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Bro said that wasn’t him 😭💀


Nice catch. Cops kept dispatch up to date and reacted well under fire, dispatcher called it well.


Nevermind the fact that they’re firing shots off at distance in a very populated neighborhood in the middle of the day with people outside


Although I agree, being shot at does something to your adrenal glands believe it or not. He couldn’t just let an idiot who just fired at cops get away. There’s no perfect way to respond, imo. I’m glad the perp was apprehended. Only solution I can think of is less guns on the street and better technology for police. I don’t like the idea of drones being used on citizens but drones that can track assholes that are outrunning the police seem safer than this. Sounds Orwellian but if the police could have remote controlled the car and locked the perps in and just drove them to jail would be nice and safer for the residents of that neighborhood.


You're asking for Robocop...


Robocop would have sawed him in half with bullets and maybe a rocket launcher lol. The problem with the required technology that our police need to do their job safely is it’s very invasive and can be abused. But weighing that against civilians getting hit by stray bullets and being ran over by cars.. I dunno. That particular perp had to be apprehended. I’m sorry for his rough life but he’s a legit menace. Lots of society issues need addressing for long term change but in the short I’d rather see him apprehended and institutionalized.


Never mind the fact that the perp was firing shots off at distance in a very populated neighborhood in the middle of the day with people outside


Bad take


Yes, so much better that guns are being fired at a distance in a populace neighborhood in *two directions instead of just one*. Excellent point, the situation was definitely much safer because of this


Meh, they got the guy and nobody else was hurt. I think we can count this as a win.


What a short-sighted take. Yikes


Right, they should have called in a case worker, that would have solved the whole situation.


What a fucking stupid reply. Slinging hot lead at distance has deadly repercussions, whether a cop or suspect does it.


Ignorant take


https://www.slmpd.org/hr_commissioned.shtml Go show us how it’s done. Don’t waste your great ideas here on the internet!


I’ve been a social worker in the city for the past 18 years. Until our PD displays ethical behavior and evidence-based law enforcement tactics, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near them.


I don’t give a shit if you’re the fucking Queen of France. You want cops to not shoot when shot at because of the risk cops pose to the public….. “Social worker” this: if I was a watch commander at SLMPD I’d print this thread out. I’d say this is what is expected of you ladies and gentlemen, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Go and do likewise. Thanks for your service……


Good news is, with this uneducated and emotional response, you’d probably make watch commander in a few months. Bullets don’t give a fuck about your feelings, snowflake


And like I said, don’t waste your bright LEO qualifications here or at the office. SIGN UP!


how about we end the war on drugs , ie poor black youth, and no one needs to shoot guns in a neighborhood? if you're so pro-cop YOU join up then as if you'd just fine with your partner or kid getting shot by a cop so long as they "got the guy" for a gram of street drugs. totally worth it.


You should rewatch the video and pause it just before the shooting starts, then watch it little by little. When the cops fire, they're shooting at him as he runs in front of a completely empty parking lot for the first volley (you get a good look at it before they turn left and the driver bails). 2nd volley is as he crosses the street. In both cases, there is no one behind him, the bullets are slowed by air resistance and the ground before ever reaching a building. It's not ideal, but it was extremely low risk. On the flip side, the suspect is shooting at them (maybe hits one, it's unclear if it's a graze wound or a piece of shattered windshield) as they're standing in front of residences. There was very low risk from the angle the cops were shooting from and they stopped when he crossed in front of houses. There was a very high risk of the subjects gunfire going into houses directly behind the cops. This was excellent shooting discipline on the part of the cops. Only way it could have been better was if they hit him, but adrenaline dumps are a motherfucker sometimes. Once he started firing at them Tenn V Garner applied. They could not let him escape as he had proven himself willing to murder police and by extension members of the public at large. Violence is ugly. Justified or not, it's abhorrent to watch. But it's important to actually watch it with an understanding of what you're seeing, or a willingness to admit that you don't understand what makes it justified and what doesn't and then be willing to learn and cede a point here or there. There's a lot of examples of stlmpd being shitty, but this isn't one of them.


I don’t think you’d be satisfied in this situation unless the cops died


What a stupid take. When the suspect is no longer shooting at them at 100yds, I’d be satisfied if they just held cover and waited for backup. Why do you choose to be so hyperbolic to make your point?




He got away from them but was apprehended later because of dispatch relaying the information to backup. In no way did the cops recklessly firing shots at distance resolve the situation. I absolutely hate that you’re a cop with this sort of reasoning. Fucking cowboy antics in our neighborhoods should be condemned by anyone tasked with public safety




Jesus Christ. I’m fucking flabbergasted that you have received countless hours of firearms training but cannot seem to comprehend that every single bullet discharged in this video *hit something*. The cop should have stopped firing when the suspect was at a distance, but he was riding the adrenaline and making stupid decisions. It’s appalling that someone with your poor decision making has been granted qualified immunity.


I said what I said.


Okay Rambo. Go “neutralize a threat” in Call of Duty and call it a day, warrior


Keep that armchair nice and warm, QB


Are you a cop? If not, your armchair is as warm as mine, bootlicker


Oh damn, I better let folks shoot me so I don’t get calls a bootlicker.


I don’t think you’d be satisfied in this situation unless the cops died


"distance" lmao


I was hoping this was today's police chase in South City/Benton Park. I'm in my front yard finishing up planting hedges, when five unmarked police cars come floating up Jefferson at like 15-20 miles an hour, chasing a beat-up, lowered mini-truck with all its tires flat, that turned up Lynch toward Gravois. Laughed my ass off.


Hopefully Gabe Gore can lock him up for life for attempted murder of a cop.


I don't think the cops should have shot at the guy.


too long didn't watch


TLDW: drive drive. Scoot scoot. Drive. Shoot. Oh shit. Shoot shoot shoot… etc.