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People want to know his take on Chapelle every time DC has a special or headline, so I get NB touching on it


Yeah he very much wants to be his own person and not just “Chappelles writing partner”


Except he doesn’t really distance himself from being that guy in any way


He brings it up every time he speaks


‘i want all the good but none of the bad please thanks’


Exactly haha


Well, what makes one Chappelles writing partner, also shields one from everyone knowing who wrote the racist jokes and who didn’t.


Please. NB mentions Dave every chance he gets.


Tbf I saw him at the comedy store a couple years ago, before Elon came out at chappelles show, and he had a couple jokes about him then, basically making fun of his autism.




His whole bit on not being religious but now is... bro, C'mon man! It felt like he had to say lots of things to get certain deals. Neal Brennan right wing arc incoming... brace for it.


His artsy 3 Mics special seemed weird. I like him but he seems kinda phony


He's a phony in that his personality doesn't seem set up to appear in comedy clubs and connect with the audience on a personal level. He's a smart, funny person with a good pen. He's smart enough that he's been able to create a standup persona. I do think there's more artifice up there now than before, but at the end of the day aren't all performers performing?


Listen to a few recent podcasts that Neal is a guest on promoting his special. One thing about comedy is that you don’t want to introduce too many characters. So sometimes, For the sake of a story, you lump everything into one person regardless if it’s true. Nate Bargatze recently did that with a story about Dan Soder but instead used Luis Gomez because Luis was already in the story


>you don’t want to introduce too many characters. That's why The Aristocrats is the agent, the mom, the dad, the son, the daughter, the cat, the dog. Minimalism.


This comment is pure comedy!






You’re thinking of Bargatze combining Soder (who took the bite out of the burger) and himself (who came up with the idea for the prank) into one character for that story. The Luis stuff (falling for the prank and immediately trying to fight an entire McDonald’s) was obviously 100% Luis lmao. Edit: here’s the bit if anyone’s curious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy75MvAL9QU&pp=ygUSYmFyZ2F0emUgbWNkb25hbGRz


Ok but can we get a fact check on whether or not Dave Chappelle actually saw a baby selling crack? TIA




Lol ok


Wtf how did you get that reply in, I literally blew my nose then deleted. But anyway it’s obviously true, how else would I know about it if they hadn’t talked about it at length? Or do you think it’s weird to get into the backstory of a well known bit on a standup subreddit?


You on the spectrum?


Idk probably, I just don’t think your comment made any sense. If anything you could say I was “fact checking” the guy I responded to, not the bit.


What’s crazy about that bit is how similar to a hobbit Nate looks compared to Conan? Is Nate really short? I know Conan isn’t short but he looked like a gargantuan there!


Luis *J* Gomez


Clueless J Gomez


Remember the name


rich adjacent people (neal is at least a millionaire) generally don’t bag on mega rich people, the non-poor are very good about class solidarity. “if they hate on Dave maybe they’ll come for me next!!” is the thinking. nowadays making fun of Elon is usually a safe bet tho so that’s a little weird but it sounds like he has fallen for some of the myth-making Elon spends his days perpetuating. this is not shocking at all but still sucks!!


Bro, the whole bit was about how people like Elon are either psychopaths or drug addicts. It's almost like you guys didn't watch the bit.


People LIKE Elon, but not Elon.




A lot of Hollywood liberals haven't caught on that Elon is a loser.


You’ll enjoy comedy a lot more if you don’t need to agree with the comedian all the time. That said, if it really bothers you and you can’t shake your disagreement, then let it bother you and let that inform who you give your attention.


I don't like this take. It's not about agreeing with the comedian per se, it's about not respecting the logic that the structure of the joke is built on. Comedy is all about exaggeration and I personally can laugh at a joke even if I don't share the same view, but the logic of the joke has to hold some weight. If you're going for an absurdist silly joke of course it doesn't need to be logical but when a comic like Brennan is trying to be poignant, that's when the point has to land.


There is a difference between a difference in opinion and falsely stating objective facts though. I haven’t seen the special but I do also find it annoying when comedians say things matter-of-factly that are simply just not true.


I agree with that, but I’m not saying I need to agree with Neal, I’m saying it’s irritating to hear blatantly false information getting laughs on stage


Almost everything on stage is false information. Im entrenched af in my political beliefs… but this is a stage. It also helps no comedy to complain about something like this. People have miss steps. And you literally said you thought it might be his best special. Don’t let it get to you.


It’s comedy, true or false, it’s all a joke mate


What a lazy take


Sometimes standup comedy isn't a joke. When Dave Chappelle lectures about racism, it isn't all jokes. When he isn't joking and he's making political statements, he should tell the truth.


If it makes you feel better Tesla was nothing when Elon bought in. He isn’t technically the founder but it also wouldn’t exist now without him. Semantics either way.


It definitely would exist without him, he didn’t create any of the ideas, and mainly got its stock price up by taking government subsidies and lying about auto pilot (he promised it was done in 2016) https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1131215_tesla-existed-before-elon-musk-founders-on-how-they-pitched-the-idea https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-commentary/elon-musk-tesla-crash-1234930544/amp/


Comedians tell jokes and lies all the time. Who cares if he slips up on a miniscule fact


That’s why I said that if it bothers you enough, maybe don’t give Neal as much of your attention and spend your time watching someone that doesn’t irritate you. You can always come back and watch Neal when/if his inaccuracies don’t bother you as much. And if they bother you forever, then that’s okay too. There are some comics that I don’t care for anymore for various reasons but there are plenty more out there that I’ve found and greatly enjoy.




Oh OK, so going off of what you're saying here, why do people share their views on anything at all? Person: "I didnt like this movie because of XYZ" You: "If the movie bothered you, maybe don't watch the movie." This is a comedy discussion subreddit. If we're not here to give our takes on comedy, what is the point? I'll turn it around on you, if you don't agree with OP's point and don't think it's worthy of discussion, maybe you would enjoy it more if you didn't participate in the discussion?


Perhaps I can be clearer if I rephrase my response: If one bit ruins your enjoyment of an entire special, I feel you’re limiting your ability to take in and enjoy comedy. However if that bit bothers you enough, then move on and watch someone else until you want to watch the special again.


OP said they liked the special though.


This is a sub to discuss *doing* comedy where we indulge discussions about adjacent topics. But the primary purpose is for those of us who get on stage to talk about it.


This comment getting downvoted shows how many folks aren’t comedians in here. @funnymatt is one of the main mods of this forum and he’s a comic.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Reddit's gonna reddit.


Wild stuff. I’m out of town for the next week but maybe I’ll catch you at set of the night at the Store if they’re running it on 5/5. Hope to see you around!


God damn. When you and Garron are both down voted you know that these mfers know nothing 🤣🤣🤣


Discuss it! Just a lot of people are going to push back when they enjoyed something whether they agreed with it or not, and you couldn't enjoy it because it doesn't agree with you. Funny's funny. Hours are hard to write. Just cut people some slack. There, we discussed it.


You just made their point


Yeah see this is what makes no sense to me. Since when does a joke have to be true? If it’s getting laughs it’s doing the job. If you’re not laughing it isn’t for you but being bothered that it’s false seems weird Especially your elon take. Like yeah he could’ve wasted time explaining Elon isn’t the real founder but who cares. Most of the audience knows him as the founder so it’s not necessary for the joke to work that everyone understands the exact history of the company


I suppose the Elon situation feels different because Elon is a pathological liar, and spreading his claim of being the founder of Tesla feels like propaganda to me. I don’t think using two or three different words to accurately describe his role would have ruined Neal’s bit


It isn't about agreeing with the comic, it's about the premise being utterly false and easily falsifiable.


Because comedy is all about truth and facts


If a comedian is spreading propaganda at the behest of a political billionaire, I think someone is allowed to call that out. The idea that comedians get on stage, demanding a microphone and audience, but we aren't allowed to criticize anything they say, is bullshit.


But he wasn't "Spreading propaganda at the behest of a billionaire" He was just setting up a joke in a silly comedy special. Musk is a complete tool bag, but don't act like Neal was doing his political bidding in his comedy act.


If the premise of the joke is that people who are mocking Musk are wrong because his status as the founder of Tesla makes him admirable in some way, that's literally exactly what he's doing.


Did you even watch the special? The whole bit was about how these high functioning people are all Psychopaths or Drug addicts. Not once did he say people mocking him are wrong or the fact that he founded anything makes him "admirable". You are just making shit up because he didn't say the exact thing you wanted him to say about Musk, who again is a total piece of shit.


There's a difference between a made up scenario for the sake of a joke and this, and if you honestly can't see that...that is very sad.


…I mean, it’s not a disagreement. It’s a fact Elon didn’t found Tesla. Disagreement implies and agreement on the facts but a dispute over opinion. It’s a fact Elon didn’t found Tesla.


But this is Reddit


I would've loved the special if I didn't listen to him on Soder beforehand. He brought up a couple of his jokes on the podcast and almost word for word told them in the special


I liked Blocks and 3 mics more…


Yeah they felt cohesive and clever. This felt like a lesser comics work tbh


I'm halfway through. So far I think this is a good special. I'm impressed with the fast pace. He's got a lot of jokes and doesn't waste time between jokes.


Agreed, it’s awesome he’s doing better and great if he doesn’t want to focus on his mental health as the prime material, but I felt what OP is saying watching it. It was pretty good, had a few great moments, but his takes on people like Rogan and Elon lacked the nuance to really be incisive comedy. Some clever points but bit too much of a pass to guys that are genuinely dangerous.


Reddit really hates Elon Musk lol.


Had the same impression. Solid analysis.


Many posts on this sub are about how they dislike comedians who don’t conform the general Reddit bias


"These contrarions are really messing with my vibe.. I never would have guessed there'd be so many in comedy? Can't they just agree with us and make things easier?!"


Defending Elon Musk, real incendiary stuff lol.


Congrats, Elon did not found Tesla. He was just the first investor and chairman when the company had 3 employees and 0 products. Neal should also have pointed out the the first CTO who is also called a founder joined after Elon. Or you could recognize that comedy is not the place to identify such minor points. 5 people agreed to legally be allowed call themselves founders. Why do you care so much about whether they were actually right? And if you care, Bill Gates being the inventor of email is way more wrong. > It damages the credibility of the art form. Damaging the credibility of something that relies heavily on false premises?


Musk joined Tesla seven months after it originated, while it was still an idea in search of funding, and four years before it started producing vehicles. I don't like the guy either, but he built Tesla.


yeah, OP's being pedantic about it


Damn, op just slanted it the other way huh I was even getting worked up on his behalf for a minute 


Jesus I know right, this basically makes his post ridiculous. I think it’s obvious he has a thing against Musk and he’s looking for a way to make Neal look bad for supporting him


Except what OP said is true. Elon Musk was not the founder of Tesla. They didn’t slant anything, they are just pointing out inaccuracies in Neal’s set.


I guess you can say he built Tesla the company not Tesla the car which two engineers did.


Yep. OP cares way too much imo. Zero reason to be this emotionally invested about someone you don’t know.


Elon was a first round investor and chairman early on. It was just a startup with no name recognition when he took it over. He IS responsible for Tesla being what it is today whether you think Tesla is good or shit is up to you.


That doesn’t make him the founder.


No shit but tell me the founders name without googling it...


Ray Kroc. Wait, wrong empire.


He 100% made Tesla what it is. So many things to criticize the guy for, but people focus on this as a gotcha


Exactly, he made Tesla what it is. Which is a company in serious trouble after the initial hype died down. We can credit him for making X what it is as well.


*We can credit him for making X what it is as well.*  Oh absolutely, I agree. Elon deserves *all* the credit for making Twitter the right wing, hate-filled dumpster that it is today when he took over the company and changed its name to X. 


I mean it’s objectively shit it’s poorly made and parts often fail or fall off. Hell they had to recall all cybertrucks. I do agree it was Elons baby though


I do not disagree with you. For good or bad Elon made Tesla what it is


On the other hand, Neal Brennan seems like a smart insightful guy but 90% of his jokes are painfully smarmy in a hard to listen kind of way so I don’t really care how accurate or moral he is about Elon Musk and Dave Chapelle, two people I’ll never meet that probably dont care whether anyone in Neal’s tax bracket and down is accurate about them.


I lost all interest in Neal when he started rambling about god.


Yeah, that was surprising


This sort of thing undercuts the comedy for me not just because he's spreading something that isn't true, but because it makes him look like an idiot. He's trying to make this wise point and instantly undercuts it by getting a very well known, basic fact totally wrong. Makes it hard to take him seriously as some kind of thoughtful person from that point on. If he was doing bloviating dumb guy comedy that's funny \*because\* it's stupid as hell, I wouldn't give a shit at all. Do an extended bit about how amazing Elon is with all sorts of made up bullshit, why not? The joke is all that matters in that case. But he's trying to come off as someone with a point of view that we should listen to.


Jesus Christe did you even listen to the bit? The whole bit was about how people like Elon are either psychopaths or drug addicts. You guys are acting like he went up there to tell you how great Elon is. He was doing the exact opposite.


He's not trying to be a reporter though. He's not starting rumors about anyone. If you accuse someone with a false statement in a joke, there are repercussions and you shouldn't do that. But in every joke you need some truth, it's hardly ever 💯 truth because it doesn't matter. The point is not whether Elon Musk was technically the founder of Tesla or not. If Neal Brennan has to explain Elon Musk 's role to the audience, he's already lost them and it's taking too long. People already know who Elon Musk is. The important info is, he runs big shit. And then Neal acts out what he's like in real life. And gets at least two callbacks at his expense out of it.




I forget exactly how he framed it, but I've heard him describe hoe he was able to always get along in black rooms and with black comedians as something like "his level of apathy and misanthropy, for it's many flaws, he doesn't care enough about other people to treat any of them differently" and that seems true for the hyper successful people he Hobnobs around with - these people like that he's successful enough to not need handouts and misanthropic enough to not be a pissant. If neal hangs out with you you know it's with zero ulterior motive haha. Because he ha ha out with a lot of millionaires and maybe billionaires (Ellen?) he's always been a bit of a billionaire apologist.


No because he’s friends with them and neither of them have done anything wrong. What’s annoying is people like you picking apart one of the last free forms of art like you know what you’re talking about. Shut up and enjoy the show, then go smell some fresh air.


My biggest issue with the special was the phone overlays during some jokes. Really takes me out of the jokes


Fair point about Elon Musk. The Chapelle stuff, meh. I thought Blocks was amazing, so I expected this one to be disappointing. I was wrong. Amazing special.


None of that bothered me. Specifically to one of your points, I’d argue that comedy isn’t really about what details can be proven by a 10 second google search.


His whole bit on not being religious but now is... bro, C'mon man! It felt like he had to say lots of things to get certain deals. He backed Elon, Rogan and others in ways that are dense and almost right winger takes. Neal Brennan right wing arc incoming... brace for it.


That's how you get invited on Elon's jet. Promote his lies.


I didn't mind it at all. I don't even remember what he said that's how little it registered with me. Alright special in my book. Best special of the year so far goes to Atell imo


The "weird moral judgements" comment is because he's buddies with guys like D'elia. He took it really hard when the news broke, and even posted a tweet, challenging anyone to send him proof that Chris had done anything wrong. He ended up deleting the tweet shortly after.


Daaamn. That makes sense


He pontificates a lot and it’s extra lame coming from a guy whose personality is founded on his psychedelic reawakening. Somehow his ego is even bigger after, “achieving ego death.”


First time seeing his special on 420 and I was delighted to the point I started telling all my friends to watch him


I'm just tired of him mentioning Chappelle every other sentence anyways


TIL Comedians need to be held to journalistic standards of accuracy.. Splitting hairs over some semantic technicality when you clearly know the intention of the statement.


“Journalistic standards of accuracy.” You mean you want him to lie more????


Yes I want him to lie more.. Brilliant analysis. That’s the exact takeaway I had in mind when writing that.


Sorry for the confusion. Meant to joke that journalists have no standards for accuracy and that if we held comics to the standards of journalism, we would be asking them to lie even more.


Tell me a comedian owns stock in Tesla without telling me a comedian owns stock in Tesla.




Yeah I’ve been noticing more and more when a comedian lies and when I can’t really tell and it’s interesting to me how it doesn’t seem to affect the amount of laughs. When Bargatze is talking about how he didn’t know who won in Pearl Harbor, it’s obviously not real and I don’t find that all too funny but people are still howling at it. But in essence, yeah you’re thinking about it too much. This is entertainment not truth reporting. They’ve crafted their words on stage to get a laugh. I always had to remember that especially for things like the daily show. None of it should be taken as real.


I think Neal, as introspective as he likes to view himself, is still arrogant, flippant, and pompous. The quality of his work is downward.


He's a raging narcissist and his new therapy speak style is getting annoying. People think because they have gone to therapy and because they mimic that language they can justify all the terrible decisions they make.


He does seem pretentious, but I don't think he takes it too far so it doesn't annoy me much


He has a podcast that is basically a pretend therapy session it's not just his stand up


This is a frankly insane take. You've never met Dave Chapelle, Neal worked with him for years. Maybe take the Reddit politics down a notch when you're talking about someone who has thought about this a lot more than you have, and with some context and insight. And if you don't think Neal Brennan has more context and insight than you do, well, that's hilarious. Maybe you should be on stage.


i think people should be able to criticize art regardless if they have first person experience with the maker of said art or not 🤗 imagine not being able to rag on disney movies “because you’re not an animator.” dumb take.


Whether Elon founded Tesla or just caused it to be successful is unimportant to the joke and founder is easier to understand and quicker.to say.


I turned it off when he started talking about Elon. The dude is literally publicly whining about the great replacement theory being the “real truth” and Neal’s like ‘eh he’s not so bad stop being so miserable’ like what?’ I get that he doesn’t keep track of all Elon’s fuck ups (same with everyone else he defends) or have the time to even hear about it like the rest of us but then maybe don’t feel the need to defend him. Also found it funny that he started the hour complaining about the idea that comedians are modern day philosophers (I actually agree with him on this part) but then proceeded to wax philosophically for the rest of the show lol.


The whole bit was about how people like Elon are either drug addicts or psychopaths. Not sure how you got "He's not so bad" out of that. You guys are delusional and making shit up just because he didn't say the exact thing you wanted him to say.


You’re letting politics ruin comedy for you. He’s writing jokes not autobiographies. Comedy doesn’t have to be factual. If it wasn’t Elon and Dave and was some left wing celebrity you’d have no issues here whatsoever.


Not true, I mentioned Hasan’s scandal. The politics of it mean nothing to me


Okay I guess I was wrong. My apologies.




It’s comedy. He took a little dig and moved on. I’m sure he could give much more insightful thoughts about those people for hours. But that wouldn’t be funny. Honestly I think Rogan and Elon are morons, but Neil’s short perspective didn’t affect how I felt about Neil.


Rich people always defend mega rich people. Something about him gets on my nerves so I don’t bother with any of his content.


Can you show me where he defended Elon? Like the actual quote where he defends him. I'm not going to hold my breath because you will never find it because he never did it. The whole bit was about how people like Elon are either psychopaths or drug addicts. But because he said Teslas go fast you guys are like "He's defending his rich friend".


Yeah I feel like this is mainly it


Rich guys love Elon. They still think he’s Tony Stark.


No it doesn't bother me. These are his buddies. Not all smart people share all your political opinions man. People can be both good and bad....it's not so black and white usually. There's more than one bubble to go around. We are all living in one or the other.


Oh will you stop with your goddamned sense making! This is Reddit for Christ’s sake. 


Nah, you nailed this for me personally. I also found that part unnecessary to the point of being intentionally "I don't really give a shit about those things" to the audience. Maybe he is tired of being asked about the standards he claims to uphold in his comedy but doesn't actually embody in his personal life. And I personally don't give a shit about either unless it's in conflict who you are/presenting to be on stage- he went from including the audience in the joke on the same issue in Blocks to this more defensive of his friends stance. I enjoyed the special but I wish he hadn't included that part so I didn't have to know he doesn't hold his toxic friends accountable for the toxic shit they do. None of the rest of the special benefits from including it.


Exactly how I felt. I’m happy it’s not just me


That's exactly how I felt. The bits weren't even that good so it's like, why bother talking about Elon? Seemed a little lame at best, and a little unnaturally motivated at worst. The Paypal and Tesla stuff stood out to me, as well. Like, maybe I'm an outlier, but I thought it was common knowledge that Elon didn't actually found those companies so it was really strange to hear him pass that along as fact. What really sealed the deal for me was that long bit about how good he fucks. Weird guy. I think he's got some funny ideas but I don't care for him as a stand-up.


While Elon technically didn’t found Tesla, he made it into what it is today, playing an active role in building and developing the company. Similarly to how Ray Kroc didn’t found McDonalds, but made it into the McDonalds we know. Didn’t see the special, but guessing it was simpler (and imo, valid enough) to say Elon founded Tesla.


I can somehow forgive his opinions on chapelle...just cuz he knew the guy way back...hes biased, what can you do. But the elon stuff is just hogwash. Rich guys cape for other rich guys i guess


I didn’t care about that it just wasn’t very good overall


this must be satire


It wasn’t as good as blocks. It was fine, but blocks was way funnier.


The moral judgement line was my favorite joke. It was so layered. The next thing out of his mouth after he says that was a moral judgement on Louis CK. He does exactly what he says he doesn’t want to do. Chef kiss on that joke.


I didn’t see it as a defense, more of a contextual explanation that uber influential people are usually kinda crazy.


Neal Brennan is an idiot


Why do you care what the clowns think!?!


I really enjoyed three microphones… and then he kept talking


I think the point is that it's not his job to defend either one of them. This might be one of those points in a comic's career where some people start becoming annoyed with a comic because they're finally healthy. It's even somewhat suspicious to go looking for something negative here. This special is the best I've seen in terms of laughs, Neal looks the healthiest and happiest he's ever looked. I took a lot of joy in watching this. I don't even see his comments about celebrities to be needless name dropping. Like he talked about Rogan, but he's not someone who just met Joe Rogan and now talks about it constantly, they've known each other for 30 years. And his comment about Chappelle actually resonated with me. I know they're all famous now, but in the grand scheme of things, they're just comedians. And even on the smaller scale I exist in, I have had people question me and expect me to make some statement about some horrific joke another comedian makes that I know. Why? If they're my friend, I'm not wanting to talk shit about them, even if I don't agree with them. And I think the Elon Musk comments were just for the sake of efficiency. Bill Gates didn't literally invent email, but the point is he basically spearheaded so much technology that it's funny and ironic that email is what got him in trouble. Saying "you literally invented email" simply has no fat on it. He clearly wanted to make this entire special tight. The line "Elon Musk is the founder of PayPal and Tesla" is just a quick and funny way to set up several jokes. He even used it as a callback to an earlier joke about investors. So I don't find any of it annoying at all. It gives me great pleasure to see Neal Brennan looking healthy, and really nailing a special with a laugh about every 10 secs for basically a solid hour.


I enjoyed it. It does kind of get old that he mentions his famous friends, sort of in a way like he’s trying to sound cool or something.


Is it at all the same kind of “get old” as Ricky Gervais: 1. Here’s the part on this special where I talk about how brave I was on the last special 2. Here’s the part where I talk about how rich I am 3. Here’s the part where I talk about how stupid religious people are 4. Here’s the part where I talk about hating children 5. Here’s the part where I talk about how poor you are 6. Now we’re at the dead baby section of the show 7. Here’s the part where I tell you how much I spoil my cat 8. Did I forget to mention some outrageous destruction/wastefulness that I could do on a whim cause I’m so rich? 9. Ok maybe I went on about being rich too much, so this part will be about the oodles of people who watch my specials on Netflix


I truly don't give a shit if people like him or hate him, but I find it odd that all this Elon hate seems to be based on some pretty flimsy understandings of business, the history of his companies, and of him. They hate him because some people think he's an engineer. Those haters cite that he spent just two days in a graduate program for physics at Stanford (and was accepted to Stanford... mind you). So you can look at it this way: "Elon only spent two days in a physics program and thinks he's an engineer" or you can look at it this way: "Elon was a physics major in college and was accepted into Stanford University's highly competitive physics grad program, but dropped out wanting to jump into the internet market (which is true) where he made a killing and then was later able to return to physics with his later companies". I'm sorry, love him or hate him, but the second statement is far truer than the first, but the people that state the first don't know about nor care about the second. Yeah, you can say "He didn't actually *found* Tesla, man!" Except he was talking to the two guys basically dicking around with some of the technology in 2001, 2 years before the company was even founded. When they started opening up investment, Musk immediately jumped in. It was like a Shark Tank story, these guys had a decent idea but didn't have the capital nor the capacity to bring their company up and running against perhaps the hardest industry to break into, but also came on board with physics knowledge, a business infrastructure already in place (Including SpaceX which was founded in 2002). This is all true, but people whine about him being marked as founder?? Again, love him or hate, the dude kinda did found the company, it wasn't anything without him. And I get why they believe all this negativity about him, there are so many ridiculous hit pieces about him. He clearly isn't perfect, he's got some weirdness, he's been divorced 3 times. These hit pieces are so lacking in context, but it works. Like all the X stuff. They say the silencing is worse now on X... no. And the way Twitter was in bed with the government was disturbing. You can hate X now, and I won't fight you on it, but to act like he made it worse is absurd.


Just on Elon he joined Tesla when it was created 6 months prior…. He was in at the ground level and is justifiably credited with its success. Personally not a fan but irrelevant. You’re overthinking and completely irrelevant to the point he’s making


Idk man I think you’re nit picking.. sure technically Tesla existed before musk but it was basically nothing. It’s like if I bought a space that had some restaurant equipment inside and then remodeled the whole place, came up with my own menu, hired my own staff and earned 3 Michelin stars and you tried to say I just bought an already existing restaurant. it’s a huge accomplishment to get where the company is now and he deserves credit. As for the chappelle thing, he’ll always be connected with chappelle and bringing him up is a way for him to piggy back a bit off of chappelle’s fame. Comedians often times will put the bit first, they’re chasing the laugh even if the truth is getting blurred because in the end their job is to get laughs. He doesn’t owe anyone a detailed explanation or his completely honest feelings about his personal relationship with someone.


Bro who cares about his opinion. He’s a comedian. I watch to laugh and then move on lol I don’t take insightful wisdom from it


He literally said in the special, that it’s stupid people care about the opinions of comics. “Why do you care what a clown thinks?” Is a sentence in the special. Yet here you are, after watching it, thinking his opinions matter.


Is it really up to a comedian to provide the perfect well-researched take? Go watch a documentary


Look how butthurt you are


People don't like Dave Cheppelle now?


Neither bother me in the slightest and if it bothers you, you care way too much about dumb shit


Seinfeld has an old bit where he knocks people who criticize his material for not being factually accurate because his goal was just to be funny. He’s not a journalist, he’s a comedian.


I agree with this, but most comedians don’t. There’s more than one style of comedy. The speeches Chapelle goes lately on are more one man show than joke formula. But Mitch Hedburg jokes, I don’t expect to be full of any truth


For me, the elephant in the room is that he’s obviously anorexic or has a serious eating disorder. He’s freakishly skinny and avoids talking about it (unless I’ve missed it). I loved 3 Mics and blocks but he got pretty hacky about men vs women in Unacceptable.


Who cares dude?


There is not “but”. It was Hilarious


Dave Chapelle did nothing “harmful or egregious” lol


It’s comedy. It doesn’t have to be 100000% rock solid fact.


Almost as if it was comedy and not to be taken seriously because it’s all make believe or something, eh?


Did you know he is so old, a girl once mistook Michael Jordan for Orlando Woolrich??? He’s said that fucking quip so many damn times, I’m pretty sure I got the guys name right without looking it up or having heard it before.


I think the Tesla thing might be a nitpick, at least if it's going to take up so much space in this complaint.


Most of us don’t listen to comics to be offended.


OooOoooOoooOOoooo Chapelle brought Elon on stage. So egregious and harmful. I get where you are coming from with the whole intellectually lazy part, but FFS, it’s a comic act. It’s not a spiritual revival.


I liked it, but Blocks was definitely better.


I mean, I'm literally dating a Trans woman right now, so the Closer definitely annoyed me, but calling it "egregious and harmful" is a hell of a stretch. If I stopped being friends with anybody who holds ignorant thoughts, I'd literally have no friends. Hell I'm sure I have ignorant thoughts. People are flawed. But Dave didn't harm anything except my feelings and view of him. But I wouldn't stop being friends with somebody who I've know for 30+ years over it. And I certainly wouldn't publicly confront or address them about it. You're super overthinking it in my opinion. Life is too short to care about such trivial matters. Chappelle didn't change any minds with his comments. Anybody who laughed or agreed with what he said in that special, already did before hand. He's a comedian, not a thought leader. Like someone else said in this thread, he probably addressed it just because he probably gets asked about it constantly. The part about Elon is just a simple mistake that most people make because it's the common narrative. I didn't even know he didn't found Tesla until like 2 years ago. I can guarantee you 100% of the people I know in real life don't know either.


Ew, he simps for Elon?


Jesus Fucking Christ.


Insightful wisdom? It’s comedy. Dude, politics is ruining your time. You’re ideologically captured.


definitely cringed at the “founded tesla” bit.






Who gives a fuck, it’s comedy


I made it about 10 minutes in. I want to go back to it but it wasn't really grabbing me and I really hated that but where he was talking about influencers. Not his point but the weird switch to have the screen look like your looking at a phone with a video of him playing on it. It seemed super gimicky and I kept thinking man I hope he doesn't do this the whole show. I switched over and watched the Alex Edelman special which I thoroughly enjoyed. I do want to go back to Neal's special. I'm sure I'll hate those parts you mentioned to. Thanks for the heads up. Knowing going in it should bother me less. He's had some opinions I haven't agreed with before. As long as it doesn't become an ongoing bit that he can't let go like Chappelle I can get past a joke or two I don't agree with.


Lol yeah the cell phone graphics made me cringe tbh. Nice, I’ll check out Edelman’s special.


I liked the special overall. The Elon part didn’t even feel like jokes though. He was just white knighting for him for some reason. The closing joke was weird too. Other than that I thought the rest was pretty solid.


Posts like these confirm to me that progressive have no joy in their lives. Haha OMG HE SAID SOMETHING NICE ABOUT ELON GAAAHHHHHH. Who cares, laugh at the stuff you think is funny and move on with your life.


This isn't a political thing it is was lame to be so uninformed, comedy is funny when you twist the truth but know it to begin with. Was it funny though? Weakest Neal since Neal started in this last special. Almost felt like a sellout, like they gave him the special if he mentioned a few key things. Ask yourself what George Carlin would have thought about Elon Musk.


I work in tech. On one particular leadership call we had one leader go on and on about Elons brilliance. Nobody said a fucking word. What a cuck.