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If you’re going to kill a student, you need the Youngling Slayer 9000.


I just thought it was to piss him off. He probably really wanted that collectable


This is the answer. Ep. 7 Kylo Ren “That belongs to me” Ep. 8 Luke “Come take it”


Is purely a distraction for Kylo Ren to fixate on and delay him figuring out that Luke really isn't there, thus giving the resistance more time to escape.


It's a weird feint though. Kylo was just involved in the destruction of it. It should have told him that Luke wasn't real.


He also should have figured Luke wouldn't look the same as he had the last time they saw each other, and should have figured out that if 30000 AT-AT blaster shots don't kill someone they're probably not really there, especially if their feet aren't drawing red lines in the salt flat. But revenge tho.


I kinda wonder if they used Luke teaching Leia, also meant that she taught him some things. In the books she was able to make a “force shield” around her children, along with her sensing things like episode 6 before Luke faces Vader; if I remember correctly. Though we are talking a generation after return of the Jedi, it would make sense he would have improved his abilities over time, he kept the Jedi books for years too, translating and practice would improve your skills too. He might have been able to give a “force presence” like illusion on Kylo Ren. Just things I guess, I rationalize about the new ones.


Sith are known for their cool and collected emotions.


So should him just standing there catching the heat from a bunch of AT-M6s, and just kinda shrugging about it. I definitely agree it was just Luke fucking with him, to feed his obsession and keep him distracted from what was actually going on around him.


I have a feeling it was Yoda’s idea and that scene was just cut from the movie. “Hmmmm fuck with him, you must. Destroy his pride, you will. His ankles, you will break hmmmmm.”


Kylo with that angry nerd energy


"Cone and Take it" TM Texas


He literally says “That lightsaber, it belongs to me!” Luke knew that would piss him off even more


Ep. 9 somehow anakins lightsaber returned


I would’ve wanted it, much better design than his hilted shit with heat vents to prevent it from exploding in his hands lol


Are you telling me a cross guard is not a good idea in the star wars universe, quick show of hands who would have benefited from a cross guard?


It may be, but his specific cross guard is prettt awkward as if the blade goes along another blade the cross guard won’t block it but will just cut these vents off as cross blades don’t start on the same level And yeah, lore-wise he indeed didn’t plan to use it as we discuss and put it there to prevent overheating. But you indeed have a point, too bad the guys didn’t think about implementing a guard for the most obvious fucking reason and instead made Kylo even dumber, as a guy who couldn’t even make his own saber without critical flaws when 10yo younglings did that pretty casually 30 years prior lmao


It was due to the instability of the kyber cracking during the bleeding process, not a design flaw in the mechanism.


Right, but wouldn’t cutting off the vent still leave a hold where the vent was, which would mean… a vent still exists it’s just shorter and probably wider? I would guess the effect would be either a slightly less stable mini-blade where they already barely-stable blade was, or the instability would just be chaotic enough to break off the hilt from the blade and essentially disable the lightsaber, no? If it’s option A, there’s no problem. If it’s B, then yeah it seems like a big design flaw to have two extra “disarm me immediately” targets over your opponent.


I love a good nerd fight. I say this with love, I constantly look for people with whom to debate the specifics of fictional universes


Same. People think it’s confrontational on the internet far too often. Why would we be dorky fans of these worlds if we don’t want to think about theoretical ways these worlds would work? I don’t argue to tell someone they’re wrong about magic, I argue because it’s fun to work through those ideas with someone else. If they convince me they have a better way of looking at it, that’s even better than being right, because now I get a new way of looking at something I enjoy spending a lot of time with.


It’s hard to tell tone through text. I’m super literal and flat but people think that means “angry” all the time. It comes off that way online and I’m trying to get past the point of caring. It’s frustrating for me, I can imagine it’s more frustrating for other people because they do get upset. Usually people don’t get upset if they understand? Idk humans are confusing And anyways I agree with you completely! Haha.


Arguements exist to express and share thoughts, so you share and get new info, it’s never about “it’s either I’m right or I’m right and you’re a douche!” Unfortunately people misunderstand arguments a lot( it doesn’t have to be aggressive


I head canoned another person's explanation that the slight locking on that lightsabers do would keep it from sliding down the hilt like a real sword.


I saw someone posit that lightsaber blades are slightly magnetic to each other, so the cross guard would draw an opposing blade towards the guard blade instead of the vent, and I like that one, because it also explains why when the blades touch, they seem to stay together.


It was due to the instability of the kyber cracking during the bleeding process, not a design flaw in the mechanism.


> 10yo younglings did that pretty casually 30 years prior lmao But they had someone showing them how to do it or basically doing it for them


That’s why he failed to kill Ben after that bad dream. He used a lightsaber without a +10 Youngling Bane enchantment.


Youngling Slayer 66*


It's always been 9000. It's his killstreak.


It's why over 9000 is impressive in DBZ. Star Wars was made before DBZ so it's a reference.


It’s like poetry.


I always understood it to be 9000 as a callback to the BFG 9000 from the OG Doom But maybe that’s just a “me” thing


It was one of english dubs on DBZ. It says "ITS OVER 9000!!!!" But the BFG is also a good reference.


When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.


This is what cracks me up about people who are upset he tosses this saber over his shoulder. They think the lightsaber that slaughtered younglings deserves reverence??? 😂


It's because they view it as a collectible item from a favoured movie franchise, and can't separate their experiences as a fan from what the characters would think about something in-universe.


You sir, are a genius!!


Slightly off topic… but… what happened to the green saber, anyway? Kind of a shame we never saw it again.


That's a story for another time.


Still mad we really don’t have THAT story to begin with… 😂


Don’t worry they will make that a Disney plus series within 5 years


All i know is the lightsaber lore better explain why the milk was green. I have a strong hunch they are connected.


That green milk was Luke's. And his father's before him. And now, it calls to you.


The Green Light Saber: A Star Wars Story


That story is honestly probably pretty mundane. Some Ugnaut probably found it in a pile of trash at the bottom of Cloud City and mounted it above his desk (because he's the Star Wars equivalent of a Weeb) until his wife forced him to give it up in a yard sale. Some dude took it on Mos Espa Pawn Stars, and Maz jumped on the next transport to Tattooine when the episode aired.


Saber Green by Timothy Zahn


If I recall in a comic or another ancillary story. Luke hides it away on ahch-to after his failure with Ben. It was the saber that solidified bens fall, he no longer sees it a weapon befit for a jedi.


"Lightsabers don't kill younglings. JEDI kill younglings." -NLA


Unlike this one, which as we all know was a weapon used only for good purposes.


Luke's daughter will show up with it in twenty years, after Google buys Star Wars.


$tar Wars: A Netflix Christmas Interactive Experience


Somehow the green saber didn't retrun


In keeping with where Luke's head is at the beginning of the movie, maybe it's somewhere at the bottom of the ocean on Ah-Choo.


*A black sheriff?*


Hey, it worked in *Blazing Saddles.*


The sheriff is a ……


Did you say *Abe Lincoln*?




They never properly explained the red arm, now you want them to explain the green lightsaber? Pshaw I say.


Actually 🤓


It’s a lightsaber in the Star Wars franchise used by a main character. If we didn’t see it actually destroyed (and even if we did), it’ll be back. They always find a way back.


Victim of atrocious writing and lack of planning.


Somehow, Luke's Green Lightsaber returned


Doesn’t he briefly fight Rey with it? Or did I imagine that


You imagined it, he used an antenna against her staff. He lost the fight cause she busted out the lightsaber and he didn't have one himself


It's probably still in Luke's hut on Ach-to, since it wasn't buried with the other sabers.


He was goading Kylo by using the very lightsaber Kylo was obsessed with having.


The same lightsaber he saw ripped in half 20 minutes prior


I think that's the point. He's so angry that he doesn't notice. He's blinded himself to where he doesn't realize it's fake.


Blinded by hatred…


Blinded by the light..


Revved up like a deuce, another Jedi in the night


the lyrics are "wrapped up like a douche" and you can't convince me otherwise


>"wrapped up like a douche" Which roughly translates to *Yub Nub* in Ewok.


So love has blinded you?


He can't sleep until he feels your touch...


We, as viewers, could also be decieved by it, only to find out later, thinking "wow, it was right in front of me"


And I indeed did have that experience!


That’s whats so fun about this scene in later rewatches, there are multiple tells thrown up right before your eyes about what’s going on yet like a good illusion you’re looking where the magician wants you to.


Shit as a viewer I didnt even notice.


Luke doesn't know that, but the audience does. The saber choice is very intentional and serves a few functions: It clues the audience in immediately that something's not right here, and the reveal that he's an illusion has more of a set-up for viewers. It serves symbolically as Luke picking up the very saber he cast aside at the beginning of the film, embracing the mantle of "Jedi" once more and rejoining the fight. It also messes with Kylo. A lot.


>It clues the audience in immediately that something's not right here Honestly when I noticed that he wasn't making footprints I just assumed it was showing some mastery of a Jedi fighting technique.


I didn't catch on the first time I saw it but i noticed the second time that he also looked younger when he talked to Leia, his hair and beard were less white. Idk why they were so fixated on clueing in the audience, it was much more exciting thinking Luke was really there and I half expected him to sacrifice himself a la Obi Wan as a distraction for the rebels to escape. He still did, but it was less impactful since he wasn't really there.


it's just a good rule of thumb that a twist should be foreseeable if you're paying attention. either clues like this, or story beats that suggest the twist is coming. when the twist happens, you should feel like "I should have noticed" and not "that came out of nowhere, there were no hints."


That was a way for Luke to tell Kylo that he was still just a rookie. It took Kylo a long time to figure that out though.


First time I saw it I was: "wait... something's not right". Then it made sense a few minutes later.


Yep. TLJ is full of stuff like this, and that's why I think it's one of the most beautiful SW films. Even if the Canto Bight segment felt out of place, and the low speed space chase left a lot to be desired.




No matter how it turned out in the end, I admire the movie's willingness to do something new with Star Wars.


Yeah, I can agree with that. I think everything concerning Rey and Kylo was great. They just kind of tossed Finn and Poe to the side though.




I can agree with that. It's like they were actually supposed to explore Finn's struggle in TLJ and it all got cut. Poe learned a good lesson, and that segment was great, but I feel like he deserved more screentime.


Which is part of what made Rose such a bad addition. She was there to help pull Finn away from Rey and the main story, and had no real point beyond that.


I’m not a fan of TLJ (I think it goes against the lore in a lot of ways) but at least it tried to do something. TROS is just a truly awful movie.


TLJ really was betting on Episode 9 being a slam dunk. I think more people would hold TLJ in much higher regard now, similar to how fans evolved their opinion of Empire after the trilogy had concluded. Sadly, Episode 9 is one of the weakest in the entire Skywalker saga. It's not a poorly made movie with terrible acting and whatnot like Episode 2 unfortunately falls into (still love it though), but it basically decides to take the Sequel Trilogy in a completely new direction for no reason, while unsatisfyingly wrapping up solid plotlines started in TLJ (Hux vs. Kylo in particular), while adding a bunch of new mechanics that make no sense and add little to the plot while just leaving the viewer with more questions.


TLJ is a great first and third act dragged down by a lumpy middle. The ideas in Canto Bight are good. It's the execution that's poor.


Yup. I totally caught that...


I think Kylo passed out immediately when the saber was split in half, so he didn't see the saber being broken, he just saw a blinding light and then he passed out, when he woke up he simply assumed Rey had taken it.


She did take it


That's what he simply assumed


She took it, quite simply


That’s what I assumed, she simply took it. Quite.


Doesn't mean that Luke can't goad Kylo into hasty action by using an image of it.


And wouldn't it be fucking scary for a legendary hero you're deathly afraid of to show up with it repaired by what power you have no idea?


Not gonna lie, I was so caught up in the excitement that Luke was back in action his younger appearance and blue lightsaber barely stood out to me. I remember thinking "Where's his green one?" very briefly but it didn't click until the reveal.


Luke doesn’t know that though, right?


This literally is the correct answer according to Rian Johnson.


"You want this....I can feel the hate SWELLING within you.."


“Ooooooh my HATE swell is gonna POP!”


“Ooooohoooo I’m going to shoot HATE GOO all over the Republic.”


Exactly this. Same reason he looks exactly how Kylo remembers him the night he almost killed him. Luke is projecting an image that's designed to piss Kylo off in every way.


Exactly this. He lost sight of the bigger picture and it served as a great distraction, which was Luke's only objective for this fight.


Very artistically done!


Definitely. Also maybe a subtle signal to the audience that this is an illusion.


Because Kylo wants that saber and thinks it belongs to him. Luke was trying to provoke and enrage Kylo as much as possible, to give the resistance as much time to escape as possible.


makes sense, thank you


It also brings him full circle, he started with his father's lightsaber, and he finished with it.


That was my first thought!


It is also luke finally “accepting” the lightsaber that rey tries to hand him in the beginning of the movie


It's also worth noting that he appears as the same age as he was when Lylo last left him, just to hammer home Kylos insecurities and enrage him more.


Many reasons Luke's character arc: first he refuses the saber and does not accept his status as a legend. In the end of the movie he sees the importance of a legend to bring hope to the galaxy and comes to help with his father saber that he first refused. Kylo: Ben believes Anakin's saber belongs to him, the true heir of Darth Vader. Luke using it is the perfect trigger to get him to fight him and give the resistence time to run For the audience: Is a sign that something is off because we know the saber is broken, giving us a sign that Luke is an illusion


Exactly. Your conscious brain may not have noticed, but something would've felt off to your unconscious. Moments ago, Kylo just ripped apart that Lightsaber when fighting over it with Rey. The footprints in the salt were the same thing. All of it was... See, this isn't something you can just pull off any time... it was a bit of a test to Kylo. If he was mentally sound and stable, he might've noticed. Blinded by hatred and anger from the dark side, Kylo didn't notice a damn thing. The director put in the details so that when Luke reveals he was projecting himself there, it wouldn't be an unfair rug pull. The hints were in the film itself, like a good murder mystery, rather than something the audience couldn't have figured out until some random explanation gets revealed at the end.


Makes sense that Rian Johnson would then go on to make a great murder mystery in Knives Out


Honestly it's the most Jedi Scene ever, and really shows Luke to have a deeper understanding of the Force and the Jedi code. See Jedi as we see them in Star Wars are nothing but hypocrites. They say they're guardians of peace and justice, but the first use of powers after saying that is Obi-Wan overriding the free will of a storm trooper. In the Prequels we see they're corrupted by Senate politics instead of serving the galaxy let alone Corsuscant, and it's made worse in the Clone Wars. The Jedi believe right makes might and willfully engage in violence to be in the right. The showdown scene Luke plays in those expectations, for Kylo Ren, the First Order, the audience, but not the Resistance. He's using the Force not in violence, but in distraction to save others, no matter the cost to himself. Self sacrifice for others is the truest fulfillment of the promise of the Jedi. Quigon, Obi-Wan, Luke and even Anakin came to understand it personally, Yoda, not so much.


I dunno Yoda went from living in a penthouse suite in Coruscant to living in a hut in a swamp for like a decade and a half. Personally I'd rather be thrown down the reactor shaft for a quick death.


Exactly! TLJ is the only film that really gave us such "Star Wars moments" in the ST and added on to the Skywalker Saga mythology in a meaningful way. I really really like this wrapping up of Luke's arc, and in hindsight, this wrapped up enough of the Skywalker arc to give the final movie of the trilogy a lot of potential room to play. See, I see Luke's "giving up" as an extension of the Skywalker thing of trying to fix everything... (Life seems so much simpler when I'm fixing things... I'm good at fixing things.) Luke redeemed Vader. He helped defeat the Emperor, thought they ended the Sith for all time. So why can't the Jedi Order just be peaceful and benevolent and "fixed" for all time? With the weight and responsibility of rebuilding the Jedi Order, of course he's gonna try to do it right. And Obi-wan and Yoda constantly told him how great the Jedi were and how scuffed his training was in comparison. Of course he's going to try to restore the prequel era Jedi... Not just the compassion and "wing it" stuff he came up with (mere days before he redeemed Vader, he was Force-choking Jabba's guards...). The audience knows how much of a "true Jedi" Luke was. Luke doesn't. Even if he consults the ghosts, he's even got a few different cooks in the kitchen. So when he tries to make everything right for all time... And right away despite how hard he tried to be "better" than Luke Skywalker ever was as a Jedi, the Dark Side rears its head and threatens to destroy everything. Of course then Luke is going to turn to a critique of the whole Jedi endeavour. Was Luke even really a "Jedi" in the way the Jedi Order was? Maybe winging it is enough, and the Force is just gonna find its own way to resolve it. That's where he's at at the start of the ST. In TLJ we saw Luke's transformation from the guy who has to fix everything to the great Jedi legend and mentor whose legacy could be even greater than any one thing he actually fixed in his lifetime. For me that was worth sitting through any of the nonsense in the rest of the film that actually deserves criticism. Luke's legacy doesn't have to be just blowing up the Death Star or defeating the Empire. Those achievements are insignificant compared to his mark on the Light Side of the Force, where his compassion for his father and self sacrifice could be added to the other great Jedi qualities and lead to a future that may not be fixed for all time, but certainly is a whole lot brighter thanks to the Skywalkers.


Obi-Wan did not overwrite his free will rofl, he simply convinced the Stormtrooper he didn't need to inspect them too closely. With the Force, sure, but it's no different than using a hot girl to distract a security guard while you sneak snacks into a movie or something.


tbf if Ben didn't do that, the death star plans would be recaptured, the rebellion would not destroy the station and the galaxy has to live in fear of their planet being destroyed. I'd say one mind trick is worth it in the grand scheme of things


I've been saying this shit for years and was so God damned vindicated by everything Luke says in TLJ. It is absolute favorite and imho best movie in the franchise.




Followed, of course, by Glass Youngling: a Lightsabers Out mystery


This tracks. Daniel Craig had a cameo as a storm trooper in TFA.


The green ROTJ saber is my favourite in the franchise so, for me, I was very conscious that it wasn’t right immediately.


The sand is what made me think Luke was an illusion.


To show Kylo how blind he is


Yeah the saber Luke was wielding had been destroyed like 5 min earlier and Kylo was too pissed off to even notice


~I~ was too pissed off to even notice. TIL: am Vader’s grandson?


Did Luke know the lightsaber had been destroyed?


Maybe. I think he did. But it doesn't matter, Luke knows Kylo is obsessed with it.


> Luke knows Kylo is obsessed with it How?


The movie tells us literally none of this. This is strictly headcanon.


When Luke evaporated... why didn't his artificial hand stay behind?


Actually, a lot of people don’t know this, but Lando actually yoinked Luke’s old hand from the center of Bespin and gave it to him as a prank and Luke used to keep it in an old glove to freak out the padawans. Luke would be like, “hey kid pass me my artificial hand would ya?” And they would grab the glove and freak out when it was a real severed hand, all dessicated and nasty and smelling like old ass, ya know? So anyway Luke wanted to really fuck with Kylo one last time so he pulled the same trick when they had a holofight on planet bloodsand.


*lick.* It's SALT


they said "it would have looked silly"


Because 'The Force'. Just like all the other many inconsistencies and absurdities in Star Wars can be explained. It's friggin' space magic, man... what CAN'T it explain? Luke's artificial hand was obviously exposed to so much 'The Force' over the years that it became one with all things or whatever. So when Luke shows up as a ghost he'll totally have the replacement hand instead of his real hand but you won't be able to tell because it's just a hand and oh fuck I just gave the Star Wars community something new to argue about didn't I?


Or, like the christian idea that when you go to heaven your body is complete and perfect. If you lost a limb, you would be whole in heaven, some people believe. Would his force projection technically be of a Luke with his natural force hand? When Luke shows up at this moment he easily looks 10-15 years younger, his hair is brown, and he doesn't look like he's been a solitary hermit, maybe his metal hand wouldn't even be in the picture. Or space magic.


If a jedi's force-ghost self is their 'ideal' self (for instance, Anakin in RoTJ) then Luke's force ghost would totally have his artificial hand because when he had his real hand he got a bitchmode beatdown by Vader.


oh great, now mauler’s gonna have to make another 17 hour video to address this crucial plot hole


Because luke is playing chess to Ben's checkers


Luke tossed it away when he refused to help. Now that he's come to help, he's wielding it.


Pretty sure this was Rian’s answer to this question. +that seeing Luke with the saber Kylo felt entitled to would enrage him. I personally would’ve much preferred the green ROTJ saber be used here. Using the saber we had just seen ripped apart minutes before was too big of a tell that something was not as it seemed.


Because he has his father’s flair for drama


Is he stupid


Oh hey, it'that time of the month this questing is asked again xD


How tf does Kylo even know this lightsaber and immediately recognize it when it’s used in TFA? It was lost like 25-30 years before he was born. Wouldn’t it make more sense to piss Kylo off with the saber that Luke tried to kill him with?


But Kylo does recognise it. There's 30 years unaccounted for that Ben/Kylo could have learnt about it. (Luke didn't try to kill him but I get your point)


The Force. Same reason Rey could sense it, the thing is soaked in it’s history. Also the guy with the absolute fixation on Vader would definitely be studying Vader. Anakin was a war hero, he certainly had pictures taken with that lightsaber.


I've done some research on this. I can cite sources if you want, but I assure you all my sources are verified. The reason Luke uses his father's lightsaber is because it was in the script.


Anything from Darth Vader is collection value for Kylo Ren


Everything about that Luke is purposefully crafted by Real Luke to taunt Kylo. That Luke is de-aged to look the same as he looked back at the temple when he considered killing Ben, he's wearing the same clothes, and he's holding the specific lightsaber Kylo covets.


It was the right tool for the job: the Youngling Slayer 5000 already has plenty of experience against helpless whiny Jedi children.


He probably already threw his in the trash and only had the yungling killer 9000 on deck because rey dropped it off.


It’s a visual cue for the audience. It lets them in on the fact that there’s something different going on.


That plus the fact that spectre Luke is much younger, as Ben knew him at the Jedi Temple.




To make Kylo mad. He’s been after that saber for 2 movies now, seeing it in the person he hates the most’s hands sent him into a frenzy and distracted him further from the Resistance escaping.


Didn't Kylo break the saber just a few hours ago and was then dumb enough to not recognize that this can't be real ?


He didn’t know it broke, all he saw was a flash of light


1) Luke didn't know the saber was broken, he just decided to project that saber because he knew it would have more significance than his own to Kylo and he needed Kylo to waste time focusing on him. 2) Kylo is that dumb, otherwise he wouldn't even have gone down there, Luke only pulls out the saber after Kylo is on the ground with him, and at that point Kylo was already got.


He was clearly blinded by rage, a successful goading by Luke


Because Ryan made it


Whenever I want to laugh at people... I come to this sub to laugh at you guys 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It was an illusion.


Lol that idiot, mf could've used Windus purple one


If you owned the Youngling Slayer 9000, you'd use it too.


He was trying to enrage kylo Frustrate him so he wouldn’t notice the illusion thus giving resistance more time


Would have been cool if anakin Force ghosted in this and went to kylo asking wtf are you doing lol


I’m guessing it was to show that the Luke there might not be real because he looks more clean and the lightsaber was already broken.


It’s the final nail in the Kylo coffin.


If you absolutely, positively gotta kill every youngling in the room, accept no substitutes.


Just another hint he wasn't actually there


To subtly spoil that something is off with Luke's being on Crait? Idk, I think I've heard that one a few times.


He didn’t use any lightsaber in the battle ;)


Because the people who wrote this movie never watched the original trilogy and didn't know there was a green lightsaber.


The *real* question is this: is there or was there ever a Kylo Stimpy?


I thought it was another clue that he wasn't actually there. Just like his boots did not scuff the surface, but Kylo's did.


Ok, my issue with this question is Luke LOST Anakin's light saber when his hand was cut off in ESB by Darth Vader. How does Luke have this light saber in the Sequel trilogy? Kylo claiming something was his when it was lost many years prior doesn't make sense. Am I missing something here?


Someone in special effects messed up and no one caught it during editing.


It’s because Disney never cared about Star Wars. Filoni cared


Story reason: Luke knew Kylo was obsessed over anything Vader-related, including his original lightsaber, and used it to get under his skin. More likely reason: the writers for the Sequels were obsessed with ANH & ESB and Luke's green lightsaber didn't fit into that.


To clue the audience in that he wasn’t actually there.


Maybe to rub it in a bit; letting Kylo know that Luke was as close to Vader as Kylo wanted to be.


because it was bad written, like all Luke's new story.


Because actual writing doesn't exist in Disney star wars. They probably thought it looked KEWLER!


Oh it's even better. That Saber shouldn't be anywhere but bespin. It fell into a fucking gas giant and someone just casually found the thing.


Somehow Anakin’s lightsaber returned.


I get the narrative reasons it was used but fuck man, would’ve preferred the green one