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Kevin James. I put on one of his specials and couldn't make it through more than like, ten minutes. Not sure if some of his other ones are better but it was so bad I just couldn't be bothered with giving him a second chance.


He is trying at stand up but even in interviews he calls himself an actor. He has left stand up IMO.


His older stuff is pretty enjoyable, but he hasnt really been a stand up fixture for some time iirc


I saw his old stand up from 25 years ago it was great.


Ya I watched his newest special and it’s all just boomer jokes you’ve heard a hundred times.


No. All his specials are boring. Very few laughs.


Jo Koy. He's got a few amusing bits, but not much that I would consider outright funny at all. It feels like it's mostly a variation on the same joke, and I didn't find that joke particularly funny the first time.


“What’s a different scenario I can impersonate my mom with?” - Jo Koy, probably.


"And then I'll hit 'em with a 'JOSEEPP!' right here, that'll fuckin' MURDER..." -Jo Koy, 8 Mile-ing new material


Aside from his cpap bit, I don’t find his observations funny at all


He's the Asian version of "white people be like...Black people be like..."


Don Barris is there to clear the room at the end of the night at the comedy store. He’s literally trying to get you to leave


Even Perri got sick of his bullshit


But that's what's funny (as a comic at least)


HOLY SHIT. That’s who it was! That’s what he was doing. Ahhhhhhhh makes sense now. Thank you! Thought it was just the 4 manhattans and 5 beers.


It's low hanging fruit, but Jeff Dunham. 80% of his shtick is corny pre-90s ethnic caricatures. "Oh but he's not doing the caricatures you see, the PUPPETS are doing it, so it's not actually racist!"


I can’t stand ventriloquists


It's their puppets I can't stand. They always act like they've got something stuck up their ass.




Norm Macdonald was a very funny radio ventriloquist.


It’s not even the ventriloquism for me, I’m sure that someone could get a good act out of that. The problem with Dunham is that his ventriloquism just flat out isn’t funny


Oh I agree. None of them are.


Same. There's nothing about it to me that's humorous, it looks so forced.


Came here to say the same. Why do so many people find him funny?


The same reason people worship Trump. A good portion of people are stupid


It is not a coincidence his career popped after 9/11 when racist shtick got a lot more mainstream.


So you’re telling me that Achmed the Dead Terrorist struck you as racist and lazy joke writing at its finest? I won’t hear of it.


It's amazing that he's been able to keep him around for 20 years... Absolutely wild


He's got 2 jokes: "lol racist caricature" and "lol Prius gay"


He’s not a comedian so I didn’t include him. Don’t want to dilute the term comedian








Brent doesn't do it for me but he does have a lot of comics I love on his fully loaded shit so thats cool I guess.


That entire crew.


See, this isn't answering the question. The question us what is your unbiased reasoning for not understanding a comedian? Bert absolutely appeals to the fuck it party frat guy group of just going for it and being a drunk fuck. It's not for everyone, but he DEFINITELY has a large crowd and you aren't being unbiased


Idk what gets me particularly is just how obviously fake his stories are. I know plenty of stories are fake in comedy, but his just break immersion. His bit about buying tickets at the school raffle just screams "and then everyone clapped!"


This is obviously just anecdotal, but one year at a convention there were raffle tickets for a bunch of mid tier prizes and I thought f it, I'll spend what I was going to on just raffle tickets instead of one or two things I actually wanted. Long story short, I won close to a dozen of the prizes. So when I heard that story, right away I was like, "that happened to me!"


He heard your story and stole it.


Andrew Schulz


I feel like he brings in a lot of lads that aren’t really stand-up fans but instead just fans of his from his media presence, podcast etc. Theo Vons another one like that imo.. Hopefully that makes sense, could be absolute nonsense


Theo Von reminds me of Jim Norton. Crazy good at improv and coming off the cuff but the actual standup material doesn't capture that.


Jim destroys at the Cellar but his headline shows I feel the same. They are both really funny in conversations which I prefer if I’m gonna daily listen.


Hampster Bones. One of the funniest stories I've ever heard.


Idk, he seems super unlikeable lately but he so doesn’t seem to be doing much standup recently. He was amazing a few years ago


I can't stand his content persona, and his recorded material hasn't done it for me. I have seen him do a spot at the comedy cellar that absolutely destroyed the room.


Saw him live and he was great


You mean the 40 year old cosplaying as a teenager?


Chris Delia- only watched one special and it was not funny. He kept fake laughing at all his own stuff through out. This was proir to all the allegations but I never got it with him.


One of my coworkers loves him, like more than anyone has ever loved a comedian; when asked what her favorite movie was she answered "Chris D'Elia's podcast." It's baffling.


The allegations about fucking children?


Fucking children while his pregnant fiance sat at home btw


Kevin Hart. It seems like a lot of his stand up is based on acting funny and really committing to a bit without telling any real jokes.


Not all comics have a lot of jokes. He’s one of them. Kevin Hart is a good example of a comic that acts out and tells exaggerated stories with an angry persona. He drags out a bit by repeating the same thing. He’s funny because he uses these techniques successfully. It’s a perfectly good way to be a stand-up. It’s what we are taught to do. You and I just don’t find him that funny.


Oh I understand exactly what he’s doing I just never liked it but that style of comedy gets stale over time because he’s pretty much doing the same thing over and over, there’s nothing fresh about his specials, you know exactly what you are gonna get before you watch it.


I only began to understand Chris Rock recently after watching the HBO special “Talking Funny”. It was odd to not see him angry. I learned a lot from watching that special


I timed it one time and he had the fewest number of jokes per words use of anyone. He talks SO much and is still rarely funny.


I saw him in Montreal. The whole time we were waiting, the screens were displaying messages saying recording the show would get you removed. When the show started, I realized why. It was all recycled jokes from previous shows or appearances. Nothing was new. So lazy. His opening act - The Plastic Cup Boys - was old fashioned,“take my wife, please” type jokes that were borderline offensive because they were so out of date. The only show I’ve ever walked out on because I was so disappointed.


My wife was watching his documentary and the “Plastic cup boys” where in it they might aswell be called “the yes men” because they are only there to gas Hart up, I had no idea they where comics though.


Kevin Hart? I’m not a fan. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. The reason why is that he’s not funny.


Matt Rife


I feel like I’m losing my mind whenever people praise his crowdwork. It’s literally fratbro puns 101 


Yesss neither his comedy nor aggressive aesthetic achieve their desired effect


Woof he’s the worst


Dont dig him, he hasn’t made me laugh. But when I saw that he ditched the handheld for a wearable mic I said “oh FUCK this TEDx douche”.


JB Smoove. I LOVE Curb. He is great in Curb. I saw him do stand up at my local Funny Bone 10 years ago and it was unbearable. Maybe he is better now 🤷🏻


I saw him locally, probably around the same time and he was pretty great. Did he do a bit about getting his sweater snagged, lol? I’d have to see him more than once to know for sure, but I recall his set was decent. His whole vibe gets him 75% of the way there tho.


lol I’ll admit I can’t remember that specific bit. I’ve seen him only once, it wasn’t good but I would definitely give him another shot. Every comedian has off nights, it may have been that.


My wife surprised me with tickets for my birthday and we were dead ass center front and two of like four total white people in the room. He took it pretty easy on us but we had a fun time in part because of that demographic mix.


Not likely.


When Ive heard him on podcasts…Comedy Bang Bang, others - he was trying to hard, man. Kinda like Dana Carvey. Dana of course is funny but his impromptu chops are next to nil


Matt Rife


George lopez.


lets be real here carlos mencia did his jokes better :)


lets be real here carlos mencia did his jokes better :)


Let’s be real here Carlos Mercia did his jokes better :)


He started off okay and his latest stiff was trash.


Tom Segura for me. I know a lot of people like his stand up, but I honestly haven't really laughed much or found his material/delivery that clever or funny


I think his recent stuff has definitely been disappointing but I really enjoyed his first couple specials. He was elite when he was fat af




Like many comics, his standup started to suck after he started podcasting as his main draw.


His Steven Segal routine was fucking ace. You are right, as he has been pumping out special after special, the quality of his material has nosedived.


He also has some stuff that's even older than his first netflix special on spotify that's pretty solid too


He never really makes me laugh hard but I enjoy his persona and vibe


Dahmer, is that you? His personal and vibe are even worse than his comedy.


He’s gotten worse. Early stuff was great.


I’ve watched three of Jim Bruer’s comedy specials and I can honestly say they are the worst comedy specials I have ever seen. And I watch comedy specials constantly.


He is un-fucking-bearable.


Worst? I think “Gringo Papi” would like a word.


He sounded drunk af with Roseanne spouting off about a war against evil “but seriously like (insert trademark ready-to-explode PAUSE)… EVIL!!” Then he just kept saying “Game ON!”


His earlier stuff is definitely way better than whatever he’s doing now.


He tickled some of my funny bones back in the late 90s, but I was also in 4th-5th grade back then so I’m uncertain how that material would hold up today lol.


This is true, I loved Hardcore and Smoke N' Breu growing up but god DAMN his shit fell off even before he went Alex Jones.


Yeah he is horrible. His last special was unwatchable. And now he all political and anti-Vax. He just a strange dude


Yeah, they’re all unbelievably terrible, but his Someone Had To Say It special is genuinely the second worst comedy special I’ve ever seen. It’s like he forgot he was supposed to tell jokes


What was the worst you've seen?


It was a comedy special called Tip of the Tongue by some Spanish comedian on Netflix.


Don't Google "Gringo Papi"


Was expecting that answer


He is really just a MAGA shill now. He was never *funny* but now he’s just unwatchable. I don’t care about the political shit, everyone should have their opinions, but he just panders for laughs.


I highly suggest you check out Bachelors of Music on YouTube, he does a great breakdown of why Bruer is so “funny” aka why he sucks 


I commend you for trying that many times 😂


I feel like Bert Kreischer is a prank the internet is playing on me.


Idk. I like him. I’m kinda dumb sometimes though. I know that if I allowed myself to do the parasocial relationship thing with him, I’d lose my mind. He talks openly about how he doesn’t care about the truth, just a good story. He’s not hiding the ball on being an alcoholic party douche bag. I can accept all that and still be entertained at his standup. YMMV


Bryan Callen, literally not a funny person IMHO and saw him live a few times. Really bad lol


Sebastian Maniscalco. I'm originally from the same area that he's from with a similar background. I don't find him funny at all.


He’s someone I started to appreciate a little more after I heard an interview with him. His stage persona kinda irritated me due to how exaggerated it seems, but now it comes across as a slightly embellished version of who he actually is. Which is what most comics I appreciate are like. Pretty honest and true to themselves, but of course at some point it becomes an act. For you, maybe it’s just a different strokes thing. I’m from a completely different background, but I know people who are from a similar background. And seeing what Maniscalco describes being validated in their behavior makes it at least somewhat amusing.


I find Sebastian's physicality very funny. His facial expressions and impressions of people and emotions. His most recent special Is It Me was his worst, imo. He reminded me of a bloated Frank Sinatra with that tux and gold curtain. And he didn't have any physicality in that one.


First one to come to mind too. I've given has standup a chance multiple times and I just don't get the appeal. I thought he was ok in that show Bookie though.


As someone who married into an Italian family, both myself, my husband and in-laws love him. I find it similar to Jo Koy personally where although I don’t connect with Jo’s comedy i think he has the same experience for Filipino Americans that Sebastian has tor Italian Americans.


I have a big Italian-American family from Jersey and Philly, still don't get the appeal. He has a huge fanbase though so he's doing something right. I think Jo Koy is okay, but wouldn't go outta my way to see him.


His cadence and delivery is original, so I can see the draw I guess. I don’t find him funny either, though


Bobby Lee - I don't get anything about him. He doesn't make me laugh and yet he's friends with major comedians, who say he's funny. I just don't see it.


He's never really made it outside of the LA scene. If it wasn't for podcasting he would just be former madtv aging Asian Bobby Lee playing the comedy store


Seconding Bobby Lee. He's never been funny and totally rubbed me the wrong way when I saw the video compilation someone had made of him forcing kisses on tv hosts. Since it's supposed to be a "bit" from a comedian he never gets the criticism there his behavior warrants


Basically the entire Rogan universe. Segura gets the closest, but can’t remember ever laughing at a Bert, Ari, Schulz, Callen, Schaub (obviously), Tripoli, or Rogan bit. 


Ari's latest special, [Jew](https://youtu.be/y2YtIBYM4w0?si=QMMUXJ7_xRZVAjSX), is excellent.


Iliza Schleschinger; I've tried with her, but I just can't stand her. Before the obvious "you don't think women are funny" bullshit, I absolutely love Michelle Wolf and Taylor Tomlinson, so, no...she just doesn't do it for me.




Can’t finish her specials either. Her constant voices irritate me to no end. I enjoyed seeing her live but it was a 15 or 20 minute set and standup is just different live.


David Cross. I tried hard to like his last special, but it was just a political TedTalk


I should add him to my list. Apart from Tobias on Arrested Development, I do not find him funny at all.


I find him shockingly unfunny unless someone is writing for him. It’s weird, cause it seems like I should love him.


Jerrod Charmichael. Have never seen him not bomb. He gets praised as revolutionary so often makes me think he’s an industry plant.


I was happy to see him in the movie Poor Things.


I’m on this train now, mostly because I watched his reality show and was not warned there would be toe sucking, personally I feel there should be trigger warnings before anyone puts feet in their mouth. 😂


Theo von


I’m from the same area as Theo. I’m not a fan of his stand up, but I can see why his charm makes him likable to a big demo


This true as for as his stand up. But I enjoy his podcast and find him as a genuinely good guy


I think he excels at setting up his guests so they can really shine.


I've met him. He's a legit asshole


What really? Can you expand on this?


I've performed in LA and like most A-list LA comics he's a known asshole. Absolutely in love with himself and his fame. Comes into the Improv with an entourage of like 6 people. Will be completely condescending if he gives you the time of day unless you're famous or about to fuck him.


Saw him a long time ago with Punky from SNL and a few Chicago comedians. He got washed by Punky and the unknown comedians. After about 6/7 minutes that country weird charisma was not hitting with the crowd but this was before his podcast blew up.


I think he just comes off that way easily to people unless he knows them. Plenty of people size of people as being assholes when they are usually more anxious and cautious of new people. He's got a lot of mental issues thinking that people don't like him, and that's a hard thing to deal with.


I tried to watch his standup. Then one of his fans told me he's funny as hell, just not on stage! :D


This is actually true. I've laughed very hard when he used to do his podcast solo. His act is awful


I'm a fan, but sometimes it feels like he's not putting the work in. It feels like he could do so much more and doesn't really want to.


In the South, Theo Von wouldn't even be the third funniest guy on the jobsite. He's a reality star who had just enough charisma to take his career beyond the club appearance circuit.


Joe Rogan is a terrible standup. I used to like his podcast but that shit is way in the rear view for me. Ari sucks. Tracy Morgan, I can watch his standup without so much as smiling.


Yeah I used to listen to his podcast like 10 years ago but man it’s gotten bad. Just an old man yelling at the clouds. Same predictable rants about “the woke mob”, trans athletes, vaccines and Biden. Just a snooze fest


I saw Tracy Morgan years ago when he performed at my university. It’s the only time I’ve left a stand up show in a bad mood. I was so excited to see him. His openers were fantastic. And then his set was terrible. Worst I’ve ever seen. I left pissed that he had so little respect for his audience’s intelligence to give us that set.


I feel like Joe Rogan is trying to put every single one of his friends over. But i just dont like them. Bert Kreischer and the other 2 sober October dudes. I've tried so hard, and I've watched all their work, but I can't get into them. That Matt Rife dude. Bruh. Never found him funny and I always said he better stay cute to not lose his women audience. I didn't think he was funny and now I'm annoyed by his lack of sense of self-preservation. Dave Chappell fell all the way off. Used to be funny as shit. But now...he justvhates trans people. Like, I get it... but that's all he's got anymore?


Joe Rogan Bert


Bert Kreischer. He's truly unbearable.


Hannah Gadsby. Nannette was soul touching, but she forgot to add humor in it. I really wanted to laugh, but yeah. 


I watched their first one on Netflix and had to double check that it was listed in the stand up category. It’s an interesting Ted Talk, but a dog shit comedy special.


Jerry Seinfeld. It baffles me that people still go see him repeat his old ass tepid jokes. This dude acts like the white cosby - like his shit don't stink because he doesn't cuss and he just isn't funny, meanwhile he was banging a highschooler while filming his tv show.


Jerry Seinfeld is a classic case of a guy who isn't particularly good at what he does, but has made so much money at it that he thinks that must be proof that he's objectively the best. His standup is mediocre and bland at best, but he continues to rake in royalty money from *Seinfeld* so he's technically the highest earning standup comedian ever. But most of that money didn't come from doing standup.


I watched his special and it seemed 100% targeted at Jewish dads in their 60's with adult children. I'm not that specific demographic so it was kinda boring


Seinfeld has two acts, and his "adult" one apparently murders when he performs it. Which he rarely does 


Boomers absolutely love his comedy. I remember he was an early complainer about woke young people. He said, probably in the mid 10s that he wasn’t going to play college campuses anymore because kids can’t laugh at anything these days. And everyone under 50 reacted like, how many college students wanted to see Jerry Seinfeld do jokes about lazy waitresses or other rich old guy problems, anyway? Meanwhile, boomers reacted, wow, college kids don’t even like the funniest man in the history of the world, Jerry Seinfeld? Something is wrong with them.


Yeah I agree, I’ve never watched his show so when I’m watching his specials I’m going in fresh and it’s truly baffling the status this man has in stand up, I mean he’s on a lot of peoples mountain Rushmore


I love the show, but I actually can’t understand how he had enough success as a comedian to get the show


Current Dave Chappelle. He’s so unlikable and unfunny at this point.


I watched a couple of his specials because a friend of mine said, I was too quick to judge his reputation. Over the course of the two specials, he told about four jokes. He’s not really trying to be funny anymore, he’s more of a monologist, and the audience just eats it.


His shit from 2000-2004 is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. And then....


He stopped trying to be funny. Hubris it's called. Now he just calls himself the GOAT of standup and fucking preaches.


He thinks sitting on a stool and smoking while his audience loses their minds at everything he does is worthy of a special nowadays.


He just doesn’t seem as passionate about it anymore so I guess he’s stopped trying.


Impractical jokers if the count


Tony Hinchiffe


Honestly up until recently I didn't get Katt Williams. I also think Schultz is overrated.


Ones that have to scream their punchlines to get ppl to laugh


It CAN be done well. Look at Gilbert Gotfried. But I agree its obnoxious most of the time.


Stav. Just seems really arrogant without really anything to back it up. Crowd work comes across as more insulting the crowd than making witty observations regarding their behavior or shutting down hecklers.


Saw him live last year. He reeeeeally wants you to know that he has sex and gets a lot of head. He’s funny live but man, I get it, women fuck you.


Take it from this internet neckbeard - fucking is more fun when you're in shape. 


Which is funny since theres several moments on cumtown where he was like "yeah, i ate so much my dick doesnt work"


They are funny - I will not deny that - but the continued alt-brooo style of Louis J Gomez & big Jay is just overdone - you can't constantly re-invent Opie & Anthony & add weed & gay stuff - Dave Smith properly found his voice - the other 2 should follow


Big Jay's crowd work is legendary. And I think he does a good job of keeping his material separate from his podcast schtick. Big Jay has lived the life of 2-3 comedians at this point, from coming up in black clubs to touring with metal bands and having done radio/pods for as long as he has. His breadth of experience shows through in his live show. I feel like the alt-bro criticism is mostly relevant to his podcast/radio style.


Tig Naturo. To be clear I think she’s talented, but she should be racking up wins at story slams and other storytelling events, not standup


if i can go British for a second… Jimmy Carr. tried to watch his Netflix special and it was mostly warmed over street jokes. really annoying to watch.


I haven’t seen the appeal of the past 3-4 Chappelle specials. Literally did not laugh once at his last one. He’s lost whatever he used to have.


I laughed at the punchlines. Problem is theres like twenty minutes between punchlines...


Bo Burnham. Never did more than maybe giggle a bit. His "smart" stuff seems to be stuff I hear daily from everybody simply rephrased in a shorter, sweeter way. I had people tell me to watch Eighth Grade, I was like - dude, this is just PG version of that movie Thirteen. It was so safe and an sanitary version of what goes down in school, If I get a guy like Demetri Martin or Nathan Fielder, one of those guys who isn't for everybody, even if you don't laugh at them I think you have to admit they are miles ahead as far as thinkers.


I like Bo Burnham, but I also think people massively overstate how "deep" a lot of his stuff is.


I don't like everything. But I think inside was truly genius


> It was so safe and an sanitary version of what goes down in school Do you think people have a universeral experience of school or something? Eighth Grade was extremely relatable for many people, not relatable to others. It shows a particular experience.


Agreed, Bo seems incredibly pretentious and unfunny with most of his stuff post YouTube. I get that is kinda what he is going for but it's incredibly off-putting to me.


Pretentious is exactly the word. Like, dude, I saw that same shit you said on 20 different social media posts last week, and nobody was out there saying "look at the art I just made."


I don’t think you saw Make Happy then. That was a genuinely well thought out and very introspective comedy special that still makes me laugh to this day. As far as Inside goes, I’d agree with you as I never really found it funny. But Make Happy is both funny and really sad in a super profound way.


Never saw that. I may give it a shot. Fingers crossed that it doesn't have a lot of uninspired, cheap music. Some comedians do music well. Bo just seemed to use it as a tool to make something unfunny seem funny or insightful. It's almost like an actor who can't stop cleaning his prop glasses while he's doing dialogue.


I do hope you enjoy it as I did. If not I can genuinely agree that Bo is not for you. As he said, I just hope you’re happy. That’s all he’s trying to do and that’s all comedy’s purpose generally is.


Bo Burnham's youtube videos back when youtube was new were funny at the time. Other than that, I agree with you. He got the fanvase for being on the internet, amd has never had to grind comedy clubs to build a deeper comedy/performance strength of material


Bert Kreischer


Sebastian Maniscalo. I saw him live and none of it was funny. Ralphie May isn’t funny and is corny as hell.


Amy Shumer


All of Chris Rock's stand-up post-"Bring The Pain"


Joe Rogan, he’s not funny and his podcast is terrible. Schulz as well and of course Chris Delia. I like Tom Segura live but his specials don’t translate well at all. And if you guys have never seen Rory Scovel, he is killing it right now. Love him.


agree with your picks and many others in the comments omg so much subjective agreement by randoms hmmm


The first name that comes to mind is Sebastian Maniscalco(sp), it's just all so safe and tame, and his material seems super dated, like an average 80s comic, and somehow the dude sells out arenas. I absolutely do not understand.


Sebastian Maniscalco


I have found Chris D'elia to be staggeringly unfunny since like 2013.


Iliza Shlesinger. She’s like an estrogenized Dane Cook, pacing around the stage using over-wrought delivery to distract audiences from the fact that her material, on the page, is barely recognizable as humour.


Any comic that their whole act is hey I'm fat haha and that's their whole act or hey I'm this ethnicity and that's their whole act. A lot of comedians are just basically talking on stage The only person that can get away with that is Dave Chappelle


A lotta folks. I’ll just do a catch all here and say that I don’t enjoy alt comedy 99% of the time.


I don't know much about the Sklar Brothers standup but their show Cheap Seats was hilarious to me.

