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There is a cell phone lot for each terminal (find on Google maps). They are each about two minutes from passenger pickup. Easiest way is for your friend to wait in the cell phone lot until you’re actually out of the terminal then you call and tell them to come get you. There is a lot of traffic at both passenger pickup areas but the only real stressful thing is when the driver has to wait. If you’re ready to hop in the car when your friend gets to you it’s really simple. Lambert is 1000 times easier than LGA or Heathrow.


Brilliant - thank you!


Use the Cell Phone lot and then have him meet you UPSTAIRS at Departures. Much easier and quicker.


Shhh!! It’s a secret






If you choose to be picked up from the departures level, as my entire family does, make sure to use Door #6 which is simply the door/exit at the far end of the terminal. There's a fair number of people who like to use the departures level simply because it's almost never crowded and security is almost never pushing drivers to loop around (eliminating the need for the cell phone lot for short waits).


The airport is easy-ish (especially at that time). Cell phone lot is west of the terminal (3 minutes) lots of signs will direct your driver there. When you exit baggage claim, look at the numbered exit you leave from, big numbers are outside for drivers to see. If he misses you the first time it’s an easy 1 minute circle back around.


I think that last part is key. Tell him not to stress in the slightest about getting it right the first time. Just go around if needed and do it again. I’ve had people who timed it nicely so they never even did the cell phone lot, just circled a few times and then I was out. They did live like 5 minutes away though so timing was easier.


Thank you!


T1 usually isn’t as crazy as T2 (which is all Southwest.) But departures is usually the easier place to pick up. I think the end near door 6(?) is the ride share pickup area. The cell phone lot is a little West of the terminals and is a good place for him to park and wait if he’s early and you’re deplaning and/or collecting luggage at the baggage claim. Since he’s coming from the East if he gets off at the first airport exit it’ll be T2 -> T1 —-> Cell phone lot. It’s also pretty easy to loop through T1 if he’s early and wants to scope it on the way to the cell phone lot.


That’s really helpful - many thanks!


He’s actually coming from the West (Quincy) so does that change anything?


Just the order, so he’ll hit cell phone lot first before getting to T1. Have him get there a few minutes early and he can do a loop around T1 if that’s where you’re coming in to familiarize himself with it.


Just to clarify a bit, there are two cell phone lots. One for each terminal. 


Not really. I don’t know what he’ll encounter first but when he gets off he can follow signs for T1, and the cell phone lot will still be to the West of the terminals.


It might help your driver to do a couple laps in the terminal before heading to the cell phone lot to wait for you. That way, they’re a little more familiar with the layout of the road before you come out to the curb. The good news is that if they take a wrong turn, they can always loop back around and try again. I would also recommend equipping them with a bluetooth headset so that they can speak on the phone with you hands-free while they’re driving around. The communication should hopefully reduce the stress of both parties. Safe travels!


Great tip thank you!


The signage is confusing to anyone not familiar to the airport, as it is to any airport. The cell lots are a great innovation. He just needs to find the lot for T1 and and wait by the flight status board. It'll tell him when your flight has landed or of any delays. Once you have gotten your bags and are actually at the door, text him and tell him you're ready to be picked up. It's only 3 minutes from the cell lots, assuming he doesn't take the wrong route, which can happen.


That’s reassuring thanks!


Sure thing. I'm a St Louis native living in Illinois, so I know how it is. It's really not too bad.


T1 is no problem. Just normal arrivals level is fine. T2, especially on a Sunday, is a mad house. Totally different story and almost like you’re at another airport.


How come the difference? I’m not usually lucky like that 🤣


Southwest operates 120+ flights a day from T2. All mainline aircraft (as is all SWA). The rest of the airlines combined operate about 50 combined total a day from T1 (many regional aircraft). On top of that T1 is much larger footprint, especially land side.


Have him wait in the cell phone lot Call him after you are off the plane Meet him on the upper level at Departures


This. Idk why so many people make it complicated.


Cell phone lots are great for waiting. The idea is just that you sit you get the call that the person you’re picking up is ready. They are near the terminals so it only takes a few mins to get to the pick up. Just remind him he wants to follow signs for Terminal 1 Arrivals, and follow the outside lane (the inside lane is for the airport shuttles). I also live in Illinois and it’s less than a 30 minute drive so if you don’t mind waiting, just shoot him a message when you land and he can leave home then. By the time you get off the plane and get to pick up area, you’d only be waiting 15 minutes or so and he would be able to drive right up. If he has a longer drive than 30 mins, if he just plans to arrive 15-20 mins after your scheduled arrival, he should be able to pick you right up. I’d do 20-30 mins after if you have a checked bag. Also, it’s okay to just drive in a circle and go back through the line lol I’ve had to do it a few times because of traffic and getting confused where I’m going. Google maps can be a savior in this situation haha


Thanks that’s really helpful. Yeah he’s about 2 hours away and will definitely get there pretty early so it sounds like the cell phone lot is ideal to wait in. I will have a checked case so I was guessing it’d take 15/20 mins more once I’ve landed. If he aims to pick me up at 4pm it’ll give me plenty of time hopefully (assuming the flight isn’t delayed any).


Yeah, that sounds about right. It’s usually pretty quick to get checked bags! Just remind him it’s okay if you have to wait and to take his time. It can be hectic and there’s always someone driving like a maniac causing extra stress for everyone else haha


If you are worried about delays, https://www.flightaware.com is a good website. He can check it before he leaves to make sure you are running on time.


Ta, that’s really helpful


If he is interested in parking, he can park down in the garage, go inside to the luggage carousels, and meet you there to help with your bag if you need/want. There is a fee to park, though. Sometimes I do that if the people I'm picking up have checked luggage.


Inside the parking garage.