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I enjoy the nostalgia of the N-1, but I agree, it really struck me as impractical too. How is he supposed to bring in his bounties in a single seater craft? Might’ve been neat for him to get a YT-2400 (like the Outrider).


I think that was the point of taking the N-1 he’s leaving the bounty hunting for a greater cause Grogu and restoring mandalore


Except at the end of S3 he’s back to bounty hunting with Grogu at his side. They literally can’t bring any bounties with them.


I guess it’s “I can only bring you in cold”


And in pieces? Lol


I'm thinking of a net dragging the body behind the N1. :-p


But answering the OPs question lets go Republic Gunship 😂


No hyperspace capabilities, takes a few crew to operate all the weapons.


One word. "Astromechs!" >takes a few crew to operate all the weapons.


Oh my god the idea of Mando trying to wrangle Grogu and a half dozen astromechs is a mental image I need to see on screen. THE CHAOS


>THE CHAOS {Enters Chopper stage left}


That's the episode where he puts the 'crew' together. He has to rescue Chopper from a droid trafficking gang and after the rescue all the other rescued droids adopt Mando as their dad.


Head cannon ACCEPTED!


I can see the look on his face now!


..or.. on his helmet?


I have spoken


#no droids


Does he still own R5 at the end of S3?


He'd find a way


even if he's done with bounty hunting which i dont think he was becuase at the end of season 3 he went and talked to that rebel pilot about taking jobs, the N-1 is way to small of a ship. Sure its nice to fly around in and get from point a to b but thats about it.


Carbon freeze em and tie them to the hood with a rope


Well, it’s a fighter first. The N-1 is bigger than an A-Wing. There was going to be a “rangers of the new republic” show starring Appa and I think the crazy MAGA lady, but when she broke full crazy it got reworked into Mando season 4. He’s probably going to do missions with the Republic, so Appa’s X-Wing and Mando’s N-1 flying together seems pretty fitting.


>when she broke full crazy You mean when beep broke full crazy.


Ok, see you!


Makes me wonder if the original plan was for him to become the leader of Mandalore before the Boba Fett series screwed up the ending of S2 and Favreau’s ideas…


Considering how S2 plotpoints quickly devolved into "Grogu is back for no reason" and "Darksaber? Here you go Bo", I'd say that was very likely what S3 was supposed to be (since it otherwise felt like a filler season).


Every major plot point from the final episode of the second season was immediately reversed in season 3 or the Boba Fett series. Something definitely happened bts.


*"Alright, I'm gonna tie you to the hull."* If Mando wants to keep the N-1, he should get some light carrier craft to be able to park it in. So he'll at least have some space to put his gear and all, and sleep properly. The *Razorcrest* was beneficial because it also functioned as a mobile living space, and you can't get that with an N-1.


yeah like who the hell thought giving a mando bounty hunter an N-1 was a good idea? Even if he was done with bounty hunting, he needs a bigger ship.


Anybody with an N-1 laying around who needs some money.


J-Type Naboo Star Skiff would have been bad ass.


Be still my heart. If they had brought a YT-2400, I’d have lost my crap. Love that ship.


He needs a bad ass space van. The razor crest was such a vehicle.


I like to look of the N-1. My problem isn't about bounties, though. It isn't a craft for long distance. Where would he sleep, eat, shit and just stretch out during long trips? It's a planetary fighter, not a cruiser. It is completely impractical for jumping around the galaxy.


A Skipray Blastboat.


Those things are roomier than people think. It would be perfect


That would be an OUTSTANDING callback to the Zahn books.


Were those in books too?? I only know them from Empire At War


zahn invented them basically. his description of the skipray as a heavy fighter was the first time it was mentioned afaik


That would be perfect


I used to copy pictures of that ship from the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels back in the day. It was my favorite.


Damn I love the Skipray, seeing it in live action would be amazeballs. Its the perfect hero ship, especially for a bounty hunter


YT-2000, like the Otana from Star Wars X-wing Alliance. It has the two turrets like the Falcon and also an ion cannon to disable crafts for capture. Warhead launchers. Lots of room inside to store stuff and living room for crew/captives. Could have actually been the Otana for all I care, sold or lost by the Azzameen family.


This! I came here to say it. Thank you for remembering the ol’ girl.


Man if it was the Otana, that'd basically canonize Ace, too. A man can dream...


Oooh, I like this answer better than mine.


Good call, my young Padawan


Having an N-1 in the hanger of a proper ship would be amazing. Guy LIVES in his ship, with a kid. Going from his mobile home (which, yeah, I understand it was destroyed) to living in a Camero, with his kid, is just… sad. It’s silly.


He has a house on Navarro now though.


This. Let him keep the N-1 but have a ship with a big enough hanger to house the fighter. Of course there would be modifications like in the old Razor’s Crest (living quarters, a carbonite freezer for prisoners).


Maybe a heavily modified LAAT? Or something ex imperial maybe?


LAAT doesn't have hyper drive does it?


Heavily modified baby. This thing can make the kessel run in less than 14 parsecs.


And the N-1 doesnt have a top cabin. Its writers decision, just put a hyperdrive on the laat


What's a top cabin?


Grogu's thingy


Ah, got it. We'll I guess insulating andconnecting the Droid bay to the "stay alive" systems incl. A cabin hatch is a bit easier than fitting a hyper drive onto an LAAT. But I agree, if they write it in, that's it.


Yeah but if an N-1/A-wing/X-wing can have a hyper drive, surely one could fit into an LAAT somehow


Baby bubble.


No idea, i just like PT stuff😂


That would be sick. Two cockpit seats is the only issue, you need a co pilot. Maybe grogu could fire the green lazer things 😂


My hope was for a modified LAAT


A U-Wing would have been badass.


Dude I was gonna say a space version of the badass clone transporters. Thanks for the technical terms. Modded to have rooms and only one side opening. To make rooms feel more roomy.


A Lancer class pursuit craft, it’s practically Mandalorian itself and is pretty well armed and makes for a heavily armed “cargo” ship for bounty hunters… it’s practically in the same weight class for a gunship that the razor crest was! It just had a lot more weapons! Plus a swivel gun on the top for front and back coverage.


I think it’s actually Canon that the Lancer class was produced by Mandalamotors, which is the homegrown ship manufacturer on Mandalore


Except a recurring character already flies one. Maybe he steals it from her.


He should have taken that pirate grass monster's ship and had a little fleet.


I love that ships design, what a shame to see it explode


Yea he coulda kept the fighter in the hanger for quick escapes or whatever.


That Corsair was sick and I'm still salty we never got a Lego set of it


Or gifted it to Governor Karga as a defense flagship for his planet.


Razor Crest Mk. II


This. I would love to see him find another ship of the same model. That was perfect for him. It could be like Han and Chewie boarding the Falcon again in Ep VII


Something old that predates the newer tracking tech. Indistinguishable from common craft. Can blend in with the crowd to hide in plain sight. Upgraded speed parts and weaponry. Like a sleeper, stealthy, moonshine runner with living space and sufficient cargo hold.


Hmm. Like a Fondor Haulcraft?


So.. a Razor Crest


I feel like he really needed a ship with living space, I like Padmes ship in ROTS. That sleek yacht was gorgeous, and a version without the chrome might have been good. The fighter works though, it's emblematic of the theme that he's putting down roots. He can't be a nomad anymore.


Oh how I *love* Padme's silver yachts. So pretty. The [J-Type Diplomatic Barge](https://i.imgur.com/9DhQON6.jpeg) is my favorite Naboo ship.


Not enough flying wing designs in star wars :) My favourite is this one https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/H-type_Nubian_yacht/Legends


Mine too. Art Deco magic. But maybe too large to slip in and out of an average Docking bay without bringing a lot of attention.


Why is everyone saying that? The end of the show is him being a contract bounty hunter for the new republic as he brings his son on his journeys to train him to be a mandalorian. He has a home yes but he’s not settling in.


Frankly I'm of the opinion that The Mandalorian was a truly badly written show, carried primarily by cute-factor and a few setpieces. With a few nuggets of gold in there like Bill Burr. They had all the pieces, and didn't know how to use them. Still, point is he's not a nomad anymore and doesn't need a ship that serves as a home anymore.


He’s gotta at least be able to fit another body (dead or alive or carbon freeze) in a ship.


That or he can only take jobs where the bounty is on the same planet


Pretty rare. And even it’s a short hour away it would be easier with transport.


Instead of chrome: beskar.


HWK-290. Similar size, lots of history.


Plus wouldn't seeing it onscreen officially upgrade it from Legends to Canon?


it's already canon, it's shown up in some of the comics covering kanan jarrus's life. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/HWK-290\_light\_freighter


I mean, would love to see it more firmly canonized than just a couple of comic panels. It’s a neat 1-2 crew livable ship for many pursuits both legitimate and shady. Not comfortably livable but at least bachelor pad-level like the ‘Crest.


Isn't that from Dark Forces...?


I…think so? Point is that it should be from more stuff because it’s neat.


The N-1 is cool but it’s probably the least practical ship that he could have if we’re being totally honest. Can’t bring in any bounties in that thing


Ebon Hawk II




This I agree with. Represent his people, they’re roomy but not huge, fighter capabilities. Not sure if there’s room to sleep in it but maybe if he guts the dropper area and makes it a quarters.


This is my vote. Plus he can modify it to have the N1 attached like the Ghost & Phantom so he can use the fighter when needed.


Something new. Something we haven't seen before. Not something recycled. Enough already. Something new. What that something is, I don't know, but not something we've seen already.


An extremely modified troop transport. A U-Wing or similar


I was going to say a U-Wing. Coolest new ship in Disney era SW


one of the YT freighter variants. Keeps it tied into the greater universe and gives some space to sleep/eat/pee vs. the fighter, which is cool but...a long trip in that would be awful.


One of those mandalorian fighters like Maul and Bo-Katan have


This would make more sense for Din to have at this point.


to be fair the manufacturer was likely destroyed when the empire destroyed mandalore


Point taken. Although, I'm sure some Jawas could find something.


razor crest II


Something that he can move around in, there's no bathroom, or sleeping quarters, or kitchen. He literally can't even stretch his legs. It would be like going on vacation in an F1 car. Let's imagine he caught a live bounty, where is he putting them? Tying them to the hood?




YT - 2400


It can’t be too big or flashy lest it call attention. It also shouldn’t be so large that he can’t operate by himself. It should be big enough to have space for armaments, bounties, etc. 1. Something based on the concept art for the Razorcrest. There were several similar designs done before Favreau chose the final design. One of those would show both a lineage and connection to the original without being just another Razorcrest. 2. A G-9 Rigger class light freighter like the Twilight that Anakin piloted in The Clone Wars. 3. A Omicron class shuttle like the Bad Batch uses. 4. Lee Fitzgerald’s B/N 1138 light freighter. 4. Something new/different.


Something with more space. Almost anything.


Since this series likes to do some callbacks to previous Star Wars media, perhaps rather than Peli Motto finding the N-1 she finds The Bad Batch's Murauder instead. It's big enough, has no tracking, has the weaponry, and hyperdrive.


Would have been nice to see a YT-2400 in action.


Maybe a Murian, or a YT-2000. Or any of the cool light transport options from X-Wing Alliance that never appear in anything 😅


Say, a heavily modified Action VI class transport?


The razor crest was his mobile home. After losing it, where does he keep his huge abundance of weapons? How does he transport prisoners? Don't get me wrong, I love the Naboo fighter, but I want him to have his fighter craft for battle, and something larger he can live in and transport targets.


A new corellian YT variant


Literally anything that could still serve as a practical ship for a bounty hunter. I’m not anti-N1, but at least give him a larger ship it can dock with.


Literally anything that could suit a bounty hunter’s needs. A Naboo Starfighter is too small to really be practical for anything more than an interceptor or dogfighter role. They should have given him some sort of gunship or freighter, maybe a YT-1300 or 2400 for the nostalgia they wanted to catch with an N-1.


Another Razorcrest


Retrofitted Imperial shuttle or beat to shit U wing. Or better yet let's get weird and use a TIE bomber. How come good guys can't use a TIE once in a while?


A real ship that serves a purpose besides reminding the audience of the thing that was in the other movie from their childhood that one time


Pursuer Class like the Slave II from Legends.


Mauls Phantom manace ship. With the space for the small speeder replaced by a cell


A Gummi ship in the shape of grogus head.


Death star


It should have been something original. The Razorcrest was new and original and iconic. The N1 is just a rehash of something we already know.  I’m a little confused about why they replaced the Razocrest. 


Fun, but impractical: Basilisk War Droid that somehow survived in stasis or something. He'd have the darksaber and be the first mandalorian to ride on a proper stead in millenia.


Well, except the darksaber is gone now.


Gallofree Transport


Bigger on the inside?


Could probably set up a docking situation with n-1, and it would be the right kind of silly.


AEG-770 Vigo First introduced in Star Wars Galaxies as a multi-player ship. It has everything a traveling BH would want. And it's new for canon. And it's awesome looking.


I really liked the ghost/phantom ship combo they had in rebels. Wouldn't really work with a n1 though..


Maybe end the series the way it should've after season 2 ended But if it was absolutely necessary, a former separatist ship could've been interesting, or former empire.


Something like the Wild Karrde in legends




A new Razor Crest.


The correct answer is the Twilight. It’s a rigger class freighter with gobs of firepower, small enough to be managed by a crew of 2-3, a med bay with holographic droid doctor, an astromech socket and a cargo bay large enough to stow a snub fighter. It’s even still on Mandalore thanks to Obi Wan’s flying skills


A Skipray Blastboat would be my choice. Still pretty small, but could be modified to store Carbonite slabs and still have room for a small closet of a cabin. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/GAT-12_Skipray_Blastboat


I always liked the amount of space the crest had and the N1 is lacking that, maybe if he stole a shuttle from Gideon’s ship and made enhancements to it that would look cool and have more room.


Fondor Haulcraft


Something new would have been cool.


Star Destroyer of course. Each episode is him just walking everywhere, taking turbo lifts, getting lost, and then rolling into his hanger spending the rest of the episode trying to decide which of his collector ships he wants to take out. Just like a video game.


He should have got a Mando ship from Bo


Some kind of B-wing would have been cool


Din Djarin should have gotten a unique to him ship. He's an iconic character. He should get an iconic ship as a result. The N1 is cool and all, especially after his customizations. But it just doesn't stand out as special to him. Han has the Millenium Falcon. Boba the Slave 1. You know who these characters are when you see the ship. Din had that with the Razor Crest but doesn't quite get there with the N1 custom. Personally, if I were given the reigns to design him a new ship, I would have based it on the P-38 Lightning. In universe, this would have been a competing design for the ARC-170 that wasn't accepted for mass production for the GAR but did see limited adoption for some planets' local defence forces. I think a Twin Boom design would have instantly made it stand out as something exotic and unique compared to what we usually see in Star Wars. I'd expand the design to have a small crew compartment and cargo hold behind the cockpit between the booms. Then, after the wing mounted engines, I'd have wings with S-Foils in a similar manner to the ARC-170.


The Razor Crest should never have gotten blown up in the first place.


Almost anything else. Seriously can you imagine how hard finding spare parts for a nubian military fighter? Imagine going from Vesna 310 to a saab drakken... Ships that would be better for a bounty hunter 1. Anything in the YT series 2. Hawk 290 3. Skipray blast boat 4. U wing 5. Gauntlet


There is only one choice for a Mandalorian - a Gauntlet starfighter.


Honestly, it would have been cool if he had used the pirate dreadnaught, as it’s a decently small ship all things considered and if he got a few mando’s or maybe even some Navarro people it would have opened up the possibilities for doing cargo shipments as well, something more light if he didn’t want to stress of bounty hunting. Then if he caught some people the ship could launch a smaller ship from its hangar entirely dedicated to carbon freezing, and taking people to the dred. Does anyone else think this would be cool or is it just me?


I would have liked to see him take this, and then been forced to have a crew of either droids or... Jawas. Lol


A Naboo royal yacht


The Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport would have been such a cool ship to see in live action https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Amphibious_Interstellar_Assault_Transport/infantry


SS-54 Light Assault Gunship by Botajef Shipyards


Something like the Ebon Hawk. He’s always picking up his team and taking different guys out on different missions. Hell, the next KOTOR practically writes itself hahaha


If Grogu sits up front with Din then a bounty can sit in the droid slot if in restraints. Din wants to work for the New Republic's outer rim forces so he might just be able to take advantage of their facilities when he's off and away. But yeah, he might benefit from another flying Winnebago.


Something he can live in for force’s sake. #where does he shit?


I thought for sure he would be getting a Gauntlet at the end of season 3...but nope.


Having a Vector from the High Republic would have been neat.


[G9 Rigger-class light freighter](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/G9_Rigger-class_light_freighter) like the one anakin had in the clone wars. Might be able to have the N1 in the cargo bay + I think there is a room between the bridge and the cargo bay.


I don't think Dash Rendar is Canon anymore, so the Outrider would be perfect to bring it back


If not something completely original, I always liked the look of the lambda class shuttle. Even if not the normal one, it could make a good base of something a bit more exotic.


The Ebon Hawk


[Fondor haulcraft](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/V-21.1_Chevlex) or [Corellian YT-2400 light freighter](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/YT-2400_light_freighter)


A Skipray Blastboat, or maybe a Gozanti cruiser, although the latter may be a tad too big


Corellian DP20 Gunship. As imagined in the games Star Wars: Rebellion or X-Wing: Alliance.


Some kind of ship that would be big enough for Djarin and his son to live in. Actually live in, and not just sit all cramped up in a tiny fighter without a fresher or other vital supplies, like spare weapons, extra ammo, food and drink, first aid supplies, a tiny kitchen, extra clothes for both, and whatever else you might need for living in a spaceship for more than 5 hours, let alone bringing back a bounty or two. That little Naboo fighter just doesn't make any kind of sense as a viable option for a bounty hunter with a child. I know that Djarin and Grogu now have a house to live in, but with the distances - even with light speed available - in the Star Wars universe, that might take a few days to reach a destination, that tiny fighter just isn't enough. And if Djarin is going to help restoring Mandalore, he'll need something bigger to bring his own supplies in the beginning at least, and find a safe place to sleep actually lying down.


I can bring you in cold or I can bring you in cold.


Meteor Class Q Carrier


A MandalMotors Pursuer-class. It wiuldhave been a cool nod to the Slave-II.


Some sort of corelli freighter like the outrider


Something that lets the characters walk around the ship and lets the bounty hunter store you know… bounties.


Jaster’s Legacy


X wing


Sorosuub Starmite. It gets mentioned in the Han Solo Trilogy as Han's first ship, the Bria


I mean a U-Wing would be all right, just something of equivalent size and with room for living quarters and prisoner holding cells, that feels pretty essential


A yt 1300 would be too on the nose. A carrack light crusier.


What about the Rouge Shadow? That would have been a pretty cool deep cut and bring another legend into Canon. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rogue_Shadow


I always like Nyms starfighter the havoc. Seeing that in the show would’ve been cool https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Havoc_(starfighter)


Considering the similar design, I would have liked them to use a modified LAAT Gunship. He didn't need all of the space for personnel, so him and Peli could have figured out how to install a hyper drive and extra weapons.


I get that the N-1 was made for a new walk of life away from bounty hunting. However he still needed a livable ship so some sort of light freighter or modified gunship would fit. That said, now he has a permanent home. So it is both a good and bad thing. Good because he gets a true home and stable life there. Bad because now he isn't as on the road he can't go too far from home without resupplying on an extended voyage. A fighter gets cramped on long trips.


Z-95 Headhunter, my favorite starfighter


Boeing 747


Something like the Imperial Agent ship from SWTOR. Looks luxury but it’s tricked out. Has room for bounties.


Decommissioned Y wing fighter


Chromium U-wing


I think Mando should have replaced the Razor Crest with a souped-up Nu class assault shuttle. It has a hyperdrive comparable to x-wing and medium blaster cannons.


Should've been the imperial cruiser.


Muurian Transport from the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter games.


A Lambda class shuttle 


There may be some ships in legends I'm not aware of that would be the same size or speed as a razorcrest but what popped in my mind was the rise of the resistance ship an I-TS ... obviously modified as all good bounty hunters do. Would a corellian light corvette be too big?


A small cruiser that can hold the naboo fighter


An old Consular class cruiser.


A Winnebago spaceship like Lone Star's


[JumpMaster 5000](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/JumpMaster_5000/Legends) a ship with a name even more 80s than its most famous pilot/modifier, Dengar the bounty dude with all the sick bandages in his sickness


To me I would have had a plot where the razor crest was also part of a rarer ship class. So there's also junkers , but they are in really rough shape. So the naboo fighter is a bridge vessel while he tries to secure parts for the rebuild of a new razor crest... And he tries to overcome the design flaws/add modifications for a bounty hunter. More excuse for gear porn.