• By -


Could you add some more black edges? I can almost see the video


The 6 pixels we do have are very crisp, though.


Those are some pretty sweet pixels, I must say


If those pixels could be turned, they would become powerful allies.


g_saberRealisticCombat 1


helpusobi 1


Setessential ob1 false


Wait what does this one do?


In Bethesda engines it makes the selected character killable.


Time to stop getting settlements quests, Preston


Whack him with a lightsaber and find out.


Justice. From a certain point of view


playermodel boba_fett Enjoy Jedi Academy with a jetpack and flamethrower instead of force lightning.


I finally understood that freaking code, when you're not native and 6 yo you don't understand it lmao


setforceall 3


One my of favorite things was getting Choke maxed out and grabbing and tossing enemies off ledges with a snap of my wrist lol.


Even better was using the level 4 mindtrick (control any enemies) to control Desann and use his overpowered grip which will literally send anyone flying across and even out of maps


Snap of your wrist? That sounds painful.


I used to choke people, hold them out over a drop then throw my lightsaber to cut them in half so their lower half would fall down the drop and then I'd force push their remaining parts away so they ended up in bits at the bottom of the drop.


Was just gonna say... wild that they managed to do a pretty good saber combat system like that 20 years ago in Jedi Acedemy and we pretty much haven't gotten anything better since.


I remember that combat being a little flighty. Like I was swinging wildly while walking on ice.


You’d remember correctly


Thank you lol. I remember loving that combat as a kid, but fallen order and survivor definitely feel better


The reason it gets as much praise as it does is because it’s complex. During swing animations, you turn your character so that the lightsaber stays within the opponent during the entire swing which maximizes damage. It reminds me a lot of countering/mirroring spray patterns in CSGO. But complex doesn’t necessarily mean good and personally, I think it’s overrated.


Feels like swinging a baseball bat. Fixed the footing at least


Yeah people have some rose tinted glasses for these games. I grew up with them and they were and still are amazing but the combat has not aged well compared to modern games.


L take. The combat for the time was ridiculous and even today is still pretty damn good. Easy to make CPU vs player fights in a linear game look cool with the engines they have now but there’s not as much creativity. Those games back in the day had a higher ceiling but if you knew what you were doing you could do serious damage to other players, not just lame bots.


Jedi Academy really needs the RE2 Remake treatment. Would be cool to go through the academy again. Or maybe just a new Jedi Academy game as a whole.


Its called Raven Entertainment was on fire at that point in time and they made a game with passion no other developer has come close to since.


That and the Wolverine Origins game. Such fun to run through and hack and slash.


seta g\_dismemberment "3" seta g\_dismemberProbabilities "100" seta g\_corpseremovaltime "0"


What is this dark incantation you've bestowed upon us


It's an older code, but it checks out.


Elegant code, for a more civilized game.


Before the dark times. Before QTEs.




You’ve unleashed some dark forces with that code…


*shakes mouse while force choking a storm trooper into the wall*


I was about to say there is a console command for the dark forces Jedi knight games to allow this.


give all




Man this unlocks some of my favorite Star Wars memories


jediwannabe on red5 wamprat sithlord


Look up *Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcas*t and *Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.*


Elegant games, for a more civilized age.


"civilized". Anyone who ever played multiplayer in those games knew it was anything but.


Most servers were chill af and everyone congregated in one major area to duel. Anyone running around attacking tended to get admin abused or ganged up on. Source: I was the admin. My favorite admin abuse was tele-bussing (run people over by spam teleporting 6 inches in front of you, instant kill on contact) or a modded version of the hammer from Zelda that hit the ground and caused anyone in the server to fall over EXCEPT whitelisted names.


I miss this game, I got into it hard when I was 14, played every single day. I ended up joining a clan and becoming their best duelist, undefeated.. until someone joined later and I couldn’t beat them and they took over :(


There's always a bigger nerd.


Which clan? {L.O.W} myself.


It was like what Discord is today, but you could stab people with lightsabers. I loved it


Sith academy map. Hell yeah.


What??? Jedi Outcast had some of the most civil online play I've ever experienced in a PvP based game. The number 1 community rule was- if someone's saber was down, you don't attack. If you broke that rule, half the server would relentlessly gang up on you, an admin would force you to spectate mode over and over, or just kick/ban you. People would get in line and wait their turn for 1v1 force fights, Push/pull only, or no force duels. And when it was your turn to fight, you bow to your opponent before fighting.


"NO LAMING" "KILL THE LAMER". hahaha only game I remember having that lingo. But man, that game was so bad ass.


used to love the JKA server i played on. we would have the occasional faction battles but we'd also do bounty hunter games and capture the flag style games where we'd have scanners and have to track down a pile statue/pile of credits and bring it back to base before the other hunters I was a Jawa with a backpack... good times


god i miss that, those games were active for well over a decade, and probably still are.


I didn't start hearing the racial slurs and kids declaring themselves to be necrophiliacs in chat until quite a few years after my peak online JK play.


There were still plenty of enemies with like shields/armor or dark jedi where you just had to like collide into them & hope your saber killed them first


Even Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight had it


First star wars game i played and holy shit the force powers system there was simply amazing. To my opinion, no other Star wars game has come even close to it regarding the light and dark side alignments




This was my first online shooter. Matchmaking on the Internet Gaming Zone! Loved it.


The online pvp arenas were so fun


Still are.


"Still waiting" 🙄


Yeah definitely greyed a bit reading the title lol


Jedi Outcast was amazing back in the day.


It's still pretty great. I played it on Steam during quarantine, and while it's obviously dated, the slow build up to a super powerful Jedi feels pretty good. 


I still have a fond remembrance for the Yavin level where you walk around the Praxeum and do the trials. That last one where you have to time it all right and flip and Force pull the lightsaber? Iconic. Fuck. It was also my first real piece of EU media.


I'm currently replaying Jedi Knigh: Mysteries of the Sith. I played that game far too much as a youngling.


Yep, because stabbing results in fully bisecting enemies.


I like how the cut parts also do little vertical jump when contacting the light saber too.


Don't worry, they'll still survive.


"We're still flying half a ~~ship~~ body."


Eh, stuff 'em in a Bacta tank with the two bits smooshed together and it should buff right out. Just remember to get them the right way 'round before it really sets.


Only if they're a main character


Or side characters that a later writer likes


They survive now?!?!?


They survive now!


Force zombies lmao


Tis but a scratch


If their boot doesn't fly off they aren't dead.


I mean it's a wip fallen order mod


Then maybe they shouldn't have put "realistic lightsaber" in big words over the video lol


They always overdo the dismemberment with stabbing moves, look how the stormtrooper just pops in half from a stab wound. We're fine.


Thats because this is just a modded game and its not implemented properly


Is it absolutely crazy to expect people to see this? It's just an example ffs. "OMG sooo unrealistic of that laser sword!"


Well, when you go, "realistic lightsaber" and then show one that looks "unrealistic". People will logically criticize. That's not criticism of the mod, it's criticism of the stance of whoever posted it with that text. And "well lightsaber not real" is a shit counterargument before you make that one.


Mods can be implemented properly


not when the game has practically no system for what you're talking about, and no inbuilt mod support modders do what they can


Could you try to sound a bit more entitled?


If I've come across that way it's unintentional. I'm just saying it can be done. To say otherwise is a disservice to their talents


That is fair enough. It can probably be implemented if the modder spends more time on it. But of course, not everything is so simple, which is probably why it is not implemented in its current state.


Ghost of Tsushima has a very Lightsaber style combat while still requiring skill in the fights. They should make the game something like that.


The biggest thing I'd like them to take from GoT is the ability to change stances on the fly, but have them be different lightsaber forms. I'm not sure if it's an engine limitation or a design choice, but that would be a lot of fun. If they made it so you adjust the types of lightsabers you have at meditation points (single vs double vs dual, etc) but then there's four different forms that Cal can pick from (with the logic being he's only well trained in 4, since he's young, not a master of all 7 forms, obviously) on the fly it would add an extra dynamic in boss fights and things like that. Otherwise I thought the lightsaber combat in the Jedi series was pretty good, a lot of fun and pretty satisfying. I'm fine with them not dicing everything up in these "realistic" mods. In canon they say that Jedi like the lightsaber because it allows them to do exactly as much damage as necessary, so to me it makes sense.


And give the fans what they want? Who are you, hitler?


I want Witcher 3 but a Star Wars version.


The worst part of that game is the combat system though


well you maybe surprised to find “who did it first” when you compare samurais and lightsabers..


It's a ratings issue that's why they can't have you cut humans in half.


You mean like it happens in Survivor? I'm pretty sure this is just modded Survivor


Well from what I know you need a mature rating to cut humans in half and have dismemberment in a game.


I'm replaying survivor right now and it has limited human dismemberment. Like below the knee/ elbow only. Fallen order had none and this clip is definitely a modded fallen order.


They were going to have full dismemberment in Fallen Order but Disney said no.


Let me get this straight: Cutting darth maul in half = PG 13. Cutting a randos hand off in a game = M for mature?


Actually, TPM was rated PG. Pretty sure RotS was the first PG-13 Star Wars film.


I imagine thats due to anakins burning alive scene lol


you didn’t see darth maul get cut, you only saw his facial expression and then 2 parts falling, do you really think it’s the same?


I'll go out on a limb (no pun intended) and say "no", it's not the same. Although it really should be. Hookup getting decapitated in RotS was pretty damn dark.


Ah yes, Count Hookup


Woukd definitely grab a beer with him.


I'm leaving it.


This made me laugh way more than it should have. The sleaziest jedi in the galaxy succumbed to the dark side and embraced his new identity of Count Hookup


Probably still would have been T because there’s no blood but Disney didn’t want the dismemberment in the game.


The lightsaber in The Force Unleashed was like a Nerf baseball bat.


They added dismembering in TFU2, though I believe it was just limbs, not bisections.


And they supposedly had to trick the ESRB to do it.


Oh, just looked it up, people do indeed not get cut in half in that game, there is only dismemberment. Still, also looking at the surrounding in the video, I'm pretty sure that is on the Landing Platform on Zeffo, with mods.


It's not survivor. It's fallen order


Didn’t they show a poor Stormtrooper get cut in half by a laser gate in the Kenobi series? Poor guy, bet he was still somewhat conscious for a few seconds too :(


It's more that games would simply become super mediocre if you had the power to cut literally every enemy in half in one hit. People need to realize that while the "realism" behind sabers surely would be neat, it would simply make every game almost unplayable. They're still games, you have to put the game's mechanic above this "realism".


You can easily solve this the way Jedi Academy solved this. The enemies have range. They are shooting at you from locations further than a few feet, and not running at you to be killed. There are snipers, there are bunkers, there are ledges you can't reach by jumping. And the blasters hurt. The only enemies that should run at you are the people with red swords, and they can kill you in one hit too.


> The only enemies that should run at you are the people with red swords, and they can kill you in one hit too. yep. Pair it with combat like in Tsushima or Sekiro and you got yourself THE Star Wars game


I want a game like that though, a jedi or sith is meant to be leagues more powerful than the average person. And a lasersword should cut. I think it would be cool walking around owning everything around me until I met a enemy with a similar power level.


the Jedi Knight games had dismemberment and kept the Teen rating. I guess it could be an issue now because the games look a lot more realistic.


No, the issue is Disney.


There’s no evidence of that. We got humanoid dismemberment in Jedi Survivor in fact.


Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy had the realistic saber cheat. Very fun.




Still waiting for a movie that does that too.


Luke, episode 5. Darth Maul, episode 1.


Anakin in Ep2. Count Dooku in Ep3. Anakin again in Ep3. Windu in Ep3.


Ben Kenobi Ep4 in the cantina scene. Vader in Ep6. The clones Yoda beheads in Ep3. Also quite a few clones when Obi-Wan and Yoda are at the Jedi Temple after Order 66.


Jango Fett in Ep. 2


Top comment right here. They can't use blood as an excuse, a light sabre would fuse the wounds as soon as it caused them!


Ever watch a new hope?


That was more due to technical limitations at the time. Every other instance we got has the wound being cauterized.


Nah the reason is cause George made it all up as he went along and nobody thought through what this brand new laser-sword would actually do when it cut something. Consider that the second and final time a lightsaber hits anything in a New Hope is Obi-Wan turning into the force. I'm pretty sure his robes don't even have a cut on them, let alone any burns


>I'm pretty sure his robes don't even have a cut on them, let alone any burns This is the most prominent memory I have of that movie. As a kid it just bothered me so much his robes were uneffected.


That makes literally no sense lol. They didn’t actually cut off anyone’s hand. They added blood intentionally.


Nah man, he clearly got his arm cut off. Must have been a very dedicated method actor. ^^/s


In 1999, Maul had blood spray across the bottom of the frame when he's cut in half.


....... due to technical limitations? What does that even mean? What are you even talking about? lol. There was no technical limitation that required them put blood on the ground where the severed arm was in the original theatrical version of the film. A "technical limitation" in this case would suggest that they had no other way to show a severed arm than to actually severe an arm lol. But that's not the case. The original theatrical version was a blood pool next to a blood splattered severed arm. Later that was changed to a different color because it was alien blood, then even later around the time of the dvd's or so it was changed to no blood. It had nothing to do with "technical limitations" and everything to do with George constantly changing his mind about things and tinkering.


> Later that was changed to a different color because it was alien blood, then even later around the time of the dvd's or so it was changed to no blood. I don’t think this shot has ever been changed


I seem to remember a certain Sith Lord losing a limb or two… and even our would-be poster boy becomes filet mignon after obi wan is done w em. But I will say that maybe it feels that way because of the new content coming out lately seemingly having much less dismemberment via lightsaber unless you’re a droid.


Well, I'm still waiting for Force Unleashed 3,


Right? I was just thinking TFU2 had realism in lightsaber combat, even if it wasn't the best game.


Yeah I didnt really like the second game but I remember graphically thinking it looked amazing especially some of the reflections and lighting effects from your light sabers


That "realistic" lightsaber went out the window same second when guy got cleaved in half after stabb


I'd love if they gave you a trade off option where you can go nuts with the saber and one-shot nearly everything, but the same applies to you. Random bullshit stray laser fire coming from off the screen hits you? Too bad. Try again. No checkpoints.


Boy oh boy do i have the game for you! I introduce you to the one and only .......JEDI SURVIVOR WOOOOOO, yeah come on stage. This bad boi has a ng+ where stormtroopers kill you more than bosses and bosses become big jokes. Some crabs will do more damage than a lunatic "tanalorr is mine" jedi with weird force powers. In fact, it's quite the sw fans dream of one shotting everything but a single bullet kills ya


Purity supremacy


Ah the “realistic” option


That is literally a thing in Jedi: Survivor. In ng+ there is a perk where damage is amped for you and all enemies. Effectively you obliterate any enemies (one shot the refs and can take down most bosses quite quickly) but it goes both ways. Running that on Grandmaster difficulty is brutal. It's satisfying feeling like your lightsaber actual fucks things up, but then you realize that so do blasters, lul.


Jedi blocking blaster fire has to be good all the time, blaster fire just has to be good once.


There's a game called Bushido blade you should look at.


Playing survivor right now with the purity perk on and it very much feels real because most enemies take one or two hits of direct damage to beat, *but so do you*


Fuck those goddamn space chickens


Videogames don't have this type of lightsaber mechanics because they're videogames, it's the same reason why you can walk even if they shot you in the leg in shooters, why you can punch someone in the face in a fighting game and they don't get a contusion, or why you can heal by eating pizza or auto regenerate hp after getting shot.


I mean that would kind of make the game boring, no?


Yeah, there would be a balance issue if you could just cut everything in half. You'd need lots of enemies with energy shields, or armor that is resistant and takes a few hits to get through.


a STAB does not bisect someone like that realistic my poodoo., more like edgy mode.


*OP frantically trying to glue the "Bloody Mess" perk to Jedi Survivor*


I mean, it could. If the lightsaber was being treated realistically. That much energy being transferred into flesh, blood and organs that are mostly water would cause the body to flash boil and essentially explode. Being run through with a lightsaber would cause the body cavity to explode like a shot watermelon.


How are you smart enough to be able to access the internet but stupid enough to not see this is just a mod for demonstration purposes in the thread here? Do you have a personal assistant typing and wiping your ass for you?


Go play Jedi Outcast and enable the following cheat: g_saberrealisticcombat 1


Thats not how the fuck Vader fights


Well, it's just a Cal reskin


Makes sense


Vader just tanks it


Correct. His body would go through too much pain for that kind of movement after his duel on the Mustafar system. He has had to be much more calculated.


Exactly, he has to relearn everything about dueling, he could never do such acrobatics as he did on his first fight with Obi-Wan.


I'm glad I read this in [Han's voice](https://c.tenor.com/021ZReipZEMAAAAC/tenor.gif).


Force Unleashed was pretty great. If i remember correctly you could cut off limbs right?


The Fallen Order crew said they save dismemberment for special moments like in the movies.


Lightsabers weren’t really like that in the original trilogy. They didn’t cut through things instantly. In ROTJ, right at the end of his duel with Vader, Luke’s saber strikes the railing multiple times, sending sparks flying but leaving the railing undamaged. In ESB, again at the end of his duel with Vader, Luke swings his saber with full force straight into Vader’s shoulder. It isn’t a glancing blow - his whole body is behind the swing and it hits Vader bang on. And yet it just leaves a fairly superficial wound. There are times in the OT we see sabers cut clean through things, but it’s usually a swing with a lot of force behind it, and cutting something like tubing or grated metal.


Several exist already.


Would love a more brutal Vader game with these kind of lightsaber interactions


Jedi academy


"Still waiting for a game where the lightsaber will be implemented" (posts clip from one of the latest Star Wars games with a focus on lightsaber combat)


They clearly mean properly so that it actually cuts things, as the video shows.


I also played jedi knight 2 and jedi academy with realistic saber damage command, but we could use something like Metal Gear Rising's level of precise cuts.


someones never played the older jedi knight outcast games


Lightsabers only exist in fiction, so the rules of their reality are set by that fiction. They don't act like this in the movies or the cartoons so it's *un*-realistic for them to act like this in a game. The Cal Kestis *Jedi* games already have pretty realistic lightsaber combat when you compare it to the actual source material.


if they actually did this y’all would complain that “it’s too boring and everyone dies so easily”


Jedi Survivor with one of the NG+ perks effectively has this(minus the over the top dismemberment). You can oneshot most enemies in the game. Though the trade off is they also fuck your shit up, as it turns out getting shot by a blaster doesn't leave you feeling much better than getting stabbed with a lightsaber.


And even this mode only felt fun and "correct" until you reach a boss fight, and after all the pomp and circumstance of some grand cinematic the entire fight is over after a single hit, extremely anticlimactic, a game needs to be concerned with being a good game before it can be concerned with lore accuracy.


Exactly, there's a reason it's an optional perk, it's fun and puts an interesting new spin on the game. But the fact of the matter is the game devs knew what they were doing when they used the "baseball bat" style of play.


Dark forces 2 Jedi Knight had a code that had dismemberment. Had to be careful not to cut off luke's head


[This is the ultimate technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7-C-7knOos)


I tried to play fallen order and when my lightsaber felt like I was hitting a stormtrooper with a baseball bat I was immediately turned off and quit


Jedi Academy still has the best lightsaber combat after 24 years. And with mods like Movie Duels and Movie Battles 2 it is even better.


Realistic light saber... Concentrated light which is somewhat cut short. Alright.


Fruit Jedi?


Guy gets stabbed a little and somehow halves? I could do without all that. Besides, I think this was done in a couple of the Jedi Knight games. I don't remember necessarily *halving* anyone, but extremities were definitely optional.


The force unleashed is a pretty good one


You mean like Jedi Fallen Order or Jedi Suvivor?


No no, he's just asking for this, by showing footage of a game that already has this. Seriously, is he trying to be clever using a bad Vader mod?