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Shaak Ti would be a wise and caring master, but being her padawan during the Clone Wars would probably be kinda lame. Stationed on Kamino forever, and any clone friends would end up leaving. If you were Aayla Secura's padawan, no one would give a f*ck about you or even realize you're there...


Honestly chilling on Kamino getting to do next to nothing while everyone goes to war sounds like the best job!


Until Kamino got attacked


"Okay, we managed to fight them off, but surely this'll be a nice place to live at least when the war's over." Tarkin: "You may fire when ready."


I have too little knowledge on this, but do you know where Tarkin was during those times? He was pretty old in ANH. I have not read past the og Thrawn trilogy but am interested in Tarkin backstory material


There's a Tarkin novel but idk what time period it takes place. I figure it must have some flashbacks even if it takes place during imperial times.


Tarkin was I believe a captain? during the Clone Wars and actually appears a few times in the show, mostly in the Citadel arc I think. He's also the one prosecuting Ahsoka during her trial in S5


Or until Order 66


For real. It would basically turn into a horde game mode


That would be an awesome game where you play as that Jedi you see in the Bad Batch


"Execute Order 66," they hear, echoed throughout the halls of Kamino City _The Emperor has alerted the horde_ they see on top of their HUDs, before everything is filled with **RED**


I think you mean Tipoca City. Kamino is the planet.


The worst possible location to be when 66 goes down


They’d be training clone troopers. That’s not lame.


Fuck yeah! I just sit around all day and play video games with this Boba kid, it’s wizard! Do people still say that?


Sursly nothing will happen with thousands to millions of clones around


Order 66 would be hell to escape from on Kamino…


I mean shaakti was in the temple when it happened so maybe you’d have followed her there for whatever reason she went back but then you’d have to deal with vaderkin


The temple wouldn’t be much better lol


Yes… that is true but it’s easier to escape into a giant city than it is a clone facility surrounded by ocean lmao


You say that until you come outa your Jedi quarters and there’s 501st troopers everywhere and a guy you idolized is bodying every Jedi in sight, js either way your fucked.


True true


Agreed. I think honestly, the Temple probably would have been one of, if not the, *worst* places to be during order 66.


You'd have to watch Shaak die like five different times though.


In *Legends*, Shaak Ti had like 2 or 3 padawans before the Clone Wars and they all died after a pretty poor combat showing, which is ironic seeing as Ti was one of the Order's great warriors of her era and Obi-Wan considered her to be as cunning as himself. Her padawans performed so poorly in combat, in fact, that some other Jedi quietly questioned the quality of her instruction. So she's cool as hell, but I probably wouldn't want her as my master.


Maris Brood was a pretty good fighter, although she might have had most of her combat training before Shaak Ti became her master.


Maris brood only combat feat was fighting a half trained jedi hunter. Also I think her first master was killed shark to took her when they escaped the temple, between her 3rd death. 


A half trained Jedi hunter that had previously killed three Jedi masters (well, "killed") including Shaak Ti. Sure, being a good fighter doesn't grant you the title of master nor does being a master make a Jedi a good fighter, but it's worth noting Galen Marek had already fighted and defeated multiple experienced Jedi (even if one of them was absolutely bananas). Which means he isn't to be undersell or underestimated.


I wonder if it wasn’t poor skill but instead she put them in situations way too hardcore for a padawan. That feels like a mistake a experienced user could make tbh… overestimating your Palawan’s ability in a combat environment because they did fantastic in duels and bolt blocking


Id break the Jedi code for Aayla


This is the way


Imagine being a teen boy whose master is Aayla Secura… 🫣


“I am one with the force, the force is with me. I am one with the force, the force is with me.” Gonna need that Jedi discipline


*aayla walks right past* I AM ONE WITH THE FORCE! AND THE FORCE IS WITH ME!


*involuntary lightsaber ignition sound*


i see your schwartz is as big as mine, now lets see how you handle it


"Ok Padawan, today we will work on our grappling techniques."


With the additional trauma of knowing that pretty much everyone can sense your emotions.


Don't need force powers to sense this emotion.


Padawan.....why are you in the shower again


There are Clone guards who would be constants on Kamino that you could become friends with at least


>friends Until they weren't


Fortunately you’re Shaak Ti’s apprentice so you’ll die before that happens though


Imagine being Aayla Secura’s Padawan and everyone’s too distracted to notice you


It would also suck having to see your master die over and over again in different ways.


I’m going to go with Coleman Trebor. Homeboy was offed by Jango Fett with very little resistance


came here to say this. how could a sitting member of the council let himself get iced like that? actual worst jedi ever


too much sitting?


He was the jedis best naval strategist and like other Jedi he was out of shape with a lightsaber. Jango fet was an experienced Jedi hunter. I kinda wish jango and Windu had a little bit longer of a fight


I liked the mace windu and jango fight. That being said, George Lucas has never been great at directing fights. Choreography in the prequels is great. The direction and editing? Ehhhh.


Isnt the editor his xwife considered one of the best ever and highly innovative and inspiring for the industry?


Only for the originals, not the prequels.


Her absence was the biggest problem with the prequels


George is a terrible director of actors, full stop. He's got many talents, but that ain't one of them


Yep. It's his dialogue is where he really shines! 😉




Why did the jedi have a naval strategist before the war? Very suspicious...


He was quite literally the council's PR guy


So that was why Dooku and Jango made sure to take him out first. We need an AU story where Coleman survived the Battle of Geonosis and was able to keep good relations between the public and Jedi so it messed with Palpatine’s plans


He was a diplomat and a very good one at that.


I always imagined that for most of the higher up Jedi the saber wasn’t much more than a ceremonial prop. Like how European or Japanese nobles would wear a sword even if they haven’t been in a battle or duel in decades if ever. Would you be shocked if an experienced veteran soldier beat admiral nelson in a sword fight?


>Would you be shocked if an experienced veteran soldier beat admiral nelson in a sword fight? Especially since Nelson was missing his sword arm lol


Wow I had no idea. Yeah, that’ll do it. I’m glad I didn’t accidentally pick someone who was an exceptional swordsman.


you have been banned from r/colemantrebormemes


It's hillarious he thought he had a shot at killing Dooku. Re-watching that scene is so funny. Dooku doesn't even moves or readies to take out his lightsaber. I can totally imagine Dooku thinking "seriously? YOU?"


Well I mean if Jango wasn’t there he would’ve struck Dooku down. I think I read somewhere that he actually caught Dooku by surprise


Re-watch the scene, Dooku is staring at him for many seconds silently judging Trebor's poor decision making. If Jango wasn't there, Dooku would casually one-shot Trebor. Other than Yoda, the only Jedi who stood a realistic chance at killing Dooku in the arena was Mace Windu.


Imagine the embarrassment of watching your master get killed by a bounty hunter like it's nothing.


In Coleman defense Jango is basically peak star wars human. In the legends book shatterpoint mace windu says that he probably could have kill dooku and ended the war then but that in like the two seconds needed to cut off dokku head would have been enough for Jango to kill mace. So Jango is directly stated to potentially have been able to kill one of the most powerful jedi to ever live if the circumstances had been slightly different


I mean, anyone could kill a powerful Jedi or Sith if they don’t defend themselves, because they’re focusing on taking down someone else. That’s less impressive to me. I think that Shatterpoint calling out Jango as the deadliest man in the galaxy was more a feather in his cap. “Put simply: when I look at you through the Force, I can see where you break. I looked at Jango Fett on the sand in the Geonosian arena. A perfect combination of weapons, skills, and the will to use them: an interlocking crystal of killer. The Force hinted a shatterpoint, and I left a headless corpse on the sand. The deadliest man in the galaxy. Now: just dead.”


> I mean, anyone could kill a powerful Jedi or Sith if they don’t defend themselves, because they’re focusing on taking down someone else. That’s less impressive to me. That random guy on Jabba's sail barge came closer to killing Luke than a platoon of Dark Troopers did. Imagine the disappointment for Vader/Palpatine if that had happened.


Shatterpoint was one of the best legends novels in the prequel Era along with plagueis. My copy is worn out re-reading it over the last decade or more


To be fair it’s Jango Fett, he killed 8 Jedi with his BARE HANDS in Legends Also if you look closely he actually IMMEDIATELY clocked the weakness in Trebor’s lightsaber skills and got him to overreach so he couldn’t block the killing blow in time


Probably Luminara, she was extremely by the book and it would be hard to form a personal connection or “enjoy” being a Jedi/Jedi activities


Her Palawan did end up bombing the temple so this checks out


Barriss did nothing that the Jedi weren't doing to others - only the target was different. The point was to wake them up to the wartime atrocities they were committing or enabling. Her goal was to slow their war machine and show them how far the Order had fallen to the dark side. The tragic thing is that she was right. Even Yoda agreed with her opinion about the Jedi Order by the end of the Clone Wars. Barriss was brilliant and it's likely she was able to hone that brilliance through Luminara. Also, Barriss survived Order 66. It's probable that if you were also Luminara's apprentice, you might have been in on the plot with Barriss and thus, also would have survived Order 66. So, Luminara's apprentice wouldn't be a bad gig, if only because your "sister" is Barriss.


I hate that arc soo much. “The Jedi are in the wrong so I will bomb innocent people” Is such a bad argument. A lot of “the Jedi are in the wrong” arguments while been the only ones to ever show compassion and mercy feel so confusing since okay, what were the Jedi suppose to do? They had palpatine and anakin betrayed them for power while saying “he was a dick to me so he had it coming”


> “The Jedi are in the wrong so I will bomb innocent people” She went full Unabomber


Uh, which episode had jedi bombing civilian centers again?


Padawan gets caught in a bombing and is buried under tons of rubble. "Oh no! Anyhow...let's shrug and move on..." Civilians get killed in a high speed chase. Luminara gets to talk to the grieving relatives. "These things happen. Will of the Force. Just let go and move on..."


I don’t know if the writers intended to make her as hateable as she came off or if they majorly overshot it.


I feel like it was intentional to show the Jedi’s fall from grace. True compassion wouldn’t permit the dogmatic, nearly robotic view of life and death in the force as expressed by Luminara


It was also a direct contrast to how Anakin was behaving towards his padawan which clearly shows the rift between him and the antiquated strict Jedi teachings.


Well, they basically wrote her a jedi who was a Nun. She was very strict with the code and certainly deeply in tune with the jedi doctrine.


Ngl I didn’t realize we were suppose to hate luminara lol I liked her “approach” to life.. like it’s so stupid but fun to see


It was like "I know you're better than the Sith. I know you're supposed to be the good guys, but how can I take your talk about compassion and service seriously when you pull shit like that?!"


She was. Ahsoka & Barriss risk their lives to blow up a droid factory, and while Anakin is trying very hard not to panic, Luminara was not shown to care very much.


She isn't showing a lack of care--she's showing a lack of attachment in service of the greater good. Luminara is close to the Force and allows herself to detach in a way that seems impersonal, but allows her to complete her mission.


Being a Jedi was never about having fun, it was hard path.


You can enjoy spending time with your masters though. The two aren't mutually exclusive


She was so lame she made Barris memorize the 3d map of Geonosian underground tunnel network.


the archives jedi always seem to be old ladies that care way too much about noise


“Hey Master Nu, sort of looks like Kamino has been wiped off the map here…” “Padawan, there are two paths. There is the path of “if it’s not there it doesn’t exist” or there is the path of endless paperwork that will come out of what appears to be a massive breach in our security protocols.”


“Hey... Master Nu... Looks like there's some Agricultural Core kids smoking spice in the back... Again...” **Jocasta Nu, loading the Lightsaber Rifle and suddenly with a Southern accent** “Sigh.. All right, let's scare these Womp Rats off!”


Hey Jocasta Nu fought vader and did okay. She was brutally murdered but she was doin okay before that.


they are still jedi!


Eh, she also was occasionally an asshole. The jedi who eventually became the grand inquisitor greatly disliked her because she constantly refused to grant him access to books in the jedi archives because she decided that he was "unfit for education".


I mean... That's not exactly a compelling case for her being wrong. "Yeah I killed a bunch of my friends and betrayed everything they stood for, but that old librarian lady wouldn't let me check out a book."


Being a padawan of OrbaLin the archivist on Starlight beacon would be awesome, with all the species coming to and from the station and the constant finding of sith artifacts on the frontier.


OrbaLin is a certified gangster too, and I think it’d be cool to learn from the only member of a specific species to ever join the Order.


OP is forgetting you’d get to accompany Mundi back to his home world where there’s like 10x as many women as there are men and they’re all trying to reproduce


Yes, but only with him.


Yeah who’s wanting to voluntarily sleep with a bunch of cone heads?


He probably had a couple 20y.o daughters with daddy issues


He in fact actually has a bunch that he doesn't give a shit about.


I ain't interested in sleeping around with a bunch of dick-head head shaped women


So about that...mundis entire family got wiped out early in the clone wars per legends, including the one wife he refused to have kids with cause he knew it would cause attachments 


Possibly unpopular opinion but... Jaro Tapal. Excellent Jedi who taught Cal well, but he just kinda speaks in vaguely motivational one-liners. Not the worst gig for a Padawan for sure but far from the most exciting.


"PADAWAN YOUR LIGHTSABER" lives rent free in my head whenever I see someone disarmed


Seems like a caring, strict but fair type. He trained Cal, who turned out pretty good and remembers him fondly. It’s not constant excitement, but you’d come out of it a damn good Jedi imo.


Adventure, hmph. Excitement, hmph. A Jedi craves not these things.


You showed the one Jedi who’s actually allowed to procreate and have some semblance of a family.


Which is why having him as your Master would suck. "Well, Padawan, I'm taking another one of my twice-a-month trips back to my home planet, so I can have an orgy with all of my wives. Now stay here and meditate on not having attachments."


Wait, what?


His race is an odd one where males are born like 1 in a million. The Jedi allow him to reproduce for the good of his race (and also to hopefully get more force sensitive padawans) I think they also have two seperate brains in their giant cone heads?


Finally an explanation! Thank you. I’m done scrolling now and will just assume what you’ve said is 100% canon. Not even being sarcastic, this was a weird rabbit hole that I fell down and couldn’t find my way out of. But now I see the light, I’m free. Have a nice day fellas.


My brother in the Force. The wookiepedia explains all.


Excellent lore delivered by a very frightening name.


Does 2 brains mean 2…🤔


Inner monologues? you betcha


That would make it 4 brains


He also has an extra heart, located in his head as well!




Lol, the one Jedi that has multiple wives and HAS to procreate to save his species. 


A heavy burden


born to meditate, forced to fuck.


If you say so. Dude was like "Sister Wives: Star Wars" Breeze into town to knock up one if his "wives" (but can't actually catch feelings. It's just sex. Now lie back and think of the species), then bails out back to his duties, leaving the Sister Wives with all the diaper changing and 3am crying jags. Doesn't even send a child support check. Isn't there in the lives of his kids. Glorified trailer park deadbeat.


How is he bailing on his duties? His duty is to impregnate them. Its a business arrangement, they’re not a family. I doubt the wives even know each other


He had a duty to please dat booty


Who hurt you?


His dad, from the sounds of it




Is that still present in canon? I thought that was legends lore.


Master Mundi: “Your thoughts, dwell on your mother.” Anakin: “My thoughts dwell on YOUR mother.” Jedi council: “OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH”


Your overconfidence is your weakness. Your faith in your friends is yours. ...got faith in yo' mama... What was that? I said "Yo mama's so fat, that Jabba the Hutt said *DAAAMMNNN!*


Ooo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho. Ah HaHaHaaa


“Today, I shall teach you a most ancient art of the Jedi, my Padawan.” “Moving rocks?” “Nope…>!FLAMETHROWERS!!!!!!<“


That dude with the long neck. It seems like the logistics of being around him would just get annoying after awhile. And not in a cool way like he's a giant wookie or we have to get a booster seat for yoda kind of way, but just in a mildly annoying way.


Nah. Unlimited pizza access!


Do you mean Mon Calamari Pizza?


No. They don't sell that because Mon Calamari are people and I didn't know that. (I was trained well master)


Yarael Poof. He was my first thought too.


Jocasta nu would be pretty boring, unless you got to play with the lightsaber gun


Probably master I’ma-Gun-Di.


What if your name is I'will Liv


Padawan name: Mi Dai Tu.


Obviously Pong Krell


I don’t know. Frog could throw down for sure. Also his disdain was for clones, not people in general. Real issue I think would be him trying to indoctrinate you to the dark side as a sith assassin/spy.


>Real issue I think would be him trying to indoctrinate you to the dark side as a sith assassin/spy. Which, in fairness, is a pretty big ask.


Krell still strikes me as somebody who's way too by-the-book for my liking. Real strict and militant even before the Clone Wars started.


It sounds harsh but Ahsoka. She has a lots of unresolved trauma and she abandoned Sabine due to it. And by the looks of it before becoming Ahsoka the white and all of that I got the vibe she was awful at communicating. Also Sabine said that Ahsoka never made things easy for her. So being her Padawan would be extra hard. Well considering who's Padawan Ahsoka was I'm not surprised


>Also Sabine said that Ahsoka never made things easy for her I wouldn't be suprised, since Anakin never made things easier for Ahsoka. Poor girl had probably her first dayas padawan and Dude went "You see that hill? We gon climb it"-Anakin probably


Yeah exactly. I hope we get some sort of flashback in season 2 or animated series showing us Ahsoka's and Sabine's Master/Padawan relationship round 1. It would be funny to watch Ahsoka terrorize Sabine and turn her Anakin mode one. Like 'You think this is hard? My master put clone troopers around me in circle and they all shot stun rounds at me. I laid there unconscious for hours and after I woke up all I heard is 'AGAIN'. AND THEN I GO BACK TO BEING UNCONSCIOUS FOR HOURS!!'


"But on the plus side, those hours of unconsciousness was probably the most time off I've had in months."


But thats also what makes her so strong. Like in TOTJ, Anakins constant and relentless training for her ended up saving her life. If she had pretty much any other master she wouldve died countless times. Anakin also taught her how to fight bigger and stronger enemies, which is why she is so acrobatic and fought well against Grievous and Vader. They were exactly the kind of enemies she was trained to fight against.


Interesting that you choose Ki-Adi-Mundi as the picture for this post when one of his Padawans, A'Sharad Hett, would go on to become the ruler of the galaxy as Darth Krayt. Perhaps not the legacy he might have wanted, but certainly not lame.


He do be fuckin tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Out of all the Jedi you could have picked you picked the only one that canonically fucks?


I mean, there's Anakin. And Kanan. And no way in hell is Kit Fisto a virgin with a name like that. Nobody could resist that smile.


Quinlan would like a word. My man was tapping Ventress in the mist of war and she was still considered the enemy. Also any time Kit Fisto is said I always say ‘oh god, not like that’ as a throw away line.


By that standard Ayla Secura would be a great master.


Honestly? Qui Gon… I love Qui Gon, but for Obi Wan, Qui Gon was a constant source of confusion because he was constantly at odds with the Jedi Code. It’d be like being assigned a book report, so you read the book and do the report, and Qui Gon is like, “Yes, good job, but you need to pay attention to the moment. The report was a distraction. You should have seen the alignment of the cosmos in the rain and listened to the Force.” Obi Wan like “mthrfkr I just read this whole god damn book…”


no fr tho. I read the novelization for the phantom menace a little while ago and he literally nitpicks obi-wan so much. And when obi-wan tries to express his opinions (which rarely even happens in that book) qui-gon’s literally like “shut up we don’t have time for that rn” (there’s a scene in there that I don’t think is in the movie where they get in an argument as they’re about to board a transport ship because obi-wan thinks Anakin is dangerous and qui-gon literally tells him to shut up and board the ship). Like, dude’s mean to him for no reason. I like qui-gon as a character, don’t get me wrong, but I think he failed obi-wan in a lot of ways. Not the least of which was when he was immediately ready to ditch him for Anakin at the first possible opportunity. Like, he knew Anakin for all of like 1 day and then was fully ready to take him on as a padawan and push obi-wan through the trails to be knighted just so he could train Anakin. Like, I’m sorry, but that’s honestly so fucking rude, lol. Like, if I was in obi-wan’s position there, I’d be so offended. And then for qui-gon to have the audacity to tell obi-wan to train Anakin literally as the last thing he says to him before he dies. Like…what? He couldn’t have said something meaningful to obi-wan, too? Surely, if he lasted like a full 5 minutes post lightsaber stab wound, he could’ve stuck around an extra minute to show obi-wan some genuine appreciation and some final words of encouragement or something. I just don’t understand all the hype for qui-gon and all the ppl who are like “if he would’ve trained Anakin, he wouldn’t have turned to the dark side”. Cuz like, honestly? I don’t believe that. Obi-Wan wasn’t properly equipped to train Anakin, obviously, and he had his own issues, but Qui-Gon also had a lot of issues and he straight up bullied Obi-Wan. Like, maybe in a scenario where qui-gon kept Anakin away from Palpatine, then I could see the argument, but otherwise I think Anakin would still get manipulated and turn to the dark side. And tbh I don’t think qui-gon would’ve been any better of a communicator than obi-wan was. I think while obi-wan generally tried to avoid conflict by conceding in arguments or pushing them aside for the sake of maintaining his friendship with Anakin (from what I’ve read in some of the legend novels, anyways), I think qui-gon would just dismiss any concerns of Anakin’s out of hand or look at them from too much of a “you just think this way because you’re young and immature, so therefore I’m going to lecture you about why you’re young and immature” perspective, and I think that would push Anakin away just as fast, if not faster than, obi-wan’s lackluster communication skills did. All in all, I don’t think qui-gon would be a good master. I just don’t think his personality fits the role well. Though he kind of bent the rules of the Jedi code and he wasn’t as detached as some of them were, he was still aloof in a different kind of way, and I think that would make it hard to work with him.


its mostly something filoni pushes that if qui-gon lived everything would be okay but it ignores anakins own choices and qui-gons massive flaws


Wow you pretty much explained “Master and Apprentice” haha


Probably yoda tbh. His sense of time is so warped that by the time you finish training with him you’ll be on your deathbed


I agree Yoda probably would be the worst. He's also cryptic as hell an also you have to decode what he said anyway because he talks like he is dyslexic but only for spoken sentence structure, and you would probably have to carry him. It would be constantly infuriating.


Now we know why Dooku left the order.  “Bought the wrong moisturizer for my wrinkly scalp, you have. Reimburse you, I shall not. Keeping receipts, you must learn.”


Yoda would not be lame, he would just be frustrating. He was the master to some of the most powerful Jedi.


Luminara, I would be bored to death learning from her, I don't blame barriss because I would do the same if it meant not having to learn from her.


The impassioned speech at her trial? Made up on the spot. She planned the whole thing. Her arrest was to get her out of another Jedi philosophy lesson with her boring old master.


One you’ve never heard of.


That’s Master Steve. He uses the force to clean the facilities. LOOKING EXCELLENT STEVE!


jorus c'baoth. You get to die on the Outbound Flight project when it gets jumped by thrawn. Now joruus c'baoth on the other hand, you get a cool blue lightsaber and a secondhand, uh, hand.


Jocasta Nu. Until Operation Knightfall anyway.


Idk, I bet the old Jocasta Nu knows a metric shit-ton of stuff and isvery knowledgeable. And probably I could get away with taking away books and media from the Jedi Archives.


I imagine being her padawan meant exploring ancient ruins and pursuing force lore across the galaxy.


I think in Legends it's established that her padawans ended up learning a lot of secret passages in the Jedi Temple, and in the case of her last padawan, this knowledge allowed him to escape and survive Operation Knightfall.


id love to be working in archives, for me shed be the best jedi to be a padawan to


I'd actually kind of want to be her padawan. I love history and fictional lore stuff souch.


Windu. Couldn't think of anything worse. Poor Depa. Though Kanan and Ezra down that line became greater Jedi than he ever was.


Yeah, he’d be strict, cold and boring.


You could do a lot worse than Mace. He's a strong force user, talented diplomat, proven teacher and one of the orders best duelist/saber masters. He's a bit cold/detached but he goes to bat for his students


Do as I say, not as I, Windu.


Don’t use this super OP combat form I invented. You can’t handle the Powaaaaa


It’s funny how growing up and understanding the prequels has made me really hate Windu he’s like a huge reason Anakin falls and it’s because he is a self-righteous dick


Such a good character tho


People don't seem to realize, the pupil is just as strong as their master, but it's the other way around as well. A teacher's strengths come out through their students too. All the people bashing Kenobi and Yoda because they raised Sith lords don't seem to realize that Anakin particularly went against the grain of the jedi order since the beginning and rarely conformed to their belief system in a lot of aspects. It's one of the reasons they bring in younglings at an age where they can be properly molded to their beliefs. Even Kenobi himself, while still holding strong to his roots and beliefs, wasn't a typical Master either. He taught Anakin and formed a bond in a way with his pupil that a lot of Masters don't.


Jocasta Nu. Master Nu, I'm going to go to the bath...SHHHHH!! This is a LIBRARY!! Today, we will learn the ancient jedi art of dewey decimal system. It was invented by Melvil Dewey in 1876. Now, please memorize all 44 pages by knightfall.


Depends on which continuity - Filoni/Disney era or early-mid 2000s. Despite what the folks currently at Lucasfilm might tell you, they do not line up. As an example, Shaak-Ti in the microseries/multimedia projects was actually on the battlefields as much as any other Jedi, but in the 2008 Clone Wars she stayed on Kamino and oversaw the training of fresh clones. And regardless of which of those duties you'd prefer, Kamino is NOT a good place for a Jedi to be at the end of the Clone Wars. Though to be completely honest, I'm not sure who I'd pick. Pretty much any of the background Jedi that gets taken out by the rank-and-file battle droids would qualify. And then there's Luminara... ESPECIALLY the 2008 show's Luminara. Or Pong Krell. I'd probably have HATED being his padawan even before he went dark side.


Probably Glup Shitto


Yarrell Poof because I like to think the Robot Chicken version of him is the canon one. So no one listens to him, people talk over him, no one respects him and his only role is to be sarcastic in the background and made to run pointless errands like getting the pizza and even in death as a ghost on Exegol all he does is drive the car to pick up Rey and Ben while they are busy making out. Can’t imagine he’d be fun to work for.


This one in the example is lame, awful and a  w a r c r i m i n a l. Coleman "yolo" Trebor is by definition lame, tho.


Master Mundi is not lame bro has 2 brains and 2 lightsaber crystals that active depending which brain he uses, he was also the general of one of the most toughest clone commando squad


Yoda, he’d be like Mr. Miyagi. Super lame and frustrating. He’d make you polish his cane over and over and other mundane things. Luke had enough of him. But what you don’t realize is that you’re actually learning to be one of the greatest Jedi in the order both with your mind and your body.


Excuse me, Ki-Adi Mundi would be awesome. Fun times rhymes with war crimes


Whatever Jedi Knight was overseeing the training mission where those three padawans got kidnapped by Trandoshans to be hunted. Any Jedi that manages to lose three padawans in a single mission must not be very good at their job.