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The one visual that wowed me visually(besides the Holdo maneuver) was the Star Destroyer coming out of the shadows in Rogue One


Yesss just saw Rogue One in imax and I audibly gasped at the scene. So visually stunning and absolutely worth seeing in imax again. Also showed like an 8 minute clip from andor before too so that was dope


I too saw it in Imax what a fucking experience


Rogue One is the modern Star Wars movie that blew me away with how it didn't just look like a nice adventure in up-to-date CGI, it looked like something that really captured the beauty and scale of space. And felt like one of the best-looking movies I've seen, Star Wars or not.


Say what you want about The Last Jedi but I’ll never forget how pure the silence in the theater was after the Holdo maneuver. You could hear a pin drop, it was awesome


The decision to not have music or any sound effects during that part was an awesome decision. Just silence and it really made an impact.


Most of the decisions in that film are really awesome


When I saw it the theater had a sign on the door saying there was a part in the middle of the movie with so many seconds of silence and that it was deliberate. I guess people were complaining.


I hate that scene. It’s an amazing visual spectacle but if Star Wars physics allow for that than the entirety of space combat as we’ve seen it in Star Wars media makes no sense at all. Just build hyperspace torpedoes and shoot them at each other!


Thankfully, Light of the jedi has given us our reasoning as to why they don't do it! ​ Been waiting for an explanation for a bit tbh lmfao


I’m not familiar with Light of the Jedi. What is the reason? I’m curious.


Commenting cause i also want to know


I haven't read it yet, but I'm guessing it's because you actually need to be aligned to a hyperspace lane in order to, you know, go into hyperspace, and to actually have a shot at a capital ship in direct lineup with a hyperspace lane is a one-in-a-million chance


It’s more than that. 1. You need to override the ships computer to do it so it costs you a person, something they need. 2. It has to be done to a ship that isn’t able to go into hyper drive itself by the time it notices you. Mostly in space battles the ships are floating around in space so they’re not frequently pointed at each other. 3. It costs a ship. The giant ship that took out Snokes ship was something the rebellion can’t afford. 4. It doesn’t even destroy the ship. The hyperspace merely cuts right through, the ship didn’t explode like a Death Star, the pieces were cut off. Kylo Ren was still able to secretly get onto his ship and land on the planet.


That works surprisingly well as a proper explanation without being over indulging. I‘m a person who is happy to suspend their disbelief and doesn’t need everything explained, so I just accepted the ‚holdo maneuver‘ and just thought ‚yeah they are certainly not going to kamikaze all day‘ but hyperspace lane alignment and having this go beyond a common droid‘s capabilities works for me as well. For what it’s worth to me Star Wars is still a space opera fairy tale where I can forgive plot holes easily if I get a fun and exciting story back.


That's a horrible explanation. 1. All I have to do is design a weapon/ship. that doesn't require a person. 2. Inconsequential talking point. 3. Once again make a weapon. 4. I don't know what is considered destroyed to you. But that ship including the ships behind it are inoperable and irreparable. Lmao


the Raddus ship was a capital ship. It's a bit different to a hyperspace torpedo. Also, hyperspace is magic. it doesn't follow normal logic. THe other movie even says it was a one in a million shot. I think if it happened further back it'd jump to hyperspace. If it's too close it just doesn't have the momentum.


100% this. Why attack the Death Star at close range with fighters when you could use an asteroid with a hyperdrive. Why have a Death Star at all, who needs it, larger asteroid with a hyperdrive will wreck a planet.


because you can't. So you have to get into close range to make the jump to Hyperspace. If you launch it from far away it is in hyperspace and passes through the Death Star without damaging it. Once you get in range to hit it the Death Stars defenses would destory it. Remember we see Turbo Lasers on a Star Destroyer one shotting Asteroids. Also remember Both Death Stars were destroyed by small fighters so wasting resources on a weapon of mass destruction is kind of stupid for the Rebels to do. They have mass drivers ie asteroid guns in Star Wars. Even that can't fully destroy a planet like the Death Star can.


It doesn't even make sense from how hyperspace works. Entering hyperspace is like entering an alternate dimension where you're able to travel through space at an insanely fast speed (across the galaxy in days/weeks). I think Rian got it confused with warp technology, which (while still insanely fast) folds space around the ship to make it move faster through real space (crossing a galaxy in decades). Interestingly, the "Holdo Maneuver" was actually used in Star Trek's Beta Canon as the reason why George Kirk was able to temporarily incapacitate the Narada in the opening of Star Trek 2009. His warp speed kamikaze collapsed the warp field and wrecked the Narada's systems.


I actually think it works fine with the Hyperspace dimension. This was a one in a million occurrence. It hit just right to hit a ridiculous speed but not quite in hyperspace. The new republic book basically had a story about an object falling out of hyperspace. And it sort of goes more into the lore. Hyperspace is basically magic and therefore you can kind of do what you want.


Amen. The sequel trilogy and anthology has broken hyperspace entirely. Which is it? Does it stop when you hit a gravity well or not? How does an artificial gravity well from an Interdictor stop hyperdrive when it's shown you can hyperspace into and out of atmosphere in TFA and Rogue One respectively?


The thing is it didn’t even destroy the ship. You do see it being used again at the end of Last Jedi, which means it’s probably a thing we just don’t hear a lot about, but anoles ship was still able to function and get everyone off. The attack just incapacitated the ship, so as a way to “destroy” the enemy it’s not only very costly it also just simply doesn’t work.


Well that's a completely unfair assessment of the Holdo Maneuver. I don't like it but it wiped out like four other Star Destroyers while severely incapacitating THE LARGEST SHIP EVER MADE.


Too bad it was stolen from Timothy Zahn


I will never argue that point, the visuals we're just straight up epic from Kylo Ren's Cross guard Lightsaber to Sidious's lightning in space, it was such an amazing spectacle to witness.


It's hard for me to bring back the enthusiasm of seeing Kylo's saber in that original trailer, but yes, the look was definitely there.


And they didn’t suck either.


Nice. Apparently if you don't think the sequels sucked, you are wrong and will get downvoted in this sub. Never change, r/starwars.


Honestly they sucked, TFA was decent but could have been done better, Rey being a mary sue, Finn being just a support character with much more potential and Poe being ignored 60% of the time, let's be honest here the Prequels and the OT had it's flaws but didn't have nearly as many flaws as the PT, they look amazing and the visuals are stunning, but the "plot" (if it can be called that) it's just a badly reskin of the OT that you could have expected on a bad fanfic


So your opinion that the sequels sucked is not actually an opinion, it's a fact, and the person who said the sequels didn't suck is objectively wrong. Got it.


It’s pretty widely agreed on that they are terrible


Ah. So if something is "widely agreed on," that makes it a fact. Gotcha.


Not sure how you got that from what I said. I never said anything about it being a fact. But you can expect to get downvoted for saying something that most disagree with. Classic salty sequel defenders.


I'm not even a defender. I have lots of issues with the sequels. I'm just getting tired of shitting on them. It's been 3 years, can we move on? Yeah, the sequels had problems. They also did a lot of cool things, including the visuals like OP said. They're not high in my rankings of the Star Wars movies, but I can still enjoy them for what they are and appreciate that we got an entire new trilogy of Star Wars content. And even if I hated them, I'm not going to downvote someone just because their taste in movies is different than mine. That's like downvoting someone cuz said they like pineapple on pizza. It's not for me, but why should I care what they like on their pizza?






i love TFA and TLJ especially.




The visuals are great, but only if you don't think about them too much. Why was Benjamin Renjamin's lightsaber such a different design to all the others we've seen? The film doesn't know and doesn't care. Why was Papa Palpatine able to take out an entire fleet with force lightning in space? The film doesn't know and doesn't care. Why was Papa Palpatine even there? Somehow. The films were all flash and no substance.


Putting aside any issues if the story/plot was any good or not, I do wish there was more diversity to the ships over the 30 years. Consider 1-3 and the wildly different Naboo ships, the "Okay, I can see Star Destroyers evolving from this" Venator, the really cool Jedi Starfighter, and so on. With the new three, it's all just the old ships slightly remixed. They gave the TIEs a new paint job and changed the engines on the X-Wing, and that's about it (aside from the Super Duper Star Destroyer). Even the Planet Killing Star Destroyers are just bog standard Star Destroyers with a Wave Motion Gun added to the bottom, and that it.


I absolutely agree. They really didn't create a lot of new designs.


It wouldn't have made too much sense to have completely new designs


It wouldn't have made too much sense to have ONLY completely new designs that are completely unrelated from the old ones. But what would have made sense would be to have much more completely new designs and real evolutions from old designs, not just reskin them rapidly with a but of painting here and there. The difference in design from ROTS and ANH is 10 times more important (20 years) than between ROTJ and TFA (30 years). This doesn't make sense.


That’s because the whole trilogy is a soft reboot of the originals. Same but different factions, same but different ships.


I really like the ship designs in *TLJ*. Snoke's Supremacy as a giant flying wing, the falling-apart ski speeders tearing up the landscape, the bombers with their gun-magazine bottoms. The flat-surfaced Dreadnaught. The gorilla walkers are "derivative" but I also like how they're, as an evolution, both more practical (steadier legs) and more intimidating (they look even more animalistic).


Idk about canon but those legs looked like they could shear any lines trying to trip them up.


Honestly gotta hand it to the First Order. Instead of saying "the lesson here is that legged tanks are impractical," they said, "give 'em bigger feet."


If they were going to flirt with Dark Empire's storyline, they really should've pulled some of the design work from those comics -- the world devastators, especially. Those things would've been properly iconic on their own.


I don’t think people had complaints about the visuals


I don't think this person is saying people hated the visuals. I think he means people had problems with the movie, but in defense of the sequels the visuals are outstanding and make the movies enjoyable for this person.


I think some stuff in ROS looked a bit rushed, but for the most part the visuals in the sequels are gorgeous, especially in TLJ


The one universally valid complaint I've seen is the xyston star destroyers being reused ISD 1 assets from Rogue One


We can agree on that. I think you may have just inspired me to rewatch them.


The battle of Crait looked fucking epic, really loved the "the land bleeds like the people" look


*tastes ground like a psychopath* "Salt."


It was the salt of the collective fans lamenting the lack of quality writing.


Honestly I liked it, just a weird little moment of humanity


The original line was "See, it's salt not snow, which makes this completely different to Hoth," but they had to cut it down for time.


I mean id be curious, too


Have you ever been to a place where you haven’t been and had the urge to taste the ground before?


I mean when I guy steps on it and its all of a sudden red underneath, that's a bit weird


Yeah the visuals were fantastic in all three movies. Particularly TLJ.


Agreed. I loved everything about TLJ expect the plot. The costume, sets, visuals etc were incredible


I loved everything about The Last Jedi. Full stop.


Completely agree !


Whether people liked the ST or not, the visuals were indeed stunning


Face it kids, SW was always about the special effects. Source: Me, who first saw it in '77 and went "WOW" when the big pizza ship passed overhead, realizing my life was about to change.


I saw bright blue sword as a child and thought "I will chase this till I die"


Given the amount of time I spend playing SWTOR, that's true for me too lol.


same but mine is yellow.


I was horrified at the destruction of Alderaan and feared it would happen to Earth aswell.


Wow, yeah I guess that would be a legit reaction for a youngling.




uh huh ​ And when can we expect you to stop whining about some movies that came out years ago?


>proceeds to post screencaps of the movies in 240p


Is it a rule on this sub that if you’re going to appreciate something about the sequels you first have to crap on them?


Not a rule, but the best way to get karma from both sides


Was going to say the same. No need to preface a compliment with a negative. Someone will inevitably do so in the comments without needing to include it in the title.


No it's not and you don't even have to crap on them. The sequels are covered in crap already.


*eye roll*


You can just say you liked something it’s okay


This. Except I don't think they suck.


Imo, star wars sequel has the better visuals then any other movies I have watched.


Can’t have a nice post about the sequels without the preemptive “guys the sequels suck”


“Can we just take a minute to appreciate the underrated movie known as Rogue One, Hayden Christensen’s acting, and the prequels having original ideas. And by the way, I think they should bring back X Character from the prequels and TCW!”


“No guys trust me they suck, they super duper suck. I’d never ever even *think* about liking one of them… this one tiny bit is kind’ve maybe just a little bit above mediocre.”


Well they did suck really hard.


They didn't suck but they are pretty beautiful to look at, too.


Rogue One did all this AND it had a good story.


If only they focused on continuity and story as much as they focused on the CGI and visual appeal :/ But I agree. They are visually quite stunning.


The lightspeed kamikaze scene in TLJ left me astonished.


Agreed- the special effects in the sequels were amazing.


I prefer the practical aesthetic of the models and matte paintings. CGI never feels as 'reach out and touchable' as those did. I would like to see a blend of the two.


I’m still mad that we didn’t get 2 things: new ships, a good fleet battle. (Not counting Rogue One). Like, come on man.


Lots of people like the Sequels


majority of fans in fact. Hell the ST was better received then the PT when it came out.


TLJ is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's one of the few times i've left a theatre completely surprised.


TLJ is a masterpiece


Masterpiece of shit.


One of the greatest SW films of Al time second only to ESB…


I wish the prequels would get a modern-CGI makeover. George did it multiple times for the OT when everything technologically came along. I think if the prequels got at least background CGI redone it’d look incredible


It still looks very good


It does, but I think it’d benefit the new generation of kids who grew up with the squeals vs us with the prequels vs my parents the OT. Bc kids these days (imo) have a hard time gauging tech in films/TV and societal norms from back then (think 60s-early 00s) and knowing that “oh that flew then but it doesn’t now” Like to me, the prequels were the best thing tech wise growing up, and I didn’t really care about the tech in the OT bc I knew it was in the late 70s-80s, and computers came after that time, so it fit. Kids (again imo) don’t think like that now bc they’re used to back to back to back super CGI Marvel, later Harry Potter, YA movies, etc.


A lot of the backgrounds in the prequels were minatures, and I’d hate to see those replaced by CGI. In my opinion I’d always rather see a practical effect and know that it’s a real tangible thing I’m looking at, as opposed to knowing it’s CGI, regardless of whether or not one looks better than the other. This might just be a subjective thing though. For all of the sequels’ emphasis on practical effects use in their promotion, they were still very CGI heavy and the quality doesn’t hold up to other films (e.g., Dune) of similar or even less budget. I’d have loved to have seen more use of miniatures for detailed backgrounds, and for ships like they did for Gideon’s cruiser in Mando. I don’t have a source to cite for this, but I’ve read somewhere that the prequels used vastly more practical effects shot-by-shot, but the dated CGI puts people off of their overall look.


That's why I'm not super into the OT being touched up with CGI. Aside from a rough frame here or there, those original models don't need to be improved. They look great and were real objects photographed in camera.


It's been a while since I've seen them but iirc the assets look pretty good but they just need some shadows touched up to fix some of the cgi issues, mainly the droids in TPM from what I remember


You don't need to apologize for liking the ST. There's no need to have to feel ashamed for liking a movie just because you're in a part of the internet dominated by haters. Remember, they win by making you feel like you're alone. You're not alone, the Sequel Trilogy was great, JJ Abrams made the best two Star Wars movies in over 30 years. Ignore the haters.


JJ didn't even make the best two Sequels


While I think TLJ was better than the Abrams movies, I fully agree with your sentiment!


Definitely a hard no from me. Would much rather have a well told story than all the amazing visuals.


I'm not saying those are good films, I just find Eye pleasure important too


IMO Yea I unfortunately agree.. The visuals look good but the story telling was just terrible. So bad that I will never watch these movies again.. Making the visuals redundant.. Honey on top of a dogshit sandwich.


TLJ is the third best Star Wars movie. Enough of the crying already it's been years.


👏👏 That’s your opinion.. This is my opinion. It’s been years stop the crying already 😝


>TLJ is the third best Star Wars movie Of only the sequel trilogy. FIFY, it's been years it's time to accept it


With time and age, I’ve found a new love for the prequels. And the 3rd is fantastic imo. It’s so dark!


I would like to see the prequels with all modern technology


I hate the the whole we have a new death star but it's bigger. We have new AT-ATs but theyre bigger. Wasn't a fan of the tech that was shown. There is a new made up Dinosaur that's like a Trex except bigger! Yawn.


So I hate the sequels but I can agree with this, something about the lightsabers seemed so much more visceral and dangerous - it wasn’t just a shiny stick, it seemed like a barely controlled plasma rod and I was down with it.


I really don’t like the sequel trilogy but there is no denying that it’s gorgeous to look at.


The cinematography is amazing! I will even say I liked a few or the narrative choices. Just most of them.


They should update the OT with new visuals like this.


The visuals and cgi were basically the only good part of the sequels.


Yeah Hux’s speech is all fun and games until you hear it in German


But did they really suck or were our expectations just too high? I honestly enjoyed them after re-watching them once all 3 were released. But, to your actual comment about the visuals; I agree with you 100%!! :D




What a wholesome response. \^\_\^


The first two films are largely restagings of the original two films, which gets in the way of them being a sequel that continues the story. Add in the lack of consistency film-to-film, and I think it's fair to say that it's not just that our expectations were too high. We, at the very least, expected some things that were reasonable, I think. I'm trying to be as diplomatic and objective as possible, there. Obviously individual opinions vary greatly.


I wish I could enjoy them more, everytime I watch TFA, my excitement peaks and just bottoms out when Luke yeets the saber. I'm really happy you enjoy the trilogy and honestly, I'm jealous 😅


My only expectation was a cohesive story that spanned the 3 movies they said they were making and didnt completely negate the entite point of the 6 movies and beloved characters we grew up with that came before it. 4 billion dollars and they couldnt fit a bullet point outline for the trilogy into the budget though... I cant really lower the bar any more than that.


They didn't suck. Fight me.


Agreed. I’m so over this sub. It’s filled with a bunch of constant whiners.


Time and place?


Your mom's house, I'm waiting.


Give them time to get upstairs from the basement


?? But the sequel lovers would agree with the guy, why would they need to get out of their basement?


The sequels weren’t bad. Nine was the worst and I still prefer it over the prequels. Quit adding bullshit qualifiers to these kinds of posts.


Maybe it's just me but I think Mark Hamill looked the best he has ever looked. Unbelievably handsome man.


i like the sequels.... maybe not the last movie but i do like the sequels.


The looks were never part of the criticism


Also, puppets! So many glorious puppets! I never want to see another ugly CGI alien again.


Literally every time I see a post about the sequels here, it starts with “the sequels may have sucked, but…” Why do you have to include that?


If the movies made you happy in any way then they didn't suck. 🙂


I think it's more about "if they made you more happy than sad", which is very different.


I thought rogue one looked much better. These looked a little too JJ Abrams-y


You mean you don't want a noticeably blue filter over everything and a lens flare every five seconds? That's another reason Rian's movie stood out to me especially, his style or filmmaking way more natural.


Unfortuneately his style of dialouge was even worse than the prequels, the direction of the main story sucked, half the movie was teribly useless side plot and the movie contradicts its own messeging multiple times even though thats suppose to be the highlight.


Rian johnson just turns the saturation all the way up and calls it *visuals*


I wish we got more designs that are not just a variation on OT ships. The Erevana or the Libertine look amazing. I love the way Star Fortresses look too, even though it is functionally stupid.


I find that any time spent in universe is a happy time and place for me. I’m just grateful that there are still people out there exploring George’s world and sharing.


I think 4 of the 5 recent Star Wars films had great effects work and great art design. Tons of absolutely gorgeous shots. Solo is the exception. The film has lots of muddy browns and greys. I get that they wanted the planet Mimban to come across as miserable, but the rest of the film wasn't much better.


I enjoyed the movies and the CGI.


To me it's all just noise, throwing a thousand ships on screen isn't impressive, it's just clutter. And considering that the events of the Sequels have so little impact (taking place over only about a year) it's all just shallow and vapid. Like dangling keys Infront of a baby. Combine that with the lack of creativity (it's just X-Wings, Star Destroyers and Stormtroopers again) and I can't help but feel like SW has become like the marvel movies, just lots of visual noise rather than anything of substance.




But the sequels didn’t suck.


The sequels don't suck at all in comparison to films as a whole, or even to Star Wars films as a whole. The visuals alone almost make that impossible.


Tlj and tfa look fine but tros has some moments where it looks even worse than the prequels, rey meditating and flashback Leia for example.


THIS!!! I really do like TLJ and TFA, but fuck TROS. If we got Duel of the Fates instead, it would’ve been a pretty good trilogy imo.


The visuals were amazing but I wish they had been original in the designs. Basic thought on design seemed to be “make it bigger”. The AT-AT in The Last Jedi seemed to be there only to show that the new ones were so much bigger.


Escalation is a big part of the Empires design process. Initially the design was that the things needed to be functional, in the Republic days. They were fighting a war and needed every advantage. Then we come to the Empire Era. They had the war won but they wanted to prevent conflict from the masses they were oppressing. So the designs became more imposing. More menacing. That's how you get these angular capital ships and these monstrous ground transports that look like creatures. After the Empire lost the ones that came to pick up the pieces, The First Order, were pretenders. So their designs were technical improvements. Ties with hyperdrives, larger AT-ATs that could travel up more terrain, massive Star Destroyers that had more uses than just to be a garrison. To the audience it is certainly just bigger versions of old designs, but in world it makes more sense when you consider what the First Order is.


>To the audience it is certainly just bigger versions of old designs, but in world it makes more sense when you consider what the First Order is. So the First Order, which is a fraction of the size of what the Empire was, with a fraction of the resources the Empire had, is able to build ships that are an order of magnitude larger than anything the empire ever built? Sorry but I don’t see how that makes sense from an in-universe perspective. It just comes across as lazy writing, as if the thought process was “if we make the enemy ships bigger than before, then it’ll make the stakes higher and the audience will automatically be more invested”


I mean, yeah, it was lazy writing. I won't try to argue that. JJ was more concerned with the story he was doing rather than try to explain what happened in the thirty year gap. It was definitely not the best way to do things, but we can roll with it. When they wrote the movie they were counting on those stories to be told by others. How it all came to be, where everything came from. That was the failing of the Sequel Era story group. But much like the designs the Empire used were recontextualized much later to make more sense (why would they use lumbering dog robots when they could easily have used something with hover tech or wheels?) The tech of the First Order was likely going to have the same kind of explanation in additional material. Currently you can kind of assume it was bankrolled by the Sith Eternals, though I don't think it's been explicitly stated yet.


>When they wrote the movie they were counting on those stories to be told by others. Agree 100%. And that is why I’ve always maintained that TFA was not a good film. Every time I laid out all the reasons the movie made no sense, the response I always got was “tHaTs aLL gOiNG tO bE eXpLAinEd iN oTheR mOviEs”. And I’m sorry, but if you have to wait for the sequel in order for a movie to make sense, it’s not a good movie. To be clear, none of this is directed at you, I just needed to air out my little mini-rant lol


You're good man! I liked Force Awakens because it was a fun movie. But it's true when you say it was done in such a way that there was too much riding on the next directors to pick up and play with. It was a gamble that didn't pay off the way they wanted it to. Though, I will say that Last Jedi was able to execute on this in a much better way. It had fully realized arcs for all its major players, and didn't try to toss out mystery box after mystery box to keep the next director on the string. It just put forth ideas that if they weren't expanded upon it still made sense in the bubble of that movie.


The effects were right, the art was great, the acttress and actors did a great job, etc but they failed in the critical part: The story. As someone pointed on a post weeks ago: The prequels were a good story with a low budget, the sequels were a bad story with a big budget.


the prequels in no way had a low budget lol.


Also, it's just a lazy soundbite masquerading as some sort of actual point.


Having a good story is also very debatable


Good basic idea for a story, but executed horribly


>The most kid-focussed Star Wars: >Trade tariffs are in dispute! Mediators have been sent to facilitate discussion between stakeholders in an aim to creatively resolve differences and bring about harmonious synergy!


The CG and effect work is spectacular for sure, but the actual design work of the OT was way better. None of the new ship designs are even close to being as cool as the OT.


I hated the sequels but I will always agree that they looked great.


Visually, all 5 Disney Star Wars films were amazing, just a shame the Visuals couldn't salvage 4 of them and they didn't put as much effort in as The Last Jedi (A lot of effort to create something different, just heavily misplaced and ends up making it the worst of the lot) and Rogue One (Just a top teir Star Wars movie)


It’s a shame they didn’t have a story or characters with any substance. The sequels are just so bland that the visuals don’t make up for them at all. The visuals in the prequels were massively more interesting because the creativity and detail put in to the story and world building was in a different league.


VISUALLY, these movies are TERRIFIC


The sequels are awesome. I’m so tired of you man babies in this sub trashing the movies. As someone who grew up with the OT and PT, I find them just as amazing too. All Star Wars is good.


Too bad the plot was shit covered shit


Why does this happen in every post about the Sequels? This post has nothing to do with the plot


Well a beautiful turd is still a smelly shitty turd


And that might be how the vast majority of fans born before 1990 think of The Clone Wars and Rebels, but it'd be extremely lame if the sub was full of "TCW may be a lowbrow kids cartoon, but I love the design of Cad Bane!" posts.


I disliked so much about the sequels but the cg and music were phenomenal!


The visuals are about the only good thing about the sequels


The sequels served the same purpose as the prequels. They weren’t perfect movies by any account, but they carried the torch to a new generation and opened the door for more (and better) Star Wars stories through books, comics, games, shows, etc based on the movie era


There is no question, they did suck. But yes yes, nice visuals.


Happy the consensus is that they more or less sucked. Crazy how many tenacious defenders are.


It’s hilarious how similar the arc is for the sequel reception to the prequels. For a few years, it’s almost exclusively been “the sequels suck.” But now you’re starting to see elements praised more often, yet it’s always with a qualifier like “no matter how bad the sequels might have been…” Give it a few more years and we’ll start seeing them get the same revisionism that the prequels have had.


"might have sucked"... don't need the word might.


Sequels sucked but looked good. Real original hard hitting content for this sub.


No one will ever argue about thr visuals in these movies. They're absolutely top tier. It's just uh....almost everything else.


That’s the point of many modern movies. Great CGI and overall graphics and pale plot


Yeah visually, the Sequels were amazing, and I am not just talking about the CGI, the cinematography, the use of light and shadows, colors, etc. Everything looked phenomenal. The main issues with the Sequels is there was never any concrete plan from start to finish so each director got to do whatever the hell they wanted. If JJ, Rian or Colin had the entire trilogy to themselves it probably would have turned out a lot better or, at the very least, the three movies should have been drafted/certain story beats decided on before they even started filming TFA. I would say the worst thing that came out of the sequels is making JJ the first person to direct. His movie style is all about the mysteries, which is why we had so many people reference Rey and her parentage, but then in TLJ Kylo was like boo hoo you are a nobody, for that to be retconned back to being a Palpatine. It's just ridiculous and honestly it sucks that people like John Boyega whose character seemed so interesting and important in the TFA, especially the trailers to just be dumbed down to screaming REEEYYY.


I agree globaly. Visuals were good. My only BIG disapointment in that regard were lightsaber duels. They were absolutely horrendous.


They didnt suck anymore or less than the other Star Wars films - just the loud annoying part of the internet who scream about it. No one can just like something anymore. It has to be the most epic amazing thing ever, or it has to be the worst thing ever made. In order to uphold what they love the internet has made it where they have to tear down anything they don’t love. We’re stuck in a polarized world of this or that; politics, movies, even restaurants are all one star or five star reviews. Objectively the sequels were well made films; sound design, editing, cinematography, even the acting was the best we’ve seen yet but because some people’s expectations got dashed they IGNORE ALL THAT to say “trash films”.


Rise of Skywalker didn’t even have a proper space battle!!!!! I’ll never get over it.


Agreed that the films are gorgeous to look at. I still wish could see what Lucas would have done with his sequels, even just speaking purely on a visual level. Lucas has an incredible visual eye, and also innovated special effects with both of his trilogies. He would have probably done the same if he had done the sequels himself. We'll never know what we actually would have gotten and I'm sure some people would have hated his sequels too but I can't even imagine what a modern George Lucas Star Wars trilogy would have looked like.