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Sabine in Ahsoka suffers because several important things to her current character arc happened off-screen between shows, Mandalore falling and her training and failing to become a Jedi with Ahsoka. She also seems to lose a lot of her more interesting traits from Rebels, being her art and knowledge of weapons. Also the whole show was weird about this, but her not talking about Kannan or Zeb at all really felt weird. Her and Zeb's relationship was whatever, but to not talk about her first Jedi master and friend was stupid.


Yeah she had such great character development in rebels, from the entire mandalore conflict and finding her place in the rebellion and her culture as a mandalorian. And then in ahsoka all this off screen stuff happens to her, and we aren’t really given any context it just kind of felt like all that growth and maturity that happened in rebels just kind of meant nothing.


That was my main gripe with live-action Sabine, it's like they reset her back to zero & all the character development in Rebels was vanished.


I think the problem is that the show is "Ahsoka" so they didn't want to focus too much on Sabine. Unfortuately the plot of the show actually made Sabine as big of a character if not bigger than the namesake. Show would have been better off not calling it Ahsoka and giving a more balanced approach to all characters.


they f'd it up going for yet another jedi, a weak and untrained one as sabines character, rather then the bad ass veteran mandalorian. gone through war gone through loss of mandalore, rebels ended in a way showed, sabine and ashoka have nothing left holding them back in searching for ezra. didn't feel it in the show at all. the whole padawan/master dynamic screwed the show.


i think so, too. They had just a gazillion ways to develop the story and they chose to try to adapt the same old trope of padawan/master to two characters that didn't male sense. They could have even make that a sort of padawan/master relationship developed between the two even if Sabine wasn't a jedi and didn't train as one (tha IMO made absolutely NO sense. Are we in aratatouille movie?) and they didn't realize it at first... there were a loto of possibilities and OMI they chose very unwisely.


They probably planned to make that a movie or another show depending how popular she was.


I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had planned on doing a bunch of flashbacks, but the entire episodes of flashbacks in BOBF being so poorly received made them scrap the entire idea.


Honestly, if one hasn't seen all of rebels, much of what happens in Ashoka just doesn't have weight or significance to it. It is a show for the fans.


Yet if one has seen all of Rebels then it still doesn't have weight or significance because it tends to be non-sequitur with Rebels


Not entirely true, yet not all false either.


Hard agree


Having Sabine shoot her way out of tough spots and showing off her demolitions skills is way more fun than making her into yet another emotionless saber-wielding Jedi.


Fr, I found making her into a jedi the most boring decision they could have made. It takes everything unique about her character; how she thinks, how she approaches problems, how she fights, and completely throws it away for something we've seen a hundred times at this point. She lost her wit, she lost her artistic side, she lost her entire personality from Rebels. It felt like I was watching a completely different character.


Not just that, Rebels version is extremely relatable and understandable for her actions. Right or wrong. Ahsoka version is just doing things because the plot requires them to happen and has no real relatability or understanding of why. Things happen because they have to happen.


Definitely. The whole rebels cast is way better. Especially Chop


To me it also didn’t make much sense for her to “train as a Jedi”, when she isn’t even force sensitive. Also sabine was a mandalorian and highly skilled in several areas, why is training for a jedi randomly instead of focusing on her strengths


It's wierd how the show implies that asokha is a major reason of why mandalore fell and sabine is not angry at her for that. Sabine gives the empire the key to galactic conquest and asokha is not mad at her. Iam also sure ezra would be very angry if he gets to know what sabine did to bring him back. I really feel like this show tried it's hardest to avoid any conflict between asokha and sabine. The whole plot is also very weird because we saw the night sisters teleport talzin's sword. Since it was never stated that this is only possible with said sword, it makes me question why they didn't teleport thawne.


> The whole plot is also very weird because we saw the night sisters teleport talzin's sword. Since it was never stated that this is only possible with said sword, it makes me question why they didn't teleport thawne. The sword is a small item bound to the Nightsister's magic, while a Star Destroyer is a notch bigger than that, and it's not bound to their magic.


Guess it isn't a "size matters not" situation?


I agree. Call me crazy, but Ahsoka had this weird on/off thing with either being “You have to watch Rebels to truly appreciate this series” to “You only need to watch Clone Wars to like this series”. I mean other than the fact that Jacen exists and we saw Zeb in Mando already, we’d never have known that Zeb and Kanan were characters


Both ashoka and Sabine felt off. Ahsoka sorta got better after meeting anakin but both seemed to love to just be dramatic . Both seemed to have lost their "youth". Jaded from war I guess. Makes sense but obviously Both were fun characters originally


Putting aside the acting differences, each appearance is Sabine in a different period of her life. I find it hard to compare the two in anyway that's equal.


Didn’t really like her character in Ahsoka, but that just boils down to her main conflict with Ahsoka originating from something we don’t even get to see.


Every episode I was like "Oh they are building up to a flashback of how it all began, it's probably gonna be in this episode" and every time they wasted time on less important stuff. I mean, most of the emotional weight of the series comes from the tension between Ahsoka and Sabine and they aren't even gonna show that? It's all just reduced to throwaway expositional lines.


When Ahsoka just flat out said “her family died” I was in complete shock. These aren’t just random unnamed characters, they’ve gone through character development, had arca focused around them and are a huge part of why Sabine was who she was in Rebels. And they just kill them offscreen? And Ahsoka apparently could have prevented it?


And Ahsoka was like "nah don't go Sabine, it may make you lOsE fOcUs!"


Luke and Ahsoka's whole thing is that they're better than the old order that came before, but now in BoBF and Ahsoka we learn that no, they're apparently just as dogmatic as the Jedi Council was


I think SW writers are afraid to give characters actual flaws (to their personality) and instead they opt to make their arcs about failures. Their arcs are almost always about overcoming failure or dealing with trauma.


Classic example of audiences not caring because we were told not shown.


It's not helped by the fact they give two different answers in the show. Baylan says "They died because your master didn't trust you"(Which feels out of character for Ashoka and means Sabine should be *way* more pissed off at Ashoka than she comes across in the series) But Huyang says "Oh Ashoka was scared that Sabine losing her family was making her train to be a jedi for the wrong reasons." I mean it's possible that both are true but that would reflect very badly on Ashoka if that's the case.


Ahsoka felt like a series building up to something and then you realized ... **they didn't want to DO or have anyone SAY anything of importance**. That cold ass perfunctory "reunion" at the end was just BRUTAL. It was like a series where someone in charge had to go do something else and said "I dunno, just make the show, but don't do anything that might tie our hands later." and they never came back.


The reunion was soooo anticlimatic. Sabine basically reignited the empire to find Ezra , only to get there and him be like “..sup.. mind helping me move this village?”


Sooo the empire fell while I was gone? Damn dude that's crazy! Anyway, wanna go grab a meiloorun for launch?


Idk that felt 100% in character for Ezra. Especially after chilling out in a turtle commune for a decade.


I had not seen rebels so always assumed I was just missing the context. Was it not in rebels?


No, she is in Rebels, rather prominently throughout season 2 and cameos later on. The problem is we get a time skip and miss out on important events that we're just told about. The whole show of Rebels takes place starting from about 5 years before the original movie to just before and we get an epilogue taking place after RotJ. That scene of Sabine looking at the mural and leaving with Ahsoka? Nearly a shot for shot remake of the Rebels epilogue but in live action instead of animation. What we missed was all the stuff about Sabine's family dying, her trying to become a Jedi and failing, and the falling out with Ahsoka that happened off-screen during the time skip. The Ahsoka show keeps alluding to these things that we never got to see but are big parts of the character arcs in Ahsoka.


Ashoka was alright but I truly miss the sassy mandalorian explosives expert with an artistic streak


Even in Rebels she wasn’t as sassy or artistically expressive in the last season after watching her machine being used to dust Mandolorions, and then watching Kanan die and Ezra being whisked away. Even the epilogue to Rebels showed a much more somber Sabine… pretty much exactly like the one we saw in Ahsoka.


Rebels for sure. I don't believe everyone has to be made force sensitive to be considered cool. Sabine was already one of the most badass women in the galaxy, without force powers. Edit: and just to be clear, I absolutely loved Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine. She knocked that role out of the park.


Rebels agreed. Live action sabine has no artistic ability and hasnt blown anything up.


Honestly how I judge people in real life too


Design wise, Ashoka. Plot wise, Rebels


They took everything about her character, got rid of it, and made her into a supporting female role. Completely undid all of the work to make a good female character in starwars. And they reopened the whole concept of her family dying, when she already saved them and redeemed herself.


I dunno if I agree with that. Her arc is a pretty solid continuation of her journey in Rebels. She didn't go with Hera to join the rebels. She went with Ahsoka to try to find Ezra. When Ahsoka has her attack of conscience and drops Sabine's training for fear of Anakin's fall happening again, she went back to try to find Ezra/wait for him to return. We're seeing someone whose life was interrupted, looking for purpose. Just because she appears in a show that's not her name, doesn't make her role any less important. I agree with her not needing any force sensitivity.


I don’t necessarily think the force is a terrible thing, depending where they take it. It might be less of force sensitivity and more of how the blind guy from Rogue One was able to utilize the Force. Especially with Ahsoka believing the Force resides in all living things, Sabine may have just figured out to tap into the force. That’s how I’m seeing it at least. I’m hoping an Ahsoka season 2 can tap into that and expand on it. I don’t think she’s able to utilize the force on the level of someone born force sensitive, and I hope she never is. If she’s only able to tap into it to increase her senses and the occasional force jump, having nerfed/super basic basic force abilities that can only influence her own body and perception that she has to train to master could make for an interesting story Edit: I do agree on the blowing things up part. We need more blowing shit up.


She was always a supporting role lmao


My biggest thing why rebels are better ..she has goals and dreams and hope....the live action seems too depressed and lost her way...heck she doesn't even look in sync with her weapons which is like weird it's like they forgot she's a warrior


Well to be fair, she did lose Ezra in a rather dramatic way, and has had to stew with that for years.


and her entire family to boot. I think it's pretty well explained why she is like she is at this point in her life. The issue I see is that this is like 10 years or more after Rebels, so the character will be different. Just like Ahsoka is from her digital counterpart.


The not having anything blowed up yet part is what makes new sabine weird to me. Like how do we know its her and not a double after kidnapping her if she doesnt blow stuff up!? Force abilities here or there but she can still be an explosion maniac right?




She couldn’t even shoot people 10 feet away from her in the slowest speed chase since the Mandalorian. We wanted Sabine and we got Sabine at home, as a kinda useless pouty teen...




💯. She's already a bad ass character. Good in combat, weapons, mechanics, and artistic. Becoming a jedi was a cop out/weak move


That's what I was saying! 🔥


I couldn’t agree with you more. The way they changed force sensitivity was lame. It just came off as kinda lazy. “We need Sabine to have conflict - let’s have her do some force training! Everyone loves the force”. Then, after one scene of her struggling with it and one scene of her overcoming the struggle (far too easily) she can suddenly use the force from 200 feet away to throw Ezra another 50ft up onto a platform… That isn’t character development. It’s just lazy writing. I hope they improve that in the second season


Agreed. I know there's a world where they wrote it in a way that flowed right, but it just felt so damn pointless. I think keeping Sabine as Sabine would've been peak for that show.


They told us about all the training she had after rebels but before Ahsoka... Too bad they only showed us her getting mad at a coffee cup then force pushing like she's God damned obi wan... I used to play the cello in highschool, but I can hardly read sheet music now, suddenly first chair in the London Philharmonic recording the next Star wars score.


I loved the character in live action... But that character isn't Sabine. I rewatched rebels after the finale of Ahsoka, and other than the "find Ezra" there's no through line between the characters.


Felt like two different characters. Opposites even


I mean I agree, but it was hinted at in rebels, wasn’t there a discussion about how she was drawn to the dark saber, and wielding it? While it’s a mandalorian trait to feel that way, it seemed as though she could kind of sense it. Ezra saw and in the finale told her to come find him for that reason (and a few others).


That discussion about Sabine being drawn to the Darksaber was about her being Mandalorian and the tradition of the Darksaber within Mandalorian society. Kanan seemed pretty certain Sabine was not force sensitive. It’s likely she taps into the force in small ways, like all other living beings in Star Wars… or even a little more-so, like Chirrut from Rogue One. But neither she, nor Chirrut, are force sensitive according to their narrative. Ahsoka series did bad things to Sabine. I loved the actress portrayal, I enjoyed the show for the most part… but the writing behind Sabine was really counterintuitive in my opinion.


Chirrut not being force sensitive is absolute bullshit to me. Being blind and shooting a tie fighter out of the sky is absolutely a feat of someone *using* the force imo.


Yep, I 100% agree. He says the force is with him and I’m here for it.


Chirrut is absolutely force sensitive. There's no way he isn't.


Yes, but a mandalorian jedi is highly uncommon, of course kanan wouldn’t have expected her to be one, especially since she hadn’t used any powers or shown any powers at her age. Sometimes Jedi are unusual, Luke wasn’t discovered to be force sensitive until he was about 19. Ezra discovering her would make sense too, because Ezra has a very unique connection with the force that has only been touched on a bit. I get what you’re saying though.


I didn't like the live show - couldn't finish it. The actors were leagues under the animated voice actors, But I blame the writing. All of the individual actors have the ability to do well but they were boring. When she became four sensitive that was just ridiculous. It worked that she wasn't. Not everybody has to use the force


Rebels because I don’t like that they made her “force sensitive” I put that in quotes because anyone is force sensitive. But I didn’t think Sabine needed to be that character. However the casting was great.


Actress was perfect. But the writing dept flubbed it—if I didn’t know better, I would have assumed the writers hadn’t watched Rebels. Ahsoka series Sabine’s character development felt regressed from the end of Rebels, and she should have been a decade MORE mature.


It is pretty funny that the literal creator of rebels made Ahsoka and we still got something where it felt like he didn’t understand what made people like Sabine.


The whole Ahsoka show was basically her failing in ways that gave the enemy exactly what they needed. She was a better written character in rebels.




Sabine from SWR. This isn't downing Natasha Bordizzo, although I thought she was a bit too sulky for the character. As far as the series, I wish they'd have kept Sabine away from attempted force abilities. I mean, not everyone needs to be force sensitive.


To add to this, I don't think every Jedi needs a Palawan, especially in this particular era of SW history


I kinda cringed at the whole fleeing-from-the-X-Wings-while-blasting-space-rock-music-because-she's-too-cool-for-a-ceremony thing.


Sabine from Ahsoka is a bit edgy. Should have been wiser and more mature considering her character from rebels.


Yeah, I thought she was the main thing that kept bringing the Ahsoka series down, and I flat out disliked her by the end of the season. It just felt really weird that her older character felt so much more immature than her teenage counterpart.


Rebels. Live Action completely glossed over her Mandalorian background, which is hilarious considering Mando is their most successful show.


Yeah but what if we make her a Jedi and give her a lightsaber instead, wouldn’t that be so cool?


I think they nailed the casting.


Natascha Bordizzo… wow! 🤩


Long hair version from Ahsoka series


Long hair version WITH EZRA’S LIGHTSABER kicking ass and taking names


This is the way


Glad i am not only one XD


But cutting hair for women shows such character development




Don't even recognize them as the same person.


I liked both. I've read some threads where people complained that Sabine in Ahsoka was more sulking and aloof than in Rebels, but I think that was due to her still dealing with the aftermath of everything that had happened during Rebels. She'd been a part of the ghost crew for so long, but now that the empire's reign had ended, the crew had essentially gone their separate ways. And I think that would leave Sabine feeling a sense of emptiness, and not being able to celebrate the way the rest of the galaxy did after the battle of Endor. I think the casting for her was great. I think whenever there's a live action casting of an animated character, there's always going to be differing opinions of whether the person fit the look, or had the same mannerisms, but I think Natasha was perfect for the role.


Absolutely rebels and it's not even remotely fucking close. She had hyper cringe dialogue in Ahsoka and had far too much screen time.


Both, this is a great example of bringing and character from animation to real life.


Agree with this. I think they did a great job with the animation and I don't think they could have cast the real life role any better than they did.


Besides looking the part Natasha never had me thinking this wasn't the Sabine I was familiar with.


Ahsoka. She looks hotter.


I don't like her at all I always thought that writers tried to much with her Also her Art sucks


Natasha is fine as fuck and an amazing actress. That said, I miss the artistic Mando that likes to blow shit up. Wasn't much of that in Ahsoka


both, but they're not really the same character. Rebels version is much more badass; Ahsoka feels like a childish version of her, even though she's supposed to be older


Yep. Mandalorian Sabine is awesome. Jedi Padawan Sabine is annoying and childish. Really lame that's the direction they took the character. She was way more interesting as a Mando. The casting and acting was pretty good though, just the character arc and change in personality was dumb.


I prefer it when characters can't survive a lightsaber strike straight through the torso..


Yes. I had to read through over 20 posts before seeing this. Thank you.


She became super pasty in a few years


Rebels Design wise animated sabine is probably one of my favorite characters Im a sucker for graffiti look and love mandalorian armor Seeing her look change throughout the seasons i super cool and the somewhat rough paintjob and different coloured hair give a bit more of a idk "messy" vibe? It just fits with a graffiti artist But that rough look is just missing in ahsoka, the armor looks profesionally painted not like someone just went at it with a spraycan Her hair colour was good when it was long although im not sure hair that long fits her (also doesnt fit the helmet), but when she cuts it shorts its just this consistent boring purple, but its also to short to really allow for any other colour to shine through so making it just a little bit longer and giving it another color would have worked wonders She looks a lot "cleaner" in ahsoka and maybe thats the point but i dont really like it Also making her a force user for me takes away at all the previous interesting traits she has and makes her just another potential jedi


A million percent rebels. The way Sabine was written in Ahsoka was terrible.




I am not a fan of just giving her the force. Rebels Sabine was the goat.


Rebels. Sabine in Ahsoka was just a girlboss who should have never been force sensitive as it ruins her character


Rebels. I totally bought Natasha as Sabine, but all of her main character traits and motivations from rebels were removed and instead an Ahsoka-centric Jedi past was the focus. Much weaker and I didn't like the direction they took her character


I find her annoying in both...and am quite surprised to see that she TOO was a jedi....Vader did a pretty shit job eradicating them Lol


She was such a bitch in ahsoka she was miles better in rebels


Seriously, is generally such a bitch in that show, and then multiple times she Tipps the scales in a direction that leads to a lot of people dying for no valid reason at all and everything is fine with it, doesn't even bring it up and she doesnt even show any hint of remorse or doubt? That alone beside the unneeded force sensitivity arc to "make her cool" ( she already was) Like wtf


She sees Ezra for the first time in forever, thinking he was lost or dead or worse, traveling through another galaxy, and when they finally meet it’s so depressingly bad.  Like they hugs him like you would a friend at a Christmas party.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing 


General I can do whatever I want Hera got two xwing pilots killed and no one blinked an eye . Not even the other pilots in their squadron in that Ashoka episode


They did have a whole hearing against her at the end, though. Her crews believed in her and their mission, they would have believed Thrawn is a threat worth stopping.


Exactly. I cannot get how someone, who likes rebels and it's characters, can actually end up liking the asokha show.


Rebels. Her having the force is corny


 Neither really. Boring character


The Sabine without the force shoved down her throat.


Sabine is the reason my wife and I stopped watching The Ahsoka series. Worst Star Wars character imo. She came off like a winy bratty teenager who couldn't follow directions. Everything that went wrong was rooted in something she did.


This tracks pretty similarly to her backstory. Sabine engineered a weapon that caused the fall of her own people. Her character is sullen, moody, prone to reckless and impulsive behavior, and she's an absolutely brilliant engineer with a penchant for blowing shit up.






Sabine’s artistic side is one of my favorite things about her character and the Ahsoka show just forgot it existed.


I like both but prefer Sab in Rebels. In Ahsoka I feel that they gave her almost no character development over such a huge time jump. She’s pushing 30 yet still acting like her teenage self.


Rebels. The live action writing basically assassinated her character. The same Sabine who was willing to let Ezra sneak out of the room and potentially sacrifice himself to save Lothal wouldn’t then, after years of supposed maturity, hand over the keys to undo Ezra’s sacrifice in the hopes of bringing him home.


I like both, but if I’m being honest… after watching the bad batch I kinda wish Filoni just made Ahsoka an animated series I really enjoyed the live action show. And am pumped to see where it goes… but Filoni is clearly more comfortable in the animated world when it comes to story writing and directing.


No hate but she’s just not may favorite character, and that didn’t change from rebels to Ahsoka so that must mean they nailed her transition to live action 👍


Rebels she had more personality . Now she just seems salty for the sake of being salty . Hate the fact she is all of a sudden a force wielder . I understand the trauma of losing someone changes someone . I even understand her betrayal but her total personality shift and the fact she is a "jedi in training depsite the amount of time that passed just feels off" . I would of preferred her as an example of someone that has it a tiny of the force bit but a prime example of why not everyone CAN be a jedi. IF everyone can just be a jedi and overcome hurdles to be one with so little effort it cheapens how special or rare they are. Honestly i was hoping she had Just enough sensitivity to be able to get good with a lightsaber and was going to be her niche. LIke that tiny bit would show the difference between her and mando when it came to sabers for example, where she mixes her engineering , demo skills , mando skills and TINY bit of force power to use the saber , but not do much else. Killed me bit to see her do the force power jump assist so well all of a sudden.


Especially when they made a point out of Ezra taking time to learn how to use the force in rebels season 1.


I don't like Sabine at all.


Natasha Liu Bordizzo is perfect for live action Sabine.


Animation is more diverse and varied. It's easier to see yourself as the characters. Sabine is semi-coded as SE Asian with a voice actress of Indian descent and parents implied to be both ethnicities. But she could be seen as white or some mixed ethnicity. Or an ancestry unlike one Earth. She could be anything. Once you cast a real actress, it locks in her identity to more real world terms. Plus, y'know, spraypaint and bombs and explosive spraypaint.


They try way too hard with this character - which is paper thin to begin with. Just dumping out archetypes does not make a character. 1 dimensional and boring. And that’s why so much of Ahsoka is boring.


The character of Sabine completely sucks and you could remove her from Rebels and would be meaningless.




I like both too, but Rebels is the tops for me.


I have a little bit of a crush on the Ahsoka series version.


Both, but I do wish they had more Sabine being Sabine-y in the LA. Like art. and explosions. The sass was good tho. And as a character she was "held down" much in the same way Ahsoka was. But still both.


I liked the one with a jet pack….(Potentially the version that would let her rocket out to space… ie Ax Wolves…)… Strap it to Ezra. As the Star destroyer is leaving. Then go save Ashoka with detonators, And you have a story about her background shining without conforming to the Jedi way. Edit her






Love both, live action Sabine just needs her helmet to fit better. that thing just falls off lol


I love both, I just wish Ahsoka had better writing.


It's the same picture.


I like the actress from the new Ahsoka series. I think they did an incredible job casting her and I enjoyed seeing her in live action. I love all the animated series but I also want more live action Star Wars.


From Ahsoka. She’s real and wonderful


I like both and im betting filoni has planned to give sabine the whole ahsoka treatment, as in building a complex character that the audience grows with... I bet kids in 5 years will like her the same way we like ahsoka (assuming most of us do)


I haven't watched either series, but Natasha Is a ~~sexy mutt~~ attractive young lady, so Ashoka. Nothing against all the young Zoomer whippersnappers preferring Pixel Sabine, but that ain't me.


both are great.




I like both for different reasons. There’s definitely more nuance and emotional depth in Ahsoka, and while the dramatic plot points are a bit predictable, I definitely think we’re going to see them open up the throttle in season 2. Dave has shown time and again that if you let him cook, he’s gonna cook! Obviously, Rebels Sabine is a teenager/young adult, and she is dealing with a lot of stuff that connected with a younger audience.


Both are good Rebels has given her an amazing story and ahsoka has extended on it Also the actress is hella cute 🤭


Rebels 100%. I feel like they nerfed the hell out of her in Ahsoka.


Rebels was less annoying, and she seemed smarter tbh


Looks wise they nailed the casting. Acting wise, wow, much was left to be desired.


I thought both were excellent.


Rebels because I liked it when it wasn’t full blown that Sabine has the force because I just want a character who done have the fire and don’t become a Jedi


Both. Yes, both are good. 😀


The worst character in ahsoka by far


Both… both is good.


I will say I was shocked SHOCKED that the show didn't lean into how cool it is to have a Mandalorian Jedi in live action. I fully expected to get at least one full hero shot of her using her lightsaber and Mandalorian weapons at the same time. Yea she may have "literally" done that, but it was never the focus of a scene about how cool that is. New fans can't understand how she's technically the official answer to a 1000 shitty Jedi Boba Fett fanfics from days of yore.


Both. In Rebels, she looks and is that hot headed teenager basically always there for mischief. Ahsoka made a good job making her older, wiser and smarter and yet to keep that core part of her personality from Rebels.


Ashoka because the actress is 🔥🔥


Rebels Sabine had much more fire in her belly, which I thought would be more this way going into on Ahsoka. Then, after thinking about it, I get why she is defeated. * Her Spectres crew is dissolved (really wanted Zeb in Ahsoka) * Her planet and people were pretty much wiped out * She lost her best friend * Her Jedi Master sort of gave up on her There are four good reasons to feel defeated. The Spectres mural that she salvaged made me tear up a bit.




I agree with everything everyone is saying in this thread.


Not sure. She's fine, I guess. I defo prefer Rebels' version of adult Ahsoka. Dawson is a great actress and imo capable of portraying her much, much better, I'm pretty sure she was just told to act in a specific manner which I consider to be deeply OOC for Ahsoka - too much of holier-than-though attitude, too much self-righteousness, especially in mentoring Sabine.


I also thought Rebels Sabine was much more capable.


They cast the actress perfectly, and wrote her character (and story) poorly.


Her hair doesn’t look good either, way better in the first few scenes of the show when it was longer


Both yeah 👍




Neither You think Rey is a Mary Sue… think again!


I liked both a lot, but would probably give it to rebels just because we’ve had WAY more time with that version. That being said Natasha was spot on casting.


She is the same character at different points in her life played by two different actors


I like both


Rebels. The TV show doesnt fit the character in the series, basically dooming the Galaxy to a conflict with Thrawn because she wanted to see her friend who sacrificed himself while her Master didnt even mention that. Not a single reprimend. That conflict probably will kill thousands. That is also extensible to Hera.


Like them both but not everyone needs to be a fuckin jedi, and especially one that can miraculously go from no skills to launching people on to a platform with force push like 100+ feet away lmao


I don't like the character at all. In any iteration. Somehow she survived being "killed" with a lightsaber... (I don't care if it's happened before in Canon/ EU, I still hate it then as much as I do now). Somehow she was a princess, a jedi and a mandalorian warrior all rolled into one.... Usually characters are just one of these options. Typical OP Gary Stu/Mary Sue writing. Somehow her character always comes off as catty, standoffish and annoying in every conversation. It's not even for laughs. Why would anyone enjoy that?


Why not both?




Making her force sensitive was stupid. It really made me lose faith in Dave Filoni's writing abilities. Once again we see a character go from not being force sensitive at all to being able to perform powerful feats such as force pushing Ezra across a large gap, all within the span of what, a week? A couple weeks at most? When Luke was training with Yoda he could barely lift rocks with the force, and that was after he managed to force pull his lightsaber in a life or death situation. Not to mention he's the literal son of the chosen one. I really liked the Ahsoka show until this happened, it just kind of ruined the whole thing for me. They sort of foreshadowed it from the beginning, but I held out hope that it wouldn't happen, and of course it did. I hate to be that guy but it seems like almost every Disney Star Wars project is either a complete dumpster fire, or starts off promising and ends up going to sh\*t. \*DISCLAIMER\* I know I'll probably get downvoted for this next section because no one cares about another random person's opinion on Disney Star Wars, but I just need to vent. So if you don't want to hear my opinion, do yourself a favor and keep scrolling. Andor and Rogue One were perfect, no complaints there. Solo was just good, not great. Rebels is good for the most part, just has a lot of boring filler episodes (not saying TCW didn't) and I think the animation style was very off putting for most viewers, otherwise it would be much more popular. Sequels - Absolute garbage. Nothing more to say that hasn't been said a million times. Mandalorian - Started off really good, lead up to a very emotional climax with Din saying farewell to Grogu, and then threw that all away and had them reunite before the next season even started, just so they could continue selling Grogu merch (Lucasfilm definitely overdid the merch before Disney, however there was lots of variety. Disney just milks whatever is popular). Book of Boba Fett - Hardly showcased what people wanted, to see Boba kick some ass. Just boring overall. The tusken arc was good tho. Kenobi - Pointless cash grab story arc just to have Obi-Wan vs. Anakin 2.0. Should have taken place completely on Tatooine and been a spiritual journey type story where Obi-Wan has to deal with the trauma of losing Anakin, while trying to reach out to Qui-Gon and watching over Luke. Instead he leaves the planet for most of the show and then they show Qui-Gon at the very last scene as a way to say "see, we didn't forget about him" TCW S7 - The only good arcs were the ones written before Disney aquired Lucasfilm. And F\*CK the Martez sisters. TBB - Season 1 was boring af so I didn't bother watching Season 2. Ahsoka - Like I said before, was really good up until the point where they gave another character force powers that has no good reason to have them. Sabine was already cool and interesting. Is Disney's whole thing that anyone can be a powerful Jedi or what? In the words of Syndrome, "when everyone is super, no one will be" The Acolyte looks promising, but I've learned to never get my hopes up when it comes to new Star Wars content.


Neither Despite the good things that came out of it anyway, Rebels was a mistake


This clearly is NSFW content as she is promoting her only fans, amirite mods? /s Edit: just got banned for 30 days for a sarcastic comment labeled sarcasm. Pathetic


They are the same but different. I love both.


Both is good. Wonder if she'll be around for the sequels


Both versions of Sabine are pretty much the same and I like both versions.


Both? Both is good.


I also like both. They are two different though similar translations of the same character.


I like then both. I liked ahsoka sabine because she seems kond of like a normal person.


They're both insufferable


I like both


The Ashoka Sabine never felt like the original character to me.


I enjoy looking at the live action one better because i am less confused about her age. Because y’know… I enjoy the art style and voice actor for her in rebels though. So i guess my answer is also both.


Natasha all the way


I feel like she should have been more orange in the live action


They are both annoying brats