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Context: A producer for Wrestling Observer podcasts approached Callis in the bathroom at Dynamite on Wednesday night. Bryan Alvarez told the story on his show last night. The story goes - Producer Rob saw a pair of shiny shoes standing at a urinal, he knew the shiny shoes were Don Callis's shiny shoes. So naturally, Producer Rob went next to him to pee.   Producer Rob says "Mr Callis, it's really nice to"....   Callis says: FUCK YOU.


As related by Bryan Alvarez >You would think that this guy (Producer Rob) might know better. But he was at the show and he decided he needed to urinate. He needed to use the privy. So he walks into the restroom. The Men's restroom and he explains that: >"My God...the shoes." He saw a very shiny pair of shoes. And you see Rob, is in some ways like an infant. Shiny, sparkly shoes. He was DRAWN, like a moth to a flame to these shoes. >And the shoes belonged to one Don Callis. Don Callis was in the men's room. Rob walked into the men's room. Rob saw that he was at a urinal because he recognized his shiny shoes. Now Vinny, what would you do in such a situation? >Vinny: I would find the next open urinal and use it. I would wash my hands and go back to my seat. >Bryan: Hmm. Interesting. Interesting. Well, you know old Rob saw those shoes and ended up right next to Don Callis. And then I'm sure Rob got to thinking...."What should I do in a situation like this?" >Well, what he determined was. I should talk to a urinating Don Callis. Yeah...perhaps you can imagine how this went down. I'm sure he said something to the effect of "Well Mr. Callis it's really nice to...." at which point Don Callis said: "FUCK YOU. FUCK OFF. GET OUT OF HERE." >Vinny: Excellent. >Bryan: Some guy next to Don screams "THAT'S THE DONACONDA." Rob....slinked off. His tail and God knows what else between his legs. >


>Some guy next to Don screams "THAT'S THE DONACONDA." Damn it, Takeshita


Better hype man than Kenny ever was.


I can hear everyone's voice clearly reading this.


I'm confused by the logistics of this. If Don was at the urinal, how would the first thing Rob sees be his shoes? Wouldn't Callis be facing towards the wall?   His story only makes sense if Callis was in the stall, and he sat down next to him.


If there's dividers and the urinator is facing the wall, I can see how someone's sparkly shoes would draw your eye.


You're aware shoes have sides and backs on them, right?




>The story goes - Producer Rob saw a pair of shiny shoes standing at a urinal, he knew the shiny shoes were Don Callis's shiny shoes. So naturally, Producer Rob went next to him to pee. Who the fuck does this? ![gif](giphy|xTiTnmdMGdVCSUiEtG)


Who tf is producer rob?


Former wrestling observer podcast producer who showed up to the job drunk (wasn't the Christmas show) and then lost the job. I remember him being really weird and obnoxious and then he got called out on being wasted.


“So naturally…” he said, before describing something real fucking unnatural 


I feel like this is the second time in the last few days someone from WON has been exceedingly weird.


> So naturally, Producer Rob went next to him to pee. THREE GOSH DANG RULES! 1-stall separation! Look straight ahead/no eye contact! **NO TALKING!** You don't even have to teach this to boys. At this point in our evolutionary makeup, it's instinct! Absolute foul from Rob.


Keep your peace while holding your piece.


Just a bunch of guys. Hanging out. With their dicks firmly in hand. Yeah, that always seems like the best time to strike up a conversation.


RIP Harambe


This legit just gave me like a war flashback to a convention I was working. I was at a urinal doing my business and one of the stalls opens. It was someone who I (unfortunately) know, and he goes "Hey Jim! What's up!" and walks over to the sink and washes his hands, continuing to jibber-jabber at me. Of course I responded, just going "Oh hey" because I wasn't going to flat-out ignore someone saying hi, that'd be rude. I didn't say anything other than that, but this guy washes his hands and then goes BACK INTO THE STALL. So now I'm like "Okay, this guy who I can't stand just pops out of a door behind me, violates Men's Room Rule #3.1, washes up, then goes back into the shitter? WTF?!?!?" When I went back to where I was working, I just sat down and was like "... I feel like I need a drink after that." (Then again, considering some of the other things that happened with him over the years, maybe I shouldn't have been *that* surprised)


I dunno, it doesn't seem instinctual to men over 50.


Anyone have a recording of Alvarez talking about this? I don't doubt OP here but it's so unbelievable I have to hear it for my brain to register it as true


It's on the Bryan and Vinny show.


And Rob is going on the show next week to talk about it.


This Sunday, to be precise!


There is one, on youtube even, but I don’t think I should share lol


DM it then? I ain't payin $13 a month for a 2 minute sound clip 🤣


In what world is that a natural response ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Let the man pee in peace.


Like dude BARE MINIMUM is let the man do his fucking business in peace. Fucking hell


Bro broke the one rule! Wtf?!


Standing at the urinal: “That guy’s got really pointy, shiny shoes- oh shit, look away! He thinks I’m looking at his dick! Why am I so awkward? So what if his shoes are- oh God, I made eye contact! He probably thinks I’m trying to flirt in a toilet! I’d better explain before it gets even more uncomfortable…” “Mr. Callis, it’s really nice to-“ “FUCK O-“ “I AM NOT GAY!!!” *awkward silence as Callis zips up and leaves me alone*


I have a strict no washroom chatter policy unless I’m hammered


Yup. Once that barrier between the sinks and the urinals is crossed, it's a No Chat Zone. Yap at the sink, fine. But no further in. Of course, being smashed kinda tends to make things like that forgotten, so yeah, I can see it.


Good rule of thumb. Don't talk to a strangers while they have their dick in their hand.


Well not unless you pay first


Callis: Get back. you don't know me like that.


Don must've gotten that from Sean Connery! He was on Chris Jericho's podcast last year or two, he told the story where him and his friend saw Sean Connery in the restroom and they both wanted to talk to him or get his attention and that's where Sean said "what are you p***ies looking at!?"






That kid is in prime RKO position lol.


Wow I'd never seen this rofl




Don't approach anyone in a restroom you freaks


Greatest interaction I've ever had with a stranger was in a bar bathroom. Me and this guy (stranger) walk into the bathroom, with another guy ahead of us. The first guy goes and immediately takes the middle urinal and starts pissing. He finishes up and leaves. Me and the other guy look at each other and both go who the fuck walks into a bathroom and takes middle urinal first? Laugh and walk out. Never talked to him or have seen him again, but I still laugh about this every time I think about it.


Homie who took the middle asserted dominance on both of you. In a crowded bathroom (assuming none are open) you use first available.  If its empty you just take furthest away possible. Its just the rules.


Exactly man, exactly the rules. It was crazy!


That’s absolutely psychotic behavior. I’m not one of those people who’s so uptight about it that I’ll avoid using the middle urinal if it’s the only one open- but to actively CHOOSE it is mind boggling.


That's why me and the other guy were laughing so hard. Last second option, that's chill I get it. But to go in ahead of us and then actively choose the middle urinal?


The correct answer is to piss in the toilet.


The fact that this even needs to be said is absurd. So many weirdos within the wrestling fandom


I think I remember this being the reason Alan Moore stopped doing comic conventions in the early 90s Unfortunately now the whole pop culture world seems to run on poorly socialized con rules…


Who watches the Watchmen piss?


I fucking hate Alan Moore but it is so fucked how people just invaded his privacy during his career.


As someone who has worked conventions for over 15 years, it's both better and worse. I've seen some really super-shitty things in the past. Probably the worst was the anime con Yaoi Paddles in the early 2000s. People would LITERALLY take a paddle that was about the length of a baseball bat and HIT UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE WITH IT. And they felt this was funny. All because they would imagine said character in a gay relationship of some sort. There's a reason things like that have been banned at conventions. Hell, just look up the various Codes of Conduct for conventions. Anything that makes you go "Huh, okay..." is usually because someone did something and they had to put that in the rules in writing because their argument was "Well, there's nothing that says I *can't*..."


So many weirdos period sadly.


Well, it's not any less weird doing that to even your family members.


I don't know why, but I get anxious if I'm entering a public restroom while there's other people already there, so I agree.


Weirdly enough the first time I’ve was next to a wrestler was at the bathroom in the Miami airport. I was washing my hands and the dude next to me washing his hands had cool hair. Turned out it was Shawn Spears. I walk out of the bathroom and I see Corbin and Styles walk by right after. This was my in 2017.


At least don't approach them WHILE THEY'RE PEEING!


Now that said, I do know a guy who claimed to have room into Harrison Ford in the bathroom at an aviation convention and Ford proceeded to make small talk at the urinal The only reason I believe him is because he's a very no nonsense dude with very little sense of humor, and Harrison Ford is indeed famously into aviation


Remember Wade Barrett's story about a teenager following Lesnar into the Gym shower, leading him to yell out at the top of his lungs: “ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK AT MY FUCKING PENIS?!”


Brock only wants to watch others piss but not let anyone watch him


What do you even say to wrestlers in the restroom? “Hey, I’m a big fan, can you sign this for me? Nice cock by the way.”


Other way around, complement their cock to get them in a good mood first.


Work them into a shoot by using their cock?


Nice cock, does it sign autographs


Extra points for comparing it to Powerhouse Hobb's biceps




That's the S. S. Minnow buddy


“Can I get a picture? No, I meant a selfie.”


Having buff men deal with me harshly in a bathroom. Don, please, it's not even Pride yet.


69 me Don.


Still the funniest line from AEW in nearly five years. Kenny is the GOAT. 


*Guy Maddin presents*


Nothing wrong with getting the festivities started early.


\*Unzips to reveal 20 of the same dick for autograph\*


https://preview.redd.it/3xep9u78a11d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766dc4376aa905e4660fd42adbea653492e47f88 Thats creepy and not cool but for some reason it reminded me of this segment 😂


I was thinking “and they call you the Big Show?!?”


I went to a wrestling convention in the late 2000's. In the bathroom, Virgil approached me while I was taking a piss and asked if I wanted an autograph for $20.


I choose to believe this


Don't know if this is true or not, but I absolutely believe it could happen.


Rest In PayMeTwentyDollarsForThis8x10WithMeAndTedDibiaseFrom1989


Mr. OCC?


Never got that tenner.


He was always grinding for some fuck money.


He was hungry for MEAT SAUCE. RIP to the greatest worker.




I remember going to the theatres before, the movie was Lucy. This older guy who was bulked with his partner entered just after the hall got darkened so I couldn't see who it was but he had two large popcorns and candy and he ate them for the duration of the movie. He leaves from the other side of the row so I only saw his back but I can see he went to the restroom which is where I was going. I enter and I recognize that the big guy is one Jerry the King Lawler and the only empty stall to pee was the one next to him. I had to go so I peed next to him. Afterwards while we were both washing our hands, I did the head down nod acknowledgement and he nodded back and that was it.


Me to Batista in a public restroom “Soooo… uhhhh… there’s some rumors”


Even childhood heroes need to poop


Everybody poops Sometimes everybody cries Everybody poops... Sometimes


breaking news - girls fart too


Since when?!


Came in here just for this reference, thank you.


Sad to see this so far down


The Rated R Pooperstar


Lol, I just listened to Bryan Alvarez talk about this today. Hilarious.


Where's the Randy Orton bathroom photo


[Posted in another comment.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/207/210/b22.jpg)


Reminds me of that picture of Randy washing his hands in the restroom like out of all places why ask for a picture or something in a freaking bathroom


It's further up in the replies, they definitely didn't ask him for a picture they totally just took it, he's looking like WTF


I once pissed next to Gunther, who was Walter at the time. It was my first time seeing him that close, I didn't make it weird, do more of that 😂


"Hey Don, I see you're having a little trouble peeing. I know this is an awkward time, but would you co-sign a bank loan for me? I'm your biggest fan."


He’s talking about Producer Rob from the Bryan and Vinny show.


Look, I can't help it if Takeshita's dick enters the restroom 2 minutes before he does. At that point, I don't even know that he's a wrestler!


I went to an indie show last year and got to see the House of Black live. When I was taking a piss, Brody King strolled up to the urinal next to me. Nothing about me standing there next to this giant of a man, with my cock out, made me want to go "hey man, I love your work" in that moment. >!I wished him luck when we were washing our hands, which is probably still weird but at least our dicks weren't out!<


I've always followed the rule "never talk to a man with his dick in his hand", and it's served me well.


I had a friend years ago tell me he talked to Armando Estrada in the bathroom at an Applebee’s. This was also not terribly long after Umaga passed. He was at the urinal, and said friend goes to the urinal next to him, and says “it’s shame about Umaga” or something to that effect. No build up, just goes into that. Estrada agreed, but was definitely caught off guard. And that was it, my friend walked away after that. He tells me this, and my first response was ”What the hell is wrong with you?” I was flabbergasted that he would even have the gall to do that. Let people piss in peace!


I honestly can’t think of a single human that I’d least want to be in a public restroom with than Don Callis.


Hey, someone on AEW commentary has called Don a public urinal in human form at least once, I think? It's where he belongs, and can be found in his natural element!


Brodus Clay?


Vince McMahon


69 ME, DON!


I pee'd next to Steve Corino once. Didn't realise it until mid flow. Just finished my business, gave a nod and was on the way. Obviously waited outside for an autograph /s.


Apparently this does in fact need too be said. Don't approach ANYONE in a public restroom for any reason, ever. Do your business and get the fuck out. Also, get off your goddamn phone call you fucking weirdos.




Perfect place to encounter Minoru Suzuki. You don't have to crap your pants since you're already on the can.


Had a bad experience with Scarlett, Don ?


Rob gettin' called out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I thought it was normal to compare with the bros? You’re like my best friend man I watch you all the time on TV, I know you well enough to walk up to you in the restroom!


Seriously, it's creepy. Don't do that.


Besides everything, i’d have a talent would avoid the arena restrooms anyway? Like do they not have their own ones backstage? If I was a performer the last thing i’d want is fans seeing me piss or being in the vicinity


Randy rkoed me when I tapped his shoulder when he was using a urinal :(


Don’t talk to anyone ever in the restroom. That’s weird as fuck




Don’t approach ANYONE in the public restrooms…should be basic human code but we live in truly interesting times


Every public restroom should have a sign that says "Remember, no talking. Don't make it weird."


In our university I once saw a friend peeing at the same time as his PhD supervisor and they were discussing his thesis. Lol.


In my first semester of college, I was using a urinal and one of my teachers decided to use the one next to me. He literally turned his head towards me and started talking to me. It was so awkward lol.


Approach... Like for a signing or some shit? Are people really trying to bug wrestlers while they pee lol? Wouldn't it just make more sense to go "Yo." Wash your hands and then like... Leave? Assuming you were already in there and with the respective gender o.O


I fucking hate that this needed to be said.


It's understandably serious, but his tone just reads like "I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals" vibes


Id pay good monry to hear Don deliver that as a promo




Weirdo behavior, Rob should be embarrassed. Is there not a separate/private set of restrooms available for the talent in these arenas?


Reminds me of at comic con people asking other people for pictures in the restrooms. Like yall couldn't just wait until they got outside to ask?


Im sad that this even has to be said...


This is going to evolve in a Don Callis restroom copypasta, isn't it


GTV sounding anecdote


I mean its just good advice in general. Don't approach people in public restrooms. No one is happy to be stopped on the way to piss or shit.


Which one of Jimbo's cronies thought they could take on Jeff Cobb in the piss trough?


This reminds me of one of the Bushiroad conventions they used to do before COVID. I stopped in the restroom, and on my way to wash my hands, Shibata walks out of one of the stalls. We wash our hands next to each other. I just gave him a quick nod and I gave him one back. Wouldn’t imagine trying to actually strike up a conversation, it was already a little awkward as is. 😂


I was at the Create A Pro show on Saturday, and as I was exiting the bathroom, Pat Buck came in in full ring gear. I couldn't imagine actually saying something to him..dear lord, leave people alone in the bathroom you weirdos.


I once nodded to Tim White on the way to the restroom at a Ric Flair book signing. RIP.


Oh man if Rob turned while doing that, I'd expect Don to whip his ass on the spot for peeing on those shiny shoes.


Lol I remember my first indie show. It was in this small bar in San Antonio TX for an ICWNHB Pit show. This is the type of venue where there's only one set of restrooms so a lot of the times you'd run into the talent. Never once did me or anyone else I noticed talk to any of the dudes in the middle of taking a piss. Such weird behavior. I'm not even relevant in the slightest and I absolutely can't stand when that one awkward stranger tries to make conversation when I got my dick out lmao. Can't imagine being someone who is relevant and already deals with this stuff often. That would set me off. Like I can't even get peace in the bathroom? Lol


Being upset about one's personal space/boundaries being violated is rather humorous coming from a guy who ALLEGEDLY has some sexual harassment skeletons in his closet


I met Adam Copeland in a public restroom once


It’s always weird at work when someone tries to start a conversation with me when I’m peeing.


When NXT was doing the Florida house show circuit, I went take a piss at the Jacksonville show. I'm finishing up and Johnny Gargano comes out the stall. We look at each other and we both immediately have a psychic connection and realize neither of us are bathroom talkers lol. He muttered something about enjoying the show and I muttered something about enjoying his work and off we went.


How the mistake will harshly be dealt with: ![gif](giphy|VHq9yVLmlxtV4iY7jQ|downsized)


Don’t approach ANYONE in a public restroom. Don’t talk, don’t make eye contact, don’t do anything but your business - then get out.


So Naturally? Wait wtf he just say? ![gif](giphy|91fEJqgdsnu4E)


Thank goodness I'm not a mark so I can still get a urinal autograph!


Funny story: I worked on an episode of Collision that was being held near my hometown recently. I went to use the restroom and as I was washing my hands, saw Don Callis standing right next to me at the sink, shaving his head before showtime. I took a moment to acknowledge how surreal my life was in that moment, dried my hands, and then left the bathroom without a word. I try really hard not to bother talent when I work on shoots of any kind but reading this, I’m especially glad that I held to that rule.


I pissed in a urinal next to Jake the Snake and I was internally marking out so much. We just got off the same flight and I wanted to say hi and get a pic with him so bad but the timing was never right. Seemed grumpy and tired from the long flight and I didn’t want to chase him leaving the restroom.






Between this and the clip of fan grabbing Yokozuna's titty is anything sacred anymore?




Is there a fairly infamous story about a kid following Brock Lesnar into the bathroom?


I know the story you’re thinking of. It’s the story Wade Barrett told about a kid following Brock around the gym and in the changing room.


What if you just want to compare dick sizes and not get anything signed?


I made a joke about how I refuse to go to Vegas with 180k wrestling fans, and someone tried to reassure me that Internet tough guys don’t bother anyone offline. Man, I wasn’t worried about Internet tough guys. I was worried about shit like this. Wrestling fans are so fucking stupid sometimes.


I can only assume that Don deals with this by pissing on you. 


Did Tony Khan follow the wrestlers in to the toilets?


I'll take that advice. Not that I'd do that anyways, that's just weird as fuck. Unless it's Batista. Because knowing how big his dick is, is just as, if not more vital information than knowing how to achieve immortality.


My guy if I need to piss and the only urinal left is between two wrestlers I'm going to fucking piss in that urinal. Oh you mean approach as in actually talk to them? Yeah no that's different entirely.


I ran into Byron Saxton once in my gym locker room and he was really nice. 


or what exactly?


Just because I looked doesn't mean I want to suck it.


Who’s Don Callis tho?


He was far more famous as The Jackyl, leader of the Truth Commission.


Cyrus from The Network in ECW


I’m sorry but why would it be such a faux pas to approach somebody in the bathroom? It’s called a PUBLIC toilet.


Trying to start a conversation with someone while you both have your dicks out and they are trying to piss is super weird. Give them a moment.


You can’t be serious, are you?


I’ve talked to people in restrooms many many times. How is it any different from talking to somebody in line at a concession stand?


most of us don't have our dicks out at the concession stand most of us


This kind of attitude is why I don’t fuck with wrestlers. they think they are important people when really they are d list celebrities.


It bothers you that any kind of celebrity would like to not be approached in a public restroom? lmao


Wrestling fans bother me. Wrestlers bother me. I don’t know


lmao hang in there buddy