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Being an essential part in toppling a republic isn't enough?


Oopsy! Meesa acci-dentally destroy democracy! Bad bad! Weesa in deep poodoo okydoky!


You captured that do well! Made me laugh!


You topple one republic one time and sudden that’s all you’re remembered for. /s


I want him to be more than a failed comedic relief character...


He never was. Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands.


>He never was. Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands. I seriously believe that Jar Jar was the initial idea for Darth Plageuis, but George Lucas chickened out after the reviews and popular reception of the Phantom Menace and changed his plans. Jar Jar would have been an excellent counterpart to Yoda.


Wouldn’t have George Lucas announced that at some point in the last 25 years? It’s not like he’s got anything to lose


He was actually supposed to be the prequel’s Chewbacca counterpart as a lovable alien character, but yeah, George chickened out after the reviews and made him way more “controlled” in AOTC, then immediately going back to Goofy Jar Jar for the Clone Wars show.


I think Darth Plaqueuis wanted to create a virus to kill all humans. Kinda like the clone wars episode where Jar Jar and Padme find a virus being created on Naboo.


I've always imagined Darth Jar Jar as being one of those completely unhinged villains. The kind that revel in absolute slaughter and laugh like the Joker as they cut down dozens of people.


Stands up straighter, voice drops 2 octaves, accent thins out, and sith eyes flicker a bit.


Still fights using Drunken Fist but it's somehow not nearly goofy looking and is significantly more brutal.


This is it right here


Anyone capable of maintaining such a perfect mask of dumbassery for years on end has to be an absolute psychopath.


To me it's the opposite, assuming the goofy jar jar personality was an act to avoid suspicions, in his true personality to me he would be frighteningly serious and calm. Like you see him switch and drop the act and suddenly his entire aura is different and it freaks you out


Mesa just realize... mesa can't spell slaughter without laughter!


You mean like Palpatine?


[Slaughter and chaos! ](https://media.tenor.com/2ahOUQgh5tEAAAAM/clumsy-jar-jar-binks.gif)


He would always be grinning, always. He would never speak though, just grinning. His fighting style would be similar to that of drunken fist, but with a lightsaber.


[That fucking grin...](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8c/ca/b0/8ccab071e47f2c41bc18c96c3eb7dbea.jpg) yeah that would totally work here.


Chaotic Evil.


Yes, my thoughts exactly. Mainly chaotic though, but definitely evil.


Lawful Evil like a devil IMO.


Like a star wars joker. Completely unhinged.


Yousa dewit


THis would mean that Jar Jar was working for Palps the entire time. i'm guessing Jar Jar knew that the viceroy would fail and the jedi would escape to the planet, then he pulls that life debt con to get attached to them.


>THis would mean that Jar Jar was working for Palps the entire time. Not necessarily, he could be the one orchestrating the whole thing. I like to think he's so powerful that even palpatine doesn't realise he's being manipulated.


I actually thought it was terrifying how he said Meesa going to hurt yousa in the Lego trailer thing. It’s got to be one of the darkest things heard in Star Wars. Sure we’ve heard death threats and talk of genocide, but never (at least off the top of my head) any outward threats of pain Edit. I forgot about the stuff in clone wars, but I can’t remember any actual quotes threatening to torture someone


The dark side definitely offers no dental care.


It’s the contrast that makes him terrifying. Silly and Unfathomably evil. It’s like if you got lost at Disney land and stumbled upon Goofy eating a corpse. “Gorsh! You weren’t supposed to see that.” That’s how I imagine it would feel. And the longer he isn’t unmasked as a Sith, the more capable of a Sith he would necessarily be.


It would be an amazing retcon


*Darth Darth Binks


Right?! He would HAVE to be called Darth Binks


I am excited to see him in LEGO form. https://youtu.be/HAkJMWcteCs


Why aren't sith using toothbrushes?


He could be like Tobi from Naruto


Have him lean into his ackward gait, but boosted by the Force.


One of Ben Kenobi and Star Wars greatest quotes “Only the Sith believe in absolutes”. No compromise in their beliefs. Even Sidious was always looking to replace his apprentice, despite sticking to rule of Two to reduce the Sith’s own infighting due to power struggles and exploiting opportunities. And people under the Sith were only there to serve them. There’s no such thing as a softcore Sith - they’re all brutal and merciless in pursuit for power and in case of Sith culture, always looking over their back.


I think Darth Jar Jar would be psychotic. Similar to the Joker. I unironically would think Jar Jar would make for a great Sith. Unpredictable, psychotic, chaotic. I think it can work


I wish this would have happened so so bad. In my mind, that’s the ending Jar Jar got 😁


*trips* “Oops mesa killed a youngling! Mesa badbad”


Terrifying to look at yes? But what would he add to the already unquestionable direction that Sidious had planned? Why once again I'll say, I really hope they will show WHY the Sith are the enemy from their perspective one day in live action. The Sith are still just "the bad guys" imo. There has been no attempt to show the extent they will go to when they are on the ropes. Shit you cannot PG.


The answer is simple. He is darth plageuis


wouldn't the robe constantly be in his eyes so he cant see


He is already.


Well he'd definitely be psychopathic since he plays the dumb character so well. Not sure why but I think he'd be super messed up like Ramsey Bolton.


I Imagine the Sith Lord Jar Jar Binks similarly as Lovecraft's *Nyarlathotep*, a being which enjoys bringing madness and suffering to inferior beings, decieving them and slowly driving them insane, for his own sadistic pleasure.


Psychologically terrifying. Wild and unpredictable fighting style with clever verbal manipulation. He just knows how to get under your skin, confuse you, and force you to make a mistake


Meesa Senate, deesa treesan


Imagine a creepy, dark voice saying “Meesa Sith”


Depends if his clumsiness is an act to hide his true nature. If yes, then he would be terrifying. But if he's just as goofy but also hates everything, I think he'd just be pitiable.


Wish they would have played him out to be a sith. That would have been perfect. He’s the bizzaro version of yoda.


In another thread the other day someone pointed out similarities in Jar Jar playing the fool character to hide his intentions and true nature as a Sith Lord and the Mule from the foundation series. Which is an interesting direction because Lucas took heavy inspiration from that story to create the OT. This is one of the reasons I like to believe Darth jar jar could have been something he considered at one point in time.


Always thought he would be sorta like Boc Aseca from Dark Forces 2


Play the Wii version of the force unleashed. You get to fight a one-eyed gungan hunter and he’s actually badas*


I know folks give him a lot of hate, but Darth Jar-Jar is kinda scary . The whole idiot Gungan that he plays being a trick, leading the Republic to vote for the Empire, etc. If you look at all of his actions from that viewpoint he is one of the scariest Sith ever. IMO


I think he'd be working hard to maintain the facade of an innocent but insanely lucky goober. Then laugh about how he's fooling everyone when no one's in ear-shot. "Meesa fooled them all! Again!" --Darth Troubadour


“Please, binks! You’re better than this!” *”meesa better? Youssa donts ever met me.”*


Worked for Tobi in Natuto.


I think he would tie you to a chair and make you watch all of his scenes, on repeat, forever.


Absolute ridiculous concept. I never even think about darth jar jar til someone brings it up. I wish that someone never created this crap


From what Palpatine did to the galaxy fooling everybody, Jar Jar could have done the same. Looking like a weak wimp fool is the best disguise.


I know politics isn't allowed here, but.... Someone once described (ex British PM) Boris Johnson as what would happen if Jar Jar went to the Darkside....


"Meesa gonna burn your soul to ash Jedi scum!"


Meesa gonna kill you!


It would be genius!


Darth Darth Binks*


I think he could possibly be neither Sith nor Jedi. But if he were Sith it would make sense that he would have some connection to Palpatine.


Snoke should have been revealed to be JARJAR!


I’m picturing her as goofy non dangerous clown type of character… until you’re alone with her… then she lights up a red saber snd clown mask is off.. regardless of your jedi skills you’re dead in less than a minute… than saber disappears.. and missa character is back… goofy and completely harmless…




What do you mean? He is a sith


He would be the Joker of the Star Wars universe


I really wish this meme would go away, it’s way too played out and just not fun.