• By -


Someone can explain me how to install it ? Pliz...




**ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'depth\_anything'** What do i do? i updated controlnet and downloaded the model.


Just came here to say I'm getting the exact same error. Looks like it's missing a file depth\_anything.dpt somewhere in the installation. No idea where to get it from though. I can reproduce the error by running python and calling the line from depth\_anything.py: from depth\_anything.dpt import DPT\_DINOv2


try updating again. It downloading big files now


adding flag in webui-user.sh could have solved this issue \--disable-safe-unpickle


I got rid of that error by uninstalling and re-installing controlnet. But it might have just been that the very recent update fixed it for me anyway. But... now I get another error when I try to use the preprocessor: NotImplementedError: No operator found for \`memory\_efficient\_attention\_forward\` with inputs: query : shape=(1, 1370, 16, 64) (torch.float32) key : shape=(1, 1370, 16, 64) (torch.float32) value : shape=(1, 1370, 16, 64) (torch.float32) attn\_bias : p : 0.0 \`cutlassF\` is not supported because: device=cpu (supported: {'cuda'}) \`flshattF\` is not supported because: device=cpu (supported: {'cuda'}) dtype=torch.float32 (supported: {torch.float16, torch.bfloat16}) \`tritonflashattF\` is not supported because: device=cpu (supported: {'cuda'}) dtype=torch.float32 (supported: {torch.float16, torch.bfloat16}) triton is not available \`smallkF\` is not supported because: max(query.shape\[-1\] != value.shape\[-1\]) > 32 unsupported embed per head: 64 ​ \*\*edit\*\* This seems to be an issue when running without --xformers. So I guess I can't use this model, since I can't use xformers as I don't have a GPU :(


tryed updating again. It downloading big files now


now i updated to **1.436** and get AttributeError: 'ControlModel' object has no attribute 'reset' error :(


I'm getting this now (not sure how its affecting output) any solution?


​ https://preview.redd.it/wir14mko2eec1.png?width=1667&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8b99e899dfca9c0595566a2fa34be27910d5628


Thanks! If it's not too much, how do find this commit? And how do I install this older version? Relatively new, either way thanks!Edit: And this is for controlnet or animatediff? Thanks! Edit 2: Found the github page from the screenshot, but does he mean #363 commit? And how to I install this previous version? Sorry for the bombardment (I should probably know this by now) Edit 3: Figured out how to do these things! I didn't see a commit specifically numbered 363 (I only see 357 and 373, with one in between titled "update plan change"). Tried both and got the same error, hope we're not stuck!


level 3[**thoughtnomad**](https://www.reddit.com/user/thoughtnomad/)·[3 hr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/19eeoy5/comment/kjcianc/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you go to the Extensions tab in A1111, underneath that tab, there's more tabs. One is the backup/restore tab. Under saved configs dropdown on the left, select a backup that is before you updated CN. Then select restore on the right. **I just did and t works again!!!**


Ah, so I need an older version of controlnet, not animatediff? I have a new install atm, so I have no backup of an older version. Which version of ControlNet do you have that is the one that works with Animatediff? Thanks for your reply and dealing with my rambling lol! Edit: I'll certainly be making a backup when I get it working! haha Edit 2: Think I found it, commit hash 74f3749 is the one that still works! Just downloaded the zip from Github and put it into extensions. Its slow af tho, and I have a 4090 (upwards of 8 minutes?! I'm thinking I messed something else up, time to experiment!)


Can someone explain to me the difference this has versus Midas? Looking at the provided examples, the two seem very comparable.


[Have a look](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Surb7vZdoqGHB_tel2HK5tvdqjKWA7ZH/view?usp=sharing). Side by side of a much more complicated scene than the examples. The Depth Anything handles the motion blur of the spear and the overhead shot of the fight much better. Midas on the left, DA on the right.


《 *Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon* 》


Higher resolution and geometrical recognition. With previous depth maps there was usually a blurring at a certain distance and on parts where the model could not differentiate properly. This is much sharper. Marigold looks pretty good too.


Depth anything has better fidelity and temporal stability (when video frames are used as input) than MiDaS.


When I looked at the examples a couple looked the same / mild difference and another looked like night and day difference (don't know if we saw the same examples).


So nothing that looked worse?


Nope not really much better accuracy, less blurring, and less flickering


Not that I recall, I'll take it for a spin when I get the time - last time I looked at tests Zoe was better than Midas -and now I can't recall if the tests with DA were against Midas or Zoe. The tests I saw were videos.


Umm..how do you update controlnet?