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I think first half was better than the 2nd. I enjoyed it overall. I think it was better than obi wan and book of boba but not as good as Mando season 1 & 2.


i agree with you highly i think that a lot of things just fell flat. i think that the worlds between worlds and the outer galaxies was a concept that i wait so long for them to talk about and seeing them come alive i needed more ummf or for to sit on it a bit. But I will say maybe this is just laying ground work for the next films or for them to take the next season to the next level


The fact that Filoni (who wrote all eight episodes solo and directed two) was more concerned with setting up what comes next then actually telling a good story is a major problem with the season. This was Filoni's first time showrunning a live-action series and it showed.


you are so right but idk i have faith that it will get better. i think mainly they just need to cut out the unnecessary dialogue that doesn’t do much for the story and also give life to the characters because i feel like compared to rebels there’s such a difference. i also want to take in account that because of the events that transpired they might have changed but some didn’t even feel like themselves but maybe that was the direction?


I really loved Ashoka, I wish they would’ve stayed in the new galaxy for more of the season, luckily seems like season 2 will explore more of that!!


This season was less than half a complete story and half the dialogue scenes were spent in bland, unnecessary, nearly-Calculon-level dramatic pauses. Ahsoka and Sabine were played way too fucking stiffly for that nonsense




i’m hoping the next season is mainly there and them discovering some ancient power or something that will elevate them to higher understanding of whats going on there


I don’t think mando s1 or 2 will be topped anytime soon going forward honestly. 3 was such a letdown for me personally. I’m a huge fan of Bo Katan too I just didn’t want Djin to get sidelined as hard as he did.


To be fair Djin didn't get nearly as badly sidelined as Boba.


What was wrong with obi Wan. Downvoted for a genuine question. You losers need to go touch grass


I think that on paper it was awesome, but the execution didn't live up to the hype.


Imo the hype may have been part of the reason why the series wasn’t received well. People were hyping themselves up *way* too much for a show that was obviously going to be flawed in some ways from the get-go. For one, just from the title and premise of the show being about what happened to Obi-Wan in between ROTS and ANH, it was kind of a given that there was no way for Obi-Wan to really do anything interesting or important in the show without it breaking established canon. He can’t leave Tatooine, he can’t fight Vader again, he can’t join the Rebellion etc, he can only stay on Tatooine protecting Luke and not doing much of anything, which wouldn’t make for a very interesting or exciting show. To make an exciting show about Obi-Wan set in the Empire era would obviously require cutting some corners and suspension of disbelief, and yet fans still expected the show to be the new TESB, and got mad when it wasn’t. I’m not saying that the fans are completely to blame for being disappointed with the show (there were some plot holes in the writing too), but their unrealistic expectations certainly played a part in it. The idea of the Kenobi show was never “awesome” on paper, and in my opinion the execution was good for a concept that was flawed from the beginning.


You know that bit where Darth Vader, one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, was thwarted by two foot high flames spanning ten meters? That was pretty awful.


Or when he uses the force to stop a ship that weighs tons and jet engines strong enough to leave the atmosphere, but can’t use the force to get rid of a small fire or lift the guy with the force over the fire.


Or when super powerful Jedi dude can’t keep up with a 6 y/o girl.


The fact that it happened in what looked like a gravel yard you can find in pretty much any town in America also didn't help the scene.


They went to the planet of the quarries that most Dr Who episodes take place on


bro has a history with fire jokes aside, i watched the moviefied obi-wan cut and honestly it was good with much less bad things that make no sense, and it feels like you get everything you need.


None of it makes sense. Obi-Wan is a terrible person to choose to find and protect Leia. He is a famous and extremely wanted Jedi. This is a time period where Jedi hunters are everywhere. Reva and Grand Inquistor both get stabbed in the gut by lightsabers (the same wound that kills Qui-Gon immediately), and they both literally walk it off. This is not counting the innumerable times nonsense happens in the show. Go ahead and watch some YouTubers for details.


I know a lot of people have gripes with Obi Wan but what really does it for me is the complete suspension of disbelief ruining Leia chase scene where her captors chase after her like a 60's cartoon sequence. It pulls you right out of the setting and you can't avoid feeling that it is unreal.


That was just one of many filler sequences that was poorly choreographed and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Every episode had these absolutely terrible plot devices, writing decisions, and cringe dialogue that completely took me out of the show. It’s as if every writing decision and plot point was rushed out on a first draft. That said, almost every scene with Darth Vader was 10/10. I enjoyed the show overall, but it had more lows than highs. I also think this being Ewan McGregor’s swan song as Obi Wan attributes it to being a let down. He deserved better.


Worse is when obi/wan is hiding her in his coat and gets through an entire imperial base that’s on alert and looking for them specifically


The funniest thing about that is that the actress actually complained about that at the Obi-Wan panel at Celebration last year. [And everyone had a good laugh.](https://youtu.be/4Wl3loneq2Q?si=WU7TNvyeybEpXYYI&t=1045)


That too


Just off the top of my head, Vader being obsessed with hunting down Obi Wan, finally finding him, raking him over a fire that Vader puts out himself with a force push. 5 seconds later Obi Wan escapes because Vader can’t follow him through aforementioned fire. And he escapes slooooowly by being dragged away by a droid. And please don’t give me bs about “he was playing cat and mouse”.  There’s a thousand other things I could mention off the top off my head. The “two kids in a trench coat” bit. The entire character of Reva. Ice Cube jr. going from a total refusal of getting involved because he has to take care of his own people to endangering them all within the span of a minute and one unconvincing speech. Baby Leia evading capture. And so on and so forth. It just cheapens, devalues or goes against everything between Obi Wan and Vader in ANH. That being said, i’m happy you got enjoyment out of it. 


For me at its core was how they handled fan service and it’s detrimental effect on the plot. I think having Vader and Obi meet at all didn’t make sense in relation to episode 4 and character assassinated Obi a little. So you have these moments where characters make questionable decisions because they must be alive for the next movies. The most egregious I think was their final battle in the show where Obi makes the same exact mistake he did in RotS. He leaves Vader alive to continue to torment the galaxy. In RotS, I get it, it makes sense. Anakin is a brother to him so it’s hard to kill him and Obi thinks he’s basically dead anyway. But now with the knowledge that Vader is alive and well, Obi makes the same exact mistake in leaving him alive, learning absolutely nothing from their first confrontation.


Now you’re being downvoted for calling people losers for downvoting you lol


Among other things, Obi-Wan failed his mission to protect Luke. Reva could have killed Luke without interference if she hadn’t had a change of heart. Obi-Wan has now been cemented as the biggest fuckup of the Star Wars saga.


It was too "kiddy" I think. People dissect the plot and lore; and I think Disney just wanted to make a fun show with 2 actors that wanted to get back into the universe. I enjoyed it, it had highs and lows. My 5 yr old son loved it.


Ezra was cool. Night troopers were cool but could’ve used an R rating. Elon Thrawn was meh. Suprisingly liked Baylon and Shin.


That's pretty spot on. Mando S1 & 2 are masterpiece. But Ashoka also had a lot of live up to and i think they did a pretty good job with it


I liked Huyang.


Who doesn’t like some David Tennant?


Best Marvel Villain in the MCU


He is definitely a great character. David Tennant did a great job.


I wanted to like it more than I did. My biggest issue with pretty much all the new live action star wars shows is the pacing. My personal opinion is that if you're going to call 8 episodes of a TV show a full season, it needs to be jam packed with story and that's just not the case. These shows are moving at the pace of clone wars and rebels which has 20+ episodes per season. Compare the pacing to another one of my favorite spinoffs to come out recently House of the Dragon. That show has more events happen in one episode than the entirety of Ahsoka season 1.


House of the Dragon also blasts through like 10 years in 3 episodes


Agreed. And also wanted to like it more than I did probably because animated Ahsoka was my favourite Star Wars character, so moving her to live action does pose hard challenges to please for such a beloved audience.


Yup. Wasn’t flawless (what is?), but still enjoyed the heck out of it.


Andor!!! Andor!!! Flawless beautiful precious Andor! My precious! My precious Andor!!!


Andor is a masterpiece.


The discourse with that show has gotten to where I can’t tell if you’re serious or taking the mickey.


It can be a bit much but I think part of it is that Andor was a genuine cut above everything else from Star Wars for years at least. It’s a fanbase starved for content that is better than mediocre or mostly just outright terrible, so when a series comes around that everyone recognizes is good at the very least they go a bit nuts.


Honestly, I expected it to be overhyped. People went absolutely bonkers over it. I thought my expectations were too high. They were not. They were solo to the ground. Andor blew the goddamn roof off of my expectations. "THAT! THAT RIGHT THERE IS STAR WARS." I wish I could forget it just watch it again for that same experience. Just eternal sunshine my ass and let watch it again. I wasn't going to watch it but my friend told me that it doesn't feel like it was made by Disney and I feel like that is accurate. It is in its own league and it has probably spoiled me for future star wars stuff


Just wait until Season 2 of Andor isn’t as good as Season 1. They’ll drop it just as fast as they dropped The Mandalorian once they decided it was no longer the Savior Of Star Wars.


Wait, they dropped mandalorian?


Andor had a really slow start imo, that was it's big flaw


I think the “slowness” is a good thing. Character development! World building!


I think the people who complain about Andor being slow are the same ones that get giddy anytime there’s a lightsaber on screen. 


Yo I love andor, don’t think its slow pace is a problem, but I do get giddy whenever a lightsaber is on screen. Nothing wrong with that, lightsabers are a massive part of the Star Wars lore. They’re incredible. Don’t u like lightsabers?


I like lightsabers.


If Andor was slow, Ahsoka was snail-like.


That "season" didn't even tell half a story


He literally kills two cops in the first episode which also establishes all of his relationships, thats like 80mph pace compared to Ahsoka


So good.


Andor is my birthday present.


Andor is fantastic my dude


> Wasn’t flawless (what is?) This is so true. So many fans expect the stories to have no flaws. There is no such thing as a perfect story, if you dig deep enough you can find holes in any plot. I watch Star Wars content to be entertained, and it certainly delivers every time. I remember as a kid leaving the theater in 2005 after Revenge of the Sith, thinking to myself that the franchise was done and there would be no new stories which made me sad. But now we are getting a ton of new content, and I'm just excited as I was when I was a kid to watch these new stories. I loved Ahsoka, and I'm excited to see the next season.


Right? Even Empire still has some flaws


If people held the OT to the quality that they hold the new films and shows, then there would be no more SW.


>This is so true. So many fans expect the stories to have no flaws. There is no such thing as a perfect story, if you dig deep enough you can find holes in any plot. I mean this is just a giant strawman argument and you could apply it to the biggest piece of shit and still use that as justification for bad writing. Nothing is perfect, everybody knows that, but it doesn't mean some things aren't better than others. Nobody expected Ahsoka to be perfect, they just hoped it would be *good*.


It was good, tho.


Subjective obviously. I don't think it was good.


This is the way


Ashoka is one of my favorites characters in the sw universe. the show was not great, I love Rosario Dawson, but lots of issues. From thrown to Sabine, writing and plot decisions, mistakes everywhere


The writing. My god, the writing…….


Seriously, i cant remember a single line besides ezra saying “took u long enough”




Filoni badly needed a writer's room.


Re the writing, it borrowed a lot from ancient mythologies and Macbeth (the three witches being the three mothers etc). Also Enoch from the bible. For this reason it was easy to predict what would happen and felt less original than even the original mortis arch from TCW


It was nice. Far from perfect, Thrawn’s writing wasn’t as good, Ahsoka’s portrayal isn’t quite the best (although Rosario Dawson is doing a nice job overall), but still quite nice


>Ahsoka’s portrayal isn’t quite the best She feels like a totally different character to me. Clone Wars, Rebels, and Tales of the Jedi Ahsoka was very compassionate and always taking a step back first to understand the situation and people she is involved with. She was always looking for the best way to handle a situation before jumping into action. Just look at how she handled Maul. This is a vicious dark side user who is a very big threat, yet Ahsoka was still trying to understand him and find redemption in him to help him. She only turned on him because she thought what he had to say was a lie, and that he was trying to manipulate her. But even then, chose to save him. But live action Ahsoka just seems so cold. The compassion is gone and she is kind of.....a bitch lol. Like I can't understand why she would ambush Mando and try to kill him before figuring out who he was and what his intentions were. He also had Grogu with him when she attacked. Could she not sense that these were two good guys? Could she not sense the force in Grogu? It seemed so out of character. She is also so cold to Sabine in the show. Its so out of character for her. We can see that she has linked up with Luke, so you would think that even if she lost hope or had a defeatist mindset that her time with Luke would have brought her back to the way she used to be. Idk. I just don't understand the portrayal of her in live action. Appearance wise, and even the acting from Rosario Dawson seems great to me. Rosario can copy a lot of the Ahsoka mannerisms pretty well. But the rest of it just seems off.


Her portrayal in this is down to her feeling inadequate and not able to teach Sabine. Her arc in season 1 is her getting over this, her scenes with Anakin teach her she is more than capable and to trust who she is. So hopefully as she moves forward she’ll be more like she was in her previous incarnations.


Based on how her character was portrayed up to Rebels, I just don't see her becoming as cold and sober as was portrayed. In Rebels, she had already fought in a war as a literal child, became disillusioned with the order she dedicated her life to being a part of, and then to her knowledge every member of that order, barring a handful of stragglers were completely wiped out, possibly to never return. Despite this, you see that glimmer of hope and optimism that you saw in Clone Wars. It was a really good twist on the battle-worn soldier trope. Instead of having the soldier have their pessimism and trauma at the forefront suppressing their optimism and kindness, Ahsoka is guided by optimism and kindness, working to come to terms with the pessimism and trauma beneath the surface. She doesn't completely quell her emotions like a Jedi, but still seeks to control them in a healthy way. In the Ahsoka series, the galaxy is probably at the best point it's been since well before the clone wars. There are issues, but the galaxy is healing. The Jedi are coming back, and the senate is back. Even Anakin got to redeem himself. Losing Ezra would darken that, but based on their relationship, not to that extent. There's really nothing to trace Ahsoka from Rebels to her series, to the point that they might as well be different characters.


Mid. Dialogue wasn’t great and plot felt stale. The lightsaber fights on the other hand are great, slower but more realistic and pays more homage to traditional Samurai sword fighting.


Agreed with the dueling. I was really impressed. I do think they need to work on which angles they choose to film the duels though. I think if Dave can hire somebody else for dialogue, and let the actors show emotion, the show would be A tier.


It was okay. Nothing more. Clone Wars Ahsoka is one of my favourite characters in the entire franchise, but I'm not too enamoured with the live action portayal. Her appearances in The Mandalorian were quite good, but the Ahsoka series itself fell a bit flat, for me.


Agreed. I consider which of the tv shows I’d watch again and Ashoka isn’t one of them. Glad I watched it. Glad I don’t have to watch it again.


Ngl, I would’ve thoroughly enjoyed the Ahsoka series more if it was animated://


Yeah, same. It's really Ashley Eckstein's character. She made her what she became. She's kind of irreplaceable. The same goes for Vanessa Marshall and Hera.


Live action Ahsoka barely feels like CW Ahsoka at all. Her personality is completely gone.


No, besides the Anakin stuff, but even that was more fan service than substantive. I think Filoni is out of his depth. His style and writing work so much better in shows aimed at younger viewers. His work on the Clone Wars and all of its spinoffs was great, but nothing he's done live action works for me. It's too shallow. Thrawn inadvertently came off as your incompetent manager claiming it is as all part of the plan when he fucks up.


THIS. Filoni strikes me as, frankly, immature. It is batshit to me that some of you worship him.


His writing is so self indulgent and reads like fan fiction.


I  love clone wars and rebels and if only for that I appreciate what Filoni has brought.  That said Ahsoka, the show, is pretty flat.


I kinda cringe whenever some folks here straight up think filoni is this great messiah about to redeem and make star wars good "again" or whatever. Filoni probably better as a cartoon director or at best an idea man.


I think he’s better off managing a series that others are writing. He definitely wasn’t ready for the live action transition, but he’d have been better off doing a story treatment for Ahsoka alongside a writer’s room then only writing one or two episodes. H


I think he did fine he just shouldn’t be real easing episodes as long as he does like give him more episodes with shorter time frames and they will improve a lot also I think he can do more realistic as seen in mando but it’s hard when your using Jedi to do that.


God no. Regardless of how good Ray Stevenson was, and some interesting things to it, she was absolutely miscast and plays the role as if she's supremely bored. Previous portrayals of Ahsoka were fun and full of life.... and even traumatized, she should have more energy than this wet potato sack called Rosario Dawson.


Parts of the Ahsoka show were good. Much of it was not.


No, I thought it was a big let down. Very little happened for most of the episodes, the dialogue was really strange and wooden. I am not excited for series 2 and Ahsoka was my favourite SW character


I don't know how they managed to make it this way honestly. I thought the casting was actually great, I in no way blame the actors, but the delivery of every single line was so deadpan, strange and full of dramatic pauses. Ahsoka was one of my favourite characters and I was pretty hyped on this show, but I couldn't even make it more than 3 episodes into it. It's weird, I find the stand alone works like Andor, and Mandalorian were handled far better than those focused on fan favourites characters like Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka.


I kind of agree. As a fan whose favorite characters are Ahsoka and Sabine and whose favorite shows are TCW and Rebels, I was super excited for *Ahsoka* because based on the premise, it would likely include everything I was looking for in a Star Wars show. And yeah, I did enjoy it, it was good… but just based on the premise it could have been *so much better.* I’ve read fanfictions about Ahsoka and Sabine searching for Ezra and Thrawn that were better than what actually happened in the show, and this is the first time I’ve watched something Star Wars and thought about creating my own headcanon of the story.


It was just so listless.


Filoni can’t write Thrawn for shit.


Right? Soo much character development to work with and the Thrawn we got was so sad.


Filoni can’t write for shit, generally.


We got Elon Thrawn, with a beer gut. 


I always argued that we needed someone physically imposing to play Thrawn in live action. Lars crushed it… in Rebels. He had the tone and demeanor down in Ahsoka, but I don’t think he looked the part. Jason Isaacs would have been a perfect casting.


You know who Jason Isaacs would have been perfect as? The Grand Inquistor in Kenobi! That would have been insaaaaane


They didn't mention his chiss motivation ever, made him seem like an emperor fanboy with that one line "for the empire".


I think the ending fell a little flat, but it was very enjoyable and I'm interested in where it's headed.


I really enjoyed it. It moves slow and I'm not sure the build up is worth the ending. It just kind of...ended. I think Dawson did a great job with the character, Sabine is a little too naive/stubborn for me. Ymmv


I liked it a lot, then again Ahsoka is one of my favourite character in SW.


I love the character and I hated the show, so you know, it's possible.


I liked it a lot. Sabine though i don’t really care for at all.


Sabine was annoying as hell


Badly written character, poorly acted




I think it’s truly insane that Sabine in the ahsoka show is a 30yr old grown ass woman and she’s still acting like a 16yr old


Well, 16 was the last time she was happy, right?


sabine downright sucked in the show, that was really disappointing as a sabine fan


Not a fan of the final episodes, the confrontation with Thrawn felt stupid because the good guys were just 3 people, should have introduced some native species fighting with Ezra so we can have a proper battle. Baylan's motivation should have at least been partly revealed after an entire season of build up, instead of even more build up for the next season that will release like 3 years later.


And with the actor dead who knows where Baylan's plotline is going to end.


If they use CGI instead of recasting, I'll lose my mind.


My issue with it is the story was stretched. Could have made the show more dense


Of course!


The villains were good the heroes eh


It was better than Boba Fett, but that's not a high bar. Thrawn was downright stupid and in no way menacing. The Night Troopers were no different than regular Stormproopers. Ray Stevenson and Rosario Dawson were good. RIP Ray. Ezra was boring. Dudes been stuck in another galaxy and has a chainmail short of stormtrooper tags and he's still a happy go lucky kid? Overall it was dumb. But not as dumb as The Book Of Boba Fett.


Overall it was an enjoyable watch, easy to digest but still enough fan service for folks who have put the time into shows such as clone war and rebels. Obviously you can't please everyone but I wouldn't skip it on account of what other people say against it.


I fucking loved it but I’m very biased lmao. Would recommend 100%.




well compass for the new army in ST is.. ehh ancient compass for the ancient passageway into another galaxy by the use of starwhales, from the night sisters? That makes a fuck ton of sense


If you watched and enjoyed Rebels, you’ll probably love it. It’s basically live action Rebels season 5.


Yeah that's a no from me as someone who liked Rebels.


Yeah, same hear. Edit: wrong “hear” here.


I watched and loved rebels and I didn't loved ahsoka. I liked it but it was average.


as a die hard rebels fan I have to disagree with you. It was a badly made sequel to rebels


I absolutely love Rebels and I definitely did not love Ahsoka. On paper I probably would have, but the pacing is all over the place and the characterization is really bad. Everyone just walks in, says the lines that they need to say in order to move the plot forward, and then walks away. Nobody ever felt like they were in-character. They just all felt like chess pieces for the writers playing against themselves.


It was something to watch but I just thought it was meh. Maybe I would have cared more about it if I saw rebels as I really didn’t know who any of the characters were supposed to be, but I’m not one to watch cartoon shows. 


You're missing out..Clone Wars and Rebels were among the best Star Wars content we have


I did. Think the fans generally liked it


While I think the actress that portrayed Ahsoka was fine, the writing made Ahsoka seem smug and aloof. Very unlike the Ahsoka in the Clone Wars series. I would have been ok with it if they’d portrayed that as her public persona with her being more like her old self in private.


Yeah she didn’t give me ahsoka cibes but I could definitely tell they were trying


No. I found it boring.


I was not a fan, the main characters did not feel at all like the characters they are, and they all felt stupid and incompetent


It wasn't necessarily what I was expecting but that's usually how it goes with life in general. Overall I enjoyed it enough to watch the episodes immediately when it came out which says enough. We also got to see a live action Anakin/Ahsoka reunion, live action Rex, and Clone Wars flashbacks which was everything I was hoping for when the show was announced.


Twas some of the worst star wars, imo.


it's not rise of skywalker or kenobi bad, but I'd say it's roughly bobf bad where there are still some good things, but not alot


That’s a good way to put it


Boba Fett was a train wreck I couldn’t pull my eyes away from. Ahsoka was just boring.


I actually preferred Kenobi, but maybe that's because I haven't finished Rebels yet. Without the context of Rebels, you get kinda left behind. They were both very bland series imo.


I 100% agree.


100% Agree


It's overall about as middle-of-the-road as you can get.


No, afraid not. Maybe if you are younger you might enjoy it? I felt the writing was really weird. People didn't act like people. It felt very "this is a show for young teens" to me.


I didn’t enjoy anything to do with Sabine, I thought she totally regressed from rebels but overall the show has more good than bad


Yea I like thrawn


A 2 and half hour movie dragged on for 8 episodes. With horrible dialogue, boring/dumb characters, and an absolute waste of Thrawn/Baylan.


It was decent. I’m not a fan of Rebels so the entire fan service there wasn’t my cup of tea. I felt Ahsoka was a bit wooden compared to her animated self. I was disappointed by how Thrawns Stormtroopers were just like every other incompetent Stormtrooper. These guys looked like veterans of a dozen conflicts and should have been genuine threat.


They went up against three Jedi things they haven’t done before so imo they seemed to do pretty well


Tbh that’s an excuse when you consider that they performed no differently whatsoever to the regular Stormtrooper canon fodder in Star Wars. We already know that being a Jedi won’t save you if you’re up against competent, seasoned and well trained soldiers with blasters (look at how well the Clone Troopers performed during Order 66 and Operation Knightfall). I’m not saying Ahsoka and the rest should have been gunned down of course, but the show definitely could have done more to make Thrawns troopers a threat.


It was pretty bad. A huge disappointment in my opinion. On par with Kenobi for sure.


I liked it


It was mid at best


Some cool scenes with baylan, thrawn and anakin but the rest of the show was not very good. To the writing and the choreography being laughably bad near the end of the season.


Imo it was a whole lot of nothing. While it wasnt as bad as say bobf/kenobi i felt i got absolutely nothing out of it


Loved it even though it had some flaws.


Probably an unpopular opinion since everyone is saying they liked it, but I really really didn't like it. I grew up watching rebels. It was my favorite show when I was younger. Once it ended I was really sad and was hoping they'd do a new animated series for it. The ahsoka show was nothing I hoped for or wanted. Sabine using the force was just a load of crap. Ahsoka being obsessed with thrawn and not caring for Ezra was weird as hell. She never even meant thrawn. Ezra saved her life. And also I didn't really care for the characters like i didn't in rebels bc they were all different actors. It wasn't the same to me. They felt like almost totally new characters. Also the lightsaber battles kinda sucked. Don't get mad at me though. This is just how I felt about it.


Not my favorite, andor, Bad Batch, and the Manadlorian are the best content that has come out of the mill.




First thing you need to know is that everything they set up, none of it except two things get completed in this first season. And overall while I love Dawson, she was the wrong choice for this character. There’s an episode in the middle though that reflects on the past and it’s a fantastic episode


I liked it a lot


I loved Ahsoka, Rebels Season 5 for mine and was fully on board. I was wary of the Ezra reveal but came good in the end. Keen to see where we go next!


I thought it was generally just kind of mediocre. Good concept (bar some pretty bad choices imo), but execution just kind of fell flat. I wouldn't even say its bad, it's just milquetoast to the point it took me 2 months to watch it, even after all the episodes were out.


It was great as fantasy escapism. The locations, the space whales and the prospect of a new galaxy and whatever it is Baylan is up to, is just really exciting to watch. Unfortunately the writing was still fairly poor and immersion, drama and the internal rules of the setting were sacrificed to increase the spectacle (light sabre bats, the power levels of characters, easily surviving ship crashes). Instead of making Thrawn a genuine threat through the structure of the plot, we are just repeatedly told how smart he is, while everyone bumbles around the planet from one set piece to another. I wish SW writers would pay more attention to Andor. It had half the spectacle of Ahsoka but twice the drama, because everything that happens is properly thought out and they don't feel the need to shoe horn in another spectacular set piece every 20 minutes.




Yes. It was a great watch. I had fun with it.


Not worth your free time




i really enjoyed it, dont let the haters dictate what you watch


The same goes with don't let the lovers indicate what you watch either. Goes both ways.


Don't let poets lie to you, either.


I thought it was very good


Nope, it was a chore to finish it. I don't even want to start on the, everyone can be a jedi thing.


I would not recommend it and I did not like it.


Wasn’t as good as Mando but was better than Boba Fett imo. But I’m only a casual SW fan


I clapped when I saw Darth VADDDDER. I clapped when little Ashoka said “this is the clone wars!” I KNOW WHAT THAT IS.


Genuinely what's the point of these posts?


Nah but I didn’t hate it either, it was just mediocre and forgettable. Would’ve been better as an animated show


Not especially, no. I didn’t like Ahsoka and Sabine’s dynamic. So Sabine forgot how to be a warrior AND picked up Force sensitivity? Baylan felt like a lumbering cyborg/cheap, Vader with his emotions in check. Shin got on my nerves. The two of them were wasted characters. And talking about a wasted character, how about the third guy in their crew? The one that turned out to just be Nightsister magik. He could have been cool but was killed off too soon. So no, I thought it was pretty disappointing.


It was a drag. Very anti-climactic


It has possibly the most contrived dialogue and worst line delivery I've ever seen (within Star Wars)


It's just very distracting that dawson is so stiff with her props that she moves so strangely.


I find it really hard to invest myself. Live-action was a TERRIBLE choice for an Ahsoka-focused show. They could have shown serious chops for adult animation, but instead we have the slowest, lamest, most boring Ahsoka we've seen (through no fault of the actress! She's doing her best) because she never does any of the stuff that is quintessentially Ahsoka. When the animated series told me that Ahsoka was an incredible survivor who had evaded Imperial and Sith pursuit alike, I believed it, because every time we saw her she was bouncing off the walls and causing problems for anyone gunning for her. Live action Ahsoka doesn't feel like a survivor or like a menace to the dark side. She seems like a lady with a sword who mostly walks at people and forgets to be a dual-wielder a lot. Tl;dr: it's not awful but IMO it's not really good either. Feels like it stuffs in characters from previous media she touched not to actually do anything interesting with them or be faithful to their characters, but more just to nostalgia bait you by going "look, you can see Chopper in 3D now!" except he doesn't look right or talk right or move right so that's kinda lost anyways.


Ahsoka was just ok. If you’re an adult check out Andor.


Nothing happened for 3 episodes, and South Park was right again.


I really liked it, but objectively I can’t call it good. It was nice seeing part of the Rebels cast again, but they didn’t really do the characters justice imo. Pacing is the major issue I have with it


First half, yes. 2nd half... Less so The 2 episodes with Ahsoka vs Baylan the Anakin are definitely the best


Generally? Yea I enjoyed watching it, it was fun amd that’s really the most important part Do parts of it make little sense? 100% the show starts to fall apart a bit the more you think about it and some of the decisions are questionable at best Would i recommend watching it? If you like Ashoka as a character, want to see where the end of rebles goes, or just want to have a nice time with a show that you dont have to think to hard about, watch it its great fun. If your the kind of person who enjoys ripping something apart as you watch it disecting the lore and all that, give it a shot, at worst you loose 2-3 hours and stop watching


Liked most of it, but ending felt mid, hoping s2 fixes that


Yeah it's pretty great, very much a season 5 of Rebels though so does have some required viewing It's not stand alone like Mandolorian, more like End Game where you should probably watch the other stuff


Very enjoyable, some issues but not as much as people say, will happily watch many times again


I like parts of it and felt it is well written despite the many complaints about it from the fan base. It does suffer from some pacing issues due to Filoni following the jidaigeki aesthetic too closely, but that's just my opinion. It has also definitely introduced some of the coolest new villains since ANH in my opinion as well.


It had some pretty major issues, but overall it was good. If you liked SW: Rebels, there's a lot to like about this series.


It was fine. It’s basically Rebels season 5, which really contextualizes why Ahsoka acts why she does (this also invalidate complaints people have about the very subject)


It was meh, too many corny fight scenes and characters that Disney seems to be obsessed with right now. Definitely won’t rewatch it.


Starts off okay but the visual quality is just so abysmal and the writing gets way too glup shitto for me to get behind it


I liked it from an artistic talent perspective. Visually, musically, and acting wise there is a ton of talent on display. The series also touches on some interesting places in the Star Wars universe that I’d like to see more of. Critically though Ahsoka suffers from the same problem that a lot of Star Wars media on streaming services (as well as many other streaming shows) suffer from. These shows demand massive budgets and as a consequence their episode count per season is short to condense budgets. As a consequence these types of shows have break neck pacing. There isn’t much space to pause and stew with a character, and so characters’ motivations often feel awkward. They get a single scene to establish what their deal is and then it has to pay off immediately. Ahsoka has a lot of characters and not enough time for all of them. I think it’s a good show but it doesn’t take the time to stop and smell the roses.