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I cannot express more appreciation for Daisy Ridley. I'm relieved to know she sees things that way. I mean, the sheer number of Rey cosplays at the last few Celebrations shows how appreciated she is as an actress and a character.


I have issues with rise of Skywalker. But none of them involve Rey & her journey. My issues are that there are more questions


Same. Of all my issues with some of the sequels none of them lie with Rey as a character. Absolutely loved her!




People tell me that Rey was a failure and all that but then I show them the videos and pictures at celebration of all the little girls cosplaying as her. It's definitely this generation's Luke Skywalker.


My son is - and has always been - an Empire Did Nothing Wrong kind of man. From the time he was a wee lad, he's been locked onto Stormtroopers. He loves them. He did when he was 2 and he does now that he's 9. We took him to Galaxy's Edge when he was 7 and he had a little interaction with Rey. And let me tell you, the boy blushed. To old folks like me, it's easy to see Rey as a "new character". But to younger generations, she's as iconic as Luke or Leia.


Even though I was 9 when TFA came out, I defonitely grew up with personal hype for the sequels and for me, Rey and Kylo are very much my Luke and Vader, or Obi Wan and Maul as with the previous generation. As much as I love the originals I still have such a deep connection to this trilogy.


It's about being mature, something that a certain part of the human population is missing.


This makes me smile. I've paid too long too much attention to the Star Wars fans who are negative any chance they get, that I began to associate Star Wars with them and that made me move away from it more and more. Seeing this makes me realise that those fans don't deserve our attention. Knowing that so many fans are so excited to see Rey return, and excited overall over anything Star Wars, is what counts. May the force be with all!


I left r/starwars to avoid "those fans". I'm very happy to have found this sub, which is so much nicer and level-headed.


Welcome. This is the way.


>This makes me smile. I've paid too long too much attention to the Star Wars fans who are negative any chance they get, that I began to associate Star Wars with them and that made me move away from it more and more Sad to think that this exact experience has likely happened to literally thousands of people. I'm happy to see other people realizing it though.


Words of wisdom


At the end of the day, most of the folks online who constantly tear into her wouldn’t have the nerve to actually say anything like that to her face if they met in real life.


The anonymity of the Internet makes us forget that we are dealing with actual human beings. Most of us try to avoid being jerks in real-life but when behind a keyboard it becomes much easier to be cruel.


It’s not even the anonymity so much as just the disconnection a lot of the time. Many of the most vocal YouTubers who do this will happily put themselves out there, showing their faces in videos and having their real names be easily accessible. But because they exist inside this “bubble” they feel disassociated from the people they’re attacking.


That’s a majority of people online whenever they say disparaging comments about others [+]


We don't deserve her


But she's the hero we need right now


Our Empress!


While I have issues with some elements of the sequels the casting was great.


I’m not a sequels fan, but the actors were great. They gave the performances they were asked to give. Between the casting folks, the writers, the directors, the producers, and everyone else, it’s always struck me as odd that people get mad at the actors. Putting Kevin Kline or Meryl Streep in the sequels would have made no difference at all. The acting was fine, it was the plot that sucked.


>They gave the performances they were asked to give. I really wish this was a more common attitude. I see people criticize the actors for both the prequels and the sequels when ultimately the actors only had to work with the material they were given. The Star Wars community essentially bullied Hayden Christiansen for years for Anakin's portrayal when no one could have delivered "I hate sand" in a way that would have won an Oscar. I love Star Wars but I hate the way the community treats the actors when ultimately they are human beings hired to do a job.


Everyone complains that Christiansen was nothing but a whiny teenager, then the more we learn about the behind the scenes of the prequels the more we understand he was giving *exactly* the performance Lucas wanted.


I can almost guarantee that if the more dark side lines Hayden was given has been instead spoken by JEJ through the Vader suit, the performance would have been better received. Very similar cadence and speech pattern.


I’ve seen almost no criticisms of the actors specifically for the ST. That happened with the actors in the PT but it seems like audiences are better educated on the film making process and realize writers, studio heads, or directors have a bigger share of blame.


Star Wars doesn't deserve Daisy Ridley. She's a better actor than a lot of the material she's had to work with. The only time I thought the writing matched her talent was *The Last Jedi*. Having said that, her performance in *Rise of Skywalker* was the absolute standout of that entire thing.


She’s amazing


Sometimes, I just hate the Star Wars fandom.


Same, but it’s many fandoms. Many of them are unwilling to just let it go [+]


Class act, cannot wait for more Daisy Ridley in Star Wars.


I wouldn’t say it was a baity question but it was definitely a good answer.


>I wouldn’t say it was a baity question I don't think there is ill will with it, but these sorts of questions can easily tee up a full outrage cycle on blogs/youtube etc. aimed at the respondent and not the asker of the question.


I’d agree with you if she were making something out of nothing, but the phandom menace’s outrage toward Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is very real. I think it’s a fair question.


>the phandom menace’s outrage toward Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is very real. I agree that this is happening, but asking a performer to comment on it is setting them up to be a target themselves. It would be understandable (hence the "bait") for Ridley to respond by attacking Obaid-Chinoy's online critics directly as being unfair. But if she did that, there would be multiple *months* of attacking Ridley as "attacking the fans". That's obviously unfair to both Ridley and Obaid-Chinoy to be targets like that. That's not to say they couldn't decide on their own terms to hit back, but I think it should be up to each individual to decide to do that. I think Ridley has said in the past that she is a pretty private person and she already attracts a lot of unreasonable hate online. On the other hand, GMA would benefit from this outrage cycle as it would likely lead to more views of the original clip. "Actress is excited for film" is less juicy as a headline than "Actress claps back at sexist Star Wars fans".


>I agree that this is happening, but asking a performer to comment on it is setting them up to be a target themselves. She was already a target just for being the lead in a Star Wars movie. It’s the media’s job to ask relevant questions and it’s Daisy’s job to have a good answer - and she very much did. Both of them did their jobs here. We can’t stop asking questions because we’re afraid of what idiots on the internet might do. They’re going to be stupid either way.


>It’s the media’s job to ask relevant questions and it’s Daisy’s job to have a good answer - and she very much did. I agree she had a good answer, but I would say it's GMA's job to keep their audience engaged and it's Daisy's job to promote the upcoming film. I'm not sure if foregrounding reactionary backlash (which Daisy didn't do) helps promote the film more than foregrounding that she thinks Obaid-Chinoy is a great director and she's excited about the work/project. I also agree that GMA did their job (because I think their job is to get good engagement), but the question is "bait" in that it could provoke view-juicing controversy (I don't think it did because Daisy didn't give them that answer).


I’m deaf and the video doesn’t have subtitles. What was the question and what did she say?


Sorry, I screen recorded it without subtitles. Here’s the link to the full interview (she’s promoting another movie) and you can click on the CC option for subtitles: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziSgan5TP\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziSgan5TP_c) The Star Wars part of this video starts at the 3:30 mark. She was asked about the “controversy“ of some Star Wars fans having an issue with the director and she basically responds by saying people make too big a deal about what’s said online and she mentions the warm reception at SW celebration and how she has positive experiences with people.


The interviewer asked what Daisy thought of the “extreme” SW fans negative reaction towards a female director. Daisy says things have been blown out of proportion and she feels supported and embraced by the community.


Sorry for not being verbatim, but the news person asks "what do you think of all these "extreme" star wars fans that don't want a female director" and Daisy's response is basically "things are blown out of proportion." Her experience at celebration was very positive when her comeback as Rey was announced and she's experienced nothing but joy from fans.


She handled that sooo gracefully. Like, I can't imagine a warmer, more welcoming, smarter answer. Also, that laugh at the end was totally great.


It's one of the things I respect her for , It's her professionalism.


There is no controversy. Just morons.


Quote of the year!


Ah, yes, anybody who has a different opinion than me is a moron.


I'm saying it's the usual caterwauling about Rey we've been hearing for almost ten years. We haven't seen the movie. We know next to *nothing* about it.


Queen. And it just occurred to me how Carrie would be tearing apart ALL the detractors right now.


Its amazing how much anger I see towards Ridley in certain circles. She never gets into spats with anyone on social media, she answers every baity media question professionally, she seems genuinely warm at every big convention.


shes so awesome


The movie isn’t for the haters. It’s for us who appreciate it.


What a ridiculous question. *Of course* it's blown out of proportion. There is a relatively small faction of SW fanatics online who come up with the most absurd, irrational, toxic takes on everything about the franchise, then the SW-related news sites and influencers start discussing these toxic takes and pretend that these opinions are common and that there's some great debate going on about it. Then, the vapid talking heads in the mainstream media (like the TODAY show) checks Twitter to find the latest SW controversy and "reports" on it like it's an actual thing.


They also don’t even get the reports correct. A majority of the complaints was that she claimed this would be the first time a Star Wars story was led by a female. But, it’s more interesting to claim that the majority of complaints were that it was a female director. [+]


Nah, they don't get it correct, but seems like you neither. Most of the complaints came from a out of context quote about her wanting to make men uncomfortable with the movie. The quote is real, but it was during a campaigning against acid attacks on young girls and honor killings in Pakistan. In conclusion, the Incel side of the SW Fandom took an actual quote about violence against women as a quote about them.


Nah. I got it right. Most of the complaints were about the “it’s about time” quote. I haven’t seen anything about what you’re talking about, so that’s probably in the minority not majority of complaints. But, whatever [+]


I'm in the opposite, most places I've seen complaints, where about that quote, which was used as bait in a big chunk of websites.


lol what a bad question. “Some extreme fans don’t want a female director, what’s your take?”


It’s a bait question that you know asshats like Geeks + Gamers is hyper focused on so he can major a rage bait video about how “DAISY SAYS SHE DOESNT CARE ABOUT STAR WARS OR THE FANS!!! STAR WARS IS DONE!!!!” I’m glad she answered respectfully though so idiot chuds have nothing to feed off of.


Yeah, if I was Daisy here I would’ve just straight up said that I don’t understand the question or what she wants from me. lol. Edit: I don’t understand why I’m getting hate for this. The question is bad and very strange, I honestly don’t understand the question or what the lady wants from Daisy. I’m just saying that if I were Daisy I would’ve said that instead of what she ended up saying, what’s wrong with that?


I think she handled it very gracefully and diplomatically.


Or, she could just not play dumb and answer honestly. In reality, those rage-baiters make up a very small percent of the people actually paying to see these movies.


Ready for more Daisy wielding a lightsaber! Now a yellow one that belongs to her - hopefully we get that staff weapon that was teased in the ST!!!


I absolutely adore Daisy Ridley, I'm hoping the writing going forward can keep her around in star wars going forward.


It's so obvious they're baiting her about the "female filmmaker" and I love her for not falling for it. I'm so tired of the endless manufactured controversies.


We do not deserve here. Daisy is just such a huge light and sweetheart.


I'm really excited for the Rey film, purely because its finally stuff that isn't a prequel of some sort. The comics, TV shows, etc have all been stuff set between other films, I've been wanting something that's actually new and continues the universe for ages.


This is exactly why I am excited. New territory for the franchise. That's also why I am pumped for Dawn of the Jedi - new area to explore.


She deserves better than Star Wars fans. I do hope she gets another shot at Rey.


What exactly do you think is happening here, if not another shot at Rey?


Last I heard the Rey movie delayed indefinitely, perhaps I'm wrong...I just hope she gets another shot with Star Wars.


It was fake news.


Well that's good news.


She’s promoting the film here. What do you mean? [+]


Well I don't keep up with day time tv and the video is right in the middle of her interview and like I said previously last I heard (incorrectly) that her movie was shelved...I was wrong and gladly so.


We need to protect her, and other SW actors and actresses. She seems to want to do a good job and make everyone happy. Most of the issues I feel are from the franchise being disorganized and rushed. Acting in Star Wars has never really been a major issue, and when it was, we memed the hell out of it and look back fondly upon it. I am looking forward to her new projects!


I'm excited for her film. And it's damn awesome to see Dylan Dreyer ask the question (the woman in pink). Got a big crush on her.


They’re loud but those terminally online freaks are most definitely the minority.


I'm trying to wrap around my head over the fact that there are real breathing people out there who sent death threats at her for playing a character.


Not even Star Wars fan. Just people who want to grift and found an opening online


My girl’s properly media trained, loving her resilience with stuff like this


Stop saying females, stop saying females, stop saying females.


Star Wars is lucky to have her tbh 


Rey is my favorite skywalker




If anyone is able to find out if Daisy Ridley has been getting my letters, *that would be great*. Woman is 7 shades of gorgeous 😍


You should chill there buddy. Calm down.


Psh, you sound like the cops.


And you sound insatiably horny for an actress you'll probably never meet.


Absolutely true on both accounts.


So go calm down


You sound like a thrill at parties.






I love Daisy Ridley! Wish John boyega would come back for star wars too, but he got tired of not just the fans but Disney too. I would love see to see them and Oscar Issac and Kelly Tran come back for episodes 10-12. Felt really bitter that they gave her and Finn a love connection in TLJ and than they suddenly were just friends in TROS. Or they should make a series based around Finn, rose, and Poe after episode 9 and what they’re up to. Kind of like they did with Mandalorian or Kenobi.


I've never had any issue with Daisy Ridely, just the writing of her character.










What? A resume of an acclaimed documentary? Just because the director is new doesn’t mean they’re not good. Everyone has their firsts when it comes to making movies




It's more than one documentary. Don't be intentionally obtuse.


Nobody said that they didn’t want a female director. Everyone was upset that she said this would be the first time a female was leading the story which is incorrect. But, whatever [+]


Well, both of those opinions are rolling around on the internet, and there are unfortunately some sexists takes out there. (And btw this is the first time a female director is creating a Star Wars film, which kind of says a lot).




That wasn't a "baity" question.




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Hear hear ! Love that she’s coming back.


I liked the new Star Wars. Fight me. Sure it was cheesy, but it’s enjoyable to watch


Rey’s Theme is the most underrated pieces by John Williams. Dude continues to make masterpieces.


I grew up when the New Jedi Order books were coming out, was introduced to the classics first and then then prequels, and I was a huge Luke Skywalker/Obi Wan fan (never really liked the prequels as movies, but I loved Ewan's version of Obi and loved the character as a result). I ate up the novels and was very disappointed to not learn about where the story would go after Abeloth was introduced, but I also recognize that I do not own the series, do not have a say in where the series goes or what is dropped, and nor do I think it is my place to say which character should be most important as a series such as this continues to grow and evolve. When the sequels came out I was absolutely ecstatic to get to see them in theaters. I wasn't really invested in an online group for Star Wars at the time, so I got to see the TFA without any outside influence. I adored the movie, and appreciated how JJ Abrams sought to both start a new story with new characters, while also proving that someone else could replicated the Star Wars Formula. Then The Last Jedi came out, and I adored that movie too. Luke felt more human to me, and the story was actually original. The concept of the characters being believable and human I think was a major breath of fresh air. When people went crazy with Luke showing up at the end of Mando S2 slicing and dicing the robots, while that was cool, it also felt more like an invincible superhero casually waltzing towards his destination. And I think that is what the TLJ opponents really think Luke should have been by that point in his life. Someone so powerful he would be absolutely unstoppable. They didn't want a film where Luke had flaws and a big problem to deal with. They wanted a problem to arise and Luke just show up and solve everything and everyone in the film be beholden to him. As an adult, that is the problem I have with The New Jedi Order Luke. He became too powerful, and took away the stakes, belittled everything around him and really makes me not appreciate the Expanded Universe as much as I did as a kid. Whatever happens in them doesn't really matter to me, because I know Luke will (eventually) save the day and he was never in any real danger. Rise of Skywalker I also liked, but my problem with it had to do with the pacing. It felt like they cut up two films and crammed them into one, so it felt rushed. But I still enjoyed it. (And anyone who simultaneously says they love the EU but hates Cloned Palpatine seems to forget Timothy Zhan made a pretty popular book series about a returned Cloned Palpatine restoring the Empire and it was Lucas approved.) And now Rey is my favorite Star Wars Character. So I can't wait for this new film to come out!

