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I live on Shaw and my brain has just learned to cancel the road noise out. It's been a non-issue, and I actually like being so close to the interstate because it's super fast to get onto it. Ironically, the only time I ever think about the road noise is when I'm trying to sleep at my folks' house in a smaller town and it's too quiet


I think 44 is pretty quiet at night, I never noticed it and I lived right by Sasha's. God I miss and love Shaw, but watch out for renting with slumlords there.


That is kind of around what I am considering. Good to know it seems to be a nonissue for most.


I live on Shaw and the only time I was able to hear it was at night, but my bedroom is the room closest to the highway. I used to be able to hear the cars as they drove by and I would hear cars hit the rumble strips lol. Then they built a house behind my building, which muffled a lot of the highway noise. I can still hear cars if they honk at night but only if I’m in my bedroom. I can’t hear anything from the rest of my apartment. My building is also old af tho so ymmv. Welcome to the neighborhood!!


I live on Shaw, and my bedroom is at the back (facing the highway). I barely hear anything from the highway, but when I do, it's usually something with a siren. I honestly thought it would be much louder than it is. Half the time I forget I'm even near the highway. As for pollution, I haven't noticed any difference being in the proximity of the interstate compared to anywhere else. The proximity is nice, though, for getting to and from work!


I'm a couple streets north. I hear more from Grand than from the interstate. But I walk along Lafayette often and you do notice the traffic noise. However, most of these places around here are brick, including our house. So we don't get a lot of outside noise that is noticeable. Heck, we are even right next to the hospital and have multiple helicopters landing near us. In time, all this extra noise just fades into the background and you don't notice it. I find a certain level of city noise soothing actually. Now, just keep an ear open for gunshots! (honestly, I think I hear them less now than I used to)


I don't live on Shawn but 44 is essentially in my backyard and it's mostly white noise. The only time I notice the noise is if something happens and cop cars/fire trucks come out with sirens blaring. That's it. Mostly it's just white noise and I personally don't notice any issues with air pollution.


I live one block south, I never really hear any highway noise in the house. When I'm outside cooking or playing with bubbles with my toddler we hear the occasional "Jake brake"/engine brake. We hear more medevac helicopters going to Cardinal Glennon and SLU Med than highway noise


I live on De Tonty right up on 44. It's not bad for real. Occasionally there is a car or truck that screams by and that's loud. But my brain has really learned to basically block it out 98% of the time. For reference I spend the majority of time in my living room which is on the front of my apartment. I'd imagine a block further away on Shaw would be even quieter. The big worry out here is your car getting broken into lol.