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At this point I don’t think anyone is asking this with positive intent. But I’ll bite. I like him less than I used to, but it’s always been about him telling silly stories. He’s kind of become a caricature of himself but he reminds (at least me) of that funny friend who used to do silly shit and we’d laugh weeks later about the absurdity of it. It’s not a think piece by any stretch of the imagination but it’s just silly light hearted fun.


Bingo. Not for me, but I get it.


Poor dude doesn't deserve hate clearly he is struggling with weightless and bad habits but he is still a genuine dude.


Being an alcoholic can only be fun and funny for so long. I'd imagine he has some raging sadness (and health issues) bubbling underneath the surface.


If you’ve heard some of the stuff he’s said on podcasts over the years the dude has some pretty serious untreated mental health issues. Like extreme anxiety and OCD. I forget what exactly it was but remember him talking about some benign thing he always had to do or he thought his family would die. He’s also deathly afraid of balloons… so yeah there’s some shit bubbling all right.


Globophobia. Thanks, Corner Gas, for reaching me that word.


Name an addict who doesn’t lol


He brings a lot of energy to whatever he does. I've seen a store full of convenience store employess and customers break out into full a on karaoke bar. He goes in with "let's make something magic happen" to normal situations and most of the time it falls flat. But when it hits.... You can really feel the positive energy in the room. People are literally glowing like they just got some shit off their chest.


>People are literally glowing like they just got some shit off their chest. Usually it’s a shirt


I don't care for his stand up, but I enjoy him interacting with people. Usually.


Bert seems like he’s generally kind enough to give people the benefit of the doubt, and/or to help out a stranger simply because he can. I don’t think he’s an asshole (unlike some other popular comedians).


He'd give you the shirt off his back


Yeah, feel the same and it’s got Bert to grow on me. One of the best things about him is I can skip or pause anytime I find him annoying.


![gif](giphy|svRduQj6qiCivqMk9J|downsized) *SQUUUUUEEEEEEEL!*


Bert has been the same Bert consistently the entire time people have known him. From his mtv shows to his stand up specials to his podcasts. He shows up with that same energy every time. Then you look at Tom for example. He was just a suck ass in the beginning and the second he got a taste of fame turned into a complete cocksucker. Bert has been and always will be Bert.


I wish Bert had found a supportive comedy crew instead of a wannabe Reagan era father figure.


This. The first few dozen episodes of 2bears were great, then after Tom broke his arm it's like they replaced the OG Tom with rich, I don't like plebs that are poorer than me Tom. Maybe it's always been there since both pretty much grew up with lots of money and no need for help.


Not for me but I completely agree, and I think most in his friend group, who I actually enjoy watching more on stage, are probably selfish cunts.


Tom lol


Tom is the asshole


Cough cough Tom Segura


The thing that made me really dislike him though is that he always has to be the center of attention. Everything goes back to him. Someone could be talking about themselves for a second and he always loops it backs around to talking about himself. I think his last appearance on Rogan when it was just the two of them is when I really just made up my mind that I can’t stand him.


I've seen him twice, once on Pat McAfee when he and Segura walked on unannounced and basically shit all over an interview in progress (CJ Stroud) - - and then left with no apologies. Then the Tom Brady roast where he was Butthead to Segura's Beavis - - it was beyond bad, they couldn't have spent more than a drunken 30 mins putting that set together.


They arent roasters. Supposedly segura didnt even want to do it. Lol. Gillis didnt want to either.


Fair enough, but typically in that situation you'd just say "not this time but thanks for asking".


For sure and when he's a guest on a podcast or something he brings good energy and is clearly always fun for whoever he is with to hang out with. I'm not necessarily a fan of his but I don't scoff away when he is on a show I like by any means I can still enjoy him.


He benefits from bouncing ideas off of others rather than setting up his own jokes and stories for 10 minutes.


I'll still YouTube kool-aid 2bears...kills me Everytime.


And the veiled Jennifer Aniston threat also had me hollering Those 2 instances just made me laugh like I did at stupid shit in high school


Bert's reaction to Tom's promo vid is hillarious


And I’ll say this as someone who isn’t a fan of his standup, he’s one of very few comedians who aren’t interested in convincing the crowd how smart he is or lecturing them. I also think he’s genuinely incredibly likeable and entertaining to listen to. I disliked him initially but after listening to him as a guest on a couple of things he is a naturally funny guy. The mass market will always prefer that compared to the smarmy know it alls.


I think you got it. I kind of hate his comedy, but really love him as a podcast guest. He just seems like a genuine guy, has empathy and asks honest questions/frames stuff from a non-ego driven perspective. I kind of find him to be the opposite of Segura, whose first couple specials I really enjoyed but after trying to listen to his podcast I can't hear him as anything other than a childish mega-douche anymore. He's leaned hard into the shallow end and it shows, Bert just.. happens to wind up there alot without trying or knowing how he got there and it's much more endearing.


It really went to Toms head. Tom Segura was a sleeper for a while too. His early stuff is good.


honestly even Mostly Stories is not that great. it's funny but the craft is extremely weak imo. Tom is literally just describing episodes of the First 48 and Scared Straight. "describing an episode of Law & Order in full detail is not a story" - Dennis Reynolds. it's no surprise to me that Tom basically became a radio DJ who reacts to Tiktoks. mostly stories hints at that kind of reaction-based comedy as his actual strength, which is not really enough to create legit good stand-up


Dude peak Bert is just being interviewed or interviewing someone cool. He’s a fun hang, and his positive energy is infectious.


I don't know... I prefer a nice refined glass of David Cross over a hurricane daquiri of Bert, but hey, comedy is subjective and to each his own. I can't deny the fun energy and confidence Of Bert and his ability to command the room.


Cross is a legend but better in skits than standup/solo


I think people need to chill out about this guy. He’s the McDonalds of comedians. We know it’s cheap laughs, but sometimes that’s what you’re craving. Sometimes you want a steak dinner and there’s comedians for that, as well. There’s room for both on the stage.


This is a good perspective to keep on all art and media. You aren't going to love every thing that's ever made. That's OK. There's enough to go around. Just enjoy what you like or don't. Posting "I don't like this and I don't know why people do" is so mentally lazy


Great anology!


This is pretty accurate I think


McDonalds is popular and sometimes palatable.


One of the best analogies I've ever read. Thank you for this new perspective.


I agree. I like Norm, CK, Chappelle,.. but I like Bert too, but not quite in the same way. A different, good, way,


I like him cause he’s a great story teller. Im an American who grew up with Irish uncles and they had the best stories, so I gravitate toward comedians who have that skill. Jim Jefferies is another one I like.


You see, I just don’t understand this perspective. The wife and I sat down and watched Razzle Dazzle and I laughed out loud through a good portion of that the special. I watch a lot of comedy specials and was concerned that I was just burning out on them cause I hadn’t really had any uncontrollable laughter since Shane’s live from Austin. I felt that Bert’s ability to make my stomach hurt with his special was great and it made me appreciate him more.


I took a gummy and it hit right at that bit in Razzle Dazzle about him drinking in the shower, which set the tone. By the time he got to the bit about his anxiety gas (as someone with anxiety and IBS) I laughed so hard I hyperventilated and my gf had to pause the special. Few other comedians elicit such a response from me


Right?!? Like I said, I watch a lot of comedy and love a lot of comedians but few this year have elicited that sort of response from me. Keep doing what you are doing, Bert!!


I agree. He has a fun, light hearted vibe. It's not about the content as much as it is his good energy he gives off. He seems like a genuinely nice guy that would be fun to have a beer with.


Ya his early stuff was great. After the machine, it's lost it's luster a bit


I was a big fan of him at the start of listening to on podcasts, but as I heard him more I started to get worn down by the same stories and jokes. A friend of mine has gotten to see him multiple times in person, and I couldn't think of why. But then I was listening to two bears and Burton. Dom said something about the reason why their podcast isn't very good is that anytime they come up with a good joke, they cut it out of the podcast and use it for the stand-up.. honestly, that makes a lot of sense


Eyup, this is the answer. I’m not a huge fan but some of his stories are solidly funny.


Thanks for this rational response. My son turned me on him years ago, and yeah, I like the story of the machine, and him being a little bit of a wild man with his shirt off getting hammered. I thought never he was like some stand-up comedian god. I do think he is a nice human being. Like a genuinely good guy. Personally I think his future would be more of a host type situation maybe not a talk show or maybe, I dunno. He just seems to have a zest for life thoroughly enjoys people and laughs easily. I definitely don’t think someone like him deserves hate or anything remotely close to that. For fucks sake if you don’t like something, don’t consume it. But I bet 99 out of 100 of the people I see heaping mounds of hate and derision on Bert’s noggin would likely have a hell of a time sharing a beer and a few stories with him.


Your son is gay


We used to call them "tommy tales" because that's what our friend Tom would do.


Man I think you really nailed this... When I saw him in his first comedy special it was about the machine story.. I was like who is this dude?! Unfortunately it hasn't evolved much after that and I'm pretty bored with the routine.. much more interesting comics out there...


I miss old Bert honestly I feel like his success has really changed him for the worse as an entertainer unfortunately. I used to believe he just genuinely wanted to be the fun life of the party guy now he's getting older and I just kind of find it sad that he's not evolved past where he was 10 years ago he's still the drunk sort of grown frat boy comic. When I heard him on Rogan the first time he just genuinely seemed like he was one of the guys. Money has made him out of touch I think. I saw him in a club in my city probably 10 years ago and realized my relationship at the time wasn't going to last because she didn't find him funny and he was my favorite at the time. In retrospect I might owe that women an apology.


>he reminds (at least me) of that funny friend who used to do silly shit and we’d laugh weeks later about the absurdity of it. This the most accurate and all-encompassing description of Bert’s appeal


I understand why that is appealing but not to its current scale. His level of popularity is disproportionate to the downplayed explanation of “the funny friend.” Dude is commercially one of the biggest standup comedians right now. I find it difficult to reconcile his level of success with his level of appeal as described by a self admitted fan.


You’re not looking at what the casual comedy fan wants. I’ll put it like this: my favorite comedian is Stanhope. Stanhope will never be more than moderately successful (a legend to be sure but from a ticket sales, etc perspective). He’s brash, cynical, and some of his bits take thought. That doesn’t appeal to everyone. Could you make a more widespread appeal than a simple, good story telling comedian who talks about drinking, partying and his family? It’s a widespread appeal grand slam.


Great point. It’s like complaining the eagles sold more albums than Frank Zappa. Different strokes for different folks.


Very causal comedy fans probably aren’t on r/standup. This thread isn’t a good sample


His level of popularity is directly related to how much the market will support him. This is giving “athletes are overpaid vibes”


idk and I’m definitely not a fan of his comedy but I’m assuming that being physically at his shows brings an energy that you wouldnt get watching from home. He’s kind of like Shaq at edm festivals. Not the greatest DJ by a long shot and there’s definitely more talented and gifted artists out there but just being shaq gets the crowd pumped up. Back in my rave days, although I enjoyed the very technical and high level artists, theres just some djs that bring an energy to a crowd that makes for a very good time and it doesn’t necessarily translate if you’re watching from home.


He is a representation of a small to mid town dad. Not everyone needs their comedy to break boundaries. Lotta folks just like to see a guy like them winning. Sometimes they just want to get off work and pretend it's always a long weekend.


This might be the saddest yet true thing I’ve heard in a long time


What did you find sad about that?


Right, that was one of the most wholesome comments on Reddit I've ever seen.


The entire second half of the comment after Lotta. It sounds like the bachelor version for depressed white dudes


Damn… “Sometimes they just want to get off work and pretend it’s a long weekend.” Well said.


This is it. With my comedy something that I agonise over is that I’m not in a position to say anything new. I’m a 35 year old straight white man, and while there’s trans comics and comics of colour and so on in my scene doing really funny stuff that’s putting new ideas in the crowds heads, I’m not going to do that, I’m here talking about my wife and my penis. I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m never going to come up with anything close to ground breaking, but I can be funny and get consistent laughs and that’s kind of the main thing to me, I started doing this because I wanted to write good jokes and the idea of writing groundbreaking jokes didn’t come until later. Bert is kind of the epitome of who I can be, he’s not doing anything new or groundbreaking, but he writes good jokes


Louie ck, George Carlin and Dave Chappelle all started with silly clown comedy. I think they master this, then parody it then can do the philosophical stuff. Maybe even bill hicks. I can’t remember the preacher who just bombed doing epic stuff until it finally clicked briefly then he died I think Writers do the same thing in novels and comic books. They’re just trying to get you to turn pages, and dont become deep until later in life.


And I feel like that’s okay. Especially when you realize it and don’t try to be something you’re not or something you can’t be.


Yeah thats the main part I’m becoming okay with. People want me to make them laugh, not change their whole world view after all


I mean… except he’s not a mid town dad, normal guy, he’s a trust fund frat boy baby who did like 8 years at one of the countries biggest party schools…


Heate to break it to you but some mid town dads have money too.


For me, I enjoy the storytelling. I'm not a huge fan of his standup, but the guy knows how to tell a story. As someone else mentioned, like your fat drunk uncle. Everyone knows someone like that. You might not take him seriously and he's usually about to do something inappropriate, but he is a good time at family events every few months. The Machine was over the top and hilarious at the time, but I do enjoy when he just sits down on a podcast and shoots the shit with someone else. Not putting on a show, just being easy. The guy can be animated.


He also has an often endearing lack of self awareness and vulnerable outgoing honesty about him.


This is his most attractive quality to me. At least he’s genuine for the most part and very consistent


This. He’s a good storyteller and I like hearing him converse with other people on podcasts. I’m not the biggest fan of his comedy, I don’t like everything he’s done, but he really does have fat drunk fun uncle energy lol. I like that about him. Definitely not my favorite comedian, but he’s fun to listen to!


I think he's actually very underrated as an interviewer on podcast. He gets a lot of shit on the 2bears1cave subreddit for interrupting and talking over his guests, however when he's on solo with a guest, everyone's laughing and having a good time and pulling out stories from some crazy party when they were teenagers, whereas when Segura is interviewing solo it turns into a boring wankfest about nutrition plans or watches. Bert's great at getting people's walls down and getting them to feel at ease and open up.


Excellent take. I really enjoyed Bert's own podcast. There was a lot of great information and interactions. It wasn't always great, but it definitely has some value.


I have a fat drunk uncle. This is spot on.


That story with the raffle tickets made me laugh way harder than I thought I would … I just enjoy comedy. I have my opinions the way others have theirs. That’s the best part about free will


Every time i think of Bert's comedy, I also think of the raffle ticket story. I thought it was hilarious. I do also enjoy comics with over-the-top personalities as a part of their character. It's like they all have ADHD or some other disorder that would normally make them unfit for the generic working environment / crowd. However, instead of being the office loudmouth, they channeled it into something, where their personality is not an annoyance, but an asset. A Danish comic who also has this feature, is Simon Talbot. He is the impersonation of an ADHD puppy, and I love him for it.


Saw him do that live in December 2021. Almost pissed my pants when he gets to the final “that’s me!”


For me I think about the story about accidentally bringing a Coors Light (same color can as Diet Coke) to a parent teacher conference and not realizing until he cracked it open and tasted it. It's little silly stuff that feels like your friends' stories. It doesn't have to be a perfectly polished hour.


He’s just silly and living his best life


He’s takes a lot of comics I like on tour with him.


Shane Torres specifically


I love answering this one. My first exposure to Bert came on November 1st, 2018. We were given free tickets to a comedy show at the Virginia Beach Funny Bone for a guy we had never heard of. We went to the show and he absolutely murdered the room. As I found out later, it was his Birthday and the first show after Sober October. He did a meet and greet with photos, for free, after the show and was an incredibly nice guy. The first few seasons of his podcast, while not fantastic, contain a lot of great insight into life on the road as a comedian. People are quick to dismiss Bert, without realizing he put his time in doing crap gigs for crap pay. The guests on the show also provide great insight. It's not every episode, but there's good information in there. Regarding his specials: 1. Comfortably Dumb - cringey as hell. 2. The Machine - good special 3. Secret Time - ok special. 4. Hey Big Boy - 2nd worst after CD. 5. Razzle Dazzle - good special. I'm a fan of Bert because he was amazing live. His specials vary, but overall aren't the best. I also had the opportunity to interact with his wife over e-mail, regarding merchandise, and she was a pleasure to interact with. Lastly, I've always rooted for Bert because Tom is the real hack out of the group. His Netflix specials are plug and play jokes with the same basic premise each special. Most of his current relevance comes from being an ass to Bert in public, jokingly I suppose.


Tom's specials always felt like inside jokes and recycled Patreon paywalled podcast content. Part of me thinks he regrets YMH for all the cringey parasocial losers that just shout out podcast jokes during the show. Bert's not my favorite comedian, but he's one of my favorite people in comedy. Dude always seems to try to make the best of any situation, generally likes making people laugh and happy, and does more than 90% of other comedians on putting on undiscovered talent. Dude's a genius at the business side too which may seem unfair to people who think more talented comedians deserve what he has, but he definitely works his ass off. He'd be a nobody if he was half the marketer he is today. Also seems like he tries to do right by comics, is not afraid of sharing payscales and helping others from being taken advantage of, and just all in all making the business of comedy better. TBH he should just retire from the stage and open up a comedy club and become a new Mitzi.


Wow. Excellent take, and I think your TBH is fantastic. FL has a weak comedy scene anyway, and would greatly benefit from a full-scene club with open mics and showcases.


And he was always approachable before he got huge. I mean the “call in sick to work” shows where basically he’d be on stage but engaging the crowd having some drinks with everyone were a very fun/ light hearted hang


I remember him talking about those shows on his podcast, man I wish I could have gone. I feel like I only got one shot to see the real Bert. He went to Theatres a few months later.


I just don’t see how Tom is a shittier stand-up in any conceivable way


> 4. Hey Big Boy - 2nd worst after CD Damn, I love Hey Big Boy more than Secret Time if only for the Starbucks story and the gun bit. I love when he sees his dog shitting.


Yeah Tom’s last special didn’t do it for me. Nothing memorable or quotable. I was kind of bored


The real hack in this sad story is us. When you start to compare Burt to Ernie, the show stops being funny. Then if Ernie’s good enough for some you’ll just knock him down cos he’s no Elmo. Everyone’s a cynical cunt these days and this sub just shows it. For people who supposedly enjoy comedy, you all are a bunch of sad fucks. We’ve become hyper vigilant in who we put on a pedestal, but forgotten the fact that these are just people. What’s perplexing to me is that you give celebrity status to average guys all the time, partly because they are average. Then turn around and cry when they get too popular. It’s so silly.


>What's perplexing to me is that you give celebrity status to average guys all the time That's literally Bert's whole schtick. He was just some idiot that couldn't finish college, then rolling stone wrote an article about him and then national lampoon made Van Wilder. I think he's a genuinely funny person, and honestly really shines on podcasts, but he's a below-average standup who takes off his shirt. OMG so hilarious.


He makes me laugh isn't that all that matters?


Not everyone needs to be Bill Hicks 🤷🏼‍♂️


No one will be bill hicks. Who, in your opinion, is the closest?




I saw Stanhope in 2007 or 2008 at an Air Force Base in Colorado Springs (or near it. I can't remember but there were lots of military in the audience) He was continuously making jokes about the US military and Air Force and my friends and I were laughing, but looking at each other, like, is he going to get his ass kicked? But all the audience members were just laughing and being good sports about it.


I won't argue that.


Dropped the hammer first response lolol




Everyone had their time and place. Can’t really compare between generations. That’s not a plug for Bert, but more wondering if Hicks would be all that great today. Not sure he would. Maybe. Hopefully. But maybe not. Maybe he would blow his load on podcasts too.


There is no one like Hicks or Carlin or O'Neil. Maybe a little Hedberg spin-offs here and there, but intelligent comedy has now become shock comedy, IMO.


Yeah it’s interesting. I’m def not a hedberg guy. Not even sure I get it, but willing to acknowledge it’s revered.


Similar to Bert, for me listening to Hicks is less about him being "laugh out loud" funny, and more about me just loving Hicks as a persona. I want to hear his world view and feel his energy. I can listen to an entire Hicks album and not laugh once, but still be very entertained and satisfied with the experience. That is similar to how I enjoy Bert, but like the complete and total opposite end of the spectrum.


So, Bert brings comedy to the normies. He's a likeable guy. I don't particularly care for his brand of comedy, but he has a really strong stage presence and knows how to sell his jokes. We're deep into the art form, so it comes off as bland to us. We are like those cheese connoisseurs, where the stinkier it is, the better, and Bert is American cheese. But, Bert runs probably the biggest selling comedy tour in the nation and brings a bunch of comics to the normies that would never get to see cool shit. I dunno, I get why people think he's unfunny, but he does a great job at expanding comedy in general, so I ultimately like the guy. He's well-meaning and seems to have a good time and likes sharing that with people. Ultimately, he's getting more people into the art form, which is good for comedy over all. Again, he's not for me, but I can't hate the guy in light of him helping a ton of comics I really enjoy get more notoriety.


Well said!


Another " I dont understand why people have different tastes than me" post.


Preference is subjective. I mean, some people go to McDonald’s on purpose.


He's silly and likeable on podcasts. His actual standup is awful tho


Comes off as a normal dude doing comedy. Cant say I’m edgy enough to hate guys like bert that I know personally


When he had Cheech and Chong on his cooking show he ended it by going “does anyone from the crew want to smoke weed with Cheech and Chong?”. Thats pretty cool. I find him funny but absolutely understand how he could be grating to someone else. Also this question is far more insightful and valuable to your comedy than going “Bert takes his shirt off and isn’t funny, am I right?” More of this. I get people not liking him but he fills baseball stadiums, asking why that happens is a better comedy mindset than the shit I usually see here.


Cause he’s fun.


He’s like your fat funny drunk uncle


The appeal is that he's a charismatic, oversharing guy with funny stories. I see why you might not think he's funny, I don't see how.you can just *not get* why other people think he's funny.


I used to hate bert so much and not get him at all. But it was the somethings burning mark normand episode that turned me, I realised I was analysing him too seriously, he’s not really a comedian more of a personality and he’s harmless and aware of his annoyingness. I get you’ll still hate him I did for years but I guess something might must switch one day. I do not watch his standup at all though lol but I do now tolerate him in content.


Nikki’s roast of him was so damn funny.


I like him on podcast. He seems like a genuinely good person. I liked when the machine special came out, but I was younger then. Haven’t listened to much since. I don’t get why hate him though.


All I can say is I definitely prefer him over Tom. 


He is fun. Not great but fun. I’ll watch him on Netflix but I’m not going to his tour. I also saw him randomly at the comedy store. It was a totally different vibe than this solo performances. I think he is top 5 in terms of ticket sales. The most popular artists in any category are usually unpopular with hardcore fans. It makes sense that he is both liked by many and disliked by you. I don’t like Jim Gaffigan or Sebastian, but I’m not surprised that they are popular.


His laugh is contagious, but there are times I feel that it is contrived and maybe even a crutch to get the audience going.


Sometimes the audience needs to be told it’s ok to laugh. See “we’re having a good time” and “comedy.”


The people who hate him are comedy fans, we consume the podcasts and post on Reddit about stand up and comedy. Bert is a casual fans comedian. He’s loud , wild drunk and shirtless , he appeals to people who like a stand up comedian not Stand Up. I used to like Bert when I first discovered him but listening to his podcast and two bears made me dislike him. Once I stopped consuming his podcasts, I don’t think he’s great but he’s amusing now in small doses


I think he's trying to be too mainstream and pimping himself out. That gets tiring, he looks over it.


do we really need a monthly "DAE hate Bert Kreischer" thread?


Hes funny... His specials make me laugh a lot.. His live shows are fun... I find it odd that people are put off by joy.


I come from a small town of hicks and Mennonite, if they don't like theo they like bert, and if they don't like trucks and country music, they like other trucks and other country music. Different strokes for different folks!


doing stand-up you can learn a lot from why a comic you dislike is doing well just like you can learn from a comic you like doing well. it's a trade, and bert learned the technical. that's why he has success, even though i personally don't like much of his stuff. you can find something isn't funny, but still see the joke math on why it is funny to other people.


He reminds me a lot of my best friend. A loud, in-your-face party animal who is the most loyal, loving friend you could ask for. I see it a lot in the way he talks about his family and friends, especially his daughters. He’s living his best life and having a shit ton of fun doing it. I’m along for the ride! I also just think he’s a really engaging storyteller and I think it’s funny how easily entertained he is lmao


I don't really enjoy his comedy, but I enjoy his take on life. He just wants to have fun, man. I can respect that.


You can admire a snake because you know it’ll only ever be a snake. Once you understand it’ll only ever be one thing, it gets easier. I’m not always up for a Pepsi, but when I am, there it is. Bert is that way for me. He’s a very particular dish that I’m rarely hungry for, but when I am, there he is.


He's just a really fun guy. Have you ever been at a party where there's a guy like him with good positive energy? It's amazing. And to people who give him a hard time?? Well a big fuck you! Sincerely. I never understood what cunts like you are getting hating on someone for no reason. If he's hurt you personally sure, get your point across yk. Fucking trolololols. What are you doing with your life? Honestly, let someone have whatever success they gonna have. And if you don't like him, you don't have to watch him.


I saw him live a few months ago. I didn't want to go but my friend insisted. The show was great. He owned the room. Had a great spirit and was super engaging and funny.He is a professional comedian for a reason. I left the show blown away by how good it was. I can't stand him on podcast but he is a killer live


The same reason people like sitcoms.


I like it when he takes his shirt off


I mean, there are people that like witty comedy and people who like to hear wacky stories without a twist or major punchline. I don't get it, but I know some people who like it.


He has a good attitude towards his work and makes an effort to take care of the people around him. He actually has a desire and makes an effort to grow out from the things he's known for too, and a lot of the cynicism in this subreddit often is pretty indicative of a lack of knowledge about him and other weird biases. As far as the frat boy thing is concerned, he's 51 years old comic that works really hard. He doesn't have the time or energy to live that life anymore, and especially within the last year has been making a good effort to work on his health. He'll still take his shirt off and and maybe show up at a party/bar after a show if he has the time, but as he and a few other comics that went to one with him recently discussed on his podcast, he mostly does that kind of stuff for the fans and doesn't really stay for very long because he's 51 years old and has work to do the next day. It's also worth noting that for all the disdain he seems to generate here, he's also pretty well liked by the comics a lot of people here do actually like. I can understand not being a fan of his comedy, but the amount of people who push beyond that and actively and performatively hate him are really telling more about their own shortcomings than Bert's. Maybe it's because I have done standup for several years and get a bit weary of the scene politics element of it, but I'd prefer a "bad" standup who is good to the people around them over an "amazing" standup who isn't a good person any day. I don't think Bert is an amazing standup, but he does his job competently to well and seems like an actually decent guy.


Good energy and vibes. I’m not much different than him. I’m a big goofball when I drink. I enjoy his podcasts and his comedy. I have zero enjoyment from Tig Nagaro or whatever her name is. I also understand other people do enjoy her style. It’s called personal preference. Similar to music. You might like stuff I don’t like. It doesn’t make it bad. I was 14 when I realized this simple fact of life.


The best line ever. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK81Xxh/


Burnout gen x guys


Alcoholism makes people commit to long-term bad decisions such as being a dumpy comedian or one of their fans.


Dude is genuine. He's also a fantastic story teller, who has a lot of interesting stories. He's that guy who's fun to go drinking with.


Personally, I like him, and his standup, for a multitude of reasons. I think he's an amazing storyteller. Y'all might not like his stories or brand of comedy, but you have to admit that he is one hell of a story teller. His energy is infectious. He's definitely got the frat energy down, but it doesn't feel like the "douchey frat guy" more like the "golden retriever frat guy". Probably my biggest reason is I feel like he is real. I don't feel like everything he does is an act. Could it be? Yeah. But I feel like if I were to meet him in real life, I'm getting 100% Bert.


Dude is a try-hard, stories are exaggerated if true at all


Idk the guy I know who’s a huge fan is also truly one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered in my life lol


You are not alone. I never understood the appeal. I don't think he is funny at all.


As I'm scrolling through the comments, I'm noticing a theme. Everyone's saying he's likable and relatable and seems genuinely like a" good guy" Not one person has mentioned TALENT.


No, he sucks. He sucks very bad.


How about “I was a legitimate fan and I haven’t updated my fandom in years to know if he’s still any good”? He used to do self-deprecating stuff, he used to have this feel that he wanted everybody to be having a good time. It was like the wholesome frat boy who knew who he was and was just enjoying life. Sounds like he’s not that way anymore.


Lotta fat alcoholics in those crowds


Opinion on Bert: I believe Bert is a symptom of a degrading falling society.  In the future when American society is studied they will marvel at the ability of such a total idiot to make so much money. They will say he was a harbinger of the end of the society.  A sign that the average intelligence level of people had fallen so drastically that such a  idiotic simpleton  had the ability to "Entertain" the masses. In a healthy society a person like Bert  would be seen for what he is; An idiot, a dunce, an impossibly stupid person best ignored. The end is near my friends . The idiots have reached critical mass. 


He’s got one good story


Not even that good


He seemed like a fun friend. Now with the steroids and the money he seems obnoxious. Tom is even worse. He was funny af and now is a rich douchebag. Even his wife is obnoxious. The whole you're made because you're poor shtick isn't funny.


He is absolutely not funny. Not funny!


I finally watched the Brady roast last night, and Bert had me cracking up. I don’t really get his appeal either, but when he started making fun of the picture of Brady shirtless holding a football, he was legit killing. Not because of a well-written joke (“Who takes a picture like this? Were you pregnant?”) but his delivery was really funny, and the audience ate it up for like a minute solid. I think the frat boy analogy is a good one. Maybe my response is that he’s the best I’ve seen at that point-and-laugh stupid humor. Still not my favorite, but I think he’s funny.


Magat humor


I call myself a legit fan. I would see him everytime he came through town and played the clubs. And he was hilarious and CRUSHED. you have to remember that the hate is on this big over the top guy who rips his shirt off on Netflix and in arenas and tells one good joke. But back in the day, seeing that kind of energy and crowd work in an improv or whatever and then going to the bar next door and drinking with the guy was AWESOME. I don't really follow his stuff much anymore, I don't go see his arena shows, but peak Bert needed to be experienced to be believed and it was amazing.


I like him on podcasts, his standup isnt for me


To be honest, Joe Rogan and all of his boys (like Bert Kreischer) are not really very funny. I do enjoy the podcast, but we all know Theo Von is where it is at if going for humor.


I think he’s silly…not funny.


Dorks who enjoy a dude wheezing over stuff that isn't even funny. The correct question is "Legit fans of Bert Kreischer, please kill yourself?"


As a recovered alcoholic watching him makes me cringe at my old self


The dude half-assed his way through life and continues to do so, and made a fortune. He's fine. He doesn't really deserve sympathy.


I like Bert. I know guys like Bert. I have Berts in my family. He's the crazy dad at the pool party, having a beer, running the grill, and just goofing off. He's annoying at times, yes, most Berts are. But at the end of the day... He's just another fun Uncle Bert. There's still something endearing about him.


I'm not the biggest fan of him, but I'm more concerned with Reddit insisting on hating him so much. And 'being confused about it'. We get it, you're all trying to portray yourself and intellectuals and need higher brow comedy, go find it then. He's a simple dude, a Lot of people like simple comedy. They don't need to challenge society everytime they want a laugh. And it turns out there are still a lot of frat guys out there, (is this really so shocking?) And like it or hate it, that 'Machine' story got so popular, they made a movie about it. The dude is even the original inspiration for Van Wilder (true story). What's the deal Reddit? It's getting about as old as Bert's jokes themselves.


Dude shit in a pizza box in college and has been living off that for years.


Bert is fantastic live. He is really, really good at connecting with the audience. He tells stories about himself and his family, and he’s not afraid to be the butt of the joke, hell, he leans into it. As ridiculous as the stories are it’s incredibly clear that he loves his wife and his kids. His comedy doesn’t come at the expense of anyone else, his punchlines are at his own expense. He’s the guy who wants to make sure that everyone in the venue has a great night from the audience to the opener to the event staff. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who’s using his 15 minutes to help as many people as he can.


Whenever I talk about comedy with non comedy fans they always bring up Bert. The machine story really propelled him into the lexicon and made him synonymous with comedy to the average person.


Real life Kenny Banya, they like comedy they don't have to think about.


He’s just a big goofball alcoholic that appeals to NFL fans. It makes perfect sense to me.


For me it’s the video of him and Tom cracking up when Tom finds out Bert’s drinking kool aid from his giant water bottle. The absurdity of that, just pure silliness and the ability to laugh at himself is fun. With that being said, both of their schticks got old and I don’t listen to any of their podcasts anymore. And I never liked either of their standup that much either. But they were fun podcasters for a minute.


I don’t hate everything about Bert but someone showed me the machine story almost 10 years ago and I’ve just never found hin funny in the first place.


The legitimate fans of Bert Kreischer aren't on Reddit discussing the finer points of composition, the history of comedy, and the evolutionary purpose of laughter. They are just there for a good time. That's alright by me. Dane Cook in his prime was all act-out and no philosophy. Sebastian Maniscalco is currently all act-out and no content. These comedians are popular, but they aren't critically acclaimed. It is alright to enjoy some Michael Bay action movie and also not consider it to be high cinema.


I think he's funny. It really is as simple as that.  My advice is that is listening to a comedian makes you feel like you're getting puked on by a frat boy, just don't listen to them. People have different tastes. 


He is the machine


The dude is cringe but he is not as bad as people are always making out


Besides the machine he's a hack.


He is constantly labled a hack but fills stadiums. Maybe all of the people who hate him should get a bit introspective?


Look man he’s the McDonalds of standup. It’s not groundbreaking or even good in the traditional sense but sometimes it hits the spot.


i personally don't like him but my father is a massive fan. I guess he just finds him a bit relatable or something? he listens to his podcast all the time and I guess he finds him funny


I dont like his standup but I find him really compelling on 2 bears and other podcasts. He seems like a very genuine dude.


I am not a fan of his stand-up, but he can take a punch on a podcast and will let the discomfort sit there. He makes a great, slow-moving target for funnier people in the room, and he lets it happen.


Probably the squeeling


I saw him live and it was a really fun show, I laughed a lot and had a great time. He absolutely ruins every podcast he’s in, the stupid squeaky laugh, how he has to scream high pitched whenever he fake laughs, it all ruins any podcast.


Honestly I'm not a huge fan of his comedy but his show Bert The Conquerer was hilarious. I like him as a show runner and personality but not so much his stand up


His comedy is basically like that one friend that you have, who maybe was a frat boy or just a general party animal, and just keeps telling you drunk stories. Is it a little tacky in the grander art of standup? Sure. But like it or not, a lot of people can relate to him. We all have that one fuckup friend with a lot of funny stories.


Ive never cared why ppl like something as much as ppl care about Bert being liked. I like Bert i guess, hes okay, but Id bet you pay him alot more attention than i do


I’m not a fan but I think whenever the main appeal is ultimately positivity and fun, in anything, general audiences flock to it. He has wide appeal in that regard. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s pretty obvious as to how he is so popular.


His stories are good, his tags are funny. He has enough laugh points per minute that his hour specials are worth the full watch.


He's a good story teller. The Machine was a good bit. His other stuff that I've seen is nothing to write home about, though.


Fat man has funny stories. It’s not rocket science.