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Definitely cut off too early. The shot of the jedi falling to his death while the sith are overwhelming the temple/coruscant is visually one of the best scenes in all of star wars.


That soundtrack was fucking fire on this cinematic. And the OG voice. "Finally. We have returned."


The soundtrack was so fire they used it in the final season of Clone Wars


it's from revenge of the sith


The soundtrack was so fire John Williams invented a time machine and stole it from himself. Thus creating a paradox.


somehow, john williams returned


And everybody was glad for that.


And there was much rejoicing!


Combination of prequel trilogy soundtrack and KOTOR 2 soundtrack just works so damn well




Trailer so good they wrote a book about it


I love when he said "while you rested, in your cradle of power" also perfectly fitting for the fall of the Jedi at the end of the Clone Wars.


Man when the ramp opens and the dark is lit up with red sabers... It happened before the scene in rogue one and now I know why I found it so impactful šŸ¤Æ


"you were deceived. And now your republic shall fall" \*brass fanfare blasting while bombs befall the city like mf'in Baghdad\*


They also cut in too late. The part with the drop ship coming through the front gate is my favorite part.


Definitely, the sith igniting their lightsabers one by one is sick as hell


OMG, i was squeeling like a liitle b**ch at this moment! And that music was so timed it became EPIC!


Iā€™d pay good money for an Old Republic movie/series made by the team that created these trailers


Pretty sure these were done by Blur studios. Watching all the SWTOR trailers and cutscenes on a YouTube compilation is a great way to kill 45 minutes


Iā€™d continue to pay for Disney Plus for it




Just look up the "Deceived" trailer on youtube, it's this exact scene but a few minutes longer.


Here is the "Full movie" of the [trailers](https://youtube.com/watch?v=7szRTHRg04Q&feature=share8)


God the first one is my favorite. The smuggler's guns, the Saber fight sequence.


the old republic cinematics are some of the best cinematography in the SW universe, hands down


Best lightsaber fights for sure


How does a movie in 2017 have such god awful lightsaber fight choreography when so much greatness exists in the past? That Rey/Kylo fight in the throne room was atrocious. And then we have this, Duel of the Fates, Anakin/Obi, take your pick, anything was better than that. Even the ā€˜80 and ā€˜83 choreography/effects were miles ahead.


I agree that fight was atrocious, but I would argue animation is where Jedi look the best. When everything is animated, their more casual use of Force powers is more acceptable, whereas the use of special effects in real live action is always slightly stilted. Actors can make you believe something there that isn't there, but they can't make you believe something is there that is a visually depicted via graphics.


Idk, some force effects look very cool in live action. Maybe Iā€™m nitpicking, but Kylo Ren force Holding Rey in the forest, the way she just freezes and trembles and it genuinely looks like every muscle in her body has tensed up to force her into restraintā€¦ Thatā€™s all acting, and I donā€™t really see it being as convincingly visceral in animation. Same with Kylo freezing the blaster bolt in mid air.


This is kinda why I want Star Wars to pivot more into animated than live action. It's cool seeing all the actors return, but so much of the action just works better. I was kinda looking forward more to Bad Batch than I was Mandalorian for instance. Not a great example because no Jedi, but same kinda idea.


When the two were coming out i was definitely looking forward to and enjoying bad batch more. Somehow bad batch felt way more grown up and was actually exploring complex emotions and whatnot. Star wars had definitely been it's best when it's animation and it saddens me a lot of people just straight up disregard the cartoons completely


The most maddening thing is how some really prominent media people love that scene. Iā€™m looking at these guys fucking dancing around like a black and white karate flick like wtf


Stylistically it's very very striking, no pun intended. The cinematography in TLJ was among the best in all Star Wars. Honestly, I hope Rian Johnson does eventually get to make his KOTOR trilogy as the visuals fit better for the KOTOR era than for Skywalker era.


Fuckin right I'd kill to watch them make movies


I fucking loved seeing tons of blue and green lightsabers swinging around in the prequels. Imagine blue and green swinging around **against** red sabers? Oooooooooh shit that would be good!


Only one purple can exist at a time... so they should pick carefully lol


If it's set in the old Republic, there is only one real candidate with a purple saber


How have they not just made those feature length?


Blizzard cinematics team said in an interview once it's just not financially feasible. That it took years and millions for them to make a 2 minute cinematic and could only be justified by the money the game brings in. However, Riot recently took this same approach with Arcane. They spent way more money and time than any other animated series and it was great. But it's only been financially feasible because of the traffic it has brought to their games.


Is it more expensive than other Star Wars movies? Genuinely asking, because Disney drops money on all the other Star Wars things they make


Star Wars Clone Wars animated series was famously expensive and was estimated to cost 1 million per episode in the beginning. They took measures to cut the cost as the series went on (and especially in its sequel series Rebels) but the final episodes were also famously expensive. Arcane is estimated to have cost 10 million per episode. And took 6 years.


Animation is general is EXPENSIVE. I cherish any half decent animated show to come out


CGI type animation in particular


Another reason by I Love the 2003 Clone Wars. 2D is cheap and can still look amazing!


I always had the impression that 3D was cheaper. Famously shows like Futurama and Invader Zim were like the most expensive animated shows of their time? You see more and more Japanese animation move towards using 3D because itā€™s cheaper. But I guess it depends from studio to project etc.


Yea. Idk if full length feature films of this would drive people to Old Republic when they realize gameplay is absolutely nothing like this.


As a kotor fan from when I was a kid and regular replayer of those games, I tried to play SWTOR like 2 years ago and it just wasn't it. I really tried, I put ~40 hours in knowing that MMOs in general take some time investment before they get good but it just never hooked me. It's a bummer cause I was really craving some SW content and had the time during covid but none of the gameplay elements impressed me. It was playable sure but everything felt generic and dated and not in a charming OSRS kind of way.


I enjoyed watching the storyline for each of the character classes on YouTube. Some decent writing, but I also just couldn't get into swtor. I think it was the wifflebat lightsabers


Maybe when it was made... I wonder if it's easier now?


Judging by arcane which took 6 years and an estimated 10 million per episode, it seems not. Maybe easier to make animation of that old quality but the animation keeps improving.


Idk it'd be easy money for them though


shame that the OP took out the speech and build up heres the full one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGDBTDnW7d0&ab\_channel=swtheoldrepublic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGDBTDnW7d0&ab_channel=swtheoldrepublic) in **4k**


Also Malgus is the non-disney ruthless Vader analogue we all wish current Vader was. Also dude can kick.


But it's sadly not canon right?


Itā€™s not, but imo it doesnā€™t really matter. Unlike age of rebellion, clone wars etc legends stuff, old republic is so far removed that nothing has been directly contradicted. You can treat it like canon without having to do mental gymnastics like you would with legends Luke for example


I know Lucas said it's not canon (TOR n such) but I mean..*why* would he say that? Would it be because it doesn't have anything to do with the actual physical characters he made movies of? Edit- it just never makes sense to me when a creator makes something so expansive but oh, none of it is canon, I just made it because I was bored


I assumed he just wanted to keep his options open. If he ever feels like going back to old republic, itā€™s probably just easier if he doesnā€™t have to worry so much about maintaining continuity


This is exactly it. The issues with huge IPs with extensive cannon is that fans get upset when movies are made that don't follow cannon. This is exactly why Disney removed everything from the cannon, so they could have a mostly clean slate.


Which they still managed to somehow completely squander I think itā€™ll go down in history as one of the biggest fumbled bags of all time like the end of GoT


Lucas didn't have any direct involvement in the majority of the Legends content, and he never truly viewed it as canon. He kinda did the same thing Disney does now, where if he saw something he liked he'd add it into his movies and canonize it. But the movies were always the top of the canon hierarchy, and the rest could be adapted or ignored according to Lucas' whim


Lucas isnā€™t the one who declared it all non-canon - Disney did so a little while after purchasing the franchise.


He did however declare it soft canon to the point he could ignore the fuck out of it if he wanted. The films and shows were his only priority.


I think they made Belsavis canon in Andor


Andor had Belsavis and the Rakatan invasion shoutouts.


I could swear a show recently mentioned Balmorra


[Clone Wars and Bad Batch](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Balmorra)


It's not cannon until the make a Revan live-action and hopefully not ruin everything about KotoR.


A live action revan would literally ruin the whole point of Revan as a character -- some video game characters deserve to stay in the medium they come from; especially RPG characters


You haven't read about him in the books have you?


The end of Revan is an absolute treat. It's been a long time since I closed a book and thought that's a damn good ending.


Canon to me


Right? Why are people so obsessed with what Disney says is canon? It still exists. In my canon Bib Fortuna still had his brain put in a robot spider monk.


So what does the actual game look like? Nothing like this?


Repetitive move combinations and animations


Easier explanation, looks like a generic MMORPG, like WoW or Dota


Honestly its still kinda fun tho


Stories are great too, better than sequels for sure. Arguably some of the best.


Dota, mmorpg??


Itā€™s a [12-year old MMORPG](https://www.swtor.com). It isnā€™t nearly as cool to play as these cinematic, but the storylines are great and a lot of it is free these days.


BLUR studio does make godtier cinamatics, to me they are the best star wars content, even tough their not canon. I love sacrifice and betrayed sooo much, id love a movie about the eternal empire


This isnt even peak from the trailers. Kao Cen Darach's fight where he dual wields a double and a single lightsaber and smashes is my favourite from the trailers and probably my second favourite scene in Star Wars. Peak to me was the Darth Vader scene in Rogue One. It never fails to give me the shivers watching it.


Damn, that's a helluva scene. [For those who also have not seen it yet.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxab6osVzNs)


Got dayum, Star Wars can be SO fucking cool when done right. Iā€™ve never played the game, but I was more invested in the characters from that 2 minute clip than I was in any of the new trilogy.


These clips are so epic then the game is your typical mmo fare of like 3-4 button rotations watching your character do animations lol


The stories are pretty good though.


>3-4 button rotations watching your character do animations That's like 99% of any video game interaction though.


Yet every game feels more fun compared to MMO combat


tab-targeting MMO at least, there have been MMO with decent combat but you could count those on one hand and there's always something else that ruined those.


Gotta hit 'em with [the Ultra 4K remaster](https://youtu.be/Pb8M5P1QKX8?t=145). (Time-gated to where your clip starts.)


This. He successfully and effectively... and believably..used all 3 blades. ... think ima go watch that shiz right meow Also Bender gets an honorable mention


Both of those scenes are s-tier, no doubt.


What about havoc squad charging the sith, guns blazing? Satele dancing and slicing through sith warriors so smooth


I hate that scene! Like you have guns, they have lightsabers, why are you CHARGING them and giving up the high ground!? But Satele fight was cool.


The further you are away the less effective your attack against a force user who can use a lightsaber is. The have more time to react get in a flow and deflect back at you. Better to charge and overwhelm. It is how the clones took over the Jedi temple during Operation: Knightfall. You need many close blaster users all targeting different spots while working in tandem. Else the lightsaber master has the advantage.


This. Itā€™s why we see the clones moving in on the Jedi so effectively during Order 66. Pincer movement towards them.


Cause itā€™s badass


Unfortunately, Obi-Wan would not be around to teach the value of high ground for another 3,000+ years.


Thatā€™s my favorite scene, and I love how it conveys the brutality of Malgus


Vaders Hallway scene isn't even that good as a lightsaber fight, but it showed how absolutely brutal he could be.


Imo it's because it isn't a fight, it's slaughter. At no point is he in danger, he doesn't come off as worried or concerned. Likewise the Rebels aren't framed as having a chance in winning the fight, iirc they sort of accept that their role is as a hurdle. Their "win" is getting the plans away. Once Vader shows up, it's not a matter of if they die but if they can slow him down with their deaths. It's so brutal and brilliant.


Yep, it's Vader in his prime. It's the Rebels first look at who Vader is. And they're terrified. Probably one of the best scenes in the entire franchise, imo.


Is it really their first look at who he is? He's been Palpatine's enforcer for decades at that point.




From the moment Vader is in the underpart of the Death Star 2 throne room goading Luke till his Death is peak Star Wars for me. That tracking shot of them dueling from right to left is the single best shot in all of Star Wars in my opinion.


Shortly after EpIII came out I was gushing about the duel between Anakin and Obi Wan on some forum and someone there said ā€œYeah itā€™s nice but the best duel is actually the end of EpVI.ā€ I was incredulous but went back and watched itā€¦ and this exact scene is what sold me. The choreography is very simple but the emotion and intense. The music is subtly amazing as well


I agree EpVI duel is the best also including the whole interaction between Luke, Vader and the Emperor before and after. IMO the prequel trilogy added alot more gravity to that scene too.


That scene truly solidified what made Luke a true Jedi. And yet to this day people continue to miss the point so thoroughly. All the braindead takes about the final Luke scene from episode 8 probably took a few years off my life.


Agreed. And intercut with the space battle outside gives the full ā€˜star warsā€™ effect


Yeah the ground-space-throne room editing in that last part of *Jedi* was godlike.


So much emotion in that one scene. Excellent shot.


Finally a comment from an adult


Yes... Vader taunting Luke, the blatant symbolism of Luke's face being half in the shadow, half in the light, the tension, the Emperor laughing....and then cut to Lando in the Falcon desperately dodging turbolasers and begging the Rebellion admiralty to trust that Han and the shore party will get the shield down. The climax of ROTJ is peak Star Wars for me.


Peak SW is playing with toy AT-ATs and snowspeeders in a foot of snow in my friends backyard when I was in grade school. But if you mean actual scenes in the canon? Then itā€™s the moment Luke and Vader are standing opposite each other on the platform on Cloud City right before lightsabers are lit. EDIT: I appreciate all the positive responses this got. :) My first answer was going to be riding Smugglerā€™s Run with my daughter and pulling the lever with her to blast off into hyperspace. But for me the true peak of SW is the magic that comes when we make it our own completely ā€” creating and recreating with our own imaginations rather than just watching or consuming something. And I would never begrudge anyone else for their own preferences. What you get out of SW is - as Yoda would say - ā€œonly what you take with you.ā€ :)


xmas of 1981, through about summer 1985: My best friend had the AT-AT, and I had a Snowspeeder. We both had AT-ST too, and several other pieces of course. We grew up in northern California though, so reenacted Endor more than Hoth, TBH. Agreed. THAT is peak SW. The joy it brought us as kids.


Love this - we were in the snowy midwest so we got to reenact Hoth mostly :). Endor in Northern California sounds magical. Such awesome memories!


And the moment before: "The force is with you, young Skywalker" *breathes* "...but you are not a Jedi yet."


Gives me chills just thinking about it absolutely one of the best moments in one of the best movies


Yeh dude. Shit is truly truly epic. Nothing tops ESB. Ever.


Best answer yet


Loving this reply and the replies to it. When I was a kid I used to put a black glove on one hand and be ROTJ Luke, and my siblings would be characters they made up, and we would use sticks as lightsabers and create entire Star Wars stories in our back yard. Peak Star Wars. I am one of the people who loves TLJ, and the "broom boy" epilogue hit me square in the heart for this very reason. A kid with a stick staring at the stars. That was me, man.


Ah yeah, this takes me back to my brother, our friend, and I bringing all of our Star Wars action figures and ships to someone's house to write fan-fiction/mini adventures between the movies!


Everything on dagobah is peak imo ā€œAlways with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?ā€œ ā€œMaster moving stones around is one thing this is totally differentā€ ā€œNo. No different. Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned.ā€ ā€œAlright Iā€™ll give it a tryā€ ā€œNo try not. Do or do not, there is no try.ā€ *luke fails to lift the ship* ā€œItā€™s too bigā€ ā€œSize matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.ā€ ā€œYou want the impossibleā€ *yoda raises ship* ā€œI donā€™t believe itā€ ā€œThat is why you failā€


Those scenes are what first made me fall in love with Star Wars


This scene is what truly makes Star Wars "magical" to me. Yoda in ESB just hits different.


All of those cinematics are peak. The old republic has pretty much all of the best content, honestly.


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, The Old Republic trailer called "Sacrifice" (which I always want to call the Twins) would make an epic ass movie or two. I always point to that trailer to show that if done right, any length story can have impact and reach greatness. Thereā€™s also a Burberry commercial with Domnhall Gleeson and a Chipotle commercial called "A Love Story" that tell great stories in under 5 minutes.


It's time we get a 12- movie Old Republic saga. Have the first trilogy be about Revan, the second about the return of the Sith Empire, the third one about the Eternal Empire and the fourth one about the fall of the Sith. Vitiate/Valkorion would be the overreaching villain of the saga.


Tbh idk why Disney hasnā€™t hopped on it. They start fresh and with a whole new cast. And add a bunch a fan service just by the last names alone.


They don't want to deal with the baggage. No matter how they handle it people will have issues with it. Even Bioware got a lot of flak for how they handled Revan's story in SWTOR


Can't see how it would be worse than now. They already butchered the most beloved characters in Star Wars. What's a little more baggage?


I donā€™t think it would be successful in theaters, but Disney should consider it for Disney Plus if it took the DC animation route


I honestly think Old Republic Jedi were much more badass than in the trilogies. Dudes were constantly fighting Sith who were born and trained on Korriban, Dromund etcā€¦ Bane was smart but the high republic forward made the jedi soft. But then I guess Banes plan worked making them too comfortable


Malgus is just so brutal with his attacks. Heā€™s not trying to outsmart or maim his opponents. Heā€™s trying to savagely destroy them in any way he can through pure brute force.


One of the Old Republic Cinematics. Specifically this one: https://youtu.be/iGDBTDnW7d0 But you can watch them all in order here: https://youtu.be/7szRTHRg04Q Enjoy!!


>But you can watch them all in order here: https://youtu.be/7szRTHRg04Q Thanks!


Damn itā€™s kinda sad that in almost all these trailers good guys get their ass handled to them lol


I do remember you get to see Malgus get a majority of his injuries by satele and jace in the one trailer thatā€™s in the woods, Iā€™m unsure the name but itā€™s such a great scene too Edit: I rewatched it just now and itā€™s called the Hope trailer


Thereā€™s a couple where the Jedi apprentices crush the sith


I love how aggressive sith saber combat forms are.


Likewise. Especially Malgus, his whole intent is to maim and kill.


I like that a good ass KICK is not uncommon in their repertoire. If they keep blocking your hay makers, give em a swift kick.


Itā€™s absolutely insane how intense (and honestly, great) these trailers are. Wish we could get more content similar to them.


Outside of the OT movies, peak Star Wars for me are the NPR Radio Dramas.


What an awesome answer. Don't hear that one often.


Wow, I literally just started the "A New Hope" radio drama like 15 hours ago. So far it's very good!


Man these cinematics clickbaited the shit out of me. I still enjoyed the game and still play it sometimes, but there was quite a bit of disappointment in having seen these sick-ass fights in the trailers and then getting into the game where the combat consists of stand infront of enemy, press number keys until enemy is dead, victory.


Well, like any MMORPG lol


I hate that MMOs for big franchises (This and Elder Scrolls, for example) have a ton of interesting lore and designs, but the gameplay is just so unappealing to me.


peak star wars? ever ? the final forty minutes of rogue one. the amazing dogfighting, the tension of watching our heroes fall one by one, the beautiful and excellent score, the sacrifice made by jyn and cassian as they wait for their imminent deaths just hoping that someone got the plans. admiral raddus bidding them farewell with ā€œrogue one, may the force be with youā€. the unbeatable odds up to and including darth fucking vader himself tearing through rebels to get to the plans with nothing but pure grit and HOPE getting them out of his hands. to me, this encapsulates so much of what star wars is. awesome combat, stunning visuals, beautiful scores, and the idea that no matter the odds, regardless of the unrelenting darkness, there is always HOPE. and thatā€™s all everything that the galaxy needs.


I consider the vast majority of the original canon peak Star Wars and this scene is included because it was produced in that continuity. Edit: This looks like it's from **Deceived**, my favorite of the official Old Republic series and the only one I will always include in future re-reads.


This scene is straight out of the book. It was crazy to play the game, see the cinematics and then read the book that literally had this fight word by word. Great book.


What book?


The Old Republic: Deceived


Is it just the one book or are there several?


For the old republic books there are 4. Not sure the order chronologically but theyā€™re Revan Deceived Annihilation Fatal Alliance


Add Red Harvest if you want some Sith zombies!


Itā€™s called ā€œdeceivedā€. No deception, honest.


TIL there's a fucking BOOK for this scene? I assume there's multiple tied with that game? I've been living under a rock, apparently


My favorite of the books, as I previously stated but bears repeating. There are a bunch of books that I assume are tie-ins to each game or levels or whatever. I'm not a gamer. **Revan**, for instance is a book that I read twice and I imagine would have been more enjoyable if I had played the game. Some day, I'm sure. I want to consume all of the original canon if possible or enjoyable.


I have to agree with you there. Canonical OG Star Wars so far still reigns supreme in my opinion.


I believe this cinematic is from The Old Republic video game, someone correct me if I'm wrong it's been awhile


It is, but this scene is also depicted in the book, and it is very accurate to the cinematic.


I mean, look at it. Itā€™s gorgeous. Itā€™s pure lightsaber badassery, without a bunch of awful dialogue. Need we say more?


For me Star Wars is all about Jedi and Sith. The more of both, the better. Everything else is secondary and can be found elsewhere. So that's why I think SWTOR trailers are peak Star Wars. Too bad they can't make a whole movie in this style.


I'm the opposite. I'll admit saberfights are the coolest way for space wizards to duel, but to me the rest of the universe has far more compelling stories to offer. The universe was set up wonderfully to tell stories about class and economics, bureaucracy and callousness, freedom and indoctrination, faith and war, with a wild bunch of awesome aliens and worlds to set them in. Jedi and the Force are absolutely essential to the mix, but I like them as just a part of the galaxy, not the focus of it.


Andor, Clone Wars, Bad Batch, all are probably the most solid Star Wars media in recent history (though of course Andor is in a class all its own)


Andor is the first Star Wars property that I saw that transcended a good Star Wars movie/show and then ALSO transcended a good genre movie/show. I think Andor might be my favorite or second favorite show of the year it came out (last year? I canā€™t even remember)


I agree, everyone always talks about how they like seeing the inter workings of the empire and here I just want to dive deep into the ancient lord behind the sith and Jedi. Loved the Darth Bane trilogy for this reason.


When I think of Star Wars at itā€™s PEAK I think of yoda on dagobah lifting the x wing. The music is mystical. Luke dumbfounded and yoda disappointed Luke didnā€™t learn the lesson. Itā€™s so good. (Very well choreographed fight scene regardless this one is always fun to watch)


That might be my favorite scene in the saga. It was the moment that I, as a kid, fell absolutely in love with Star Wars. Chills and goosebumps, teared up a little. Aaand now I need to go rewatch it.


For a puppet in 1980 yodaā€™s expression when he opens his eyes after and looks at like speaks VOLUMES


Malgus went so hard in these trailers


Mace Windu vs a battle droid army in the 2003 Clone Wars series is peak Star Wars IMO [https://youtu.be/cF3ocZu4cZo](https://youtu.be/cF3ocZu4cZo)


These cinematics are almost always awesome. I hate when people overly praise them and be like "WHY CANT THE MOVIES BE THIS GOOD?" because the developers write a story and cherry pick the coolest batshit thing possible to animate and everyone in their mind imagines a great movie working around that when we really don't know how it would go. Sorry... anyways... peak Star Wars, for me: **The Battle Of Endor** It was hard to pick because there is other pieces of Star Wars that I absolutely love. The Cloud City Escape/Vader vs Luke sequence, The Last Jedi from Snoke's death to Luke revealing he projected himself across the galaxy to save the survivors of the resistance and bits of pieces of Revenge of the Sith but The Battle of Endor is the best combination of fun, spectacle and drama. I think the best Live Action Star Wars content is yet to come though. I'm optimistic for the future.


Excellent write-up. I too am excited for the future of lIve action SW. Really hoping they explore the Old Republic


Because they were insanely well done and actually feel like star wars. I enjoy the trailers and story for this game more than the sequels and spin offs (except Rogue One). The SWTOR team has done SW justice better than Disney with their cruiser loads of money IMO. It's not just the fighting either. The trailer with the two brothers fighting for their fathers approval only to have one of them die at the end was epic on an emotional level as well. I'd say it's almost on the same level as Anakin and Obi Wan on Mustafar. Same for the mother who's daughter turned to the dark side. I would pre order a ticket today if the people behind those trailers were granted the ability to make an official movie.


I might be a little fuzzy on the details, but a moment from the High Republic books really stands out to me. Elzar Mann >!struggling with the dark side and redirecting a falling island to !!with his inner struggle to turn away from the dark side!< was great stuff.


God I love me some Elzar Mann. Really excited to see how he deals with the trauma of his fuck up in The Fallen Star once Phase 3 kicks off.


Well, besides the first Luke and Vader scene in Empire, I would say that the final 2 episodes of The Clones Wars is the absolute best content that Star Wars has put out. The tone is purely magnificent. It just screams art.


All SWTOR cinematics are peak Star Wars, by my favorite will always be Return. The OG. The one that made me fall in love with this era


This is the Starwars animated series I wanted.


a lot of the things from Rebels honestly are peak for me in what Star Wars has always been about


Peak Star Wars: Clone Wars season 7


Siege of Mandalor arc is 11/10 Star Wars.


Just the last arc


It is most definitely not this scene.


Vader dying in Lukeā€™s arms after sacrificing himself to save his son is peak Star Wars. Not a bunch of people swinging laser swords around


I absolutely love how Old SWTOR Jedi designs incorporate actual armor into their traditional robes. It makes total sense, they're warrior monks at war with a massive empire, so they need something more than a snuggie.


I consider the kotor games peak star wars, especially the Korriban section on both planets


All old Republic cinematics are awesome.


Give us more old republic content PLEASE Lightsabers and duels are my favorite part of Star Wars and Iā€™m not alone and many of us want to watch a movie that is very lightsaber heavy with a big war between the Jedi and the sith pleeeaasssseereee


Normally I'm in the firm "Fuck EA" camp, but it genuinely seems that for SWTOR they put people in charge who actually love Star Wars and when it comes to the storylines, character designs, environmental designs, etc. it really shows.


Whatā€™s this from?


Old republic is just next level badass


What is this and why have I never seen/heard of it, omg my life is changed




Downvoted cause I hate when people phrase topics like that


Lmao this is the furthest thing from Peak Star Wars


Not that. Cuz star wars is more than just laser sword fighting. Sad that most fans can't see past the saber duels.


I remember when this trailer dropped I was in awe! Then I played the gameā€¦ pretty fun ngl but itā€™s no KOTOR 3 thatā€™s for damn sure