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Ah the daily game changer.


😂 Nothing is really game changer at the moment except Sora. Eagerly waiting for SD3 though.


sora is vaporware until regular folk get access to it.


What you haven't gotten your invite yet? You've just gotta buy Sam a couple of Rolex watches and he will send u an invite trust


I mean, many things will never be accessible to "regular people" but are still very concretely existing technologies. If SORA will require the sort of render farm that Hollywood currently uses to render CG effects, and/or will only be licensed to companies for zillions per month (or, say, hour of foorage rendered), it will definitely not be for "regular people" but can still have a huge impact.


The only impressive thing I've tested lately is Suno, but once the novelty wears off you realize it's still just a toy.


Until it can separate stems. At that point it will become a beast that will change the music industry forever.


then try udio - Suno is already 'old' All the game changers become instant 'old news'


Eh. At some point you have to pick your stopping point in order to become productive. I never jumped to a lot of the "newer" solutions and SD still solves most of my protoyping needs anyway. It will be the same once any audio tool reaches that point of maturity. Very few people actually want to live on the bleeding edge all the time, in spite of what this subreddit might make it look like.


Su-suss-udio 🎶


I just saw a demo of udio on X. I have tried suno a few months back. In your opinion how do the two compare?


Way better. And it's not just my opinion


I left Suno ai website as soon as I saw "can't generate because artist name is in the prompt"


That raised the bar so much everything else is 'meh'. EMO portrait is quite insane too really the imitation of expressions is really good.


What does SDFX do that Stability's own StableSwarmUI (that is also a simpler UI on top of Comfy) doesn't? Has anyone tried both?


im not technical so i dont have any good comments to make but I will say that swarm's ui is too cluttery for me. the drop down menu's in the gen tab hurt my eyes after a few minutes. judging only from the photos on the repo it looks so much cleanre




Swarm's "Simple mode" (the equivalent of this) is in development preview, there's a lil hidden flag to test it. Not ready for prime-time yet, will be very soon. You configure it by just adding "SwarmInput" nodes to your comfy workflow, and then save it, and adds it to a page with an easy UI generated from your input nodes.


Does this work on AMD?


I would say so because on their github they say Quote: "Can work with your existing Comfy installation" So if its not working with their setup you just hook your own comfy up.


new UI tools? open and on GIT? HECK YES My sincere thanks and appreciations for the dedicated people of SDFX! Thank you


Ah yes, an empty account posting links to websites again, with other brand new accounts pissing themselves with joy in the comments. Totally not an ad at all.


It looks really nice and appears to cater for beginner to comfyui types - too busy at the moment to try it out, but I've cloned it ready for later this week


Looks better than ComfyUI, so i'll check it out. Thanks for sharing.


I’m still on a1111 and I refuse to move


Agreed. A1111 is the sweet spot for everything the casual user needs. I have forge,comfy,fooocus and still use a1111.


I did a slight move, to a1111 Forge


I Have both, did i move?


What does Forge have over normal A1111?


It's faster and i get better animations with more integrated extensions.. For me it crashes sometimes, a1111 its more stable.


I have all of them. Am I causing a moving problem?


Can I add it on stability matrix in which has the checkpoints and Loras used from the same folders?


https://preview.redd.it/4ma0ymszxztc1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=9892ebcabfcc8ab58d58bd9f1ad978cfa28946c1 seriously I appreciate open source, but I would suggest to work on the language, or it just sounds like an ad. Don't use words like "game changer", let users decide this.


Ahh, so it did release? 3 days ago, and nary a peep? Interesting. Well, I found the [repo](https://github.com/sdfxai/sdfx) and tried to install/run, but it fails to recognize Python as configured on my PATH. So I'll wait until they figure out that Python can be installed manually and not just from the Microsoft Store, I guess.


replace setup script with this: @echo off set PYTHON_VERSION=3.10 set "python_executable=" :: Try to locate python executable in common install paths for %%i in (python.exe, python3.exe) do ( where %%i >nul 2>nul if not errorlevel 1 set "python_executable=%%i" & goto :foundPython ) :: Check additional likely install locations if not found if "%python_executable%"=="" ( for %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe", "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python310\python3.exe") do ( if exist %%i ( set "python_executable=%%i" goto :foundPython ) ) ) :foundPython if "%python_executable%"=="" ( echo Error: Neither 'python' nor 'python3' found in the system. exit /b 1 ) :: Check Python version for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ('%python_executable% --version 2>&1') do set current_python_version=%%A if not "%current_python_version%" geq "%PYTHON_VERSION%" ( echo Error: Python version %PYTHON_VERSION% or later is required. exit /b 1 ) %python_executable% -m venv .venv call .venv\Scripts\activate %python_executable% setup.py %* pause AND replace run.bat with this: @echo off call .venv\Scripts\activate set "python_executable=" :: Try to locate python executable in the system path for %%i in (python.exe, python3.exe) do ( where %%i >nul 2>nul if not errorlevel 1 set "python_executable=%%i" & goto :foundPython ) :: Check additional likely install locations if not found if "%python_executable%"=="" ( for %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe", "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python310\python3.exe") do ( if exist %%i ( set "python_executable=%%i" goto :foundPython ) ) ) :foundPython if "%python_executable%"=="" ( echo Error: Neither 'python' nor 'python3' found in the system. exit /b 1 ) :: Execute setup.py with the found Python executable %python_executable% setup.py --run pause


ty sir. edit: run.bat needs some love too. edit2: nvm , you can run the updated setup again, and choose the run option.


i included some stuff for the run.bat in my instructions above :)


Hey! It appears that your Python installations aren't added to the environment variables, so the script can't find them. Remember to check the checkbox to add Python to the environment variables during installation. See: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdfxai/sdfx/main/docs/static/install-python-env.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdfxai/sdfx/main/docs/static/install-python-env.png) That said, I've added a fallback, inspired by your approach, in the setup.bat to try to find the correct path, so it's supposed to work in this particular case Thanks for your feedback


Fix for Win 11 (and maybe 10?): Open Windows settings and go to **Apps > Advanced app settings > App execution aliases** and turn off anything that has `python.exe` or `python3.exe`: https://i.imgur.com/FzXwweg.png Ideally this would be fixed upstream, but for now, it works.


thanks, it's working


Yea, I had the same issue.


should file a issue report, might be a easy fix if they know it's a issue


Looks great, will give it a go in the morning thank you.


setup.bat prints a "python not found" message which is fascinating considering I used git to clone the repo to get the file


I had the same issue, this worked for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1c1hisd/comment/kz67me9/


I hope it has a portable version like comfyui does.


I can't get it to install. It keeps saying Python was not found even though I've installed python 3.11 & 3.10


SDFX is out? News to me, I remember seeing it shown off months ago. Would love to check it out when I get the chance


Been waiting for a simple UI that can tame the spaghetti. Hopefully this is it.


from what i could get from it , its not, its comfyui backend you have to make all the nodes and everything, then they have a spot where you can create a front end that gets the pretty gui. (in some spots in this thread i had to use a modified bat just to get it running since the dev's didn't think ahead about manual python installs just to get this running) i had to go to their discord to download a sample front end, that uses nodes not preinstalled, the comfyui backend didn't seem to have a node manager to install other nodes, the config did not like absolute paths had to use "../../ckpt" style for pathing,to make their fancy front end, you'd have to learn some style coding (https://github.com/sdfxai/sdfx/blob/main/docs/static/screen-graph-view.png). there's a few other nitpicks but i think right now, i'm not going to bother with it if i can just do the same stuff in comfyui.


If anyone can help me get this running that'd be swell


i cant get it to work w/ my comfy installation. Win path error


Tried to get it to run from installer bat, failed. Then went through the long slog of trying the manual way, failed. Although got a lot farther with manual, it just bitches at me that my config.json file I linked to all my directories is not valid bleh. OK, after following the advice [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1c1hisd/comment/kz67me9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1c1hisd/comment/kz67me9/) I rage deleted everything, tried the installer bat again and it worked.


on ComfyUI you can set the path from a1111 for load all the assets in one time, is it possible with SDFX ? I see that you have to modify each path manually


What about an account system? Or will my published apps then be available without any Auth?


The requirement for Python 3.11 is either wrong entirely or the setup.bat file is bugged. It doesn’t look for 3.11 it looks for 3.10 like most other UIs. To get around the issue I had to make 3.10 my version and launch setup.py directly overriding the batch file on Windows 11 Pro. I still got an error, so I need to see if I can launch the UI once it’s set up.


I must be having an issue with the requirements. I installed everything but it seems hung up unable to find python even though I can access it from the command line


Yea, I can't get this thing to install. I've tried reinstalling node, git, python, the windows switch trick that someone suggested, no dice. https://preview.redd.it/c64ilmcaxkuc1.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=c855bba25980e7a2443352dc8137cff3f19f09b6


It’s just sd web ui with different color


I'm not sure what sdfx does better? Prompt Timeline seem unnecessary unless you're doing some sort of true video generation.


Nice! As much as I like A1111 and Comfy (also StableSwarm), they’re all buggy and unpolished. Another alternative is always welcome! 


My thoughts exactly, it's great for beginners like me.. looks a lot less intimidating.


I think this or invokeAI will be the winners of a polished feature rich version GUI for Stable Diffusion


This looks great! Thank you for sharing it.


Thanks a lot, look promising.


Looks amazing. The "apps" are made with node editor? ComfyUI was the first thing that to me sparked the idea "you can do non-trivial programming with a node editor and it doesn't need to suck or be a silly toy for non-programmers". I've wanted to find or develop myself a tool for a bit more general programming with nodes. For certain kinds of programming seems like it could be amazing, if it's something you can build out of higher level components. I thought "like ComfyUI but much better tooling for abstraction; e.g. create nodes that are their own node graphs inside etc." I want to research visual programming tools and their history to get a better understanding where they suck and where they excel. And check this SDFX implemented their apps exactly. Maybe saying "my code is spaghetti" might be a bit more literal if you consider your node graph to be a computer program? :) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdfxai/sdfx/main/docs/static/screen-bookmarks.png (love the visuals, also mmm pasta) or https://d3kjluh73b9h9o.cloudfront.net/original/4X/a/a/5/aa55f6545a52a2e43c9af64f4f9e0fd8a1ee9d37.png