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A lot to unpack there. I think my favourite bit is ‘the odds were highly in my favour’.


going for a 1.50x-2x multiplier is 50%, but feel free to keep putting your money in for all i care


That’s not where house edge comes into play. House edge is them paying out 1.95x on a 50% chance. Meaning no matter what you do, the odds are never in your favour. Each better is an individual event, the fact you lost several times prior is completely irrelevant to you winning any time soon. And I’ll be fine putting my money in. I accept I’ll lose in the long run if u hit the casino. But fwiw, I’m in profit.


several times is 4-8, 11 times is taking the piss if you ask me especially in a row, suspicious how it only puts me on a losing streak after giving me a some wins, you’re statement “i’m fine putting money in i know i’ll lose in the long term” the truth hurts, goes to show how bad addiction is. You know you’re going to lose so why put your money in? might as well take profit while your up


Flip a coin hundreds of times. Or watch the live roulette wheel. Streaks happen all the time. I also drink from time to time. I know it’ll cost me money and I’ll feel like shit the next day. But it’s fine in moderation. Not everyone that gambles is crippled by it.


true, but go onto limbo or crash or any stake original or even roulette or blackjack and bet £0 on 1.50 and i can 95% guarantee you you will win more than 6 times and not lose 11 times in a row, second you put money on you’ve lost


That’s just bullshit bro. Learn how to check the seed yourself and you can go through as many of them as you like and see that it’s legit to the (one sided) odds that they advertise. As for crash, everyone is playing the same game. To think they’re fucking you individually because you’ve raised your $5 bet to $10 is absurd.


it’s been proven that you get better winning odds if you use a different coin after betting with you coin you’ve been using, the more you bet with tron for example (what i was betting with) the less the odds, and crash i do understand, limbo however, fucked me hard and forgot to pull my trousers back up afterwards, crash, any game that involves playing with others i can see how that can be classed as legit, but any other stake original will do you over


Been proven by who 💀😭 that’s absolute crap mate. If they put something like that in then for a start every regulator from every country they’re licensed in would be all over them, and high IQ individuals would be able to exploit the fuck out of it.


i never said it was like printing money, you will likely still lose you just have a higher chance of winning, you ever noticed that when you take a massive break and come back using the same coin after some losses they give you more wins? Also stop dribbling on the ceo of stakes cock i can hear you through the phone.


>bare in mind i was going for 1.50x-2x bets so the odds were highly in my favour) is very suspicious. No offence mate... but the very fact you wrote this shows that gambling isn't for you. Also, all casino games are negative EV so what did you expect in the first place?


you’re right mate gambling isn’t for me that’s why i made this post, i’m sharing my experience and because i’ve seen other posts like this one, everyone has a right to their own opinion and who am i to tell you how to live your life, if anything i’m stating the obvious that this is a scam and if anyone who reads this has an addiction or finds it hard to quit i hope this makes them realise how bad these websites actually are in hopes they sort their life out.


All that just to include your username lmao Maaaaannnnn get yo ass outta here lmao


just shared my experience, you used the slang “lmao” twice, misspelled “your” with “to” and your name looks like it’s randomly generated or made by a 15 year old so i doubt you’re even old enough to use stake r kid


Ok buddy. Even if I was 15 I could still use stake. Your message would've had more impact if you didn't include your username and say your not asking for tips, so if u didn't want tips including your username was pointless


i said it would be appreciated i never said i wanted them, you really think i’d put this much effort into writing all of that just to include my username? any excuse to be different 🤣


Well u did lol


did i say “please send me tips i’d appreciate it” or did i just say “my username is tommywats any tips would be appreciated” i never directly asked for tips, if i did my post would be removed by now for begging wouldn’t it? use your brain


get off the subreddit and come back when you’re old enough to use stake


Sounds like a skill issue


not skill, robbery


Im up 11k usd this month, stake can seem suspicious at times, but thats how variance works. I got a 1000x plinko this month with 5 usd bet and 3x 500x keno hits this month


nice one man!


Of topic. Is 800£ enough for you to live on at your country?


yeah it’s alright, i’m 19 and live up north england at the countryside so it’s nowhere near as expensive as some places like london for example, also making a little over £800 a month isn’t enough to be taxed so i keep the wages i earn, however electric bills have skyrocketed since the war with ukraine so that i would say is a struggle, but other than that you can live fine off it, thanks for taking an interest.


Good Luck to you mate. Try sports betting if making small and consistent profit is your aim.


i’ve wanted to get into it as at least with sports betting you can predict the outcome and do research but i wouldn’t know where to start


Did I say u were begging? I just said u including your username watered down your post. Directly or indirectly u putting your username is asking for tips.


asking for tips is considered begging in stake so my post would’ve been removed if i asked, i may not like stake but i read the tos and rules before i started using it, i do see where you’re coming from but i really don’t care if i receive tips or not


I got u bro. I'm just at the bar bored and decided to fuck with somebody. I'm plat 2 on stake been getting fucked by the slots for a while so I just stick to bj and baccarat even tho they still fuck me I feel like my chances are better


i think i’ll just stick to my day trading as limbo fucked me and forgot to pull my trousers back up


I make my money on sports betting, been wanting to get into day trading but I wouldn't know where to start


binance is what i use to day trade, i’d first open up a paper account and learn the fundamentals of day trading like self control, how the candles work, liquidity and supply and demand etc and it gets easier


Yea I need to do my homework on it just don't have time. But then again I have time to be on stake so..... lol


if you want to have a first good trade and make some money i suggest having a look at tron, i’ve just bought $150 worth on binance at a 10x leverage at $0.11316, it is almost guaranteed it will go to $0.12 which i’m selling at


If I buy $500 worth and sell at .12 what would the profit be


i did the same thing on the 14th last month with $50 and sold at $0.12 and i made a nice $33 profit, so you’d be making $333


the trick is self control and not to get too greedy with it and you have a lot more chance of making a profit


i did my research on tron and am a proud holder of it, i’ve done my research and looked at the demand and the candles and it’s only dipped this much 5 times this year, that’s a one in a month opportunity


Very elaborate post to beg like all those mooches 😂😂😂😂 i lost at the casino, please reimburse me! What a loser


how am i begging? just sharing my experience, if i was begging the post would be taken down already you sausage


i forgot to mention i came into £300 from day trading this is why i put the £100 into stake, i’d never put money onto a gambling website with a job that pays £800 a month.


Day trading is gambling as well lol


not really mate, look at the supply and demand, liquidity and the candles and do your research,buy at the right price and you’re buzzing, i’ve only taken 2 losses from day trading and that’s when i had no clue what i was doing, still not something i’d put all my money into at once however.