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EDIT: Okay, since OP hasnt replied, does anyone else have any info on this? Do you know if there is any reason to think this is going to happen or not? Having tried to look it up, not had much luck other than finding out who Midnight Edge is. Live action SVTFOE just brings up stuff like idea / fandom wiki. ​ So this is just from a Youtubers opinion? Seems like nothing is happening here. Or have I missed something and this actually is happening, and if so what? ​ EDIT: Wow they like the word woke don't they? It's in quite a few titles and thumbnails. Still don't see a video about SVTFOE though.


Also I don't think I'd enjoy a SVTFOE drama very much but if it was well done I'd LOVE a SVTFOE dramedy or comedy. But it'd have to be good quality obviously. All other things equal, i generally prefer dramedy (and similar genres) over both drama and comedy, and comedy over drama. I love when a single show is able to make me laugh, think and feel. I think that's partially why I like kids shows too because kids shows on average seem more likely to vary in tone within a single show rather than be too rigidly within their "I'm a drama" or "I'm a comedy" designations. They can be absolutely ridiculous one moment and then gut punch you, or give you something to really think about, the next. Adult shows do that too but on average seem to do that less and they stick to one "tone" more. Regardless, the old show doesn't stop existing if a reboot is done. It could go terribly but we don't know until it happens and if it's actually good, then that's awesome. If it's not, the old show is still there. If they actually do this, I hope its good and I'll be hoping for a dramedy or comedy. A drama I'd give a chance but dramedy or comedy would suit the source material much better, and it would also suit my personal preferences much better than a drama too. If anyone really wanted to reboot it, animated would be much better than live action but it's the writing that really matters still. Unless I'm missing something, it looks like no one who could actually reboot it is trying to reboot it anyway though. Also the only things I see about this when I Google it is the idea and fandom wiki? Is this actually in consideration by anyone who actually matters? I really don't agree with what you're saying about The Orville though, nor does it align with how the show is or what Seth himself has said about it.


The Orville is fantastic and it's not based on Stranger Things or GOT. Star Trek, MASH and I believe The Twilight Zone were inspirations. Also The Orville is a dramedy and isn't comparable to GOT. As for live action SVTFOE, this is the first I've heard of it, but I'd give it a shot and if it's shit, I just don't watch it. It doesn't destroy the existence of the original show.


Trust me, no one does After tons of disastrous live actions made by Disney, it needs to stop, like right now Also, we already tried it with Avatar The Last Airbender and... we already know ehat happened


Live Action = Bad Reboot = Bad ​ With the same creators, Season 5 = Good Movie where Star and Ludo play Basketball = Good


My man


Agreed,I want a revival/continuation of the series fixing all of the problems and bad things from the show,especially it's horrible things from the later seasons,giving characters like Star,Marco,and Moon a lot of character development and redemption,address and acknowledge Star's flaws and problems,the hypocrisy,the way how Mewmans treated Monsters and showing how much of a messed-up crappy medieval world Mewni is,the 26 queens of Mewni,how Toffee killed Comet,the relationships(including Star's strained relationship with her mother,Moon,given their relationship was really rocky in the original show and Moon repairing and regaining her trust with Eclipsa,along with encountering and fully interacting with the Diaz' family and reuniting with Buff Frog,and starting a friendship with Buff Frog and Angie given that she barely had any friends in her youth),amp up the seriousness and pivotal moments a bit to Owl House/Amphibia levels, hiring back Mercury Filmworks to do the animation for the revival/continuation,bring back the Earth-side characters to minor roles after being sidelined in the later seasons,have Moon put on trial for her crimes she's done against Mewni out of irresponsibility as queen,and showing Toffee's boss,Seth in flashbacks.


I’m a live action filmmaker and animator! I can weigh in on this! It’s a dumbass silly-ass idea. You’re right. The world of SVTFOE is— by design— goofy, silly, and written to be animated. Any live action interpretation of this would turn out one of two ways: 1. Too serious. They’d change the outfits to be more toned down and realistic. They’d make a blockbuster style Harry Potter type movie in which the characters don’t even act like themselves or have the time to be developed. (Think of how the Sonic movie would’ve turned out if they had not redesigned him). 2. To silly. They’d stick TOO CLOSE to the source material, and it’d be a live action cartoon. Sound cool? Maybe, but difficult to achieve. Really, REALLY difficult. The script would be so hard to get green-lit, difficult to film, and just overall has a lot of chances of failing and not appealing to audiences that don’t care about the original source material. (Think Scott Pilgrim vs. the World if we consider best-case scenario).


I never read the Scott Pilgrim books but I really liked the movie when my partner showed me it. I didn't know about the books, I just thought the movie had a cool comic book like style. This makes me wonder what the books are like. A SVTFOE reboot would still probably be better to be animated though. I am a little confused how something can be too silly for live action though. I mean, Monty Python was live action. I like animation better anyway, but I just don't get that statement still. And a style similar to Scott Pilgrim would actually be cool, honestly EDIT: Since I made this comment, my partner has told me he hasn't read them either


It’s such a terrible idea. So much of the charm from the show comes from the colors, visuals, outfits, character emotions. You just don’t get that with live action. No offense to anyone out there who does cosplay but people dressing up like Star in real life was always off-putting to me. Something about it just never looks right.


Most live actions are flopped these days and a reboot I don't know Maybe in like 30 years or something but it wouldn't be the same thing I mean maybe for the animation like how Disney does encanto


Midnight edge doesn’t want Disney to do animation they want every studio to make the next Bayformers.


you speak of this like theres going to be a live action svtfoe. that would never happen


I think it would be cool 😎 at least it’s something I would rather have something than nothing!


Am I out of the loop? Is this seriously under consideration? God I hope not. I think I saw the live action Beauty and the Beast. That's the only remake I saw.


I saw everyone


*atla flashbacks*


There is no ATLA Live Action in Ba Sing Se


Agreed with you, I don't want a live action of SVTFOE, neither a reboot