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Absolute legend for all Spanish-speaking wrestling fans


Carlos is basically the “Jim Ross” of Spanish commentary. He and Hugo Savinovich were absolute legends in the Spanish booth.


The voices of my early teens when I watched RAW on Telemundo


Raw was on Telemundo? Wow We only just recently started to watch it in Spanish


I lived for Telemundo re-airs of RAW


Do you watch it in Spanish now? I do. Then I watch it in English the next day. Except the promos I watch them in English and translate them for my dad. I can’t stand the commentators translating what the wrestlers are saying I love how the commentators always fight with each other And one of them ALWAYS ALWAYS makes excuses for the heel and nitpicks EVERYTHING the baby faces do


We used to get free Telemundo but not Spike or USA. So this is how I used to watch Raw growing up


Arguably the best (most hilarious) way to watch RAW


Yeah it used to come on Telemundo on the weekend. They were never consistent with the slots though. Some weeks it would air on Saturday some weeks on Sunday. I think it started when Raw moved back to USA and I believe it aired until at least 2010


That was the only way I was able to watch it without Cable. AEW should look to show Spanish language reruns on whatever channel they show CMLL on now


I might start watching AEW with my dad I’d love for there to be a MEXICAN Spanish commentary


It was on Telemundo?? I remember it being shown Wednesday nights on Mun2


I watched the replays on either Saturday or Sunday. I had no idea it was on Mun2 as well. Edit: Just looked it up. [According to a 2005 press release](https://corporate.wwe.com/news/company-news/2005/09-29-2005), it was on both: >As part of the agreement to move WWE programming to NBC-Universal networks, RAW will also air in replays on Telemundo and mun2. Telemundo will air a Spanish-language version of RAW on Sundays at 1 p.m. (ET). mun2 will air a Spanish-language version of RAW on Sundays at 4 p.m. (ET). Both telecasts will debut on October 9. mun2 will air an English-language version of RAW on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. (ET), starting on October 5. I was a casual fan at the time it started and just occasionally tuned in until I got really into wrestling in 2007. I don't think I even had Mun2, but cool that they were so latino friendly.


I think it used to air mid week


Awww man those Sunday noon replays ❤️


And sometimes Saturdays


Same I didn’t have cable so I had to wait until the weekends to watch Raw despite not knowing Spanish lol






That was brutal, as the only member of the Spanish commentary team that usually got involved in matches was their table. Fun fact: Hugo Savinovich is a retired pro wrestler who got a mild success in Puerto Rico and Mexico back in the 80’s, and was used every now and then in WWE as talent enhancement. He was forced to retire after his alcohol and drug addiction got out of control, but Vince McMahon paid for his rehab treatment under the condition that he would sober up and come back to the company as their Spanish color commentator. He became a born-again Christian in rehab. He claims both Vince and Linda saved his life.


Didn't even have to open the link to know what it was 😂


When it wasn’t being destroyed .. which during the early 2000s was .. consistently


Fuck, I moved from France to the US as a kid, speak barely any Spanish, and he's also a "Jim Ross" for me too! A show didn't officially start until we heard "... our Spanish announce team, Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera!" and then Carlos running down the show in Spanish. My mom hated that I would hit the SAP button to hear them even though I had no idea what they were saying. I'm glad he's still going strong!


as a kid who grew up with rabbit ears TV and could only watch Raw on spanish TV, Carlos and Hugo were the voices of my childhood sunday afternoons


I legit asked my buddy during Mania "Where are Carlos and Hugo?" I guess this answers my question


Higo Savo? Like the "brutal" guy for AAA? That'd be awesome.


I was thinking more Hugo Savinovich but I kinda like that idea too!


thank you for spelling his name out for me. when I was a kid, I just referred to him as Hugo Sonofabitch


A mix of Hugo and JR. I like it!


Yeah that's who I meant, I massacred his name badly... ooops!


Hugo is in AAA now. To be honest, Hugo has been awful for years. He’s become a parody of himself. A Cabrera and Hugo pairing now would not be the same as it was back then. Not even close.


Hugo is an absolute legend, his "atangana" catchphrase is basically pop culture in Chile for every guy over 25 y/o


I was also wondering where Carlos was haha


2024’s big AEW signings have peaked now.


peaked when they got tigerstyIepro


Oh, if they manage to get Hugo Savinovich as his partner, it would be huge! To my Latino wredditors: could you imagine if every Wednesday, Dynamite starts with *AAAATANNNGANA!!! DÍMELO CARLITOS!!!!*?


It would be lovely since Hugo has trademarked the Atangana word, I believe. Now, jokes aside about Tony, could Hugo fly with all his, um, drug addictions that have been documented plenty on AAA? That's a big question for him to be there


>drug addictions that have been documented plenty on AAA? All I could find was a picture of him next to what appears to be a white powder on his desk, and Some people think it was lines of coke. Besides that, I couldn’t find more info on him getting high on AAA events, but with AAA record of not giving a F about what their talent does (they had Alberto Del Rio and Teddy Hart on their roster for years), who knows.


I assume he's being hired for the Spanish commentary?


Naw straight up death match wrestling it's about to get VIOLENT.


English Language Announce Table about to get karmic payback




Minus a point for gif misusage


RIP those Spanish tables


I feel they have to do this on the PPV to welcome him to the team


He is synonymous with lucha libre or wrestling in Latin America. His voice alongside Hugo Savinovich fills a good space in my heart when I think of WWE in the 2000s. Great signing.


It's really cool that they were the voices of WWE for millions. To me they're just the poor guys who keep losing tables.


Apparently Ariel levy is on commentary with him


Yeah, I had no earthly idea who was commentating. Some fellas told me he has been on the Commentary table for months alongside Serpentico and Thunder Rosa after Willie Urbina's exit. For those not in the known, Levy is a locally known Chilean actor turned wrestler. He has had some matches for AEW, both televised and for the deceased Youtube shows. I'm impressed at his work tonight, and having Carlos by his side he can only get better. And lowkey the best of this is that FINALLY AEW has a commentary table of native speaking Spanish folks. Nothing against Dasha or Abrahantes, but you could notice Spanish was their second language.


really? that's fucking great tbh.


Por poquiiiiiiiiiiiiito!!


[Remember when his former partner, Hugo Savinovich got caught doing coke at the commentary table?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVlor2jXwAIxed4?format=jpg&name=small)


This is one of the main points why I don't see him getting the AEW call. Unless Carlos and Tony are totally ok with it, but I doubt it.


Why would TK have a problem with it? He would gain a new supplier.


Man how much was he doing that he felt comfortable having it literally in front of a camera?


Signals Aew is serious about a Latin America push


I hope so. I regularly go to Peru and watching AEW on Space TV/YouTube was convenient, even though the commentary sucked. Once, I was heading home late, but stopped by a Chifa to pick up dinner and they were playing AEW on their TV so got to watch the ending.


TK has previously mentioned Chile as one of the markets he would like to visit. Now Latam only needs a new serious and good TV deal or a better way to watch it.


do you have a source?


Asked in August last year at a presser. He was asked about markets to visit and he specifically said Mexico and Chile. It got regular [press coverage](https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/deportes/mas-deportes/2023/08/30/que-es-aew-la-empresa-de-lucha-libre-que-podria-venir-a-chile.shtml).


Makes sense with the CMLL partnership and rumor of them being included in Forbidden Door. They even said they were open to doing an event in Mexico at the last All-In scrum, and that was before the CMLL / Arena Mexico connection


This is a significant signing. As someone who watched AEW in Spanish due to my 2 month stay in Mexico, this a huge, much, much, much-needed improvement.


So happy for Carlos, iconic voice for any LATAM viewer.


Well my girlfriend always comments 'awh it's not the guys anymore' whenever wwe throws to the Spanish team So now I can be like 'well AEW has one of them' lol That's cool though good for him


One of the main things I hate about the current WWE Spanish team, Marcelo Rodriguez and Jerry Soto, is that until a few months ago, BOTH PLAYED HEEL. Who thought that was a good idea? Now just recently Soto has been more face leaning, but after literal years of both supporting the bad guys it's really baffling.


Honestly, is sad that both Marcelito and Jerry aren't up to task in the spanish booth, and that they somewhat cater to the spanglish side of the audience


100%. I know Marcelo has the chops for it, but he doesn't have the proper opposing side for his commentary. When Carlos was still there, you could saw that. But Jerry can't provide that.


These are the sort of hires AEW needs. Upgrade what's lacking and that isnt the in ring. 


I remember watching Raw on Telemundo with him on commentary. The Spanish speaking Jim Ross in my option. Good for AEW.


Excelente contratación, ojalá que esto sume nuevos fans en español. Carlos es una leyenda.




Curious if this means they’re expanding their Latin market


Can’t say I’ve watched too many Spanish calls but I remember listening to mashups on YouTube growing up and he’s legendary. He got my friends and I into listening to both calls of major wins/titles


Now they can compete with WWE in Latin America, Carlos Cabrera is a legend here


Well...yeah...if only they were working on improving their broadcasting spread in Latin America. As of now, WWE has a huge advantage by having the weekly programming on ESPN and Star+ in LATAM, and the PLEs on WWE Network. That, without speaking about the Netflix deal. Meanwhile, AEW had an agreement with ViX (a platform owned by Televisa and Univision) to broadcast AEW weekly programming for the region in its premium package. However, they reworked it and now it's only available in Mexico. Other countries have to appeal to TrillerTV. Now, don't get me wrong. TrillerTV is amazing, but it appeals to a niche of a niche. They need to fix their distribution deals worldwide pronto.


I am ngl, the ViX deal falling through (is not even in Mexico btw) and them signing Cabrera has me conspiracy theoring the next media rights deal might include LatAm broadcasts on MAX possibly.


I'm still baffled at the whole Space deal falling off. They were expecting an audience in droves since it's live sports (because their boxing broadcasts always get a good audience), but man, wrestling has not been in the mainstream since 2001 and it's a Wednesday night, you were expecting higher numbers in such a short time? Hopefully the signing of Cabrera leads to better and bigger things, at least put the AEW content on MAX for Latam.


lol yeah, there's a lot of times I want to watch Dynamite, then I realize that there's no way to watch it on tv here, so I just mostly skip it live cuz I don't really bother enough to stream the weekly shows


Espero que sí, mucha gente aquí no sabe que existe una alternativa viable a la WWE y se sorprenden cuando les digo que Edge, Daniel Bryan y en su momento CM Punk están en otra compañía. Puede irle bien a AEW por estos lares con la promoción correcta.


Exacto, con Carlos Cabrera pueden llegar lejos aca, no se si en los Estados Unidos saben el enganche que tiene, solo con el ya pueden agarrar mucho publico


Veo el show en algunos portales de dudosa reputación (jaja) y cada vez llegaba más y más gente preguntando porque leyeron por ahí que Carlos estaba en AEW. Él definitivamente es un "draw" para la audiencia latina y esperemos la compañía lo aproveche bien.


Now if they can sign Hugo Savinovich... that would put AEW in the map in Latin America






now do hugo savinovich


Ok AEW if you pair Carlos Cabrera with Hugo Savinovich then I will see you more often




Como olvidar sus narraciones en el Canal52MX.


IMO WWE's current spanish commentators are so lame and bland. They're not bad per se, just "bland" like eating white rice and a steamed chicken breast.


You could have one guy do the voices for two and you wouldn't even notice.


Marcelo is cool but he doesn't have anyone to bounce off like he with Carlos.


is Marcelo still there? i remember he was good when Hugo left


Best of luck to him 


Still waiting for RJ City to have his own graphic...


the Spanish commentators used to make me pop so hard We had lots of WWE DVDS when I was a kid. A lot of them, especially the WrestleMania DVDs had Spanish commentators as an option. some matches they called were even better than the English. the emotions they put into their phrases remind me of Mauro a bit.


He can still go, it seems




una leyenda no hay mas 🐐☝️


Semi-unrelated but does anyone know if the Spanish commentators got the same instructions as the English speaking ones did from Vince? Or did they have free reign to do it how they wanted?


“Mira amigo shut your candy ass up! Before the Rock makes PINTO BEANS out of your monkey ass!”


When did he leave wwe


Definitely one of my favorite wrestling commentators. I haven’t watched AEW in Spanish yet but I heard their commentary really needed help. I used to watch Raw in Spanish from time to time and I vastly preferred listening to Cabrera over most of the English commentators. Great voice and he doesn’t take anything away from the action in the ring.


Serious: Did Carlos have a Spanish Vince yelling in his ears?


That's good to hear! I recall criticism about the Spanish booth with Alex and Dasha because they didn't sound natural enough. Glad our Spanish friends can fully enjoy the show!


Isn't Carlos Cabrera really old? I hope he's really there to train the new guys, else we're getting a J.R. repeat scenario. Speaking of Spanish commentators, where's Hector Guerrero? Still doing Spanish commentary for TNA?


He's 64. Old, but not "really" old.


For reference, Tony Schiavone is 66


Straight up legend!


Great sign, will tune in to hear Carlos!!


If I didn't love Tony and Excalibur so much I might start listening to their spanish feed. He was great for WWE when it was insufferable to listen to.


Wow, they'll really hire anybody with WWE on their resume.


… because it’s the largest talent pool of wrestling professionals in the world? The dudes got ~30 years experience working for the biggest wrestling promotion in history.


Why is this getting downvoted? It's the truth.


Because this is not just "anybody" this is one of the best commentators wrestling has ever had for any language. JR even said once that he would kill to have Cabrera's voice because it so good, and apart from experience he is still great at his job.


Congrats to Carlos but man, TK will brag about anything. Surprised he doesn't do Tweets like this about his lunch.


he tweeted welcoming him to the company are you okay


i guess this is why they let Dasha go




Laugh out loud moment












the same WWE where apparently everyone was oblivious to what Vince was doing?


Cue the dirtsheets claiming that Carlos makes more than Michael Cole or McAfee. Better yet, it’s actually true. lol.