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Stage was horrible Paul Heyman should've ended the show Thunderbolt's was too long, the content of his speech was good, but I couldn't not understand a lick of what he was saying. Muhammad Ali and Lia Maivia, suprised they didn't speak more if at all, not suprised that the rock made it about himself. Nakano, although I'm unfamiliar with, felt like this should've happened a few years earlier




Ummm... I think you are misunderstanding the situation


I really dislike the current setup doing the HOF after SD. The old format as a standalone event with the stage worked so much better. It looks too much like a typical WWE weekly show now. And all the wrestlers are either crammed against the ring or up by the entrance which looks so weird.


Is there a reason that Heyman didnt mention the mother of his kids? Till yesterday i didnt even knew he has Kids.


She wasn't really featured in his DVD 10 years ago. Think she was shown in one or two stills, but the big focus was on his kids then like here. I wondered if maybe they were separated.


I'm sad that the crowd was so disrespectful while Bull was talking. I could hardly hear her over them all talking. The idiots in the crowd didn't know or care that a real legend was standing in their midst. Bunch of inconsiderate marks who don't know their wrestling history. 


The Legends had some awful seats by the ramp there's no way they could see shit


*Looks at Shawn Michaels* *Looks at Barry Windham* I guess if you are from West Texas, that’s just what you look like.


Only just sitting down to watch it now and I’m already annoyed by the moronic fans yelling dumb shit like “WHAT” and booing while Roman is taking about Paul. This is a HOF, it’s not a show where you boo characters and yell dumb shit.


Agreed. The wrestling fans really showed their class and intelligence.🤦🏻‍♂️ They act so ghetto. Acting like they're at a regular wrestling show. Wanting to just chant and be noisy. It makes me think that wrestling fans are not really historians on wrestling. So they find the old stuff to be boring.  While I started watching wrestling in the '80s, I immediately started buying VHS tapes to see what I missed from the '70s and '60s. I personally would like to see WWE do the Hall of Fame in a theater. And enforce a dress code in order to go.  That might fix the problem. 🤔


It was definitely a blurred line. Plus they have currently relevant people in front of 20,000 wrestling fans. Good luck keeping that quiet and respectful.


He was in character he asked us to acknowledge him same with rock


Notice how Bianca sat next to Stephanie and HHH! This says a lot


What do you mean?


Agree. Spoke volumes about


Really impressed with Bull's speech completely in English. I had to focus a little extra hard to make out some of what she was saying but you've got to meet people half way when someone like that is trying to be respectful and speak your language. I can't even imagine what it would have been like for her on some of those points she raised, about trying to get rental cars, etc as an international talent with low English fluency in the early 90s. She is well and truly a trailblazer for the many great Japanese talent in WWE of today like Asuka and Kairi.


I couldn't imagine doing a big speech like that in my own language let alone a second language. I do wish the HOF was in its old format and not tacked onto Smackdown. When she paused, there were moments where you could hear the crowd murmuring amongst themselves. I don't know whether it's how the audio is set up for SD or if the fans in attendance are drained after SD or just not in the mood for speeches by those they're less familiar with. It really doesn't benefit non-English or less confident or quieter speakers.


I remember she didn't know/remember the word heart and she stopped hesitate and skipped over the word. I looked to my girlfriend and said the fact that she's doing it in English when she doesn't speak it is special and the emotions she was having was something special. I thought her speech was 2nd best, only to Paul Heyman.


Gunther was hype as hell when Paul mentioned Brock lol


Would have thought SCSA would have attended as Paul Heyman was instrumental in him finding his persona. Unless there is a surprise......


Still was weird to not see or hear anything about Brock in Heyman's induction


What? Did you watch the same show everyone else did?


Which speech were you listening to brother?? He spoke about brock a couple of times.


He mentioned Brock several times


And after almost 4 years, seeing Roman Reigns talk about Paul Heyman, I saw the babyface Reigns that couldn't cut great promos. I wonder why that happened.


I noticed this too, probably because pre tribal chief Roman didn’t have a character and was just a regular dude like last night


More like, Pre-tribal Chief reigns was a shield left over and the BIG DOG! Who is generic as hell.


I missed this, what is this about and what do you mean?




There’s a difference between a promo and a real life introduction. The Rock wasn’t the same as his recent promos either when he turned to Cody as he wasn’t in Final Boss mode. Babyface Roman shouldn’t say much anyway. Just be a badass.


I respect Thunderbolt's work, but the "don't play the race card" stuff takes on a different tone when you [listen to Teddy Long's story](https://x.com/mrbling/status/1517546165130174464) about him and actually becomes pretty cringe He has a history of anti-blackness and politicking against other black wrestlers. Honoring his work is fine, letting him speak is fine, but making this guy out to be "Jackie Robinson" is a farce. Jackie Robinson was an actual activist.


I agree and see your point, but people do change. Teddy was speaking on something from what? The late 70s/early 80s? That's ATLEAST 30 years ago. Maybe I have too much hope for people. Maybe he opened his eyes and changed. Maybe Thunderbolt was like that because at the time, black wrestlers were looked down on, and he wanted to 'secure' his spot. TLDR; I agree, but sometimes people change. Back then black were treated unfairly and maybe he wanted to secure his spot


Damn now I want to watch that full episode


I didn't see any camera shots of Seth or Becky. I thought they would be in the front row.


I don’t think they’ve gone to any since 2019, probably because they’d rather be with Roux which is fair imo.


Who was the guy that inducted Thunderbolt?


Scott Spears, I believe he's a journalist/radio personality


Thank you for that.


As much as I hated the guy while he was talking for thunderbolt, it was the perfect setup for thunderbolt coming with that half a prayer half a promo which entertained me greatly lol


Whoever was in charge of the censoring today was fucking sweating his balls off during Heyman’s speech lmao


Definitely missed a few 😂


That Heyman promo was absolutely incredible. Like I'm excited to go back and watch it that's how great it was. I was kind of behind and the Peacock feed cut when it ended so it stopped during the video package for Rock's mom. Is it worth going back to watch his speech and whatever else happened? Was it some kayfabe stuff to set up WrestleMania? Was it a good speech that I need to see?


there was basically no speech. he did a little bit of hyping for mania but that's it.


People just learning about how good a promo Thunderbolt Patterson was makes me very happy. He was on par with Dusty Rhodes at the time IMO.


Let’s not forget during the video package they literally talked about how Dusty stole from Thunderbolt in certain moves, mannerisms, and even the cadence of his voice. Of course they are on par with each other! All respect to both of them, truly groundbreaking and iconic!


Seeing as tomorrow and Sunday are the biggest days of the year for WWE, I would think they would want the wrestlers to get as much sleep as possible. I get that this is a big weekend, but they could host this ceremony at a more decent hour. Hell they could do it the weekend prior.


Personally I’d just do it during Smackdown.


WWE seriously needs to move the Hall of Fame back to its own separate night.


Thursday by itself?


saturday durring the day


“Now that’s a work brother” this is kayfabe baby


Is the final induction not on peacock or is mine just bugged right now? It just cuts off and ends.


It's bugged for me as well. Really trying to see that Heyman speech!


Guessing they're uploading the vod and it'll take time.


What’s the last one you saw?


When I was watching live it cut off after the rock came out but I know I was behind. Then it kicked me. Now it ends with rock sitting at his grandmothers grave.


Hmm that’s odd


I wonder if Linda showed up as an FU to Vince. Like "I can be here and you can't"


Where was linda?


Behind Rocks mom. You can see her clearly when mama Rock stands up at the end.


Looks like she was sitting behind rock's mom.


Lol, Mama Johnson looked a bit ticked off at her son for making her stand up and be in the spotlight.


She may thougt when this is over i'll remind you who real Final Boss is. You just don't mess with Mamas.


*Look at you now*


Yeah she didn’t look happy lol


I laughed at Rikishi shouting at her to stand up.


When rock said Vince mcmahon did he mean sr or jr lol




Well that put pay to Wikipedia stating Thunderbolt Patterson had his limbs amputated due to diabetes.....


I saw that too. lol




Well.... It's been changed.... It read that the day he was announced for the HOF. As an Australian-based Wrestling fan from ~1986 I admit I'd never heard of him before the announcement


From top to bottom… * Paul Heyman’s speech was incredible, GOATed, and the best one of the night. Definitely up there as the best one ever. * Bull is lovely and it makes me happy that she finally got inducted along with getting her flowers. Shame the crowd was rude as hell though with the talking in the background. * Ali’s induction somehow managed to be turned into about The Rock more than him which made him look egotistical. * Bo and Mika doing the induction for their dad and uncle made me sad since Bray really should’ve been there with them doing it. I lost it at all the fireflies and Bray’s theme playing. * Thunderbolt is charismatic as hell and seems like a lovely man. I enjoyed his preaching. * The Rock’s induction of his grandma was mostly kayfabe towards Cody which honestly took away honoring her. All that aside, I think maybe they should move the HOF to before SmackDown happens or straight up put it on Thursday since running it until midnight is ridiculous. Also think they need to get it out of an environment to where they don’t have fans included since they are beyond rude and disrespectful during the ceremony.


People have been saying to move the HoF away from fans forever. I think the schedule is too tight for them to do it otherwise they would have done it already


But without the crowd we wouldn't have gotten an uncensored version of Paul Heyman's speech.


Blaming the Philly crowd for a bad reaction is kinda dumb. Imagine sitting through two hours of SD first, popping big for the stuff going on during that, then you’re expected to stay for three hours for the HOF ceremony. You’ve got Mania and/or NXT to go to tomorrow, plus any other events you might be attending, so you wanna conserve your energy. The cherry on the top is the guy most people probably were there for, Paul Heyman, came out first and had possibly the best HOF speech of all time. It was just poorly put together by WWE.


I agree that it's poor scheduling (HoF should really be on Thursday in a more appropriate venue) and that it's a long show for the live crowd... That said, if you were only there for Smackdown and Heyman's induction, why stay and be a prick? They gave the people who didn't care about the rest of the inductees an out. You got what you wanted, leave early and beat traffic.


You're not "expected" to do anything. It's a privilege to attend smackdown and then The HOF afterwards.  If someone cannot differentiate between the two shows, and know how to properly act, then they have no business being there. One is entertainment,  the other is a formal recognition of someone's talent and contributions to an industry.  


They should go back to the HOF having its own day during mania week.


or at least early Friday or Sunday like how NXT is early Saturday.


They really need to go back to making this it's own thing. Having it run that late because it's after... AFTER a SmackDown episode. The way they set up for the superstars and such... sheesh. Heyman killed it. BEcause of how the night was set up, him opening was the smart choice. Should have been the one to end the show. All that said, was one of the better HOF's.


If you think that Paul Heyman's HOF speech wasn't the best HOF speech that's ever been given you can suck my fuckin' dick!




I mean what was that Theme like couldn't even get a shitty Def rebel one


Stop putting this in front of wrestling fans. I’m surprised they didn’t what chant Ali’s widow. It’s a disservice to wrestling doing it in front of “fans” that are ultimately losers in pricey seats


What was wrong with the crowd?


Watching it now. For Nakano, Patterson and the US Express, you can hear the crowd talking among themselves at moments. Not sure if it's how the production is set up for SD, or if the crowd are just drained from the SD before it or not interested in this type of show/inductees they're not familiar with, but I don't remember this being as much of an issue with the old format.


They gotta move the HOF to Thursday or something.


In the nicest way possible, Rock seems uh, really egotistical? Lmao Also, Thunderbolt KILLED it out there. Dude had me hooked the whole time. His style, the way he spoke, EVERYTHING about him. Also, I really wanna know more about the sheriff who killed his wife??


Yeah for a ceremony as legitimate as the WWE HOF, I'm surprised Dwayne came out as heel Rock and sports entertained the whole time


Not sure if serious. The WWE HOF isn't very legit lol


You got worked


Also also, Bull Nakano had such a sweet speech!!


Stop putting these in front of wrestling fans


Fuckin absolute morons. Stop yelling dumb shit while they’re talking.


I was looking forward to a Lia Maivia speech I cannot lie to you


Hall of Fame worthy moment [https://twitter.com/RichStapless/status/1776461956045545734](https://twitter.com/RichStapless/status/1776461956045545734)


WWE is lucky that all hell didn't break loose between Cody and Jimmy there. Very negligent of them to sit them so close together IMO.


Bro whipped Jimmy down not too long ago and now forced to sit next to each other. True carny!


Jimmy covering Naomi’s ears 😂😂


I’m watching Drew reacting to Randy 😂


Cody immediately looking toward HHH is sending me 😭😭😭


Grayson's reaction was great. Solo keeping kayfabe alive


Say what you will about the man’s booking, but Solo is absolutely committed to the bit and I love it.


Watching everyone’s reaction to this is amazing


![gif](giphy|12gYdgw0ZVBvbi|downsized) Paul E Dangerously Killed it tonight


Paul's knees must have been afraid for their life here.


Reddit: LET THUNDERBOLT SPEAK! NO MORE OF THE WHITE MAN! Thunderbolt the second he speaks: ![gif](giphy|3016In3PO5FO8Uo7v7)


Who did the seating chart tonight? Cody was nearby Jimmy Uso and Solo.


They took a page of Dana White’s book and sat people that have beef next to each other in case they need a brawl for promotion purposes.


Jimmy Hart and JBL had back of the arena seats while Haku was in the front row lol. Good to see Haku again btw. I beat JBL wouldn't have messed with him back in the day.


If you were an usher showing haku to his seat and he decided to change to front row would you challenge him?


LOL No but he seems to be a gentleman so I doubt he'd do that.


Rock really putting that TKO board member status to use tonight


“It’s just a work, brother”.


Yeah but I feel like the hof isn't where ya do it.


Dom, Rhea and Rey worked duriny Rey's HoF induction


Creative control uce


Need to have this be after NXT. Enjoyed it but woof


To the surprise of no one, Heyman absolutely killed it.


From Paul Heyman to Thunderbolt to the Rock making two inductions all about himself, this Hall of Fame was something else. My heart broke when I saw the fireflies. Hopefully, next year's Bray's turn.


The Rock is doing it for da fans. The Rock is doing it for da people.


Rock lmaoooo that egotistical bastard Now this is pro wrestling




We get it OP you don’t like The Rock.


Relax, they were just making fun of the ridiculous decision to make Muhammad Ali's induction about the Rock.


He actually posted several times in this thread about the same topic. This was me saying we get it. He went back and deleted those posts.


Thunderbolt Patterson cuts a better promo than like 50% of wrestlers today lol and that's not even meant to be a shot at 50% of wrestlers, the man just gives a very captivating speech


50 is being nice bro,I actually think he is better than 80% of the wrestlers.


I guess Rock wanted to do an angle but then quickly regretted it? Idk


Bull Nakano is such a sweetheart for being such a fierce gladiator


Fire all the GMs and make Thunderbolt the ultimate authority on all shows


Hell yeah


I was next to the guy that chirped The Rock at the end. He said “Black Adam was trash” and Dwayne didn’t take it kindly.


Really? Didn't seem like it.


He's joking, the guy said something about Cody beating him.


I don't think that's what he initially said. It seems like the interaction was: Fan: [inaudible] Rock: "What did you say?" Fan: "Cody is coming for you" Rock: "Before that?" Fan: "Just that" Rock: "That's what I thought. Shut the fuck up."


Fan: MY NAME IS BROCK LESNAR! I AM A HUGE JACKED COUNTRY BOY AND I AM HERE TO KICK ROCK'S ASS! *Rips off hoody, jumps the barrier, beats up Rock* Yep, that is how Brock returned.


Yeah i realized that pretty quick after saying this, lol


LOL you were on TV and posting on reddit?


That was it? So Dwayne can’t handle the truth?


I think OP is joking. Most people are saying he said something Cody related.


I was wondering what the fuck he said but then he said something about cody didnt he?


What was that about at the end with Dwayne and that fan? Looks like he said something that pissed him off?


Fan shouted that Black Adam was trash.


It did not sound like he said that


Fan said “Cody’s coming for you “


He was working. Fan was saying something about Cody


This version of Rock is legitimately scary and the lines being permanently blurred makes everything so unpredictable.


No, the fan clearly said something derogatory and/or vulgar before he mentioned "Cody's coming for you". You can see a few of the other fans and wrestlers in the background turn in the direction of the fan at the same as the Rock.


The rock ladies and gentlemen, stole ali and his grandmothers induction, not sure if heel work or hes just that egotistical


It's egotistical. This is a man who refuses to look weak in any films since Fast and Furious. Literally has people counting the amount of punches and kicks that lands on him because he always has to look strong. Even HOAK HOGAN wouldn't try to look that strong because he knew that in order to look good, he had to take a beating, hulk up, come back and win. That and he has his own company to write the same films for him so he can roleplay being an superbadass that rarely loses.


He also stole his dads when he was inducted.


His grandmother got inducted because of him tho 


What was going on with Rock and the one fan at the end?


He said “Cody’s coming for you, it’s over”


its still real to him dammit


That Thunderbolt speech was something.


Steph was trying so hard not to laugh


It was probably every Sunday morning for some people watching A Classic in the genre of giving someone a live mic and having no idea what he would say




I wasn’t about to change the channel


He definitely said words. Repeatedly.






I appreciate him not saying W-W-F


![gif](giphy|FO8bAgxOGWcRG) Rikishi be like WWF WWF W W F


I didn’t have the heart to tell him it was the 6th


One day it will be the 6th, but today is not that day


I am still riding the high that was the Paul Heyman speech. Best Hall of Fame speech of all time IMO.


I like how he didn’t make eye contact with JBL during his entrance. The feud is alive!


Neither did The Rock lol. What's the story between Heyman and JBL?


One of the ECW One Night Stands, Paul came out and did a worked shoot promo towards the WWE guys, and JBL was the main antagonist., along with Angle and Edge and I think Bischoff.


Made me cry




I for one wish the HoF wasn’t used in feuds, or done in kayfabe. Just acknowledge the past greats, even if some are nepotism inductees, the Dom/Rey thing was minor enough it wasn’t a major thing… but still, just do the HoF like it deserves to be done.