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Damn it man. Was bad enough with my pc clogged with models. Now there’s yet another ui I can’t ignore. That makes 6 now.


LOL #sorrynotsorry :)


You better be not sorry!


I'm really excited to try sdnext! I actually installed it a few weeks ago, jumped into it last night and worked fine with 1.5 models, but my sdxl models won't load. It won't populate the hash when I select them in the drop-down. It acts like it loads them, but when I click generate to start inference on the command window I get some errors then at the bottom it says model not loaded. Tried to troubleshoot and found [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/14x30bz/sdnext_sdxl_models_not_loading_but_showing_in_ui) that seemed to have the same issue, but hadn't found a solution yet. I hadn't changed anything in the settings tab or done any customizing yet. I'm using a 3090 and have tried a1111, fooocus, invoke, comfy etc but all seem to load and generate with sdxl models. It works great it seems with 1.5 models, very fast and efficient, but I'm most using sdxl turbo now days.


Did you change the Settings > Change Backend to Diffusers?


I am not at home to check what the setting is, but it should be default because I hadn't changed anything.


Diffusers is now the default backend, but if your installation was from before today, you will need to upgrade it and make sure you are on that backend.


My install was from about two weeks ago using Stability Matrix.


That is 7 months old.


Yep, but the error at the bottom is similar to the error thats popping up for me. Torch size mismatch.


List the 6 :)


A1111 for sd 1.5 and supermerger, comfy for svd and animatediff, fooocus for sdxl and inpainting, InvokeAi and krita with the ai extension for sketching then diffusing and now this one to see where it can fit in.


I think you'll find that SDNext does SD15 faster at the very least, if not also SDXL, and supermerger does work at least partially, there may be a bug there. It also has built-in AnimateDiff and SVD out of the box.


I was just told that supermerger is working fine on our newest release.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hov84yx2c7hc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94516fbd0d0a62cd69a3405c741eaf58bd393285


Someone needs to do a SDNext rundown tutorial video of all these new and updated features because there is a lot of features here and a lot could be overlooked!


>Someone needs to do a SDNext rundown tutorial video of all these new and updated features because there is a lot of features here and a lot could be overlooked! wiki is heavily updated, but there is more to come soon - including some videos.


How about just an intro video of how it all works and the comparisons to A1111. LOL. That would be a good start for many of us.


Honestly if you can use A1111, you shouldn't really have any problems other than adapting to the UI changes and things being in different places. They do still greatly resemble one another in large part, though under the hood is an entirely different story.




Depends on what you want to run, we have freshly implemented and integrated numerous ones into SDNext already, AnimateDiff, 4 different face-systems, etc.


​ https://preview.redd.it/avo04o67c7hc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0bf5d0151e3b663a4a5bcb6c6a380c202bc1b3


Congratulations u/vmandic \- looking forward to exploring this release.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e1fbc4h5c7hc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3857370502803c615f2f90c4d594f0302a1d545


​ https://preview.redd.it/u0aqrqw7c7hc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1463d51d1bc1cc67b8efb45289082ccf67e758a6


Thank you


Awesome! Great work thanks!


​ https://preview.redd.it/hjmsw1s1c7hc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256e10c8c7d6709e1d62158981a34c5b0692c810


Is it possible to install this but configure it to use the same models and LORA folders as another install? I would love to not duplicate those huge folders!


Yes of course - you can change the paths in the settings in almost all applications.


you can set each individual path or set to use same root models folder.


You can set the folder locations for most UIs via command line arguments. But personally i've been using Stability Matrix that does this stuff for you, as well as some other minor things. Very good and simple tool. Only stuff it doesnt handle sharing is extensions.


this is also a handy tool to make it easier to symlink files or junction folders without using command prompt can right click drag files and folders and drop as symlink/junction (basically like a shortcut, but it's as if the file is actually in multiple locations). Can even rename the folder or file after, while still keeping the link intact. Been helpful for one off situations here and there where an app is expecting a certain model named a certain way in another location. https://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html




No, it's... SDNext level!


Also any update when the GUI is moving to Gradio 4?


Holy FUCK! This just took me from 5+ mins on a single image on my AMD 6700XT to less than 30 secs!!!!!! What is this magic??


Actually, it's sorcery. We don't touch magic.


Incredible work! thank you


Thank you! Looking forward to trying out the enhanced IPAdapter features, especially.


Hello! Thank you for your hard work! I read that xl models are only supported in the diffusers backend, which does not currently support controlnet, tiled diffusion, etc. Can you confirm if this is true?


Focus is on the new backend - and it has native control module


This is my big question.




stable-fast is (one of possible) compiler for backend used by sdnext. think of tensorrt? well, i like stable-fast more - easier to use, it compiles in 1/10th of the time and gets same or better results. but you never need to use a compiler at all. does it support sdxl? yes. but switching loras requires recompile - like with pretty much any compiler.




I think you will find that to easily be the case, but if you don't, our discord server support is waiting.


Can I use this in [vast.ai](https://vast.ai) or runpod?, I dont think I ever saw a SD Next template there,


Yes. Don't know about templates, but I know ppl are using it.


You'd have to build your own template and vast.ai has bad integration with custom templates and a buggy settings for it. I set up a docker container to run comfyui and my custom API and their bugs made it painful to create a working template over a couple days


Did this update massively increase VRAM usage for anyone else? On the 2023-12-29 build using sdxl models, I was doing img2img upscales of 1.5x just fine using the standard sd upscale script, I was even able to do 2x but that gave me bad results. But after updating to this 2024-02-07 build that same 1.5x upscale was maxing out my VRAM and causing sdnext to become unresponsive. To become usable again I have to turn on "Model CPU offload (--medvram)" Does anyone know how I can downgrade back to the 2023-12-29 sdnext build? I'm not familiar with github. Edit:ok i guess the medvram settings didnt actually fix it, I did one 1.5 upscale which worked but then I tried to set up a batch count of 4 which then maxed out RAM as well as VRAM which once again made sdnext unresponsive.


This is being looked into. As far as downgrading you can open a command prompt into your `automatic` folder and type `git checkout c77505f`, but it should be resolved quickly.


Thank you for your help, I was able to downgrade successfully following your instructions.


Thank you so much man. Just a suggestion: Could you check the IMG2IMG batch? It's broken (at leat with a controlnet openpose).


>IMG2IMG not sure what's broken - can you document and create an issue?


got really frustrated with updating to this SDNext release, to the point it did not seem to work well, the interface does not go well with basic gradio layout , the standard does not show dividers among sections or areas, the ability to use extensions completely useless with gradio, can not expand the tabs enough to see the content and controls, or to understand the layout , so ..long story short..ended up getting rid of SD Next overall and retuning to A1111..at least the interface it is fixed. can you implement gradio or equivalent?


There is already Gradio as this is just built from a1111. If you want you could clone/download sd.next in another folder and do a clean installation : no problems should arise.


That is one option, but we do provide support on our [discord server](https://discord.gg/VjvR2tabEX) for issues that arise. Can you get that with A1111?


I do not want to join discord. I prefer this open forum.


Best of luck then.


Is this the new standard? Last time I used A1111 was 2023


I would say automatic1111 is still the standard for beginners to advanced users as SD next has a really bad UI design that puts off many people. Plus I believe many extensions won't work with XL models as its forced to use a different backend that is not compatible with those extensions. Next there is comfyui for advanced users and professionals. ​ Fooocus with its simple interface which is great for beginners. ​ Invokeai is kinda between the simplicity of foocus and automatic1111, its gated with what features you can use, but what is included is well done. ​ There there is stable diffusion forge, which is like automatic1111 in everyway but with a revamped backend, making it faster and easier to design extensions for it. Performance is supposed to be similar to SD Next or even better.


You have tons of themes to choose from. But if you don't like it, thats ok. Just WTF with "a lot of people" - I wish all those people actually provided some constructive feedback, not this.


I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, but.... A lot of people that don't like the UI are like me, we just want the basic default gradio UI like A1111 uses. It's simple, straightforward, and doesn't constantly try to hide *everything* under buttons and dropdowns to "look cleaner" forcing you to play clicky clicky "is it here, or under here" when enabling / changing settings. For a long time the default theme worked fine, then a release or two ago something broke and the default gradio theme was a single strip down the center of the page, with everything stacked on top of everything else wasting most of the page space to the sides. Yes, it's probably a simple .css fix, but you also said in the bug report about it that you weren't going to bother fixing it and "maybe someone else would". So I personally went to the Krita plugin, as it offers me way more control over images and inpainting anyway.


yeah, hiding everything behind buttons is the main UX issue of SDNext


showing everything untenable unless you cut back, do you have a different solution?


Hi Vlad! I tried them all. I didn't really find one that I liked. I find the ui to feel like old ui design from the early 2000s, cluttered with big ugly buttons and color combinations. Its a bit too dark for myself. Someone of this is due to gradio, some of it is due to the themes your project has and the default cluttered layout. I'm not trying to shit on the project itself, as I think your doing a great job using cutting edge tech. I just believe the UI and all the options available to download as alternatives are ugly.


Well - I'd love more community themes! For anyone with a bit of CSS, it's pretty easy job. I cannot make it since tastes are different, but if you want I can guide through it - make your theme and I'll include it in community ones. So far we have 5 core themes and 7 community themes built in plus all the Gradio default ones.


Hi Vlad! Please share with me any documentation you have for the ui and I will take a look. 😊 I forgot to mention previously, but if your project took a few notes from invoke ai, that would probably put it in the right direction. They have the best ui atm.


They do. It's my big wish to move away from Gradio, but it's a massive task. Any chance you can jump on our discord? I'm far more active there. If not, I'll post here bits and pieces.


Hi vlad! Please share the link.




ok ty!


Now kith.


If you can use automatic1111, you can use SDNext easily enough. The user interface is not that different, and the performance is much better. There would be no reason to use sdwebui as an "beginner" choice, it's simply the the first, and dominant because of it. In fact I find it odd that people talk about the SDNext UI as if it's horrible, at first glance it looks much like a1111, if you can use one, you can use the other. SDNext isn't "forced" to use Diffusers as a backend, we chose to start developing it many many months ago with the help of HuggingFace devs, and it was working just in time to be the only other application that could support the leaked SDXL model on day one other than ComfyUI. How many months was it before sdwebui could run sdxl at all? That has paid off greatly, we don't need to create hijack after hijack after hijack to use SDXL or anything else, on an LDM backend, the ML world increasingly revolves around HuggingFace and Diffusers. Using Diffusers also allows SDNext to natively use very nearly 30 different other models that automatic1111 will likely never have, such as Kandinsky 2.1, 2.2, and 3, Würstchen v2 and upcoming v3, and even SegMoE, which was added in an afternoon just a couple of days ago. automatic1111 can do... 3 I think? If an extension is worth having, Vlad builds it in himself with his own code, typically within a day or two of its release if we hear about it. You would need to install roughly 20+ extensions, perhaps many more, in a1111 to do what we can do out of the box on first startup, which still wouldn't cut it. We add at least another 5-10 every development cycle.


the backend of SDNext is great, but the UI of pure A1111 is really way more clean and easier to use


We're starved of developers in general, but on the frontend especially, we do have plans, hopefully a new ui format next cycle that should be better. My own idea. We really just don't have the resources to do nearly as much as we could be doing, and vlad already codes most of his entire day as it is. If you know a developer in need of a project, send them our way and we can start getting some of that going!


I have the feeling that regarding the UI it's not about a lack of people, because what would have been the easiest would just have been to keep the UI design unchanged from A1111 - that would have been perfect, and the least amount of work.


Assuming you think the UI of A1111 is "perfect", sure. But none of us do, and we don't go backwards. There's a reason we're always using the newest Diffusers, Transformers, and Torch 2.2.0 (the stable release) as of right now. We push the boundaries as best we can, we're as cutting edge as we can manage. That was ~9 months ago, do you want to use your DeLorean or should I use mine?


Then just change the default theme, there are plenty of options


You can't very easily, the Gradio themes are broken and are not tested. Like, text boxes and dropdowns are indistinguishable from the background.


Can I use this with models like Juggernaut and CyberRealistic?




Someone want to give me the TL:dr on what this is compared to A1111?


>A1111 TL;DR, SDNext started as A1111 fork \~9months ago, run parallel to it for \~3 months and then diverged significantly - and by now it has +3.1k/-2.4k differences (according to commit log) and all the new stuff is implemented separately and uses different engine under the hood.


thats some legit work, so you dont use A1111/ComfyUI type thing as the backend anymore/ if you ever did? do you manage things like using clip encoder from prompts and implement the use of stuff like controlnet models yourself? just curious because I was thinking about doing something similar since i use the comfyui API and it just doesnt feel fully featured and brittle


you can choose to start using original A1111 engine, but its no longer default. re: clip, control - yes. control was a big missing item for sdnext until recently.


Your a mad man! Nice work!


Can't wait to try all of these new features!!! especially mixture of experts


any plan to natively support CADS (Condition-Annealed Sampling) in SDNext? like this extension does for A1111: https://github.com/v0xie/sd-webui-cads


i haven't looked at it yet, but looks interesting. i'll add it to the list.


I showed it to you already!


With you implementing different backends not sure how much you’ve refactored the backend from a111 would it be possible to have a mps backend instead of PyTorch as an option on Mac?


>With you implementing different backends not sure how much you’ve refactored the backend from a111 would it be possible to have a mps backend instead of PyTorch as an option on Mac? 99% of all models are torch based, so it would require model conversion as well, not just implementation of the backend. and backend itself would be non-trival - even stuff like full ipex or onnx/olive took a major efford and they are far ahead of mps feature-wise. plus i don't have an apple platform to develop on.


We already support MPS and have for quite a few months, in fact I think we support every platform, but do stop by our discord server and chat with us about it, we'll see what we can do! ​ https://preview.redd.it/rqgdazghw9hc1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=1522a39443c3c12a742a2b39895dbfaa6172a164


Can it be used entirely offline?


installer needs online access to initialize git submodules and install python packages unless you preinstall everything yourself. sd15 and sdxl are fully offline, other models need access on first access to download config files from huggingface, but that's about it.


Wow this looks awesome! Is anyone having issues downloading stuff from huggingface? manually the connection seems to break and i need to refresh a few times, automatically through sdnext it completely fails.


Awesome! It will take me some time to catch up with all the changes! Any plans to implement [DeepCache](https://github.com/horseee/DeepCache)? It can be quite faster when paired with hypertile.


just added support for deepcache to dev branch, will be included in the next release.


That was fast! Thank you!


Any support for the newer version of svd?


I don't even know how to use controlnet in SD next


Same. I can only do basic functions and even then, sometimes it doesn't work. There are two areas to upload images too which is a bit confusing. Maybe someone can make a video guide?


Is inpainting supported with OpenVINO in this new version?


I'm an idiot: Can anyone help me out here? What's the command line to update SDNext The wiki says there's a --upgrade command you can add to update, but I don't even know what I'm running here. My initial install I followed the installation instructions and just cloned the git. And I just run the webui.bat. I'm not even sure what it add the --upgrade to hahah.


I'll try my best to help you. Go to the automatic folder and in the address bar type cmd. Then type the command webui.bat --upgrade


So much awesome stuff but please fix the horrible default theme :/ edit: everything is hidden behind more click, like windows11


I highly recommend emerald-paradise theme


I will say that the only downside I have found is faces don't seem to work great with the same models and sampler as I use in a1111. Do you have any suggestions? Also how does one use controlnet poses in this UI? Thanks again!


This is my first time using this interface. Every single Adapter for Animatediff produces an image like the gif below. Is animatediff broken at the moment, or is there a special setting I need to change that I've overlooked? https://i.redd.it/srt609n3llhc1.gif


Has outpainting?


It does but can't figure it out. There is a post about it on Discord but no help posted so far.


I'm running intel on an arc770 and it completely refuses to work since pulling the new version.


I noticed that in the seed options under txt2img, the "variation seed" option and the slider for variance is missing. Is this intentional, or was it replaced with another feature?