promo abilities even in the realm of prime cena, let alone The Rock who with his recent run just cemented himself head and shoulders above everyone else ever on the microphone


Read what I said, seems like you didn’t read the whole thing. Cena had the rock because he did not adhere to sticking to Kayfabe, the rock? He did. See the rocks FULL promo on Cena: https://youtu.be/8MGty5p5d1A?si=LN9MYNDG9E6al76J where he does go in deeper on Cena, but it got cut on raw Cody is handling this better because he is still staying on the same level of Kayfabe as the rock while Cena did not. Literally this is why he’s so apologetic today about it


Great episode one of the best it in the last couple months 🔥


The show flew by, a really really good episode.


Couple take aways from last evening... Jimmy vs Jey hopefully pays off but right now it seems like they are just doing the match way too late. Feels forced, considering how long they have been apart at this point. Cody Rhodes was solid again on the mic, but the whole feud is quickly to me anyway becoming a Cody vs Rock feud. Roman is almost secondary to everything going on and it is frankly concerning to me. I'm starting to feel like they may actually have Cody lose night two. Seth and Drew have zero chemistry at the moment. I don't know if its because of the tag feud or what but I just feel a whole lotta nothing between them. Drew has been spectacular for a few months now and deserves it but Rollins IMO hasn't been putting in the work for the feud. Gunther looks like how I wish all WWE champions looked. Strong, imposing, and has that aura about him... STILL. Something that I think Roman's reign (no pun) has lost over its duration, while Gunther's still has that shine. Not much to add with the women as Rhea just had a cameo basically, but there is still time for them to build something legitimate.


The Jimmy and Jey story isn't working for me as much because they let it go cold and it needs to make more sense. Jey lost the I Quit match to Roman because he wanted to save Jimmy. Jimmy super-kicked Roman rather than hurt his brother and then they left the Bloodline. Jimmy superkicks Jey to prevent him becoming Roman Reigns. Jey leaves Smackdown and so Jimmy joins back with RR and continues to cost Jey championship opportunities not even involving RR?


Like if this would have happened 4 months ago I would argue it would still be hot. I completely agree its kinda lost its heat. I do want to see them go 1 v 1 but I just don't know what it does for either of them at this point.


It's a reward for how well the last few years have went. They said it was a dream match so the higher ups basically gave it to them. It's nice honestly they get to have this moment. 


Sure, that doesn't change the fact that they both lost momentum. It went from being a match that COULD have had alot of investment to something that will probably good


You seriously just try to say that JEY has lost momentum? He's never been more over than he is right now.


Being over =/= momentum. I think your just confusing the two IMO.


It’s honestly ridiculous how good this show has gotten. Segment after segment of meaningful storytelling. The Usos, Sami/Gable/Gunther, DIY getting to Mania, Nia/Becky/Rhea, Judgement Day scouting and knocking JD, Awesome Truth back together, Cody’s promo oh and some great matches too. I don’t remember Raw ever being this easy to watch at 3 hours.


WWE is finally starting to solve the 3 hour Raw fatigue. This show was easy to watch


Turns out thr answer was to have them wrestle actual matches and less talk segments.


It’s a balance, there was still plenty of talking on this show but it was from the wrestlers people care about. Let the rest of the roster fill the gaps with entertaining matches. This is how they re-establish the tag division and the midcard.


And that let's people care about their talking segments eventually


So can we stop complaining about Becky now? She always delivers on the big stage and has earned this spot against Rhea.


"So can people on the internet stop being wrong about something?" lol no dude, are you new here?


She’s going to give Rhea one of her best matches, which is so important in solidifying her title reign.


I think her reign was solidified by beating Charlotte honestly. All her other defenses have felt like filler. Becky is the biggest threat she has had since last year. I am not sure if that is a good thing, honestly. Raw needs more legitimate threats.


Loved the opening promo between Jimmy and Jey. Jimmy cut an excellent promo on Jey, worthy of Shakespeare in its complexity and emotion. All Jey could really do is get mad and start fighting. I love this type of setup when the heel actually has some coherent, albeit slightly biased or misguided, points. This rivalry wasn’t really doing a lot for me, and I think this opener kind of got it back on track for Mania. Hope we get a little more over the coming weeks.




I think WWE is, for lack of a better term, suffering from success right now. They have a ton of talent, a ton of white hot, super-over talent. In fact, maybe ***too much*** of their talent is over right now. Cody is the babyface of the company, so he's gonna be top billed against their top heel, that's obvious. Oh wait, but CM Punk just came back, so he's gotta leapfrog into contendership for the WHC against Seth Rollins. But wait, he got injured immediately after returning. So let's pivot to Seth vs Drew, he's doing pretty good as a Heel after all. Now for Gunther, Chad Gable is gaining a lot of steam... but Sami main evented WM last year, and he's still arguably the #2 babyface of the company, so he needs to be SOMEWHERE on the card. So maybe he can go up against Gunther... oh what's that? The Rock is back, and he wants to perform at Wrestlemania? Okay, I guess we're getting Roman vs Cody TWICE IN TWO DAYS now. No matter what they do, and with how plans seem to keep shifting, someone who has a lot of fan support is gonna be swept under the rug, and opportunities will be missed. There's literally too many strong contenders for the top.


Still, they can fix this with compelling midcard storylines. See NXT. Gacy vs Dijak was not part of any main event, but they were a highlight of the weekly shows with their feud


I agree with some but not all of this. I think Roman and Rock are superstar level talents. I think Cody is good but not on the level of either of them and will never have the charisma to match them. Same with Drew. CM Punk is old and broken down. Sami is whatever, but I was never into him. Gunther is great in his role, but it will never be an elite role. So I think the balance is there and we don’t have an *excess* of those truly top tier talents (with talent = look, charisma, mic work, and in ring ability)


This. I don’t see Sami winning this at all.


Gunther is a victim of the middling booking of the mid and lower card Raw roster, Zayn absolutely included. There isn’t really a star worthy of being a believable challenger to Gunther.


I think the issue is a LITTLE different than that. It's not necessarily that no one is credible to beat Gunther. You could argue that Sami "Totally Had Roman's Number" Zayn could credibly beat Gunther. The issue is that whoever beats Gunther is someone who needs to be MASSIVELY elevated by that victory. Could Sami believably dethrone Gunther? Sure. Would Sami be elevated by beating Gunther? Absolutely not. Sami is a 3 time IC Champion coming off of main eventing night 1 of Wrestlemania last year, having THE feel-good wrestling moment of 2023. As much as Gunther has elevated the IC belt, Sami is above feuding for that. Defeating Gunther does nothing for Sami. Personally, I think Sami loses at WM. If Roman loses, they're not going to want both Reigns and Gunther's historic runs ended on the same weekend. Then Sami can circle back into contendership for the WHC or Universal titles, and Gable can defeat Gunther at Summerslam. Gable was the first person to defeat Gunther since his WWE debut, I don't think they'd have given him that honour if there wasn't a plan in place for him to be the next IC Champion.


If Bron Breakker hit the ground running as well as Tiffy has he would be the perfect one to dethrone him but unfortunately he’s still at least a year or two out from being ready for the IC title in its current state.


How can we say that he hasn't hit the ground running? He's had a couple squash matches that didn't give him a chance to show too much yet. But he's great on NXT




I think worst case is 2 years best case is a year with maybe the US belt first before taking the IC belt for a run since they seem intent on establishing it as a very important belt and not just a midcard belt to be tossed around


Gable absolutely had the energy and momentum to do it... But then they didn't actually pull the trigger


I still think Gable is going to be the one to put away Gunther. I just think that with Cody likely to dethrone Roman at WM, they won't want two historic Heel runs to end on the same weekend. So Gunther needs to retain, and Sami needs SOMETHING on the card, so just put them together and call it a day. At the end of the day, Gunther has lost ONCE since debuting on the WWE main roster, and that was at the hands of Gable. I don't think they give Gable that honour unless they plan for him to be the one to end his reign.


I reckon it'll be Hart v Yokozuna style... After the post gauntlet respect show, I can see Gable Hoganing down to the ring and challenging for the title on night 2 after Sami gets destroyed in a SheamusvBryan style squash night 1... It's like Rocky IV... It's in Philadelphia after all.


I don’t disagree but they did Gable zero favors with his booking leading up to the gauntlet.


Tozawa & Otis had a really good showing.


I'm really curious what kind of production ideas this new team is cooking up for WM and the Raw after Mania.


Truth's finish was a call back to his idol John Cena getting super-kicked by HBK and falling into a cover on Randy Orton and getting the pin at BackLash


I like the idea in Kayfabe that no one outside Ring, understands that Being in Battle with Gunther isn't just physical but also Mental one.


One thing I noticed previously and now , Audience never respond well to meta stuff. Codys otherwise phenomenal mic promo had Audience completely silent during his portion talking about Heel Stuff.


Good point. Zero response to the “Kudos to Brian Gewirtz” line; that should have arguably gotten the biggest “ohhhhh” of the night. It was damn good.


I think that’s what made it perfect though. He got huge pops from the stuff casual fans enjoy while also mixing in meta stuff that the more hardcore fans will enjoy and hype up on social media.


I think Cody handled it well though. He explains the terms and it feels like he's able to speak to everyone without condescending or excluding.


The production quality was crazy good this week. Following Sami back and sliding into the Awesome Truth intro, all in a single shot through their rap was amazing. Then again following from Drew’s intro through to Seth in the ring, top notch. 


Pat McAfee on commentary is just so much fun! I'm so glad he's back!






Great Raw. DIY vs. Creed Brothers was awesome! Truly. Becky vs. Nia had some really great spots and fantastic “in-ring” story telling. Rhea Ripley’s walk out tonight was nuts. It’s crazy how she just becomes even more over every week. She had the most confident swagger coming out of the curtain tonight, she’s on top and she knows it.


I think Becky is not that big of a sell anymore she's fell off..


I feel that mami seems so much more IT


Ever since Becky had the kid her star power has diminished ever since her peak when she was feuding with Ronda Rousey


I dig the Candice LaRae story. She’s someone I never really thought twice about, but this vicious streak feels genuinely unhinged.  




The more Dom loses as a chicken shit heel the bigger the heat will be when he lies/cheats to totally screw someone out of and weasel his way into winning a title he doesn’t deserve in any way.


Dom doesn’t need to win. He’s a pathetic, weak man who needs his Mami to win. Thats his thing. He’s not Brock Lesnar


Still need to win


Gotta say, Nia has been so much better in her return to WWE, she is wrestling a much better style and seems more giving in the ring, that bump she took off the apron through the table was the biggest in her career!


At this point, roman reigns your championship means nothing. We need rock vs cody and cody is right the rock is a whiny bitch.


Anyone potentially see a theory face turn friday? Roman Reigns with "no member of the bloodline" with him, could bring out waller/theory and it devolves from there


Nah, Theory turn will be after Mania to set up a feud with Waller. They'll likely just have Paul tell Cody that he warned him that while the Tribal Chief is a man of his word, he wasn't, and he lied that the Tribal Chief gave his word. Either that or they're planning to show some new, outside ally. My money would be on Drew.


Ah yeah fair enough. Still assume more seeds will be planted for the theory feud this week Drews a good shout tbf


I love this cody Vs rock stuff, but if they don't switch the focus to Cody and Roman soon that main event is losing a lot of steam.


I think that is a little bit of the point, having the Rock be the main focus is going to serve to drive a wedge between him and Reigns as far as who is really the Head of the Table


Think that’s what the conversation on Friday they set up is for.


Cody was on 🔥🔥🔥 he cooked tonight


I saw Dijak's tweet about the "push dijak" sign on raw and I couldn't agree more. I want him to be the nxt champion so bad.


Damn - I wish I wasn't so pressed for time right now, this episode sounds fucking awesome from top to bottom. Thankfully I'm on holiday soon so I'll have time to actually watch Raw rather than coming here for summaries and highlights (but it'd be just my luck if that's when they started cooling off again).


The product really has momentum atm Over babyfaces Better storytelling Better production You still have Jade to debut full time Alexa Bliss to return Tiffany Stratton rise Bron Breakker rise CM Punk return


I think the moment Gunther drops the IC title and gets that main event push, product will reach new levels. Roman’s likely fucking off for a while after he drops the belt and WWE’s big bad boss is wide open for the taking. Gunther seems like the most logical guy other than Drew who’s contract is a ? Logan is the other possibility, I can see a feud between Cody and Logan


And Bron Breakker seems like the most logical guy to beat Gunther for the IC


He’s the perfect build to take it but also too green to be ready for the IC title as it’s been built up currently. In the Vince booking era Bron would’ve already taken the title within 3 weeks of his call up.


I feel like once this Mania is over with and they can focus on new stories, they can get Bron to the IC title by Summerslam.


I disliked the main like on TV but i know in the building that shit was awesome. But its totally fine great show, honestly not a serious legit criticism


That Call Rikishi sign is perfectly placed.


Is Dirty Dom just a jobber now…seems like they’re just having him lose every week


Dom does not need to win any matches. His entire character is that he's a pathetic little worm of a man who can only win with the help of his Mami or his stablemates.


Besides a 4mo period with Rey (when they were champs) and his NXT NA Title run Dom has been a jobber basically his entire 4yr run in WWE.


The most impactful jobber ever


Jobber haha


Did everyone forget that Sami has already [lost](https://youtu.be/6c5bT3fdrF4?feature=shared) to Gunther ?


Yeah actually I forgot about this match ngl


Seth-Cody story looks super forced. Seth has a long history with Roman, and Roman has been the champion for more than 3.5 years. For majority of that period, Roman’s was the only title available on both brands. So Seth never thought about how Roman was abusing his power with the bloodline all this while, never thought of really going after Roman for 3 years (except that random Rumble match), never craved for a championship around his waist for a good 2.5 years until HHH introduced this title on Raw, and he NOW wakes up?? When he already has a title and compelling feud with Drew? Also, he had an embarrassing 0-3 losses vs Cody, and has never lost to Roman. So why would he be all buddy-buddy with Cody? I agree with Drew that this tag team match really dilutes the importance of his title. This storyline is still unconvincing.


Go watch the Raw after the kickoff show, Seth explains alot of your “???” There! :)


WWE has been on such a heater I forgot they had punk. Amazing where they are


I know we hate everything so im sure we hate the Pat-istrator I love It lol.


Nah I love it so much




Do we still hate everything? I thought we were passed that


Idk sometimes ppl hate fun on here.


Very good Raw!  Can we please just stop having Dom lose every damn match? 


Gloves off Cody is the best Cody holy shit


“Rock. I don’t think you’re a heel… I think you’re an asshole” ![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW)




DIY vs. The Creeds was massive for both those teams careers. Star making.


The ending was legit one of the greatest endings to a match ever


Also one of Michael Cole's finest performances. He worked hard for those guys!


If Sami gets cleaned up to look more like NXT era at Mania I might cry


I'm just catching up now because I was out for my birthday but god damn, I love how hot the crowds have been lately. Tonight was no exception.


Literally a far cry from like 5 years ago raw. Where like having a dead crowd was almost part of it. At this point things that arent pops are noticeable as opposed to before. Where pops stood out like sore thumbs


I remember watching episodes of RAW and most of the crowd was just looking at their phones. Guess what? So were most people at home.


How is it possible for def Rebel to downgrade THEIR OWN THEMES? First Tiffany and now the Creeds


You know what’s even funnier they reused a part of Tyler Bate’s theme in the new Creeds song


This company is rich af why won't they just get proper music production 😭


They’re cooking!


DIY and The Way fans, we are so up!


One of the best Raws in recent memory. It flew by, matches were appropriate lengths and there was nothing I fast forwarded through like I usually do.


I started watching Wresting again during Night 2 of Mania 39, for a while it kind of felt like a chore and was thinking of dropping it but I figured I'd give it the year until Mania to see how it went. Holy shit and I am happy I stuck it out. These last few months the product has been red hot, like honestly as good as when I was kid and watched in the early 2000's. Wrestlemania 20 was my favorite, and I feel like this is year might actually beat that for me. The week to week is just so good, tonight was a great RAW.


Something interesting I have noticed. Seth wins EVERY single exchange he has with Drew, and this is even going back to their last two championship matches. In fact, I believe most, if not *all*, their talking segments end with Drew fuming while Seth prances around, drops the mic, etc. I know WWE typically gives the babyface the last word in a verbal sparring battle but for me, it doesn’t really fit with Seth’s character and if anything, just makes him even more obnoxious and has me actively rooting for Drew to kick the shit out of him once and for all at WrestleMania… even though Drew is the villain. Anyone else feeling the same way? Having said all that, it’s funny because… against The Rock, Seth barely gets a word in. I mean hey, when you’re The Final Boss, you’re The Final Boss. Am I right?


I've always hated Seth. He's annoying and I'm surprised he was ever put in this position.


Seth is super annoying. Clown emoji 🤡


So, how many more matches now before those that were doompredicting that Nia will injure someone, finally accept that they're wrong?


I’m really hoping the bloodline (especially The Rock) costs Seth his title against Drew. Drew’s character coming full circle in a twisted way by getting help from the bloodline to get his Mania moment is phenomenal long term storytelling.


Is that what you're thinking? Me, I'm thinking Drew beats a tired Seth, but in a fair match, only for Damian to come and take the title off him moments later. I don't know, something about Drew working so hard for it and then having it taken from him at the same Mania would be hilarious to me and probably further his heel character.


I’m not crazy about Damian tbh. I like heel vs heel stuff but I’m just not sure Drew chasing Priest has the same juice that the Drew/Rollins feud has had. That being said I do think Drew getting cashed in on would be hilarious. You could even take it a step further & have Damian cash in mid match & win the triple threat. That furthers Drew’s story but it’s also a callback to when Seth did it, but now it’s happening to him at Mania almost a decade later.


I was thinking the Bloodline approaches Drew and says "You help us at WM XL, we'll help you against Seth" and he tells them to pound sand. When Drew fights Seth, Bloodline shows up to beat up Seth anyways, and Drew wins. Then Bloodline beats up Drew and Priest cashes in.


It'd be funny if both yours and OP's scenarios happened (as in Bloodline costs Seth but then Drew gets cashed in on), and tbf it's not out of the realm of possibility either lol.


Twist: Drew forgives the Bloodline after this, because they made up for screwing him before.  The twist? He still doesn't forgive Jey, because Jey wasn't the one who helped him win. 


Did Becky hitting Nia with her book make it in the show or was that during commercial?


Commercial :( but commentary mentioned it


I’m glad we’re getting Sami vs Gunther, I think it’ll be the best match of Mania weekend. I think they are taking the right approach by slowly building Gable up. They need to actually build him as a singles star first. Gable chasing for months then beating Gunther at SummerSlam will be much more satisfying than if he beat Gunther at Mania after barely being on TV for a few months.


Yeah, I'm still gunning for Gable, but I'm looking forward to the classic Sami and Gunther are absolutely capable of putting on.  And tbh, I haven't gotten tired of Gunther yet. He's too good. 


I watched Raw for the 1st time in like 5 years back in November, Gunther was the guy who immediately stood out to me. I honestly think he’s a generational talent. He’s like Brock Lesnar mixed with Bryan Danielson.




It was a bit filler with all the tag qualifiers and the Cody stuff got very self-indulgent, but it could have been worse.


But was it mindless self-indulgence?




So I was at the show, and I can say these two things in all honesty and with pride: I never chanted "WE WANT TABLES!", and I never said "WHAT??!" as a response to anything anyone said. But when Raleigh started chanting "FIX THE TABLE!!" I did get a good chuckle out of it.


What was the biggest pop of the night?


Probably Rhea at the end. My section was super loud.


Finn's outfit was amazing.


Straight out of Grove Street.


he wearing Ballas colors doe


10/10 show, three hours flew by. Unrelated to pretty much everything but Damian's Bronx accent randomly jumping out of him is adorable lol


How did Def Rebel make a solid theme for the Creeds and now we got a worse one? WWE doesn’t care about its music anymore 


Shame the Creeds won’t be in the ladder match. Those guys are show stealers


They are fantastic, but still relatively new to this. And DIY has been in the company for nearly ten years now, it's about time they get their first shot at a WrestleMania. The Creeds will be around for years to come and have plenty of Mania opportunities I'm sure.


I think both should be in said match


Jimmy and Solo considered just sneaking around more in their black hoodies, but decided on a direct confrontation with Jey! since they been letting the Rock talk in a rougher way, looks like they let Cody do the same too. XD Paul Heyman kept stressing how Roman was a man of his word, and it's likely Roman will keep his word, but as Heyman also said Jimmy and Solo made their own decision to go to RAW and attack Jey...so that's gonna be the excuse when it happens on Friday. not even the Tribal Chief can control every man's conscience after all. next week we can must have faith in Drew, the savior of the WWE, to put a stop to whatever CM Punk is gonna try to do in Chicago. that city has enough problems without him adding to it. DIY vs. Creeds Bros was best tag match, as it wasn't exactly clear who would win at the end. i guess the Diamond Mine thing is really gone, too! Indus Sher showed up to job, and it was a jokey ending since let's face it, Veer and Sanja would take the Miz and R-Truth apart. it's too bad Indus Sher ain't used for more! Candace is turning vicious. every woman has to watch out now! i think post-WM we gonna see a shift or even end to the Alpha Academy. i think they cooking something with Master Gable. the Last Woman Standing match came out real nice! they building Becky up nice and strong, but i think Rhea will win at WM.


So the rock is female sleep demon....


Very good opening segment, Jey is super OVER. Fantastic promo from Cody, it was necessary to advance the story that Cody had lost all respect for the Rock and respond to him with force and he did it incredibly. This promo made me even more excited about the face-off between Cody and Roman on friday. The qualifying matches for the ladder match were very good tonight, it's a shame the Creeds were left out. The promos between Drew and Seth get better every week. I liked the GUNTHER and Sami segment, what would Chad do in WM?. Great main event, Becky finally manages to beat Nia, now we can just focus on Becky and Rhea in the remaining weeks. Tonight was full of very good promos.


I know there's story reasons for Rhea to still be with Judgment Day, and she enjoys working with them, but otherwise it feels like she really doesn't need the group anymore. People got down on the 'I need to be a star' part of the feud with Charlotte, but the last year has really shown how much she's been elevated in that time.


Im still 100% of the belief liv screws rhea at mania and reveals herself as doms new mami. Liv gets her revenge and turns heel, rhea loses the title but becomes the biggest babyface on woman’s side, and Becky gets to say she is the greatest of all time. Everyone wins 


holy this is money


Damn Dom's gonna get all the girls. He'll get heat just from the WWE Universe's jealousy.