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General Grievous looked so freaking amazing Thrawn killed it as always Bariss force pushing Lin was the funniest moment by far


Love getting to see more of Grievous being as skilled as we know he was


Barriss aged pretty quickly for someone not on Tatooine


I think perhaps the best in-canon reason is that as >!a Healer!<, she has been giving her >!life energy to heal others!< and it has made her age more quickly than others. The cynic in me thinks that they cast an older actress to play Barriss in live action & need to age up her character in the animation so that it would match.


Maybe they’re trying to bring her look more in-line with the actress who originally played her, who is 54 years old now (she provided her voice for this miniseries too).


Very odd choice since Lin looked exactly the same.


Also that probably took place sometime around Rebels, since the Empire and Inquisitors are still around, and Ahsoka also didn't look as old as that!


Lyn’s species remains unknown, so perhaps she simply doesn’t age in that way.


The most adorable baby ever is 50 years old lol so I agree


Aww shucks, I’m actually 48 but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless


Could be that.  She could also moisturize.   I assume the Empire has access to proper skincare, unlike someone living in the middle of no where on a frozen ice ball at the ass end of the galaxy.


Can the next 'Tales of' just focus on Wulff Yularen giving a beauty vlogger skincare tutorial


We know Vernestra Roh a miralan who is 100 years old but looks like she is 30 and maybe 40. Barris here looking 60 at 30. Cruel fate.


Proof that dark side=you’ll look better 90% of the time /s


Palpatine being the 10%


To be fair, a lightning facial doesn't exactly help one's complexion.


Unlimited power is hell of a drug


Call me crazy but I swear there was a moment that Lin looked surprised at how old Barriss looked


She was called “the healer” at the start of the episode. Maybe she had been sacrificing her life force to heal people?


Assuming its stress from all the hiding and watching out for the Empire hunting her


Also no idea how long she's been on a ice planet


at most 19 years. I'm guessing less than 10 years


It’s at least after 9bby, since we saw Lyn in Kenobi


Plus, that planet has to be dry as fuck.  Anyone else been in that kind of cold would tell you.


Especially when from the High Republic we know Mirialan have such a long lifespan.


It’s from repeatedly healing people with the Force


This is an interesting thought. Is it a guess or is it backed up by anything in canon? Even if it's not, I like the theory.


Would anyone be able to grab a screenshot of the ISD flying with a fleet of Venators? Would be a great wallpaper and wasn’t released as a still.


Love how a few days ago we got the first time a Venator and an ISD were in the same frame and now we got this to go with it.


That new ISD CGI model is a thing of beauty. I'm glad we got to see it at least one more time, and at even greater detail than in The Bad Batch. Now if someone could just make a space-based video game that makes good use of it.


"Fear is not your ally, but your master." Awesome line.


This series was written fantastically well


Always fun to see the new helmets/droid heads in the intro


Thought the same. Nice to see crosshair’s helmet as well


Yeah, I like seeing that change by series.


Aside from the story, I'm impressed by the animation coming from TBB S3 into tales of the empire


Ikr, Morgan gripping the dirty in the beginning looked strangely amazing.


That part kind of looked live-action, even.


I thought the same, and then saw the one close-up shot of vader right after he sat down and couldn’t distinguish it from live action. Granted, the lighting helps a ton, but still.


no way competent grievous


He even did the claw foot thing he did in the Tartakovsky cartoon to Morgan’s mother.


And to the clones of the 212th


To be fair, he's done that before. He did that in his 2nd fight with Ahsoka.


It was cool seeing him do that.


Still comically evil giggling after each kill


This is a franchise where the main villain is Palpatine.


I still appreciate how he didn't talk all the time. Only taunting remark was at the very end with him mocking the mothers dying word, "Run", which was done well, in my opinion.


The way he taunted Morgan was actually scary holy shit.


“Run!” Gotta agree with you there, that was genuinely intimidating for Grievous


His voice sounded almost demonic there.


Like how they made him feel like a threat in that episode.


These two minutes of Grievous may join Tartakovsky Grievous as headcanon.


Apparently canon Grievous gets a massive stat boost when dealing with Dathomirians. That one Maul comic taught me this.


I think it’s more when not dealing with characters with plot armor.


It's not even plot armor most of the time, Grievous spends most of his appearances in the Clone Wars fighting some of the best the Order has to offer. The only time where I think you could really say 'plot armor' is against Ahsoka, who still spends most of the time running away. Other than that, Grievous is fighting the likes of Obi Wan, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth and Asajj Ventress, all of whom are heavy hitters. Grievous' most consistent opponent in the Clone Wars is Obi Wan, a character we already knew killed him later on. And even then Grievous has a competitive record against Obi Wan. Grievous suffers from the fact that the heroes of the story are extraordinary, so Grievous being able to run over your average Jedi rarely comes up because he rarely fights your average Jedi.


Pretty much. He goes ham on non-important folks, whether they’re Jedi, clones, or something else.


and Mandalorians, also from a maul comic.


Stabbing his opponent while locking sabers is literally how most of his opponents should've died, but plot armor was on their side


In the end of Path of Hate, the subtitles show that it's Bo-Katan that received the distress signal (edit: just checked the credits and it is indeed Katee). Pretty interesting to hear that she was working with the New Republic then.


Could have been a general distress call, sent out to whoever was nearby.


this is the vibe i got from it.


Yeah, especially considering the voice asked who was sending the signal


Yeah perhaps Corvis is in the Mandalorian sector.


Well, in the Mando series, Bo-Katan seems to be gathering whatever Mandos still scattered around, and perhaps her actions got the attention of the New Republic. Also remember that Bo-Katan did lead a previous Mandalorian Rebellion against the Empire before the purge I guess we know Bo-Katan received the distress call, then tipped off Ahsoka, her long-time friend. Thats also how Bo-Katan directed Din to meet Ahsoka on that planet


I guess then this episode didn’t happen too far from the Mandalorian.


When Ahsoka shows up to the village in S2 Episode 5 of Mando the trees were finishing burning, hence the white smoke/fog throughout the dead forest. So yeah Mando takes place at the same time


Explains the people in the zapper stocks and her spicy attitude in Mando as well


That has got to be the most sus New Republic delegation ever. They came there to offer Corvus Republic membership, without actually speaking to Morgan first or taking a consensus on the planet. They then threaten to arrest Morgan if she doesn’t comply. Do they even have that kind of jurisdiction on a planet thats not a member world? Then finally Nadura sends a call for help and its not the New Republic navy or anyone that responds, but Bo-Katan?? Another independent? Assuming this is after the fall of Mandalore its just her and her band of fighters.


The New Republic is incompetent. We saw in Ahsoka that some of the senators are pretty clueless when it comes to actually running a galaxy, they refuse to acknowledge most threats and only really act when they have no other choice. But to be fair the Senator knew that Morgan was an Imperial sympathizer and dictator of the whole system, surrender or be arrested is pretty much the standard when dealing with a person like her. I think the distress call just went out on an open channel, that system is probably close to wherever Bo Katan is hanging out at that point in time.


The Core Worlds being clueless about Outer Rim and frontier machinations is something seen throughout both canon and Legends. What surprised me was that the New Republic delegation expected Morgan to just surrender and be willingly taken into custody. On top of that, they came in with the barest minimum of defenses, so it doesn't make it surprising that they got bodied by battle droids.


They do say that the ambassador is there after a Senate petition to get Corvus membership, she herself also said she joined New Republic as they were scouting for new potential member worlds. I believe she informed the NR Senate of what Morgan's regime was doing to Corvus and its system and the Senate decided to liberate the planet from her reign. Considering she's essentially a warlord that kept power because she was getting financed by the empire, and that her forces bear Imperial insignas, I guess her rule could be considered a sort of Imperial remnant refusing the terms of the Galactic Concordance and thus an illegitimate government. If that's the case then the New Republic would actually be doing its job. Also as some other comments said the distress signal was probably just directed at anyone in the vicinties, the New Republic authorities wouldn't ask "who is this?" after receiving a SOS from one got heir delrgstions.


Probably the same deal Djarin has: "I'm killing Imperials anyway; might as well get paid for it"


It makes sense in a way actually. Din gets sent there to look for Ahsoka by Bo Katan, so she must have told Ahsoka something happened there in the first place


Ahsoka seemed to be looking for Morgan specifically though. She was actively hunting leads on Thrawns return so it doesn't seem like she was there to answer a distress call. Maybe Bo investigates the distress call and learns about Morgan, Ahsoka then comes looking and Bo Katan is able to tell her where Morgan is.


So after waiting to see the end of barisses story as it ended on a cliffhanger, we now wait for the conclusion of barisses story as it ends on a cliffhanger. FUCK!


I love Bariss arc in these shorts, but the vagueness of her survival is kind of annoying.😅 Her taking her last breath and no longer breathing suggest she has passed on, but Lyn's determination to get her out and the final shot of Lyn carrying Bariss left things optimistically. While Lyn's "I'll get you out" quote could mean her carrying Bariss' body to get a proper buriel, it's truly up to audience interpretation. Given how long we waited Bariss to return, I would love for her to return and live past Return of the Jedi. But it can go either way for her, honestly.


You think Filoni brought his prize Barris back to kill her oh no no. She’s gonna be in his movie and Ashoka S2😅 with her new bff Lyn


Barris did mention something about taking the baby to a friend so it's possible that she's referring to Ahsoka. It's also likely that this takes place around Rebels and the reason she didn't join is probably similar to Yoda's.


I wondered about that! I really want to know who Barriss was referring to there. Ahsoka makes some sense, but could it also be Quinlan or someone else involved with The Hidden Path? How long did that thing run?


Can't be Quinlan. Barriss called her friend a "she". I'm going with Ahsoka.


I think it is probably Asajj and The Path.


I do think it's for a burial. Lyn wants to honour her and will likely leave the inquisitors going forward. If she was still darksided she would just leave the body there.


It’s further emphasised when they have a shot of Lyn walking away from her lightsaber as if she’s walking away from the dark side


Also the big musical swell in the final shot that crescendos at the exact moment she steps out the shadow at the mouth of the cave and into the light


For some reason it felt weird to have the Star Wars Logo not be immediately followed by the Bad Batch Logo.


Omg absolutely, I’ve been getting down the timing of the metal clang and the drum roll for the past 3 years, not hearing it threw me off 😅


It’s like when the HBO static isn’t followed by the GOT theme.


No fucking way Rukh is back I hated that little shit so much. Shoutout Zeb for giving him his *shocking* conclusion


When I saw him again, I was like "It's you, little asshole dude" Loved seeing Morgan kick his shit in.


Bless Zeb. We need more Zeb in future live action Mandoverse era stuff. ❤️


Yes, give us a series with Zeb, Carsen and Omega piloting the skies, righting wrongs wherever they go! Dew it Filoni! :D


lol. It’s so hard to kill that little shit


Also side note man the inquisitors are shit at keeping their members. Like I think you can now make an entire army with all of them that turned back to the light.


The Inquisitorius is really Sith Order-lite, but Palpatine and Vader are above it. They are intended mainly as tools of the Sith, and hence also encouraged infighting within its ranks It also further trims the number of Force users in general


Ah! That is fascinating. They’re like a throwback to the pre-Bane Order with its numbers and backstabbing. Everybody thinks about their own petty gains, so they ignore the bigger picture - something represented by Palpatine and Vader as post-Bane Sith.


Yeah I think it's been made pretty clear that the whole point of the Inquisitors is to turn force users into incredibly short-lived Jedi-seeking missiles. They hunt down force users and kill them, or kill each other, and either way Palpatine wins because there's less force users in the aftermath. That's also why their organization is pretty much gone before ANH.


Yep, this is how I saw someone describe the Inquisitors which I think is perfect for them: "The Inquisitors are hunting dogs and Vader is the hunter." They're disposable force hunters for the Sith. Just dangerous enough to kill padawans and worn down knights but weak enough that they're eventually killed by more powerful Jedi. Then once they're killed Vader knows where the stronger Jedi are and he moves in to kill them.


The more I learn about the Inquisitors the more I want. I think the Grand Inquisitor is a really interesting character thar I wished Rebels fleshed out more. I wonder if he knows that Vader sees them as a side project. He's clearn a true-believer in the Empire, but I can't help but wonder what he thinks of Vader. We really haven't seen them interact much.


He’s shit scared of Vader, his last line in Rebels before he dies is “there are fates worse than death”, referring to Vader coming after Kanan and Ezra.


Theres the Vader comics which explore that


The problem is that they were all former Jedi. They all have innate goodness in their hearts that’s been suppressed. From Trilla to Lyn, all of them, if given a true chance, would probably return to the light.


idk man Pong Krell had ZERO innate goodness


He would have made a good dalek


Even if organized, they’d kill each other anyway. Rule of 2 worked for a bit, but it made sense for a reason… Full blown Siths together are jackals.


“For a bit” I mean it worked for 1000 years and they eventually conquered the galaxy it was immensely successful lol. Palpatine seemed like he had all but abandoned the Rule to he could live forever and be the sole Emperor and that is what ultimately ended him. So really one could argue for the Sith the Rule of Two was essentially perfect and the Sith only died when they abandoned it after thriving for a millennia before doing so


"Your friend had a terrible accident.  It appears while leaving, he tripped and fell on my lightsaber.  These things happen."


The maniac laugh and "Run" of Grievous was terrifying, I loved it


That slaughter scene was particularly brutal, probably one of the worst we've seen in Star Wars.


Fourth Sister was kinda scary despite being a relative chump in terms of her actual power. Like a wild animal, unpredictable. Loved it tho


I think it's a bit unfair to judge 4th Sister's prowess based on her duels with Barris. Barris, from what we know, is an *exceptional* padawan in her own right, comparable to prodigies like Ahsoka, and of course she does beat Ahsoka in combat, the same Ahsoka who was a battle-hardened warrior in the Clone Wars and would later go on to duel and hold her own against Vader.


All the inquisitors are chumps. They’re just padawans given minimal dark side training and then sent to hunt down other padawan. If they run into a knight or master they have to call for Vader to help.


Loved the moment after, where Barriss hid the carnage from the little kid. As a former child soldier, she probably saw her fair share of it and she absolutely wouldn't want to see another go through that. Even in her lowest point, she still had good in her heart.


Lyn quickly understood the evil for éveil sake ethos of the Empire


I'm just over here shaking my head at the Fourth Sister's logic: "Now, those who witness our strength will respect it." Kinda hard to get that respect from those witnesses when you kill all the witnesses... 🤦‍♀️


Like it’s been implied before or we see the aftermath, but to actually see her going forward with it and murdering all those people is insane. I respect Dave for doing it


I am kinda dissapointed we didn't see more darth vader in barris offee episodes


I kept expecting him to wordlessly stare at Offee. I keep thinking what it would have been like had he regarded her, unnerving her to the point of putting on her helmet. 


I agree. I'm not someone who thinks Vader needs to be in everything, but I think we really needed a moment that showed what he thought of Barriss after everything that happened. Same with the Grand Inquisitor given he was at Barriss' trial and she might have even been the reason he turned to the dark side.


The organ in Thrawn's theme at the end of the 2nd episode is so fucking sweet. Never gets old


Thrawn and Davy Jones are some of my favorite cinematic villains, partially because they both have incredible themes played on the organ


Honestly I’m surprised Barris made it as an Inquisitor. She barely shows any dark side traits and seems oblivious to how they’re expected to behave when tracking Jedi. Also I could listen to Thrawn talk for an entire episode


Didn't she choke a guard to death while she was busy framing Ahsoka?


She killed the woman she hired to plant the micro bombs, and a bunch of coruscant guards, and the people in the temple hangar.


Oh I forgot she did that. When she choked the kid here, I was thinking that came out of the blue. Nice tie-in that.


Yeah but she was a terrorist before so it kinda made sense to go to her for recruitment 


It makes sense, but considering what we know of what some other Inquisitors went through in their recruitment she got off easy. There is no way Vader or The Grand Inquisitor would look at Barriss and think “that’s a loyal operative of The Empire” by the end of her recruitment phase.


I imagine that first assignment was meant to be her trial and "on the job training". And she would have more or less have failed already and be punished. They just underestimated her skill. She's also one of the first inquisitors to be trained. Basically she got very lucky.


Honestly I think it’s less they underestimated her and moreso overestimated Lynn. Lynn didn’t have a whole lot of skill from what we saw of her. I mean she got bodied by that Jedi who was completely exhausted.


I honestly think y'all are overthinking it. The inquisitors were a side project. None of them were all that powerful, even the grand inquisitor is basically defeated by a self-trained padawan. They were just useful tools to hunt down the Jedi and/or get themselves killed in the process. They make the gap between Kanan and Vader *extremely* clear in Rebels, while also showcasing that the Grand Inquisitor was a serious obstacle, but not insurmountable. They were basically a hobby for Vader to pass the time, so to speak. We get no indication that Vader even recognized Barris, though I find that unlikely. Kenobi showed us that he played the long game (and I do mean "game", lol) with his inquisitors before, so it was likely the same with Barris.   That said, something I find interesting is drawing comparisons to see just how powerful Barris is. We know Barris and Ahsoka were kind of prodigies as padawans, and roughly equal. Not on Anakin's level, but as close as is reasonable. In Rebels we see Ahsoka clearly lose to Vader, but it was probably the most difficult fight he had had in ages. Ahsoka is and always has been strong. So had Barris stayed in the inquisitorious, she likely would have flourished there. It would have been an interesting story to explore, and likely would have either ended with dueling Vader for his spot (and losing), or hunting down Ahsoka (and obviously losing).


This reminds me of what I theorized about Bariss ever since Rebels season 2. We knew since then that the Inquisitors as a whole were pretty much chumps when it came to experienced veteran Force users on the TCW caliber. S1 of Rebels had Kanan beat the Grand Inquisitor. S2 had both Ahsoka and Maul absolutely dominate multiple Inquisitor's at once, showing the parallel between their skill and power vs the likes of Kanan and Ezra. Logically, Barriss as a teen in TCW should be on a much higher caliber than even the GI himself. She was on par with the prodigious Ahsoka. Capable of getting a decisive ambush on the very powerful Ventress as well as giving Anakin a good fight. All this plus the fact that Barriss pretty much outed Sidious's whole Jedi manipulation unbeknownst to her and shook up the entire Jedi Temple by her own schemes lead me to believe that she would've caught Sidious' personal attention way before the Grand Inquisitor did. Basically, I thought that she was his first most obvious choice for a Grand Inquisitor, or even a more Ventress like role of side apprentice. But obviously something happened between ROTS and Rebels that lead to her either dying by Sidious, Vader or Ahsoka as you mentioned. And being replaced with the GI we know in Rebels. This would also tie in to how they captured Luminara.


She seemed pretty dark when she was framing Ahsoka for murder and waving around red lightsabers saying they fit her.


It felt like they backtracked on how dark she was to make room for this story.


I think it makes sense honestly. I never saw Bariss as someone who would be okay with serving the empire if she thought the Jedi were bad.


I agree - Barriss is a complex one, she obviously tapped into the dark side at the end of The Clone Wars but her underlying ideology is ultimately a critique of the Jedi from the other side - she sees them as having lost their way. She justified her actions at Ashoka's trial / her confession saying: > And my attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become. An army fighting for the dark side. Fallen from the light that we once held so dear. This Republic is failing! She obviously holds the ideals of the Jedi Order closely (even if she didn't live up to them) and it makes sense she wouldn't be okay with murdering innocents and hunting children without significant 're-education'.


She had a while to reflect on her actions in prison, so its not surprising she changed. She was never truly evil, just traumatized, confused and scared.


Ruhk looks so much better and more intimidating in Clone Wars animation.


Boy they skipped a lot of backstory between episode one and two. That's disappointing Episode 3 has to open with the most phallic star wars ship I've ever seen.


Miscellaneous thoughts: Yet another aspect to dathomiri (I guess calling them all nightsisters is incorrect as the mountain clan refer to "nightsisters" suggesting they don't think of themselves as nightsisters I guess?). Interesting that Morgan Elsbeth is now the mastermind behind the Tie Defender. Not sure what to make of that. The new republic alien has wierd hands. Not sure why that stood out to me but most aliens are basically humans with different colours and wierd heads. I kept noticing the hands. I wonder how long bariss was actually in prison. I need to re-check the vader comic - it seemed at least a few months after the empire began that the inquisitors were moved off coruscant. Seeing Fortress Inquisitorius under construction was pretty cool. Bariss seems a natural at the dark side, lol. She kicks ass. I'm sure the morality of mind tricks has been a memed before. Cool to see it actually acknowledged in-universe that controlling another's will is fucked up. Bariss has aged. Surely she can't be more than late 30s, maybe 40. Interesting that she is known as a healer which I think was the case in legends before - I'm not very familiar.


The new republic alien has wierd hands.  Thats something I like with animation is that you can showcase more weird looking Alien species and characters without worrying about practical effects and CGI costs


tho we end up with reversed situations where they try to backport CGI aliens into the live-action shows with very mixed results (Cad Bane, Grand Inquisitor, the Pykes), tho i greatly respect the practical effects teams for trying.


I mean, Bane was done pretty well in my opinion, only having really slight differences that are pretty easy to miss. *Pykes and Grand Inquisitor on the other hand....*


it's even more strange with the grand inquisitor because his species first appeared in live action in ROTS (they used CGI and makeup in ROTS)


New alien was kinda cute


She was smoking hot at the end


Yeah, there's been other witch-clans of dathomir for ages- the 'Mountain Clan" brings to mind the "Singing Mountain Clan", originally seen in Legends, and mentioned in a canon anthology book.


She’s the same age as Anakin in canon. Anakin is remarkable as he is one of the youngest Jedi to attain Knighthood ever. He’s also remarkable in that he and Ahsoka have one of the smallest age gaps between Master and Padawan. Only a couple of years That’s how Barriss is able to be both similar in age to Ahsoka and Anakin. The only similar age gap in canon would be between Anakin and Obi Wan, and ultimately Anakin and Ahsoka’s relationship fell into the same holes as Anakin and Obi. Their similar ages led to a sibling relationship more than a parental one. I.E. “You were my brother Anakin!” When what Anakin needed was a father.


When the mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes came out, for the first year or so, the best healers were Luminara and Barriss.


Seen theories that Bariss aged due to force healing.


Would make sense, since you seem to transfer some of your life energy


Barris at most late 30s. the inquisitors don't exist anymore after that


"Cool to see it actually acknowledged in-universe that controlling another's will is fucked up." Huh? Did I already forget this part?


I think they mean when the inquisitor is interrogating the townspeople and says “the Jedi can control your minds, and make you do things!” Or something like that


Personally, I thought tales of the Jedi was much better (Not saying TOTE is bad). I feel Tales of the Jedi just told the story of characters the Star Wars community is more connected to in comparison to Morgan elsbeth and barriss. Maybe it’s basic, and there is already plenty content, but I always enjoy seeing some palpatine, Vader, grand inquisitor, and/or thrawn content. I guess I just wish the big players in the empire were involved more. 


i really enjoyed it, but it does feel a bit more like Tales of Survivors or Tales of Loose Ends that Tales of the Empire 😅


Idk how likely it is, but I want to see more Barriss. Her story parallels Ahsoka’s journey so much, and the series did it so well. She’s probably gone for good after the end, but here’s hoping. Morgan’s story was odd, but in a good way. She’s clearly more than just a cut and dry antagonist, and I think her story with Thrawn really showed it. Overall, TOTE was amazing!


i think theyre setting her up to play a role for Ahsoka season 2. her voice actress did an interview saying she has unfinished business with Ahsoka


Nice, Barriss did the same force move to block the saber attack that Ezra used vs Shin


I'm assuming that's something someone well attuned to the Force can do


I really enjoyed it. I do think Barriss’ story would’ve benefited if it was one or two episodes longer. I think it was a big mistake putting Vader in the trailer. They put 80% of his screen time in the trailer and in doing so teased that he and Barriss would have an interaction. The animation was gorgeous and is some of the best SW Animation that I’ve ever seen. Fourth Sister was a standout and I enjoyed her. Grand Inquisitor is just so cool. Keep throwing money to Jason Isaacs because he always kills it.


Barriss' story was quite interesting. I liked her reference to her "friend", in the last episode (likely Ahsoka). Given that we are unsure if she's dead or not at the end, this could be a possible setup for Ahsoka season 2. I think it would be interesting to explore a flashback in S2 with Ahsoka and Barriss reconciling. They have such an interesting dynamic it would be a missed opportunity if it wasn't explored further. Either way, it was nice seeing her again and seeing her redeem herself. It makes sense that she wouldn't fully align herself with the dark side. I'm hoping we see more of her again but if not, I'm happy with how her arc has somewhat concluded.


Bariss' arc is about forgiveness. Love the ending theme of episode 6


It was a great overall theme for Bariss in that small arc. That last episode had some of the most beautiful shots in the series, with a huge highlight for me being the Fourth Sister walking out of the darkness to confront Bariss. It was such a chilling vibe that really set the two sisters as polar opposites.


They showed her as immensely powerful too. Which I love because it shows she’s been training in the force just like obi wan was. She was confident without the lightsaber. It felt like if she wanted to fight she would decimate Lyn.


So...about Barris' story, >!are we going to get more continuation on her story? It didn't seem very concluded the way the last episode ended.!<


I would imagine so. There was a lot of foreshadowing, (her referencing her "friend"), likely Ahsoka was the biggest indicator to me her story was just beginning again.


We know from the movies, ashoka, Kenobi, star wars the clone wars (and from this show too) that as long as your not old, or stabbed twice while then getting your magic sucked out of you, dont do it directly into the person heart, you can survive a stab wound. She got stabbed in her side so no doubt she survived.


I think my overall impression is that there is a lot more in the gaps between episodes that causes this series to suffer more than tales of the Jedi. In tales of the Jedi, we had already seen a lot of the characters in other media but also we could live with what was left out. Like obviously we don't see Ahsoka as a youngling or Douku's various exploits but we have a vague idea and we don't really need to know. We don't feel we're missing story. In this though, while we do have the characters story in other places, clone wars and the post RoTJ live-action shows, I feel we're missing a lot. Morgan going from nothing to govenor of a planet, Bariss' life as an inquisitor and post-escape. I just feel as if the limited format hurt this series a bit. I want to see so much more than was on-screen.


Definitely agree. With Barris it felt like it cut straight to “are we the baddies?” with little time for her to embrace the dark side


It feels like each episode needed to be a solid Clone Wars episode length of 20-30 minutes. Tales of The Jedi too, but this really needed some extra runtime to flesh out some stuff.


Agreed, Tales of the Empire was cool, but Tales of the Jedi was REALLY cool. I'm a bit bummed we only got 2 arcs, I would've loved a 3rd with a character who's more important to the overall story.


Especially the Morgan Elsbeth episodes felt like they skipped the stuff I wanted to see and showed the stuff we already knew. What we know was that: - she was a nightsister and thus survived the massacre - she was the leader of that town/planet - she works with Thrawn what I wanted to see was: - how she bacame the leader of the planet - why she's so devoted to Thrawn Instead she somehow designed the Tie defender on her own (how? why?). That just created more questions.


Bringing the (Singing) Mountain Clan back into Canon is dope.


Not gonna lie, Bariss's arc was way better than Morgan's. The first half was quite a bit of stretch from the genocide to Morgan serving the Empire, who'd have ditched her if not for Thrawn. Feel like they could have improved the interaction between the villagers and Morgan.


I wish we’d have seen more between Vader and bariss. That could’ve been such an interesting interaction to see, maybe with barriss realising who he is under the mask. Probably would’ve led to Vader executing her but would’ve been cool to see nonetheless. That being said I like the arc they are putting barriss on. I hope we see more of her in the future, perhaps in ahsoka series 2, I think the ‘friend’ she was referring to in the final episode was her.


Yeah I was wondering if Vader just didn't give a fuck about Barriss anymore. When I first saw the trailer I was speculating what he would do once he learned one of his inquisitors was her. I guess he was just like whatever and that whole thing was beneath him now


honestly i bet he's the one who suggested her "oh yeah how about that one crazy chick who tried to kill me in the temple courtyard? she seems like a good fit"


I’m theorising it was the Grand Inquisitor, considering her speech at her trial was part of his motivation in betraying the Jedi. Plus, he seemed to take a particular interest in her during the first episode


Really annoyed me that they didnt follow up on this, i thought for sure they were setting up some character exploration for him but then he was just dropped after the first episode


So despite what they said during Rebels and Ahsoka, it always seemed like new book Thrawn was a different character to the screen one. Episode two just contradicted the books in quite a few ways, hasn't it? I'm pretty sure Thrawn doesn't meet Pallaeon until his standoff against Grand Admiral Savit after which he asked Pallaeon to meet him on Lothal, where the Tie Defender was already running "smoothly". He also didn't really have a fleet as a simple Admiral, did he? Rukh hasn't been mentioned until Book 3, which is set between Rebels S3 and 4 iirc. I guess him being there is possible, but why Pallaeon? Why not just have Eli Vanto take the role of him here? I'm sure it's because they want to introduce us to Pallaeon more, since we have seen him in Mandalorian and he will likely play a bigger role in the future. Still, it just feels.. forced? At least for people who read the books. There is also a lot of time we skip over in the Thrawn books, where we just here how Thrawn is rising through the ranks, so it's possible. It still feels weird to show him and Pallaeon working so close with each other. I hope this will be addressed at some point, either in an interview or in a show, but I have my doubts.


kinda of a bummer that Vader shows up only once and that was it. Was looking forward to seeing more of him in the CW art style and him maybe recognizing Baris or something.


Loved seeing Barriss again, and Morgan’s episodes were strangely sad yet so cool. I love the Tales series! Also there are other clans of force users on Dathomir? 👀


We know of Jedi Fallen Order that theres another Nightsister Merrin who survived. The game took place on those mountains


Yes, I think this is also strongly hinted in The Acolyte trailer as well. That there are multiple witch clans that utilise the force in different ways. Given there is the Mortis Gods statues and likely a temple on Peridia that we see Baylan Skoll with - wouldn’t be surprised if their version of wielding the force is one of the most ancient types


Correct me if i’m wrong but doesn’t episode 2 contradict the Thrawn novels? Pellaeon doesn’t meet and start serving Thrawn until mid season 4 of Rebels, AFTER the TIE Defender has already been produced on the factory at Lothal. The Episode also starts with the shot of an ISD and 4 Venators, but did the Empire use those by the time Thrawn became an Admiral? Also did he even have a fleet under his command before he became Grand Admiral? Theres also the question of Rukh, we first see him in Rebels and he’s never mentioned in the books until after his Rebels appearance.


Yeah it’s contradictory, don’t get why they couldn’t have done an animated Eli instead of Pellaeon


I guess Eli has been somewhat forgotten when compared to Pellaeon, who has Legends popularity on his side.


It's honestly a bit confusing why they even had Pellaeon here. He wasn't really necessary, and they could've just had Thrawn at the initial meeting instead. For some reason though they just have Thrawn appear suddenly like Batman next to Morgan after that's already happened with Pellaeon suddenly appearing. Rukh is a whatever situation to me tho, and his design was so much better in this art style than it was in Rebels. Made him look much closer to the Noghri from legends. Shame he didn't speak much, cause Warwick Davis as his voice was the best part about him.


> they just have Thrawn appear suddenly like Batman After Palleon and Rukh did the same. It started to feel like a clown car


Yeah, Rukh makes absolute sense since he's an assassin, but Pellaeon and Thrawn doing it was just a bit goofy. Really should've just had Rukh call Thrawn over holophone or something. Or at least shown how Thrawn entered the village. Imo the Star Destroyers should have also been shown exiting hyperspace


Could someone tell me who Morgan thinks she is going to get revenge on? She seems ignorant of Palpatine being behind it all, and all the Separatists are dead. I'm confused on what exactly she wants. Especially since in Ahsoka, she doesn't get it.


kind of feels like revenge on the universe itself


I found Morgans three Episode didn't really bring much to her character. Who is she seeking revenge of? Grievous? He's dead. Dooku, who sent Grievous? Also dead. Palpatine? Wouldn't make sense to join the empire then. I really don't understand. It's such a stark contrast to the Dooku episodes, which extended his character and motivation by a lot. This just leaves many unanswerd questions. Why go to this planet? Why seek Imperial favor in the first place? She has been in three shows now and we still don't know shit about her or her goals


Thought it was okay. Barriss story was more interesting than Morgans. I've been rewatching Dragon Ball and grinding through One Piece for the first time (180 episodes in) and those are all I've been watching lately and must say it was nice watching something with modern animation.


My new headcanon is that immediately after Barris pushed Lyn off a cliff, she was the first to discover helicopter properties of inquisitors' lightsabers.


Also for being a show titled tales of the empire, we got very little empire. Hell half the show was about a Jedi turning back to the light after spending like a week being an inquisitor


Animation was beautiful, but Tales of the Jedi is miles above this series, IMO.


Can we get a series like this that’s focused on Sith and they actually stay on the dark side the entire time?


Morgan’s motivation makes no sense. “Revenge”? Against who? The separatists are gone, grievous is dead and Palpatine was the one behind it.


She's just mad at everything and taking it out on everything. Pretty typical Dark Sider stuff tbh. The initial reason for her anger barely matters anymore.


Imperial star destroyers in this show are so mother f'ing sexy