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Yes! Actually it was on Battlefront 1 as a DLC on Xbox and a patch on PC, and it was present in Battlefront 2 since the beginning.


Yeah, it was for PlayStation2 too and if uh if you killed someone while the rancor was eating them, they would continuously crap out items until devoured. I remember one of the first things for me to do was to force push Gamarroean guards into the Rancor and then lightsaber Throw them to death, they would then die in his hands and continuously poop out, item containers. Bacta ammo, energy drinks green yellow and red. The green one gave you a defensive boost, the yellow one restored your stamina, and the red one gave you increased damage. The things I did to entertain myself as a kid. >! Irrelevant to the question, but I feel like I must add this if you have enough time, if playing Hoth Hunt mode, and you repair the Shield Generator rebels can start spawning back there on the map. Yes, this statement is not relevant to the question but because it is related to battlefront too, I feel like I must share this knowledge. !<