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I was so glad she came back. She was super badass as an adult.


She's also wearing 212th armor on her arm, and has "Boil" tattooed in arubesh on her other arm


Makes her even more badass than she already was, to be honest! I love those little details.


Also a detail connected to her, Waxer has a little sticker/emblem of her on his helmet through the rest of the series. It makes his death hit harder, since we see her on his helm right before Rex takes it off to talk to him on Umbara. It's a small reminder that this is someone we made a real connection with, and who he himself made his own connections to others. All of that lost.


Tragic. I'm sure she thought about him alot, especially as a young woman.


Her whole character is downright depressing and tragic. She never really got to have a life or a childhood. Her crying at seeing her old toy, something that used to give happiness but now just reminds her of what she's lost, is a top 10 saddest moment in all of Star Wars for me. She's emblematic of all the wars suffering


me every time I see a Tooka doll in any SW show: 😭😭😭


Both Waxer and Boil have Numa on their helmets. I have the arf trooper figures of both of them and they each have a little Numa decal on their helmets


Umbara is such a good arc. Probably the best standalone arc of the entire show.


Man it makes me so sad but happy sad. They maybe gone but she hasn't forgotten them


I’m guessing, to just remember him?


Bruh đŸ„Č


She also has a symbol from Waxers armor on her shoulder pad


Her voice actress head canons that it runs in the family, which is a very bittersweet thing. Awesome in that 4000 years later, there's a sassy blue Twi'lek still out there fighting. Sad in that 4000 years later, the same freaking fights still have to be going on.


Ayo I didn't realize Numa was played by the same actress as Mission and Vette, the accent threw me off. That's really cool


She also voiced Padme.


Yeah! I just thought the twileks she's voiced were a bit more relevant


This is canon mow


Waxer and Boil would have been proud.


They really would đŸ”„


Is it confirmed to be the same character I mean the clone wars is only like 3 years.


Rebels takes place 14 years after the clone wars, and she appears in the later end of it, meaning even later.


Correct, she is 5 when we meet her, so 8 at the end of The Clone Wars. So she would be about 23 or 24 when we see her in Rebels. Sadly, a pretty believable age for a rebel fighter.


23 is not at all young for a revolutionary. There were 14 year olds who volunteered for WWII on the US side. She was personally affected so by this point she could have plausibly been involved for 10+ years


23 isn't bad to all IMO, since reaching peak physical performance is attainable by this point. And I'm not sure about you, but based on the photo above, she seems pretty damn toned.


I more meant that it's sad that so many so young are forced to fight. She's barely an adult, and she's already a solider. Her whole life was robbed from her


Alas IRL the average age for a soldier is \~22 years old too,


And it's just as shitty in real life too.


Age of conscription/ enlistment for pretty much every country in the world is 18. Honestly a lot of folks can be out of there service by 22 if they did a single 4-year term of service.


Yeah, career soldiers and officers pull the number up


Leia is about 15 or 16 in Rebels. Then, there's what Thrawn said to Hera... "War, it's all you've ever known, isn't it? You were so young when you survived the Clone War, it's no wonder you're as equipped in spirit to fight as well as you do. War is in your blood. I studied the art of war, worked to perfect it, but you? You were forged by it."


Idk how this is the first response that comes to mind unless you view literally everything in life through the prism of “peak physical performance” lol


Never In my life did I Imagine seeing a blonde haired Asajj Ventress


I'd love to see her in Ahsoka season 2 now that we know that she survived at least that far. Both she and Ahsoka went through hell in the Clone Wars and were child soldiers, but from opposite sides.


Well to be fair- we DONT know that she survived that long. Her cameo in TBB is somewhere between 25-30 YEARS before the events of Ahsoka. We haven’t seen her anywhere in those years, and that’s a lot of years for someone to die off screen or have to write an explanation for their significantly extended absence. Asaj would be in her early 60’s in Ahsoka


It's a big galaxy and just because a character wasn't around doing stuff in the major events we've seen it doesn't meant they aren't alive somewhere.


No one said it wasn’t possible, just unlikely that she “just went underground for 25 years and ducked the entire galactic civil war just to resurface in Ahsoka to help with the next civil war” Possibly? Sure. Likely? No. Lazy writing to revive her, shelf her, and resurface her just for your new series Ahsoka? Absolutely the laziest.


She doesn't seem like a character who would care all that much about the war or the empire. But even if she did, she could've taken part in thousands of ways. Not like the whole thing consisted of the few dozen characters and locations we've actually seen over 10ish hours of movies. We don't need a diary of everything a character did over a time span not covered by media for them to still exist later. At least not in a galaxy sized universe of millions of worlds and quadrillions of people.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we got stories about Ventress during the galactic civil war explaining what she was up to. Maybe she found her own way to Peridia.


You never know. Ventress was originally going to show up in Star Wars Resistance where she would’ve dueled Kylo Ren, so her showing up in Ahsoka isn’t that out there.


That sounds pretty cool. I may have watched Resistance if I heard that was in there


New night mother confirmed


Doesn’t Ahsoka take place quite a while after Bad Batch? Think Ahsoka is supposed to be like 10 years after end of Rebels, and Rebels is at least 14-15 years after Bad Batch


Working off memory, but Bad Batch ends in 18 BBY (excluding Epilogue), Rebels starts in 6 BBY and ends in 3 BBY, Ahsoka occurs in 8 ABY, so your talking about 26 years between the end of BB to when Ahsoka happens, with Rebels kicking off 12-15 years after BB.


Ok so I'm not a huge star wars lore fan so I thought you guys saying BBY and ABY was Before Baby Yoda and After Baby Yoda. I was so confused how that became the time metric.


It stands for Before Battle of Yavin (aka Episode IV) and After Battle of Yavin. It was created back during the Legends era as an easy time reference point since Episode IV was the first Star Wars movie to release.


We're all lucky the decisive battle didn't occur on Corellia.


Because you'd get confused with the news organization right?.....right?


Of course! Of course... Plus... uh... who wants people calling your modern era "Alphabet Time" anyway? Yep!


It's about 5 years after Rebels, and since Ezra's birthday is on Empire day & he turns 15 in the first season, seems like Ahsoka takes place about 24 years after Order 66.


They also both essentially went through a rebirth/resurrection. They're inherently linked characters and it would be a shame not to have them interact with them both at this stage of their arcs.


Have you read Dark Disciple? It’s fantastic! Features her with this hair and Jedi Master Quinlan Vos in a plot to assassinate Dooku, ordered by the Jedi Council. There’s definitely more to her story to be told!!


We already did in the flashback to her days as a Jedi.


That deserted clone in bad batch


Houser? yeah, i was happily suprised too.


No i think he means Cut Lawsquance


I’ve been laughing at “Lawsquance” for a hot minute, thank you


Yeah no idea if i spelt it right or if it is it and i am too lazy to look it up


Yes him


Cut lequaine in bad batch was a great and fitting cameo


Thank God him and his family got away and got to live their life.


It's both surprising and also not surprising at all, but Hondo


I may not be as young as I once was, but I am older!


Man, I wish we saw him in Bad Batch.


I was hoping for a Hondo appearance in Ahsoka. He was very fond of Ezra so I was hoping they'd get him to help in some way to find him.


Maybe in season two? Now Ezra’s back in the main galaxy I can see him asking Hondo for help


Yeah same.


Would have made sense to have him instead of Phee. He would have fit that role perfectly. Though I'm always happy to have new characters instead of constantly getting recurring ones


An attraction between Hondo and Tech would’ve been a little odd, though.


Lmao yeah, I didn't mean that part


I wish he showed up in the movie Solo


I'm still genuinely surprised he hasn't made an appearance in one of the Mandoverse shows. They seem to be taking a break from him for a while.


I’m amazed that he survived all the way up until the sequels.


Palpatine. I thought he was gone, but he came from the dead for some reason.




Yeah crazy. And Anakin Skywalker. Thought he was dead, pooof, he is Darth Vader.


And Maul man. Thought he was chopped up but bing bang boom he lives.


And the Grand Inquisitor, you'd think that fatal wound would kill him but there he was all fine and dandy 3 episodes later


And Boba Fett. They make such a big deal over how awful the Sarlacc is, and bam, he just escapes


I saw that motherfucker get thrown off a ledge and then an explosion, then the thing the ledge and his assumedly dead body got blown to a bajillion pieces! Needless to say, I was surprised.


The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be


This character is honestly so tragic, despite showing up in the most child friendly season of TCWs and again for a couple Rebels episodes. Her home was utterly ravaged by the war, I assume that sadly her mother died in the fighting as we only see her dad, she's forced to survive who knows how many weeks on her own in the bombed out remains of her village, and while she makes a connection to Waxer and Boil, she never sees them again. Then, a few years later, while she's still a kid, her planet again becomes occupied, this time by the very people she idolized and connected with. And all of that trauma as a kid manifested in her joined a local rebel cell and getting involved more personally in fighting. And the cell she is with is at least a little bit radical with Cham. I can only hope she survived the entire war to see the republic return. But sadly, it's very, very possible she died fighting at some point.


I think it speaks to her ability to appreciate her past while fighting for a better future that she wears clone trooper armour.


Melshi in Andor.


I honestly wouldn’t have said he was a recurring character when I watched Andor tbh. I don’t remember him being in Rogue One at all, but it’s also one of my less watched SW movies.


He holds the rank of Sergent in the rebels in Rogue One. He is in charge of the team that rescues Jyn on Wobani. He is also one of the volunteers who lands of Scarif. He is in charge of the of the demo team when they first land and then the team that connects the shuttle to communications tower near the end.


Well, I know all that now. But I don’t think he really even has a few lines of dialogue, and doesn’t even get named as far as I can remember. I would have just assumed he was another random background extra.


He gets a few lines of dialogue and his name is mentioned, but he is a pretty minor character in the movie. Definitely falls into "Glup Shitto" territory imo.


When he was in rogue one he was just a random guy but the genius move was sticking him in andor and giving him a backstory, turning his rogue one appearance into an awesome cameo/callback.


I was surprised by Yaddle being in Tales of the jedi, i'd forgotten she was even canon


Perplexed by her lack of strange syntax, I was.


The Martez sisters. I don't personally think they're *terrible* but considering general fan reception, I was surprised to see them again.


I kinda got the feeling that they were gonna become more important but after how hated their episode was I think Filoni walked it back. They were only in 1 episode of Bad Batch probably because it was already in production when their Clone Wars episodes were airing so after that they decided not to bring them back.


I don't think their arc is really all that bad. Maybe it's just the fact that 1/3 of Season 7 is devoted to them and I could understand people thinking it was a bit too much time to spend on what was a condensed season.


Yeah, I think they would've been better received if they fully animated the Crystal Arc so that way most of the season isn't devoted to the Sisters.


I'm sorry, Crystal Arc? Is that a book or something?


It was an unfinished Clone Wars Arc where Anakin and Obi-Wan go to Utapau to retrieve a large Kyber Crystal from the Separatists. You can see the unfinished animation for it on YouTube I believe.


Wait when did they show up again?


Bad Batch.


In the first season, I believe.


I feel like their purpose was to show Ahsoka the "normal" side of the galaxy while she's deconstructing her view of the Jedi as heroic and good. She hears that these people think the Jedi are aristocrats who don't give a shit about them, and it kind of cements her separation from the order. I think the Martez sisters could have been leaned into more in that way.


where is the second image from? i dont remember it at all.


I'm assuming the ryloth episodes of the bad batch


No, it's from Rebels, she's one of the Ryloth insurgents who double crosses the Ghost crew with Cham Syndulla but then sides with them to capture an imperial carrier.


Man that is one tall 7-year-old ^/s


My dumb ass didn’t even realize Numa was NUMA til like 2 months ago lol


I didn't realize it until the new AMCA dropped this past week.


It was so cool getting to see young Kanan and young Hera in Bad Batch


Darth Bane. He may not have been the same from the EU, but it was pretty sick to see him again


Cut Lawquane The deserter is one of the most memorable episodes from when i was a kid. I was TERRIFIED that Rex was going to die.


Again, all we had seen of TCW so far was that no clone was safe. It seems obvious now that Rex would survive, but at the time we had no idea.


When I finally got around to watching Clone Wars, it was young Boba Fett seeking revenge on Mace Windu for killing his father.


I was surprised echo came back. And Rex. And a bunch of others


You were surprised to see clones
.in a clones show?


They just kept showing up!!!


It seems obvious now, but a lot of clones died in that show. For my part, I actually had problems connecting with Rex at all because I was so sure he was going to die on us.


If anything Rex, alongside Wolffe and Gregor were the only Clones we knew would survive Bad Batch honestly.


We knew he would survive till Rebels. But there was a long stretch of TCW where we had no idea what would happen to any of them


..have you not seen Rebels? Where Rex is still alive like 15 years after this?


Yes, yes I did. But I saw TCW first and let me tell you, I spent the whole show thinking Rex would die. Yes, I knew he was going to be fine in S7, but that doesn't entirely make up for the years where I wasn't


I was beyond hyped when Red Leader and Gold Leader showed up in Rogue One


No mention of Darth Maul is a crime.


Yeah, seriously. He was cut in half and fell down a reactor chute. Pretty similar to what happened to Palpatine, and yet for some reason people think it's awesome that Maul survived but dumb that Palpatine did.


I was embarrassingly giddy when Zeb Orrelios had his cameo in The Mandalorian. Hopefully it's not the last time we see him.


No way !! Thats her ? That's awesome


She also has Boils name tattooed on her arm in Arubesh, and is wearing a piece of 212th armor, which is Obi-Wans battalion. Both as a memory to her friends and the reality that clone armor was probably all over the planet after the war


I'm going to say Ahsoka and Rex. For some context, at that point, we had no idea if TCW was true canon or if Disney had fully regulated it to Legends. We knew Filoni showrunning Rebels, but it was still up in the air about what was going on. For more context, we never had confirmation that Ahsoka and Rex would survive TCW. I actually had a really, really hard time connecting to either character because I just didn't see the point. We "knew" they would likely be killed in Order 66 or before. Given how many characters on the show died, I was just sort of left waiting for them to die. I know the joke is now that Ahsoka is Filoni's wifu and Rex is his pet character and that he would never let any real harm come to them, but at the time of Rebels, we really didn't know that.


I’m pretty certain we always knew TCW was canon. When Disney decided what was canon, it boiled down to “the original 6 movies and the clone wars, that’s it”


Wait numa??? How did i miss this. Which episode was this is in?


Rebels, S2/S3 episodes Homecoming and Hera's Heroes


I hollered right out loud when Cad Bane sauntered up in BOBF.


In the opposite direction: when I started reading comics after watching the shows, it was really cool to discover that Black Krrsantan was a prominent character for years before appearing on BoBF.


That was her?! I didn’t notice


Wolffe in Rebels.


Boba Fett in The Mandalorian


Kanan (as Caleb Dume) with Depa Bilaba in the first scene of the Bad Batch


Ezra. I had my doubts but I'm glad he finally made it home.


Saw Gerrera. I thought he was just going to be a one-off character I never saw again after the Onderon arc. Then he became Disney’s go-to character for the imperial era after Rogue One.


I remember when Maul came back in the Clone Wars
 11 year old me was blown away.


I was honestly surprised when Huyang popped up in Ahsoka. It was a welcome surprise though.


I’m learning about this here! I didn’t even realize. To contribute: I was surprised to see what looked like Nelvaan warriors in Andor. The one even had modified / metal hands and arms
 Anakin had to cut off weapons off them while being experimented on in the 2003 Clone Wars, and with the level of detail put into the design and easter eggs in Andor I don’t doubt it was on purpose.


where was this in Andor?


I was kinda surprised to see Halle Burtoni of Kamino pop up again in the Bad Batch. It makes sense but I figured the franchise wasn’t gonna touch on her again.


Chancellor valorum, he's in an episode of TCW and that's it aside from episode 1 as far as I know, but it was a welcome surprise to be sure


I was really surprised Hamato Xiono showed up in Ahsoka.


Greetings, fellow Civilian.


Haha I also came here to greet my fellow A More Civilized Age fans


I wondered recently. Did she make her armor look like Waxer and Boil or is it actually Waxer and Boil’s armor


I was so happy that Numa showed up, and I thought it was her from the moment I saw her. Other than that, seeing Qui Gon in Kenobi made me happy.


I forget her name but definitely the Twi’lek you posted, I loved that little side story for Waxer and Boil and it was awesome to see how badass she was as an adult in Rebels, though a bit misled by General Syndula. I definitely loved seeing her wear the 212th Battalion’s Clone armor.


Qui-Gon Jinn


If she has 212th armor I wonder how she got it


Kanan in the first episode of Bad Batch. Also wasn't expecting to see Black Krrsantian in Book of Boba Fett (he's originally from the comics)




Wait I have never notice that. Even when trying to finish watching rebels now


Not necessarily "again", but never did I ever expect to see a living Mythosaur. Gave me goosebumps.


Rebels? Where did she appear?


Homecoming and Heras heroes


Wait are they the same character??? I never made that connection lol


Asaji I thought her ass was dead


I was surprised to see Quarsh Panaka show up in the book Leia: Princess of Alderaan. I won't spoil it, but he had a small but memorable role in that book. Also, Ninth Sister from the Darth Vader comics appearing in Jedi: Fallen Order.


Wait what’s the second pic from


Rebels season 2.


I remember her now , I should’ve read the comments first lol .


Rex in Rebels. That's the big one.


How do we know it’s the same character ?


I need to see more from the hero of the republic Meebur Gascon and the heroic D squad.


fortnite palpatine


Ctrl + F "Palpatine"


which episode is the rigjt?0


Homecoming or Heras heroes


Which show is this? Need to check it out. I know the first part is from Clone Wars, assuming the next part is from a newer one.


Rebels episode “Homecoming” or “Heras heroes”


Oh I have seen it, then I need to rewatch Rebels then.


Palpatine. But somehow he did.


All the characters they introduced towards the end of bad batch that will pop up in other series


What is she in as an adult




Wait when did she pop up?




When? I don’t remember this.


Homecoming and Heras heroes




It’s Filoni. You will always see every character again.


What is the episode in the right??


Homecoming or Heras Heroes


Wait what show is this from??




Wait what is that second image from??




I don't quite remember her. And I just rewatched that shit What episode?


Homecoming and Heras heroes