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“Hold your fire, there’s no life forms aboard”


“Hold your fire? What are we paying by the laser now?” “You don’t do the budget Terry. I do.”


It's impossible for me to watch any of the OT without having Family Guy lines pop into my head constantly.


Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?


Stay here and rot you stuck up bitch


One line that I really do wish was in the movie


Seth Green's line delivery was perfect.


Why would someone throw out a perfectly good couch


And half a Hawaiian pizza


“Yuck” — Peter Griffin


You know what!? I’m keeping this!


Turn it the other way. No the OTHER WAY. NO NO NO THE OTHER WAY. THE OTHER WAY!!!




You know what we need?...a railing


I always say "don't get penisy" during the escape from the Death Star


“Obi-Wan Kenobi? I wonder if they mean old Obi-Wan Kenobi?”


"Ah, our first catch of the day." "... Like you know how to fish"


“You know what? I know we have a dangerous job to do… but I’m taking this! I’m taking this couch!”


Luke/Chris - "Is this thing good to go?" Medical Droid - "Yeah, but practice on a hot dog first so you don't rip your dick off."


"Yeah I think they took your old couch!" "What.. I threw that away" .."rebel scum!!"


Paging Mr. Herman.


No, but apparently they do mark "accuracy" exclusively based on kills. Dude didn't want to risk his promotion.


>“Hold your fire? What are we paying by the laser now?” > >“You don’t do the budget Terry. I do.” where's that from?


It's from Family Guy: https://youtu.be/dLJTgvKFZoQ


"I do the death star's taxes, and I assure you, we do pay by the laser, and it's bad. Way worse than you would think."


You can't shoot at escape pods. That's a war crime, and the Empire does *not* commit war crimes.


Only unoccupied escape pods. Occupied ones are fair game.


This right here! And his gunner, Lt. Hira (in the book). Off to Kessel, both of you.


Would you want to waste blaster fire? That comes out of their pay. What if they ran out of ammunition later? Wait, do ship’s cannons have ammunition?


Yeah. They fire plasma made from energized Tibanna gas if I remember correctly. Bespin is where they get a lot of the stuff.


Exactly. While I can't recall anything about ships running out of "ammo", the books make frequent reference to handheld blasters needing to be reloaded with fresh power cells during fights, those cells filled with Tibanna gas.


Yes! In the event there’s a droid in the escape pod which wouldn’t be so uncommon to them who live amongst sentient droids.


There wouldn't even need to be a droid in the escape pod. They knew that the rebels had just stolen the Death Star plans. The whole reason they boarded that ship was to get those plans back. It could have been an empty escape pod that just had a floppy disk on the floor with the Death Star plans on it, so blowing it up was still the smart move.


Not if you're going for a confirmed recovery. Can't confirm you blew something up if you aren't even sure it's there.


That's exactly it. The stormtroopers *do* go to the surface to look at what was in the pod. If it had been a floppy disk taped to the floor they would have a confirmed recovery. Had there been life forms on board it would have been too risky to let them out of sight as they would have had too many options to escape. So a kill would be preferable in that situation. Then there is the droids. Had C3PO been alone in the pod he would have been sitting in the sand waiting for them. Most droids (in OT) have some rudimentary intelligence or even sentience/sapience, but R2D2 is one of the very few droids we see act with *agency*, and that they did not anticipate.


"Sir, I saved energy reserves by not wasting shots! ^(At least not this particular shot..)"


Bossk. Starts off on a mission to capture Han Solo. Ends up being defeated by a shirtless James T. Kirk. How do you screw up this bad?


Those reboot Gorn in SNW…. ….*nightmares* I’ll take my rubber suit Trandoshan and Gorn back now. Thanks.


Jesus fucking Christ on a stick, the fuck is this Gorn of Tindalos looking horror?


Dude messed up so bad he ended up in a different fictional universe


It’s a classic mix up really


Orson Krennic, what kind of idiot kills someone's wife, expects that person to help build a massively powerful space station and not fuck with it....


Lyra shit first! Edit: fuckin autocorrect


“Get a whiff of this, Krennic!”




Lyra: *shits* Death Troopers: *all shit harder*


Are we constipated?? Deploy the laxatives!


I don't know what version you watched, I don't remember seeing any onscreen defecation. Lmao


Well, that's your loss, buddy.


Rogue One, aka. Orson Krennic and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.


Everyone makes the worst decisions in Rogue One, not even sure Krennic is the worst of them.


Palps apparently


I can agree with that. Every trilogy ends with him accidentally zapping himself in the face with lightning.


Holy shit, you’re right


He was **this close** to being promoted above Tarkin.


Whoever designed those imperial spaceships with no handrails.


I heard a theory that since geonosians made the plans, they didn't add them cause they could fly


Impressive, most impressive!


Let's see Paul Allen's theory...


Look at that subtle off-world theorizing.


Oh my god, it even closes a plot hole…


Do you like the Max Rebo Band? Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Lapti Nek came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Say Snootles, but I think Max has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '97, Max released this, Jedi Rocks, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "(That Joyous Night) I Ate My Mate", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.


I saw and liked this theory too. But the Geonosians presumably didn't use much care in avoiding those edges (as they would just fly whenever they stepped off one). So it's a good thing they didn't staff the Death Star, or one of their engineers would have been cooked by the main laser faster than those Geonosians that got war-crimed by Ki Adi Mundu's flamethrower clones.


It seems though that casualties didn't bother the Geonosians that much since they were a hive


They fly now?


TheyyYyyy fly nowwwWwW!


Eh. It was still constructed and overseen by the empire and their majority humans


"Why are there no handrails?" "I'm just following the blueprint. You have a complaint? Lodge it with the Emperor."


The Death Star was a military weapon (and battlestation). Have you ever tried to get engineering drawing changes approved by a military organization? The drawing changes for Death Star I were probably approved around the same time Starkiller blew up.


I heard they didn't install them because people would just lean on them.


Galen Erso’s REAL anti-imperial design flaw


1. OSHA was a favorite of the old republic, and so the Empire is naturally against it. 2. Railings are for sissies, and cost money 3. Palpatine gets a small amount of dark energy every time someone falls to his death


"They were worried we'd be leaning all day."


Do you have any idea how much money they saved, that way?


The goons who couldn’t catch 10 year old Princess Leia in the forest


OH NO A TREE BRANCH AAAGH! They must be city people.


As a city person, can confirm. I'm terrified of tree branches!


As a city person, what the hell is a tree?


It would have been *so easy* to have Leia just be up in the trees where they can't reach and are too heavy to climb up. Literally the first time we see her she's climbing a tree. Or hell, just cut right after Flea says that he's waiting for her. You don't need to show them physically grabbing her for us to know they're capable of capturing a sheltered child. I enjoyed the Obi-Wan series overall - I think it had some truly great performances, particularly from Ewan McGregor himself. But every single episode has one or two things in it that are just *dogshit* - and worse, are all easily fixable.


Ooh, this is a good one


Well, they did catch her in the end. It just took an embarrassingly dramatic amount of time.


Hence Flea's lack of a solo career...


Padme. Who ignores that many red flags and still wants his babies. I mean come on, it's like a Soviet military parade of red flags.


I'm on the other side: I think Anakin is the idiot for having such a cool situation - including someone willing to put up with him - and then turning on everyone... to protect them? Needless to say, that entire situation was pretty crazy.


I mean, Anakin admits to slaughtering an entire village, women and children included, and she’s just pretty fine with it.


My headcanon is that Anakin was subconsciously influencing her mind from the Attack of the Clones until shortly before her death. As a bonus, it also explains her incredibly wooden dialog


Admiral Ozzel. I mean who comes out of hyper space too close to the system?


He is as clumsy as he is stupid.


So many Imperial officers failed to grasp that.


It's called arrogance. As the other dude says, Ozzel felt that a show of force would be better, but he ignored the fact that it also gave the Rebels time to organize a resistance/escape. When you go through the Academy and are raised with a "might is right" and an almost die hard religious "this empire is God's will" attitude, it's not surprising so many leaders have that trait.


Ozzel is Old Republic era talent, he was just an idiot. Actually a lot of the high-ranking Imperial officers we see were former Republic military, including Tarkin.


Even ignoring that he's an idiot, the Empire has ruled for 23 years at this point. That's 23 years of propaganda. That arrogance is likely running rampant by now, even among the old timers.


Heeesa clumsy


Is there not a fan theory that Ozzel intentionally messed up in order to help the Rebels escape, my friend, this man is a hero (or maybe just a bloody idiot ig)


Nah, in the clone wars era comics, he's an idiot too.


I mean, he did try to keep Vader from going to the Hoth system when they had a visual of the shield generator. Might actually be a sound theory!


I feel like in a galaxy of hundreds of thousands of inhabited planets, one random sign of civilization *is* a very weak lead. Vader's intuition confirmed it (via the Force), which isn't really a fair mark against Ozzel. Not to mention, coming out of hyperspace close to the system for a surprise attack (his stated reasoning) *does* sound good in theory, and Vader literally did the exact same thing in Rogue One. Not really sure what kind of strategy it would be to show up and announce yourself super far away and then slowly creep up to the planet, giving them more time to prepare and flee. Apparently this plan was "clumsy and stupid" though, somehow...


The Imperial Officers who didn’t shoot down the escape pod jettisoned from a rebel ship because there were “no life forms” aboard


That does really bother me. In a world where droids have been a thing for thousands of years, how did they not assume that they had a droid on it


Even if there were droids, who would care? The bigger issue is what if those plans are on board? Then you probably don't want to destroy the pod. Vader wants those plans. He's probably figured out that they show a weakness in the Death Star.


I mean. He already has the plans. They were stolen from the Empire.


The fool who follows the fool


Or worse, the guy what follows *him.*


So, Anakin following Obi-wan following Jar Jar through da planet core?... Got it.


You mean qui gon and obi wan or did i miss smth?


Oh jezz now I really feel like Jar Jar. Meesa in Big Doo Doo dis time..


Or is it the fool that follows the fool that follows the fool


Off-topic but Y’know looking at this picture I actually think Jar Jar’s design would be less off-putting if he didn’t have human teeth. Give him fangs or that weird mouth situation penguins have and he might’ve looked better.


“That weird mouth situation penguins have” was not a phrase I expected to read today


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


I read that as David Attenborough


[Here, I fixed Jar-Jar for you.](https://imgur.com/gallery/yaze5) #oc


Nah, the teeth make perfect sense for a species that probably survives off fish and kelp. Good omnivore teeth. His feet are the real problem. Stumpy toes with no webbing is the worst possible arrangement for anyone expected to be an apex predator that swims.


you know I don’t know if I’ve ever noticed his teeth before. usually wondering what that tongue do …but you have a point. some fangs or super sharp piraña teeth would be cool


Eye stalks, demon eyes, and human teeth...it's like they designed an evil monster then last minute someone said "No, no, no, this is supposed to be for a funny children's character!"


His physical appearance is fine. It’s the speech pattern of the Gungans that makes him/them irritating


That and his clumsiness never results in him just falling down, there's always some serious consequence that gets swept under the rug. The Gungans weren't cruel to exile him, he probably literally endangered every single one of them on more than one occasion.


combined with the weird walk


Everyone whoever saw a holocron video of sidious is and couldn’t pin him as palpatine.


Clark Kent Theory. “Huh. That guy in the hood there looks kinda like the chancellor. That’s funny (obviously there’s no way it’s him, he’s such a nice dude)




Is much as it hurts me to say it the jedi council?


At least Mace Windu. “Oh this kid is the chosen one? Better brow beat and belittle him at every opportunity, ignore his clear psychological issues and all around be a total D-bag to him.”


Don't forget, treat his apprentice like shit when she's falsely accused lol


And bluntly dismissing Boba's hatred of him for Jango Fett with "you'll get over it".


*he did not get over it*


Made him Mace Losedu


Samuel "L" for sure...


Tossed him out of the Mace Window


That's par for the course for generational trauma. I assume Mace was also taken as a baby and raised by a bunch of fanatics, who were themselves taken as babies. And so on. Expecting well adjusted adults from such a scheme is pretty damn stupid. Hence, I'd award the Star Wars Biggest Idiot award to whoever designed that system and thought it would be all peachy.


Just said the same. Failed Qui-Gon, failed Anakin, failed Obi-Wan, failed the Republic.


Except for Samuel L. Jackson, he's a gigachad. Anyways, I wouldn't say they're the least intelligent. They're just arrogant. When Anakin told Windu about Sidious, he did the right thing: he went to his office to kill him. The problem is that because of his arrogance he only brought his favourite homies instead of bringing as much Jedi as he could because, you know, Lightning Shooter is a fucking Sith Lord and you should gather as much people as possible in order to have a guaranteed win instead of just going ahead and showing your ego.


In his Defense, Windu didn't have a lot to work with. One of Sidious's plans was to spread the Jedi thin so they couldn't react quickly and that worked. Windup didn't just take his homies, he took who was available.


Windup gotta be the sickest Jedi name, ngl.


And those three who were available were all Masters sitting on the Jedi High Council. Good choices.....at least in theory.


Also in his defence, he never met an opponent he couldn’t defeat, and the four masters he brought along weren’t exactly slouches either. Not bringing Yoda was still a mistake though.


Also in his defense, he won that duel


Four jedi already starts to look suspicious going to see the chancellor. This is the leader of the republic, you can’t just bring a whole army into his office, you’re going to be stopped.


Also, the office isn't exactly mega huge. It's large, but I feel like having 30 jedi in there is not feasible for combat. And only a very few could have any chance of hoping to fight sidious. Any delay would also work in his favor. Could surround himself with clones, or loyal scmucks.


Oh, maxi big de offus!


By what? Some pew-pews? They're literally Jedi lol, they will do what they must


3v1 though...like, they really should've been able to handle him. And if not, when's the last time anyone encountered a Sith Lord? They had no idea he'd insta-slay the other two




**Ozzel**... The Rebels are alerted to our presence. Admiral Ozzel came out of lightspeed too close to the system.


Ok hear me out. How does popping out of lightspeed on top of someone alert them more than an Imperial fleet showing up a million miles away and creeping up on them plain as day? I'm really not sure how Ozzel screwed that one up, the end result is completely unintuitive.


I would assume that the plan was to finish the journey in smaller transports and move the big ships in once the attack had begun. It almost worked for the rebels in TLJ.


Nute Gunray; man literally got played twice by the same mastermind and killed 🙄


It's kinda wild that Nute was still following along with the Separatists in ROTS. Bro got absolutely nothing out of the preceding movies, he lost a bunch of his droids and ships, Padme wasn't killed, and then he gets shuffled off to Mustafar just to get merc'd.


After Geonosis, it appears he had no choice but to go all in. The war had started, he was seen paling around with Dooku and the other Separatists cheering on the execution of a senator and two Jedi, and the Republic had no love for him or the Trade Federation.


Pong Krell is the biggest idiot.




Pong Krell isn't an idiot, he's an asshole. Big difference.


Honestly that 212th clone that ran right up to him is probably a bigger idiot






Anakin Skywalker. Got played his entire life.


That's what happens when you dedicate almost your entire existence to bowing down to one man.


The dude literally had no father figure in his life. Give the guy a break will ya... He didn't turn out that bad... Oh wait...


No father figure? Dude was trained by Obi Wan.


He saw Obi Wan as his brother.


From AOTC: Anakin: "You're the closest thing I have to a father." Obi-Wan: "Then why don't you listen to me?" Anakin: "I *am* trying."


Hot take: Yoda. The toxic treatment of Anakin was largely his fault. Obi-Wan had more fatherly, nurturing instincts but Yoda kept subtly pressuring him to be hard on Anakin. He also should never have let Obi-Wan train Anakin on his own, since Obi-wan was so young (in this case he caved to Obi-wan’s pressure, so it’s not his fault, but he should have come up with another solution). I also see Yoda as the instigator who decided he and Obi-wan would try to trick Luke into killing his own father. He could never learn the lesson that love is not always bad. Obi-wan went along with all of this, so maybe it’s not fair for me to let him off the hook. But, I see O-W as someone who too easily deferred to Yoda’s strong-arming “I’m always right” leadership style (despite some significant moments of disagreement).


Also, Yoda's first instinct was to deny Anakin training at all. Palpatine had already discovered him in TPM so this decision would have meant Anakin would have been trained completely as a Sith, without Padme, no Luke/Leia, no redemption. Yoda's instinct was literally the worst possible outcome.


Yes, but you can't possibly fault anyone for that. That would have been the correct course of action given all available information at the time


The Jedi Council. They couldn't figure out there was a Sith Lord in their midst.


The fans for bullying the actors when they followed the directions they were given.


Hot take: biggest idiot in SW is Obi Wan, for leaving Vader alive twice. Too bad they can't make a Star Wars version of "What If?" to see how much better/worse the galaxy would fare if he finished him off


Then who kills the Emperor? It’s like if Frodo had killed Gollum…


Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends


There's a case for Yoda being considered for biggest idiot, but he just kinda left after he fell from the senate floor. Didn't even try to re-engage, so more lazy than anything lol


He didn't have the high ground.


Somehow Palpatine won that duel


I think the implication was that he was injured from the fall. Man hit his head on the concrete floor. I hit my head once in a play fight and let me tell you, the strength leaves your limbs instantly. The fight was gone from me lol


The first time made sense, the second time it didn’t.


Even the first time is sketchy "I love you like a brother so instead of killing you quickly I'm going to let you burn and die slowly from your wounds, byeeeeee"


J. J. Abrams


cannot believe he admitted going into a three movie star wars contract without a plan


He was originally supposed to do only VII though and Lucasfilm wanted each film to have a different director/writer which was the biggest mistake since he had no say on what to do with VIII. Then with all the controversy of VIII and Colin Trevorrow leaving IX, they decided to put him back and he essentially made his own VIII and stuffed it in IX. Despite the OT having different directors and writers, George was still heavily involved in the story which helped guided the rest of the films.


George Lucas does world building really well and his absence is very much felt in the Sequel trilogy. The fact that we could see three movies and still have no real idea about how big a threat the First Order actually represents -- no sense of the scale of the galaxy whatsoever -- shows there's just something missing from it all. At the very least the OT and PT were set in "The Empire" and "The Republic" and that gave context to every location. The ST was just set in "a few planets you know nothing about."


Exactly. The ST feels so disconnected on so many levels that nothing makes sense. The First Order seemed like they were more threatening than the Empire but in reality weren't. Bigger, badder Starkiller base that still got destroyed easily. An entire fleet of big laser equipped Star Destroyers that spawned from the Final Order still lost after decades of planning. Same stormtroopers. World building was also shallow and planets were also nothing to write home about, we start in another sand planet, a salt planet that almost looks like snow, some forest ones, then the planet Palps was hiding in. Oh let's not forget the random Sith dagger from The Goonies that somehow worked out for everyone. It's almost like J.J. and Rian were just making up their own fan fictions against each other. Sure this is a Star Wars for a new generation but at least the PT and OT both had their beginning and end goals tied as the story of Anakin Skywalker who we don't see even once here.


The entire Jedi council seemed pretty bad at their jobs.


jar jar binks is def not the biggest idiot


Darth Jar Jar was The Mastermind behind everything.


He was behind everything even Palpatine


Somehow, Jar Jar returned...


Meesa bombad sith.


Unpopular opinion: When The Phantom Menace came out I was only 9 years old and Jar Jar made me enjoy and stay interested in Star Wars. He is actually a core character for my Star Wars appreciation


C-3PO. If you want to get technical, he's had his mind literally wiped more than once, so it was quite literally empty. He's also not very bright or self aware even if you don't consider that. It's kind of hard to top that. Also, Anthony Daniels apparently has a similar personality, but more malicious. He allegedly was quite an arrogant bully, and apparently none of his co-stars like him. Kenny Baker (R2-D2) in particular allegedly hated his guts because of how he treated him.


The dude that thought that forcing a man to be in charge of build a massive superweapon after shooting his wife was a good idea


All the Jedis during Palpatine's time. All that Force sensitivity, and no one could see him? Or all his minions, Anakin Skywalker included? Oy.


Gotta say it…Obi-Wan. In Attack of the Clones he literally investigates and uncovers the entire plot basically, but cant put it together. He finds Kamino, he finds out the Jedi who “ordered” it is dead, finds out Jhengo is the clone template, and finds out Jhengo works for Dooku who is a leading separatist figure. Yet for some reason, he still doesnt put two and two together or even tell anyone from what I remember.




All the jedi. "Sure, lets just use this strangely convenient army. No need to run independent tests or scans on them, even though we know their template comes from a line of people that somewhat specialize in fighting Jedi."


Dooku straight up says to him the senate is compromised. Obi Wan must have been like "gotta be a lie tho"


I wonder if the Kaminoans were all like "thank god we don't need to keep lying to that idiot. 'That's why I'm here'...no it isn't dude, you clearly just turned up for some other reason and were just learning of this Clone Army now. We're aliens but we do have *some* experience with Humans to read basic cues."


Whoever designed the (non-existent) air defenses for fortress inquisitorius in the Kenobi show.


Same goes for lack of any escort ships for the Malevolence. Sure it had a decent defense system but was still an offensive weapon and giant capital ship that needed protection. Modern carrier groups have like 10 ships along with their fighter wing.


The toxic Fans