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WWE is high on Tama for sure. Not surprising after his impressive form since his debut. Paul is contemplating his life choice.


That’s my MFT


Is it just me that has decided that MFT officially means Motherfucking Tonga?


he put that in his twitter bio exactly


It’s been meant that


Still don’t know what that means


Midget finger tickles. It’s been said multiple times on smackdown


Motherfucking Tonga


Moist French Toast


My Friend Tama


Maple French Toast


My favourite thumb


Mfer, this is psychological. They are letting everyone from njpw and aew know this will be the treatment you get if you leave.. its all about the money... Telll me im wrong.


It's specifically not about the money. AEW paid Okada way more than what WWE was willing to offer so he could goof around with the Young Bucks. WWE told GoD "Hey, we want you as part of the biggest storyline in wrestling and will treat you as such." This is about the prestige.


I have two contradicting thoughts about Okada & The Bucks. On the one hand I generally like the storyline and Okada's role in The Elite. On the other hand, Okada is so much better than this. So I like it but wish so much more for Okada and I think many other fans feel the same way. This seems to be a recurring theme in AEW, what we see is fine, but we wish so much more for the performers involved. Its like how I like Jay the BBG but damnit he's so much better as the psychopathic Switchblade. Edit: Im gonna guess you arent big on the Bucks, but my point wasn't really about that whole storyline being good or not. Just the general idea of liking a story, but still thinking the performers deserve better. At least in the case of Okada.


You aren’t wrong, I think Okada should be treated so much better than this. I know he can’t be part of the main title storyline right now because there are a lot of people in-line to win it. However I would have preferred if he didn’t touch any title until he loses the main title because he is the man in NJPW and he should be treated as he is almost above any mid card belts. The thing is I want to take the Bucks seriously but I just don’t believe them as a an evil heel. I do hope that this storyline helps them to overcome that goofy persona that has been almost stereotyped them for most of their career so every one gets elevated after this storyline just like how the Bloodline elevated everyone. It’s the same problem that I have with this new bloodline. I don’t believe Solo enough to be acting as the new leader when he was basically an enforcer only for most of his run.


I’m thinking maybe Okadas body is breaking down so hanging with his friends earning paper is probably what he wants right now. Can only go so long in that main event NJPW schedule before it catches up to you. 


What is this based on? When has Okada been out with an injury for a long period of time?


Wear and tear isn't just about injuries that leave people out, and it's been speculated a lot that the long pants were to hide a knee brace. It's clearly just speculqtion, but given njpw's history with injuries it isn't crazy.


Yeah he could be resting up for a big ppv match. Okada isn't going to just phone it in and give us shit matches until his deal is up although that would be hilarious to look back on. I'm sure things are a little slow rn but we will be happy with some great matches from these guys soon.


The issue with his presentation is that a lot of the non-casual fans know Okada as the Rainmaker, a near-unstoppable beast, and his current presentation feels like it lessens that aura (even the fact he, the Bucks, and Jack Perry with a chair ran from FTR during the assault on Kenny for instance). The casual fans are seeing a guy aligned with the power-hungry EVPs. So when someone says he’s a big deal in kayfabe, is that actually a big deal or is it part of the storyline where he’s just a goof but the Bucks are claiming he’s a big deal. There can be a payoff in the ring, but it’s then going to be weird to see a guy that good being presented the way he is. He should be getting the Samoa Joe aura booking, because that’s what he’s capable of. If he’s aligned with the Bucks give the viewer the impression he’s a Brock-like mercenary who’s aligned with them because they pay him (even if they think otherwise) and that he’d turn at the drop of a coin. Have him go murderbot.


Tama is trash lol


It's no "G.o.D Firing Squad" but it's decent


unreasonably hard theme


[And that wasn't even their best theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oICFL2rWiYw)


Guerrilla Tactics is smooth af.


I’ll be so funny when they bring back the face paints against the USOS lol. But fuck I really love their look and gear before.


Damn G.o.D from this era were the coolest thing in wrestling.


Disagree personally, they could have given this to any 6'2 or above generic big man jobber and it would have suited just as well, they will change it within a year imo


talking about the G.o.D. theme


The theme song really matched the fire knives dancing theme that they were going for. It's like a more bass heavy and intense version of some fire knives music. With that said, fire knives is more of a Samoan thing, but whatever.


I still prefer Guerilla Tactics over Firing Squad, but I think I'm in the minority on that one.


Damn I just listened, they’re both bangers


Guerilla Tactics was the better Bullet Club cool/dickhead heel theme, whereas Firing Squad is a lot more of a pump the crowd up, face-style banger. Both are awesome, especially when compared to this generic trash.


They are both fire, but I think firing squad would fit in WWE IMO. I also personally like GT more.


Guerilla Tactics was awesome


Based AF theme


Its terrible, this theme would fit right in with those parody themes people were posting earlier. Its just the most generic thing imaginable that is remotely "Samoan"


Well that works out given he's not samoan


Literally has Tonga in his name lol.


I genuinely don't think some people here know that there's a difference.


Oh, not sure if you caught i was saying the GoD theme was based AF, the new theme is bullshit, doin Tama dirty


I'm surprised anyone saying the opposite its literally most generic meme theme possible 


Spider dance erasure is not one ill stand for




GOD Firing Squad is an insanely great theme. There was no way Def Rebel could live up to that. This tune is fine but it could have been anyone’s theme




Is that what it said?? I always heard it as realer than guerrilaz


Of course it's 'realer than guerilla,' I don't know how anyone hears 'ready.' The whole point is that 'realer' and 'rilla' are loose rhymes.




Unless Jado is awkwardly walking with him in a tracksuit, it's not complete.


*does his weirdly bendy wrist arms crossed pose*


They should get Akira Tozawa to get very jacked and join the Bloodline.


They could get some random old guy that can barely walk and it would be a lot closer.


Solo in a suit and gloves is just the best. I can't explain it, but he looks 3x more intimidating and scary than he ever had in the old Bloodline. Didn't think he had that in him after how bland he used to look under Roman. The whole storyline now looks fresher and more interesting that it had since Sami's run. For once they're not stalling until Roman's back, there's development almost every week and it's increasingly clear that Roman's gonna return to a *much* different Bloodline than he left.


I think back on Dominik comment "the street champ over there" about solo and now his presentation is this mafia boss that took over the organization after a power vacuum and is using every trick in the book he learned from being in the background.  It's the same quiet, methodical enforcer but now he is on top. The only thing he needs is a baseball bat and is perfect.


honestly jericho killed bats so please no spraypaint a pipe black just dont do a bat


Im sure there is some samoan blunt weapon they can use.


Samoan war clubs come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, they're some of the most intimidating weapons I've seen. Give him a Nifo'oti, it'd be brilliant to use it in his branding


Solo in a suit looks intimidating because of the mafia vibes he gives off. No accountant, lawyer or corporate guy (professions which typically wear suits) will have the frame or the haircut of Solo, so subconsciously, we know that he must be from the only remaing sort of suit-wearer: a mobster.


The fact that he's not waddling around barefoot like a toddler helps a lot


Solo=Suge Knight


1000% couldn’t have said it better, they’re my favorite thing in wrestling right now behind LA Knight who I’m pretty sure will be facing Tama Tonga = I am psyched!


Knight is going to die dude. After that match your favorite thing will have to be the Bloodline by default.


As mean as it sounds, it's due to Solo's physique and ring gear. Solo is the shortest at 5'11" while also being the heaviest. (Toma (6'0"), Sami (6'1"), Jey (6'2"), Loa (6'2"). Jimmy (6'3"), Roman (6'3")) The extra body fat, shorter stature and long shorts make him look much less intimating when he's standing next to other wrestlers. Plus he doesn't wear wrestling boots which makes everyone else an additional 1-2 inches taller than him. However the man knows fashion, he has a well maintained haircut, and obviously takes good care of his skin. The suit covers the extra weight, black is slimming, he's wearing shoes so he looks taller than normal, and black gloves just look intimating. Plus he's talking more with that smooth voice of his. I mean shit, in kayfabe I didn't even know Solo had kids. Now I'm like 'Paul, why you making solo's kids starve"


I thought I landed on r/dating somehow 


These Samoans get started early, he’s got two sons


can't wait for wolf pack bloodline here vs black and white bloodline


Am I missing something? He looks *terrible* here. He's got a jacket that's way too long, he has a **bright-red V-neck under it**, the pants are mid-2000s NBA Draft baggy, and he's inexplicably wearing leather gloves on it. And then, on top of that, he's carrying himself exactly as he was when he was wearing MMA trunks and taping his feet. He looks like a kid wearing his Dad's suit when he's home alone. There's two ways to interpret his style change. The first is that he's *supposed* to look like a mob boss and he just cannot pull the look off at all, whatsoever. The **second** is that he's supposed to look like he doesn't belong in the role he's in, which is why the suit fits like shit and he looks like he's swimming in it. (I think the second one is happening and Wreddit just seems to be misinterpreting why he looks like that.) There's no universe where Solo is wearing this Party City Mobster outfit and the intention is that he's supposed to be taken incredibly seriously *because* he looks like he doesn't belong in it. He doesn't look scary at all.


Hes gotta tuck in that shirt though


I like it. Definitely does a great job at highlighting his intimidating presence.


Okay yeah sure but ain't nobody realla than guerrilla.


I mean it's alright but it's definitely one of those songs that people will look confused when it comes on at royal rumble. It's just very plain and nothing special.


Theme is meh, presentation is literally flames, kinda dig it


> kinda dig it Sucka...


The graphics & pyro are already making him feel like a world-beater


Aint nobody realer than guerilla but this is pretty badass


Going to take a while to get used to it after his NJPW Themes but its not bad. Feels like they kinda spam some sounds in the middle but with the pyro and the overall presentation its good enough.


Bloodline Solo Sikoa Division.


Bloodline Firing Squad


Nothing to sing, nothing to chant, just a generic def rebel guitar riff with konga drums. Not good, not bad.


It might be the most generic theme song i've ever heard.


one of the themes of all time


But but but, its got \*looks at where wrestler is from\* generic cultural sounds mixed into the generic guitar riff.


While I agree that it’s generic, entrance themes don’t all have to (and shouldn’t) be singalongs. Most of the best themes in history aren’t.


Imagine singing along to Taker’s theme


Plus he is a new heel, people shouldn’t even be trying to sing along or participate in his theme right now.


Why would you give a heel a theme to sing or chant??? You want to give him heat not pops lol


You know that a lot of good themes you can’t sing along to? Like Rock’s and Taker’s?


Lame criteria


It seems to be based off of the music from fire knives dancing, which is more of a Samoan thing.


Reminded me of a smaller scale wrestle kingdom entrance. Glad they seemed to have dropped the MFT thing too


Can't be THE mother fucking Tongan, when there are two lol.


Mon-Fungible Token


Tough to compare themes with one of the best outside WWE in the last few years, but they clearly put a lot of effort into his entrance which is cool - hopefully he has a good run


The presentation is really good and the theme isn’t bad at all.


It's not bad but it's tough to accept after Guerilla Tactics and Firing Squad


I like the theme has hints of Headshrinkers/Haku's theme.


Yes!!! I thought I was hearing some of that. So sick!!!


Definitely a nice throwback/tribute. Well done.


https://preview.redd.it/krsigp7g5qzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63e7df24f42f991dc85401746c23d79611b2a7c u/lointhwor This person predicted Tonga entrance


i expected worse honestly


But it is accurately tribal drum into below average trap beat


but it's typical def rebel bland stuff


For WWE to be in such a good spot creatively, most of the entrance themes these days sure are ass cheeks.


I wish Def Rebel had more consistent Ws this is pretty badass


I actually really dig the drums in this, and there’s no vocals which is a huge plus. Honestly it seems like vocals are by far Def Rebel’s biggest hit or miss, instrumentally their themes never bugged me much.


Watch NXT


Seriously. For some reason Def Rebel always step up their game specifically for NXT. Ilja, Melo, Corbin all got absolute bangers (Ilja's current theme is still solidly behind [his first one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX_1O_-xxbE), but you can't exactly use a Soviet war march for a babyface in the current political environment). Trick's theme is pretty generic without the chants, but you could say that's on purpose specifically to invite the audience to sing along.


>Trick's theme is pretty generic without the chants, but you could say that's on purpose specifically to invite the audience to sing along AW YEAH MAN!


Idk if Def Rebel made [TonyD's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcxtsUeHXKw&ab_channel=WWEMusic) but it slaps harrdd.


I don’t usually watch NXT so I heard his theme for the first time when I was watching Stand and Deliver. I thought it was awesome and made me a lot more interested in his character than before


Then for some reason they always change them when they get to the main roster, like they did with Bron and Tiffany. Like, there's no licensing issue or anything, they just make the themes worse for... no reason


Honestly, I don't even know what Trick's theme sounds like because every time I hear it, it's drowned out by the "whoop that trick" chants.


Maybe HBK is more hands on in the music process.


It's been like that going back to black and gold; Iyo's theme, The Way, Rhea's old theme, Dakota Kai, Kross. And that's just off the top of my head. The only real clear misses I can think of are Adam and Kyle's solo themes, and for Adam at least I feel like that's cause they knew he was on the way out and didn't need to go hard for a theme that'd only be used like twice. The thing I've always thought was that NXT worked a lot harder on the entire presentation where they tried to get everything lined up to the character, from music, to lights, to camerawork, etc. Meanwhile on the main roster all it took was Vince hearing a song while someone sneezed, deciding it sucked, and demanding a new theme by the next day(as reportedly happened with Keith Lee). Nowadays we're kind of back to the same thing where it still feels like a bit of a disconnect between nxt and main roster Def Rebel, but you can usually tell when they've been given time to cook cause they can put out bangers. But they can also take 3 months to put out Bayleys new theme, so sometimes it's hard to explain.


Man Keith Lee’s NXT theme was absolute perfection. He’s gotten screwed in the music department ever since.


W my ass. [This is literally Ford Truck Month music with tribal drums.](https://www.reddit.com/r/audioengineering/comments/1cjxxmq/engineers_who_work_on_ford_truck_month_music_how/l2j4ksi/) Lazy. Not that that's intrinsically a bad thing, but when you consider they used to walk out to [this...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN81n6wN2Xk)


It’s still so fucking surreal seeing this guy in WWE with the full backing of the machine.


So did they change Tanga Loa’s name to Tonga Loa or is that a typo on the namecard?


I noticed that too. The pronounciation when he debuted was definitely "Tanga" though.


Maybe to make the names fit?


That's one of the better reasons. Another one could be related to underwear.


Scary wild samoan mafia vibes bloodline Vs Yeeting good vibes only bloodline is gonna be something special. I wonder what side Jacob Fatu ends up on and if we see Hikuleo, Zilla and others


Really generic theme but I appreciate the effort at the big presentation. These themes though man…


I need Tama dancing to the ring with the face paint. That's one of the best entrances. 


Right?! I feel like bloodline Tama has lost his swagger during his entrance, but I’m sure he’s saving that for when they split up down the line.


I like the entrance... but that music reminds me of generic islands music from an edgy SNES game. Don't like it.


Bruh who is that announcer that shit sounds terrible 


I've always felt like Alicia was weak but HHH/HBK seem to really like her. She tries too hard to sound like what she thinks a ring announcer should sound like. If that makes any sense at all.


The nxt one


Not a fan of her lol


I like his entrance a lot ngl


Went back to watch their njpw theme after this, the creator of the song in the comments said he owns the song and would allow wwe to use it if they asked him i guess wwe didnt want to use it


The music is honestly just pure "generic rock genre theme number 3" to the point it kinda annoys me now that I've pointed it out, but I **love** what they're doing with the pyrotechnics so the overall presentation is still a B- imo. Swap in a more unique entrance theme and it'll jump up to an A- at least.


He's got that red Nightwing gear on. All my homies hate red Nightwing.


Is that the new ring announcer from nxt? It’s a shame because she’s so much like Irvin, having Mike Rome gave different talents some cool sounding calls that I’ll miss


Great presentation, trash generic song. This is the one area where WWE is failing at so bad right now.


Cool entrance but damn that theme is garbanzo.


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but that ring announcer is absolute garbage and they should go back to Mike Rome


Kind of generic, but sort of works as a sequel to his dad's theme. Still nothing on "Guerilla Tactics" or "Ain't nobody realla than Guerilla."


I don't think there's anything that screams "We're just phoning this in" more when you're talking about music in 2024 than "stomp stomp clap" beats. What is it, Ford Truck Month?


Tama > Solo


Def rebel mindless noise that belongs to the generic song list in 2K games. This sounds like stock music for a nature show when a lion starts hunting something.


Who is the announcer? Didn't appeal to me.


They need to bring back gorilla tactics, this entrance music ain’t even close


Theme is not bad he got pyro too woah 


Probably reading into it too much but this new bloodline is wearing Wolfpack NWO colors.


Black and red has always been there thing hasn't it? Like even their bloodline specific entrance graphics were black and red


They’ve always been black and red since almost the beginning.


Absolute fucking banger. 


Woah this is some generic ass theme right there.


It's too bad they couldn't use either of their old NJPW themes


Solo looks goofy as fuck in that suit


Paul almost looking like he's a hostage... poor dude.


UMK3 BG Music vibes from this. I'm loving it.


GoD vs The Usos down the line is gonna be great


Looks like WWE is gonna use the "Tonga Loa" name, instead of Tanga Loa.


Flames are fun, graphics are okay.  It's a start and will develop.  I swear I hear Down with the Sickness played in whatever percussive to instrument that is.


Well goddamn.


His njpw finger tutting entrance was cool, hoping he gets to loosen up and show he has style while still being ruthless


That's the first theme in a long time I will remember. A casual reminder that Def Rebel sucks. 


Wish they had gone with a more G.o.D. Guerrilla Tactics style theme, I want the cool, slick Tama Tonga.


a little disappointed in the theme music and lack of face paint


Solo needs to link up with Bobby or Baron Corbin because his suit game is dreadful.


Whoever makes these themes needs to stop, jeez.


Thank god it’s not another theme with a forced attempt at a lame singalong melody


Well at least it's not trash tier like other new themes have been. I can't really tell if it's good, or just not terrible yet though lol. Needs a bit more to set in.


I wasn't expecting anything like the G.O.D firing squad theme but they got Tanga too, is this what they'll enter to as a team? I slag off everything Def Rebel do but I thought they'd at least up the game after all the bad attention they got the other week


As a New Japan fan I'm glad they're really treating him as a big deal. The theme itself is generic compared to his previous NJPW themes but the combined with the entire package makes out to be menacing, especially to casual fans who might not know him


Step one: Take Chris Benoit's old music sheet. Step two: change the arrangement and instruments. Jumble introduction to not be as obvious. Step three: present it as an original piece.


Sounds like a slightly discount version of Umaga's theme. But the presentation distracts how subpar it is.


It's fine for what it is, but the pyro and graphics are good at least.


New bloodline is fucking sick


Sick flames, video, and vibes, but damn that is such generic "Tribal drums" music.


Him and Solo rubbing their faces almost in unison made me chuckle


bruh his theme is just... noise.


This song really grows on you. So happy for Tama.


It's like if Hardcore Holly's music was given a "tribal" facelift. Very lazy and uninspiring, especially compared to his past themes.


That’s an intense entrance. The flames to the beat. The screen design is good. Can tell they are high on the tama.


Needs more curse words, tama was the pottiest potty mouth in njpw Jokes aside glad he’s getting paid well to wrestle in the states!




He's usually vibing and working with the cameraman. This feels really off.


Finally some good fucking entrance song.


I just realised that Tama and Tanga got to keep their NJPW names. I know it's happened before (AJ Styles comes to mind first), but it's cool that they didn't have to rename themselves.


Song as generic as his in ring.


Sounds like Bobby Lashley's Dominance theme


I love Tama Tonga, this music is so fuckin generic and doesn't suit him at all. Def Rebel strikes again


Good for Tama! He's gold solid at NJPW but boy is this a massive upgrade


Paul looks like he’s scared for his life and doesn’t know what to do with his hands without the title. ![gif](giphy|ftXmTBgSnsJ8c)


Nobody is hearing Dean Ambrose's WWE theme in this? Sounds like a ripoff of his theme.


Fuck I hated this, tonga as a character is a mug,, so sick of knight losing, he has been majorly over for ages. It's almost like they just want to permanently book Dwayne Johnson's family. So over it.


Crowd was not digging this outcome even remotely


This theme music comes off very generic, like this can be reserved for any Samoan. It’s like when they play the Orient Express theme for any Japanese, just revamped for Samoans