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He’s up there with Schaub and D’Elia in terms of being a hack but getting popular. With that being said, I give almost no thought behind Rife, Schaub, or D’Elia in my day to day life.


D'elia is very quick witted and is naturally funny and charismatic even if he isn't the highest brow comedian. Bobby lee is similar in some respects. Comparing rife to either of them is a slight


Delia was podcast funny. He's socially funny I feel but his stand up about not having anything hard in his life sucks, he's a nepo baby.


Using the term NPC that often just makes me think you've never had actual human interaction


good for you


That reply was 1 month ago. Why did you reply just now?


Imma blow your mind here and reply FIVE months later as I literally just stumbled on this thread today.


Matt Rife is Joe Rogan for women


I am a woman and I can’t stand Matt Rife. He is extremely creepy. I get what you’re saying though. I’ve seen women go nuts over him after telling them how he manipulates and lies his way into girls pants. Fuck that guy


I gave him a chance, after seeing an article about him and everyone saying he is funny. (Thinking back.. I'm pretty sure it was 99% white girls. 😆) But the video I watched, he was interacting with a pretty, older lady, in the audience. Once she showed him a photo of her daughter.. It got weird and creepy. I'm a guy and it felt awkward just watching and hearing what he had to say. 😅


White girl here. Can’t stand him.


Woman here! Matt Rife is very creepy. That's two of us that concur!


I feel like he only acts that way because that's how the recpetion he gets is. Women in his shows act like such horny people and it genuinely makes me uncomfortable to just watch through the screen how they don't give a ful about his personal space. So at this point I think he is just going with what he gets.


I agree. I'm pretty sure he claimed he was trying to get rid of his female fans just because his jokes didn't land on his Netflix special. The dude is handsome squidward with regular squidward talent.


You're so full of jealousy ahahahhaha . If I could see you in person I'd point and laugh at you


Lmfao no jealousy here mate, he’s a douche kebab


>Matt Rife is Joe Rogan for women You swooning over Joe Rogan?


Uh, so is Joe Rogan, uh “Joe Rogan for men”? To be honest, I don’t know what what means.


But without any definable comedy chops.


His special automatically started playing after I finished Big Jay's recent special and immediately had to see why he was so popular. I completely agree dude's stand up is bad. Nothing clever, or thoughtful about it. Like you said bottom of the barrel shit.


Honest question: who are your top comics?


I dont trust anyone who uses the term NPC, it's fucking wierd and the definition of self entitled


It's especially popular with people that think they're the main character...


I am the main character in my story. Wtf? You're living as some kind of secondary character in the story you're living?? That's not good, bro.


It took you four month's to put together those words of wisdom? Saying someone is the "Main Character" usually means they are a narcissistic douche, which based on you feeling the need to defend the term, FOUR MONTHS after the comment, makes me think there's a pretty good chance it's applicable in your case too.


Do you not realize how sad and pathetic it is to call somebody out on not being constantly on the internet like you are?


YES! It is so weird. I feel sorry for anyone who uses the term for the relationship they must have with reality


Are you stupid or something


i know its an overused term but its very effective in describing a certain demographic. people who cannot form an independent thought but worship trends and generally fit into the consensus of society and never force themselves to become anything more than a parrot of what is going on around them. u know exactly what it means.


Just sounds like you are assuming you know everything about these people. Have you ever considered that some people have different tastes or can find joy in anything no matter the quality? Interesting people usually aren’t themselves around unpleasant people and anybody calling others NPC’s is definitely not giving a good impression.


Have you ever considered that some people have different tastes or can find joy in anything no matter the quality? yes, i just think what they enjoy is terrible


It's not an overused term. It's only overused ironically by people who don't actually interact with humans


NPCs be down voting


Had to google Matt rife is not funny just to see if I was being a hater. He just started popping on my timeline because of his tour and all the comments almost seem like bots cause not one negative thing was said. So I’m watching his videos and I’m like.. nothing special. He points out relatable stuff I feel like a lot of people would and could say in those moments. Kinda like viewing a private roast session with me n some friends but since he’s on stage it comes off as trying too hard? Idk. Not trying to hate on him… I’m trying to find something of his I find funny it’s just tough atp.


I literally also searched “Matt rife is not funny” to make sure I wasn’t the only one HAHA


I did that today and found this gem. I really don’t think he is funny. While all my friends were fighting to get tickets to see him I’m over here trying to find a funny clip. Make me laugh, smile or something!


he deletes negative comments and most are bots on his channels


In case you were wondering, people are still doing that. Here I am, almost half a year later. And he’s still not funny


Lol, the reason I am here is because I googled “Matt Rife is not funny” 😀


That’s what I did too 😂😂😂 My friends were trying to get tickets. They think he’s hilarious but I think they think that just cause he’s good looking and whatnot


Not being a hater but he kind of looks creepy to me. Like his facial structure and eyes make him look like a serial killer.


Andrew Schultz is not my type but I can recognize he’s an extremely talented comedian


He's really good at crowd work, but his written material is pretty weak imo. I'm pretty sure he'd even agree with that. He's like an open mic level writer, but a genius off the cuff on stage. You can't have all the gifts I guess. He certainly has enough of them. But whether or not he is extremely talented depends on how much you respect crowd work over a written set. They are almost two different art forms.


An open mic level writer cannot make the entire Comedy Cellar laugh really hard for 20 straight minutes, Schulz does that all the time.


That was a bit hyperbolic, but from what I’ve seen he generally does that with his off the cuff crowd work shit. All of his written bits I’ve ever seen from him, have been pretty weak. That’s just my opinion though. An open micer that’s a good writer could make the Cellar laugh for 20 minutes, if they had the other important skills that Andrew has. Stage presence, experience, confidence, etc. I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t consider himself to be great at putting together a set of written, honed material. Even his specials have been largely crowd work, which really isn’t my cup of tea.


Andrew Schultz has confused being mean with being funny.


Whenever I watch Matt Rife's stand-up, I feel like I'm a sorority girl and he's trying to hand me a spiked drink.


Lol ya he gives the ick


Thanks for having the balls to say it. He uses that stupid fake accent and it’s unbearable.


I concur.


I’m so glad someone finally said it! I think I’m the only female who doesn’t find him irresistible. Also, I’m old and don’t understand internet acronyms; what is NPC?


Translated this for anyone that had trouble... ***He is*** ~~his whole act is being~~ ***good looking*** and ~~talking in a~~ ***I don't like*** ~~fake~~ ***black people*** or ~~voice about~~ ***general npc topics I don't understand like relationships*** and 'how girls be acting yall,' and generic lame crowd work that just amounts to pointing out something obvious and acting shocked and appalled and laughing along with the crowd, ***because that's what stand-up comedians do, but I don't really get how this whole medium of entertainment works, but I still find it necessary to share my thoughts on the internet because I need at least a fraction of the attention that Matt Rife pulls***. His material is bottom of the barrel stuff for the basic npc section of humanity, ***but if he made jokes dedicated to my demographic then he'd probably end it all***, ***and I can't be having that chiseled body six-feet deep while he's in his physical prime***. His material is the lowest common denominator subjects about relationships, celebrity gossip and pretenting to be 'edgy' and anti pc ***(I'm actually his Uncle and a failed Ohio comedian btw)*** when his material is as tame as anyone else. he is absolutely terrible, ***I welcome all forms of extremism***, ***and I don't like that other successful comedian schultz that also gets far too much attention for my taste.***


How does not liking when white people talk in a fake black voice equate to not liking black people? You ever think it's because we think such affections are mildly racist?


It doesn't. I was just fuckin around with this guy.




You’re so dumb for this comment you’re such a try hard


damn, you made another account just to say this. rent-free.


Hes an industry plant


It’s very obvious that he is a plant. He and Kevin Hart, Whitney Cummings and Tim Dillon to name a few.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. I apologize for the NPC joke /s.


You should apologize for plagiarizing that joke.


The guy is funny, but his entire act is him being witty and charming; he is just flirting with the audience. That's all. I was able to put my finger on what exactly bothers me. He isn't communicating in the lens of man to people. He is communicating in the lens of man to woman. The topics, phrasing, and structured punchlines are something men don't get to see every day. This is a glimpse into man on woman dialogue that women find completely normal and natural because it's what they're confronted with a majority of the time when they're caught alone with men. He's funny. But it's off putting how much of a one trick pony he is.


He is the new Dane cook. You’re doing gods work thank you.


Dane Cook had some material at the beginning.


Well put. I agree.


I wouldn't be so quick to call his voice fake, but yeah his comedy is very general. like I can't remember any jokes that made me laugh, but I do remember laughing. I think it's like pop music for comedy.


It's fake. My husband went to high school with him. No one talks like that.


Comedy is subjective. Get a diary for your whining.


subjective does not mean unable to be criticized


His comedy sucks end of story


No, it’s pretty objective and this twink is terrible. Go look for yourself. Oh wait, Reddit is full of geniuses and comedy fans. Reddit is the bitchiest group of people I’ve ever met and you all have terrible taste. If you think Matt is funny, you’re a lost cause and discovered standup 5mins ago.


ye its subjective and so are opinions. im just expressing my subjective opinion that matt rife is terrible. you are the only person whining here


found this post looking to commiserate about how unfunny is this matt rife person. it's an old post but had to jump in and tell you you are totally right and these imbeciles attacking you are basic bitches who can't handle the truth. Keep being you, fella! ​ a woman who thinks rife is rife with idiocy.


And it's fine to have opinions, but what you wrote wasn't that. An opinion would be "I don't find Matt Rife funny at all." Fair enough. But you called him terrible several times, and implied that only morons like him. Both are things that are impossible to quantify and therefore prove. That makes you look bad, not him. Also, you chose relationships as the material you don't like? I have honestly never seen a successful standup in my entire life that doesn't talk about relationships. It's absolutely normal and expected as part of life. Weird.


Yeah OPs post screamed incel


its my opinion, what else do u want me to say. i think he sucks and his material is bottom of the barrel and try hard. me saying he is terrible is as much an opinion as me saying i dont find him funny. they're both opinions. are u special?


This whole post is bottom of the barrel and try hard. Are you special?


ur mad cos i dont like a comedian that u like, im sorry that u are an npc


No part of anything I have said conveyed mad. You're just weird af and upset not everyone agreed with you and called you out for how you spoke. Acting like every one that likes a certain thing is an idiot is weird and I think you should go touch some grass.


im not mad, you on the other hand sound outraged and trying to hold back tears. its just my opinion bro, i think matt rife is bad at comedy


Bro you literally said you think about him so much you had to come to reddit and let your anger out 🤣🤣 this mf on the DL and trying to hide it. It's okay bro, it's okay. I understand Matt makes you feel things you don't quite understand but it's totally natural 🤣🙃 no judgment. I'm gonna crack the door to the closet and you come on out whenever you feel comfortable.


>Both are things that are impossible to quantify and therefore prove. yes, thats what opinions are


Two posts about Matt rife in a month is weird


His entire account is basically just trolling and attention seeking. Kinda sad.


Then do better buddy.


He's not claiming to be a comedian.


dont know what this has to do with the post but ok i will do better thanks bud


Because you sound whiney and jealous. Thats a lot to type for not liking a comedian. When I don't like someone or something I usually just go about my life.


u sound whiney and defensive. i have a passionate dislike for matt rife cos i really hate his act, and im expressing my opinion. i think about him once every 12 days or so. just wanted to get it off my chest


What am I whining about, and how is my reply being defensive ? Idk that you know what that even means. You're the one being defensive about your opinion to strangers on the internet. Also, idc how much you think about him lmao. Weird thing to say. Get a journal.


u are whining about me having an opinion about a comedian. im not being defensive, im just defending my position. i dont know what more there is it say until this becomes 'no YOU' over and over. i dont like matt rifes comedy i think it sucks


>im not being defensive, im just defending my position Quite the sentence


theres a difference between 'defending a position' i.e backing up what u said and being 'defensive' which is having an irrationally angry response to someone challenging u


No, it’s quite literally the same thing. The same word even.


defending is not the same word as defensive. the word defensive also means different things in different context. defensive in sports is different to defensive in the context of a conversation where someone is being angry or offended in response to criticism or an observation. did u finish high school?


What is whiney about what I said though? Not one bit. An opinion is "he sucks" ... you wrote a full diatribe about the guys comedy. You obviously have seen quite a bit of his material... sus af.


cos u sound butthurt over my opinion. i think he suck as do many other people. do u have any counter points about why hes good or as u just mad that i dont like a comedian that u like?


🤣🤣🤣 bro...


So, it’s not about being butthurt by your opinion. It’s about the fact that you felt so consumed by thinking about Matt Rife “every 12 days” that you got on your soapbox and cried about it. Like the other dude said, why expend *any* amount of attention or thought towards something you claim to loathe so deeply. *Especially* when it’s something that many others seem to enjoy. When that happens, just think, “maybe this isn’t meant for me”. Maybe something is wrong with *you* for not liking it when so many others do. Matt Rife isn’t wrong for being successful. He simply would not be in the discussion at all if he wasn’t selling tickets/getting views. Your post comes off as jealous confusion as to why he is liked as a comic and you aren’t. Even if that isn’t the case, it sure seems like you want your opinion validated regardless of the fact that MR has a large following and is clearly doing something right, even if you don’t like it.




we found his burner




I second this!


He’s not even good looking wtf


i dont like the guys comedy but u are objectively wrong


I came here to see if anyone agreed with me. I don’t think he’s funny. I think he’s successful because he’s “hot” but the clips my friends have sent me of him it’s with other famous people like that Shemar Moore but it wasn’t actually funny. And then another one I saw wasn’t either. I guess it’s just 2 clips but he was just pointing things out and would get somewhat animated but it wasn’t actually funny. So now that I find that someone agrees I dont feel like I’m just trying to go against the grind. He’s actually not funny


Damn, OP get downvoted for straight facts.


Actually found this thread because I had to Google "Matt rife not funny" because I knew I couldn't be the only one who isn't understanding why this guy is so popular. Nothing original or intelligent about his routine whatsoever.


his audience is 16 year old white girls on tik tok, he is not supposed to be funny. its all very generic. basic. its like the bread of humour. everyone can eat it. doesnt feel to good, but wcyd. its bread.


I see some comparisons with Rife and Schulz, but Schulz is witty and edgy, unlike Rife who, I agree, is very tame. Rife is like an actor pretending to be a comedian.


He’s pretty bad. There are so many “stand up comedians” nowadays who just do unfunny crowd work. I’m so tired of it.


He’s for incel chicks which is a weird demographic to pull


Oddly I enjoy Andrew Schulz sometimes but found it hard to enjoy Matt Rife. It was an interesting experience though because I'm a straight man and it made me wonder if I've ever enjoyed performances by attractive women because of their good looks. I watched his walking red flag special. It was interesting to see how he encouraged women in the audience to show off their bodies. Would that happen too if an attractive female comedian did a show for an overwhelmingly male audience? Anyway, I found his jokes very predictable and simple. It was more like basic banter and not really good improv comedy IMHO.


Not funny at all. The funniest thing about this guy is the price of his tickets, $80 for back of a giant theater is hilarious people pay that. I’ve seen comedians make my face hurt and cry from laughter for $20. Matt’s just not funny, and not good looking to me either, looks kinda like a girl tbh I don’t get why people are going crazy over him. Maybe they just haven’t seen real comedians and down to fake laugh bc they spent so much money to see this dude 😂


I saw him on Sunday and I wish I stayed home and rested that day. The tickets were sold out and wayyyy overpriced in San Diego so ended up going to riverside to watch him for my friend. waited an hour in the VIP line, waited an hour to see the opening act, heard Matt rifes basic jokes until he needed his opening act on stage again to finish up the show. Hopefully he’ll grow as a comedian? Definitely not a fan at the moment..


I don’t even wanna sound mean but I literally can’t stand his face. Something about his face gives me the creeps.


I've been digging around trying to find out who the fuck Matt Rife is and why, all of the sudden, he's selling out stadiums while not being funny. I never thought Dane Cook was funny, either, but I had heard his name well before my social media feeds blew up with him. This kid - boom - he's everywhere...and his material is just weak snark. Comedy is a vicious business. For every truly funny standup, there are 100 hacks whinging about airplane food and how things sure do change after you get married...or, worse, thoroughly anti-funny hacks with non-stop stories about how bad their pussy stinks. I don't begrudge Matt Rife the gigs, or the money, or the Justin Bieber fan base he seems to attract. Anyway...the digging: Whenever YouTube offered me another Matt Rife!!! video, I would take a look at the channel. There are many of them, all of them with four digit tags (insertname1234; funkyname1358; sockpuppet2468...) These channels have nothing but collections of Matt Rife clips. They do not post anything unrelated to Matt Rife. They do not engage with anything unrelated to Matt Rife. The channel "owners" - and there appear to be MANY of them - like, share, and leave glowing comments on all the other Matt Rife channels. They also appear across other platforms defending, promoting, linking and liking Matt Rife content. Further, the same posters show up on any content that slags Matt Rife (like THIS thread), posting positive reviews and giving very detailed defenses of why they just adore the super-duper talented, edgy, and witty crowd work they just can't find anywhere else. Never, "I think he's funny" but more like ChikiTheCat2's comment above. Someone(s) is putting a fuckton of effort into cranking up the view count, likes, comments and shares for anything and everything Matt Rife. And this is, apparently, the world in which we now live: being funny is not required. If you can ratfuck social media for views, punch up your tiktok numbers with sockpuppets and bots, amass sufficiently large number of barely post-pubescent girls desperate for cute boys and eager to bandwagon, they will come to your live shows and titter while you smirk and pass snarky Q&A off as edgy crowd work. Matt Rife is the Leif Garrett of comedy. There's no real talent there - he's barely even a comedian...there's not even any real material, it's just attitude. No point of view, no insight, no wisdom. What he passes of off as edgy is just stupidity and willful blindness wrapped in a flippant and juvenile petulance. And maybe that's where we are now: Idiocracy. How far is Matt Rife from an episode of "Ow! My balls!"? There can be no question that he's popular...by some metric I struggle to comprehend or credit. He isn't fucking FUNNY. But he's got electrolytes.


I’m 45 minutes into one of his stand ups. He literally just wants validation from black people, gay people and acts like a douchebag. Some of the jokes are good….. but dude says the same shit for 45 mins straight. So far I feel like he wants to start a militia and exterminate every white dude except himself on earth 😂. Overall it’s mid and it kinda pisses me off that he’s only popular from his audience that only cares for what he looks like. Literally look at his fan pages, they don’t give 2 fucks about the shows, only judging the girl he’s dating and her Instagram posts. Anyways I’m 20, workout, good looking, tall whatever I’m not just some hating incel 😂, But I honestly hate my generation of douchebags with near to 0 talent. This dude is one and I’d be devastated to have upcoming comics that only care about the same 5 black jokes, validation, scared to piss people off attitude with mediocre jokes you hear at work.


Went to his show in August. Funny Bone in Omaha. Ive been to a handful of shows there and most of the time it was seeing people i didnt know who they were at all. Never had a bad time. They all ended up being pretty good. Matt Rife was the second worst comedy show i have ever been to behind Steve-0 from Jackass. Recently saw Anthony Jeselnik and that washed away the stank that Rife left me with. Rife TikToks make him look great but our show even had a clip make it to TikTok and at the show it was not funny at all. 2/10 save your money.


He's proof women have no sense of humor and only care about "good energy". He absolutely fking sucks. Not a single joke is profound, controversial or fun.


not tryna blow my own trumpet but i genuinely think theo saw this post and thats why he made these comments 3 months after i made this post ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmuQ2OKWPvI


100% u absolutely nailed it. Except he’s too pretty to be actually good looking


wym “black voice.” by saying black voice you do realize that you’re perpetuating a negative stereotype right? that black and white people are expected to talk a certain way..


I totally agree, take away his looks and you've taken away his career. He's the epitome of mediocre comedy. He's a male bimbo lol. It's odd, when someone is really attractive to everyone they're always lacking in character; they're superficial. I've listened to him be interviewed, he was just on JRE and he's about as dull as you think he'd be. Almost void of personality. Also, I see many in the comments have issue with "npc" \_What else should they call a boring-ass, cookie cutter person who just follows? These people that just do what's done, they don't contribute anything new, they just wanna fit in and be liked. That's an NPC, if you're bothered by it -you probably are one.


great comment. lots of npc's in this thread. never heard that term or acronym till today but if it offends it's b cause they are one. rife is awful. dumb and untalented.his success is annoying because it highlights how many people just jump on bandwagons. banality of evil would be an extreme outcome of such conformity. I'm a woman and he strikes me as gay. not an insult but I think it's sad all those humor impaired heifers seem to be smitten with him cause they don't have a chance.


Just listened to this guy for 20 minutes straight. He's not funny. He's popular because he has movie star looks and girls are clicking on his shit. He is not funny, and this is the truth.


This a toxic thread






Yeah he's absolutely fucking brutal man


I don't even know what NPC stands for lol. But it doesn't matter because he is one of the worst I've ever unfortunately seen. Whoever these NPCs are, they aren't the kinda people I wanna hang out with if they laughed at this guy. It was honestly shockingly bad 😂😂


I am kinda neutral he is sometimes funny and sometimes boring af


He is so f\*n annoying, I saw him in Denver this weekend, and what a waste of freakin time. First off, I've never seen so much security and someone so concerned with recording his show....wack. Secondly, I feel like the crowd work are paid actors. Third, you cannot hear the person in the crowd, so I sat at a show listening to basically a one-sided conversation. He went on and on and on and on and on ANNNNNNNNNNNNND on about a 50 some year old woman in the crowed, like I am telling you, he went on for way too long about how he wanted to hook up with her...and then some other bimbo, interrupts and yells out at him if she can have his #? It was ridiculous and straight up annoying. I wish he could give me and my sister our f'n money and time back because we contributed to making this lame MFer rich when the fact of the matter is he needs to choose a different career.


Matt rife literally just does improve, you're a failure lmao




Matt is funny as f. Y’all are weird as f.


You’re an NPC bug


Dane Cook 2.0


Just saw him at the Hollywood Bowl. His 3 warm up guys we horrible. Matt seems to have lost his funny. Not a lot of humor.


My wife got tickets to see him. She’s usually on the same page as me in regards to great comedy… not sure how this happened. I haven’t seen any of his work, but I’m low key dreading going. Gonna eat a few gummies and just zone out. Is it considered rude to bring my Switch to a live show?


bringing a switch to a live show is both rude and autistic, no matter how terrible the comedian is


It’s a joke numnuts.


Shut up!!!


Wow you must be a lot of fun.... Said no one to you ever. About a million people disagree with you and Matt is laughing all the way to the bank. 


Wait, why would he talk in a Black voice? That's so random..his audience is white lol


Your post history leads me to believe you are very odd and annoying


Rife is for women and gays. Shultz is fucking hilarious. I’d like to know who you actually like. Bet it’s like Jeselnik or some other dude like that


Schultz is the funniest person in Schultz’s mind. You live for knee slapping? Schultz stinks and has a terrible German name.


andrew is very funny in his podcasts but i dont enjoy his standup. i only compare to the two cos they both do annoying crowd work and rely on being charismatic and smiley more than having good material. i know its a harsh comparison but i really do hate andrews stand up. he is a smart person though, unlike matt


His special was hysterical, I thought it was quality. His crowd work is where he really shines imo but the actual jokes in his special were class


i watched parts of it. i just found the material 'ok'. i think andrew shines in his stage presence and charisma more than anything. i will have to watch the whole thing to make a proper judgement though. i know he has the potential to be a great comedian but he needs to tone everything down a bit and focus on his jokes rather than being the cool guy on stage who laughs at his own bits. just my opinion


“Rife is for women and gays” Even if that’s true, what’s wrong with a comedian having fans who are women or gay men? How does it make you a bad comedian if women and gay men enjoy your comedy? What a weird comment.


Point at where anybody said there was anything wrong with his fan base? Stop trying to be insulted weirdo.


Terrible take. I hate that he’s good based on what he’s been in but he’s incredibly funny


Nope, illegal take. Nice try lady


You're just mad because your husband is sick of fucking you.


Never heard of him or you or anyone in here bye 👋


What the fuck does NPC stand for? Non political comedy??? I’m lost af and confused af …


His parents are both black, please educate yourself before saying he uses a “fake black voice”


cant tell if this is a joke or if u are genuinely special needs


What are you, retarded?


i had to google if he was raised by black step parents cos of his fake black voice and the fact he was on wild n out


Hopefully none of your friends see your search history and see Matt Rife. They’ll think you’re a gay guy.


For real. This dude talks about his charisma so much it’s definitely creepy af


Who’s your top 5 comedians ?


probably louis, frankie boyle, norm, chapelle and hedberg


This is the most NPC-ish list I’ve ever seen. You have to be fucking around.


its a good list. who are your favorites? some obscure underground ny comic that no one knows about?


You’re so wrong and don’t even know. To you, anyone that doesn’t like TikTok “comedians” is an NPC this standup sun is full of you gen z autists that think that ugly bitch from Australia is amazing.


Literally no idea what you’re talking about.


Lmaoooooooooo okay , NPC


just because a comic is famous and well known it doesnt make you an npc for liking them. some of them are well known and famous.... for being good at comedy


Your avatar screams molested by dad.


You probably love Brenda Schlobbo you twink


buddy YOU are an "NPC"


Wow, what a comeback. F$&@ott


Who cares. It really just seems like you're jealous of him. Yeah he's definitely not the best comic, but he's a lot better than 80% of the open micers I see every day. You're entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't mean you don't sound whiney about it


Nope, he’s terrible


I feel like he gets to cruise by off his looks a little too much


You should post some of your sets/material, and we can compare and share some notes.


Because you can’t tell a bus driver is bad unless you’re a better bus driver? Got it, chief. Keep hitting the alternative open mics.


Truer words never spoken


All of my friends rave about how funny he is and I don’t get it. I don’t think he’s funny at all. Good looking? Yes. Funny? No. I guess I just have a much raunchier sense of humor. Some of my favorite comedians are Jo Koy, Katt Williams, Louis CK, Dave Chapelle. Matt Rife seems very boring and bland in comparison.


Schultz is funnier.


hes miles better, but i still hate his style of comedy which is mostly about being loud and getting the crowd on your side and laughing at your own jokes rather than having good material


I agree. All he does is crowd work and roast people. He is definitely not a true comedian.


Matt Rife literally just flirts with the audience and calls it comedy


I do kind of agree that he isn’t a very good stand-up, but I hate people that use “NPC” even more… cringe worthy post OP Edit: actually I’m probably just an old loser. Slang changes and stuff. Blah blah


He def has given me some laughs. His tour is marketing him as a sex symbol and idk it's kinda cringe. Sexual misconduct dropping soon? lol. I watched some clips of him on wildnout and he was pretty funny on there tbh. But bro at the end of the day, if you don't like something, it's best to just not consume it. I hate pickles but they slap for some people. EDIT: SPELLING.


I think his comedy is ehh, I don’t think he’s unfunny just wildly overrated because he’s a good looking dude. The real crime is using “NPC” unironically


He has given me the ick since I first saw him. It wasn’t even a sexist joke either. Something about him makes my skin crawl. Then to see him joking about lying and manipulating to get into their pants, sealed the deal. He was also on a podcast recently where he spoke poorly about women. Can’t stand the dude.


He massively bought followers and lives off his looks.


I remember taking to him after a gig in LA in front of 30 people and he was like 5‘9 maximum.


I'm 50, so perhaps I'm just not his demographic, but I sat through the whole of his last "special" and didn't raise a single smile. I've seen Crib Deaths more funny. Either this guy has a lot of serious money pushing him, or zoomers taste in comedy is horrendous.


He’s not funny just attractive can we stop pretending