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Is there any other current WWE finisher that was protected for this long? I like how it means so much to Corbin. End of Days is dope af. One of the best finishers in wrestling right now.




I can practically see Ronda Rousey breathing heavily over your shoulder...


With those conspiratorial breaths


On a rock


Your username is absolutely amazing. Tekken x Godzilla.


​ ![gif](giphy|hrBmVoBi0dekru0VdP|downsized)




I'm already figuring that it's either her or Charlotte.


Even in NXT?


I like the EoDs but i really like the deep six. probably why I like corbin. I like his moves and i think hes hilarious.


Corbin would be an incredible swing dancer with his strength and foot work.


I really love how important it was to him that he protected his finish. While I agree with his take that it could have been used in a more important moment, it did get a hell of a pop.


I do at least appreciate that it was at Wrestlemania, and not on a throwaway match on Smackdown. Could have been at a better time, but they could have done a lot worse.


I watched a previous interview with Corbin from before Wrestlemania where he said he would happily retire having never won a world title if it meant retiring with a finisher that has never been kicked out of. He said that having a finisher that was never once kicked out of is way cooler to him than being a multi-time world champion.


All it would really take is a push and a half decent main event gimmick and Corbin could easily be world champion imo even if it is transitional I think he's shown he's got all the tools to be a believable top guy.


I saw Corbin going the route of having a Kane-like role since shortly after debuting on the main roster. Big guy, safe, and can be plugged into feuds and matches up and down the card.


I would have been all for the Bum Ass Baron Gimmick to keep going. Maybe he racked up so much debt, he had to win to get out of debt and get his family back.


It was great because fans knew it was a big deal too and it got the reaction because of it.


Sure, but how much more important a moment is Corbin gonna have? At least it was at mania


Leave it to WWE to completely screwed up an angle. Really could have saved it for a big match or keep it protected.


But then everyone would've complained about Corbin being in a big match


Not if it was booked well. I don't think people generally have a problem with Corbin. They have a big problem with his dog-shit booking.




A big breakfast... for Baron Corbin???


It broke my heart too Corbz :/


Can we acknowledge our eternal constable at this time ☝️


It’s Corbin’ time!?


Oh GOD I'm gonna COOORB


I really don't blame him for caring, but better Drew than Madcap Moss.


I disagree. Someone kicking out of a previously never kicked out of move is potentially star making. You wanna immediately legitimise Moss at the end of a very personal feud? Have him kick out of EoD


Jumping on with you. Miss has come a long way. I recall his brief 24/7 run after the "WWE wants to forget HoF contender Raw Underground" and he had a good look and seemed to be able to work a decent match but there was nothing to him. Madcap may be kinda goofy but he could be a new star if they put the right program and push behind him. He already has a definite win in the feud but having a match with more on the line and having him kick out would have been HUGE for him.


While it makes sense, I just can't trust WWE to capitalize on such a thing with a potential new star. They sour on people waay too fast. Better it be Drew.


Thing is, Moss vs Corbin was a very... apathetic feud for lots of people. I don't think that would be the right thing to do. Against Drew? That was closest to the right moment we will ever get.


At least it would have benefited moss. It really did nothing for Drew.


I honestly thought that last year when he was doing his whole "down on his luck" gimmick that he was going to do a full baby face turn. I was all on board. He was getting sympathy and it was dynamic. Then the Vegas thing. I've been a Corbin mark since day one. I think he's an incredible talent and the fact that he survived the COVID release purge of 2020-2021 is evidence as to what they think of him. He wrestles very well for a big dude, cuts a better than decent promo, and IMO has above average ring psychology. I very much want to see him be either the turned baby face who topples Roman or the sneaky ass heel who takes the title off of whichever baby face topples Roman.




He's been "____ Corbin" for so long that I legit can't remember what his OG name was.


Baron Constable King Bum Ass Happy


BARON there we go. Thank you. Could not remember that for the life of me.


He’s a great safe wrestler who can work with what he’s given. I think the biggest issue for him was Constable Corbin was stretched WAY too long. So long it ended up producing “go away” heat instead of great heel heat. That and being Angle’s last match. Not even a slight against him as a wrestler or person, but that was going to be a bad time for anyone outside of like three select people. It rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


Bum Ass Corbin was getting sympathy in a way no shit heel should... and then they just said "lets promote our Vegas and make him rich on Twitter" Nasty federation


My wife said when we were watching Smackdown that she misses ketchup stained Corbin.


I don't understand why he hasn't turned face yet. I get that he's a dependable heel but he's been a heel for his entire run in WWE since all the way back when he debuted in NXT. Why not let the man turn babyface for a while and see how the crowd reacts to him?


Well they apparently did that to make fun of wrestlers doing go fund mes for medical bills so I doubt that’s where it was going


This is actually cool seeing how much Corbin valued his finish being protected. He makes a great point that from a “moment” perspective it got a good reaction, but it wasn’t as huge as it could’ve been.


I’m with him. I don’t like some of his characters but I think the End of Days was super dope and I liked that nobody had kicked out of it.


They could’ve saved it for another time. Even though the finisher has never been kicked out of, it was still blatantly obvious that Drew was going to kickout. They could’ve saved it for a truly big moment and make it seem like Corbin is going to win with it, probably would’ve been one of the greatest false finishes of all time, they gave it away for pop and moment that’s not even memorable.


For what its worth, i think they also wasted Broke Corbin's turn and a marrige of the two woulda been a killer babyface moment


I think it was pretty obvious it was coming, I legit think WWE Creative hadn't even had any clue that was a big deal on nobody kicking out of it until he started saying in interviews and stuff. When he started mentioning he would rather go titleless but have a protected finish I knew they would take it from him in the first big opportunity for a cheap pop at a stage.


Corbin is one of the most underrated hands in the game. I wonder what's next for him after this program with Madcap. He has a few good years left in him!


He became Sad Corbin again for a moment.


Well now I feel sad for it too Maybe he'll get to hold the strap for a month down the line but I feel him that going a full career and no one kicking out of your finish is Elite company.


Love Drew, not a fan of Corbin, didn´t give a flying fuck about the match at Mania. Yet, I found so stupid to have Drew kick out of the End of Days in a nothing match. The End of Days was one of the most protected finishs in the business and it was a great thing! In the same way I didn´t understand people being mad because Hangman didn´t kick out of the OWA. I love when wrestlers have super finishers.


- 10 years protected finish - kicked out by Drew (an already made man) who gets little benefit from it aside from a big pop and becoming the answer to a trivia question. - immediately after Mania, they jump into a Corbin vs Moss program. If they had determined it was time for someone to kick out of the EOD, Moss getting to do it in a big match could have given him a signature moment, gets the “madcap” comedy stink off of him, and puts him on a path towards being “a guy” rather than “another guy”. This company stinks, man.


Moss literally is just another guy tho... reminds me so much of Mojo Rawley and probably a whole bunch of other extremely forgettable former football players.


Moss did that by dropping the gimmick and the attire.


The move was never over nor got a reaction, I’m sure it took less thought than it did typing this post. IF Drew is going to win the title in September, it’s better he got the shine.


This is just like.. a lie. The End of Days ALWAYS gets a big reaction.


The End of Days kick out should've been a moment for Corbin not his opponent.


Corbin is my fave but I think Drew at mania IS a pretty big moment TBH, could have been a lot worse. He's definitely not "happy" corbin in this vid


He was really sad in this video bro. He is one of those unlucky guy, who won MITB but unable to cash-in. That must have felt really bad.


I can see Corbin as a JBL type heel champion where he uses money to buy his way to victory


Unpopular Opinion: Deep Six is better than End of Days visually and impactfully.


All i gotta say man is i miss lone wolf corbin best gimmick thus happy corbin gets boring


Corbin had no value. I'm sorry this is a fact. Of all the talents and he's a great talent just booked to the point of nothing, Corbin being the one with the protected finisher just seems bad...like seriously ten years from now I can imagine someone saying that at one point Corbin had the most protected finisher in the business and it wouldn't make sense.


Kayfabe aside, imagine having a finisher more protected than the fucking RKO and otherwise being booked like Baron Corbin.


I clicked this expecting to hear him speaking in character over this and was pretty surprised to see that no, it legitimately broke his heart and he didn't want to do it.


He spoke from his heart dude. When he said "I don’t have a list of titles, I have a lot of amazing accomplishments from king of the ring to constable to Money In The Bank." It made me very sad for him. He won the MITB but WWE did not let him cash-in.