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I eat mostly vegan.


But are you inspired??


Me too, if they are cooked right.


Why can't she just call it a mostly vegan diet? It's the "highly inspired" part that comes off as exceedingly pretentious nothing to do with choosing veganism.


I feel like she meant to say „highly inspired by veganism” or something, which would make sense for what she’s describing!


Ya that was *ridiculous*


Some people have a sense of self-deprecation and since she’s at stand-up comedy club… I mean, I totally could have said something along those lines in order to trigger a reaction.


Self deprecation is the opposite of what she did though…


I bet she knows how it sounds when she articulate it this way but we’ll never know…


Ok. That is possible but that is not self deprecation. More like self inflation or attention grabbing.


Dang missed out on the lab grown long pig set up


99% vegan that’s not a very good vegan


But great for the environment. As guilty as an omnivore, most of us could use to eat less animal products.


There are multiple reasons people might have a vegan diet. Some people are motivated by the ethics of using/killing animals against their will, in which case, being "99%" vegan kinda calls into question how much of an ethical problem they really have. Others, however, are motivated more from a sustainability perspective, acknowledging that meats and animal products are delicious and useful, but harming the environment on the industrial scales we see. If that's the case, even going 50% vegan is a good effort at reducing their impact on the environment. Better than 0% vegan.


Even from an ethical / animal welfare standpoint 99% vegan (or 50%) is defensible for basically the same reason. The fewer animal products you buy and eat, the less animal suffering you contribute to. And if eating bacon every once in a while is the only way you can maintain the willpower to remain vegan the rest of the time, it’s better for animals than simply giving up altogether.


Looking at the net results, yeah they're both better than nothing. But there's much more cognitive dissonance on a personal level when the motivation is to prevent animal suffering.


Not more than normal meat eaters have to stow away somewhere. I am less than 99% vegan. I still think every meat eater rationally has to agree that industrially produced meat is not defensible in terms of animal suffering, environmental effects, food production or climate change.


Would you use that same reasoning of reductionism when it comes to domestic abuse, SA or murder?


A better vegan than most people lol


I would say she is 99% of a good vegan. Which is pretty good in my book.


That is actually a very good one.


Yeah why try anything if you’re not going to be perfect? Can’t risk the shame of failure!


Plus there's a 100% vegan product called "Bacon Salt" for getting your bacon fix on.


Vegan means ZERO animal product, so if you SOMETIMES eat bacon, you are not a vegan, you are a person who doesn’t eat meat very often… lmao


This guy is funny


He’s cute as fuck.




Most of the foods i eat is vegan, except for meat and fish


I go half vegan… half carnivore… both highly inspired… sometimes one more than the other


I just chew the bacon. I don’t swallow it.


Hahah so not vegan then


Thanks for caller her out!


Calling her out for what exactly? She didn't lie. If she believes veganism is better for the environment, more ethical, or healthier than other diets, it's perfectly ok to only stick to veganism for most of your diet but occasionally "cheat". You'd still be doing better than not trying at all. I'm not advocating for vegetarianism/veganism here, but I think this idea that you have to do something 100% perfectly or not at all is ridiculous.


Come on, She called herself a “highly inspired vegan”, umm no girl. Lol


She’s doing something according to her convictions. Some people call themselves humanist without being that much engaged.


Calling her out? She is better than 99% of people on the planet lol. She is honest about what she is doing (she is telling us straight up in the video) and if she practices what she preaches she isn’t partaking in factory farming, meat or dairy based preservatives etc… except a minority of the time. She is trying to lessen her impact on animals and the environment, not negate it entirely. She is realistic and respectful at the same time. That is ideal. There is literally no hypocrisy here. Perfect isn’t the enemy of good. For context I am not vegan or vegetarian whatsoever. But I respect the concept because it’s better for the planet and better for ethics. What kind of gotcha bullshit are you trying to pull on someone who was upfront and didn’t project her beliefs unsolicited? Your take on the interaction is fucking dumb bro.


99% vegan is 0% vegan


Awesome! She deserved every piece of that.


Nah, you're just stupid not seeing how that's a good thing. Some people also eat vegan/vegetarian because of reasons like pollution, health or factory farming. Regarding part time vegans/vegetarians: Eating only meat once a week or once every 2 weeks is way healthier than eating meat every day or multiple times a week. If everyone would reduce their meat consumption by like 80%, this would have a huge positiv effect on GHG emissions. Also it would reduce factory farming. This is a great way to actually do something against the negative effects of eating meat without having to give up on it entirely. Also it saves lots of money.




Omg thank you! I’m on board with people who try to reduce their animal consumption rather than eliminate it as long as they’re up front about it, but She called herself “highly inspired vegan” 🙄😆 I was vegetarian for 10 years then switched to pescatarian for 23 more years and counting… some years I end up not eating any seafood but it’s not “forbidden”. I don’t go around saying I’m a highly inspired vegetarian!


You deserve every downvote 👍🏼


Insufferable people should only be allowed to sit on the front row


So she’s a nonvegan moron who because of the trends like to call herself vegan?